FRIDAYAUGUST 22, 1930 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM; OREGON PAGEELEVEPT More Men Follow Professions Than Ever Catch Up With Them. Capitaljfejournal Hate Pt word : no tfuerUaa, 1 ecu i three lnuruotui fi cuu; aM week ccau; one mouth jb eetite-. on imi bu. awaU. 30 cenia; minimum pei la 38 Milts. Rat talten Tver phone ao l9t adverilaer hu mouth If c- error Went sde must ba !& br 1b a m day publiection. Real but and Auto ads by 1 p ma day previous) la publlvatlan. FOR SALE HOUSES EXTRA SPECIALS Cost 7200 to build, to seU for C5000. Full basement, furnace, fireplace, latKO living an dining rooms, sua room, kitchen bedroom Eixlli, 4 nice large bedrooms upstairs, each closet door plate glass mirror. Bathroom up and down stairs; hardwood' floors duwusUUra;. a double garage large lot. 4 rooms and nook, furnace, fireplace, basement, garage, paved street, good lot. A snap at 03000. tlUO down and $2a pec month. Money to Loon Insurance MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. 8. B.uik bidg. Phone 637. a201 BY OWNER a modern 7-room home, close In; terms. Box 333 Capitul Journal. a202 HOME HEBKEKS ATTBNTIOr Why pay rent? When you can buy from us a cracker Jack of a home Just like rent, for (20. 25, 30 per month Including Interest. 6-R plastered ' bouse, bath, etec. garage, 1 lots, price $1500 for &20 month. Or a six room house neat and clean, bath, lights, garage, paving paid for 91700 at 920 month. If you must rent we have thein 913 to 940. Furnished 9 IB to 905. Information see BECHTEL or THOACASON 341 State St. Room 4 Shown by an appointment a AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY 9 room home, strictly modern, large lot, east front, close to Erulcwood school. Price 93850. Terms to suit. W. H.ORABENHORST&Co.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phono 515. a200 NO DOWN PAYMENT 91800 'full price, 920 per month. Why pay rent? 752 S. 18th St. See Nelson at Ladd & Bush, or In evening call 2666W. a201 STOP THAT RENT HEAD THIS THEN HURRY 8-ROOM house, fireplace, 2 nice bed rooms, bath and toilet. All In A-l shape. This home Is completely fur nished with nice furniture, price re duced for quick sale. 92500. 9900 will bundle It. Balance easv. See my agents SEARS di TUCKEH, 18 S. Com'l St. a FOR SALE 9 or 8-room houses, easy payment. Phone BBSJi aBQ4 FOR SALE FARMS LOOK LOOK One chance In a life time like this. 20 A. farm for 91600; only 9350 cash, balance at 9200 per year and Interest 6 per cent. 12 A. cultivated land, 8 A. pasture oil fenced; 120 prune trees, A. strawberries, 4 R. house, barn, chicken house, good well water. All for 980 acre. Can you beat It? Shown by appointment only. See BECHTEL & THOMASON 341 State St. Boom 4 b" FOR SALE 80 acre farm 5 miles out on good road, small house, good barn, chick en coops, 20 acres cultivated, balance timber and pasture. Well fenced, good well, Bpring water piped to house. Some Htock, chickens and a barn full of hay all go for 94800, part cash. bal. terms, or will take Salem home as part. 320 Statu St. Phone 1727 70 ACRES 95500 rnm 7-mnm And 1 4-room tlOUU, barn. 29- A cultivated' land, 25 A. tint ber. running waler. barn; full hay. 10 head cattle. 2 good horses, wagon and all farm implements. Trade for a house in Salem or a small. tract close to Salem or uaiias. S R. house, barn, poultry house. 25 A. .iii..t.ri innri is A. timber, run ning water, bam full ot hair. Trade for a, place, not over Good Improvement. 40 A. cultivated, land. 8 A. good timber, 20 A. crop, good land and good location. Will exchange for larger place or city itr. i.n kanr ttrntlll auai lUlUUt house lease and tunHahlnga to sea at low price, see in smittt commercial St. b 93750 cash buys 20 acres all under cultivation; 7 room nouse. oascniwin,, nr,ri. llt flrenlace. some built- in,. ...... oidViran hmiM. family fmit. eleven acres of fine Italian prune orchard, and filberts. If you are looking for a bargain, let us show you this place. ,. W H. GRABENHORST& Co.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St, b200 PACIFIC HIGHWAY BUY gS'SOO bms 17 acres located on mam Pacific highway, 6 room house, a acres of apples and prunes several cherry and walnut trees. This place is w. H. GRABENHORST & Co.. RealtomI 134 S. Liberty St, Pn0D2-SAV 94000; 'A down for 30 acre farm. 9100 an acre soil. 7-room house, telephone, mall delivery, school, bus. good roads. Buildings in good repair. Worth 3000. H. c. Porter, AumsvUle? p201 PRICES ARE RIGHT 6 ACRES close to Salem, some cultl TPited 94 00; terms. . , . lo ACRE3. 7 cultivated, good land; 9700. terms. . 10 ACRES, buildings, nice view, good road, 91300; terms. 4 acres close In, also bungalow trade for ranch. Extra well located 7 room for small BROWN OT WM. W. POWELL 109 8. Commercial b201 PRICE REDUCED 9500 on thin fth 15-acre place. (Food bearing cherry or chard of i acres, nice six, room house, electricity, garage, barn and chicken house. Close to Salem. Terms. See Kelson at Ltd and Bush, or in. eve ning call 2656W. 200 FOR SALE Misceilatreons HAVE TWO 9152 console White elec tric sewing- machines nt 950 each. WHITE SEWINO MACHINE CO. 167 O. High St. c209 BARTLETT Pears 60w Dmhel. bring pox. Ht. g. box 64. pliuue 14lJia ctvi WOOD and gas combination range. Practically new. 975 Norway. c300 FOR SALE Crawford; peaene. end Bartlett pears. 1 mile norxo. on Biver road. Wlckerfs. phone 4F5 C203 PpR SALE peaches, cheap. KJogwood Phone 61F13. c200 VSED LIIMRPB mm lc ttpntins. 2x4S flooring, windows 2x12s. enrae doors atth track. Just across, creek on, w. Com ! St. Albright A Jlame. phone 623W. c203 LATE White electrtt: sewing machine r'P- 0i Juason. 3565W.' "VJ BAROAIN for cash "Hirdmsn" pi ano, splendid condition, excellent tone; also Atwater-Kent 7-tube radio Jith battery set and eUmlnatan 378 Bellevue St., Salem. C205 FOR sale Garaae to be moved. 3M misn st. c201 JARLY CRAWFORD peaches, Aspln U Bros,, Waconda on Salem-Cham-Pog road. Phone 5P2S. c205 pLD MATLE. oak and walnut furnl" Inre- Also some china. Box 3TJ. vapital Journal, o200 FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE upright Dlano. 1020 Cross street. c02 CRAWFORD and Carmel peaches; El berta ready In 1U dai. L. Tnwn. sand. c2U& CUCUMBEIAS lor sale, prefer you pick them. C. A, Bear, farm 2 uules south of Turner. c200 SINOHH portable electric Mwin mv PEARS for canning asc. Turn in at dryer on Wallace road. F, C. Ewing. caul GOOO baud cldes pceae, phone 845J. c202 BARTLETT PEARS. Call 56P13. FARM property and- Automobile In- surance now at lower rates. Wm. A rsrscK Nient, irnoiie C222 CANNING PEACHES. Pears, Apples. EUUIW. HKHIl UIUO. JsTli. CT PEACHES and all kinds fresh fruits snci YPKciaoios, -naraena stand '4 mile south Wacondi on Salem -Cham-poeg road. Phone lame ordem to J. P. Asplnwall. 6F21. c217 VOR SALE sweet annlf drier inc. anl- Ion or two gallons for 3i)c. Apples at cuMwrwa' erne works 2J04 N. Ftout St. C204 BOOKCASE, dlniuii and library tables, beds, San. couches, cabinet and drawers, runs. 036 N. Summer FOR SALE some very good bargains in usea wooa ranges tnut we replaced with our latest models of bus ranges. See them at our storo 130. S. Illh. TWO drafting tables. Blue print fil ing caoinet. ann s, acuic nignway. Woodburn. Ore. c201 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, good family cow. 3 4 gal. rich milk dally, 950 cash. Sophie H. nuu, ttt. i, tticKrea 1 1, urc. eaui DR. FRED W. LANUB. Veterinarian Office 529 a. Commercial phone lldfl Residence on one lofiO r DAIRY cows for sale or trader 1-8 down. Balance oner year. Red barn. n. commercial ana uoiumDia. neison Bros. Phone 705; 185 N High St. POR SALE team of black mares, new harness, waeon. Dlow. 210 Brown St. Sllverton e200 FOR SALE WOOD WOOD FOR SALE 16-lnch old fir: 4-foot 2nd growth fir and maple. Priced reasonable. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State St. Phone 1727 ce- WOOD SAWING. Phone 1819. ec225 FOR SALE, 5B5J. wood in timber. Phone ee204 GOOD DRY 4-foot old fir 96.50 per cotd. Write M. E. Morley, Sublimity. DRY 16 inch old fir, 4 ft. fir. oak, ash. old fir and- hill slab. C. U. Har baugh's Transfer and Fuel B38 High land, phone 1990. ee224 noon old f lr 7 oer full cord. Second growth and oak. Phone 1850. ee204 PLANER wood 93.50 load; slabwood 92.75 load: 2nd growth fir 93.50 load; old1 fir, 94 load). Tracy'e- Fuel Yard. Phone 29B5. ec '3 WOOD; from timber to- you. Phone 3739 ee210 Mirm fir and oak wood. Ed Stortz. Phone 2989J. ee209- WOOD, L. C. Kelly. Phono 1573J. ee210 ALL KINDS of DRY ML D. Mayf leld. FOR WOOD SAWING call ZANDER. Phone 3465M. etflQl WOOD sawlna. speedy and accurate service. Phono 1223. ee216 WOOD sawing, Sproed Bros Phone 1131. ee205 ORDER your wood now. Best 18 -inch inside siao wooa mixea at looos s Mitchell Co., 95.50 per cord from car. Phone 013. 349 S. 12th St. ee ffUWT class dry old fir slab, l-in old far mill block. Screened) hog fuel Prompt delivery. Phone 1542. Fred t Wells. Inc.. 280 8. Church St. SHED' DRY WOOD & COAL. SALEM HELP WANTED WANTED; saleslady, for an attractive line of merchandise. Call 166 North Liberty- Call tonne, 7 to g. g--aw HOP PICKING in Mlnto yard will start) Monday, August 20i Telephone 2516. B202 RELIABLE girl for general housework. I Phone BP! Independence; g204 WANTED, lady, prefer middle age, to take care ot fathiir and mother. Ad dxess eU letters to box 66, Gervals. Ore. 8301 CARPENTER wanted. Hsve fruit end' nut trees to pay for calves, F. O. box 12. Salem. g200 nrAKmra vamreon blackberry Dickers. Will start Monday, 1 mile east of Brooks. Jessie McCoy. g200 WE COACH you for coming examin ations, full particulars and llBt posi tions free, 91260-93000 year gov ernment Jobs. Men. women. 18-46. Steady wortt. Apply immediately. Bx. 339 Capital Journal. g201 HOP pickers wanted; Williams hop yard; Register at Employment Office 270 Chomegeta. Phone 24S8. g208 SITUATIONS WANTED UNIVERSITY girl wishes work for board and soom. Box 334, Capitol Journal. ' h205 WANTBD position as housekeeper. Inquire room t 205 N, Commer0- MAN wants work mornings and eve nings for room and board. Phone Miscellaneous WANTED .....rr.n rvft uuiut nr Rfl nrrp farm, good buildings and water. Can give reierences. sa. J. A SNEED. WELL DRILLER. yiD H. inth fir... Dhone 2464J. 225 WILL trade an electric range for owk tt-rvKi. 2hx unemeacia oi. iinnu hncrriorl in n rpill dflfl hOtel. B. B Flake s Petland Farm. Pacific nigh-1 n nnrrf. ' 1 FOR RENT ONE ROOM prtmtnt month, In- riirimc. KsraKC. POK RENT 8 room house Mid J- b5 month. Phon 485. 03 PUHNT3HKD S room honw ooo lo cation. prlr.t. .t rg- .An Mr. raDlul Journal. JZU" electrlmlly equippwJ. Adulu """-.Jj; PDIWISHSD 2-im. rrtment; 1mP- BOIBU, BOOM. grae. M wt. kictk Pumlshfd pt.. clow in. m children; 15 per month, tut. a. u. n..hhrd. 11 Marlon St. )aoi unDBRrT 7-room house, 685 W. lain 1102 Phone viMJ. CLEAN Furnuhed 4 room., bjtn, tur- . i. .u.a n nariiv iur 5rKT ?"r Wrtmente- and rooms. 476 North commercial. NICE furnished first floor Partmrn 590 union. - . w,n.4pn niinizsinw, itia n ColtABO. Plioue 3j9U. J-"! FOR RENT 2-ROOM aparoneuc. Price- right. o H. Liberty. laoi MOnilfJt (Umnm hnrnu Minll. nui Call 640 State St. ' UU1 MODERN 3 room apartment, electric stove. Phone 2024J. 5 KOOi Plastered house for xeut. iu imu- mantn. aia aouui aotn. rioi WANTED to rent service, station on gailonage basis. But terms, box 338 Journal. 1301 NICE S-Room cottage wttn flrepftwrc and base meat $20. 631 Bra) a avenue. 8-ROOM house, electric lhthta. bath. garage, not far out, 915 per mo. Phone tij. on iripp or nog an., uu n. Com'l. J21XJ PGR RENT furnished apartment, 3 rooms and private bath. Close In. Reasonable rent. 268 N. Cottage. J207 4 ROOM Duplex. Phone L00A. HENDERSON furnished &Pts. Phone 1005. J222 5 -room furnished houiw. Phone 48 IJ. J 201 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Private bath. 545 Court. Phone 1057. J2Q.1 3-ROOM furnished apartment, lights, water, wood furnished 922.50; 1873 Court. Call Sundays or evening. J 200 2-ROOM furnished house, 43o Divi sion. J200 4-ROOM house nartlv furnished, bath. garage. Adults. 763 N. Winter. J200 0-ROOM furnished modorn house. Electric range, piano. Ph. 2024J. J20Q 3-ROOM apartment, well furnished and clean, rates reasonable. Adults. 475 If. Capitol. J 2-17 PATTON apartments, down town dis trict. Nicely furnished, private bath, etc. For Inspection call Patton's Book store. j1 FOR RENT; newly renovated house. 927.60. Close- in. 268 North Liberty at pnone iaaj. y THREE garages for rent, aown town section Phone 1B.14J l PIANOS. Phonographs and sewing machin for rent. H L stiff Furni ture Co. ! LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady "a black purse, park. Please- phone 2564R. LOST, small red Chow dog. Answers to "Pedee ". Phone 2165J; 876 N. Lib erty StMrHoltReward k201 LOST Boston Bull brindle with white face, from Lone Star Auto camp. Please return. Phone 301 1J LOST woman's Schaeffer Lifetime fountain pen. Return to 17. N. Front itewara. kjiuu "miscellaneoCs ASTROLOGY, palmistry, advice. Max well, state, rnone liu. muu INVALIDS cared for. Convalescent. and rect borne. Aahiantf ore. miw REAL ESTATE LIST your property- with us- and SAVE the commission. Buyers get your name- and address from our display boards, then deal DIRECT Vflth you. You pay tut a, amalL exhibit fee,, that's all. OWNERS-' RBAL ESTATE LISTING BUREAU 121 New Bligh Bidg, Telephone 717 Salem, Ore. n205 6 ACRES mile from city limits, east, 6 room house, electricity, small chicken house, garage, 93300;. very easy terms. 10 a. witn new nouse, full basement, furnace; hwd. floors, C1CC. avnuaoie, some iruit, "duu. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 173 S. High St.. ON ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY" '4 mile ocean frontage, excellent beach, well located for developing an ocean resort. Priced reasonable. No phone information. See Gclser. MOUNTAIN RESORT Waterfalls, mountain home sites, vis- ltcd annuauy Dy many. Acessioie oy good roads. Information by appoint ment. Willamette valley land or Income property as part payment on modern Salem apartment house, and some cash. See Gelser witn 169 S. High St. n200' LIVE IN COUNTRY WAVJE (TTY rOHVENrBNCB nftAiirifnl little counLrv nlace. Ideal spot for children. Nicely wooded wttlt- year arouna stream. bduui mice bhw OI clear iana. uooa sou, iruit uu B-irrian. 4 room nlastered house with fireplace, basement and furnace. Ga rage and chicken house. Close to Sa lem on good; road. Will sell S acre for 93750. or 10 acres for 95500.. Call SOCOLOFSKY & SON for polntment. 1st Natl Bank Bidg. 1 APRE SUBURBAN HOME This place Is located on gravel road, cAnxm to Pacific hluhwav and one- halt mile outsme city umiis, a room house, large chicken house, running wateo year around, good well, best of soil. Price 92000. 950 down and 920 per month. Interest. 6. W. H. GRABENHORST & Co., Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 515 nzuu 1WRTAJ.I.MHNT ACREAGE ii tn.t n miri III) n.r mniith buvs S acres of fine strawberry land, east of Sniem, an unaer cuiiivasion. rrivv etnnn. TntwrrRt fl'".. 925 down and 910 per month buys B BCreS OI lirsa Ufiiy mm iiticiv soli, located on pavement east, oi ou- l.m Orl fft tnt n'. 925 and 910 per month buvs a fine one acre tract close to Englewood school, best of soil. Price 91000. Int. 9200 down and balance terms to suit, .' on ucrft of first cIbrs straw berry land, located south of Salem.. all unaer cuiiivanon. www. Intercut 6.. , 4 If you are looking for ft small Install- W H" ORABBNHORST, Co.. Heetrop 134 S, Liberty St Phone515 nauu WE HAVB 40 Unproved acres, stocked .iimiHf ii miles of Salem: 30 acres tillable. 'price 939001 2000 Cash and 4 on Balance. in rprR nt nrv fine land on Tmve- ment 7 miles Salem, splendid orchard, berriee. near school. Price 98700, ao WELL improved acres on highway, equipped. lor pouiiry. e,ieciriL-n.. beautiful plwce- with stock and equip A 6-ROOM bouse In fair lotlon for only 91200, with 925 down end 2G per monta. . , A GOOD close In 7-room furnished house for only S3U per momn rciiv. 200-10 P. 8. Bank bidg. Phone 140. PHD R1I.F ffstrft good 60 A. dairy farm miles from Salem; good bids, well fenced, watered by creek and wells: some amber, family fruitn. Fine team eoll and nice location; enws. 9 borers, fowls, machinery of all xindsv hay and feed. 95000 down and long time on balance at o per efnt. PERRmB MARSntRA 212 Gray Bidg. 10 ACRES In full bearing cherries and apple, shack. On paving and good (travel rotd. 92WW. lerms. m .4- mAam of CltV. DOOd tOOd' em buildings, lend will soon be available for lote. Priced to sell at WINNTB PETTYJOrTN. Realtor " 175 8. High St n journal Want Ads Pay EXCHANGE Real Estate PROPERTY here, rnde for eastern or California. P. O. Box 513. nnaoo 1XCHAMCH Neat 4-room bungalow tor esechsmiB fur ft- or 6 room modorn homo in Kn glcwood district. Will assume up to 91000 difference. 94500- equity in fins tome la Saietn. also good 93500 first nortag to ex change foe home or Income property in Portiana. SES Mrs. Ellis with ion m rurr.ns rA. KMltmi 220 Stat St. - Phone- 175T CALIFORlfIA acrcH, O-roora brick house, hardwood Doors modern tqulpt for 2D0 hens, to exchange for land near Selem. Oeo; Messenger, BOB Car hart Ave.. FUUerton. Cat. nn2U4 FOR TRADE Large building, in good valley town; good location- for feed store, trade for good light truck. Rt. 1. box 2. Lyons, Ore. nn200 mcrmAWnv for aood house in Salem 10 acres all set to prunes. 4V,4 miles irom aaiem. FOR SALB. 9-room nouar. located on Winter St. Look this up. A bargain. 160 A. FOR SALE or trade at 912 per acre. Come In and see this before you 5 ACRES for trade. IT miles east oi.; Salem. What have you? SQUARE DEAL REAL ESTATE 202 U. S. Bank bidg. Phone 740. na' Will trade equity in small home for light sedan. Inquire 2779 Brooks Ave. nn201 win. tmrtm now Rlfctric ranite for oak wood 202 Chemekcta St. nn203 AUTOMOBILES White truclr, first elass condition, new tires. Phone B47M; 920 Mill, qgoa '25 Model Ford coupe. In good run ning order. Good rubber, 985. Inquire 1795 S. Liberty evenings q200 1920 CHRYSLER 65 coach. Will sell or trade equity. Route 7, Bx. 193. Salem. 0301 6 Dodue Truck ...9365.00 29 Ford Rdstr. 365.00 29 Ford Coupe .............. 385.00 28 Essex Sedan 31&H0 27 Chev. Coupe . . . 2;00 24 Overland Sedan . ..... 85.00 Fora oeaan witn libc ... u.w EIKER AUTO CO. Cor. Lib. & Ferry St. q VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY USED CARS 1929 Model A Tudor 9450 1U2A f?hvrnlt ennch ......... 375 1928 Model A roadster ......... 350 1027 Chevrolet coupe 1927 Ponttac coupe 285 1926 Standard Studebaker coach 295 1929 Model A sport roadster ... 425 1026 Chevrolet landau sedan .. 225 1926 Model T coupe. Ruxtell .. 150 6 Trucks priced 950 to 9GS0 1020 Model A closed pickup ... 425 Terms iTaues VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY Phone 1905. Center at Liberty. q FINANCIAL LOANS WE CHARGE 2 PER CENT On unpaid balances. Who niv 9 ner 'cent when you can borrow for 2 per cent? Loans on Pianos and Furniture without removal OREGON FINANCE CORPORATION VUv- Masonic aunaiun, Salem, Oregon Organized' by Salem Business Men For protection to Borrower (Licensed by State) r207' LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE on plain notes, endorsed notes furniture and pianos. All trans actions strictly confidential. STATE. LOAN COMPANY 312 Oregon Bidg., 2nd floor. Corner State and Utah. Office hour. 1Q aan. to 0:30' p.m. Telephone 833, Licensed by State FARM LOANS 5, small, expense. ir. l. wooa. liu otave- oi.. i WB HAVB plenty or money to loan on farm and city property. Low Interest rates. Hudklne Mortgage 4k Investment Co. Millers Store bidg. Phone 2218 r WE HAVE THE MONEY To refinance your, present borne or farm lnnn nlrm to- assist VOU to l)UV. Ouua or anorave. ijans; lemu, tow- rates. Pay off any time. See us first. I if It In r" ' at fi'' 290' N. Church St. Phone 2830 r WTfRRTS TO BORROW MONBY. On antnmablles. furniture, livestock, per sonal effect- and other good eecur- itiM- National Loan se nnance o.. (licensed a? state) 410 Bank; of Com- mcrcce, eaiem, ure. PKAfli-JMAL LOANS nn snlnrles. fn mil ure.. cars, endorsed notes, repayable 1-20 months. Borrow safely from Salem's own and largest II nance company, wuics. ana uuuvi service. Licensed by state. 2od floor 1st Nat'l Bank Bidg. Phone 130D. Office hours. 8s30 to 6 p. m. r trawMTi-iR Mr. rorrhtts. Inc for city and farm loans. Rates and costs low est available. Prompt servloe, 208 Ore gon Building. BORROW money, on your personal oroDcrty. Pay basic In monthly in stallment. ' W I LLAM ti te lAjpin uuairAm Licensed by State 605 Bank of Commerce Bidg. r MONEY to- loan on real estate. Priv ate money, lowest rates. T. K. Ford, First National Bank. r AN INSTALLMENT LOAN Is E.iav to ReDav Why not let us explain its advantages over a BbruiKiib luun r ANDERSON & RUPERT 1G3 S. High Street norresDondents Equitable Savings & Loan Ass'n r LOANS OS ACTOMOB ILE9 Contracts Refinanced payments Reduced You keep your automobile We pay balance due dealer, bank or finance company, and reduce- youc- payment. Ad- ' d l Clonal money loaned. Strict ly confidential- We handle, our own paper. EIKER AUTO CO. Corner Liberty and Ferry Ntg. Phone 121 Salem. Ore. FEDERAL FARM LOANS 64. Wilkinson. U. 8. Bank bidg. 545 WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS And ei son Ruoerfc IfiO 8. High 1 BUSINESS Opportrmities WANTlltD man. or woman, to repre sent In Salem an vicinity, eld ea- tabllsnea investment nouse. r. Hamre, Sllverton. ulW BtrsTAtlRANT far sale or trade for farm or acreage. Owner haa. other business. Boi 439 Journal. u DIRECTORY LLOYD E. RAMSDENv bike accessories and bicycles, 3B7 mrurt street. BATTKRY KrPrLf8 B, D. BAJYTON. National Batteries, starter and generator work. Ferry and High streets. CHIMNEY hWfcRPH R. E. NOHTHNES3, Phone 110. CHIKOPBACTOKS DR. O. L. SCOTT, chiropractor. 2M M Hlifti atrt. Phonw a7 A 3104J. o- DR. H. B. SCOFIELD. X ray. Phone Jim, 414 Flrat Natl Bank Blilg. DIRECTORr MIU1K C U OM JACOB WEIZ.EL. Cabinet work and reftnishtng. Furniture repairing, ph. iai. aao court ei aeiem. CONTH.CTUR!i J. A. KAPPHAHif, Oenerel team and power shovel con tractor, excavating and graduig. OUioe phone- U69 Bee. 9LNtiK.VLG SALSM ENGRAVING COt Cute Ot all purposes. TeL. 34 ISO a. commercial street. LLKCTU1CU. Ml' PPL IBS HALIK ELECTRIC CO.. 401 N. Front St, Bleetria contractlns; and repairing. Appliances and FUturest Phone Z. FLEENSR ELECTRIC COw Electnc lighting iixturee end else trie Phone 980. 471 Court street. CUT flowers and floral pieces. Deliv ery, f, nreiuiaupviJorw, ou auue iiLTL rnone sno. LEE GARBAGE CO- Prompt service. Phone 1S61. 0200 MKWn.TiTiT TA1LOH A. E3TE3. fine taUorlnav 226 North laoerty street. INtttUANCK CHAS. 8PDRCIN Real Estate and Insurance, 17S South I'l l MIUNi PLUMBING and ceneral renalr work. Phone 650. Graber Bros. 164 South Liberty street. THEO. M. BARR, Plumbing, heating sneet metal worxs, iui o. uommerciai street. MATllti:sSl-:s Kl. NOV AT tD reilo- MATTRB6SES renovated. We vate all kinds of mattresses, called for and delivered, bcsl oi wore suar- anteed. Capital City Bedding. Co., f ortiano roaa. i none iu. PRINTING ROWLAND PRINTING CO, Masonic Temple basement. Phone 1612 PIANO ORO. C. WILL. Dlanos. Dhonoarachs. sewinn machines, sheet music and piano studies. Itepalrlns phonographs and sewing machines.. 432. State aw esaiem, uregon. ArOVi:!! ANII STOVE KKPAIK1.NG STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT and repaired by expert. All kinds of wov en wire fence, fancy and plain. Hop baskets and hooks, logan hooks.. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 202 unemexeta at. k. b. r iemmg. HCAVANGKK CITY GARBAGE CO, Prompt eej Phone 2200. SALEM SCAVANGER. Phone 167. SOOS GARBAGE CO., reliable service Phones, office 3125; Res. 893J. SALEM GARBAGE CO. for prompt and continuous service. Charles Sooa and can sooa. pnone 3125 or bubj. TRANS FEU AM) STORAGE CUMMINS & HORTSCH, local and long distance hauling; Phone 2462; hps. vzf or i2tmt. . WAT1R COMPANY OREGON -WASHINGTON Water Serv ice company. Off loos corner Com mercial and Trade streets. Bills pay- a oie mommy, inonos a k UATC'U Hl l'AIHiNtJ GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING or money back. The JeweL Box. 178 N. Liberty, Baiem. LEGALS NOTItH TO CONTRACTOKS Notice is hereby given that the un- aersigneu win receive seaiea oias un til 7:30 o'clock o. m.. Tuesday. Seo tember 2. 1030. for tho construction of cement sidewalks in the City of 1 Salem, Oregon, as follows: On the NORTH SIDE OF NORWAY 1 STREET BETWEEN. CAP I T O L STREET AND THE S, P COj. Right of Way, along Lot 6,. Block 4, Cardwell Addition. Re. No, 2399. S. one-half of fractional block of North Salem Addition lying west of Block 4, Cardwell Addition. Res. No. 2400. On the WEST SIDE OF NORTH 25th STREET BETWEEN STATE AND WALKER STREETS, along That property covered by Vol. 104. Page 277 of Deed Records lor Mar lon County, Oregon. Res. No. 2407. That property covered by Vol. 7fl, Page 16 of Deed Records for Marlon County, Oregon.. Res. No. 2408. Lot 10.. Block VEast Side Addition. .Xttm.. No. 5411 Lot 8. Block H East Side Aadltton. ;Res. No, 2412. On the WEST SIDE OF 15th STREET BETWEEN B AND D STREETS, along: That nroDertv covered by Vol. 101 Pmre 108; of Deed Records for Maclon County, vrcgon.. kcs. ro. aeao: Th Mist one -hair of Lota 6 and 7, Block 11, Parrlsn Addition "B-". Res. No. 2418.. on mi x.rr RTnw of aom TTREFT RTTTViHllN FREDRICK AND "u 3. Burlington addition. Residence no. , " t, MnTJT RIDE OP BELLE- 7UE STREET BETWEEN 19th and IfirVi RTHKET8 liuni Lit . !SiuC. 17, Caoll Park 'addition. Res. No. 2426. on iM. KilRTH SIDE OP COLUM BIA BluEETT BETWEEN FRONT AND COMMERCIAL KTHEETS along Lots 6 and 7, Block- 2. Compton Ad dition. Ren. No. 2436. On th EAST SIDE OP PROItT STREET BETWP1EN COLUMBIA AND ACADEMY STREETS alona Lot 14. 13IOCK niversiue wuwuu. Res. No, 2438. .jj... Lot 10. uiock Kiversiae nauniuu. Res No 2441 Lot it, Block 4, Riverside Addition. Ros. No. 2442. On tho SOUTH SIDE OF MILL RTIiEET BETVKEN 14th and loth STREErn along iois au , ao iinK-nrnltv AdHlttnn. Res. No. 2454. Plans ana speculations may ur had at the ofllco of the city engineer.) Each bidder will be required to file; with his bid a certified check, or bid bond, payable to the City of Salem, m the amount of 6 per cent of the amount of bid. which will be forfeit-1 ed to the cit In case the bidder shall fall or refuse to enter into contract for the. construction) of the sidewalks If awarded tflie bid.. Bids should be made out on forme secure at the city engineer's office and must show i the nrttolution number and descrip tion and location ot property. The right Is resenved by the Com mon. Council to accept any or to re lprt all bids in the Interest of the Citv. MARK POTJLSON. City Recorder. Salem, ornmn. 2oa mm DISPLEASED WITH GERARD'S LIST (Continued from page 1) tern yean without reckoning with Alice Paul." u!4 Mis Maude Younger, leglalattre chairman oi the national women's party. Miss Younger cited motion pic ture and lumbef industries on Gerard's list as net being particu larly powerful on the national scene, and declared It quite pons!. ble- for various women's orKanlr tlons to compete with them. In shaping the laws of the nation, Her final shot was that while Gerard's list was "prettr Dak It did show women would have to get the economic power so they LEGALS L'X.HflM9 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County uase no. ioa. . Henrv Wilouet. Plaintiff, vs. J. F. Wllauet. e Administrator of the Eet&te oi Mars F. Oceeolret ceased: J. P. Wllauet. widower: Cella rteaer ana joon uor ncasr.. ner husband: Johnnie Ferscnwilex and "Uanr Doe' Ferecbwuar. bis wue: Eugenuv Fellows and "John Doe Fel- loare. ner nusoancK Fierenos- STrsen- wUir. Ide Pratt end Jann Dee" Pratt bxr husband: Walter Perscbwiler endJ "Jane Doe Ferschwiier, his wue, ae- So: Cella Reder and "John Doe' Reder. her husband: Johnnie Fersch wiier end "Mary Cm" Ferechwtler, hle( wue: Kuuenia- Fellowr and: Jonn Doe" Fellows, her husband; Florence Fereehwller: Ida Pratt and "John Doe' Pratt, her husband: Walter Fersch wiier and 4&ne Due!' Fecschwuerw his wile. IN THH NAME OP THH STATE OF OREGON : You and eadi of you are hereby reaulred to bddbt and an swer the comnlalnt filed aaatnst you in the above-entitled court and auit on or before four weeks from the date or the nrst publication or tnia sum mons, the date of each first publi cation hereof bettur Aurrust 22. 1030. and If vqu fall so to annear and an swer said complaint, for want thereof. trie FiaintiTT will rase a decree against you for all and singular the relief prayed for la Plaintiff's complaint. to-wit: . That the Plaintiff be decreed to ne the owner in fee slmDle of the fal lowing described real property, to-wit: Beginning at the we cor. or fjiaim No. 70. In T. S S R. 2 W. of the Wil lamette Met., In Marlon County, Ore gon; thence running south S'j W. 23.56 chains; thence N. 82 W. (on dividing line 122.10 chains: thenee N. 23.97 chains; thence S. H2 E. 124.53 chains to the place of beginning, arm containlna 204 acres, more or less, and Deing in tne nonnern pun, oi ciaim No. 70. In said Tp. and R., ana en tered under the Donation Lana Claim Act by Etienne Oregon. also: Beginning at tne ow, cor, of the Northwestern "L" shaped pro lection of the DLC of E. Grettolre No. 79, the said cor. being 84 links south of the quarter section stake between nrttnnm ft nnrt ft- thenaa N. 2 chains and. 01 links;, thence S. 62" E. 47 chains ana id linns; tnence souta 11 'A B. S chains and 33 links; thence a fl7ii- S. 7 chains and 14 links; thence Ht. 2' W. 4 chains and 06 links; thence 8. B2 B. 66 chains to a point In the road on the eastern boundary line of said DLC: thence S. S'V W. 8 chains and 1 link to an angle and the southwest cor. of DLC No, 63; thence S. 5 W. on the said eastern boundary Hue 3 chains-and 6S links to the SB cor. of. tract of land hrrehv conveved: thence N. 884 W. 90 chains ana ao unas to me wtsi boundary line ot saia ulu no. m: thence N. 7 W. on said boundary line 20 chains and 87 links to the re entrant cor. of said DLC: which Is also the NB cor. of DLC No. 401 thence N. 86" W. 23 chains ana it units u the place of beginning, containing 164.93 acres, and being In sections 9 and 10. In T. 8 S. B. 2 W. Of the WllL m . in Marlon Countv. Oreson. Being, in alL 406.99 acres of land, more or less, and the same be ing described in deed from Felix Ore trnirn n Mnrv Oreuolrei recorded at page S9S of Vol. 71, Deed Records for Marion uouniy, urcKon ALSO: The following described tract nr Innd situate in Marlon County. Oregon, to -wit: Commencing at the pie cor. or sec. ao, in i. o. n. i w-. of Will. Mer., In Marlon Co.. Ore., thennM rtinnlna W. 80 rods: thence S, "7 rods; thence K. 114 'A rods; thence N lis. roria; thence -w. 34 'A rodst thence S. 40 rods to the place of be ginning, ana . containing oi acres, more or less.. ALSO: commencing on the N. hmirilnrv nt Son SI. in T. 7 S. R. 1 of Will. Mer., in Marion County, Ore gon, at a point which Is 8.625 chains fmm the- NW cnr. of said Sec 31: thence S. 10.66 chains to the center of the county road; thence N. 89" la e. in ine miaaie oi sam roaa 4o.uu chains; thence N. 18.26 chains to the section line; tnence w. on seuiiuii line 11.825 chains; thence N. Id chains: Ihence West 11.375 Chains: Hiimcn fbiuth 10 chains, to the nlace of beginning, and containing 63.72 acres oi iana, more or icon. Amnr rommenclne at the 8E cor, of Sec 25. In T. 7 S. R. I W. of Will Mer., in Marion co... ure.; w nn urt.inn Mne on rlialns: thrmce N, in nhnin- thnn 1. nsrallel With the S. boundary of said sec. 25. 20 chain to tne . Dounaary oi mm ar.. j. thence S. 10 chains to place of be ginning, aomainuig u ecree ui muu, BEINO IN ALL, 135.05 acres of rniwti mnm nr 1pm. and the same be ing described in deed from II. L. Aker 111 and Zada. Akerlll to Mary Gtegotre, recorded at pane 83 of Vol. 147, Deed- Records ior Marion toumj, vithuu. And liirenriBe that Plaintiff be de creed to be the absolute owner of the following described personal propcriy, Household goods and household provisionii; ten head of norsea. iivo seta of harness; three- waitons: three walking plows; one sumy M"". gang plow; 1 tractor plow; 1 three section harrow; 1 new tractor: 1 bind er; 2 potato planters; 1 potato digger; i ririinn cultivators: l wanting cuui ..otnt-- i mnninir machine: 1 corru gated roller; 1 disc; 1 grain drill; 900 bushels of oats; 30 neaa oi sneep; j fonnitiir mill: 1 nulverlzer: 1 aid trac tor; 150 sacks of potatoes, more or U.- and miscellaneous small tools and farm irapicmvs; iuhcuio. . such monies as Mary F. Gregolro had nn nnH at. thfl limn of her death. And likewise a father decree that the above-named dclendanta hold said. nmnertv in irusv ior me riin. ihaf tvintj Kb enmmntided to exe fi.tA Riiph dneda of conveyance and bills of sale as may be necessary toJ vest title tncreto in riainun, w, inn ing so to do. that said decree- stand .nH tn Riir.h convey a nccsr and that the expenses of the administra tion of the Estate of Mnry F. Orcgolre, deceased, and all debts against her ha first nntri nut of the Droncr- ty of said estate not described above' before any of said property be used lor such purposes; and for such other and further relief herein as to the Court mny seem Just and equitable. THIS SUMMONS Is served upon you by the publication thereof once each week for four consecutive and suc cessive weoks in ttie Capital Journal, a newspaper or grourai eui-umw printed end publtflied at Salem, in Marlon County, OroHon. by order of the Honorable J. C. Slsnmund. County Judge of Marlon County, State of r Mttn mnri and antcTeft ef record in the above -en tit led court and sutt on the 21st day of August, 1930; the date of the first publication hereof is Augut 22. 1930, and the date of the last) publication hereof 1 sieptember L9, WM. w.r-mrr. r. TnozR Jr. Attorney tar Plaintiff. Po. OtHc? ad dress: 604. Failllia p?r'la"d. Oregon. Aug. 22. 20: Snrt. . . ' would be able to present 'compara-ttw- magnate, llltf the- late Hetty Green and Lady Rhonda In Eng land.' " Mrs. lowelt Pleftrlwr Hobarl president ot the Daughtetsi of the American Revolution, a woman's organization of recognl'-ed Indc pendent financial ability, took Is sue with Gerard. "Helen Gould's nsme should be in- this list," she- ald. "The Gould fortune is back of many of these industries. If one of the men of her family were llvlna;, and dis played ttie same patriotic spirit along with large financial hold ings. I feel sure ht would have been mentioned. -And I note Mr. Gerard says the sesen Father brothers.' If he's lomplng families off that way, why not mention Anne Morgan7- MA KENKEDY RESIGNS ANGELUS TEMPLE (Continued from-1 ' 1) ert Boyd; and W. CK Cooper: left haetUy. The apparent attempt lo ailrace Urn. Kennedy was piamied as "council of war In the- temple Thursday, presided over by Miss Emma Bcnaefier, tne trvanfeiurs sonfMentlal Kcretary. It wag Mrs. MrPheroon's first definite mow since ber mother cimr-red ah had lncTUTcd a broken noee tn aa ar-ru- ment with her daufrhter. The resolution follows: Whereas Mrs. Kennedy haa been malrt!tf derogatory statementg det- dmentai to- out pastor, our organl aatton and the people of Angelus temple, church of the Tour Square gospel-, and "Whereas we desire that we be allowed to continue our religious work and worship- without period ical disturbances from her:' "Therefore, after prayer and wait In upon God, be it resolved' that a ooc-imittee composed of W. G. Coop er, Robert Boyd and William Booth be and hereby are appointed by the Four Square concil and the board of directors of the church of the Four Square gospel In Joint meet- ins; assembled this thirty first day of August, year nineteen hundred tiurty; "And be it further resoiet that this said eommlttes wait on Mrs. Kennedy and demand oa behalf of the organization that she cease her statements which Interfere with our religious work. FIND ANOREE'S BODY ON ARCTIC ISLAND (Continued from page 1) coming from' the expedition aboard the steamer Brattvaag, did not aay which- was found with him. . For years there nave been- peri odic rumors the balloon had been found in Siberia and- messages pur porting to be from Andree had been washed ashore upon northern coaste. At least two of the victims of the grim, north got down safely to earth from the Andree balloon, for the boe'les which- the expedition la bringing back were found In the remains of a camp which tiie aero nauts had made on White Island. White Island is a small body of land about 40 miles north of Ru dolf. Island and one of the north- ermost known lands within, the Artie circle. A report reaching Oslo Friday evening said that the Norwegians first found a boat. They then came upon a camp behind cliff not far from, shoro. i Tho log book of the balloon, fir scribed "Andrea's Polar Expedi tion" was found in the camp, the dispatches stated.. Andree 'a froz en body wag found a short dis tance from the cliif and another body at some distance. The loca tion of the bodies indicated that the leader of the expedition had outlived his companions and had made desperate but futile- strug gles to keep alive.. TAe bodies were discovered by Dr. S. Horn's Norwegian expedi tion on August e. The camp of the explorers was situated, about 500 feet from shore. There were many evidences the explorers had lived there for some time after disaster had overtaken the expedition, Andree's body was found a short distance from a boat which, contained what apparently naa been s human body. A diary, an altimeter and other personal articles were found In Andree's pockets. There were evidences bears had visited the camp but little had been disturbed. Th bodies and equipment were put aboard a Norwegian sealer which will reach Norway next month. BRITONS REJOICE; ROYALjABY BORN (Continued from page 1) of the highland kingdom tn 300 years, J. R. Clynes, home secretary, finished his Important state duties in connection with, the btrtb of a daughter to the Duke and Duchess of York and made ready to depart for London. " Tis a fine, chubby-faced little girt" he declared. The home secretary ca!d he was warned several hours before the event. When the final warning earae he went, with H. R. Boyd, ceremonial secretary ot the home office, to Glamis Castle. There he waited until Sir Henry Slrason told him a daughter had been born and asked him to go and see the baby. Secretary Clynes went to a sitting room adjoining thj bwkootn of the duchess. "There I found the family group," said the secretary, "mciudhig the Duke of York, the Earl and Countess- of Btrathmere and Lady Rose Levesosi Gower, sister of the duch ess, standing around a tittle cot. 1 "They made way for me and I went forward and peered Into the cot. I saw the baby. She was lying wide awake The Duko ef Yosk was highly delighted that alt had gone well. The others stooei with stalling faces, pleased that the long ordeal was over." Secretary Clynes arrived at Gla mis August 6. ins presence was nesessary to fulfill a mstoric and legal duty. In early days the sov ereign's chief minister wse vlwvys a priest and was called the "be loved clerk who- sit. centmaally at our side." In later days the pres ence of the horn, secretary was sup posed to have originated In the famous "warmlmr-pan" legend as soriated with James II. It wae widely believed that James' wife, BIRTHS, DEATHS MARRIAGES BIRTHS Fleh To Mr. and Mr Clyde Franklin, Plana. 1078- 8k 32nd street, a daughter. Toelmsv May, August 20. jones ro ssr. ana am. crioyar n. Jonsa, Rfe 8. boa 130, a sent Jseee S3 wood. August ft. Mary, never had' a child, but one was brought to her In a warming pan and aftewards" -became pre tender to the throne of England. FLOOR CONTROL , PROGRAfSFEEBED (Continued from page 1) - channel from Minneapolis to Cairo ' is expected to be begun early next fear. Secretary of War Patrick J. Hur ley, Major General' Lytla. Brow a; chief of army engineers, and Ran ford MacNider, new minister to Canadat head the guest list. ; Repeated appeals for flood control' action have come from- Tennessee, , Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi and ' Louisiana, which' not only suffered frornsthe 1927 flood but are also- re porting unemployment due to- crop fiEfhures brought on by the drought, Arkansas was one of the most ae -verely affected- states- both by flood ;and drought. Congress has made funds avail- ' able for expenditure throughout the fiscal year ending next June 30; and accelerating' of the work this fall would offer employment to farmers wit h In a few miles of their home under the plan being discussed. . Problems on the upper Mlssiasippf and upper Missouri rivers- alee are to be taken up- with the president and Major General Brown. MacNl - der may discuss the proolenv con- fronting him in reopening negotia tions with the new Canadian gov ernment to revive St Lawrence wa terway development. RUTH READY TO VOTE FOR REPEAL (Continued from page 1- be responsible to the expression ou, referendum- questions, I shall,, as. senator, accept such a majority ex pression as a mandate irom. tho people whom I shall represent. If a- majority in- Illinois is. re corded as favorable to the repeal of the loth' amendment (at the referendum, next November). I stand ready, when elected senator to obey their mandate and I shall vote to. submit the question ot its repeal to the several, states. i "If the expressed; will of the .peq-fj; pis is ior modification' of the Vol'-' stead act. my course as a member of the senate would be fh sympathy witn tne principles so approved-. but the definite course to- be put- sued would be dependent, of roursej - upon, the nature of tne modifica tion demanded. "It Is Impossible for any candl- date honestly- to- agree In advance te srblanket endorsement of modi fication proposals. "I also- wish to make ft clear that until the constitutional amendment Is- repealed or until 'the Volstead act is repeoleeK or amended, I stand squarely for en dorsement ef both- these measures "As st public officer I have no choice and ne privilege of discre tion as to whether a law shaft or shall not be enforced; As an rn di vidual and as- citizen- not bound? by any oath, I still wosld stand for enforcement ot all our laws and of alt the articles of the con stitution, "I am In favor of enforcement that will justify respect for all fed eral laws. At ttie time 1 appeal for an enforcement program which shall conflict in ne way with the rights of our citizens as guaran teed under the constitution. I be lieve no program ot enforcement should be tolerated which in- any degree Infringes upon- the consti tutional right of a citizen to. ft trial by Jury. DAGGER Continued From Page ( that piercing stare. She had a sen sation ot numbness. How ridicu lous! How flattering! How pre posteroast How Just plain silly I She was being proposed to by m Chinaman. How Uncle Jim would rave If he knew ft! And Blaine her head cleared. She reopened her eyet and met Chang's fearlessly, level-brewed "I know you offer me a great honor," she sntrt. "But I prions? to another man who was. yeur friend." Chang frowned. "To a man you Boost think ot as dead?" he asked. "Yes, although 1 never belonged to him living." The, trown lets the Tu-Ch tin's "More than ever I see you were meant t be aqr Empress," he said. "But such tsywtty fe ao to be de spfced. You have not loved In vain. Mna Vaneerlnc. Btelne Howard is alive." (To be Continued) MEsVJAJM FEOriB BOaM Mehamsv Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Landers and children are home from an onttnjr at Garibaldi They were accompanied home by Mrs. H. Earley and, daughter, Alice, of Oart balcS who will visit Mrs. Earley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Dlson. Oerrals Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heck tr and two small children of Greet Falls, Mont, are vasitlag with their parents, Mr. and Mm. Jake Heeker. They are t xpecting lo locate In the Willamette valley