SATURDAY. AUGUST 23, 1930 PAGE SIX f-fri TTtV Tt sf fl IT"1 TTT LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE By Harold Gray. AE CAPITAL' JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON Manana KJ by Marr Uahlberg Chapter 36 RISEN FROM THE DEAD Dagger huddled down in her chair, crushed, unbelieving, at Chang'j startling wordi. Two awift step, and Chang was beside her. "Drink this," he commanded, and she obeyed him. A moment and her falntness bad had passed. "Do you mean that, General?" she pleaded. "Yes. He was with me until a few weeks ago. He escaped out of Russia through Siberia. One of my patrols on the Mongolian border found him, delirious, starving. For tunately, the officer in command ' knew him. After he had recovered sufficiently he was brought to my cam?, and told me his story. He had been unhappy, and when he was taken prisoner by the Ger mans he decided to 'die He ex changed identification papers with m dead man and became that man. After the German revolution he escaped into Russia. But that Is a long story, which he will tell you, himself, perhaps." "If I ever find him," cried Dag ger. -Why didn't you teU me this before?" Chang's eyes chilled. "A man must fight for his own hand," he returned implacably. "You had believed him dead. For all I know he may have ceased to love you if he ever did." "He never spoke of me?" she in quired piteously. "He spoke of a wife whj did not love him, and of his unhapplnesa He read in a newspaper that hla wife had married another man, and said that at last fate was on his side. He was dead, and he would remain dead." Dagger shivered. To have come so close! And then have missed. But instantly her thoughts returned to the practical. "Where is he?" she demanded. "Where has he gone?" The Tu-chun shrugged his shoul ders. "To his own country. A man Is happier with his own people, even if he be 'dead.'" "If you had told me that first day," she rebuked Chang. "By now I might be close to him." "You have searched for him long," the Tu-chun remarked philo sophically. "What are a few weeks more? If it is fated that you will find him, you will find him. If it is fated that he will love you, he will love you. If fate wills neither " the narrow eyes flashed "re member Chang has a destiny for you. No mean one." Dagger could only look at him reproachfully, and he shrugged again. "A man takes what he can, my dear lady," he said. "Do not be so disturbed. And by the way, treas ure that lucky-piece I first sent you. It enjoys a notable luck. I picked it up in the Sung-fu market when I was a green boy of sixteen. A month later I committed my first successful robbery. In a year I had my own band. It has been with me ever since. I give it to you in hope that it will work as well in your favor." "But yourself?" protested dagger. "You should keep It. And you have given me so much." "So little compared with my de sire," Chang replied. "No, please favor me by keeping it at least, as an earnest that I wish you well in your quest." He clapped his hands, and the young officer who had received her strode out upon the terrace. "Your car is waiting, Mrs. Va ' neeriiw." the Tu-churi went or courteously, "and I do not like to keep you out too late. Should you see Mr. Howard, remember me to him cordially. I shall be delighted to see either or both of you again particularly, yourscir." He bowed. "I I I must thank you," ex- , claimed Dagger. "After all, you nave been kind. You meant well "Oh, quite well, I assure you," he vlofnrd. "In a selfish sense, of the i for ! 2. I course. But one must think of him self. Goodnight, Mrs. Vaneerlng. I mm afraid my wives will be very curious about you," urw.n h laff RtlnB-fll Da.fffier had no definite plan for her future, save inai sne must muchm as quickly as possiDie; out on U ffia. nlaln An4 t.h FilTlirA Practically, sne torn ncneu, I4 b tumnino.ftff nlftCfl fOT the next stage of her search for Blaine. He would scarcely go w new xw. If he wished to be considered dead. ik. raa that h'd no, uio jiiuubmiuvj " - tury himself in some out-of-the way hole, where ne couia lose na tlty and build his Ufa anew. She was first on ine car imuwu .u. m dabh at Innmed in the distance behind a welter of tanks and signal towers. There was uncie Jim, squinvuns anxiously from beside a new car. j wraviv hlftos his hpartl I nnu omsij McCarty at the wheel, eyeing the descending passengers no icw in terestedly. Dagger walked straight up to them. "Don't you know me, uncie jwnr she demanded. "Mac, you chump! Don't you know me?" Jim Marley let out something be tween a yelp and a curse. "What's the mauerr dtuwmm Dagger, almost in tears. "Am l changed so?" "Changed? gas pea ner uusw. "Yew've done growed up!" nnntna fnnlishlv. had snatched off his hat, and scrambled to the ground. "What have yew aone wim jwb self, Dagger?" he asked. Yew look like on of these here ladies in tne ci .J nanara T tlOWf fiM SUCh ouuunj - ' clothes outside of a film picture. "But ciotnes naven anyiiiuig w ri with me." she answered. "I'm Just the same.' Jim Marley put nis iwo nanus uu her shoulders and held her Off, so that he could peer down into her eyes. "No. yew ain't just me same, T.n. um nontax "Y-w'v- done J growed a heap. Growed-up, like I said. Too oaa, dui i rccium uuue vpw eot to be a woman yew couldn't help it." . "How's the ranch?" sne inquired Idly. "Irtfv crnnrf Mlftht have more water, but the steers are holdin' Upif we can git a decent beef T3.. ain't On milfh mittl0 into cattle these days. Seems like people wore eatin- greena sveu meat." He paused. "Got a new "How's that?" asked Dagger, do know nimr "Ain't had a dependable foreman since Dick went," her uncle re sponded. "All of 'em too young or careless." "TPnir dnt a hp an to learn, but his heart's In his wone" Ana wnen formation : "Come on, Mac, let s get goinv "But what's the hurry? I want to see everything." "I reckon yew'll have time aplenty ror seein tilings, reiumeu U DlnVif nrtnr T want tl mlt Casa Blanca afore' sundown. Yew see, Dagger " he hesitated "these roads are hell. Much as yore lire is worth to tackle some of 'em in the I JnTir Dagger was puzzled, but amenable, rnimrriLnff with a decree of amuse ment, the speed which McCarty ran? un on tne aasnDoara. "You never used to drive like this, Uncle Jim" she observed. Tim Marlftu romnunri hf tint. AnH k-tped a moist forehead. "Wa-all, we got to git mar," ne offered mildly. "See them steers, Dagger? Not so bad for a dry sum mer. huh?" "That foreman must know his business," she remarked. "HlmO" cnnrfnH .Tim Marlon "Wn'll T tn't lalmln Vio a fi-wl but yew might give me credit for Knowuv my own rancn. They sped past the water-tank. tuonnnuen on rage i A moss I. Soar f, Krrentrl piece S. Wen poni It. openwork fnhrl 15. Anrlcnt trlat Ttlltl 14. Flo 16. Aiuti rentlr II. Skin llatitt l1. :iospl mr J. iinni ordrrlr 81, Outer coterlnjr as, mir hottnm Si. I. on iriiltrr 17. Itrttlhrc of Jiirolt t. l-.lcrlrlfltd lnirtlcU St. on- ho glrei a If nut II. Po lure St. Anirtnntlr ST. lie liriilrn St. Mlnctd ofttfc 4K I.onff fluh it. UpiI of a wild boa it 41. lioliit 47. llRlInn poet II. Heirt comb, form 8olutlon of Yesterday's Puzxls IlM AL TSA L TflO DTE S L I N E RUE R !HPE r t" an n 16 u nIcje rJsIs ne r eIeHm oBs'a, f eQee l C3aM S Ef3A VjE RlS E D'RlE S g E dFt ein I CI RjpjM E Wd I JNiN e'rB l VIA A SIT AljflriEtlDlg OjM B F:GBs Lib P E pUA N T,E EEr at e rHr e fu.s"es r TnxLrrsnrRBsiE E EMI TflO R NlAlM ElN t)a L S LO nn" 0 U NflS E AT S 5 ElNltUSlA 61eUt1E RISIE is. Leir III tors K4. Wlhs Kk Hoaktr M. Smooth 6T. Take o fnrff SM, Cereal mrn 61. Tropical (rait DOW1T L Karopran tnoantnlna S. He aolleltOBI 8. Proiea 4. I.PRTPt 5, VehlH t. Improves f. Fashioned S. Iieeivii t. ) i.l nit hack 15. Foriilibct a crew II. Let It itanfl 16. lllafk eurko 0. itonler on it. Human trraat 21. KoKoUh tk Bin of aa nnrhor t. Slntnl tn. On the oreaa SO. IMlhle tuber It, ftlftfirnllna nleknniue IS. Npniiloh iMt month rrt pot IS. Charged mltfe gne IS, hrowsy 41. Uneven S. Mnnntuln la Crete 44. Metal fnstener 4k Hnbtle. intlt- Ible emanntlol 41 foraipr em peror 49. Mew atar 41. Allowance for wait IS, Analo8tzoa llHTt M. Bora 12 13 14 4 S U 7 If 't ;2Lii X . 's '7 71 7f "so Z4"STJC ""27 2S 2fSo S7 33 3l" 34 3S 44 "7s 4 4j TiTfsT si 71s 7T7Z sf tt33 77sf UctolEXXX OU THE SKEXV TIKABJ.S TO CETf AX.OUD, KELPUES8 TO OELiVKR, ITS KK88X6K- THKT SOTTUt- U.K GOT K CKKTS T0- i'll wve to etT so-. LOOK erv T6V.KV,V,NtMeR. a u pm oa cwfM.iwTMCKMTfM REG'LAR FELLERS Slight Oversight By Gene Byrnes OH mom! rWILU VA SET ME THAT BICYCLE DOWN IN GOLDFARBEN'S WLLYAMOM?V ITS AWPUL CHEAP1. TMEYRE NEARCfCllVIN' IT AVWOff CAUSE I PRICED it: ONEY FIFTY inn xmlMMW fipty cents fr" J li """- wmEi!&mwkr TAILSPIN TOMMY Yessuh! We Has A Boat! Yessuh! Uy (1LKNN CHAFI'lN UDi HAL FOHBEST I 7WSgmmM question of eatinq-1 f comical jnevah r listcnboys, v jr us din .wthestuffw wMytfffl THERE wouldnt 6e b p DUMB DORA A Whale Of An Idea By Paul Fung BUT I A5K VOU,DORA---J ! rr a rTffiiTf l ti n r th iSiLv.. ri know! J ' ; :: I f I I I ' 11 ' J Sfe - W&L.I-SO J j .. .:; 1 110.'!' ijirrT)rfli'1ft-Cfi' iablJ.Tv"hPrwL Mll... ' , -.r..... ' "- " v r m n n i . BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus ( THIS MAXES THE ' S 7 ' FIFTY- FlR"bT COURSE I iwwd ,irV . Apt lihKS HI l,M, 1.11 " O""1' C'"' Br"' nt" MOW LOOK AT TW Bl; FAT-HEAO PUSVlM' THE SAjne-AM' LOOK AT THE 5ET-L "LL OUST TELLTHAJT DUNCE VHAT I THINK OF HIM' i "--r- loi I MEV- I I I DIMTV?! I HCLUO, 1 MUTT AND JEFF It's Team Work That Wrecks Wagons By Bud Fisher TrrSCCRtSHrT rro comc Down. SttF, THIS I A Honey BtAR. I i MC coutt o it; DOlT?1Hrl ruMurl X AHJT AMY CAOnM OOTTA mt YOU II IT I V I T I fl.swcr I A COT or I 4i"V I I .cVnon m curinf. JI I V aVATViM X KrDfT U I CV I hbm tawMM