PAGE TWO EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS BY special corkespodeni Wednesday, august 27, 1930 , LONGTIME LEASE IS FILED WITH -UNNJECOROER f Albany A M year the first instrument of Its una ever record ed in Linn county, was filed for record In the office of the county recorder Tuesday. 1 The property affected Is that of William S. Duncan and Oertrude Duncan, on West Second street Just east of the First Barings bank, whose buildings were destroyed by fire several weeks ho. 1 A. J. Hodges, O. H. Murphy, and C. If. DollarbJde leased the prop erty and announce they represent local interests-, who are forming a corporation that will erect a build ing on It as soon as clients for It are secured..- MISS SCHWAB GIVEN PARTY ON BIRTHDAY VMt. Angel Miss Dorothy Schwab as honored at a party Sunday eve. nlng on the occasion of her 17th .birthday anniversary. The affair was given at the country home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i. J. Schwab. Various games were enjoyed dur Ing the evening, and prizes were awarded to De lores Aman, Louanna Haseini and WUbert Aman. Later In the evening lunch was served to Misses Dorothy Schwab, the honor guest, Eustelle Bauman, Oeorgiana Bourbannais, Delores Aman, Flor entine Mlckel, Audrey Ebner, Mary Blgler, Imelda Kllnger, Irene Be gin. Louana Hashing, Delphine Eb ner. Letitla Zollner, and Messrs. Valentine Eberle, Leonard Picker, Jerome Luts. Harry McOee, Peter Blgler, Ralph Schwab, Wilbert Aman, Willie Bean, Paul Keber, Bobble Appleby. Gerald Brockaus. Aloys Klrscli and Kllian Smith. . NEWBERG RESIDENT HONORED AT DINNER Molalla Mrs. P. E. Hume was hostess at a dinner Sunday at her home In honor of the birthday anni versary of her sister Mrs. Lloyd Lll lard of Newberg. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lillard and sons Thomas ana Wesley Hollingsworth of Newberg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Austin of Port land. Mrs. John Strand of Willa mtna. Misses Rose and Frances Miss Harlett Hume and Dr. and Mrs. Hoffman of Portland, Max Hume, Hume. TRUCK IS DITCHED: PASSENGERS ESCAPE Jefferson Leonard McCow and Gilbert Spragg met- with an acct- Irom Eugene en the MCKenrie wgn dent Monday afternoon 17 milts way as they were returning home from Prlneville m the McCaw truck. 1 The tearing gear went out of com- Jhlaslon suddenly, which threw them 1 off the highway. Into the ditch. For tunately the truck did not turn over and excepting a few minor bruises ; the boys escaped uninjured. The truck was badly damaged. ? GUESTS AT GATES 'Gates Mrs. Margaret Seynei and son and Francis L. Winters and son of Long Beach, Calif., spent the lat . ter part of last week as guests of James winters or Oates. Mrs. sey nei and P. L. Winters are son and daughter of James Winters. Tom Win ten of Mill City was also with : Ms father, J. A. Winters. This week Tom Winters and his father left for the Mitoma hop yards where they nave employment. - IDAHO PEOPLE GUESTS West Salem Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanford of Melba, Idaho, arrived Sunday morning for a several days' vixit with their son. Waldo Baker and family, at the Baker home on Plaza street. Mr. and Mrs. San ford motored to Oregon and stop ped en route here to visit with rela tives In Portland nd Porest Grove. Marion Mr. aivl Mrs. Thomas Winn, Sr. are enjoying a visit from their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Winn, Jr., and children, of :Knhlotus. Wash. 1 jRjiiisniiHB f3A f -"- Wfl J TODAY - THliKSDAY - FRIDAY . jCS iMpjfi ! Sheer-Servic. Stocking . , 4 ''LiMU fill Only very .cttv feet ne.JWV i ijV Trr Va5-m W -2Nd!f V l' EtSf feet that rc wlwayrsoina .: h ! MpS- m tce$lrddo,:9th,T A A li? '"r """" ii .-TTsr v'tLSBia walking shoes and- I thclf appearance preferred, I . I s II J.MARIE DRESSIER L R00 UROCQUC. - I V If ' f ' ! Ff EMERY. HfDOA HOPPER I I iHli'f'l l dlL Without exception the prvss throughout the country j I f TT-xxxik. mrXTri I .jUIMI CLJL: Mved "bout this on Be sure end see it . . . At- I I I J H LX SI J ll S I i'H-! " "our 'gang talking comedy . metkotone news I - New Store For Ladies i ninm -' 464StateSt PATTERSON FAMILY . REUNION IS HELD King wood Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bernard and Carl Bernard were among those to attend the big Pat terson family reunion at Oold Creek beyond Wlllarolna Sunday. This was a basket dinner affair, which was attended by a large number of rela tive and connections of the Patter sons, who have lived In that neigh borhood for many years. It was such a success, that it was decided to hold another one In three years, WITT IS HONORED ON BIRTHDAY DATE Mill City Otto Witt was surpris ed Saturday evening to find a group of friends gathered at the home of Mr -and Mrs. Sam Jergeson to help him celebrate his- birthday. The par ty had been planned by Mrs. Witt and she extended an Invitation to the members of the Rebekah and Odd Fellow lodges. . The evening was spent In playing progressive "500." The Odd Fellows presented Witt with a box of cigars and the women of the Rebekah lodge gave him a smoking set. Refresh ments were served at a late hour by Mrs. Sam Jergeson. Mrs. Will Waclv ter and Mrs. 8. Jepsen. ' Those present were Otto Witt, honor guest; Mrs. Witt, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jorgeson, Mr. and Mis. Ed Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ma son. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jepnen Mrs. Mary Carter, Mrs. Clara Ellsworth. Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood. Mrs. Grace Eason, Mrs. Nell Wachter. Mrs. Lou Ise Kenedy, Jake Lettenmaler, Char les Niocolson, Ous Youngsberg, ueorge Berry and Frank Thomas. HUBBARD CHURCH TO HOLD BIG RALLY DAY Hubbard Rev. Glen C. Hartong, pastor of the Federated church of Hubbard, made public the plans for a rally day to be held in September. According to a tentative lilan the rally Sunday will be ushered in dur ing the week preceding It with a church dinner to which the church and the community are invited. It will be in the form of a general get together program for the commun ity. The pastor with the various church committees is now working on this project. MINNESOTA PASTOR GUEST NEAR PRATUM Pratum Rev. and Mrs. J. N. Wall of Mountain Lake, Minn., are guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Franx. ! Rev, Wall Is pastor of the Men nonite church at Mountain Lake. He preached the morning sermon at the Mennonite church here Sunday. Jacob Stauffer, Jr., a Moody Bible Institute student on vacation at home gave an Inspiring talk to the Sunday school. Moody Bible school was wed represented this Sunday, with three graduates and one stud ent present. ATTEND HOMECOMING Rlvervlew John Sheppard and family and S. B, Holt and. family attended the homecoming meeting at the Crabtree church Sunday. One number on the program which was much enjoyed by all present was a song by Frs. Davis Crabtree and two daughters, who lived here a number or years ago. TEACHER IS CALLER Jefferson Miss Frances Pierce one of the grade school teachers, was In town Saturday visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Tandy and other friends. She has been spending her vacation , with her father at Kalama, Wash- and with her sis- ter at Salem, who was Injured In an auto accident some time ago. Miss Pierce will return to Jefferson in time for the opening of school on September 12. VACATIONS AT BEACH Zena Among those who have en- Joyed vacations at the beaches this month were Mrs. Roy E. Bsrker and son, Sam, and S. H. Barker, who returned from a week spent at Pacific City. They were guests at the home of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bcales, proprietors of Purine City, while there. NEW ELEVATORS ARE INSTALLED AT WAREHOUSES Labish Center Electric elevators have been Installed by the Hayes ranch to enable their workmen In the warehouses to hoist the onions to the higher shelves. Previously men have been employed to store the onions but the electric elevators will aid greatly la this part of the labor. Onions are stored In the ware houses In layers, boards being re movable are placed every 18 Inches or two feet apart as high as the onions are to be piled In the bins. In this way ventilation Is available for the onions and aid immensely In their keeping Quality. Some onions have already been Disced In slorage In the growers- warehouses but the larger percent age of the growings are ready for nul lna this week. After the onions are pulled about two or three weeks of drying are required to cure them properly be fore they are ready to be placed on the market, or stored in specially constructed warehouses for future disposal. DALLAS PAST NOBLE CLUB ENTERTAINED Dallas Members of the Past No bles' Grand club of the Rebekah lodge met at the home of Mrs. Frank Coad Monday evening for a social gathering. Refreshments were served by the joint hostesses Mrs. Prank and Emma Coad. Members present were Mrs. Roy Donahue, Chester Henkle, C. W. Henkle. Fred Holm an. Mrs. Phipps. O. L. Hawkins. Ora Cosper, Mina Ouv. E. V. Dalton. Mrs. Hsdley, O. O. Butler, Robb. Mrs. Tetherow of Portland and Miss Julia Nunn. As sisting the hostesses were Helen Viers and Kathryn Hawkins. COAST POINTS CAL.L SILVERTON PEOPLE Silverton Mrs. Earl Garver and daughter Earla, are camping in their cottage at ocean Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Del Barber spent the week-end at Netarts, Wheeler and Rockawny. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fellcn ana daughter Florence spent Sunday at Neskowln. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smith and Mrs. Scott McPike took Mrs. Smith's brother, Clark Shattuc, as far as Portland Monday on his way to his home in Chicago after visiting Mrs. Smith and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Shattuc. M'CAWS WILL MOVE JeJtferson Mr. and Mrs. W. O. McCaw and children, Emelin and Chester, visited their newly, pur. chased ranch at Kings Valley. They plan to move to Kings Valley this fall. LEAVE FOB LEBANON Labish Center Mrs. Mabel Vo geline and family who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weinert left Tuesday for Lebanon where she will visit Mr. Vogellne s mother, Mrs. Min nie Vogeline. Mrs. Vogellne will be accompanied to Lebanon by Mrs. Daugherty and daughter. Bernadecn of Labish Center, Alt er a few days' visit at Lebanon she will return U her home In Kelso, Wash. - BROUGIIERS ARE HOSTS Scotts Mills Mr. and Mrs. L, J. Panning of McMinnvllle made Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brougher and family a short visit Sunday evening and Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ves Panning and son Buno of Am boy, Wash., old-time partners of A. L Brougher in a store at La Center, Wash., were also guests at the A. L. Brougher home. Scotte Mills Mrs. Mable Martin of Turner and Mrs. Evelyn Nater man and children of Salem were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sloan. Scotts Mills Miss Nadlne Maine of Oregon City Is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hicks. NEW SCOTTS MILLS PASTOR IS HONORED Scotts Mills A reception was giv en recently oy ine congregation of the Friends church at the A. t Brougher home, honoring the new pastor. Rev. Macy and family of Huston, Idaho, who have just late ly moved here to take charge of the work. Quite a number were present and a short program was given and a social hour spent together. Re freshments were served by members. VALLEY COW GIVEN PRODUCTION MEDAL Turner Of Interest to Turner people Is the report of Ttddledy winfcs Oil's Betty, a Jersey cow owned by Mrs. Florence Gale Neal of Oregon City, having been award ed a silver medal by the American Jersey Cattle club. New York, for her excellent yield of butterfat dur ing an official ten months' test, ac cording- (0 announcement received from the club's headquarters. During this test of 305 days this cow produced 459.56 pounds of but terfat, or 8310 pounds of mtuc. Her total yield during this test Is equiv alent to 574 pounds of butter, or 3888 quarts of milk. The registered Jersey herd of Mrs. Neals has won many awards. Mrs. Neal and her three sons resided on a farm near Turner for a number of years be fore buying the Tiddledywinks dairy farm at Oregon City. . . CLUB ENTERTAINED AT PETERSON HOME Rlvervlew The Thursday Thimble club met at the home of Mrs. Tom Peterson with Mrs. Harry Godwin as Joint hostess. There were only sev enteen members present owing to the busy season. Mrs. Ed Smith who was present. The club will hold its recently returned from Colorado next meeting at Mrs. Paul Bartnik's. ANNUAL CLASS PICNIC HELD NEAR MOLALLA Molalla The second annual pic nic, of the class of 1025 of the Mo lalla union high school was held on the Molalla river at Feyrers. Those present were Miss Hazel Bowman, Mrs. Ooldie Foglesong Castor of Portland, Mrs. Florence Heyerly Gottwald, and Wesley Mitts. There will be another picnic held next year. POLK G. 0. P. CALLED Zena Mrs. Stella J. Henry Is sending out notices this week for a special business meeting of Polk county republican central commit teemen to be held September 3 at the county court rooms at Dal las. Mrs. Henry is republican cen tral committeeman of Polk county. RETURNS FROM PORTLAND Turner Miss Katherine Scham- pler returned Monday to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schampier in the Cloverdale dis trict after a weeks' visit in Portland with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krone. Mrs. Krone brought her niece as far as Salem where she took the stage, and Mrs. Krone visited In Polk county with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schtnd ler. Miss Schampier will be a Jun ior In the Turner high school this fall. NEW PAPER AGENCY Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kleeman have moved to Salem where they nave opened a multi- graph shop on North 17th street. The Oregon Journal agency wmcn Kleeman has had here for some months, will be taken over by Bob by Adams, Sept. 1. . ZENA GUEST LEAVES Zena Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Bar ker have had as their guest dur ing the last few weeks Mrs. Bar ker's nephew, Krader Gould, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ooufd of Tilla mook. The young lad returned to his home this week. MI88 POWELL GUEST Untonvale Miss Margaret Powell of Portland came Monday and is a guest of ner uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Alderman and fam ily, and other relatives in the Day ton vicinity. STELLMACHER HEADS ALBANY LEGION POST Albany Frank Stellmacher will bead Alfred E. Babcock post Mo. 10 of the American Legion, follow ing the elections here Monday night, installation wiu oe neia nn ... Other officers elected were: Roy Klnsey, first vice-president Charles Jones, second vice-presi dent; Car Connet. adjutant; Dan Brenneman, finance officer; Law rence Bcharffenberr, aergeant-at-arms; Wallace Eakin. historian; Rev. M. M. Stocker, chaplain and Kenneth Bloom. Walter Stuart and Alton Coates, members of the executive committee. . MILLERS ARE FETED ON WOODBURN VISIT Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. . Otto Miller and son of Hutchinson. Minnesota, who have been visit- big with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Miller for the past two weeks departed for their home Sunday by auto. While in Woodburn they were extensively entertained and were shown the beauty spots of Oregon Including the trip around . Mt. Hood loop and the beaches. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Miller entertained with a dinner at dinner at which all the children of the Miller family were present. The table was centered with a beautiful bouquet of gladioli from the Becker gardens. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miller and son of Hutchinson, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Whitney and two daughters of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rlgdon, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Willam Miller, Jr.. and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Miller. - . JEFFERSON FARMER FALLS FROM WAGON Jefferson-C. R. Cnllcinc . f.nn. living near Jefferson, sustained oaaiy nruised ribs and a wrenched back MonrinV .vpnin. n-Hon ha fall from his wagon loaded with bundles, striking on the tongue. Calkins was neiping a neighbor thresh when me accident occurred. His injuries will confine him to his home fnr some time. VISITORS IN TURNER Turner Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore of San Francisco were recent visi tors in Turner. Before moving to caiuomia the Moores were located in Mill City for a number of years. rred Moore is a brother of George Moore of Salem, who with his fam ily resided in Turner before going Into business In Salem two years ago. ' MRS. TUFFOBD RETURNS MIU City Mrs. Edna Tufford of the Mill City confectionery store re turned home Tuesday from Bellnap springs where she has been spend ing her vacation. During Mrs. Tuf ford's absence Stacy Finel has been helping in the confectionery. CONNS IN BANDON Molalla Mr. and Mrs. Joe Conn and son Billy were in Bandon sev eral days looking over property In terests. They were accompanied by Mrs. Agnes Daugherty, and son Charles and Earl Kayler. The party also visited the Oregon Caves be fore their return Monday evening, and Mrs. Marvin Dixon looked after While Mrs. Daugherty was gone Mr. her farm. Dixon is employed by Chester Austin on his new combine. BACK FROM COLORADO Rlvervlew Ed Smith and wife have returned home after spending several months In Colorado for the benefit of Smith's health. INFANT IS IMPROVING Union vale Ethel Ramona, tM pound Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stouten burg Is gaining and' will remain In the Doernbecher hospital in Portland another month, according to word received by its parents. BIRTHDAY OBSERVED AT BARTNIK'S HOME Rlvervlew A birthday dinner was given at the Dome of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bartnik for Ed and Earr Bart- nik. Those present beside the host and hostess and honor guests, were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Welch of Van Miss Muriel Blgham of Portland. couver and Mr. and Mrs. Murrel Ollkey and baby. HOUR OF SERVICE ADVANCED SUNDAY Labish CenterThe services at the Community Evangelical church will start 30 minutes earlier than the regular schedule, August 31. Sunday school at 0:30 o'clock, preaching at 10:30 o clock by Rev. Scheuerman. A picnic dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson near Au rora Is planned for all those wish ing to attend following the preach ing services. The ydung people's topic for Christian Endeavor August 31, wny Are Industrial Missions Worth While?" will be discussed at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Daugherty will be the leader for the evening.. BERRY PATCHES IN MOUNTAINS CALL Gates Several Gates people are gathering hucVeberrles from the different mountant patches. Last week end LeRoy Orafc, daughter, Louise and sons, Willis and Her man, went into the vicinity of Elk Lake for berries. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Collins spent the day In the Elk Lake patches. Arnold Syverson left Sunday morning for Grizzly Flat in the vlclnlt of Pamela lake for ber ries. Orval Hayward went to the upper Rock creek, or what is commonly called Monument peak. These patches have long been the favorite place for Gates people but since the old wagon road is grown over it Is about a nine-mile hike or ride on pack ponies. EHLENS MAKE VISIT . Aurora Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ehlen of Eugene recenty visited Mrs. Eh en's mother, Mrs. Henrietta Will. Ehlen sold his Interest in the auto top and upholstering business re cently to his brother-in-law, B. H. Will of Eugene. Both the Ehlen and Will families were former Au rora residents. Ehlen was assistant postmaster for many years before going to Eugene. Since having re tired from active work, Ehlen has been taking a much needed rest, devoting a great deal of time, how ever, to his musical career. Ehlen Is. widely known as a musician. GUESTS AT DENTEL'S . Aurora Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Dentel. three miles west of Aurora are Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hayes of Philadelphia, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hayes and children of Clinton. Okla. DONT 7i Y - VH35r MOTH sJfi. 1 I KILLS THEM ALL As surely as you need a can opener, and the improved Fly-Tox spray gun. FtY-Tox is the dependable insecticide; pleasant odor that keeps camp and picnic grounds free from disease-laden, tormenting insect pests. And what a difference such absolute rid dance makes! Fly-Tox is harmless to both people and animals, but with it no ant can live to explore the salad, no fly can last to reach your coffee and no mosquito can disturb your slumbers. Use it regularly! Sold at grocery, drug and hardware stores, FLY-TOX it sold all over the worldl California Rex Spray Co., Benicia, California ' NOT A By-PRODUC Safety-Tejat (W grefj pMU l-Taa ft mi A-TM far ptta fast CMMMmiq rWOWf VALSETZ RESIDENT BURIED WEDNESDAY Palls' City Mrs. John Chappell of Valsets died suddenly at the home of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Louise Chappell, In Falls City, Sunday. She was born In Orangeville, Ida., In 1900, attended the Portland schools and was married to John Chappell June, 1919. She is sur vived by her husband, a daughter ten days old; her father, Fred Wal ker of darts toil, Wash., her moth er, Mrs. Frank Kannes, Portland, and a brother, Oranrllle Wilson of Newberg and other relatives and also a host of friend. Funeral services were conducted from the Henkle-Tbomas chapel Wednesday afternoon at t o'clock with burial at the Falls City Odd Fellows cemetery. GATES SCHOOL "READY Oates Work at the school house is being rushed in preparation for the opening of school September 8. The new cement sidewalk be tween the high school and gymnas ium buildings is being laid this week. Rlvervlew Mrs. Lucelle Klalsncr of Mill City is visiting with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Crenshaw. POLLYWOODP Borne of 25c Talkies . TODAY and THCR8DAY By popular request we arc fringing back to Salem at our regular price SHOW Starring Laura LaPIante Joseph Kchildkraut, Otis Har Un and Alma Rubens Also Talking Comedy and Bound ReTleir iOAT SHARE YOUR OUTING WITH .. . ''MOSQUITOES keV you need Fly-Tox e-a f) 1710 cjLtVee. Fly.Tox is the scientific insecti cide developed at Mellon Insti tute oflndustriai Research by Rex Research Fellow ship. Insist on Fly-Tox. Re fuse substitutes; be Safe and .Sure. nut furs. MOTHS PIG CLUB MEMBERS HAVE FINE FROLIC Jefferson The boys' 4-H Pig club enjoyed picnic at the Green's bridge park. After a abort busi ness session a large bonfire was built and marshmallows toasted. Those present were Chester Mc Caw, Francis Oatchell, Clinton Hart, Harvey Myers, Orlando Myers, Eme lin McCaw, Jessie Hart, Jean Mc Kee, . Genevieve Wled, Mervine ard McCaw. GRAND Also COMEDY M. G. M. ACT NEWS WS. LAST SHOWINGS . TODAY Don't Miss This Great War Picture fcnhelmess 14 ''"virMkwriLi COMING TOMORROW FRIDAY SATURDAY El Brendel making (ovo Majorie While singing love William Collier. Jr. begging ova Noel Francis spooking fore' Frank Richardson shouting iov Miriam Seegar ' cooing ovo in he romantic com edy hit of two Cy teotonj. WW r WATROL Smashes & US 1 -k mi i KM