FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1930 -THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN We Have Noticed That History Repeats Itself About The First Of Every Month. CapitalJtJournal CLASSIHU ADVERTISING UAThSi Ral per word: One Insert km. 3 cents: thrw Insertions 6 Cent; on refc n cents; oe motitn 2d orrtUi- one year per month, 10 cents; minimum per sd 25 cents. Not taken over phone un less advertiser ha monthly ac count. No allowance (or phone error. , - Want ads must be In by 10 a m. day of publiaction. Real Estate and Auto ads by T p-m day previous to publication. FOR SALE HOUSES A BARGAIN House. 4 bed rooms, large front room, kitchen and nook, full basement, furnace. Ilrepiace, wired for elec. Btove. On paved street. 1748 B St. Inquire at house. (800 to handle, bal. to suit. J &59 $3400 buys new home, 4 rooms, large nook, full basement-, narsue, paved street, walks, modem in every way. torms. 1510 N. 11th St. ft420 buys modern 6 large rooms and liook. full basement, double earatje. Jiaved street, lotn cf built-lns, terms, nq u' re 635 N. 19th St. a59 ' - NEW BUNGALOW now nearlng completion, combina tion a -rooms, built-in kitchen, hardwood floors in living room. Garage. Price 91400. Terms 50 down and easy payments on the balance. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. NOW VACANT Almost NKW modern 6-rornn bun galow with full basement, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in kitchen, with breakfast nook, east front lot. and on the corner. Paved street, garage, lo cated nenr school end bus line. Price t3i&0. Terms $300 down. OWNER LEAVING and will sacrifice this neat 3 room bungalow with large living room, plastered throughout, mod ern plumbing, large screened porch, garage, lA sere of land gees with the house for $1900. THINK OP IT $100 down will give you Immediate poawsslon. SEE L. E. Cberer, WITH W. H. GRABKNHORST & CO- Realtors Phone 515 134 bouib Liberty St. a53' WHf PAY KENT? Nic? little home, n'.H.,i. mim f iclosed. O. K. Bur lier SllOD. NKV 6-room house, not been llv In. Small payment; by owner 2274 N. Church. 9 FOR Sale by owner, 3 room plastered house and lot Yi Wocl from street bus. Price rltht. xiione 4JIK. a59 nrw Hiiii.SK Ai fuRi'JtTUttE 4 rooms and bath, paved s-reet, gar awe, close in. one block from bus line. See us about this. x. SOCOLOFSKY & SON 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg. THE bKST UUY Li SALfiM Is a brand new 6-rooia Entjhsh type home located on cood v.ew lot in S. Salem, east Iront. corner, both streets paved and paid. House is planned for convenience and &:yle. krice only $(i250. Will accept good lot as Ilrst payment. SEE Mrs. EU13 with LEO N. CHILDS CO, Iiealtors 320 Stute Street. Phone 1727. a 6 ROOM house, modern, basement, furnace, co.-ner lot; $4000. Wants 6 jom house close in. needs one more bed room. Evans lit Signers, 75 6 :,a te St. Phone 1901. FOR SALE by ov.nt .', modern 6-room "house, double garage, laige lot. va riety of fruits, nuts. Near schools. T..rm mil 700 Stewart St. Phone tilil 3732. THAT fine comfortable 7-rooin house at 535 Norm wiiivw nn. on premises. . po' FORSALEFARMS FOR SALE 43 acres river bottom land, some timber, owner. Phone 794. b5i fou SALE choice 6 acre tract, good house, and orchard, main road, www P. L. WOOD, 34 1 State bt. D57 GOOD valley farm for sale by owner, 835 SeginaaN D 10 ACRES. gocKl buildings, 1 mile from town. 61800. No trade. Wm Curb. Aumsvillc. Ore. . FINE 6-acre tract, good buildings, EELr LrT&rT?Zru TradTon Sulein home. Write the Homeseekera afrency. Silverton. oreron. um " FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE, 50 volume set Harvard ciu&slcs, new, excellent for home or school library. Will sell half price. Can 2984J. ? HAY, clover seed and fciey oats. HenTy Hilvorton. Rt. 2. CO' FOR SALE baied hay. $15 per ton. Frank Hrubtsz. Rt. 3. Ph. 103FU. c58 L1:AV1NG town, will sacrifice smooth too gas renge; round heater; Ice chest; iadloretc Phone 2&J9J. 270 N. 13th Bt. C58 r,; "w ki t.A.r ki in: nits 55c: clover V PhnnP 4P13. e60 Wii HAVE the best suae of used sew lug machines at the lowest prices. tv.h rarM.,M a7-3. White Sew- lnB Machine Co. Across from Blslnorc tneater. FOR SALE baled cheat, vetch and oat hay. Ed Hynes rnone - No. , pox im, HOUSEHOLD furniture. COO Mission bt. b BOOTHS, tables, and "too1; .Kf.Irs clrss condition. di-bi. " pTi Bakery. Monmouth. Ore, 3 PRESH COWS. $65 each iio. i tiaiiy furntshei. water, lights, bath, vetch and oat hay $20. Leonard Zieile.iK3rR(re glQ 134g waller 8t. 15B Itt. 3. box 325. SMem. CARROTS l'4c lb.; p.rsnlos 2c : in; potatoes and onions. 2 mUea east pi Brooks. Wm. V. Jiams. LUMBEEt. save money by buJ)dlnt' nrt rMnlr!n now. While OUr lOW Win- and repairing now, while our low ter pricC3 are in eneci-. iw orders. Hollywood Lumber Yards. Pi-one S330J. CM 2030.000 or more Ktterberg 'ia) strawberry plants. Order soon. H. C. Warfterii Routs . box 133. Pbne FOR SALE LIVESTOCK lOR SALK registered Oueriwey biU c.lve.. Oeo. RatrudCT. Mclw. eS TEAM, wscon .hrnei M. YiJi lu hcrw 50. 1110 MlMior 'M 10 GOOD work hore. 1300-1700 It. from 3 years up; team aeldlnaa. fat. sound and true. 3200 lbi. S195; Saod )5O0-lb. hor,e. aU right In every way a.r0; dandy 6 year old 14O0.1b. frrldlnt S73: young matched teAm. saoo Ins.. 175 All guaranty or fw. trial giv en Free delivery. Jackaon'a reed barn. Wnodburr e57 ro BA7.E treh eow. Phone SOFS. eM CARIXAD of horaea and mule., 1300 to HOT Iba. Will tMOk to ault buyer. S54 Perry atreet. eJ7 AWTONE intereated In ealvea to ralae from high testing cow. see J. R. Kaaer, Silverton. ess TTIADB In your beef row. for real dairy cow. Bslnnee year to pay. I.. nr. number to .fleet from. Nelson EV-aa Market. lnS N. High. Rod B?rn. north Com'l. and Columbia Bis. Pb. 706. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK HORSES and covs, guaranteed as rep resented. Klroy Nash. Phone 3664. Ht. EL HOY NASH Sales Co. buys and sells hay, horses, mules, lreah cows, farm lmpjcmeata, etc mourn iWUl, lit. v. box 2CC. Salem. eW DR. PKED W. LANOE. Veterinarian Office 629 8. CommeTrta. Pbono 11M wpsif-ence rnnni- ibws e" FOR SALE WOOD WOOD SAWINU. Phone 1131. ee79 OLD growth ftr. dry. lG-inca $7.50; Also 12-Inch. Phone 8051. - ' ee60 OLD growth fir, fine splitting, sound, uonest measure. DromDt delivery, rea- aonahie orlces. Hollywood Yards. Ph. 2330J. ce57 ALL kinds dry wood, 72F2. M, V. ee75 Way field. DRY old fir and 2nd growth. Phone 2G01W. ee73 DRY 16-Inch old fir. 4 -ft. fir. ash and oik. Cord measure. C. U. Harbaugh, 638 Highland Ave. Phone 1990. cc6i WOODSAWINQ. PHONE 1625R or B73. 1&-IN. mill wood, even length. $2.75 per load at Tracy's. Ph. 3035. ee67 FOR DRY wood or coaL Phone 3131. Larmcr Transfer Co. SHKD DRY WOOD 6t COAL. SALEM FUEL CO. Phone 13. 752 Trarie cL re FIRST class drv old fir slab, second growth and old fir cord wood Screen ed hog fuel. Prompt delivery. Plione 1542. Fred s. wcm. inc. rau a. unurcn St. f FOR SALE POULTRY GEHKING'S trupnested White Leg horn. Big reduction, on May chicks. Order early. Gchrlng Breeding Farm. Silverton. Ore. f59 SAVE MONEY by buying your baby chicks direct from poultry farm. White Leghorns that cannot be beat fcr quality and egg production, si per hundred: $135 per thousand. Cus tom hatching 3c. Ruby L. Woodward, Rt. 9, box 68B. Phone 44F31. f02 CUSTOM Hatching, special price on January and February settings, 3c per egg. Order space now. Baby chicks every week, beginning Jan. 27. Phone L-ee'S riutcuery. BABY chicks and custom hatching every week, automatic heat and mois ture control. J. L. War Lot.'. 3160 N 5th. Phone 2766. f58 HELP WANTED MENl An old-established manufacturing concern will add three neat appearing men between 25 and 45 to their or ganization; experience Is not as es sential as ability to work end follow instructions. We will teach you and show you, also pay $4 per day for training. CALL MONDAY 10 A. M. GHARP ROOM 6. 117 North Com'!. g58 WANTED, elderly gentlsman dealres room, board, first floor in good home. Address Mrs. C. general delivery. Sa lem. SITUATIONS WANTED CAPABLE lady wishes position, house keeper, widower's home. P. O. box 335. Salem. h57 INEXPERIENCED girl. 10. waiilfi housework. Rt. 3, bo:c 255. Salem. h58 Miscellaneous WANTED WANTED to rent or buy small acre age, close In. suitable for poultry business Box 437 CapltafJournal. 159 WANTED, to rent suall t crease and buildings, also drag saw for sale. Phone 127F21. 158 MV HOMc; Is open to maternity cases and hydrotherapy end mpjsage. By registered nurs?. Mrs. Paul Blowers. Phone 1845J; 1795 S. Commercial. 160 WANTED to rent. 5 or 6 room strictly modern unfurnished house. Must be in good location. , Phone Mr. Lam beth nt 1000. 1 FOR RENT FURNISHED 3-room apt. Electric range and refrigeration. 007 N. Cap itol. J62 FOR RENT Dandy 30 acres close to Salem. Good in nd wcll drained, all Dlowed. Good luildlngs. Cash rent. See us, thla won't icst long. FOR RENT, new modern five room house. See A. V. WHITE With J. F. ULRICH CO. 129 N. Com'l. j5B 5 ROOM house, garage, $15. Inquire 557 8. 23rd. )59 rrjHNISHED room in modern home, for lady. 253 North 13th. J63 SPLENDID 6-r. house, $20 at 1140 J59 Madison. Phone aS91J. . poH henT small house, 1425 N. Wln- tor St. Phone 1288 J. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, steam hest. electric ran?e and Frlgldairc. Paris apartments. 655 N. Liberty. J57' FURNISHED 3-room basement apart ment. 4S8 N. Liberty. J63 LOOK! Look! Look! Rooms $6 per month. Meals reasonable. Phone 2777 FURNISHED 6-room house. 585 J. Phone J59 JrtNISHEi apartment. High. 444 South J53 CLOSE IN sleeping rooms, 444 South Hrgh. CLOSE IN, well heated sleeping room. 658 Center. wiihmihhro or unfurnished house, 1795 N Fifth. Furnished house, 1600 N. Capitol. $20. Phone 630. J57 4 ROOM furnished house. U mile north of west end of Willamette hririrr nt. 1 box 7. Write M. E. Mover, SDrliiKfleld, Ore. 147 E St. J58 SS i THREE or four room furnished apart ',u m.nt rinm in. !iizht. water, phone, ,, -n1v. B1S. gift. 641 Mill. JC1 i SMALL furnished cpartment, $13,590 union. . iwm hent. Small 3-room honsa. par- I t.,..ll f itrntatk". tW. ll(iltS. bath rvinTPi.irfTlLY furntfihed 3 or 5-room Cara-e. 280 Mill St. ,-. m ,T" n'.nirii)Mrawvn fi rr-rn tnnriArn bunss ,47 J?? T . " 1 465 Center St. 2 ROOM furnished apartment, gare 1431 North t;nurcn. j PUKNISHEO 2-room snd kitchenette. 425 N. Church. J61 FURNISHED cottage for rrnt. with garage. 1045 Snipping St. 8alem. )S8 DAIRY farm for rent. For Informa tion phoni 274UW; J57 SMALL apartment. 643 N. Liberty, ISO t nttMj mnrt.rn hniia. furnished S25. 443 N. 24th Bt. pnone ujrii. jj, ii ROOM modern house. Walking; dis tance. Phone 2082M. J57 TWO and three room furnished apart ment., .very aaHaawn,. AdU. Phone 1K72. 13 eHESCOTT .partmenta. three rooms furnished and heated, water, phone, garage. 7 Adults only. 1054 Oak Bt S. P bus line. ) LARGE steam beated apartment, mod ern up to the mlntite. furnished oi mifurnnhed with garage. Neat furnished bungalow fmiTt, ev rvthtng modern, grrsge Included. W3. DIDDY BISHOP. 1313 ltdgewater St. Phones 1843 1341.1. iQ a nrMiu .rrt firat floor. Worth Liberty. V TWO ROOM furotalied apartment, 44S South Winter. JM FOR RENT APT. 664 S. Com'l. Phone 2173W. J FURNISHED 3-room opt. Private bull, 325 8. 14th after 4 p.m. J57 FURNISHED first floor Bath. 590 Union. Neat. J57 HEATED sleeping rooms. Meals op tional. Ph. etfUR. 492 N. Summer, J57 NEAT furnished apt. 340 V. Liberty St. J57 VACANT March 10, lovely 3 -room apartment, bedroom and sleeping porch, heat. 330 N. Liberty Bt. Phone 1700. J APARTMENT, sleeping, room, steam heated, meals. J9 soma cottage. Phone 1003J. J5 HENDERSON Tarnished apartments 330 8. 14th St. Phone 1005. J5 APARTMENT, bedroom, bath, 3 rooms and kitchenette: also 3 -room modern e pertinent. Steam heated. McAlptne Apt.. Phone 1U26J. J53 BOARD and room, modern home, con- genial atmosphere. One block from statehouse, 1130 Chemeketa. Phone) iwj. j o pishEil apartments. South Commer- clal tit. Phone 234GW. J63 FOR RENT, large steam heated apart ment, everything modern, up-to-min ute, garage included. U'J uniurnisned or partly furnished. oiuux Bibiiuf. Eogewater t. Phones 1643 1311J. J58 VODEHN ctcum heated apartments with best of new furniture. Palace Court Apts. Phone 1176. J 72 PATTON apartments. Warm and com fortable. Reasonable In price. For In spection call Pat ton Book Store. J LARGE nicely furnished room, mod ern, suitable for two, with board. De lightful location. Phone 1838J. J MODERN house, apts rooms. Plione FOB RENT, down stairs furnished apartment. Close in. Phone 1834J. J FOR RENT. Sleeping rooms for gen tlomen. 205 Oregon Bldg. J PIANOS. Phonographs and sewing machines for rent, H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co. 1 THREE garages fcr rent, down town section flione inj4j. . j' LOST AND FOUND FOUND, nalr shell rim glasses In lea ther case. Owner Identify and pay for ad at Capital Journal. k53 LOST check book. Finder please turn 10 uanitai journal. koh i LOST valuable papers, C. Johnson, 934N. Church. kS7 MISCELLANEOUS WILL do vsshtn? & ironing, private family. Mrs. Overoy. Ph. 1286. rr.53 J. A. SNEED. well driller, 915 N. 18th L phone 246ij. m72f INVALIDS cared for. Convalescent tndre&t home. AsMnd. Ore. mlOQ KliAL ESTATE 3 WONDERFUL BUYS 3 acres close In, east of Salem. Has 5-room modern house except base ment. 2 large chicken houses, and lots of nice fruit. A real snap for $3o00. Good terms. fi acres with, good 5-room house. Ear- age and chicken house, berries and f "g L'ce ot water.-Only $1900. Terms. 8 acres with smell house and barn. Tite very best of soil. Has small creek. About 'A aero of nice Umber, 5 miles from school and paved road. Price itKJU. lerms. See BECHTEL and THOMASON 341 Scatc St. n HEHE ARE SOME REAL BUYS Look thciu over and act quick If Interested 7-room house. West Nob Hill $3000. A bar&un. Terms. 5 acres on paved Silverton highway. nan miie irom mate f dirgrounas. Good house, barn, garge, electricity, chicken house, fruit trees, priced low at $3250. Terms. 15 acres, two miles from town In Hol lywood dutrlct. 6 acres in bearing Royal Anne cherries. Good house. Just redecorated and painted. Barn. garage, enicicen nousc, electricity. Snap at $8003. Terms. , . 50 acres half mile from Liberty school. old buildings, good dryer, 20 acres prunes, 5 acres pears. 3 acres logans. uooa ouy at $iu,ouu. asy terms. Modern 7-room house In Portland, 4835 65th St. Se. Paved street, au tomatic gas Worth $3500. For sale or trade for Salem property. For any of these bargains see Nelson at LAdd and ttusn, or in evening can 2C58W. AN IDEAL STOCK & CHICKEN RANCH - 80 acres 6 miles out on good road, small house, good barn, chicken coops, good well and spring water piped to bldKS. well lenccd. 2U acres ciearca, part In crops, bal. In pasture and some timber. Some tools, 30 chickens, 2 heifers cud a few sheen RO with place. Price only $4800 and will take Salem home or vacant lots up to $2500 as part. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. l 323 ACRES; 165 acres have been cul tivated, oai. oax tirnocr. ah gooo sou. No stone, good woven wire fences. Fair old buildings, 6j miles Moi -mouth. Price sii.000; $j0QQ cash, bat. 5ya Guy H, Dernlng, Monmouth. Oregon. n67 LOOK HERE! A CHANCE TO GET YOUR SUBURBAN HOME t acre tract not far out, just off Gar den Road. 2 room house, telephone and electric light service rvailable. Price1 $1050 with terms like rent. acre not far out on paved road, new 3-room house, woodshed end ga rage, drove well, electric lights and piumbing roughed in. A Real Snap for $1275 with terms. ANOTHSR for $2400: cash $100: bal. monthly and Interest. 4 -room house, electric lights, good drove well, dou ble garage, new chicken bouse. 1 acre ot rich productive soil, lx miles out on paved road. 2 acres with no building. $000. acres for 61000; down payment I For Cloae In Acreage SEE f uiina m nUir 320 State Street. Phone 1727. RKIUAN'S BARGAINS Kew 6-room Hous?. strlcly modem, fully furnished. S43O0. 10 room house, clone m. Bfmi-Dui- neaa. lot 60x163. SM0. 1 acres west tlalem. rine view, r.' rrulfc tree. A bargain. School a tors. Doing good business. No competition. A snrtp. insurance Moner i i uaa RICH L. PKIMANN. Realtor Phone IW5 lis N. High St. n" SUBURBAN HOMES 1 sere. Rood 5-r. house with bath toilet, electricity, well and electrical water system, some fruit trees. On city bus line and paved rosd. Thla plar 1. priced to Mil. Are you the lucky person? Price redueed to 63150. WU1 give term.. BKAUTTPUt, MODKI1W I. Acre Suburban Horn. Modern 6-room plaatered house with basement, xurnace. nain, toner, aou hie garage, city bus stops at plsee every 30 minutes, paved road. 10 large wanna- cherries. B wamui. oesuiuui lawn, shrubbery, flowers. This place Is easily worth I10O0 more but for quick sale only for 10 dsva at the otic, of 6437S. Improvements coat that much. Better see this pise, be fore you buy. Will fire terms. Beg SEARS TUCKER. 184 8. Coml. n REAL ESTATE WI HAVE 10 Rood lots on pavement worth ajuoQ and will take acreage and assume. A beautiful 6-room strictly modern Spanish type stucco house with ule room, nor La aa paved street. Price $0000. Two clear houses, one strictly modern, both $0000, and will take farm and assume a small encumbrance. JQ bolandld fruit acics o:i pavement 3 miles Salem, worth $4000, and Will take Hstem property. " . McUILC'IIHlST & PENNINOTON 309-10 U. S. Bank bldg. Phone 140 n 0 ROOM nearly nevf house, located in South Sal era. pneed to seU at $3S0. $500 will handle. i.AROK (.room house, close In. suit able for roomers. Price $2300;, $100 down, balance lute rent. 6-ROOM srnl -modern house, located north, $2400; $100 down, balance like rent. h ahrrs NR. Salem $3500. All clear. i Afsn a tmoa lot on North Capitol St. $itJ00. clear, to exchange lor Salem residences. 4 ROOM house 3 bedrooms, nearly new, good location, paveu street,, vouuu. $1M) down. Daiance ua.v icju- An AfRRS itrif lend with 7 -roam mod ern house. New dairy barn, with $6000 of registered stock and equipment. Price &la,000. win exenanso ior cicar property to siu.uuu or ousincss. a. At. BAIUjA, IWl'i 224 N. High. Phone 2'-'12. n53' HKAI, BUYS and EXCHANGES Nice large 3 -room bungalow, nook and bath; garage, fruit, large lot, $1900; $100 down, bal. $10 mo. 235 feet frontage on S. P. tracks, large lot In Salem. Pino factory site. Two good bungalows for farm. 34 A. larm near oaiem. u;uu- 9 -berries and cherries, springs, lots of timber, $4500, for residence. Four good bungalows for rent. Large list good buys and exchanges. PERRINE & MARSTERS 212 Gruy Bldg. n 4 ac-ri'S in cultivation. 4-rm. hoose, family orchard, barn. 8 miles from Salem, priced for quick sale at $2650 MODERN 6-room house and two lots. good irult in Dearing, near omw; ot. $4000. Will trade for acreage near Unrnlnirnlri district. 2 modern new duplex houses In Port land, excellent location, cosily kept rented, mrnace. nrrpit.o, w,ww, Will exchange for Salem home. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 S. High St. WANTED, dairy farm. 80 acres or more clear. Will give $10,000 worth of clear ru Hnnm nrntrtv. re-lgALE: 80 acres river bottom, 75 plow, kntuinn. A!uuv ijium c&sn. EXCHANUE: 94dUU nouae, SALE: three 6-room bungalows, very nice homes. Owners leaving. Priced e"c Holladay. Square Deal Resity Co 202 U. S. Bank bldg. Salem. & ,, ,Tnr. " ni r EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE 44 nere DAIRY RANCH, stocked and cqutpt. Two sets of buildings, 37 ac res lu cultivation, 25 acres seeded, the best of filbert and walnut land, liv ing branch and fine water system. Three miles from Salem on paved road. Waut five-acres well improved free of debt, as part payment.. Price $15,000, Including everything", W. A. LISTON--E. E. ROBERTS Masonic Building nn59 Hotel of 18 rooms in small town, part ly lurnlsned. on rooa corner win about ll3 acres of fine garden ground, creek on back line of property. Some nice shade trees. Darn ana c.ui-kcu coops. Hotel is stage depot ana on paved street. Tins win lumisn a yw home as well as an income. Price 82500. Will trade clear and assume or pay dliierence up to iuw on ouium home or small acreage. 0 ACRE TRACT with good house, ber ries, family orchard, close to pave m.;ii Prtr ansfto. Also cood residence lot In Salem. Will trade both for 0 or room home not iar iruni uu school. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. nn FOR TRADE 10'; acres, fine location. 4 roonThouse. lots of fruit, water system, elec, trade for general mdse., or city home per modern house. FOR TRADE in ftmnll iimise. Karaite, red soil. walnuts, cherries, apples, pears, all in cult., will trade for house clear In Newport. 88 15 ACRES on paved road, close to Silverton. Good house and buildings. 6 horses. 5 cows, all stock and equipment, run ning water on the place. POR TRADE 10 A. on pavement, all set to fmtt, close In, trade for good house in town. van tr ade 113 A.' farm. Pudding river bottom, new buildings, will trade for modern house to $5000 either lu Silem or Portland. Prefer Portia na. - FOR TRADE OTIL A rlnu to Stavton. 60 A. Cult Good house, will accept house in Sa lem. If you want to by. sell or trade. SEE HOMER D. FOSTER. 37Uft, ota ov Phone 842 nn58 o.i Capital Journal. nn67 TRADE for Salem property, 04 acres, modern 7-room house, 3 miles north of Bt. Paul. A. Hunt, star routs, New bttru. Ore. nn53 FOR EXCHANGE. Portland business corner for good farm near Silem from 25 000 to 50.0OO. For further refer ences write F. M Knight Sons. 1000 Belmont St., Portland, uregou. auoi AtITOMOBIl.ES UNUSUAL BAR04.IN 1927 Studc Coupe Special Six with new tire, and new top for only 6475 at Wood's Auto Service. 645 Cbemekcu. St. Phone 609. q RECONDITIONED, RELtABLP USED CARS Tt Hudson Coupe 61 ! Hiiosnn coach 20 Hupmohlle 4-door evenaa .. oa. '27 Chevrolet Imperial Sedan ... 425 26 Essex Coach 375 26 Eases Coach 336 All tha above ear. been reorm- dltloned and carry our usual guaran tee. Many other late moaeia to enew from. pncM from 650 up. Your own terms. within reason. Open evenings aoa Sundays. STATE MOTORS t!C. HIJDSON-EH8EX-PACKARD High 4t CnemckeU. Phone 1000 Q1 Try Journal Want Acs AUTOMOBILES VALLEY MOTOR CO. BUY WITH SAFETY ROADSTERS Model A Roadsters $450 RUMBLE SEAT 1927 Roadster 185 1926 Roadster 110 1924 Roadster , 75 COUPES Model A Coupe $4 - 1925 Chevrolet Coupe 2w 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 425 192$ Ford Coupe 300 1925 Ford Coup 125 1924 Ford Coupe , 1923 Ford Coupe , 1920 Ford Coupe .SEDANS Model A Tudor Model A Fordor 1927 Fordor 1927 Tudor , , 1924 Fordor 192 Tudor , 1923 Tudor , 475 665 385 325 150 110 65 TRUCKS Model AA Truck 650 350 195 140 1925 Dodge Graham 1926 Ford Auxiliary trans. 1924 Ford Auxiliary trans. 1924 Truck, 100 VALLEY MOTOR CO. Center and Liberty Sts. Salem, Ore. Phone 1995. q TWO USED CAR SPECIALS 1928 Essex Coach. A beauty . . . $405 1927 Ford Roadster, new paint, completely overhauled ... $185 See ART WILSON McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 430 N. Commercial St. FISHERMEN ATTENTION , We have some good used cars that will make dandy fishing cars. Come in and look them over and mako us an offer. See ART WILSON. McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 430 N. Com'l. St. Tel. 1802 BUY WTTH CONFIDENCE AT MCKAY'S 3 UEED CAR STORES. USED CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS 1026 Chev. Landau O. K'd $295 1927 Chev. Coupe O. K'd 335 1926 Ford Coupe 195 1927 Pontlac Landau, 12000 miles 465 1923 Chev. Cabriolet 450 1929 Chev. Cabriolet, like new .. 685 19-28 Chev. Coach 450 1928 Chev. Ceach 450 1&28 Chev. Coupe eoo io-'-i Willvit-Knluht Tourina ... 185 1926 Chev. Touring 195 1927 Chev. Ton truck overhauled 39f 1925 Ford ton truck io Many others to choose from McKAY CHEVROLET CO. THREE LOCATIONS 530 Chemeketa St. Phone 1425. 430 N. Com'l. St. Phone 1802. Lot next to Ulty nan on ign o&. LBAHN TO BE AN AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN u.' nunt voune men well aaualnted with people in Salem now attending r.rvoni livlnn at homr with his car- ents, who would like to learn automo bile selling and mate spare money during his leisure hours. Apply in person Rt LODER BROS. Graham Paige dealers. 445 Center St. q58 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 24 Star Touri lg M "t TVvtA rr i-ii inn ......... 385 '26 Overland Sedan 335 '26 Ford Sedan 185 '27 Cnev. Cabriolet 325 '27 Nash Sedan 550 '28 Oakland Coach 626 BIKER AUTO CO. Cor. Liberty and Ferry 8ts, a WHEN Better ears and trucks are built. Reo will build them. When low er prices on used cars and trucks are to be had, Reo Sales and Service will have them. Some of our exceptional values In trucks and cars: . 1029 Ford truck, dual tires. 4 speeds. 1027 Reo truck, dual tires. 2 ton. 0 1928 Chevrolet trucks. Also several Ford trucks, all models. Marmon eight In line. 4-door aedan. Rlckenbacker eight In Uue, 4-door sedsn, Oakland 2 -door sedan. Pontlac coupe. Pontlac 2-door sedan. Wlllrs-Kntght. 4-door sedan. Studenaker 4-paas. coupe. Also numerous otuera to chuobb irviu. REO SALES dt SEHVICE CO. 337-347 N. High St. USED CAR DEPARTMENT MARION OARAGE CO. 336 South Commercial Btreet. UMd ears on display at show room. Pbone 301 1036 Studrbakrr Coach 647S 1D26 Bulck Sedan 795 1927 Bulck Coupe 645 1928 Studebaker Coupe 693 1926 Chev. Coach 335 1925 Chev. Coach 175 1937 Btudebaker Coupe type ... 476 1938 Btudebaker Coach 645 1925 Dodge Touring 110 1923 Wlllys-Knlght Sedsn 375 1936 Btudebaker 7-piw.ld.nt ... 1600 1 1928 Essex Coach 450 1 1996 Overland 6 876 1 1926 Overland 4 Sedan 176 1 1926 Poutlao Coupe (75 telephone 863 fcr 'demonstration AUTOMOBILES POK SALE, Marshal strawberry plants. 8. P. Malhrny, Sublimity, Ore. Phone atayton 822. d58 FINANCIAL LOANS HAVE $1000 private money to loan on real estate. See Well Tollman. 411 Oregon Bldg. r5 PERSONAL LOANS on salaries, furniture, cars, endorsed notes, repayable 1-20 months. Borrow safely from Salem's own and largest finance company. Quick and honest service. Licensea Dy state. OENERAL FINANCE CORP. 2nd floor 1st Nat l. Bank Bldg. Phone 1200. Office hours 8:30 to o p.m. REAL ESTATE LOANS loans We will also purchase contract and mortgages of short maturity. A lew small mortgage lor sale. 1 rate. AMERICAN FIDELITY Investment Company AMERICAN FIDELITY BUILDING 129 N. Commercial St. Phone 925. r FARM LOANS SVv small expense. l. wooa. 341 state St. r" LOANS To men and women steadily em ployed ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE Lowest rates easiest payments. Loans also made on indorsed notes, furniture, pianos and oth er personal property. 20 MONTHS TO PAY AH transactions strictly oonTtf STATE LOAN CO. 212 Oregon Bldg. Second floor, corner State A High. Office hours 10 a.m. ta 6:30 n m Tel 832 t Licensed by State WK HAVE Dlenty of money to loan on farm and city property. Low Interest Hud kins Mortgage & Investment Co. Miners store omg. rnone 22 ui. rT HAWKINS & ROBERTS. Inc. for City and iarm loans. Kates ana costs low est available. Prompt service. 806 Ore gon Building. DO YOU NEED MONEY? To re-finance your home or to build or improve 1 WE HAVE IT Very low rates, small monthly pay ments, long terms, pay off any tlnvt. It will pay you to see P O. DELANO or FLOYD ELLIS 290 N. Church. Phone 2830. r WIIEltfi TO BORROW MONEY: On Automobiles. Furniture, Llvwtock. Personal effects, and other good se curities. National Loan Ac Finance Co, Licensed by State). 405 Bank of Com merce. Salem, Ore. r FEDERAL FARM LOANS WUktnson, U. 8- Bank bldg. AH INSTALLMENT LOAN Is Easy to Repay. Wny not let us explain Its advantages over a straight loan? ANJJEiiaON et iturutT 16D South High Correspondents Equitable Savings at Loan Assn. r LOAt.J ON AUTOMOBILES Contracts Refinanced Payments Reduced You Keep Your Automobile We pay balance due dealer, bank or finance company, and reduce your payment. Ad ditional money loaned. Strict ly confidential. We handle our own paper. E3K.ER AUTO CO. Co.-ier Liberty and Ferry Sts. Phone 121. Bale in, Ore. . 514 . LOANS 0 UD WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS Anderson & Rupert, 109 a. High. I MONEY tc loan on real estate. Pri vate money, lowest rates. T. &. roru Fust National Bajut r BORROW money on your personal uroperty. fay oacs in mommy i stallments. WILLAMETTE LAJAN UUMTAfll Licensed by State. -605 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Business Opportunities HIIS1NRKS OPPORTUNITY Thrtvlna grocery business, in good residence district. Owner must sell on account of sickness. Store building including one room apartment, lot. stock, fixtures nnd all equipment In cluding meat department with coM room. All for reduced price of S5OO0. Half cash will handle It. If you want a good proposition, hurry and see my agents. SEARS At TUCKER, 184 8 Commercial St. u JJlKKCTOKa" Al (TIOM KKS P. N. WOOOKY, 12 years Salem's lead tne auctioneer and furniture dealer. Cash paid for used furniture. Res. and store 1510 N. Summer. Phone 6U. fis- tabiishtd lBio. 111 11 kSMITIIIMI BLACKSMITH INO - HORSBSHOEINO Wm. Ivies, 253 Chemeketa bt., biaca smithlng and repair work, all kinds. Wm. Benson, first class horseshoeing. Orders taken for country work.2512R. IIICYC'I t: LLOYD B. RAMSDEN, bike acceawrles and blocles. w court street.. IIMTI KV SI I'I'I.IKS A. D. BARTON. National Batteries, starter and generator work- Perry and High streets. ( initiirKAt Tints DR. O L. SCOTT, chiropractor, 256 N High street Phones 87 and 2104J. o' i:r. h. b. scopield, X-ray. Phone 2194. 414 First Nut'!. Bnnk bldg. t AIIIM T WOHK JACOB WEIZEL. Cabinet work and reflnlshlng. Furniture repairing, rn lal. 239 court street, baicbi. o- I'ONTKAf'TOKH A. J, ANDERSON. Contractor. Open Shop. Phone 607. o J. A KAPPHA1IN. Oeneral team and power shovel contractor, excavating md gracing Oflice phone 1399. Ilea 134F11 O J. A, G1PSON, excavating and fen. team work. Dirt, fertiliser and rock for sale. Phone 3876J. Res. 6M Wst er street. Q67 KM.kAWMI .4ALEM KNf iRAVINO CO Cut. of all uuruoscs. Tel. 343. 180 N. Commercial itrset. KI.M TKICAL M Pr-LlkM BILL POWERS battery, auto electric service 319 Stat. St. Phone 637. HAL1K ELECTRIC CO. 461 N. Front &t. KlectrU contrsctlng and repslrlng Appllancea snd Futures. Phon. 2. ISXIFFLECTRIC CO. 337 Court St W. do house wiring .nd carry . com plete atock ot futures. Instrument repslrlng, experimental work. Elec trie appliances rcpslrsd. Phone 4B6 o PLEENER ELECTRIC CO. Electric lighting fixtures and electrle range. Phone 960. 471 Court .reset. H.OKIKT rcrr flowers and floral Dlecea. Deliv ery. C. T Brelthsupt, florist, 611 BUI street, rnone any Mr.KCIItNT TAILOR M. A. ESTE8. fine tailoring. 136 North Liberty .treet, lsi k r x CHAS. SPUnLIN Real Estate and Insurauoa, High St. Pbone 636, DIRECTORY MATTHKttSCg KE.NUVATKU MATTIUCSSES- renovated. W reno vate an ainas or mattresses, cauea lor and delivered. Beat of work guaran teed. Capital City Bedding, Co. Pott land road. Phone 19. MTOt;S AND HTOVB UKPAIKINU STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT and renolred bv exnert. All kinds of wov en wire fence, fancy and plain. Hop baskets and hooks, losan nooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 362 untmeKew sireec MX M HI NO PLUMBINO Supplies. Mesher Plumb ing Supply Co. 2od Chemeketa. phone 3700. o&9 PLUMBING snd general repair work Phone $50. Graber Bros.. 154 South ucerxy street. THEO. M. BARK, Plumbing, heating. an eel meuu worca. jm o. commercial street. ROWLAND PRINTING CO- Masonic Temple basement. Plums loia. PIANO Tl'NEB GEO. C. WILL, pianos. nhonogruDhs sewing machines, sheet music snd piano studies. Repairing phonographs ana sewing macnine. lai otaie at Salem. Oregon. TRANSFER AM) KTOKAliK TRANSFER and Storage. We have paaded vans ana do ion$ ana short distance hauling. Larmer lrenxiei Phone 930. CUMMINS RANSOM, local and long disitnja hauling, raona 24u. uea 129F3. ftCAVENtiEK SALEM SCAVANGBK. Phone 167. BOOS garbaoe CO. Reliable service. Phone office 184; res. 893J. o SALEM GARBAGE CO. for prompt and continues service. Charles Soot and Carl 800a. Phone 184 or 898J. CITY GARBAGE CO. Prompt service Phone 2290. WATKR COMPANY OREGON-WASHINGTON Water Ser vice Company. Offices corner Com mercial and Trade streets. Bills pay able monthly. Phonea 3 4. WATCH KKPAHUNG GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING or money back. The Jewel Box, 173 N. Liberty. Salem. LEGALS NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that I have lmoounded the following described dogs in compliance with Ordinance NO. 14U4, lo-wit; one oiaca ooeyneru male don with white breast: one brlndle Shepherd male dog; one bull and coach mixed, male dog; one white Fox Terrier, female dog. The above described dogs will be killed If not redeemed by owners on or before March 8, 1930, as provided In said ordinance. W. s. LOW. street commissioner. Dated March 2. 1930. mar. , i.o. f, o PROTESTS CAUSE OF COMMUNISTS RIOTS (Continued from pig. 1 at Halle. Three hundred were ar rested In Berlin, one killed and more than a score wounded. Through that entire nation there were demonstrations, ruts and con sequent lnjtljrjijejaj Jjsjndj JajrJJi scauent Injuries and arrests. London had a great demonstra tion which for a time became acute. Paris, however, was quiet as police patrolled roads In the suburbs and cautioned against illegal assembly In the metropolitan district. A survey Indicated the following results or the great mass aemonstra tlons against unemployment: Dead: Four , . Inured: 268. Arrested: 511. Rioting and demonstration were widespread In the United States with every major city reporting dif ficulties except Chicago and Ban Francisco. These two cities had peaceful demonstrations. A brier survey or tne aiiucuities in the United States shows: Philadelphia: One killed. New York: 100 Injured, 11 arrested Deroit: 13 injured, 23 arrested. Boston: 8 arrested. Pittsburgh: 2 injured seriously. Milwaukee: 47 arrested, 4 Injured, three hour riot. Washington: 13 arrested, after police used tear gas bombs against demonstration In Iront oi tne White House. The demonstrations spread Into Canada. At Winnipeg police and unemployed clashed in a brief bat tle. Many were Injured but none was considered In a serious condi tion. Montreal reported a miner disturbance. V:;'.!'.;-i?t'-n Edith Briscoe. 19 year old leader of the Junior com munist league here, was held under 3500 bond after pleading not guilty In police court to a charge of as saulting a park policeman during the demonstration Thursday In front of the White House, and upon ad vice of her attorney, demanded a Jury trial. Miss Brlsnoe was the first of sev en communists arrested Thursday to appear before Judge Isaac Hltt In court. The other six sat In a comer of the courtroom awaiting their turu to be called, meanwhile displaying newspapers telling of their erre-st. Nearly 50 members of the communist group accompamea mem to uic court hut thev made no demonstra tion as they filed quietly into tne room. New York (Pi Refusing to answer all Important questions, five com munist leadrrs. alleged Instigators or Thursday s riots In Union Square In which more than luu persons were Injured, were paraded before 200 detectives In the lineup at police headquarters Friday after nignt In JalL . The five are William Z. Foster, nresidentlal csndldate of the work ers' (co.munlsti party In the 1928 elections'. Robert O. Minor, eaitox of the Daily Woikcr; Irael Am ter, Harry Raymond and Joseph Lester. They were taken to court to an swer charges of Inciting to riot. Portland P A communist revolt, In which about 30 alleged unem ployed persons did the revolting, and Mayor ueorge liaker watcnea non chalantly while he smoked cigar .ttes and passed them out to revolt its, marked "Red Thuradya" Ir Portland until a passing schoolboj BIRTHS, DEATHS MARRIAGES bCATua- Slnser At the mmcnei Narth . Commercial. March 6, George Singer, brother of Anna, Margaret, Theresa, . Elisabeth, Katherlne and Sandina; grandsoa of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sing. . er. and Mr. Lena Linden. Funeral service Saturday at 1 ;30 o'clock; from the clougb-Taylor chapel, Kev, L J, How officiating. Gardner In this city March 4, Ar thur M. Oardner, 62. Husband of Florence B. Gardner. Father of Mary Oardner. Son of Mrs. Theodore Gard ner of Fort Cook, Nebraska. Brother of Mrs. Albert M. Malone of Minne apolis, Minn, and Mrs. Albert G. Chase of Fort Cook. Neb. Funeral ' services Saturday 1 :30 o'clock from ths Rlgdon mortuary. Rev. Oeo. Swift of ficiating. Intermcui City view ccoic Wry. ' Beyer -At the residence, 730 N. 15th street, March 6, Carl Beyer, 81. Hus band of Mrs. Caroline, Beyer. Father of Ernest of Salem. F. G. of Rhame, N. D., Herman of Falrinount, N. D, and Mrs. L. M. Propp of Salem. Fun eral service at 2 o'clock Monday from the Christ Lutheran church, 18th and State street. Rev. Amos E. Mlnnleraan officiating. Interment In City view cemetery under direction of Rlgdon and Son. Lepley At the residence on Route -3. March 7, Milan J. Leploy. 73. Father of Ivan E. of Salem, Claude A. of North Dakota. Bert L. of Sacramento, Calif.: Henry O. of Cleveland, O., Leo W. of Salem. Brother of Frank of Oakland. Calif- Joe of Cameron. Wis. Fred. Simon and Edgar of Viola, Wis. Notice 01 runcrai later oy w. 1. don and Son. yelled "Down the one-horse rebel- Uon." wera surrounded by 1500 spectators. two military authorities, 500 city hall emplojres, two or three squads of detectives, well armed, and some hundred policemen. The alleged communists gathered in a city park and marched to the city halL Mayor Baker met them. "Come around to vie r uurui su-ccb side and 111 hear your demands,'' his honor said. "You'll hear us here." yelled one ot the 30. "All right Go ahead." tne mayor responded. While Mayor Baker lighted one cigarette after another In the best ot nonchalant fashion advocated by one cigarette manufacturer and dis tributed the fags to listeners, a half doxen of the 30 stumped and stump ed and stumped from a collapsible speaker's stool. Then they departed. FEDERAL BUREAU CONDUCTS TEST Washlngton VfiA tannins pro cess that will make shoes last 60 to 80 per cent longer is the aim oi . tests conducted by the department of agriculture. Half soles cut rrom niaes oi si Shorthorn steers and worn by Washington mail carriers reveal, by comparison of chrome tanning and vegetable tanning, tne possiouityoi a combination process incorporat ing the better qualities of each. Leather re-tanned by chromium salts lasted from 60 to 80 per cent longer than vegetable tanned leath er. However, it was quickly pen etrable by water, slippery in wet weather and frequently lacked suf ficient solidarity to protect the feet of the wearer against uneven sur faces. Soles of light or medium retan nage were appreciably thinner than vegetable tanned soles. Heavy re tannage increased the thickness but lessened the durability. Development of an entirely satis factory product combining the good properties of both Is the goal of ex periment. A process comparing favorably in speed with that or the chrome-tanning or chrome-retan-ning processes Is worthy of serious and concerted effort, the depart ment eays. Forest depletion Is steadily de creasing the supply of vegetable tanning raw materials. Oak and chestnut have been used extensive ly and chestnut, particularly. Is dis appearing, unrome-tanntny; is a much shorter process. POET VENTS WRATH . UPON TROTSKY BOOK Moscow (IP) A violent attjek on the autobiography of Leon Trotsky. which was published recently In Germany, has appeared In the col umns of the government mouth piece, Iivestla. It took the form ot poem by Demlan Byednl. the most popular writer of topical verse In the Sov llet Union. In which he calls the former commissar of war a "new Baron Munachausen" who "outllrs all the old Munachausens." M. Byednl takes aa his text a sen tence of Trotsky to the effect that the communist party bound up es pecially his name with the revolu tion. He spares no virulent adjec tives in characterising tills state ment as "the boasting of a political charlatan." Moreover, M. Byednl promises that he will submit other statements In Troutky's autobiog raphy to the ordeal of his brutal Pen. The attack Is especially notabks because the poet was a good friend of Trotsky In the early years of the revolution. He concludes mo verso by placing Trotsky In the same rate, gory with M. Badyan and M. Bes- sedovsky. cornmuntua wno turn against the Soviets. Portland William O'Connell. 3. hrstnasn for the 8. P. At 8. rail way, was killed late Thursday when he tell under tne wneers "i '.rain. O'Connell's coat caught on a Mil as he was Jumping from a flat ar. and he was swung under the novlng train.