Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 29, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930
t I
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II rfW .-.auk" c4 IFME "
l IiiHIIii in I ll IIIIIM.ilii.l-H?- I . Vr'Wi.ll
Stellar Event
Next Week
Of vital interest to the women and
fcirls of Salem, fi3 annual Y. W. C.
A. campaign for the coming years'
budget will start in Salem Monday
morning, March 31, to continue un
til Saturday night, April 5. A pre
liminary sen-ice Sunday night at the
First Presbyterian church, when the
Girl Reserves sponsored by the Y.
W. C. A. will present their beauti
ful candlelighting service will make
n impressive ceremony for the
opening of the week. The goal for
the week has been set as $9,000, $8.
000 for the next year's budget and
$1,000 to cover the change in the
liscal year from February 1 to April
Prominent matrons and maids of
Salem are assisting the board of
directors In helping with the cam
paign. Mrs. Rex Sanford Is cam
paign director. Her major assistants
are Mrs. W. D. Clarke, teams chair
man; Mrs. Prince Byrd, publicity
chairman: Mrs. F. A. Elliott, chair
man of the initial gift committee;
Mrs. J. A. Brownson, chairman of
lists; Mrs. F. M. Erickson, who will
secure speakers for the luncheons;
Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr., lunr
eheon chairman; Mrs. Eric Butler,
office chairman; and Mrs. B. C.
Miles, church cooperation chair
man. Other board members who arc as
sisting In official capacities are Mrs.
C. S. Hamilton, president, Mrs. L.
H. McMahan as treasurer and chair
man of the auditing committee;
Mrs, John McNary. hostess at the
daily luncheons; Mrs. B. E. Carrier,
In charge of all transportation for
the drive; Mrs. L. O. Clement and
Mrs. T. A. McBride, who are team
captains; Mrs. Kitty Graver, au
ditor; Mrs. W. E. Kirk. Mrs. J. H.
La u terms n, Miss Elizabeth Putnam,
office assistants; Mrs. Milton Mey
ers, on the Initial gift committee;
rs. on me initial p wminmev. .
Mrs. George Moorehead. in charge
of the Girl Reserve chorus at tlw
luncheons ; and Dr. Estelia Ford
Warner, speakei.
A feature of the campaign will
be the luncheons to be held Mon
day, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs
day and Friday at the Y. M. C. A.
building, with Mrs. McGilchrist as
general chairman and Mrs. McNary
as hostess. Speakers are being ar
ranged, and team members will
meet each day to turn in their lists
already secured. Presbyterian wom
en will serve the luncheon Monday,
Methodist church women Tuesday,
Congregational women Wednesday,
members of the Eastern Star Thurs
day, and members of the Friday
bridge club will serve on Friday.
Mrs. David Wright will have charge
of the dining room, assisted by Mrs.
Frank Minto, Mrs. Ralph Thomp
son, Mrs. Guy Irwin, Mrs. Ted
Chambers and Miss Bertha Ecker
lin. The various committees assisting
with the campaign either as teams
or In some other capacity, are as
Office Mrs. Eric Butler, chairman;
Urs. W. E. Kirk. Mrs. J. H. Lauter
man. Miss Elizabeth. Putnam. Mrs.
Jennie Vincent. Mrs. E. A. Colony.
Mrs. W. I. Staler. Miss Janice McAfee.
Auditors Mrs. L. H. McMahan,
chairman; Mrs. Kilty Oraver, Mra. S.
B. Gillette. Mrs. Oda Chapman.
Initial Gifts Mr?. F. A. Elliott.
Chairman; Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mrs.
D. J. Fry, Jr.. Mis. Alice Dodd, Mrs.
Milton Meyers.
Luncheon Committees Monday;
Mrs. W. A. Schultr, Mrs. Harry Mohr.
Mrs. Charles Hurt kins. Mrs. Tlnkh&m
Gilbert, Mrs. Charles Hays. Mts.
Frank Power, Mrs. E. E. Ling. Tues
day; Mrs. C. D. Query. Mrs. F. W.
Bailey. Mrs. Corydon Blodgett. Mrs.
Cuddejohn. Mrs. Adolph Bomoeck.
Mrs. E. B. Millard. Mrs. J. W. Cable.
Mrs. Rice. Wednesday; Mrs. Fannie
Brown TlbbetU. Mrs. P. W. Bailey,
Mrs. Georg RosHman. Mrs. C. E. Ward,
MIs Edith Hazard, Miss Mary Fake.
Thursday; Mrs. Louie Olson, and sev
en others. Friday; Mrs. Walter Pen-
nlnftton. Mrs. Harley White, Mrs. E
A. Kurt, Mrs. Fred Delano, Mrs O
A. Olson, Mrs. P. D. Fullerton. Mrs
Elmer Dane. Mr. Leon Gleason, Mrs
firott Pas.
Publicity Mrs. Prince Byrd. chair
man: Mrs. 8- W. Starr. Mr Clarence
Byrd Mrs. P. 8. Lamport, Mrs. Dm Id
icyre, Mrs. James loung. Mrs. u
Bires. Mrs. Howard Blake. Mrs. Thom
as Roberts.
Team 1 Mrs. L. O. Clement, Mrs
T. A. McBride. captains: Mrs. L. M
Purvlne. Mrs. J. W. Harbison, Mrs. L
L. Laws. Mrs. Waldo Mills. Mrs. W
B. Johnston. Mrs. I. M. Do ugh Ton
Mr. W. D. Push. Mrs. Chsrles Hud-
-kins. Mrs. R. C. Davis, Mrs. William
Gshladorf, Mrs. B. X. Meyers. Mrs.
Tlnkham Gilbert, Mrs. I. A. Krnney.
Mrs. W. Llnfoot, Mrs. T. A. MscKen
le, Mrs. C. A. Spracue.
Team 3 Mrs Mark McCalllster.
eaptain: Mrs. William Ellis, Mra. Ho
mer Goulet.
Team 3 Dr. Fannie B Tlbbetts.
eaptaln: Mrs. 3. P. Humphreys. Mrs.
U E. Hulbert. Mrs. 8. A. Coates. Mrs
M. H. Tabl. Mrs. P. T. Phlpps. Mrs.
W. E. Hanson. Mrs. B B r.atk. Mrs.
Trias. Morly. Mrs. P. B. Klbbe. Mrs.
Wayn Barham. Miss Prlscllls Fry,
Miss Mary La Londe.
Team 4 Mrs. F. U Ertckson. fP-
thln; Mrs. H. 8. Ollf, Mrs. C. M. Le.
k .J, rr x
! ' i
Major social activities will be subjugated this coming week to the Y. Wr,C.A.
annual budget campaign, in which many prominent social Waders and club women
arc participating. From the left: Mr. Re.v Sanford, general chairman and di- X
rector of the V. TV. C. A. campaign; Mrs. Prince Kyi'd, publicity chairman for J
the drive; and Mrs. U D. Clarke, chairman of the teams committees. J
Mrs. E. A. Colony, Mrs. Van Welder,
Mrs. K. B Kugel. Mis. Herbert Ralie,
Mrs. M. C. Casjiatt, Mrs. Carl G. Done)-.
Mrs. W. W. Robebraugh, Miss
Olive M. Dahl.
Team. & Mra. Otto Headrick, Mm.
P. W. Oelber, captains; Mrs. B. C.
Miles, Mrs. W. Car; con Smith, Mrs.
H, J. Ostllrut. Mrs. C. E. Roblin, Miss
Litchfield, Mrs. A. A. Lee. Mrs. Ly
man McDonald, Mrs. C. K. Bpauldlng,
Mrs. M. E. Peck. Mrs. R. C. Glover,
Mrs. Clifton Mudd. Mrs. L. G. Bul
Kln, Mrs. Charles Gabriel, Mrs. A. A.
Carper, Mrs. Fred Fargo.
Team 6 Mrs. Grace Robertson,
captain; Mrs. D. H. Craven, Miss Vio
let Hoover, Miss Alice Hlggs, Mrs, H.
C. Stover, Miss Elsie Miller, Mrs. A.
R. Barnard, Mrs. Maude Pointer, Mrs.
H. E. Ross, Mrs. F. E. Brown, Mrs. J.
E. Allison, Mrs. M. C. Fetteys, Mrs.
Corydon Blodgett. Mrs. B. E. Carrier,
Mrs. J. H. Lauterman.
Team 7 Miss Josephine Shade,
captain; Miss Laura Hale. Miss June
Phi) pott. Miss Phoebe McAdams. Miss
Merle Dlmlck, Miss Slgne Paulsen,
Mrs. Clara Pomeroy, Mlas Carlotta
Crowley, Mrs. Myra Shank, Miss Olga
Hoffard, Miss Julia Webster, Miss
May Cleveland. Miss Mary Sheldon,
Mlts Magda Hoff.
Teiiin 8 Mvs. Harry Hawkins, cap
tain: Mrs. E. V. McMechan. Mrs. John
Carson. Mrs. F. E. Slade. Mrs. O. P.
Johnson. M1js Dorothy Llvesley. Mrs.
Chester Cox. Mrs. Frederick Decke
bach, Mra. Douglas McKay. Mrs. W.
L. Phillips, Mrs. P. C. McDonald.
Team 8 Mrs. J. C. Perry, captain;
Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Miss Vivian Elker.
Mrs. W. J&rman. Mrs. L. B. Endlcott.
Mrs. R W. Baldock.-Mrs. E. J. Huff
man. Mrs Paul Hauscr. Mrs. J. M.
Devers. Mrs. W. W. Haum. Mrs. J. A.
Thomason, Miss Opal Morley.
Chadwick Chapter to
Observe Anniversary
The 35th aniversMy of the organ
ization of Chadwick chapter. Or
der of the Eastern Star, will be ob
served with a banquet in the Ma
sonic temple Tuesday niht, April
I. at 6:15 o'clock. Mrs. Elizabeth
Tipton of Portland, worthy grand
matron of Oeron. and other grand
officers from Portland, who will
, n ch Iollowmg tne
wiU peciai Ruests
Honored gur&ts for the evening
will be 8 charier members who are
yet living and still members of
Chfldwlrk chapter. which was
founded April 9. 1895, with 36 char
ter members. The 8 charter mem
bers are Mrs. Josic LaFore, oldest
living pat worthy nistr.m or Chad
wick chapter. Lot L. Pierce, oldest
living past worthy patron of the
local chapter. Mrs. Lena Cherring
lon, Mrs. Jennie Chapman, George
Dunsford, Frances Smith, May
Pierce and Alice Meyers.
Mrs. Ida Babcock, who has served
the chapter lor iUv past 30 years
as secretary, and all past worthy
matrons and patrons wil also be
honor guest. Kit. Pearl Pratt,
worthy matron, and Herbert Mau
ser, worthy patron, will preside.
Reservations for the dinner were
closed Friday night, with Mrs. Wm.
Neimever in charge. Mrs. Paul Hau-
ser is in general charge of the ban
Past Matrons At
Godfrey' 8 Friday
Mrs. Josephine Vass, Mrs. Hazel
Gillette and Mrs. Ida Godfrey en
tertained members of the Past Ma
trons association of the Eastern Star
at the Godfrey home Friday night.
Spring flowers in the colors of the
Eastern Star, with tall tapers in the
five colors used in holders and can-
ahmitth rooms and on the scrvimr!th fOTirtn devotional talk by Dr. j
The evening was spent informally,
with Mrs. Faye Wright, president of
the association, presiding. Projects
for the completion of their p3rt of
the piano fund were discussed, and
preparations made for the election
of officers which will be held at
the next meeting.
Members present were Mrs. Lena
Ch?rrim;ton, Mm. Emma Murphy
Brown. Mrs. Ida Babcock. Mrs. Rose
Babcock. Mrs. Marion Derby. Mrs.
Monnie Hauser. Mis. Mary Johnson.
Mis Delia Johnson, Mrs. Faye
Wriaht, Mrs. Rowie Llnfoot, Mrs.
Marie McCall, Mrs. Mabel Mlnto.
Mrs. Ida L. Nile, iss GusMe Niles.
Miss Minnie Moeller. Mrs. Addie M.
Petteys, Mrs. Rose Pratt, Mrs. Flor
ence Reeves. Mrs. Estelia Smith.
Mrs. Lot fa Smith, Mrs. Eleanor
Steiner, Mrs. Jennie Emmons, and
the hostesses, Mrs. Vass, Mra. God
frey and Mrs. Olllette.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. potter of New
York city and Mrs. palmer of Bos
ton who have been guests of Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. Potter for the past
ten days, left early this week for
their home. They made the trip by
motor through California to Ore
ton, and are making tht return
drive through Pendleton, Denver
ind Chicago,
500 Girls
To Attend
One of the largest and most In
teresting state meetings to be held
in Salem early this spring is the
eighth annual Oregon older girls'
conference to be held at the First
Presbyterian church April 4, 5, and
6, with Mrs. Jean M. Johnson of
Portland as conference director.
Plans have been going forward
rapidly for this state meeting to
be attended by approximately 500
girls from all parts of the state
representing many different de
nominations. Mrs. William A. Schultz. chair
man of th a housing committee
and Miss Muriel White, chairman
of the Salem girls, are being assist
ed by a number of local folk in
completing final preparation? for
the entertainment of the visitors.
The tentative program will open
Friday afternoon with registration
from 1:30 to 5 o'clock. At S o'clock
there will be a meeting for all adult
leaders with the conference direc
tor, and a meeting for all girls who
have attended the conference for
three or more years.
At 7:15 o clock an informal get
acquainted party will be held in the
church auditorium followed by the
prologue and formal opening of the
conference at 7:45 o'clock. Miss
Daphne Hughes, conference presi
dent, will make her addrees, to be
followed by a welcome address by
Governor Norblad. Dr. Walter L.
Van Nuys, president of the Oregon
conference of Christian education,
will 4 he first devotional talk
of the meeting at 8 o'clock, and a
general assembly will be held from
9:15 to 9:45 o'clock.
Saturday morning, April 5, the
conference wil open with the sec
ond devotional talk by Dr. Van
Nuys followed by a group discuss
ion period, and short talks by lead
ers. Luncheon will be served at 12
o'clock and moving pictures will be
The afternoon session Saturday j
will start at 1:30 o'clock with spe
cial music and talks by the girls.
Dr. Van Nuys wil give his third
devotional talk followed by a dis
cussion period and play time.
A feature of the Saturday after
noon eslon wil be a debate on the
subject: "Resolved, that brains are
a greater asset to a woman than
personality." with representatives
from McMinnville and Portland on
the affirmative siae and represent
atives from Albany and Eugene on
the negative team. The debate mill
be held at 3:30 o'clock. At 4 o'clock1
political plans and ideas for 1931
Will be discussed and the Toronto i
voung people 'sconlerenca will be!rl'l' Rutn Arnii. ia ciaire Love, vir-
' nnun'.. lamia Best. Ruth Chapman, Marjorle Bos-
The Conference banquet Will be
held at 6:15 o'clock, with group
, " (1 k v-.jj
tne Geneva conference wil be held
at 8 30 Saturday night.
The services Sundav will IncIudM
a SUmle Hen If? at 7:30 0 ClOCk With .
Van Nuys. The girls will attend
cinnrlftv khonl xervlcpK at the rptni- '
bunaay snooi senices at tne regu-
lar hours.
... .... .. . .,
MlSS Vlrglna Judy Esteriy, dean
of women at University of Oregon.
will make a special address Sun-
day afternoon at 2 o'clork followed
by individual remarks on the con-
ferente. The impressive candle Cer-
emonial at 4 o'clock m conclude
the conference.
Leaders for the conference will
include beside Dr. Van Nuys and
".' i ".
berlin of the Oregon social hygiene
society; Miss Dulcina Brown, a Sun
day school expert from Portland:
Miss Gen aid 3 Eakin, direction of
religious educa:ion at the Chem
awa Indian scool; Miss Pearl Sher
lock, director of religious education
at the Westminster Presbyterian
church, Portland; and Misa Mar
garet Edmondson, a student from
the University of Oregon.
Among the many things to Inter
est the conference girls are person
al Interviews with leaders, a con
ference choir with girls serving as
group leaders, and the finest of mu
organist. pianist, song leaders and
sic by girls playing the violin, pi
ano, xylophone, and other Instru
ments. Of interest to rising artist 1 the
prl to be awarded to the girl who
r: -.J ) .
r Li - . !
makes the best posted on the con
ference theme, "A Sower Went Out
to Sow." Sight seeing trips to state
institutions, the capttol building,
and other points of interest in Sa
lem and the vicinity are being ar
ranged for the entertainment of the
conference visitors.
Members of tae Crescendo club,
high, school musical organization,
were entertained Friday night at
the home of the president, Cleo
Seeley. The main feature of the
evening was the initiation of nine
new members. Melton Skewis,
Chester McCaine, Ray Hansberry.
Vernon Bush ne 11, Lorraine Hagg,
Irene Rittner, Marion Kumler,
Marie Patton and Russell Rob
bins. Following the initiations,
games were enjoyed and refresh
ments served by the host commit
tee, Cleo Seely, Blair Foley, Eliza
beth Boylan and Doryce Ross.
In addition to the initiates, those
present were Miss Lena Belle Tar
tar, club advisor; Louise Barham,
Barbara Barham. Dorothy Borrego,
Blair Foley. Katherine Mishler,
Josephine Rodgers, jeanette Scott,
Elizabeth Boylan. Doryce Ross,
Helen Benner, Richard Smart, Fred
Wolfe, Dalbert Jepson, and Cleo
Brilliant Dance i
Event Friday Nite I
A gala event for the younger set
home from college for the spring
vacations, and for the high school
maids and beaus, was the colorful
formal dance given by Miss Doro
thy Moore and Miss Margaret
Heltzel Friday night at Castilian
hall. The large ballroom was lovely
with great baskets of daffodils
carnations and spirea. Baskets of
spring fiovvcrs decked the serving
table. Feature songs were given by
little Bobby Brazeau.
Patrons and patronesses for the
dance were Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Moore. Mr. and Mrs. James Helt
zel and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cup
per. The guests Included:
The Miasm Caruivn C. Csrorl Bra-
flrn. Robert Mills, Hrlen Lararn. Manarrt
WRynrr. Msrsarrt Wilson. Beryl Hair. Mar
ion Marcus. Bttlr Mae Hsrtunc. Uarioo
Johnson. Doris Unruh, rvrn Harris. Janr
Lorraine' Klnser., Maiint Mrrs, Brths
Bsbecx-k, Mar? Jane Lau. Joyce Anderson,
Madeline McKIUop. Constance Krebi,
atherlnt Hutcheon, Isobel Morehouse, Jose
phine Comeyer. Dorothy Pickens. Beulah
Cramer, 8ivl Da Boise, Mildred Zehner,
Jean Patton. Ruth Johnson. Wllda
Fleener. Harriet Brlsham, EM her Wood,
Mary Ksfoury, June Pitzpatrlck, Ruth
Pick, Mint Belt. Helen Ol.on, Evelyn
Vouiis. Eleanor Wrltht, Hattle Ramp, Reta
Elizabeth Clement. Marie Patton, Estlier
Oodser. Kar Pltiaptrlrk, Claudia Buntln
Olbbard. Bes trice Johnston, Gwendolyn
etoiiker. Julia Creech, Alia Johiison. Cyn
thia DeLano,
Yvonne Smith. Isobel Oeorse, Phyllis
Day, virslnla Holt. Velma Mar. Grace Day.
Ruth Gillette, Dorotha Cannon, Bettj
Bonne). Pae Drlscoll, Dorothy White Grace
Holman. Betty Vaushn. Mildred Shield ,
Erma Sadler. Marvarev flelttel. Vlvli
jlpri BJijie cupper. Virginia fimson, Peiey
wasstarr. Eleanor Norfclad, Werner Brown,
!"t(."kes' Hfl"1 Aihilmn' JPl
Messrs. Jack Oresory. Oeonre Ltoyd. Don
S:urman. James Beaii. Hand r,re. Homer
C o ilet. Jr.. Olvrn noe. Robert Boal. Jr .
L1 Hn'.-!'r,,l-Am.rran"'
B.k.r. Ridie Roth.' Charles Bier. Ch.rle.
c-iassett. w. ; w. Munsfard. Charles Heimu,
I csaiteu. jr. Richar revert. iynn
Jimmie unepera. Jotin Huhes, Ralph
8tftirtli BlU Boundt w
, , , . ,
I liii ion ciemen. nmjir.ona vritii.
clarence McKemie. Jsrk Price. Lelie
whntint'oi;. Bob Needimin, Jim Emmeit.
I ""rlf: Frn nfr; 'l "V"
Llnn -,,,.-,. V11-n E(irl ' .,-uf' Kin.
Ivirtii r voe. Larkm wniisms. ous Moore.
Prank an Drke. Clinton, Wliimm
Jr ' ZAwint CroM- Vl1 J'I-
Lmf Kitten, pay Bai.rk.
Bot Rtmeden. csri coiim. Joi n Rones.
cfty. Robert ut-.msn. oienn
wuour. mm in. nuoert srny, bi-
rinim.. Fred H 1t. rilfff T wcrti
walur F.hrer. Luke m,ieio. Jm Heit-
I. Burr, on d Hulh, Adam Keiher, J. Nell
Broan. eilatrd Keed. Bob Author.?. Ken
neih KWm. Wil)m R.n.ou. Church Rid,
Kimfcail Pare. Werrer Hron. Way:.
Ho'il. Ldt sri 8kesni;nd, ai.d Ed .r.
New York Man
Dinner Guest
Mrs. W. M. BuAhey entertained
Fridtfy evening with an Informal
dinner at the Spa. complimenting
Stephen Stevens of New York City.
Out-of-town guest for the affair
were Mr. and Mrs. Del Barber of
Following the dinner, Mr. Stevens
left for Los Angeles to eompte his
"ontraet with Metro-Ooldwyn-Mayer
in their sound lilms.
Music Series
To Conclude
The delightful series of programs
arranged by the Salem Chamber
Music rociety will close next Wed
nesday nignt when tne Portland
string quartet will play their con
cluding concert here. The program
will be held in the Woman's club
house on North Cottage street, as
were the other two held in the late
fall and in the winter.
The program numbers will be
echoes of the spring-time season,
and nave been expressly arranged
for the final concert. One num
ber, Dfbussy'B quartet. Opus 10, Is
being played at the request of Mrs.
W. H. Burghardt. The quartet
members are Susie Fennell Pipes,
first violin; Hubert Sorenson. second
violin; Alexander Vdovin, viola; and
Ferdinand Kom-ad, viol in -cello..
The chamber music society, which
is closing Its first year here, was
created by popular demand for mu
le of this type. A number of in-
f luential people have been Inter
ested In Its organization and served
as officers for the past season.
The program Wednesday night,
April 2, will be as follows:
Quartrt. Opus IS, No. Beethoven
Ml nuetto
Andante csntablle, variations L II, III.
rv, v.
Quartet, Apus 10 Debussy
Atumt ct trei decide
Asses vlt et blen rythm
Andantlna doucement espresslf
Tres morede tres mouvetnente t avec
Nocturne. Quartet, Opus 35 Borodin
Valse. Suite, Opus 35 Olasounow
Mrs. I. M. Dough ton, Mrs. Roy
Mills, Mrs. E. E. Ling and Mrs. Guy
Irwin motored to Albany Thursday
where they were guests of Mrs.
Walter Worrell at a charming
bridge party.
G7f?s To Observe
Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs.' Henry A. Gille will
celebrate their golden wedding an
niversary Sunday, March 30, at
their home on north 23rd Street.
with a family reunion, golden wed
ding dinner at noon and an infor
mal reception to their many friends
Sunday afternoon. All ol their a
living children, and the majority of
their 10 grandchildren will be pres
ent for the celebrations.
Henry A. Gille and Rosa D. Kil
linger were marled in Sarpy county,
Nebraska, March 30, 1880. Mr. Gille
was born in IB57 at Richmond
Ohio, and Mrs. Gille was born In
1801 at Dubuque, Iowa. Eight child
ren were born to them. The 5 living
children are Mrs. Daisy Buller of
Reedley. California; Albert H. Gille
of Salem; Herbert Gille of John
Day, Mrs. Gertrude Gleason of John
Day, and Mrs. Arthur Rodgers of
Mr. and Mrs. Oille came to Salem
from Nebraska in October, 1904.
They have taken an active part in
church life In Salem, and have
host of friends here.
Mrs. Frank L. Da' is of Los An
geles, national field secretary of
Methodist women's organizations,
addressed the Woman's Bible class
of the First Methodist church at a
meeting Friday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. F. A. LeKKe, Mrs.
Davis gave a report of the com
munity and Immigration work done
by the association. Mrs. J. F. Green
led in the devotional senices, and
Mrs. Benjamin Blatchford reported
on the Japanese work.
Those present were Mrs. Davis,
Mrs. Nellie Rahe, Mrs. Aim Ira Hale.
Mrs. N. 8. hvatrp. Mrs. H. H. Van
tic vort, Mrs. H. E. Harris, Mrs. Laura
Clutter. Mrs. Benjamin Blatrhford.
Mrs. F. C. DeLong. Mrs. Charles
Fessenden, Mrs. E. E. Gilbert, Mrs.
Mary M. Brvan. Mrs. J. R Carruth-
eis. Mrs. Daisy Phenlcie. Mrs. C. H
Bryan. Mrs. R. K. Ohllng. Mrs. G.
F. Johnson, Mrs. F. O. Franklin.
Mrs. L. T. Bennett. Mrs. MatUe
I'amrick, Mrs. J. F. Green, Mrs. L.
D. Waterman, Mrs. O. W. Emmons.
Mrs. Effle W. Dunlap, Mrs. W. C.
Young. Mrs. H. M. KUikheimer.
and Mrs. F. A. Legge.
A birthday dinner for the mem
bers of the O. A. R. the W. R. C
and other patriotic orders was held
Saturday noon In the o. A. ft.
building at the state fairgrounds.
The evening meeting of the Eng
lewood community club will be held
Tuesday night, April 1, at the
home of Mr. and Mm, E. A. Collier.
1045 North 19:h street. Arthur
Brock, of the state printing depart
ment, will speak on the state pub
lication and ownership of text
Popular Girl
Date In May
The wedding date of one of Sa
lem's most popular maids. Miss
Prudence Patterson, was announced
Saturday afternoon at a bridge tea
given in her honor by her sister.
Mrs, Doiph Craig. In the Craig
home on South Cottage street. Miss
Patterson, daughter of Mrs. Clara
Patterson, will become the bride of
Frank Chapman. May 3 at the
Craig home.
The announcement was made in
clever style at the tea hour, follow
ing the hours of bridge. Big baskets
of bright spring flowers were used
attractively about the livingrooms
at the Craig home, and Mrs. Craig
was assisted by Mrs. Clara G. Pat
terson. Mrs. Karl Steiwer and Mrs.
John Caughill, Jr., at the tea hour.
In the group were Miss Prudence
Patterson, the honor guest; Mrs.
John Caughell. Jr., Mr$. Frank
Deckebach. Jr., Mrs. Milton Steiner,
Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs. Kenneth
Wilson, Mrs. Wallace Carson. Mrs.
Kenneth Powers, Mrs". J?rald Back
strand, Mrs. George Weller, Mrs.
Wolcott Buren. Mrs. Foster Cone,
Mrs. Frank Reinhart of Eugene,
Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mrs. Don Prit
chett, Mrs. Willard Marshall. Mrs.
Tom Wood, -Mrs. Aael Eoff, Mrs.
Warren Jensen, Mrs. Fred Stump.
Mrs. Kenneth Thompson. Mrs. Wal
ter Holleque of . Portland, Miss
Kathryn Hartley, Miss Eunice Rob
ertson, Miss Marie Churchill of
Portland. Miss Josephine Baum
gartner. Miss Margaret Breiten-
stein. Miss Helen Breitenstein. Miss
Helen Campbell, and the., hostess.
Mrs. Dolph Craig.
Miss Patterson attended Oregon
Agricultural college, where she was
a member of Kappa Alpha Theta
national social sorority. Mr. Chap
man attended the University of
Oregon where he was affiliated with
the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity.
Both young people are favorites In
the younger set.
Miss Maxlne? McLean and Miss
Helen Darby, both of Salem, atten
ded the Delta Delta Delta province
convention sponsored by the Theta
Mu chapter of Oregon Agricultural
college and the Theta Delta chap
ter of the University of Oregon at
Eugene March 23. 24, and 25. Del
egates from Nevada, California,
Montana, Idaho, Washington and
Oregon were present.
The Delta Phi Mothers' club will
meet at the chapter house, 1610
Court street, Monday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock for a shrub and plant
Dallas The golden wedding anni
versary of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Young
will be celebrated Sunday afternoon,
March 30, from 3 to 6 o'clock. .
Sponsors and guardians ot Salem
Camp Fire, together with a number
of guests from Portland, will be
entertained at a banquet Saturday
night at 0 o clock at the Gray Belle.
Following the banquet, tiie Portland
guests will participate in the grand
council fire to be held at the Y. M.
C. A. building at 8:15 o'clock.
Mehama Miss Inez Goodel,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Goo
del of Mehama, and Charles Crook,
son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Crook of
Lyons, were united In marriage
Thursday afternoon, March 27, at
Mill City. They were atended by the
groom's Rister, Lulu, and brother.
George, and Kiss Ann Walters of
Mill CHy.- .... i -
After the ceremony a wedding din
ner was served at the home of the
bride's mother. A short wedding trip
was taken, after which they will
make their home at Mehama.
f ' .
Mrs; C. E. Whitney left Salem
Friday night for Ven;ura. Califor
nia, where she will remain for some
time as the guest of her daughter,
Mrs. Thomas Magers.
Miss Mills
Hostess For
Younger Set
A brilliant event for the yaunRer
et was the bridge tea with which
Miss Roberta Mills entertained in
the home of her grandmother, Mrs.
Charles K. SpauldinR. Saturday
attemoon. Great baskets of dainty
sprlnK ' flowers with feathery sprays
i of spirea made a dainty background
for the high school and college
At the tea hour. Miss Mills'
mother. Mrs. Roy Mills, her young
er sister. Miss Ila Miller and Mrs.
Walter Bpauldlng, With Mrs. C. K.
Spaulding and a group of younser
girls, assisted the youthful hostess.
MlsSiMllls' guests were the Misses
Vera Alderln, Olive Anderson. Har
riet Bell. Myra Beltt, Caroyl Braden.
Betty ' Bonnell, Claudia Buntin.
Charlotte Brown, Ruth Chapman.
Dorothy Cameroh, Josephine Cor
noyer, Julia Creech, Louise Cramer.
Edith and Elizabeth Clement, Helen
Darby,- Fae Drlscoll, Cynthia De
lano, Grace Day, Jean Eastridge,
Margaret Engel, Margaret Evans,
Ruth Pick. June and Jewell Fitzpat-
rlck, Kathryn Gouley, Isobel Geo
rge, Esther Olbbard, Priscllla Fry,
Reta Godfrey. Ruthlta Hotrneii,
Virginia Holt, Grace Holman, FFern
Harris, Betty Mae Hartung, Kath
erine Hutcheon, Margaret Heltzel,
Marlon Johason, Julia Johnson,
Alta Johnson, Beatrice Johnston,
Betty Klelnsorge of Sllverton, Fran
ces Law, Helen Larson, Jeanne
Lunsford, Elizabeth Lewis, Mary
Jane Lau, Dorothy Moore, Louise
McDougal, Madelon McKIUop, Max'
lne Myers, Velma May, Dolly Mor
gan, Josephine McGilchrist, Mar
garet Nunn. Beryl Newton, Eleanor
Norblad. Doris McCaulstr, Mar
garet Purvlne, Murle and Jeanne
Patton, Dorothy Picking, Kathryn
Rowe, Pauline RouUl, Dorothy Ross,
Evelyn Ross, Edna Bavage, Mar
garet Savage, Roberta Smith,
Gretchen Thlelsen, Marjorle Tweed.
Betty Vaughn. Margaret Wagner,
Lola Wilkes, Wilma Wlrtz, Evelyn
Young, and Eleanor Wright.
Mrs. Jim Culver, who has been
spending the winter at Covlna, Cal
with her sister, Mrs. sam Ascnen
brenner, and her niece, Mrs. Walter
Grimsby, returned to Salem Friday
accompanied by the two California
women. The three matrons are
guest of Mrs. W. M. Bushey at her
home on Ferry street.
Dr. and Mrs. Estill Brunk enter
tained with an evening of cards and
a late supper in their home Thurs
day night. Mra. Charles McElhaney
and Dr. Carl Emmons received the
high score prizes. Mrs. Emmons as
sisted Mrs. Brunk In serving.
At the three tables of cards In
the livingrooms, which were decked
with daffodils and Jonquils, were
Dr. and Mrs. William Ellis, Dr. and
Mrs. Carl Emmons, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles McElhaney, Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar D. Olson. Dr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Powers, and the hosts. Dr. and
Mrs. Estill Brunk.
Why Girls Left Home
in Sargon's Day
The worthy commander-in-chief of Sargon I of
Babylonia concerned himself more with the las
sies than with the army. The dazzling beauty
of his rose-and-gold cloak is said to have been
one of the chief reasons why girls left home to
join Sargon's harem. The formation of circular
designs on this gorgeous cloak has been in
terpreted into Holeproof style 86? . . 50c
Other smart Holeproof itylst in
rich colorings to harmonize with
this season's suitings 50c to $2.00
Glut) Concerts
Tuesday Nite
' An Interring program . of the .
series which the McDowell club is ;
sponsoring this season will be given
Tuesday night. April 1, in Waller
hall on the Willamette university,
campus, when the club will present
the Beethoven society ia, vocal and
instrumental numoers.
While the Beethoven society Is not
a professional organization, being
made up of students in the music
department at Willamette, they have
all appeared in a number of public
programs and their work is excel
lent for junior artists. The pro
gram itself is arranged in a pleas
ing continuity and promisee to be
most plea.surable. Mis Frances Vir
ginia Melton, president of the Mac
Dowell club, wih make the intro
ductory speech.
Officers of the Beethoven society
are Helene Price, president; Joseph
ine Aloert, vice-president; Helene
McPhersoii, secretary; and Mary Al
len, reporter. Active members of the
society include the Misses Marjory
Miller, Katherine Everett, Helen
McPherson, Helene Price. Doris
Corbin, Grace Henderson, Rosalind
van Winkle, Arthur Schwarz. Wen
dell Robinson, Lillian Scott, Mary
Alien, mm n rmfliey, Lucille Cum-
mings, Helen Cochran, Margaret
Schreiber, Iva, Clare Love, Evelyn
High, Josephine Albert and Lois Fel
lows and Walter Kaufman.
The program will be as follows:
Piano and violin ensemble Fifth
Symphony Beethoven
Allegro con brio Andante con mto
Kosauna. van Winnie, Grace
HendeiKon. Helen MtPherson,
Evelyn High
Iva Clre Love, violin
Care Serve Handel
wenaeu HoDinon, orc
Henderson. Bccomoanlst
Ecos&aUtes Beethoven
Doris Corbin
Oh, Let Night Speak of Me. .Chadwick
joaepnine AiDerc
Lucille Ciunmliuts. accompanist
Piano Duo Beethoven '
Theme from Sonata Op. 31 No. 3. Var
iations by Suint saenn.
Helene Price. Lois Fellows
Hear Mt. Ye Winds and Waves
Walter Kaufman
Grace Henderson, accompanist
Sonata Op. io. a Moonlight)
Adagio Snstenuto, Allegretto
Presto Agitato
Edith Flutllev .
Dannv Boy Weatherlr
A Bird Flew Clockey ,
women s cnorus
Miriam Armltage. accompanist
Soprano Katherine Everett, Franc a
McGiivra. Helen coenran, wmau
Scott. 1
Second soprano Helen McPherson,
Helene Prlcv, Doris corbin, Helen
Alto Luclle. Cummlngfl, Mary Allen,
Josephine Aloert, MKrjQry jiamer. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Timm enter,
talned in honor of their daughter, .
Arlene at the March social meeting
of the Luther League. Musical num
bers and games were enjoyed. Dur
ing the brief business session the .
following officers were elected: Miss
Dorothy Rogan, president; Ward
Horn, vice-president; Miss Irene
Miller, secretary; Miss Victoria-
Schneider, treasurer. The appoint
ment of committees will be held at .
the first meeting of the new offi
cers. Kingwood Mrs. Avery L. Apple
white of Bonnie Briar left Friday
lor a trip to Sacramento. Los An
geles, San Diego, Pacific Beach, Cal.t
and Tia Juanna, Mexico.
Mrs. Prank Reinhart and small
son, Robert, of Eugene, are guests
of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Whar
ton L. Wept, during trie week end.