Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 23, 1930, Page 10, Image 10

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Portland. Ore
'IP The butter-
fat ftsrht nufuif tvnmily thru
out the Portland trade tenr-ory
with Portland otntrmiizrrs forc;r.g
the Issue. Bjtterfat buying price
ut so irregular at the mocnent a
to mate accurate quo'-at prac
tically impossible.
TTe determination of the cen
trabzen to put the aide-pendent
country plant oat of buiine&s is '
generally commented upon by the j
trade gtntnlly. Reports lrorn ue
country indicate Uit an appeal
lklr tride uctla.
Country creunrnef cluira thtj
re laiiTil Jw crtuil Uuparrt be -
, llVivnr( MiM forrd br
oentraiiierm axe quickly met at the
Butter i tuition appears Just
about steady.
While Uere had been no ?ener
ai advance or even improvement In
the price of eggi along the PacL'tc
slope, the aituarkm appears to be
on the mend. Hot weather has cur
tailed the volume of quality amv-
Further Improvement !n the price
v umi m iiiuiJ'u so irauii.
of orrrwtJUrn for sunnlies here.
Tt lart, rains are In colored
sprtntfs but U entire live chv ken
trade is very lirm. Still no demand
Market for country 'killed lambs
Mm ..w tiwc .vii wjuiwiwie
orenujjpiy in B.iil. uniy ine K
stock is finding call at all; others
ahowin more or le neglect.
Bharo advance of tl cane In the
Drtce of lemons here Is indicative
of the late very hot weather in the
east and the heating up of the coast
yiiermgs or apncou out or ine
milts are extremely limited Inw
far as Portland is concerned. The
Yakima season Is still active but
prices are Inclined to indicate the
tag-end of the period. Lcal cots
are due within a few days.
Other favorable catches of Chin
ook salmon are reported along the
Oregon-Wa.hintfttn coatt by the
Oregon Puh Co.
There Is also a good supply of
snverHides. Plenty of cralx, too,
While as yet there appear very
little change In the general price
list on tomatoes. A some what eas
ier undertone is Indicated. A car
load In from Walla Walla of ex
cellent quality but a trifle green.
rancy machine graded and wrap
ped stock from Hlngen Is finding
good sale around $1 9 for two tier.
UravensU-in apples are lower
and down to $2 25 for Calif orn las.
This is the lowest price for a
Dumber of years.
Potato market Is Inclined to show
good consumptive demand at cur
rent values.
Walla Walla onions are steady to
weak and lower and especially for
twos or double.
Ocnerally better feeling Is shown
for fresh plums and especially for
good packs.
Larpe oranges are showing shad
ed values.
Peach trade Is fairly active for
both local and Callfornlans
Country killed hogs are a trifle
easier but calves are, generally
steady to firm at late prices.
Wafihlngton fJPi Lower tempera
tures have not lifted the shadow of
drouth from the region east of the
The agriculture department re
ported Wednesday in Its weekly
weather and crop bulletin that save
for a few northwestern localities
and the south Atlantic area from
North Carolina southward a gen
eral rain was needed badly In all
sections east of the Rocky moun
tains. It added the lark of moisture
had been intensified in many places
by excessive heat.
The report said hot. dry weather
had caused serious damage to spring
wheat in many sections.
Salem Markets
Compiled from report of Salem
dealers, for the Kuidurice of Capit
al Journal readcis. (Kevueu dally).
Wheat. No. 1 white red. (sack-
ad 77'.
Prrd oata 31c: mm: nil onta 33c,
while feed 30c, barley J0 ton; fall
Meata: hotr. Ud trades 130-!A3
lba. 11 00; 1WJ-22U Jba 111 SO; 220-200
Jba. Ill 00. 200-3MJ lb 'J.IS, fkiwa 17.
Cattle, up steer 7'2g; cowa
culls and cutter 2 -3c.
Bherp, fipriiitf laitibd fi'jc; yearling
We them 3 ,mv; ohl ewi-n l-2c.
Calvea, vrlrrs 120 10. 8-b'ac; hea
vy and thin 5-7c.
Ureaju-d meuu; top vriil 14c; No. 2
grade 12c; rouHh uTitl heavy 10c and
up. Top liofi IJO-llAi lb. Ij'jC, oth
tr srkl-a 12r duwu.
Poultry. to mwl. hen 13-15r
lb. heavy ln-im 17-IHc. hrotlern, all
Color nc; aiatfg and old rooatcra 7c.
Kkk. pulleu lUc. frrfih ex Una 21c; 3lr; nrln.r butter 35-30c.
Cube ex trim J3c: Man'lurrt cube S j,Q.
Freah Iruil: (raii(tc, 5 75-
lt 2S CiLae; leinuna. Id. 75-19 2a: buna-
liaa 7c; tfrupa lruit, Itle I l'iiif Sti SO,
Calif. I't 50-17 00; rn kunlrs, )U(
pi au; lifne f2 :u. iimfdew fr.elona.
crate 12 2:, r antaloup i MJ- ) lb all
trades. Wntermi Ion 31,; cafubaa 4;
ruspberrie 92 dli, li'm ki upti i; plum
1 60; grain-s. Thumi'tou attuieaa.
Kn-ah vegetable: 'lofnatoe. Calif
$3 00; hothouse 15c lb; potato, lo
cal 2'ic lb; Ifttiue, l 7S. cel
ery, Lablsh 80c-t 35; celery hearts
Cherrle 1-ac. ueache tl 2S-I1 7S
apricots tlJtS-12 lug; greea curu 5oc
(ireen peppers 30c; tplnach 1125
crate; cauliflower 11.75; egtrplaut 20c
jb ; itimmer atjuaan si 25 flat
Bunched vegetables: idoa. bunches)
Turnip 00c; parsley 00;; catrou 4oe:
beeta 40-G0c; onlona 40c; radishe
40c; peas 6c Jb : cucumbers QOc-ll 40.
outside cucumbers S1.2S box; green
Deans s-iuc id.
Hacked vegetables: Onlona. Walla
Walla Olobc 42 6oCa)lf . yellow 12 SO.
California reds I. CarroU 3V0 lb
Oarlie 15c lb: turnip S'c.
Wool, medium 20c; coarse 10c lb
Mohair, kid 25c; old 30c.
Manufacture of rayon la again In
creasing in Britain.
Pomai-fl Ctu 60. c,e 10
CRoa ttifer id cvi 60c ivtr.
btr vOO-irOQ Jot common M
WVj poo-i:oo lbs. Vi-Viyj
K SG-S. coupon M KW
JOO Jot a,eciuxn
yj; iie.fer. v.e it. K i-o-bt.
J co t:.-V.M; common and
D-.'iiii aj low cutter '-li-iO
bit, Ji: exciuced. 6i ij-Sfl.
cjtter. wmn,vn arv3 m:uai 64-t' W
Vsaler. mil fed 50-6100: mJ,!A.r Reduction
r.. Ciim. 2vioo :u sa-n-o,
W-T-rrjn and ir.wl.'iai 16 M-i.
Hog 2S0, tnciua.iig HI C; f-l . 8.e-
Soft or &.lr hog rnd r'jauitg pi!
1 C . e? y : iK-M . - i . 'J- J WJ . r
, w 75.t;0. 7i.yi m!
i:o-sn. !:rr.t w::.t. leo-w lot. n-'A- ir it - ,
SlriS; lot med Azeftfcjif 'lif'i a-' L'J ' Z'l
w:irf.t Wjf.-'Wfl ir atft-aii- Mi A",-t tm t Ai ftef:nllig.. 5-6
ni'oo.iV-lmrt'-im 1 Iwi.wm ..7..":::
Mio-n.'.) t::.u. vmimon sut- i u0u"' auvock,o. ,
: M Ki: in.-liric kO-l!0 l..15'!a:i' locomln
M-M V: w HO-120 1M. l "5-12 . Jit.mwe 4l C1.10
i euJ wjx-oa I
Pcrtiard fp Tr I'jliowjni prle-
ue tflectn uOk'. ButLtr guoia
uoru fcre lor tcilpmtnt lrorn country
crekmcf;i kid oije-h:i ueiit pound
Butter, cuo exirM
3i'-; pr:me Tifui aoc;
Eext. touit.ry oroducerk' Drier
t:U eitiks iwlJCJ 23c, Iron
! "u,t'": S.V.'L'f!? !:
a. -c. rorukiid i
! No 2. 33c: No. 2. 2fc.
al;Jk. buyiijg prttt; Ora1e B I2.C5
( illon whoi. 4 J;7ent. 120
. pr centki.
y.rtliintj. tr:p:n 23c; iof 24c
i-ive yjuitry. r.y rjeni, c.iorfn
?vtr ? '"?I'C- "'
Ji!;jc: I'ieri 1 1:: i.
pru.n l!i-2:c; o.d ro-r ioc
"'.T? "m noann.:; turken
i J.h : ,
1 ,7&,h: Vrfruu'TrJl'',
i7(r. U-Cy. tarwni 2 00r ta-
, "Srii. X'9
hoti.oaw brt-iton "ic-ll: outaoot 7lc
luir . Cil:forn. Ili5.
TomsuxD, local iiothoue I0-20c
local ijoihoiifte 10-20C
2-12 50 lug: The Oklles
M!ng price to retailers:
ib : Tex& 2
11 -ll 40.
k1 U'tlla M.-n. il m -
c.-kt; Oretron 11-1125: Ckl:f. vu
7&--I1: r,ew Svxkfjii red 7ic; el-
low 12. New gkr:.c Ibc lb.
l.etfjce. Ortiron 1 40-12 73 for
A.parkKus. Ore. I1.2S-I1 30 doz.
bp.nkcft, 1 octal 7&c orange box.
HtrawOerrie, Ore. 13-13 20 for
24a. Hkipterrieti. 2 00 crate: b!ack-
cup 12 2i crate; 'lotfknbemes 12-12 10.
Watermelon. Calif. Klnndikni a . .
3c lb; Honey dew 8 3c lb; casabsa
3':.c lb :iiTaioiifM riiif mr.,.
14 25; ttandards 1375- 4; pony
Cherries. Royal Anne 8c; BinR 10c
lb; Apricots, Tne iJallea 8ic-ll.l0.
Vaklrna 11-11.05 lug.
J'eache. bt. John 1 50; Crawford
41 50-11 (J5; J. 11. Hale 12.
Celery. Ore. celery 75c-tJ .25 d07.
Peppers, bell, J5-20C Ithubarb. lo-
cal outiloor 7Ic apple box. Cauliflow
cr. Oregon SI 50-11 75 crate.
Table pjtatoe, J830 crop, aouthern
California whites l'-l'c lb. locals
2c lb.
Peas, Oregon 5-7c a lb. B'-ans, The
Dalle 7-8c lb. Orecn corn, Tl;e Dili-
Its 30-4 5c; garlic ISc lb.
Country nv at: filing prices to re-
taller; country killed hogs, best but-
cher under 15 lbs. 16-J-,c a lb.;
i w u " . iu a--, lauiui ju-jo',
Veal 15-JCc.
Nuts: Oregon walnuts 22' i -23c Jb
California 20-28C Peanuts, raw 10c
lb ; Uracils, new crop 22 -24c lb ; al
mond 34-35C lb.; filberts 10-20c lb;
pecan 25c lb.
Hop, nominal. 1&20 crop 8-10c lb.
Wool. 1(130 crop nominal; Willam
ette valley 17-22c; eastern Ore. 6-8C
Some better oualltv corn is now
being offered on tne Eaatslde Farm-
era' market. All corn la meeting with
a good demand. Kale of Wednesday
aire grnerally 25 to 41',c doz. ear.
.T.omi;t "howed a ateady to firm-
er lone in poui. &aie were SI .35-
II 50 box generally.
Alexander, .Ha.'e and
peache sold 00c box for best
lUfcpberne were slower at II 80-12
crai Loganberries moved 11.75-12,
few above gi W). ttrwberrlea in lim
ited supply sold at 13 crate. Black
cap were 12-12 25 crate.
Peaa sold rnoktly 4'c lb. a few
higher or lower. Oreen bean were
4',c Jb rr.OkUy, with Kentucky Won
der 8-7c.
Awparagu Bales were 44 50 pyramid
of 3'j dozen. Crooked neck and acal
lop fjuah so'.d 75c flat crate for tne
offerings from The Dalles.
Tne Dalle egrplant moved gl 50
flat crate. Cucumbers sold moatly 75c
poarn box. Hubbard quah sold 4c
lb. Potatoes were easier at 1. 15-11.25
oraiiKe box generally.
Bla'kberrle sold around 12 crate.
Jumbo celery moved well around
1 IS doen, heart SI 50 doz. bum hen.
Hplnat U sale showed a Kpread of
75c-ll orange boi. Cabbage sold
mostly 80c to It crate.
Oenerat price ruted: Bunches of
new carrots, 20-25c Uuz.t beets 20-25c,
turnip 40-OOc. Onions, dry, large 11.
Potatoes No. 1 and bakers 3; good
Spinach, fancy ftoc-gl orange box,
Ithubarb, fancy 70-75C apple box.
Peas, fancy 3 'a -4c lb Cabbage, ear
ly variety 75c crate: flat tvtw ai sn
SuuBAh. ScallODs and crnokt-tl ncchu
65-8Sc flat crate. Green com 35c doz.
inv, itMiK, nnp
Portland r - lliiv. wholeaale buvlnn
1 prices, delivered Portland; Eal-rn
Oregon timotny 22 50-423: valley
19-419 50; alfalfa S10-I20; clover 16
Oat hay lfi; straw 7-8 ton. tlclllng
price 11-12 more.
Casrara barK ateRdy, 7c.
Hops steady, 1929 crop 13-15c.
New York fUP Raw sugar firm.
Spot 96 tet. duty paid. :i 35. Refin
ed, stead). Granulated 14.60.
rOKTMM) n ot K. St r..H
Portland Flour, steady. City de
ll4'ry prlcea: family paUlits, 4'Js,
45 4f". whole wiuat 15 50; graham
5:(0; pastry flour is ih BakerV hard
wheat. Vtt. 10. baker' Bluentem pat
ents. UUs, o 20.
Sugar, steady. Rnckrd bnsis: Cane
fruit or berry 44 90; beet 14.70 cwt.
aii f ranc ifcto Butter f
Fratutbco 37c.
hkii n i Kt it, iior
New York '--Evaporated apple
steady; choice 12-12'3l fancy 14-14';
Prunes steady. Calif. 6-B; Ore. 7-9.
AprKuts steady, standard lli;-12;
diolte 14-14',; extra choice 16-17S
Pea'liea teady. standard 12'.4-12:T;
choice 12's-l2;; extra choice 12-V
ilnp steady. State. T029 20-22: 108
nominal Pacific cuut 1929 17-22-1928,
Ban Francisco iUPl-11-jgi i:00. di
rect 42S Market steady. Supply large
ly eastern Three loads 153-IBO lb
III 60-111 75; lour lols 170 to 190
lbs. CaUfornlas 11140-41105; pack
ing sows quoted 4 50 to u.
Cattle 4iS, holdover 65. Market
slow, steady. Largely steer run Two
loads of (Mia to 1125 lb graaser Sfl 75
49. She aux k weak A )d of med
ium to good (MW lb rows 6 25;
few common at V odd head low cut
ters and cutters H 50-14 40; medium
bull 46 Late Tuesday five loads 980
II 23 lb grass steers 68 75-49 25; calvea
60. Vealers steady to weak. A park
' J?Jb odd head n-
mon 170 Iba. gu.
fihei-p ioso, holdovers 440. Market
New York Stocks
(Closing QBOUUmuj
Kew Ton fh market cUtuC
. 117
. 231
A-OaJmers Mfg. Co. .....
Aujrj(n Cm CoiLDiny
AiLricn Cu Ac foundry....
Am;. cue & witc& iyr...
A.-irf.'i'.fcn Locomo'-.vt
-4?kr lof.f.r.y
a,c" V?ii?Ji
J17 5-6
.. 107
... 83
... C8
im ;
b:oo.)n Union Ou ,
&jrt 'AM, ,
Ckjum i; Anzon .
CkiifcCk Iry
CkUMlfen Pk.clJ;c ..T
Cfct ij. It Co
Ctto de Puco Copper .
iit "Tidrd '-aptkke 4: Onio '."
f.w 27c Cnicaifo Cirek: Wm ..::-iucrk-
prices: c.??- Mii- ! Pac.:-;
rimorjweaJtn it Svatnern....
Cozifjjjdkted Gu
Conunvbi Cta ."
Corn Product ...
43 ,
. 47',
4C ,
1J Pvnt de Ntmou.-i it' Co."
fox Kim
General A&fjiilt .
: "fnerkl Electric ',
; fitnemi l-ooda
Central Motors
Gold Lust "
O'odrjcfi B Ft
Ooodear it Rubber
Houon OU
Howe feund .
Hudson Mour
' Z
M 3-S
47 3;.?
,HupP Motor Ci Ccm
' Irj1:in I'-I;nJ"
, II';P"'ki:oa Corj. Copper
v11 "ar v-r
"rnt:orjai Harv-str
In-rnat)oiik Nickel
I'itemt:onal Tel. it Tel....
' Jfr-Maijviie
Kansas CltV K'ji!.f.rn
K-nnecott Copper
K-K 8 8
I-tsifttt & Myers B
! "' . ,-
u-r "
i MllC ,njUl
, M!aml Copper
: M:d-Continent Petroieunj
16 3-8
.. 24 -i
! Mouri-Kaaww-Texas
; Moritiromery Ward
39 5-8
j r,'hS Motors
i National BKCult Co
Nmional Cah Reiflster A .... 52 3-8
ri'JT.ii uniry Products
; Niatioual Power it Ligr.t
Nevada Coni. Copper ,.
New York Central
N Y. N H. it Hartford..
Nr.rth ArncrlCMj
Packard Motor
! Pacific Has At Electric. . .
Pan American B
I Pararnount-Publlx
! Pennsylvania itailroad .
' People flas ,
jPhill.pi Petroleum ,
i Pierce petroleum
Public Service of N. J. .,
r-jre Oil Company
; RbCio Corp. of America
itadio-Keith-Orp'itwrn A
Reynold Tobc?o B ?...
4C .
. 100
. ar Koebuck
.Shell Union Oil
Slrnrnons Company
film-lair Consolidated 0:1...
Southern Pacific
Southern Railway
Standard Gas it Electric...
Standard Oil of California.
Standard Oil of New Jersey.
Standard Oil of New York..
Stone At Webster
Studebalter Corn
26 5-8
.. 24 '1
... 1 19
.. W4-,
.. 74?,
Texas Corp.
. 53 5-1
.. 57i;
' Tfxa flulf
Texas Pac Land Trut...,
Timken Roller Bearing...
Transcontinental Oil
Underwood Elliott Fikher.
Union Carbide St Carbon.
t-r,itH n,.,, ,
j united CIuji Improvement"!!
30 5-8
. . . . 24
i United States Rubber
; United State Steel
Utilities Power tic Light A...
iWfcrner Brothers Pictures...
Western Union
. Westing house Air Brake ...
Wehtlnghouf Electric
iWoolworth iF V
. 167',
.. 34 ,
. look;
.. Ml
. J45'
Worthlngton Pump
Yellow Truck it-Coach
. 27t-4
American Light & Traction,... 63';
American superpower
Asaorlnted Gas A
BrHVlll'in Traction L. it P.
Cities Service
Cord Corp
Crocker -Wheeler
Elrrtrie Bond At Share....
Ford Motor Ltd
Fox Theatres A
Goldman Har-hs Trading..
Gulf Oil of Pa
Humble Oil
Indian Ter Hum Oil B ...
29 'i
. 8',
... 91
Newmont Mining I
Niagara Uud&ou Power 17
Ohio Oil
Penn'oad 13
Sheaffer Pen
Standard Oil of Indiana 51
United Gas Corporation
United Light A: Power A SO1;
Utilities Power At Llcht . lH"i
steady to weak. Two decks Rfod 80-B2
lb Oregon lambs S- two decks med
ium 67-76 lb. 7-7 50: a package 5
lb, yearlings, oteady nt 15 50. ood
ewes 120 lb, down, quotably steady
at 43-13 50.
San Francisco UP Leghorn hevia
all siea 18-19; colored all Mes 25.
Leghorn bro'ler. all lze 23-28; col
ored fryer 2-ai lb. 20-25: 3-3 'i
lbs. 30: Leghorn fryer 2-2' lbs. 21
22: colored roaf.lji over 3'j lbs, 30
32: old roosters, colored 12-15: leg
horn 12. Turkeys, all sizes nominal.
San Francisco Fed -State mkt
news servl'-ei Applf. Calif. Gravcri-
steln. il-1150 lug: parked 11 25-42:
white Astrachans 50c-41 lug: packed
II 25-41 50. Red Astra hans 25-50c a
ltiif Alexander Sl-Sl 2S lntr- nnckerf
San,!!-!! So. Red Junrs. picked 12-13 50
per uox; ii -nw l.. a. lug.
Winnipeg iL'pi Win at range July
open 9t 6-8; high 97',: low 95":
rloe 97'-. Oct. open 99'-: b!gh
I 00',; low 98',; close 99V lec.
open It 00'-,; high 101: low m-3-8,
Close 4101.
Urerpool H'l'i Whcut range July
open, high 11 OS 5-fl; lew. clow II 04
V Oct. open 41.07'4; high Si 074;
low. close 1 00 1-. Dec . open II 06 :-;
high 41.09 fi-6; row. close 41.06',;
Chicago UPi Wheat futures. July
open SUV high 69; low. close 66
St-pL npen 91.: hlirli 02 3-S: low
9V close 01. Dee. open l7i: high
IOW tMJ S 6: close U6V. March.
open, high 1102'.,. low, close 6101
tah whetit: No. 3 red N: to K;
No. 3 ted 66. No. 3 hard 8U'4-6V',.
Boston iUP Tli demand for 64a
and finer original bag we tern grown
words la only fair. Home choir wools
of this type eonalstlna of hulk Pre neb
nornoin siauli are e lna at shnut
730 scoured basis. Moderate quantl-
tl of rood 40c SOi trie.: ccmb;nf
territory ooi a. mov;i at pr.vt
in the rknve vt 67-5VC, k&oured DUi,
kt-d kit.-ikt mocis of ti r-'adc k-'t
San Prkiic;kCo ' UF it tter, 92
trt 34. frl koore 32. WO score 31:,.
Tti-. ima;i Ji.
Ortfon ujm-j li-,.
rv whttt i tu.T
crpeZjSiM wTbVaTcioU'frot!:
OpO. IC'W C. 1?. COk SpO-i. LttC
"tiifZZi; V?-Z?it..M."' t nactun.,h.v.. decided et
i! ci;.. o:t wh:;. .t-.rr.
: -: tr Bca-tn
t?jn 2 si-lb white 127
Too.'i ct, mf.ttt 13:
bai I. lio'or i4. 2. otia I. fc 2
3 J-o O.t., open l-00-; Lin. clot II 00:,.
H'4'Iow 3-d. ttc cpn. low 'aJJI,,,
cta :.ui4; cose
U. S. J. A I Hoc!
20 ooo kvekcr to 10c Top is 40
Cattle frSOO: caire 2000 Rv
O'.r.en k-.t-kdy. Se ktoca wtkir. b-t'
7 " . . . : - TTT
frkr.::iH i:0 50; e:i(ht itr J0,&5
.ki.-.--er cktt.e ar;d vekiers: i.en,
vrj , t-.H rnr,ea ij J . fI Ih. a r 11
t:i: r.iit:."m.U fT,d Si
4 000. aitlM Iambi weak
to lower, ciei kteady, most.y 43
13.76. Weterna unsold.
Dallas Prospect for the outlet
, or iaie of several Polk county pro
' ducts is brighter than a year ago or
at the present time.
Due to the killing off of many
j hens and the increased consumption
through low prices, the
stocks of tPM have r.ot tvn h-nit
I up but there has been an unusual
number of baby chicks hatched this
spnng and the carry-over from st
year still heavy.
hP mn are opttailsWc and are
1 Dredictine an un turn in the market
i-ifhm th. f. nh rir.'arJd Julv. Saiss liav nentx-rt nn1
ularly for wool. Heavy slaughring 1 Pt day or two to virtually. ar-d w.h hv f?.1?.? ... a "U- 113
is 8 8!of P and lambs 15 to progress normal and a continued streak over , w a heav7 detriment to the com- , McKarv Tas telegranVd reore
; 7v"tin several of the sheep producing : any great period may mane up for muni!y. -n-itiv iIIa Q!7r?
. . . 89 some of the earlier losses, as ordin- m""iy' f J oi food and drug admin-
. M i r. m , i .rii .,k,.. (- ! It Is stated if the law Is found nation in Portland askine co-
Polk county farmers will be oar -
ticuiarly interested to know that the
prospects for clover seed in the cen
tral and eastern states are not very
good. This should mean that the
demand for Oregon seed will be
stronger than a year ago despite
the fact that certain states object
to our seed strenuously. This would
probably mean that we will have a
ready sale for the clover seed pro
duced at a somewhat improved
"-e I wor:d output of dried prunes
; 27-tiir-a' around 35 per cent more
! 333; than that of last year, according to
.. 5:i figures gathered by the extension
66 j (service of the state college. Eoth the
2I.:8 1 California and French crops are ex
34 5-S ' Pected to be considerably larger,
while we know that that for the
Pacific northwest will be quite a bit
lower. The California walnut crop
is expected to be somewhat better
than a year ago, according to the
same source or imormation. The op
en cannery prices for California
Bartletts were tet at from $38 to
$48 a ton on July 7.
Production of potatoes is expected
to be somewhat larger than a year
ago, since there was a distinct
shortage in many parts of the coun
try but this increase is not expected
to be sufficient as to depress the
price below a pro'ltable figure but
it is still a long time until potato
narvest. with an increase of 25 cents
per bushel in the flax seed tariff it
Is expected that the large acreage
of flax growing In the United States
this year will not result In any great
lowering of the price for the seed.
The present tariff calls for 65 tents
a bushel.
During the past week a summary
of the wheat outlook situation was
mailed to various wheat groerof
the county by County Agent Beck
and according to him there will be
similar outlook reports available on
eggs and poultry, sheep and some
other Polk county productions in the
next few weeks, and these will be
sent to producers in various parts
of the county.
Roscburg. Ore. !, Formation of
a coojxrative association of purple
vetch Rrowers of the Umpqua val
ley nas suuKc-sted Tuesday by R. J.
Fiiher, president of c.ich an orga
nization in Hunibell county. Calif.
He is here studying local conditions.
Humbolt county and Douglas
county produce practically all the
vetch seed In the Pacif;c coast. Fish
er said. He declared the big market
is In J-os Antteles and that vetch
is used as a cover crop In southern
California orchards. An eflort Is
being made, he said, to force down
the price which ranges from $7 to
$8 a hundred.
Part of the Douglas county crop
is grown cn contracts to .vced hous
es. Fisher propose the local coop
erative work in harmonv with the
California association to control the
Barnerboro. Pa. (' Two child
ren were killed and the mother In
jured early Wednesday In the ex
pluslon of a charge of dynamite be
lieved set by the father of the child
ren as ft result of differences with
his wife.
The explosion demolished the
front of the home In which Mrs.
K. Terry Langham and her four
children were living at Emelgh
Run. near here, alter separating
from Langham. Two of the child
ren escaped Injury. Those killed
were a boy, 1 year old, and girl,
5 years old.
Police search for Langham was
instituted after officers were told
of differences he had had with his
wife, and that he had been seen
near the home ahortljr before the
Cr.icajo flPi Wheat ht!d In a
r.irrow range on the board ol trade
i WedneMlay but elated with frac-
j tional kt&MS. There wa persis'-ent
b-r.? by nouses i:h eai'-em con-
DtiOi5 on d:ps and bta7 hedging
. but in the range ox fcxouiid X cent,
Corn sgaln ws rery Kronj a!r
PniIiS wl-Ji more damage
reports belr.? received, but closed
' unevenly as did oats.
At the ciose wheat was U to
cent lower, corn was S cent lower
to Ti oer.t higher and oats were '4
viiions were ateaay
tmcago -r neipea oy mcjca-
I10r-S 01 01? "P0- Dusineis ana by
tir.lookferf for ih-n iintmn In
unm Bi uic.-MMi, viirnL .uei
here averaged higher early Wednes
day. Com. oats and nrovisions lice-
! if.'SB!...!f
tag at . to cent advance. Chi-
rf e - en ".iiS
off the ? cent up, and a.terward
sa?zed a:i aro'jnd. h'it. thn ro to
well above Tuesday's finish.
Hot days have been hailed with
1 try. ice cream dispensers who have
been claiming that the long streak,
of cool days and cold nights which
hv carried the f.ummer along, had ;
cut down ice cream sales by fuUy j
i 35 percent or left only about a nor-
mal 65 percent business for Jane
! rJy the weather goes in streaks
: wi:n a ew arm cave and a few
cool days and the business
ate ac rorrtirelv
Another feature Is the possible : apt to onve
favorable reaction along dairy lines, i lhem 'Jl 0j business within a few
Creamerymen figured on clearing : .Tears unless cenain hybridizers put
out a lot of accumulated bmterfat : 0Jt new varieties on a basis where
during the summer period through ! uley co'Jli be handled by the
ice cream channels by the heavy ! growers under the patent rights,
use of sweet cream. But this ha-. I B'J' " hybridizers all decided to
not been true so far this season and ! el1 their ow" products exclusively
there have been some heavy accu- : under the patents, It would mean
mulations of cubes In storage ac- j that local growers would either be
cording to report. If the hot wea- j driven Into hybridizing and pattnt
ther continues long enough heavy i ing their own new introductions or
demand for sweet cream may have be kept out of the trade altogether
a favorable reaction. on new varieties and their present
I will have a decided effect on gen-
leral nursery stock as it will place
Protesting against motorists using every nurseryman at the mercy of
the new government road into the introducer of a new variety of
Breltenbush as a speedway Mrs. j any sort of nursery stock and prob
Mark S. Skiff has appealed both ably exclude many of them from
to the state traffic department and i handling P. altogether,
the county court for assistance In it is thought likely such a law
checking fast driving along the 12 may also bring on some of the re
mile stretch between Detroit and suit of th vamj or., thm.n,h
the hot springs. In both cases she
was advised that neither the coun
ty or state has Jurisdiction over the
road which comes exclusively under
federal service jurisdiction.
Mrs. Skiff stated that she would
not desist from her efforts to make
.the road safe for travel and would
appeal to District Forester Hall at
Albany to take steps to curb speed
mania over the road. The new
road is but 11 feet wide and there
are many curves on It making speed ; Salem teTriuT7 where all 0l thMe
there much more dangerous than . products are grown on a 1 arge scale
on an ordinary highway. The grav- and rapid pr0pa8atlori and exten
eUng of the road was completed use wltn a reasonabie price on
this spring and it Is in such fine
condition she says many motorists
cannot resist the temptation to
"step on it.'
Lofanbcrry harvest is expected to
last for fully two weeks longer and
William McGilchrtst, Jr., one of the
largest growers in the fcection says
he looks for possibly one of the
longest picking seasons on record,
regardless of the light crop. The
picking season seems to be stretch
ing out to fit the extremely long
blooming period which was a fea
ture of loganberry development tins
The berry quality, however, has
stood up fine with weather condi
tions all favorable and McGilchrlst
says he doubts if the hot weather
will have much bad reaction. All of
the loganberries that can be picked
this year are taken on and It is ex
pected the canneries will run on
these berries as long as they last
or still produce merchantable ber
ries. Cherry Auction
Oregon black cherries fared fts
follows in eastern auctions Tues
day. New York: 4 cars arrived. 1 Ore..
1 Wash, unloaded. No cars on track.
Oregon Lamberts 5535 lugs U 70-
3.50. average K 65.
Philadelphia: 1 Ore., 1 Wash,
arrived. 1 car on track. Demand
moderate. Market slightly weaker.
Oregon Lamberts 1062 lugs 2 15-
2 90. average S2S3.
Boston: 1 Idaho, 1 Ore. arrived.
No cars on track. Market slightly
Oregon Lamberts 1170 lS-lb. lugs
1 60-2 65. average $1.64.
Chicago: a Mich, arrived by
boat. No cars on track. No cars
Railways of South Africa are ex
tending their motor services.
Nurserymen Fear
Effects of Patent
Law on Industry
While copies of the bill
as known, a law paetl at the
j me iy iwmrut
! propagawd, with the exception
ing the right to patent any
ery ma du.d ousmets
I west M yea.'s progress. E.-pciai:y
ita U considered true by northwest
nurserymen U the prortslora of the
I law are cuch as to make the 6ecur-
j in? or pant rights easy ana iatx-
, pensive.
One place. It is pointed out, where
bridlzed pUnvs may po&sibly have
a consioeraow e::ect on the fca.em
, district is in the hunt for a new
i strawberry or new strawberries to
I .i .v.- - j .v.- -
I ' t-c
Airaworrxies ior canning ana oar
! JV4J1H
reiing in this di&trict. The chase
I ' 1 b7' p!c the MarsbaU
has been carried on for some time
i and 1 new bwry " r-ow bein tried
, out 4l0I1? experimental lines on
'- "nating
: fro:n Minnesota. Whether or not
th. Mw tow (. retroactive to .mix
j. .
plants already propagated and
merchandised to a certain extent I
is not known but it Is not thought
likely so the patent probably could
not cover the plant now being ex
perimented on as roots of it al
ready have passed into various
But, if In the chase for seme new
berry in the district one Is found
that meets all of the requirements.
and is patented: under the law. this
patent the riEht to i exrl-jjive
sale. This would mean that the I canoad Oregon cherries on ac
berry would be apt to become a 1 coar:1 01 r?nl spray a,1Ta ,in
very expensive proportion for ( t?,,?- LJiS? fS
growers to stock up on. would xlvJS Pea50M
elude nursermen generally from I t" irt t Rndn wrvi.(BH
har.HW -hi ,J ,uJ Inspectors at Boston reported
' M. f" . JZ. rAZT. j:y
the law Is found
to apply to gladiolus, and gladiolus
is not considered a tuberous root
ed plant, local growers say that
stocks would eventually become
virtually valueless because o! their
large propagation throughout the
country making the supply larger
than the demand.
The new law also undoubtedly
plant bootlegging" as numerous
new plant varieties are so similar
to those already on the market
that their patent rights would be
virtually worthless.
Before making any definite as
sertions on how such a law may
work out until seeing the actual text
of it, nevertheless nurserymen, bulb
men and fruit men all see possi
bilities in It which may be very
detrimental to a field such as the
them are all required before they
can be raised and marketed on
successful basis here.
Corvallis, i.fy-The eighth annual
convention of Oregon poultrymen
opened a two-day session Wed
nesday on the Oregon state Col
lege campus with more than a hun
dred farmers from many sections of
the state arriving early for inspec-
ticn of the poultry plant and ex-
hibits in advance of opsnir.g of the
lormai program.
More than 200.000 seals were
caught by Newfoundlanders this
In million! of households Blue Ribbon
Malt U the permanent favorite. Such
firmly established, ever-increasing
popularity la proof that America'!
Biggest Seller Is the standard of
quality. Packed full three pounds.
rimm.mU.ttS.lm C.rjaW. at 1 1 1 If
are not available here yet as far
last session of confess grant
new plant that may be asexually
golr.g throu?h a siege
!jM,, mlM.
hrih' tKcm ?1a vtva r hnn vnan arm
now confront with neces-
; sity jor another sietre of sp
this time for lice. Lice are said to
be appearing generally in various
varri nnrl alvt thr fir rtrwirt iif
j tome ftoneyaew. The lice, however.
i are nothing new as far as valley
hop men are concerned1 and it is a
I rare season when some attacks
thu ne are r,t i h. n-..t ith
market remains quiet with
no sales reported for nearly a
; month. It esTimad th'are
! still about 10,000 bales in Oregon
wirh .-r.iA t.nm k..iL.,
. r ' "
on the coast,
TuDL IT DDnTLCTLn 1 lfr was lak;n m r?e blocks around
InnLAI rnU LO LUithe best levels of the movement.
General Motors as turned over in
I blocks at a new high on the recov
Vifforoiis nmtejEU frn-n Raifm ry despite imminence of the dud-
cherr- growers against the report-
ed threat of department of agri-1
' cu-rjre Ben-5 n Boston to seize a
t residue on Oregon che;
istraticn in Portland asking
; operation in the inspection of Ore-
gon cherries and has assured tne
Salem organization that everv safe
guard will be used to prevent ad
vantage being taken of growers.
'Continued from pace 1)
by misrepresentation during the
last seven months."
Walter B. Car.-, chairman of the
recall committee, announced his
organization Is going out of exis
tence with its purpose of "rebuk
ing an unfaithful administration"
Mayor Bowles was elected last
November as a reform candidate,
with the support of the anti-4aloon
league and similar organizations.
He appointed Harold H. Emmons,
prominent attorney and business
man, police commissioner and later
made Gu.espie commissioner of ,
of public works. This latter ap
pointment was said to have turn
ed many of Mayor Bowles' support
ers against him.
The mayor returned from at-
tending the Kentucky derby last
.-oay io una nis ponce commis
sioner had authorized a sweeping
series of raids on race handbook
agencies against which a newspaper ;
crusade had been waged for weeks.
He discharged Emmons. i
This precipitated the recall move- !
ment with charges he had 'toler- I
ated lawlessness'' and "fired Em- '
mons for enforcing the law," head- I
ing the list of accusations. j
Lunken Airport, Cincinnati. O. LP 1
Pilot R. A. Hosier of Detroit, con
testant in the all-American air der
by, was injured when his Simplex
plane nosed over as the 12 ships re
maining in the race took off on
the fourth lap for Little Rock. Ark.
Hosier 6hot away from the start
ing tape with his motors wide open
but the ship apparently refused to
respond to her rudder and it noted
Lafayette The crop of hay here
has been abundant. The work of
harvesting and baling has given
employment to men and boys. At the
Woods place near here a large crew
of balers are employed.
in i
'Mil EX!RAcT
New York flP The stock market
turned downward again near the
close Wednesday as bearish profes
eionals resumed selliny after an
early advance had carried the hit
close to last week s high lewis.
Approximately haj of the sub-
ntial gains ere erased In the
hour sealing wave which, was
induced by a slowing up of the for
ward movement in the early after
Despite the recession in the final
hour, preliminary averages of Dow,
Jones and company showed a gain
oi a points to a 03 lor the 30
industrial and of .64 point to 134.56
for the 20 rails. Sales totalled 2
526 850 shares, compared with 2,.
080,740 shares Tuesday.
Shares such as Westingbouse
Electric, General Electric, United
States Steel. Radio and General
Electric suffered losses of one to
nearly three points from their ear
ly highs but met strong support
meU aoove their previous closing
levels. J. I. Case was a particular
target for bear forces, losing more
than half of an early 10 point ad
vance. Auburn encountered a eim
Uar setback following its early 7
poir.t advance.
Despite th? sharp recessions from
their early highs in many of the
fpeculative leaders, a number of
special shares were able to hold the
greater part of earlier gains. Chrys-
j Nation of its second quarter earn
Offerinps of the pivotal shares
later in the session, were generally
taken on a scale down and in no
cases did any of the leaders break
their previous closing levels.
Rose burp. Ore. j Due to an ap
parent poor oj;.oDk for prune prices
this year directors of the Douglas
county prune growers have agreed
to relets; members from the pool
agreement and to permit consign
ment sales if desired. Representa
tives of the California Packing Cor
poration and Rosenberg Brothers
attended the me-etme and agreed to
I buy for cash. They said, however.
the price would be low.
No definite (potations are In pro
spect for the immediate future,
buyers say.
Tlie local association agreed to
reduce its own handling charge
from SI to 75 cents a ton. Directors
each year make up a wage schedule
for orchard h?:p but are delaying
this year until a price quotation is '
Tne Umpqua valley crop is esti
mated at 15.000.000 pounds. Sizes
are expected to be larger than usual.
We have al! sizes of used pipe
and pipe fittings, We also
make up pipe,
Salem Bargain
330 N. Commercial street
Saffran & Kline
"You Call We Haul"
Mt, Ansel Meat
Wholesale Meat Dealers
Ray Kb nor Bill Kloft
Red 25 Phone 61
Mt. Angel, Oregon
High Grade
1 :30 P. Me
1511 S. Liberty
t high grade piano, 2 ranges,
Z bed room suites in Ivory and
walnnt with beds, dressers,
chiffeneers, stand tables, roil
springs fc mattresses, break
fast fable and 6 chairs, wal
nut dining room suite includ
ing buffet, ex. table and
diners, 1 day bed complete, 1
baby's bed complete, 1 con
sole um raz, 1 Axmtnster rag
9ilZ and small rug, 1 library
table; Z sea grass rockets, 1
walnnt and velour rtcVer, I
velouT davenport, like new; 1
garden hose, fruit Jan, wash
tabs and many other lobeel
laaeons articles.
The abore furniture an good
and suitable for any boose
H. P. Williams, Owner
F. X. Woodry,
Phone 511