Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 06, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, MARCH , 1930
'Society, Cl ubs and
Bridge Club
Closes Series
At Lundheon
On of Salem's Interesting Infor
mal bridge clubs cloud Its series of
bridge teas held this past winter,
with the members holding low scores
entertaining the remainder of the
club group at a progressive luncheon
The luncheon started at the home
of Mrs. E. V. McMechan. Mrs. Wal
ter Kirk was the next hostess, fol
lowed by Mrs. Karl Becke and Mrs.
Ronald Jones entertaining in the
Becke home. The luncheon closed at
the home of Mrs. H. O. Malison,
where an1 Informal afternoon of
amusing games entertained the
, group.
In the group were Mrs. W. P.
Poorman, Mrs. L. C. Farmer, Mrs.
E p. Thorn, Mrs. Edgar Pierce, Mrs.
" Ronald Jones, Mrs. H. O. Malson,
Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. K V. Mc
Mechan, and Mrs. Karl Becke.
The club will, start a series of
bridge luncheons In a few days.
Prises for the entire series of bridge
luncheons and bridge teas will be
warded at the close of the second
series in the late spring.
Dinner Wednesday
For Dakota Club
. Approximately 75 members attend
ed the regular monthly dinner meet
ing of the Salem Dakota club Wed
nesday night in the social rooms
of the American Lutheran church.
- A business session and program fol
lowed the dinner.
A feature of the evening was a
playlet by members of the Lady
Maccabees. The cast Included Miss
Wllda Slegmund, Miss Eugenia Steg
mund, Mrs. Elsie Townsend, Mrs.
Louise King and Mrs. Desaline Eber
hardt. Readings were given by J.
Burton Crary, and the group was
led in singing by T. S. McKenzle,
with vocal numbers by Mr. McKen
zle, Mrs. W. J. Linfoot and Arnold
Taylor following.
The women of the club will be en
tertained March 18 at the home of
' Mrs. E. T. Prescott.
Mrs. George Vehrs
Luncheon Hostess
A clever St. Patrick's luncheon
and afternoon of bridge entertained
a group of matrons Thursday at
the George Vehrs home on Stewart
street, with Mrs. Vehrs as hostess.
The vivid green of St. Patrick's
novelties, tall green tapers - and
evergreens decked the luncheon
table and were arranged about the
rooms where cards were in play
., Covers were placed for Mrs.
George Alexander, Mrs. Fred Brock,
Mrs. Ray Hartman, Mrs. Prank
Brown, Mrs. P. O. Myers, Mrs. EL
her Hodge of Woodburn, Mrs. Wm.
McOilchrist, Jr., Mrs. Ervin Smith,
Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mrs. Roy
Mills, Mrs. Paul V. Johnson. Mrs.
Ralph Cooley, Mrs. Max Buren,
Mrs. E. E. Ling, Mrs. Guy Irwin,
Mrs. Laban Steeves, and for the
hostess, Mrs. Vehrs.
The next meeting of the Salem
Supreme Stamp society, which was
organized on Washington's birth
day, will be held on Saturday,
March , at 2 o'clock in the Y. M.
. C. A. All Junior high or grade
school children who are interested
in stamp collecting may join this
Interesting organization.
The officers elected at the previ
ous meeting are: president, Mary
Elizabeth Hells; vice president,
John Laughlln secretary, Berna
dlne Wheerler; treasurer, Nola
- Clark; snd sergeant-at-arms, Wil
liam Lauhglln. . .
All American Legion auxiliary
members Interested in membership
work are asked to meet in the Y.
W. O. A. rooms Thursday evening at
7:30 o'clock.
Mrs. O. A. Olson will entertain
members of the Friday bridge club
this week. -
The social club of the P. E. P.
company will entertain with a din
ner and dance in the Masonic tem
ple March 19. W. H. Merrlott is
chairman of the dance committee.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton
entertained with a Urge dinner
party in their home Wednesday
The American men and women
must guard constantly against kid
ney trouble because we often eat too
much rich food. Our blood Is filled
with acids which the kidneys strive
to filter out; they weaken from
cvemuik. become sluggish, the ell
mlnatlve tissues doc and the result
Is kidney trouble, bladder weakness
and a general decline in health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps
of lead; your back hurts or the urine
Is cloudy, full of sediment, or you
are obliged to seek relief two or
three times during the night; H
you suffer with sick headache, or
dixar, nervous spells, acid stomach,
or If you have rheumatism when the
weather Is bad, begin drinking lots
of good, soft watr and get from
your pharmacist about four ounces
of Jad Baits. Take tablespoonful in
a glass of water before breakfast
for a few days and your kidneys may
then act fine.
This famous salts Is made from
the acid of grapes and lemcn Juice,
combined with llthia. and has been
used for years to help flush and
stimulate clogged kidneys, ot neu
tralise the acid hi the system so
they no longer are a source of ir
ritation, thus often relieving bladder
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive: cannot
Injure, makes a delightful efferves
cent llthla-water drink and belongs
In every heme, becauee nobody can
make mistake by havuej a good
kidney flushing any tune. adv.
Mitts 61
j AtMorfatcd Presa Photo
Recent photograph of Edda, daughter of Italy's premier,
whose engagement to Gatleazzo Clano. son of the minister of com
munications, has been announced. .
Mr s. Carl Armstrong
Hostess Wednesday
A group of the younger matrons
were guests of Mrs. Carl Armstrong
at an Informal afternoon- of bridge
In the Armstrong home Wednesday.
The rooms where cards were fn play
were decked with baskets of, daffo
dils and St. Patrick's novelties. At
the tea hour Mrs. William Braun
assisted Mrs.--Armstrong. The prize
for high honors went to Mrs. Wil
liam Oosser.
Mrs. Armstrong's guvsts included
Mrs. E. C. Chariton. Mrs. will ism
Gosser, Mrs. Jack Johnston, Mrs.
William Stacy, Mrs. Bertrem Comp
ton, Mrs. WllCam Bmun, Mrs. Ralph
Campbell, and Mrs. Russell Bone
steele. Mrs. P. A. Fiigat and small daugh
ter Ruth Pauline, of Aberdeen, Ida
ho, are guests for several days at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Wool pert, wWltTftlr. Fugat is attend
ing the bankers' conference In Port
land. Mrs, Fugat is a sister of Mrs.
Woolpert and Mrs. P. D. Volgt.
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Delano re
turned Tuesday night from a motor
trip to Tacoma. They were gone
three days.
The Woman's Benefit association
will meet In the Woman's club
house at 8 o'clock Thursday night.
The association will practice for
their inspection and district meet
ing to be held ft pre late in April.
in tub
Ruth uu uvniKt, mm a
ro.-t mm
Zonta Club Hosts
At Dinner Thursday
An outstanding club event of the
week will b? the dinner and pro
gram with which members of the
Zonta club, Salem woman's serv
ice or&ouation, win entertain
members of the Encinitis club, a
group of younger business girls, in
the banquet room at the Marion
hotel Thursday "evening. The din
ner will begin at 6:15 o'clock and
will be followed by a program. Six
teen of the Encinitis club group
are expected to attend, and several
special guests have been invited.
Judge O. P. Coshow, chief Justice
of the Oregon supreme court, will
give the principal talk. Vocal num
bers will be given by Miss Lena
Belle Tartar and Miss Nellie
Schwab, and pupils of . Barbara
Barnes will give specialty - dances.
The Encinitis girls will present a
one-act play, "Suppressed Desires."
The Amaranthus club members
were entertained at the regular
monthly meeting Monday afternoon
by Mrs. J. B. Hewitt. A surprise
handkerchief shower was given the
hostess at the tea hour, in honor of
her birthday anniversary. In ac
cordance with the new ruling, the
next meeting of the club will be
held the first Wednesday evening
in April, when the club president,
Mrs. T. A. Rafferty, will bo the
hostess. The evening meeting will
afford all members of Hanna Rosa
court an opportunity to attend.
or washer
Bridge Luncheon
At Johnson Home
Mrs. Clyde Johnson entertained
members of her bridge club and
several additional gusets with a 1
o'clock luncheon and. afternoon of
cards In her home Thursday. Spe
cial guests for the affair were Mrs.
F. O. Delano. Mrs. P. E. Fullerton
and Mrs. Sam Adolph.
Pink carnations centered the at
tractive luncheon table where covers
were placed for Mrs. Delano, Mrs.
Fullerton, Mrs. Adolph, Mrs. L. P.
Aldrich, Mrs. A. E. Huckesteln, Mrs.
P. J. Meaney, Mrs. W. J. Liljequlst,
Mrs. R. C. Hunter, Mrs. Charles
lSnowlmd, Mrs. peorge W. John
son, Jr., Mrs. C. F. Oiese, Mrs. Frank
Loose, Mrs. L. P. Campbell, Mrs.
Dean Adams, and for the hostess,
Mrs.- Johnson.
ML' Angel Couple
Wed at Church
Mt. Angel Miss Margaret Buhr,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Buhr, became the bride of Anthony
J. Weissenfels, son of Mr. and Mrs.
M. Welssenfels, at a beautiful cere
mony performed In St. Mary's
church, Tuesday morning. Rev.
Father Berchtold, O. S. B., officiated.
The church was decorated with
ferns and spring flowers.. The wed
ding inarch, was played by Miss
Helen Keber. The school children
sang the high mass.
The bride was lovely In a long
gqwn of white crepe back sittin. Her
long veil of tulle was caught with a
coronet of pearls and rhlnestones.
She carried a bouquet of pink and
white carnations.
Miss Isftura Niederbereer of Dun
dee, as bridesmaid, was attired in
rose blege and carried pink car
nations. Joseph Buhr was best man.
A wedding dinner was served In
the home of the bride's parents.
The rooms were decorated in pink
ana wnite. Mr. and Mrs. Weissen
fels left the same day on a trip
south, and upon their return will
make their home in Hubbard where
the bridegroom is in business.
The Englewood community club
will hold Its annual election of of
ficers Friday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock In the home of Mrs. Cliff
Hill, 638 North Twentieth street.
The business session will be follow
ed by an interesting program.
Club Meeting To
Be Held Friday
The regular meeting of the Salem .
Heights Woman's clubwill be held
In the community club house Fri
day afternoon at 3 o'clock. The
program will Include biographical
sketches of famous composers In
company with their most popular
musical numbers, to be given by
pupils of Mrs. Emma Whealdon,
program chairman for the after
noon. Following the program and busi
ness session, tea will be served by a
committee headed by Mrs. Howard
Lota Stone will present Miss Eva
Sande of Salem, whistler and sing
er, In individual recital March 12 at
8 o'clock. 5ee Fine Arts building
at Portland. Miss Sande will give
a group of novelty songs, singing
and whistling in one person as
well as whistling solos. Mrs. Stone
will be the accompanist.
The Neighbors of Woodcraft will
not hold their regular meeting
Friday night as the officers and
members of the dr.ll team will be
in Portland.
The makers
38 leading ;v". "
recommend Rinso
Amnios B7
Hi, 1 8PI Q
Bom Wubtr
' Cryiul
luilllcit WsihM
laundry B
Hlo Lrk
Clothe. w.h
ur XTcT acpnd or,
snowy-white clothes
I ,
-e.nfra , i i
fVV hi
i ? & t '
Miss Julia K. Webster, general
chairman for the observance of
national business and professional
women's week In Salem, March 10
to 16. Miss Webster Is a past pres
ident of the Salem club and at
present is second vice-president of
the state organization of business
and professional women.
Mrs..Viesko To
Entertain Club
Mrs. Edward R. Viesko will be
hostess in her home Thursday eve
ning, entertaining members of her
bridge club Informally at cards.
In the group will be Mrs. George
Nelson, Mrs. Jesse George,, Mrs.
Chalmer George, Mrs. Karl Hinges,
Mrs. Max Flannery, Mrs. Clifford
Townsend, Mrs. Paul Burris, and the
hostess, Mrs. Viesko.
Special Sleeting
For B. P. W. Club
The Salem business and profes
sional women's club is making
plans to observe national business
and professional women's - week,
March 10 to 16. A special called
meeting of the local club member
ship to discuss final details of the
program for the week will be held
Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock in
the chamber of commerce rooms.
Miss Julia Webster, general
chairman for the week, will an
nounce her committees and the
final program for the week will be
arranged at the meeting Thursday.
Mrs. Cass Nichols entertained
members of the Jolly Rambler club
with a 1 o'clock luncheon in her
home Wednesday. St. Patrick's
lavors marked covers for Mrs. James
Lauderback, Mrs. Harry Young, Mrs.
John Haln, Mrs. Ed Kitchen, Mrs.
Robert Rubeck, Mrs. Nick Herell,
Mrs. Harry Boles and Mrs. Nichols.
Prizes for the afternoon"of cards
went to Mrs. Ed Kitchen and Mrs.
Harry Boles. Mrs. Rubeck will be
the next club hostess.
Mrs. O. Duval' was. pleasantly
surprised Tuesday evening in her
home on South Winter street when
a number of friends and relatives
called to celebrate her 65th blrth
dav anniversary. An Informal so-
WM At bedtlm rub tb throat sad
cbsot thoroughly with
of these
Kola Verio
Tiipl , .
1900 Whirlpool
- '" -
dal evening was enjoyed, with a
late supper being served.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
O. Duval, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert
Feskens and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Anton Feskens and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Parent, Miss Pearl
FoumaL Arthur Duval, Miss Alice
Duval, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duval
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Duval
and family, all of Salem, and Mrs.
Cora Foumal and Mr, Chapman of
Oregon city.
The Loyal Temperance leamie. a
branch of the Salem V. C. T. U.
with membership drawn from all
churches in the city, will hold Its
annual election of officers Saturday
aiiemoon ai i:au o'clock in the First
program will be given with every
Methodist church. In addition a
boy and girl between the ages ot 7
and 14 Invited to attend.
Mrs. A. F. Sanders is vlsillnir In
Scio as the guest of her son, J. F.
Hal Hibbara auxiliary. United
Spanish- American war veterans,
will hold their regular monthly
business meeting Friday afternoon
in the veterans' room at the arm
Mr. and Mrs. John Gravblll enterl
talned with an evening of "500" in
meir nome recently. Hlah score
went to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Inir-
ham. Mrs. Graybill served a late
supper, assisted by Mrs. Lloyd .Rog
ers.- covers were placed for Mr.
and Mrs. Beryl Burch, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray RugRles, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Ingham, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Free,
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cleveland,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rogers and Mr.
and Mrs. John Graybill.
Members, of her bridge club and
STOlin nf DriHtt.lnnal
entertained with an afternoon of
cards hv Mrs Allan num In 1.
home Thursday. In the group were
mi.. wHuucc varson, Mrs. uurtls
Cross, Mrs. Dan MacLehan, Mrs.
Max Hofer nf Pni.Hnnri
thur Rahn, Mrs. Keith' Powell of
wuuuuurii, iwra. r. a. Kooerts, Mrs.
John Carson, Mrs. Prince Byrd,
rars. nnz eiatie, Mrs. w. Connell
Dverrt. Mr. rton .f Vn, t . ini
guests; the club group', Mrs. Paul
Hendrlrkfi. Mr Rm.,, v..n. i
Clifford Farmer, Mrs. Hollls Hunt-
iiiKum, mrs. can nelson, Mrs. Don
ald Young, Mrs. P. D. Qulsenberry.
Mr. Torr.n.. Unfa- . (
Becke, Mrs. Lawrence Woodworth
nn Mrs, carson.
Makes You Look
Years Younger
The Skin nf VAIlth Ilea fn
of new wonderful MELLO-GLO
Face Powder. The purest powder
made its color Is passed by the U.
S. Government. No pastiness.
iiasiness or irritation. A new French
nroceSR makm (r cnmij
smoothly and prevents large pores.
nu more sniny noses it stays on
longer. Use MELLO-GLO. adv.
t iuiwn lKIKJ STORE
You Simply Must WearA-.
' irojoir
-This Spring
Never such Chic . . . such Charm
Both Dress and Sports Styles
Mew drew coats follow a charming new silhouette, a slim
supple line slightly defining the waist, flaring gracefully
from Hp to hem, and a touch of soft flat fur. Cape collars
add a distinctly feminine touch.
Sports Coats employ tweeds In soft Dubbed snowflake and
bordered weaves, decidedly new In design. Every new shade
for Spring and you will like the low prices
$19.75 $24.75 $29.50
Dayton Mrs. Jennie Savage
RelchstelnU, wife of William
William Relchsteln, a resident of
the Pleasantdale vicinity for 23
years, died at the McMlnnville hos
pital Wednesday morning, following
an appendicitis operation late Mon
day evening.
Mrs. Relchsteln was born De
cember 10, 1886, near McMlnnville.
Was married to William Relchsteln
May 4. 1S07. She is survived by
her widower and two sons, Lawrence.
21, and Wayne, 16, of Dayton; her
mother, Mrs. George Savage, and
one brother. Matt Savage, both of
McMlnnville; one sister, Mrs. Ernest
Clark, Multnomah, Ore.
Independence Eileen, little six-
year-old daughter or Mr. and Mrs.
George Orsborn, was taken sudden
ly 111 with an attack of appendi
citis, while playing with her little
classmates upon the school grounds
Wednesday morning and was rushed
Use P-B Beauty Cream
Have Smooth, White Skin
Parker-Belmont Beauty Cream is
a gentle bleaching, cleansing cream
that quickly liquefies, penetrating
deep down Into the pores so that
grim, and dust. Imbedded powder
and rouge cannot escape It. All
trace of freckles, sallowness. Tough
ness and rednesa fade away with the
first application. You soon have a
Clear, transparent, asm. raraer
Belinont Beauty Cream keeps the
skin young. To atreiisthrn muscles,
tlKSueM, and restore facial contour,
use powdered tarkroot, the home
tace-llfter. At Rll drug stores. adv.
. FRIDAY and
Heavy Russian
Mineral Oil, pt.
Witch Hazel,
Pepsodent (Amos & An
dy) Tooth .... QQ
Milk Magnesia,
$1.25 Watter Bottle or
Fountain QQ
The Crown Drug Store
-v AMY HUGHES & H. H. BRIANS, Props.
It may be dressy or man
tailored but it must be
tweed or covert
There arc two veralons of the tail
ored suit this Spring one In which
the tailored detail describes its
whole personality and the mora
softened Idea with capelets or rip
. pies and completed with a charm
Inf blouse of eggshell or beige crepe.
Our showing will delight you for
all the warm shades for Spring are
represented. They're Interestingly
$24.75 $29.50
$37.50 $45.00 $49.50 $59.50
to the Salem General hospital by
Drs. Knott li McConnell, and op
erated upon within a few hours.
She rallied from anasthetie and
was doing nicely at last report.
Orsborn Is an employe on the Dav
idson tc Hedges hop ranch north ot
tms city.
Pelplng, China, now boasts a
population of 1.000,000.
When Your Cough
Hangs On, Mix
This at Home
The best cough remetlr that money
could bu. can esxily b mixed at bomej
It Bare! money and g.Tts 70a the moat
rdiable, qutck-artiiiir medicine ytou ever
used. The way It take bold f atub-j
bora coughs and chest colda, fiTing
immediate relief, is aHtonifchiog.
Any druggiHt can supply you with"
2 ounce of Plnez. Pour this into ft
pint bottle, and fill up with plain gmn4
nlatrd sugar ayrup or strained honey.)
It's no trouble at all to mix, and whesi
you once use it; you will nerer be with
out it. Keeps perfectly and tastea)
good children really like it.
It Is surprising how quickly this
loosens the germ-laden phlegm, and
soothes and heals tbo inflamed menW
branes. At the same time, part ol
the medicine Is absorbed into thd
blood, where it arts directly on the
bronchial tubes, and helps the system
throw off the whole trouble. Eren
those severe coughs which follow cold
epidemics, are promptly ended.
Pinez is a highly concentrated com
pound of genuine Norway Pine, con
taining the active agent of creosote, ia
ft refined, palatable form. Not bin
known ia medicine in more helpful in
rases of severe coughs, chest colds and
bronchial troubles.
Do not accept a substitute for Finer.
It is guaranteed to give prompt relief
or money refunded.
1 Pound Writing Paper
with 2 packages JQ
Envelopes vlaV
Dr. West or Prophylac
tic Shape Tooth 1 Qp
Brushes 7l
Odd pieces white ivory
Your ' . rnp
choice : JW
Call and see the new line
17 toiletries. Look for
our 10c bargain table.
I ;l i
I 1 .