SATURDAY, AUGUST LOCALS It present weather conditions continue It Is the opinion of the state board of forestry tnat Gov crnor Norblad should issue a pro clamation deferring the opening of the deer hunting season from September IS to October 1. The governor hat the matter under consideration, ha said Saturday. The subject was discussed at a meeting of the board In Portland rrtday. Refinance your ear. Pay monthly Bca P. A. Eker, liberty te Perry. Merle R. Chessman, editor of Astoria Budget, was Saturday ap pointed by Governor Norblad as a member of the Oregon state geo graphic board to succeed the late Dr. J. Q. Bowlby of Astoria. Your big opportunity: closing out. Love, the Jeweler. On authority received from the war department, General George A. White, commander of the Ore gon national guard, Saturday or dered Captain Richard 8. Rogers of Junction City and Staff Ser geant Armin E. Berger of Salem to go to Carlisle Barracks, Pa., for a weeks course In the army field medical school. Captain Rogers Is a physician and 8erseant Berger Is a dentist. Fordson tractors 50 and up while they last. A. C. Haaj Co., 690 Ferry St., Salem, 201 Attention of American Legion men of the city is turning towards the first fall meeting early next month when Capital Post No. 9 will nominate officers for the new year. Two names are being heard men tioned as likely contestants for the office of post commander. A. C. (Moce) Palmateer, to succeed him self, and that of Max Page. Pal mateer was serving as vice com mander when Biddy Bishop, com mander, resigned owing to removal from the city. At that time it was decided not to fill the office of vice commander until the annual elec tion In the fall. Fordson tractors (SO and up while they last. A. C. Haag & Co, 690 Ferry St, Salem. 201 Details of the business Institute to be held here August 28 and 21 under the auspices of the Oregon Retail Merchants' association, will be completed at a meeting of the board of directors of the Salcn Business Men's league to be held It the chamber of commerce rooms Monday evening. The meeting has been called by Ed Schunke, presi dent, A one-day Institute will be held at Independence August 30. Real old time dance Castillan hall Sat. night, 8:30, 25c and 50c 201 Former residents of Silverton will hold their annual picnic at the city park in that city Sunda, August 31. All people of the val ley who made their home in Silver ton at one time or another are urged to attend. An extensive ,iro gram is being arranged. Skating. Dreamland Tuesday, Fri day, Sunday, 7-10. Ladles free. 201 Robert E. Hlner, 36. ot Salem, and Zylpha C. Miller, 32, of Tacoma, Wash., have been issued a mar riage license at Vancouver, Wash. Best, biggest old time dance. Crys tal Gardens, Wed, Saturday. 201 H. L. Stiff, of Salem, was one of the out-of-town speakers at the meeting of furniture dealers in Portland Thursday night when plans for Oregon's participation in the nation-wide furniture style shows September 26 to October 4 were discussed. AU dealers of the state will hold style shows in their own stores, it was decided. The latest in furniture will be shown, arranged according to new display Ideas, Best jazz dance. Crystal annex. .Wednesday, Saturday. 201 Governor Norblad Issued a requi sition on the governor of Washing ton for the extradition of Deage Smith who Is wanted in Yamhill county on charges of desertion and non-support. He is under arrest at Montesano. Hop pickers dance at Kentl hall every Saturday night. Dance with the crowds. 201 Bernard Coon, delivery driver for Pickens and Havncs received bruises and cuts Friday evening when his machine was struck by an auto mobile driven by J. H. Slater, 1437 Marion street at 18th 'and Mar ket. Coon says in bis report to the police that he wa3 In the mid die of the intersection when struck. Slater falling to see him. Dance In comfort at Tumble Inn's hew open air annex. Sat nlte. Best old time music. All good dancers are flocking to Tumble Inn. come, let us prove this. 201 G. W. Smalley, head Janitor for the Salem school system. Is re ported to be slightly better from his severe Illness. Smalley is thought to nave a touch ot ptomaine pots eninj. He has been ill for a week Spot dance. Hazel Grsen Sat Bat Joor.3, novelties and fun. 121 L. E. Bergman was reported as slightly Improved Saturday follow ing a relanse from an nnerntien he submitted to earlier In the sum mer. Bergman, machine shop In structor at Salem high school, has ocen connncd to his bed for the past io days. Hop pickers dance at Kentl hall every Saturday night. Dance with Jlie crouds. 201 Approximately 60 children of pre school and school a?es were given toxin anti-toxin immunization treat ment Saturday morning at the reg ular health unit clinic by Dr. Ver non A. Douglas, county health of ficer. It costs from SO to 60 cents per child for toxin anti-toxin alone for the three treatments necessary to Insure immunization, but Dr 23, 1930 Douglas states It Is good Insurance in health, time and money. No further cases of diphtheria were re ported to the unit Saturday morn ing. Spot dance. Hazel Green Sat Bal loons, novelties and tun. 121 Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Jacobson and sons, Alvln and Leo, of Tacoma, Wash., left Saturday morning for their home after visiting tor the past two days with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Connor. The Washington people visited In Silverton for a few days also. They are making the return trip by way of Seaside. Good pianos for rent H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. 201 The Leslie Can-Do class will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Bertelson. Mrs. Ber telson, Mrs. Mason Bishop and Mrs. F. X. Hoereth are in charge of the program. Immediate delivery on 16-ln. old fir mill block. Large load 5.50. We will have a car of medium sized oak in yard next week (7 per cord. Now Is the time to fill up on hog fuel, before the shortage. Fred E. Wells, Inc., 280 S. Church. Ph. 1542. 201 The Wena tehee service station on the Pacific highway north of Sa lem was broken into Friday night by persons who made away with a quantity of groceries and candy, ac cording to a report made to the sheriff by A. J. Mathia proprietor. The thieves left no clue. Dance Mellow Moon tonlte. Ad mission 25c. Best of music. 201 A grass fire at E and Church streets and a brush fire at Belmont and Winter were extinguished by the downtown fire department Fri day evening. Special Sunday dinner $1. Marlon hotel. 201 C. M. Jones, arrested Thursday night when he was found with three bottles of "gin." paid a $50 fine in police court Friday on a possession charge. Great Dane thoroughbred dog for sale. Price reasonable. Call evenings or Sunday. 545 Howard St. 201 Chester E. Mohr, 1245 Ruge street, West Salem, reported to the police that his automobile was stolen from Church and State streets Friday night Dance with Thomas' Blue Blowers Sat. nite. American Legion open air pavilion, Stayton. 201 Glenn Carson was arrested on a drunk charge Friday night. Mosquito Bar river beach, swim ming, boating, picnicking, 25c per car. 201 Y. Nlshimoto, Route 1 and W. C. Keizer of Portland were Involved In a nautomoblle accident at Capitol and Court streets Friday afternoon, reports to the police indicate, Nlsh imoto in confessing he did come to a halt "where highway stop sign" says in his report: "We dtdnt stop where hizhway stop sign and went on and stopped at the middle of the street and the other car came in run about 20 miles an hour speed and he turned the steering wheel and the- skld to the side. W. C. Keizer was coming on Capitol street and we Court street" Our sale on uncalled for tailor- made suits at the low price of $15.50 and $18.30 will continue next week. Come, look these over before it clos es. Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co, 260 South 12th St. . 203 Governor Norblad will leave for Pendleton next Wednesday to at tend the round-up and from there will go to Seattle to be present at the laying ot the keel of the new battleship Astoria, on nis return from Seattle he will stop at Astoria to welcome the British battleship Dauntless. CAx Mttlolrnn illnr, Stmrlav at the Green Lantern Cafe. Tasty foods, served home style. Clean, cool place IO eat. li0 OlBbC Ob. n t r?ftrsrtn arrested Friday night on a drunk charge, faced a forgery charge in Justice court Saturday. Complaint was filed against uarson oy a ivirs. ybicib hn laiin0r1 he haS OSSSCd a worthless check for $4 on her. He entered a pica of guilty Friday ana was taken to Jail to await sent Airfwi whether he had ever been In Jail before, 'Carson edmlt- ted to "20 or 25 times ai ior getting drunk. "Every holiday that comes along including oi. Patrick's day, generally finds me in Jail before the celebration Is over." Carson added. Fried spring chicken 50c. Home Cafe, 223 N. Com'L St. Sunday. 11 to 8. - Miss Rowena Herman of Myrtle Point, Miss Oertrude Needham, Miss Gertrude Stltz, Charles Need Kan, orui Albert Thomuson of Astoria have returned from a trip to Yellowstone national para. young people traveled by motor, stayin? three days at the park. The return trip was made through southern Idaho, southeastern Ore gon to Pendleton, and home over the Columbia river nignway. w.- el- nojiahrfiil home on 8. Hijh. 6 rooms, strictly modern, base ment, furnace, fireplace, garage. 5 rooms on N. cannot, reconniir-wicu. r.nit.l Rmirilv Corn. 204 U. 6. Bank bldg. Call BUI. Phone 802. 201 Charting cruel and Inhuman t. .. n.. Wnnrl Saturday filed suit lor dlvo($e from Ansel Wood. The complaint states the Couple were married at Cottage Grove. December 27, 1905 and three hMlrn hv hMl bom. CUStOd? of the children st asked in the suit. also $20 a monlh alimony. Judge McMahan Saturday issued a tem nwara tnltmr-tiAn rartninln Wood from entering the property ot the plaintiff. It is charged Wood threatened his wires life. Dance Mellow Moon tonlte. Ad mission 25c Best of music, 201 Marriage licenses have been Is sued to Ervin H. Nelson, 20, and Nettle Pearl Bardley. both of Port land, and to George S. Havenor. 28. and Frances L. Ward. 28, both of salt Lake City. Have you seen our $15.50 and $18.50 tailor made suits? Sale con tinues all next week. Thos, Kay woolen urns co. 260 s. 12th. 203' Dennis Cooter Is granted a Judg ment of $1400, together with $100 attorney fees In a decree Issued Sat- crday by Judge L. H. McMahan against Isabella and Ephralm M. Acxerman. - The decree also de clares the mortgage held by the plaintltf against property of the Ackermans to be superior to lelns held by the Benjamin Franklin savings and Loan association and the Merchants Credit bureau. Dr. Altman, homeopathic physi cian, 296 N. Liberty St. Salem. 201 Senator McNary was Informed In a telegram from Commissioner of Indian Affairs Rhodes Saturday that plans for the new $60,000 gym nasium at the Chemawa Indian Training school near here will be completed early next week and sent immediately to Oregon. This will mean, according to Senator McNary and the school authorities. that construction of the building can be started before the winter rains begin. Hilda Retstad started suit Sat urday against J. P. A. Hansen for J2000 general damages and $359.50 special damages as the result of an automobile accident which occur red on the streets of Eugene May 30, 1930. The complaint sets forth that the plaintiff was riding with Mr. and Mrs. Hansen in a one- seated car. It Is charged that Han sen attempted to turn a corner without due regard to the safety of the occupants of the machine with the result the car struck an electric light pole, causing injuries to the plaintiff. G. T: Wadsworth was appointed administrator of the estate of Mag gie M. Cook in an order issued Sat urday by the county court Mrs. Cook, who died intestate left an estate of -a probable value of $450. F. C. Cone, John Heltzel and H. Gear hart are named appraisers. The final account of William Gra ham, administrator of the estate of Viola Kent, is approved In an order issued Saturday by the coun ty court John Kent is declared the sole heir of the estate. A Judgment of $814 with costs and disbursements was given Lena M. scnarii against Roy and Mar garet Harvey in a decree issued Saturday by Judge McMahan. The Schraff mortgage held against the Harvey property Is held superior to that of the Business Men's Adjust ment company or Fred Kriuon. A Hen against the property held by tne worm war veterans Htate aid commission has superior right the decree states. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Siegmund left for Neskowln Saturday afternoon to spend a day at the beach. COBS INCREASE LEAD OVER N. Y. GIANTS Chicago'W) The Cubs Increased their lead over the New York Gi ants to four games Saturday by breaking a tie with m two-run rally in the eighth Inning to win the third game of their "crucial" series. 4 to 2. Travis Jackson s homer In the fourth accounted for both Giant runs. Pat Malone pitched the en tire distance for Chicago. An over flow crowd of 42,000 witnessed the game. FOUR LOSE LIVES ' IN DUST EXPLOSION Baltimore W) The toll of the dust explosions and fire which cam. ed $250,000 or more damage to a Western Maryland railway grain elevator here Wednesday has been raised to lour with tee death ol one of the Injured workmen, Jo seph G. Doemling, 3C. Seven oth ers were reported Saturday to be in a critical condition at hospitals. IMPROVING STREETS Scotts Mills While the rock crusher is running crushing rock lor the new scotts Mills Crooked Finger market road, the city is al so taking advantage of the crusher and hauling rock on some of the STORE OWNERS AWAY Scotts Mills Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Saueresslg, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sau- eressig and daughter. Cleo, Mrs. Wm. Fry and small son and daugh ter Fedeliah of tins place and tne L. F. Talbot family of Silverton drove to Newpov Thursday where they expect to spend a tew days Mrs. George Myers and H. S. Dix on have charge of the J. E. Bauer- essig store while they are away. RETrr.N FROM SOl'TII Mt. Angel Mrs. A. A. Schmidt and hsr granddaughter. Louise Stecklein have returned from a trip to Rio Vista. Calif- where they were guests at the home of Mrs. Schmidt's daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weiss. RETURN FROM IDAHO Tnlalla Mr and Mrs P S Spauldlng have returned from a thrp-. u-e?kjc visit at Wallace. Idaho. where they went to visit their datighter. They made tne drive w 50 miles in a day ana a nau. NFWF.RC. YOCTH SIICIDF.S Newbarg m The bodv of Clark HcdsOT, hl?h school graduate, was found m his automobile near here. He had connected the auto exhaust with ths tonneau and suffocated, rcnBr.B flTnMY I.CAVRft Gervais George Stohx has left for Elko. Nev. wnere ne w w oe em ployed as gunder of the 8. P. weld ing gang. He spent a week here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stohx. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON KAYE DON HURT IN RACE CRASH Belfast, Ireland Vft Kaysj Don, one ot Great Britain's noted motor racers, suffered a broken rib and his mechanic was seriously Injured when their car overturned and caught fire In the 410 mile Ulster tourist trophy race of the Royal Automobile club. The British driver, whs only a few months ago went to America in an attempt to establish a new world's speed record, narrowly es caped death In the crash. Another accident marred the race over the tortuous Ards circuit ot 30 laps, when Captain A. C. R. Waite received a severe concussion as his car mounted a bank and over turned. REBELS CAPTURE PERUVIAN CITY v.lma Pent IIP An official Sat urday announced a revolutionary uprising of troops of the garrison at Arequipa. The rebels captured the govern ment authorities at Arequipa and tnnlr nnsspsslrm nf the eitv. which Is the second largest In Peru. The government announced tnat It expects to restore order at Are- niilnit Rnnn. hut meanwhile issued a decree closing the port of Mol- lendo to all mercnant snips, m mmmpriHnl nvinHnn fields at Are quipa and In the vicinity of the cap tured city also were cioseo. Th. annnimppmpnt said Com- mandar.t Sanchez Cerro had Insti gated the uprising. He was said tn Yinvt tnld the trooDf. that the government would not pay them. ADMIRALS OF WAR RETAINJHEIR RANK nracMnctnn dm 'Ten American naval officers who held the rank of admiral of the fleet during the urn.M w an, aivnnlhl that IWTT11- anent rank under the navy depart ment ruling elevating reumi officers of the navy and marine corns to the highest rank they held during the war. The ten aamirais are: wuuum o. Benson, wartime chief of operations; William s. suns, commanaer oi ujc -,! tnM in nTtimn tne three months; and William B. Caperton. Albert Cleaves, Hilary P. Jones, Hugh Rodman, Henry T. Mayo, Hen ry B. Wilson, josepn Strauss auu Robert E. Coontz. TOLAN WINNER IN 100JARD RAGE (Continued from page 1) sity of North Carolina, failed to place in the final. Herman Brix oi tne l,os Angeies A. C. set a new American record of 52 feet 8H Inches in winning the 16-pound shotput and Steve An derson, the former University of Washington and Olympic star, equalled the world's record of 14.4 seconds in capturing the 120 yard high hurdles final. Both Brlx and Anderson successfully deienaea Dick Pomerov of the Los Angeles A. C. succeeded Gordon Allott of the Denver A. , C, as 440-yard hurdle champion, winning by ten yards from Clyde Blanchard, Rice Insti tute, in 53.1 seconds. Art Holman of the Olympia club was third. Eighteen year old Joe Mcciuskey of South Manchester, Conn, and Fordham university scored a smash ing victory in the two-mile steeple chase, the first race of Its kind he ever had run. McCluskoy, who holds the eastern intercollegiate freshman cross county title and the national A. A. U, indoor two-mile championship, won by 150 yards in 10 minutes 44.2 seconds. Brut, with his great heave, sur passed the official American rec ord set by himself at Fresno, Calif, In 1929, at 51 feet. U 5 inches and missed the world mark held by Emil Hlrschfeld of Germany, by lust an inch and a half. The smooth-striding Anderson equalled the official world figures shared by the famous Earl Thom son of wennstrom oi Sweden. In both the 120-yard high hurdles and the 16-pound shot put new meet records were set, the perform ances of Anderson and Brix beating the best ever made in the 54 year history of the championships. George Simpson came back to win the 220-yard dash from Tolan, his conaueror In the 100-yard event a the stuff to beat him oft and go on few minutes before Simpson had to win by about three yards in 21 3 seconds. Simpson's winning 220 yard sprnt in 213 seconds represents the fastest time ever recorded for this event around a turn and Is tantamount to a world's record el though the international amateur athletic federation recognizes no records made at the distance on a curving track. Jimmy Dcmcrs of Los Angeles A. C. broke the American record as well as the meet mark for the Javelin throw with a great heave of 222 feet Ti incne , winning oj more than 25 feet and adding some 10 feet to the best perform ance ever recorded In this coun try. In a surprising reversal of the dope both Ed Hamm of Georgia Tecb. tte Olympic champion, and Ed Gordon of the University of Iowa, defending titleholder, failed to place in the running siroad Jump, won by Al Bates, former Pcnn State athlete, with a leap of 24 feet 3S inches. Dick Maxwell, Los Angeles, A. C dethroned Steve Anderson In the 220 yard low hurdles. The champion fell two yard from the finish line while m second place and runner- up honors went to Lee Sentman of the University of Illinois. The time was 24.1 seconds. Setting a near meet record of 1 minute 53.4 seconds, Edwin Oenung of the Washington A. O, Seattle, capturned the half mile running championship. The high Jump went to Anton Burg, Illinois A. C, who cleared six feet 7 inches and the hammer throw to Norwood Wright of the New York A. C, with a winning heave of 163 feet 9K Inches, Henry Lasallette of the Los Angeles A. C. defending champion, lost his high Jump crown to Burg by the narrow margin oi a quarter inch. ARMY FLIER KILLED IN KANSAS CRASH Ft Leavenworth. Kas. (Pj Lt. Henry J. Statu, air corps reserve of Kansas City, was killed and Private Murrell Travis of Ft. Leav enworth was Injured dangerously when their airplane crashed at the aviation field here Saturday. Travis was unable to give the cause of the accident. He suffered a fracture of the left arm and post physicians said they believed he was Injured Internally. The two had taken off a short time before. A board of Inquiry was convened Immediately to In vestigate. FOREST TRACT AS ELLIOTT MEMORIAL The Mtlllcoma tract of timber land In Douglas county, Oregon's first state forest, will become a memorial to the late Francis A. Elliott, state forester who died a few months ago after nearly 20 years in office. The tract of 70,000 acres will be known as "Elliott state forest," so designated at a meeting of the state board of forestry in Portland Friday. The tract Is south of the Umpqua river between Scottsburg and Reeds port. it was In 1913 that Elliott and Governor West started a move to exchange isolated tracts ot school lands within national forests for solid blocks of national forest land. The Millicoma tract was the first result of tills movement, the ex change being completed about two years ago. STATE RECEIVES RICH MAN'S MONEY Manistee, Mich. fPV Practically all of the estate of Charles P. Rug gles, 84-year-old eccentric lumber man and salt manufacturer, wil go to a trust for the benefit of the people of Michigan, under terms of his will which was filed Saturday. The estate has been variously es timated as havintT a value nf from SG.oSo.OOO to $50,000,000. After making personal bequests totaling $30,000 and setting aside $100,000 as a trust iund for the benefit, of "such of my friends as may be in need of financial assistance or. re lief Ruesles In his will named Ewald J. Ffeiffer of Manistee and Charles McPherson of Grand Rap ids as trustees. CROWD WATCHES 18 COMMUNISTS SHOT Rankow (ley-Anti-communist de fense forces Saturday executed 18 convicted Reds. As they were shot down a huge crowd watched the gruesome spectacle. 1001 HOURS IN TREE Hutchinson. Kan. (A David Dawson, yonthful Hutchinson tree sitter, passed his 1000 hour mark among the boughs Saturday morn mg. reanirming His Intention to stay up until school starts. SANDE IOSES RACE Springfield. 111. UPi Billv Chamn. owned by the Warm Spring stables and ridden by T. May, won the governor's derby at the state fair Saturday, defeating Reveille Boy, with Earl Sande up. THE FLYING PRINCE OF ENGLAND ;(fl m z F-Vr W The Prince of Waie who hat been an aviation anthMtlaat for years, ho arsetic!!? abandoned all other meana of trantavrbrtlon mhmrn flyln to possubfe. He la ehewn here after tie wad landed a ait airport In Brussels, Belglim on a recent flight. BIRTH OF ROYAL BABY IS SIGNAL WILD REJOICING Ouunls Castle, Scotland (IP) Sparkling blue eyes and fair hair were reported from a dictatorial fashion source at Olamis castle as the very newest thing lor a royal princess. The one day old daughter of the Duke and Duchess ot York, whose birth was celebrated Friday night by 10,000 persons gathered In the light of a great beacon on Hunters H1U, was said to have eyes as blue as Scotland's skies and hair as fair as the golden curls of ber four year old sister. Princess Elizabeth. The new princess was described as a plump Infant, weighing a lit tle under nine pounds at birth. Clearing weather permitted the neighbors of Olamis castle and well-wishers for many miles around to gather on Hunters hill to celebrate the birth- of the prin cess whose life, according to Olamis tradition, shall be pleasant, love shall be lucky and reward rich. The high pile of brushwood on the hill was lit soon after nightfall as the quiet little village was Jammed with visitors from all parts of Scotland. With Princess Elisabeth at her side, the Duchess looked through an opening especially cut through the trees and saw the celebration on the hill. SOLVE MYSTERY OF MISSING BRIDE Omaha, Neb. IfTi The World Herald says that the body of a "mystery girl1 found In a ravine here 11 years ago and hurled un identified, has been Identified as that of Buelah McConncll Wagle of Colchester. 111., wife of Henry Wagle, gangster killed last April at Colchester. Macomb, Til. OP) Mrs. Beulah McConnell Wagle, whose body was reported Identified Saturday in Omaha, Is the center of a mystery which has stirred central Illinois for a decade. Married to Henry "Kelly" Wagle In 1919. the couple left on a honey moon from which only the husband returned. HUMPBACK WHALE TIED UP IN BAY Tacoma, Wash. ( Safely tied up in Oakland bay, a small inlet be tween Tacoma and She ton, a 40- fo( humpback whale is being held captive by a party of amateur Ta coma whalers. Somewhat subdued by harpoon and bulls t wounds, It is be lieved the huge mammal can be towed to Tacoma at high tide Sat urday. The whale's capture In Oakland bay late Friday came as the climax of an exciting day which started when the huge marine visitor was found tangled up in a log boom at Sbelton. A Tacoma whaling party, headed by A. M. Aikin, finally har pooned the mammal. A report from Oakland bay late Friday night said Aikin and bis par ty had the whale secured and would start back to Tacoma early Satur day. They will take the whale to Point Defiance pars. BASKET LUNCH SET 8octts Mills A seven o'clock bas ket dinner lias been planned for the city park Tuesday evening. Aug ust 38 under the auspices of the Christian church. A general Invi tation Is extended to everyone to bring, their basket and enjoy a i cial evening together. BASEBALL AMERICAN Detroit 0 10 0 Philadelphia i it 0 ouiiivan. Hogsett and Havworth: Eamshaw and Cochrane. Cleveland at New York: Chicua at Boston, postponed, rain. st. Louis o a e wasmngton 2 9 1 maenoiaer ana Ferrell: Brown and Spencer, NATIONAL First came: Brooklyn Ill Cincinnati 4 l Thurston and Lopes. Dcberrv: Lu cas and Gooch. New York t I 0 Chicago 4 g 0 HuDDeu. Hevlnx and O'FarreU: Malone and Hartnett. First game: Boston a 5 i Pittsburgh 5 n o smith and SDOhrer: Wood and Hemsley. second game: Boston 1 e i Pittsburgh 17 0 uantweu and Cronin. Soohrar: Brame and Hemsley, Boot. PRESS TO ASSIST IN STATE PUBLICITY Albany, Ore.. (IB Carrvlne out the instructions contained In a reso lution passed by the Oregon State Editorial association at the Astoria mejttng -In June, Ralph R. Cronlse, president, Saturday announced the names of the committee selected to investigate means by which the press of the state may assist In formulating an advertising program for state development. E. B. AI brlch, Pendleton East-Oregonian, was named chairman, the rest of the committee to be composed of the following up-stste publishers. Ben Litnn, The Dalles Chronicle: George Aiken, Ontario Argus: Rob ert W. Sawyer, Bend Bulletin; Ber nard Malnwarlng, Baker Democrat Herald: M. R. Chessman, Astoria Budget; Prank Jenkins, Eugene Register; George Putnam. Salem Capital Journal; S. S. Smith, Med ford Mall-Tribune. Mrs. Cronlse will serve as exofflcto member of the committee. DEATHS IN OREGON SHOW AN INCREASE Portland (At The division of vital statistics of the United States cen sus bureau In a summary of mortal ity figures for Oregon during 1029 and three preceding years said while there has been an increase in the number of deaths from 1920 to 1929, the rate of increase each year has been considerably less. There were 10.688 deaths in Ore gon during 1929 as compared with 10,428 in 1928: 10,206 in 1927 and 9587 In 1926. PORTLAND COUPLE SHOT AT IN AUTO Portland (P) Police sought an explanation for the attempted shooting of Dr. C. O. Tan Valzah. Portland dentist, and bis compan ion. Miss Violet Cowley. The dentist told authorities a curtained touring car raced past the automobile containing himself and Miss Cowley and fired one shot. Miss Cowley suffered Injuries from flying glass. RANKINS POSTPONE ENDURANCE FLIGHT Portland (JPi Because a heavy south wind made the take-off too difficult, Tex and Dick Rankin. Pacific coast aviators, announced Saturday their third attempt Ur break the world's sustained flight record had been postponed until 2 p. m. Sunday. They had ex pected to go aloft Saturday after noon. JACK HOLT INJURED Toms River. N. J. w Jack Holt motion picture actor who has been here during filming of an airship picture, was slightly injured Satur day in an automobile accident. Wit nesses said Holt's automobile hit a traffic button. He was injured about the head. FIRE UNDER CONTROL Independence A brush fire on the farm ot Ed Steele near the Lucklamute, burned up several cords of - fir wood for Ross Nelson and others In this vicinity. The ori gin of the fire is unknown, and had burned fiercely-for several hours be fore being put under control. It was nesting the green timber when con trolled. JLWEI.S RECOVERED Chicago WV afewels said to be valued at $8000 recovered from three negroes arrested as they attempted to pawn them, have been identified by Laura La Plante. motion picture actress, as having been stolen from her April 20. BRUSH FIRE CONTROLLED Alturas, Cal. m A brush and Limber fire near Pitville was con trolled Saturday after lt burned over 500 acres near the Modoc and Shasta natlpnal forests. The fire was the largest Ot, tle season in this rffMnn. iBclcrsfit iHemotfal JJara "ssr SI OS A Park Cemetery with perpetual care JmA ten from fbe bear! of tows PAGE SEVEN BARGE SERVICE FOR COLUMBIA SHIPPERS SEEN Portland UPt Adequate barge ser vice between Portland and One Dal les, to be In full operation by MsrcH 1, 1831, provided mid-Columbia ship, pen agree to supply 60.0M tons ot freight annually, is in prospect fol lowing a meeting at The Dalles Fri day night between business men and representative, of the Martin Ship yards, Ine, of Portland. The confer ence was attended by members of the Columbia Valley association. On top of this came word from Hood River that shippers tfttrc, promptly responding to the move ment, had pledged Fred J. Rosenberg of the Martin Shipyards. Inc. and -ft. H. Klpp. of the Colombia Valley association, the fullest cooperation la providing tonnage for the barges. Under the tentative plans, there would be one tug of 500 horsepower and one of 300 horsepower, the total cost of both to be about tl 10.000. Slx barges would be constructed at a cost of $140,000. The tugs would work together, pushing and towing from two to four barges on a trip. Speakers pointed out that more than 250.000 tons of freight are tak en annually from mld-Couimbla ci ties. It Is estimated that while 150, 000 tons of this could be diverted to barges, only 00,000 tons need be as sured for the success of the barge une. KIMBALL COLLEGE BUILDING UTILIZED The bulldlnz which housed Kim ball School of Theology on Willam ette university's campus until that Institution suspended operations last spring, will probably be used by Willamette during next school year as a music hall. President Doney stated Saturday. The matter was discussed this week at a meeting of tne executive board of Willamette held In Portland. Although the building is not par ticularly fitted for a music hall, the board is of the opinion that it is superior to the structure which has housed the music department for a number of years. Trustees of Kim ball expressed the hope last spring that the college would be able to resume after a year or two, but this possibility is extremely faint, Wil lamette officials state. Kimball col lege was built a number of years ago and besides class rooms contains tev apartments. BUTTERFLIES DUE ON SEPTEMBER 15 A migration of butterfltet through the Willamette valley probably centralizing in Polk anV Yamhill counties, may bo looked for about September 19, says a statement from the state forester' office. Such a movement of the insects recently visited southerr Oregon. The prediction is based on tlx fact that about 90 per cent of the oak trees in Polk and Yamhill counties between Monmouth and Newberg have been seriously dam aged by the oak looper. These worms turn into butterflies. CHANGE CHURCH INTO MIDGET GOLF COURSE Frederick. Md. (XI The old Cal vary Methodist Episcopal churct building, one of . the city's laud- marks. Is to be converted into r miniature golf course, it was learn ed with the announcement work will start next month fouowtni dedication of a new church building Bremen VP) Oerd AcngeUs, f German stunt filer, Saturday flea 31 minutes on his back, with om passenger. He claimed a worlc record for upside down flying. The Whole Dental Profession is talk ing about my ROOFLESS PLATE Just as the name Indi cates a plate without the disadvantages ef a dental plate. T-uta yonr food swallow easily ao gagging feel BCfttfltlons ot -'beat and eokl." Let Me Save You Yz the Cost of Your Dental Bill! TFETII EXTRACTED vnt.K uiikx mtiix.B Y ORK OR n.ATES AHE OKDKRUD Dr. C. A. Wedge 80S state St. BALEM A