PAGE TEN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1930 WATKINS GALLS ON M'NARY TO DEBATE RECORD A challenge to 1; his record bare In a public debate luued to Senator Charlea L. McNary By Elton wai ktaii, democratic candidate (or Unit ed States senator, in a letter ad dressed to McNary by Watklns. The letter reads as follows: "Dear Senator: "The voters of Oregon are en titled to know the record and views of candidates for office. "You voted against the Interests of the fanners when you voted against the export debenture and In favor of the Orundy tariff steal. You voted with we power trust In voting to confirm Lenroot and wood lock, and the power companies in Oregon are supporting you in this campaign because you named their selection for U. & marshall Your vote in favor of Mexican Im migration likewise pleases the power trust, which want cheap labor. Your absence at the present time from Washington, while Soviet Rus sia pleads in person for dumping Its products In this country, will not be forgotten by (he lumber indus- "There are othrf question to he discussed and debated. To acquaint the people with your record and views, I suggest we arrange a series of Joint debates held throughout the state, the time and places to be arranged to your satisfaction. "Your Immediate acceptance Is earnestly requested. "Respectfully. "ELTON WATKINS. ARGENTINE WINE EXHIBIT IS BANNED Sacramento, Calif, (LP) Visions at a display of sparkling Argentine wines at the Pan-American Recipro cal trade conference here in Aug ust were blasted by a message from the prohibition department en forcement headquarters at wasn Ington. "Sorry we cannot sanction dis play of Argentine wines at a trade meeting in Sacramento," was the message received by Simon J. Lubin, chairman of the governing board. Exporters of wines in the Ar gentines republic had requested permission to iisplay their wares at the conference. Dawn Patrol" Offers Barthelmess At Best U'f:yfK . The Dawn Patrol- U A thrilling story of war In the air. It Is more than an air spectacle. It Is a living document of the, boys who won a victory for their country, but lost their own souls, and Richard Bar thelmess takes his greatest role in this production, now playing at BUgh's Capitol the er. Barthelmess plays the role of a young English daredevil and Doug las Fairbanks, Jr. and Neil Hamil ton play his buddies. The story Is a highly dramatic mirror of those early years in the Worli war when "schoolboy" flyers in the British air service were compelled to face I highly organized German aces, with ' mediocre equipment against the more modem enemy planes. . "Never has the star, Barthelmess, given such a vivid portrayal. Neil Hamilton plays the part of Major Brand, -commander of a British flying squadron who is compelled to sacrifice young flyers on hope less missions. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., comes to the top with a bril lont portrayal of Scott, best friend of Capt. Courtney (Barthelmess). Wednesday Is the last dy of this great picture. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week Bligh's Capitol will present "The Fox Movietone Follies of 1930 ' with a notable cast and half dozen popular new songs. BLAST DESTROYS MUNITION TRAIN HONAN PROVINCE Kwelteh, Honan, OP) A national ist government ammunition train, composed of nineteen cars,, was blown up near here Monday. Loss of life, though undetermined, was believed small. While cause of the blaze which set off the explosion was unknown. It was rumored rebel spies were responsible. Explosion of the am munition, which consisted largely of heavy calibre si.ella and aerial bombs, ripped out the railroad right. of-way, twisted steel cars, and hurl- ed debris hundreds of feet. The train was standing five miles from this town when the blaze broke out. Explosions were heard for many miles. With the nationalist government suffering a severe loss from burning of the train. It wa: reported fight ing .long the Halchow-Tung-Kwan railroad was at a low ebb as a re sult of the unprecedented heavy rains In northern Honan province. The rains have kept up for the past two weeks, resulting In dam aging floods; which have covered many thousands acres of grain. Lands on both sides of the railroad are submerged, transforming battle lines into mud wallows. - In many areas, the fields are waist-deep under water, resulting in virtual loss of the entire crops. In other sections, grains are be ing harvested from row-boats, farm ers merely cutting the grain heads above water, and leaving the stalks standing. The floods are expected to result in sharp famine conditions in the affected areas during the approach ing winter. ARM IS FRACTURED BY PORCH TUMBLE Dayton While about evening at her home, Mr. Red Kunn of the Webfoot neighborhood, overbalanc ed backward from the back porch and broke one bone in her left arm Just above the wrist. Dr. E M. Reitsel of McMinnvule reduced the fracture. ANNUAL OUTING IS HELD FOR CHURCH Lablsh Center The annual picnic of the Evangelical community Sun day school was held at Clemen's park. About seventy picnickers en joyed the different sports including swimming, boating, golfing and oth er entertainment available. A picnic supper was served at, 6 o'clock, fol lowed by Ice cream later In the evening. INFANT IS BURIED Jefferson Funeral services for the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lent, still born Saturday morning, v,;re held at the Canby cemetery Sunday afternoon. The Lent family has recently moved here from Canby. PAVING PLANT MOVES Jefferson The a. J. Kernan Con struction company has completed the work of putting the non-skid surface on (he highway In this vi cinity, and has moved the plant to Corvallis. DOCTOR TAKEN ILL Mt. Angel Dr. A. P. E. Schler baum Is at the Coffey clinic in Port land for several days, due to illness. It Is hoped that this ailment Is just temporary and that he will be back in his office before long. . . , - VACATIONISTS MAKE CALL Donald Mr. and Mrs. Evert Chemmln and son visited last week with Mrs. Shemmln's sister, Mrs. L. O. Oiesy. The Shemmtns, after a month's vacation In California, were on their way to their home In Aber deen, Wash. Treatment of Sciatica By BEVERLEY R. TUCKER, M.D. Richmond, Virginia In the first place if you have pain down the outside of one or the other leg be sure to consult a good physician and arrive scien tifically at the diagnosis of scia tica; do not jump a; the conclu sion that you have sciatica. Sciatica Is an lnflamatlon of the largest nerve in the human body and the pain runs through the sciatic notch, deeply seated In the lower part of the buttocks, down the outer side of the leg to the outside of the ankle and under the foot to the base of the great toe. Pressure along the course of this nerve causes excrutiating pain and other pains around the pelvis, hips or In the legs should not be con fused with It. Bilateral sciatica, which Is sciatica of both sides. Is extremely rare and when pain Is on both sides it is usually due not to sciatica but to a tumor in the lower part of the spinal canal. Sciatica occurs from some local or general Infection: In consequence Happy Days Are Here Again My Corns All Gone Roots and All of Be modern take advantage scientific discoveries. Every night for 3 or 4 nights Just soak your feet in a Radox Footbath then lift out your corns roots and all out to stay. A safe, delightful way to take every bit of hard skin off heels and toes. You'll be overjoyed at the great comfort you'll obtain nothing like healthy, free from pain feet to as sure happy days! Get a package of Radox at Perry's Drug store or any drug store, and start tonight to get rid of every corn you have. adv. THREE-PIECE KNITTED SUITS FOR SPORTS Week-end and Vacation Wear You'll be more than pleased with the. fine knit quality suits and they will be quite serv iceable right into the fall- .75 others 16 .50 AND ON UPWARD SHIPLEY'S Quality Merchandise Popular Prices one should undergo a most thor ough medical examination and have corrected any form of infection that may exist. As soon as sciatica is absolutely diagnosed the patient should immediately go to bed. It is unwise to treat sciatica while the patient is up. The extremity should never be given during the acute stage. Absolute physiological rest is essential. The patient should not take morphine, cocaine or any form of opiates and should take as few coal tar preparations for the relief of pain as possible. Absolute rest makes the inflamed nerve subside and the pain gradually disappears. After the pain has practically sub. sided gentle massage may be given. During the course of the condition if the pain is very excrutiating the proper application of diathermy is of value. Liniments containing salicylates may be applied but not rubbed In. When the pain has sub sided the patient may start getting up for a few minutes and gradually increase the time until he Is walk ing about. Ill Leads the quality field Budweiser Barley-Malt Syrup, LIGHT OR DARK RICH IN BODY NOT BITTER niiiiii IT PRESSES trousers a nd 1 I'- women s s kirts .Here's an added feature that practically pays for this wonderful new ma chine as it is being used. You can press 11)11 everything jEttl with the new COMBINATION Speed Wishing Machine Speed Rotary Irener The THOR Washing machine ii constructed of satin-finished Monel metal. .rustless. .will never tarnish or discolor. It has the new balloon wringer rolls that arc so easy on laundry. . . so speedy. .The THOR Speed Ironer has the pressing surface of ten flat Iron. Think of thatl Yet all you do is sit down and guide the piece through. The combination now offered for the price of one machine! NEW, WRINGERLESS WASHING MACHINE that washes clothe and whirl them dry, is offered on special term, too I ONLY $2.50 DOWN Balance on convenient term' &acificQlorthwcst RELIC Sims, COMPANY IB ST. JOHNS COUBHAM I aAUM oaaooN cm 8T. HrUNfl VANCOUVII tmjjaoao LOST "GRANDSON" ROBS AGED WOMAN Paris (IP) Madams Nanette de Livry doesn't see so well any more. She hadn't beheld her only grand son tor five years, when a dashing young lad of flftren or therebouts rapped at the door of her solitary abode and rushed Into her arms with a cry of "Hello Grandma." "I'll buy you something nice at the baker's (or Breakfast," she beamed. Half an hour later she was back. The "grandson" bad gone. So, a search revealed, had 15,000 francs worth of bonds and 9.000 francs In cash the savings of 80 frugal years. To Stop Itching Quick aaa wot, Invisible Zmm Millions depend on eooDhf Zemo to banish summer skin troubles. For 30 year this safe, invisible antisep tic has relieved the heat and pain of sunburn. It soothe rashes and ivy-poisoning, brings relief to itch ing. peeling toes. See how stubborn pimples and blemishes disappear. Thousands say It has banished dan druff. Healing Zemo liquid la won derfully soothing after a shave. Any druggist. 35c, 60c, 11.00. adv. TEETER BOARD RECORD EFFORT IS FRUSTRATED Albany After 33 hours and 30 minutes start toward a world's endurance "teeter-totter" record., Maxine and Clinton Stenberg. cousins vere tumbled to the ground by a neighbor boy, who gave Clinton a shove. The young sters, 12 and 14 respectively had been teetering constantly for near ly 24 hours, and at 12:10 o'clock were brought suddenly to the ground. Maxine's brother refueled Clirv ton and Mrs. Roy Stenberg looked after her daughter's needs. The youngsters built their own, teeter, using a hlg Bawhorse and had bolted the plank onto the horse. Sleeping quarters were also provided the endurance seekers and the "kids" were going strong when their jealous neighbor, It is stated tumbled them off. The Stenberg' who fasnloned their contest after "Skeezlx" of Radium Is Restoring Health to Thousands Ho medicine or dmri. Just a It ant. mall, comfortable) Inexpensive Radfo Actlva Pad. worn on the back by day and over the etomach at night. Sold on trial, you can oe sure it la neip' lnr sou before ou buy It. Over 150.- 000 aold on thla plan. Thouiande have written us mat it neaiea tnem 01 neu ritis. Rheumatism. Hlirh Blood Prea aure. Constipation, Nervous Prostra tion. Asuima sua omer respiratory disorders. Heart, Liver. Kidney and Bladder trouble, etc. No matter what you have tried, or what your trouble mav be. try Desnen'a Radio-Active Solar Pad at our risk. Write today for Trial offer and descriptive litera ture. Radium Appliance Co- 681 Bradbury Bldg., Loa Angeles. Cal. adv. I Phone 625 for Appointment Dr.C. B. O'NEILL OPTOMETRIST - EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FURNISHED 401-402 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING . gasoline alley fame say they will try again, and state they will beat "Skeeslx". Woodburn Miss Hasel Rnery ot Vancouver, Wash., was a guest over the week end of Miss Nona Otjen. Schaefer8 Weekly Special On Wed Aug; " tram I M. ta P. M. only Our regular extra quality Nut Sundaes made wltr selected grades fruits and delicious nuts Only Any flavor No Unit AT Schaefer's Drug Store Original YtUow Froal aud Candy Special Stort of SaJraa 13 No. Coma Phane 197 ' Pcnalar Agency Watch for Oar Regular Candy Special Ladies1 SILK HOSIERY SAUE All the finer grades of ladies' silk hose. Sold for $2,00 & $2:50. Late Fall shades, all sizes, On sale all this week -in 50 3 PAIRS FOR $4.00. :Ci3?LiMnSt 135 North Liberty Street