TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1930 lfTE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE NINE fSTLOCALSi BASEBALL O. W. Smelley, head janitor of the city school system, nas dsi in slue Sunday at his home. He la con fined to his bed with ptomaine poisoning. For hire, saddle horses. Phone 123 SUverton, Ore. Jay Morley. 187 An order of default has been is sued by Judge L. H. McMahan In the case of Dennis T. and Emma Griffin against Thomas and Ag nes Larkin. the latter having failed to answer In the time prescribed by law. The plaintiffs In the case are allowed to recover $3,1TS from the Larklns through the foreclosure of a mortgage against leu acres oi land. . Tour blj opportunity: closing out. Love, the Jeweler. i James O. Helttel has been ap pointed administrator of the es tate ot uonaia w. mucs. Refinance your car. Pay monthly. Bee P. A. Elker, Liberty s rerry. . The defendants in the case of Fred H. BraUel against Dae Stat- fonl. et al In answer filed with tne circuit court asks dismissal of the complaint. If you are not getting the utmost enjoyment irom your radio set, can the Eoff Electric Co., and let our service man check It for you. Phone 395. i The Mutual Savings and Loan association has started suit against Fred L. Hannon, asking judgment ot $1,800 together with Interest from April 1929. The complaint Is based on the alleged failure of Hannon to live up to a contract. The new General Motors Radio Gets are the last word in radio re ceivers. Come In and see them at the Eoff Electric, 347 Court St. 198' i Asking Judgment of $2300 and attorney fees ot $200 W. O. Baker has started suit against Wiley and Lillie Weathers. Baker holds mortgage against Lot S, Block IT, which the Weathers bought. The complaint charges the defendants with failure to pay taxes or live tin to the contract between the "parties. i Minnie E. Williams has been ap pointed administratrix of the es. tate of Richard Williams. You are cordially Invited to In spect the new General Motors Radio sets now on display at the Eoff Electric Co., 347 Court St. 18' the past few months have been pared down to an extremely low point and the September allow ance is expected to be .taken care of during the first few days of the month. NATIONAL Brooklyn 0 Pittsburgh W 0 Phelps, Elliott, Moss and Lopes, Pictnlcb; Swetonlo and Hemsley. First umt: PhlladelDhla IS Chtmrn S 13 1 Sweetland, Benge, wuiougnoy ana Walk-Over summer shoes. Reg. $10 to $12.50, $6.85 and $7.85. Foot Health Shoe Co. 415 State. 199' Formation of a local chapter of the Marine Corps league is expect ed to be completed next Thursday evening when several ex-marines of this vicinity will meet In the office ot Sergeant Mack Sherman, on the second floor of the post- office building. Sherman is anx ious for a good attendat.ee and has issued a blanket Invitation to every ex-marlne around here to make an appearance. Ed Bailey, demo cratic candidate for governor has been asked to attend. It is ex pected officers will be selected Thursday night while a name for the chapter will be selected. It Is the custom to name league chap ters after some marine who lost his life during the war. So far Sherman has not been able to hear ot a local marine having lost his lire during the war. CHARGE COUPLE FOR MURDER OF FOSTER CHILD Boise. Ida. (IPl Mr. and Mrs. H. Mlesenxahl Tuesday stood Davis: Root, Teachout, Nelson and charged with the murder of their I HartnetL foster daughter. Marie West. 11. on Boston September 19. 1929. near Kin Hill. Cincinnati 0 3 Charges were filed by T. Ragsdale, I Frankhouse and Cronln; Rlxey, private detective, who informed au- Ash and Gooch, thnritiaa h hail llnMrthAl njM I -i.J.f... 7.7. "." . AMERICAN -...it rrn.. 4,1 - iI8L LOUIS T I dlgnantly deny any Implication In I l'VVw.iJLJ ine brutal nomlclde and Tuesaavi refused to enter pica to the com- RommeU and Cochrane. ni.in, nrsc time Mleienrahl Is Incarcerated in the Cleveland J" state nenltentlarv while hia wife Is Boston ' uasiou. Richmond's Radio Band and En tertainers, Tumble Inn Tours. Pop. ular prices, 198 Charles Archered. local business man, upon request will offer his fomus reading: "So This is Sa lem" for the Rotary club luncheon Wednesday noon. A marriage license has been Is sued from Vancouver. Wash., to William A. Olgger, 27, of Salem and Carrie M. Lindsay, 17, of Mill City. J. E. Cox. local building contrac tor, has been given the contract for remodeling the Eola home of the late Governor I. L. Patterson. Announcement of the purchase by Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Schucking of the half-Interest in the property held by Mrs. Patterson, widow of the late governor, was made last week. The other half Interest Is held by Mrs. A. N. Gilbert, mother of Mrs. Schucking. Present plans rail for a complete renovation of the living room and dining room, builtins. and a number of addi tional features which Cox Intimated would cost In the neighborhood of $2,000. Sport oxfords $7.50 to $10 values. $5.85. Foot-Health Shoe Co, 415 State St. 199' Ferrell and L. Sewell Bushey and Berry. Second game: Cleveland ' I Boston 3 7 1 Lawson.and Myatt; Russell, pur- held In the mountain home. Au ihjrltles said Monday night they feared mob violence. The murder of the West girl was one of the most revolting In Idaho's criminal htstoy. The girl was wavlald one muo from her ham and Connolly. home while walking to school, she Chicago 0 2 2 was dragged Into a clump ot wil- New York 3 3 8 lows, first assaulted and then mur- Caraway and Crouse; Ruffing and dered. The slayer cut her throat Bengough. and threw the bodv Into the river. Detroit 2(1 weighted down with a stone. Washington I 3 2 Ragsdale charged that the child W interim and De sauteis; Brown, had been mistreated by her foster Llska and RueL father, citing a physicians state ment following the murder as au thority. He said Miesenzahl had left work for an hour on the morn ing of the murder and could not furnish an alio! as to his where abouts during the Interval. EDITORS SUBSIDIZED BY POWER TRUST Under date of July 3, 1930. con gress approved an act granting disability allowances to veterans of the World war with 25 per cent or more permanent disability. This act provides a monthly allowance of $12 for 25 per cent permanent disability: $18 for 50 per cent; $24 for 75 oer cent and $40 for perman ent total disability. Such conditions need not to have been contracted in the service. Marlon post No. 661, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the TJ. s., at Salem has a supply of these forms ready for distribution The Salem nost is anxious to place these forms In the hands of eligible veterans at the earliest moment nosslble because no pension will be gin until application therefor has been received by the veterans pu reau. Inquiries may be addressed to the adjutant. V. F. W, 2172 Che- tneketa street. Salem, Ore. Best, biggest old time dance. Crys tal Gardens, Wed., Saturday, wo Receipt cf application for the park ranger civil service examination will close September 19. according to announcement Tuesday at the local postofflce. The date of as sembling of competitors will . be stated on their admission cards and will be about 15 days after the close of receipt of applications or about the first of October. The examin ation is to fill vacancies occurring In the national park service in the Eleventh U. S. civil service district. The salarv ranee is from $1860 to $2200 a year minus $180 a year for quarters. If stationed at headquar ters, and less $60 a year, if stationed away from headquarters. Further Information resardina the examin ation may be secured by applying it the Salem postofflce. Skating. Dreamland Tuesday, Fri day, Sunday, 7-10. Ladies free. 198' Paul Schmidt. Route 4. reported to the police Tuesday that while his automobile was parked on High street Sunday night, robe and several tools were stolen from It. O. F. Johnson, Salem clothing store owner, accompanied by brother, Carl Johnson, who Is owner of a store in Portland, left Sunday for San Francisco on buying trip. The regular monthly meeting of the Salem boat club will be held Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the Elks club, according to M. Clifford Moynlhan, secretary. " Looking bronzed and In fine shape. School Superintendent Geo. Hug, together with Tom Wolgamott and George Drager returned to Sa lem unexpectedly Monday night from the woods in the Bailey lake and Marlon lake region near Mt. Jefferson and Three-Finger Jack. The three men had expected to stay In the mountains until Thursday, but "grub" gave out and deciding that they couldn't beg from forest rangers or other camping parties in the vicinity, they trekked back to civilization. The three men spent part of one day at Marlon lake, and Hug came back an ardent advocate for Salem's securing the lake for a future water supply. Tho men hiked about 70 miles during their stay, but fishing In the lakes was reported to be unsatisfactory. They cruised over part of the country through which the contemplated santiam nignway will pass. Gus Moser. Portland attorney, was In Salem Tuesday In connec tion with arguments on a motion in the case of H. R. Freedman vs. the Woodmen of the World. The argu ments were being heard by Judge L. H. McMahan. The suit was first started In June 1929 and Is over in. surance rates charged by the or ganization. Word has been received here that Mr. and Mrs. E. A.- Colony, who left Salem, about 10 days ago on a motor trln to Denver have been marooned In Wyoming for several davs due to the highways becoming Impassable when heavy rains set in. The coionvs were in uneyeui.c watina- an ODDOrtunlty to proceea to Denver vmen last ncaro. irum, SEATTLE MAN LOSES LIFE IN OREGON SURF trol ot the nation' greatest resource. The case of the man who re turned to a hospital In search of his brains, removed In an operation 18 years previously, was citde oy Meier In his reference to nis editor ial enemies. "Questioned by an attendant a to what he had been doing without . j.,i., .t.n brains for 18 years. Meier ex Dea&iue iu- nil mmnciu, "vf . ,. ,,. v,. l, . rroh hole at the beach P""". "" "F"v "'-v hee Monday afternoon cost the had been writing editorials for Put llfe of Qulnten St. Johns, 20, em- M. W.a" Chapman." r,inm nf th Patterson Dental SuD-l Meier's talk as an Independent ply company of Seattle and the candidate for governor disclosed near drowning of three others. that three things concern him Casey Weaver, Seattle, was car- grcauy u ijcupic, n ried unconscious from the surf, trust and the putnara-ingaiis-hii. v.r, mil and Evelvn Chapman newspapers. He devoted Dawes, both of Ashland, Ore., his attention In about equal pro- .ki. . Anr. after ran- portions to those paramount Issues siderable difficulty. of the campaign with "- seeming In st, Johns body was recovered """"J - later In the day. serving or "; Weaver's effort to. save the life I "j " " .VT , Vr 7. 17 of his friend. St. Johns, nearly U"'"P ",:h raa,,! in Ma nan rlaat.h. Tt WSS muvniiificii, ,m.w w r,' cf mhr,.' of the Portland Telegram, Meier in- '" '" "."' t.r-,.r,t.H th. m.hltaW to innuire: 'Have you been sirosmisea to in troduce me. Mr. Brockhagen?" Yes, I expect to get a Rage, ad tomorrow," Brockhagen replied, go- DR. RUSSELL TO LEAVE COUNTY HEALTH WORK Dr. Edward Lee Russell, deputy county health officer with the Mar. ion county health unit, has resigned his position effective September 15. Dr. Russell will leave on or before October 1 for Santa Ana, Calif, to be deputy health officer of Orange county. His successor has not been selected. The new position, white carrying with It the same salary as Dr. Rus sell receive from the Marian coun ty health unit, Is regarded as a pro gressive step for the public health official. Orange county has a popu lation of 140,000, or twice the popu lation of Marlon county, and has a wider field ot activity especially In clinical work. The Orange county health office has a staff of 38, which Includes besides clerical work ers, the public health officer, four physicians, 15 nurses and 7 inspect ors. As deputy health officer of Mar lon county. Dr. Russell had tne du ties of school physician, conducted most of the examinations of Infants, D re-school and school children, the immunization and diagnosis clinics. and health classes. At present Dr. Russell Is on his annual vacation, with his wife and two children spending the time at Seabeck as a member of the Y. M. summer camp faculty. The Russell family Is ex. pected to return to Salem Septem ber 27 or 28. Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, county health officer, stated that he re gretted Dr. Russell's decision to leave the Marlon county health unit as he was a valuable addition to the staff. George Hug, superintendent of public schools with whom Dr. Russell worked In his capacity school physician, expressed bis re gret that the deputy neaiw oincer was leaving, and lauded the school health program started Dy ir. uus- seU. Dr. Douglas is searching lor capable physician to be recommend ed to the health unit committee as Dr. Russell's successor. Later this week Douglas will go to Portland to confer with health omclais tnere on candidates for Russell's position. Norblad Requests Public Hearings On Power Application Governor Norblad Tuesday gent a letter to State Engin eer Luper insisting; that publio hearings be held before action taken on applications of power companies for water rights on Klamath and other Oregon streams. It is presumed that the governor has reference mainly to the applications of the caiuomia-uregon rower company w for rights on Klamath and North UmDO.ua rivers. Contemplated developments oi that company at five places on the Klamath are estimated to cost a total of over $27,000,000 and at seven places on the North Vmpqua over $29,000,000. My attention has been cauea to the fact that the question ot the lease of some valuable power rights on the Klamath and other rivers of Oregon is now before you for dis posal, the governor writes. as gvemor or tne state oi ura- gon I am convinced that a public hearing should be held on such mat ters before these valuable natural resources are disposed of and the (doncluded on page 10. column 4) BLOODHOUNDS CAPTURED COX out that Weaver became uncon scious. Jimmle Rinehart. Seaside' avla tor, aided in the hunt for St. jouus noay. m souii na ra aw . , . h Runnort- life guards carrying Weaver's body n " nJZ from the surf he turned his plane .,M.rh ? 1? 22L " denying emphatically that the . . - '"-, v - . , pages of advertising space purcnas- circled the spot where St. Johns rJ5L ..,." k w., jt was seen last but found no trace Fnmk had a tblBg j,, do wltn nls espousal of the cause ot cither. Meier made a lurtner reierencc to the topic of advertising subsidies in declaring that tne puolic utili ties have no more business buying whole pages of space in the news. papers and spending $12,000 apiece for huge electric signs, all to be paid Contained In two volumes of more for out of operating revenues, than than son nae es each and comDlete thev have In entering Into competi- ln every minute detail Is the ap- tive merchandising solicitude for praisal of the Salem school systems the small Independent merchant at a replacement value of $1,137319 called upon to face such "unfair" k - VnrtlanA rwnnina anH COmDetltiOn. roloacH thmnoh ia ntllrp OI ine r-uuwi.- cancurcijr umowtiu, w school clerk. The appraisal will be him and only the fact that Oregon s the basis for the handling ot In- political record, culminating In the surance and for determining the recent republican conventton with . ... r tu. ..t,M .i Th Its secret ballot and other objectlon- . t... -a I ,hw foatnraai alrlMn ana" anH he appraisal places tne souna u , - r ... tnr the entire school plant, provuung - ' " " TV" for total replacements to date, at " vv " "'s "" r $885,534, wniie tne lnsuraoie vaiue ? 1 VALUE OF SCHOOLS PUT AT $1,137,319 Had It not been for bloodhounds owned by James and Victor castle man of Crcsswell, used In .the man hunt for Dave Cox, giant negro con vlct who escaped from the state penitentiary last Friday, the trail ers would not have been able U catch the fugitive In the opinion of Henry W. Meyers, superintendent of tne prison. Cox was returned here shortly af ter noon Tuesday. He was a trusty at the time of his escape with only three months more to serve on ac count of good conduct deductions from his six year sentence, wow ne will be nut to work "Inside" and must serve out his full time of twi and a half years more. When he Is finally released here he will be returned to Folsom pen itentiary, California, for violation of parole. A detainer for his return to Folsom has been in the hands of Superintendent Meyers for some time. Cox was sent up from Multnomah county for burglary under the name of George Watklns. CRAZED GARDNER KILLS EMPLOYERS Best Jots dance. Crystal annex. Wednesday, Saturday. 19$' E. P. Barnes. 2006 MarkH street and Don L. Davis, Jefefrson. were arrested Monday night on speed ing charges. Auction Wed. nlte 7:30 of the furniture of 3 Salem homes, at F. N. Woodry's Auction Market, 1610 N. Summer. . 197 Applicants for entrance Into tha tr. s. Marine corps, who expect to get Into the aenrtoe with the Sep tember quota "should begin malt ing arrangement Immediately. Sergeant M. Sherman, in charge ed Tuesday. The quota during In final settlement of the esUte. The ease of E. T. Ware. Stayton, arrested Monday for Issuing checks without sufficient funds, was con tinued in Justice court Tuesday, it la nnected a settlement will be made out of court. Two cases of motorists speeding with trucks were heard in Justice court Tuesday. H. H. Nash ana h. A. Shope, both of portiana mo been arrested by a state traffic of ficer for driving their trucks be yond the legal limit over the Paci fic highway. Judge Small fined each of them $20 which was paid. Building permits have been Issued to: Max Gehlhar, repair a store room. 157 South commercial siitxi, t. W. D. Simpson, alter a dwelling at 196 South 23rd street. $450; H. T. Fleetwood, repair a dwelling at 849 Market street, $75; Fred Thomp son, alter a garage at 1575 South Commercial street. $50. Settlement having been made out of court, the case of L. S. Lam bert against Patrick and Matilda Burns Is dismissed by an order Is sued by Judge McMahan Tuesday. The estate of the late George N. i. wainxi at $20,000 of per sonal property In a report filed with the county court Tuesday ask , , tha annnlntment of Homer UU ui w-v r-r N Beck as administrator. In a will flied with the court, Beck leaves his son, Homer, ana 10 cat.. two stepchildren, Helena Riley and rfa Tanirtnn. $5. The balance of the estate Is left to his widow. Marie Beck. Tn .n order issued Tuesday by the county court. Elizabeth Jans, guar dian of William wuey y". -or is authorised to pay hie mother, Alsade Gash Hamilton of Dunsmulr. CaL $40 a month for the boys maintenance. Your has an Income of approximately $1000 a year. The final report of Minnie E. Williams, administratrix ot the es .... f nii-hard Williams, Is ap proved In an order Issued Tuesday i. '.K. aantf TOUrt Snd She IS directed to pay Fred Williams, a irWo. and to herself $32097 moved him to even consider of the properties totals $820,865 or becoming candkJ late he ' 90 per cent of their depreciated val- , "I m nc vindictive. I am i f Ight- .'nU.prXl Cade of nTddonce men, u year, wu o, a,...- . r.vationerl his Pauen Frankthwick. QuaUfictionsfor fllUnV political of Patten and Frank soutnwica. ine .a.ri.nr. Hrinir th mat appraisal cost $1,137. AUTG1ST BLAMED FOR DEATH OF MAN six weeks he characterised as post graduate course in politics and as serted that he now feels himself to be a full fledged graduate, although asserting that under bis rule the administration of state affairs would be conducted by the legislature a a board of directors and himself the Klamath Falls. Ore. ttPI'-Charges general manager. of manslaughter may be filed Tucs- Meier reiterated his assertion day against George l Thompson. that canalization of the Willamette following a verdict of a coroners river and development ot the hy Jury which fixed the blame on him dro-electtic resources of the Colum- for the deatn of noy uiasgo. hia can be accomplished "without Testimony at the Inquest uonoay ,A tavnavera and ran night Indicated that Thompson was Uooei the capital Journal not to attempt to misconstrue that statement. Without giving further details to be misconstrued he let the matter drop. Toward the close of his oration Meier apologised lor waxing em phatic at times, explaining that "I am so sincere In taking up tne program laid down by George Jos- eph that at times I become deeply effected." In a side reference to an Implica tion of a Bend newspaper relative to hia diet Meier reassured his aup- Hrivinff at hiah soeed when his automobile atruck Olaago as he walked across a street intersection here Saturday. Olasgo died a few hours later without regaining con- sclcusness. OLD FERRY SINKS FOUR LOSE LIYES Westmoreland. N. H.. WV-Divers Monday wendeavorlng tc mw. pmtm ,ut.m . th,t , CI LUC mm'"- r am taking care of mj?ael( so I can drowned m the nklngof an old - - ; "wx"m" , :VZ. ,Z, Relative to M. asserted interest uKinciui.ii n. 1 and nnanciaj support of various en msnu ternrlses deslened to develOD Ore- Kay Ausnn, , oi Meier explained that hts Itrm vt . his wife, their baby daugnter, u . th. inn, atsvirhnMara in and William Clark, a border at the y,, Oregon Linen Mill here, now Austin home, were those drowned, experiencing financial difficulties. They were trapped In one of two ,nnounced that hi attorney Is automobiles crossing irom w iu present working on a plan town to Bast ruiney wiwu .a- wttfrtt,y these difficulties will be all ry sank, ine auumwue aronted out. cated at the bottom o ine river. ffONEx PROSPECTS COOD .-.... T.TanH Tafc. Taannklrta ae. ir. Moor, of McUtnn- Le Bounret, Franc fw Dleu- 7,,.; ... vanaia Kun-ldonne Coste. French aviation ace. da, Trepirt. that 30. pound, of Jn a flight over L. Bourget field fmm rh Tuesday morning tested hia planes nonrj ..- W. alamaal mwvt aaVI be was satis fled. He aatd he waa visa KIRK VIHITINO ready to start his protected Atlantic Rt PulMlaa Margaret Kirk, of flight to New York at th first California la visiting at the home of J moment weather report are favor- her slater, Miss Mary Bora. awe. COSTE READY TO FLY Pleasantvllle. N. J. flP) A Span ish gardener employed at the home of Mrs. Mary Parr ran amuck Tues day and murdered his exployer, her sister and her sister's son. After committing the murder, the Spaniard, John Le Gore, shot him self. He is In an Atlantic City hos pital, where he Is in a critical con fiition. According to neighbors, the kill ings followed an argument be tween the gardener and Mrs. Parr' nephew, presumably about prop ertv rlshts to the farm. It was learned tnat Mrs. ran had at some time given LeOore permission to live on her farm for the duration oi ner me ana had maintained that at the time of her death her entire property was to revert to him. I was believed that the StMnlard and the nephe were arguing this point when the man turned and ran to nis room, emerging In a few minute with shotgun. After killing, the three persons he turned the gun on him self. . SUICIDE DEFENDED BY ENGLISH PASTOR Oxford, Eng., (IP) A statement that suicide may be Justifiable un der certain conditions was made here Monday night by thee Very Rev. Ralph Inge, dean of St. Pauls, In the presidential address at the modern churchmen's conference. "I should not censure a man knowing himself to be slowly dying of an agonising disease who wishes to shorten his suffering," tne "Eloomv dean told a startled audi ence that heard him discus social problems. "And for my own part i minx every criminal who l condemned to death ought to be allowed to car ry out the sentence himself, In his own way." CADETS JOIN IN MANHUNT FOR GIRL'S ATTACKER FATAL TO CONS IN SAN QUENTIN San Quentin State Prison. Cal, (LP) A grim "hangover" Tuesday followed the liquor party nere Monday In which a group of "con vict Intellectuals" attempted to chase away the gloom from prison life. One man was dead, two others believed dying and a forth In serious condition from wood alco hol Dolsoning. The four represented the Best element In the Institution, accord. lng to officials and observers of prison life alike. unaries J, Brown, 30, the dead man, was as sociate editor ot The Bulletin, the prison magazine: Joe Mackln, 39, blind, was foreman or the print ing shop: George Cassel, 28, editor of The Wall City News, the con vict's newspaper, and Jonn ui- lor, 31, seriously ill, was a collect- or of first editions with a collec tlon many men outside of prison bars would be Jealous of. The men, all, with the exception of Lawlor. who waa sentenced to life for murder, were convicted of charges of robbery. Doomed to many years of drab routine, prison authorities declare, they set them selves to make the best of It, using their leisure hours in sludy and writing. Stony Point. N. T. (LP) A posse composed of West Point cadets, marines and state and Park police. aided by bloodhounds, was closing In about the wooded shores of Lake cohasset Tuesday on a man alleg ed to have attacked a girl camper. The man, who was captured once and escaped, gave his name as Wil liam Horner, 24, of New York city. He had been acting as chef in a soys' camp. Authorities said Horner entered tent In which four 16-year-old girl were sleeping, dragged i away and attacked her, leaving her unconscious In the underbrush nearby. The name of the girl and the camp she waa attending were withheld. After Homer's escape from the Palisades Interstate Park police shack Monday, a posse was organ ised. A detachment of 40 marines were sent from Ionia island, and 300 members of the West Point Plebe" class who were here on four day hike Joined In the hunt. Horner was arrested early Mon day soon after the alleged attack. The man confessed to the attack, police said, and was quartered In the park police shack. How ne made his escape was not revealed. WEATHERMAN ON 24 HOUR BASIS Salem will gain one new per manent government employe in the person of Harry Eyerly, when the government weather reporting sta tion here is put on a twenty-four hour basis beginning September Observer Vernon Frahm announced Tuesday. Authorization of the change was made known through the visit here Monday of Meteorologist Smith, in charge of the airport weather sta tion at Portland, and follows open ing of the night alrmatt service inaugurated between Portland And San Diego, Calif., last week. iditional equipment at the lo cal station will Include a new an- nemometer or wind mileage guage and wind direction indicator oper ated by remote control from the weather office. The new equip ment will be located on the -beacon light tower. Three observers, Including Harry Eyerly, Frahm and Vincent Bur- tls, will be employed In eight hour shifts. ROBLIN TO FIGHT COMMITTEE OUSTER UNIOR FLIGHT RECORD BROKEN BY SCHNEIDER Los Angelas W A alight. It- year -old Jersey City youth, Sddi Schneider, Monday holds the Junior record tor fastest westward crossing tho United Bute. Landing at the Municipal airport at dusk her Monday, the sum blue-eyed flier completed bis trans-continental crossing In the total flying time of 20 hours, 41 minutes. Just 4 hours 32 minutes less than the former rec ord holder, the late Prank Oolds- borough, of New York, required sev eral months ago. Schneider left Westfleld. N. J. August 4, stopping for fuel and fly ing only during the day. He said he experienced much stormy weath er along the route and damaged bis plane slightly once when he struck tree In landing at Altoona, pa. Assured visibility was good over Los Angeles, Schneider took oft Monday from Ontario, but lost his bearing before he cleared the mists and landed at Long Beach Munici pal airport. uncertain where ne was tarn young flier asked an airport at tendant and waa told "tha Munici pal airport". The answer led Schneider to believe be had reached his destination and It waa not until several minutes later that he dis covered his error. CRANKCASE OF PLANE CRACKED St. Louis (IP) A cracked crank- case was definitely blamed Tues day for the ending of the endur ance flight of Forrest C'Brlne and Dale Jackson who set a new rec ord ot 647 hours. The filers' manager. William Pickens, previously had announced financial difficulties as the reason for the flight's termination al though O'Brlne and Jackson said a broken crankcase ended the flight. An investigation of the motor re vealed two tiny cracks In the shaft. The filers and their wives win leave for a short vacation Wed nesday before launching on a tour of state fairs which they hope will enable them to capitalize on the flight. CAMPFIRE GIRLS LEAVE FOR SANTIAM FRED ROBLIN IS REMOVED Oregon City U") Heated filled the air at meeting hers Monday night In which Fred W. Roblln. Oak Grove, was ousted as chairman of the Clackamas county republican central committee and Colonel William A. Alrd, waa cnos- en In his place. When Roblln refused to resign following bitter argument, the ex ecutive committee ot the county organization unanimously passed a resolution ousting him lor assenea disloyalty to the republican party and its nominee for governor, rnu Metschan. Roblln was active in the recent assembly of voters that gathered In Portland to nominate Julius L. Meier as an Independent candidate for governor. Colonel Alrd Is a memoer Of tne state horticultural commission and is county commissioner for the first district. He was a member of the state bonus commission and served, overseas with the Slst division. Portland, Ore, (IP) Fred W. Roblln announced here Tuesday that he will resist the action of the Clackamas county republican atate central committee In removing him as chairman Monday night at Ore gon City. Roblln said that In his opinion the ouster Is irregular. He con tends he called the meeting of the executive committee, which ousted him, at the request of a member and for the purpose ot transacting other business. He said he expects tb call a meeting of the entire com mittee to formally notify Its mem bershlo of the action of the execu tlve committee, which he appomiea and which he holds he can discharge. Camp Fire Girls left Monday from the Y. W. C. A. building for a weeks stay at Camp Santaly on the Santtam river above Lyons. Twenty-three girls from Salem, five from Springfield and one each from Portland and Albany were in tne group. The week's dally schedule win be reveille at 6:30 o'clock: flag raising at 6:50; breakfast at 7; cabin duties at 7:40: personal and cabin Inspec tion at 8: morning sing at camp clean-up at 8:45; major crafts at :; camp craftk at 10:0s; free hour, 11:05; dinner, 12; Test hour in bunk, 1; quiet hour, 3; free hour, 2:30; swimming by periods, 3 o' clock on; supper, 5:45; retreat, 6:45; sports and games, 7; evening fire, 8; and taps, 9:15. Visitors day will be Sunday from 10 o'clock on, with swimming at 3 o'clock and the closing council fire later In the evening. Movies of the departure ot the girls was taken by Dr. David Hill, who will take further pictures of the girls and the camp Saturday. TRAINMAN SLAIN ON TACOMA STREET Tacoma. Wash. (At Police were practically certain early Tuesday morning that Arthur O. Oagnon. 32. a southern Pacific switchman, found dead Monday night on downtown street here, bad been murdered. Dr. Edward E. Jerry, Pierce county coroner, found a .38 cali ber bullet In Oagnon's chest after an examination made at a morgue. -He declared Oagnon had been stooping when the shot was fired, the bullet entering the back about a foot below the shoulder and pen etrating a lung. The third rib was fractured. Oagnon's address Is unknown. Gus cullas, a bootblack, was be ing questioned by the police as a possible suspect early Tuesday morning. SILVERTON TEAM ARRIVES WEDNESDAY ARGt'ELLES RESIGNS Madrid (IP) The resignation of Finance Minister Manuel Arguelles was accepted Tuesday. Arguelles presented his resignation to Pre mier Damaso Berenguer on Sunday, but agreed to retain office until the cabinet could further consider the financial situation. Tha publio service commission Tuesday held a healing on an ap plication mad by J. H. Smith for a grade crossing on tne soumern ra clflc tracks near Marlon, HACK WILSON TIES NATIONAL RECORD Chicago (M Hack Wilson Tues day tied Chuck Klein's all-time Na tional league record of 43 home runs In the first game of a double header with Philadelphia. Lester sweetland was In the box for the Phillies. The blow was In the seventh Inning. Wilson was only ona behind Babe Ruth for the season. ETHEL BARRYM0RE IN CAST WITH DAUGHTER New York Wr-Ethel Barrymore Colt. 18. Is to make her professional stage debut In October In the same cast with her mother. She will nave a negro role, 8eaphlne, daughter of Scarlet Sister Mary, who will be portrayed by Miss Barrymore. LIGHTNING .STARTS FIRES Pendleton (AV-A lightning storm over the Umatilla national forest Monday started three small forest fires, the central office reported Tuesday. Six hundredths of an Inch of rain fell over this area keeping down the haaard. Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Alvln H. Madaen are tha parents of baby boy bora at the Salem General hospital Sunday afternoon. Thta la their third child, all being boys. The baby weighed I pounds and 1 ounces at Mr in. HEIRESS KILLED IN GIFT AUTO ACCIDENT Newport, R. I. WV-Miss Mary Pope, 17 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Russell Pope of New York and Newport la dead here, the victim oi her own automobile, a re cent gift of her grandmother. A prospective debutante In the fashionable summer colony, she ' fatally Inlured Monday night when her machine collided with another car. She died before reaching hos pital. Miss Adelaide S. Whltehouse, daughter of Former State Senator and Mi. William F. White house, who waa riding with Miss Pope, es caped with alight Injuries. James W. Sullivan, Jr, driver of the sec ond car, waa unhurt. Colorado Springs. Colo. (IPV Two of the six teams entered for the all-western American Legion Jun ior baseball tourney were here Tuesday practicing for the event. The contestants already in Colo rado Springs were the New Orleans team and Kansas City life Insur ance team of Denver. The Denver team Monday won the sectional title from Albuquerque, t to l. The other teams which will par ticipate In tha all-western tourney are Long Beach, Calif.; Sallna, Kan.; Ederline, N. D.; and Silver- ton, Ore. They are expetced her late Wednesday. Drawings for the first round or the tourney will be held Wednes day night and play will start Thursday. COURTEOUS ROBBER ONLY TAKES MEAL' Portland OP) A courteous rob ber, with armed persuasiveness, entered the L V. Slater home Tuesday and demanded a seal. While Mrs. Slater fried the Bac on and eggs, ha sat at table with his revolver levelled at her. Fin ishing his meal, the robber thank ed Mrs. Slater courteosuly and left. TORONTO FIRE Toronto, Ont, MV-Damage esti mated at half a million dollars waa caused by a fire which destroyed the building and stock of the Cana dian Co-operative Word grower! near Weston Tuesday. Charred and crumpled wans con taining three million pounds of water-aoaked wool are all that re main of the atrueture. Owing to the absence of a prin cipal witness, the trial ot Pete De Gulre, arrested several days ago on a possession of liquor charge, Is at liberty on bond. &elct ilUmorial r Park "Set A Park Cemetery with perpetual care Just tea vtamtea from th heart at towa