FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1930 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE NINE - . . . : "iJ: ' MANY DENIALS IN ISTY'S VOW TO DIVINITIES Chicago OR It took 41 separate and Individual den la la to 4L citrine judges to make sure that you hadn't sinned, in the good old days of Lsty. In case you never heard of Iety, she was the "housemistresa, the chan tress of Amon" who lived about 1,000 B. C. in Egypt. These sins which she denied so vehemently in her "Book of the Dead sound ratner laminar and cover about as much ground as any modern maiden's. In fact, they cover a funeral papyrus eight feet long and half a foot wide. The doc ument is half in colored vignettes, and half in hieroglyphics. Then, too, there are pictures representing Incidents connected with the lady's life, and some predicting her post humous adventures. , ; - Surrounded by the sacred Phoe nix, the gods Nut, Osiris, and minor deities, are the pleas to the gods. Besides ciaiming that "X have not harmed an evil-doer" Isty says that she has not been guilty of murder, stealing, uttering falsehoods, sacri lege, wrathfulness, cruelty, vio lence , rebellion, extravagance, plundering, lust, blasphemy, un cleanliness, nagging, quarrelsome ness, causing sorrow, or hasty judg ment. And she closes her plea with a spiel supposed" to enable her to join Ro, the sun-god, as he travels across the sky. For those that dcntbt the exist ence of so remarkable a woman, the Field Museum of National His- the papyrus is being exhibited at tory with a line-by-Une transla tion and explanation of the hiero glyphics. The document was found in a cache at Reir el-Bahri, part of the cemetery of Thebes, in 1891 and presented to the museum by Martin A. Ryerson, Smoke Prevention in Broiling Meat Told; Dessert Suggestions By MILDEED NYE Query When broiling meat in the oven, is there any way to avoid the excess of smoke? My oven is always filled with burning smoke although the meat is not burned and does taste delicious, I hate to haw to give up this method of cooking FOOD BUDGET FOR FAMILY JS$15 WEEK (Continued from Page 8 purchase, sight seen, rather than by order. Mrs. Blinks gave the following as a sample order for the week for family consisting of father, mother, boy 14, girl 10, and boy 4. It totals $14.52 for the expendi ture: FOOD QUANTITY CcmU at Brtfti Bread: Whlw tersd lo Flour 9Va lb. Mar a ran! 2 lbs. Rlc? 914 lb. .29 Ostmea! 1 Pk. .11 Commeal I P- . Wht ctel 1 Pit. -23 COST to u Flh Eks Cliees Milk $2,97 Bfeti. K res ni CfeeeM S lbs, 2 M a Ita. .39 1 dot. .39 V lb. .21 30 J3 1! Potato? Spinach Cabbse Onions Beets Beans (dried Peas Corn Apples Orange Bananas Siiced Ppsehei Raspberries Prunes Raisins 21 qtfl. Frui(t and WcrUblef IS ibs. 3 lb. 4 lbs. 1 can, Ka. S 2 lbs. 1 can. No, t I lb. I can 1 can 2 lbs. 1 dot a 1 can 1 can 1 lb. M M 1 n. ,S9 .13 .1 .13 .12' .30 .50 Butter Lard Balad OU Coffee Cocoa Fats -ana OH 2 lbs. 'i lb. 1 pint Sfreett S lb. I Pint Otaef Frs 1 IK 4 ib U ft. 11.06 .09 HA 10 : 9 W.St .n steaks just because of this. Mrs. W. Answer The apparent burning and smoking from broiling meat is due to the fat cooking out of the meat and dropping down on the hot broiler paiv This may be elimin ated by pouring enough water into the pan to cover the bottom. The oven door may be left open during the broiling process since the cook ing is by direct rather than stored neat. - - Query Woyid you suggest sev eral "hurry up3 desserts that might be prepared quickly without too much fuss and bother- when com pany arrives unexpectedly? Thank you. Mrs, D. M. Answer Perhaps the easiest of all desserts to prepare, besides plain siiced fruit, are the fruit whips which are as delicious and healthful as they are easy to make. The following recipe is particularly for bananas, although any fruit in crushed or pulp form may be sub stituted. BANANA WHIP 1 egg white H cup sugar Vs cup banana pulp 4 teaspoon salt Juice of one-half lemon Into a large bowl put the egg white, sugar and banana pulp (ba nana forced through a potato ricer.) Salt and lemon juice. Beat with a strong egg beater until very light and fluffy. Heap in glasses and garnish with a slice of Dan ana, dec- crated with bar-le-duc currents, a tiny cube of currant jelly. Another variation of the fruit .whip recipe, but far more fattening, is the one for cocoanut prune snow. In this, as in the other, any fruit pulp may be used satisfactorily, COCOANUT PHUNE SNOW 1 cup prune pulp cup powdered sugar 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 egg white, stiffly beaten cup cream, whipped H cup grated cocoanut Combine the fruit pulp, sugar and lemon juice. Chill, Force through a sieve. Fold pulp into egg white; then add cream and cocoa- nut hi the same manner, serves 6. COCOANUT FIG PERFECTION cup fig jam 6 slices sponge cake or lady fingers i cup shredded cocoanut cup cream, whipped Spread jam on slices of cake or on lady fingers. Sprinkle with cocoa- nut. Fold remaining cocoanut into whipped cream and top each slice with this mixture. Serves six, Re cipe for the fig jam is printed be lowthis is a most useful emer gency preparation to have on hand. FIG 3AM lb, figs, finely chopped A tablespoons sugar cup water H cup lemon juice Cook figs, water and sugar until smooth and thickened. Add lemon juice. Cool. Keep in air-tight jar in refrigerator until needed. Makes one cup jam. Dates may be substi tuted for the figs if desired. Query The two following recipes are being, printed in answer to a request for waffle doughnuts. The Iirnt one is not very sweet, but may North Rochester, Mass, (IP) El mer Lawrence of this community, a seventh son, recently became the proud father of a seventh son. Cooststaatly th lowest baa. teria count In Sairm. kr-m out Hr B A I a 1 11 I ml? V IfimA now JL "Chw up, M. D., your con scienes is clear. For nod. pur -j milk you Kfid Ym her. says Billy Break ODay. Curb's DAIRY j fcj'Phone2120 Queries Invited Him ItfUdnj Nye, home economic! expert for the Portland Electric Power com panf hu been named la write a series of articles as food problem aa food pre. paraUon, foe the benefit mi Capital Journal reader Her knowledge b founded on per sonal eiperknre and pnjvec methods. Questions addressed to Miss Nrs ui cars of thii newspa per, or in care of the Port land Electric Power company Salem. Oregon, will be an swered throng b these columns as spaee Is available, while additional information may be obtained directly from Miss Nye by telephoning her at 85. When It U desired. Miss Nye will answer questions by direct stall providing self addressed, stamped envelope Is enclosed for reply. MAKE SEAWEED IODINE Moscow (P? Russian scientists believe they can make ait the Iodine the country needs from certain native seaweeds. Several million rubles have been appropriated by the Soviet government to build four iodine plants with the hope that Russia need import It no lon ger. ! be served with fruit or preserves very nicely, WAFFLE I ZED DOUGHNUTS cup butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 4 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder I teaspoon salt I teaspoon mace 1 cup milk I teaspoon vanilla Cream butter, add sugar, then eggs. Add sifted dry ingredients 0 Sfmy (rei of fT.;K. K rice I, cockrd Wtfj&K ftrftcllf if SSiiSB boiUmg KOitr 'f -a little at a Ik ad baks thr?s minute.!. This reci pe mattes thirty doughnuts. SWEET DOI'GUNITS 6 teUespooiu (at 1 cup tugar 1 cuxi Hour 2 Wiioje egg 1 eup tout milk teaspoons sod teaspoon each grstcd nut meg slid cimiirjicHi Cream fat with sugar thorough ly, then add beaten egg yoUu. Add sifted dry brecUenU alternately PARIS ARTIST IN LEGAL FIGHT ON MOONBEAMS Pari (LP1 Ttia wanly reflected beams of the moon are numerous enough and ufftcient!r vr!ed tc with the. mitlt and egg beaten to- I mire Individual tnterpretatlon with- gethar. Drop one tablespoeaful on each section of the waffle iron a Lid bake about three minute. Boll Is powdered sugar to serve. ROUGH WALL SLOWS AIR TJrbana, 111, UP) The engineering experiment station. of the Univer sity of Illinois finds that smoothing the sides of air passages in mines reduces friction so. much as to re sult In appreciable saving In ex pense of operating the air pumps that farce the air ints the mines. out swiping the other fellow idea, according to a famous moosUgot anise Because he dates that certain M. Laiou not only sees Uie same moon la the same way but also paints It with the same technique as ne, m. GRananan 1 suing; for plagiarism. Art experts are exper iencing some oewtiderment and a decided lack of agreement In Iron ing out this latest kink Is trtlstlc disputes. No unanimity of opinion can be reached as to lust what rights belong to the painter of picture. M. Kourlcq and Laurent, mem bers of the Institute, ami M. Gel hay, an artist, say that white the right to produce nature Is free to everyone, the manner in which a scene Is reproduced belongs to the individual who conceives it On the other hand, M. Barthel- emy, holder of the Prix de Hornet Paul de Rumen. President of the Salon of the French School; Oul drr. Juryman of the Salon of Reach Artuts; Leon Ruffe, General Cora mlsaalrs of the Mi Miry of Public Inst ruct ion, sod the artist Ancladc, say that the only right belonging to me araai is wist direct re pro duct Km, Ther say that occe an artist has shows Ma work to the public, even his special technique if no longer tut own, and that he is powerless w prevent Its being copied. Artiste and students am t wait ing the outcome of the lawsuit with lively Interest, ehiefir because the judges of the court probably wilt be the most befuddled of any involved in the tangle, with two groups of ritata and critics radically opposed In their opinions, much credit will be due the harried judges if they decide whether M. L&fca to fuitty of plaglariam for -having seen, felt. and executed on canvas the same moonbeams that have served to en hance the fame of M. Chanabian, If M. Lsfon Is not found guilty. GOPHER AND RABBET RATED k FARMERS Washington t" Tne orgmal lar. men si the weatm nnges were ground snoferta. rabbits. etot R pavers and priarte dogs, says report to the American Awocisttort ror to Advanoerr.tnt of Science by Waiter P. Taylor of the U. & department of agriculture. Se has been studying the harm they do to the range la cociiurrilGg forage. Impairing watersrieds sad removing shelter and ic-od for yal- mbig amimato. Mr. Tiylor concludes that their effects am not all bad; Mat they M. Chanabian will have to return M. La fen's M ps in tings he recently seised from the galleries in which the alleged plagiarist had exhibited the braln-chlMren of tw fasJera, often dissesiat vahiabie plants, Uit some of then MaM tang quwUttea o faaects, that buirow ing rodents aw InOustrious sooli cultivston, and that in same pisses, tbsy stay do mart food than harm, PARLIAMENT SPEAKER GIVES W0MEM REBUKE London tiPj Wooden memDers ol Parliament ara meeting with s aer !et of rttMffi. Attacks hafe tees made ta the press about Ureir alU tuds and now the Bpsaker has chid. ed ttem. AU of tr wanes members oi the. House of Commons, wits toe ex- cepUon of the Duchess of AthoiL signed a petition to eiven women seam la the visitors gsllertes. When they presented their peiiUoa the Speaker atmounced that mora seat have been reserved for womea ris,'. tors than men ar.d that the emllcrtea can t be thrown open only to women. Joumai Want Ads fat Evritr sissy of Hills Bros, Coffee it roasted evesiy to perfection by Hills Bros. patented, coatiGuous process. Controlled Roasting. A few pounds at a nine never in feuik is the secret and it cre ates a Savor no other coffee has. Fresh from the original vacuum pack. Easily opened with the kej. HILLS BROS COFFEE REAL NE WS!!! Valuable Premiums for ALPINE MILK LABELS! SPECIAL SAUCEPAN OFFER INSTEAD of throwing vmvg you Alpine Milk Jabela . . . save hem Foe now they are redeemable for hundreds of splendid articles of every dtrcrifrtioei. Silver, ikiminum ware, cable listen, curtains jewelry, toilet sets, i porting goods and toys to delight the cKHdtcB. Use A!ptrte Milk. It Is to good so delicious in coffee and for all tec i pes where milk is cat red foe so convenient 10 economic a L Order sex cans from your grocer today. Be sure to save the labels. Mail coupon below foe res Pre mium Folder describing ovet 21$ beautiful premiums given away for Alpine labeis 4 Qt. sIumiQum ssuccpsn . FREE for only S Labels . (TALL SIZE) 1ts a beauty. Big and generous.. k fills s need in every ktecbett Foe only 13 labels, tall she, ot 36 small site, It is yours. This amazing offer good for s LmCted time only.' So cart saving labels today. Watch your gtocer'i window. Or mail iatvlaa t os ether with your nam and address to the Alpine hiiik Premium Dept., 1065 Mission St Sn Frsnclaco, Cal., and your pso will be sent you postpaid. tlwfii tesff te&a . ,ft r ITwafcasa ALPINE MILK, fiSMtwm DC i 1069 Msawtoo 9an WnncUam, Cst. f naat $en me, ftrr, Towr fttuwrstftl Ptwwlwm PJW I dewritw orw l?i fcf4)fr;asii I ci tot Akwmi j aasu. I Addn - lWliie as Sxmvw SoftasDown." Midget Market Originalora of Low Prices SSL SUU St. Something For Nothing Is the impression some firms try to create. Experienced shoppers know better. It can't be done. We handle de pendable meats at moderate prices. A trial will convince you. For Saturday We Offer Dainty Lean Young Pig Loin Chops Pork Roasts 25c ib. ISelb. Prime Beef Choice Round Steak Sirloin Steak 25c lb. 22c lb. "Nut Sweet" Siiced Bacon 30clb. All Pork Freshly Little Links Ground Beef 25c lb. 20c lb. Useless to pay more risky to pay less Prime Good Beef Roasts Boiling Beef 18c lb. 15c lb. Fresh Frozen Salmon . 10c lb. By the piect Best Oleomargarine 2 lbs, 25c Z ib. limit with purchase 131 N. High Street Across from Court House OPEN UNTIL 8 P. M. 245 1M. Commercial St , Between Court and Chemeketa MINIMAL OIL 33c Qi. Free Capitol Theater Ticket with 50e purchase or met At Your Service! Every worthwhile food item is here at Piggly Wiggly displayed for yow easy selection, and priced to show you a real saving. Millions of thrifty food, buyers do their dpiiy shopping at these modern stores, and benefit thru the many advantages of this great self-serve system. Here are some week-end features you can't afford to miss: , . ; Crown FLOUR $1.09 Sack Peet's Granulated SOAP Large Package 39e "1 X Federal ,. 1 MILK GUM SPkgs,lc PIGGLY WIGGLY BEST FBESH iSiattttei? . . . . 22c 1,b- SALT Morton's 8e . IODIZED OB PMltf Ivory Guest Soap, 8 bars 29c BEANS 2 extra Iarge... 33c BAM BAKED B&M Brown Bread, 2 for 35c CORN-3 large cans 35c TENDEB SWEET Apple Butter 3 tall cans 35c SOAP TEA High Grade Selected DOG FOOD Finest food for dogs or eats 3 Cans 3XC $1.20 Dozen PURE COUNTRY HONEY 2 Frame 45C Sure fine for breakfast I I ! I I I I I I I I I i 29c if. I I i MALT Large can BLVE RIBB0! COCOA 2 pounds CHOKE BULK. l large bars. RANB OS rACE SWEET POTATOES 2 large cans 33c BcHar Mas (retfc and mars ecaaomical PAVE Umeofared Japan Green 3 pounds .,.... ,,....73c PUREX Cleaning fluid 2 Quart 90. QUANTITY ORDERS DEHVijliED FREE Piggly Wiggly Market Features Quality Bleats and a Free Guest Ticket to Capitol Theater Choice Young lHens 26 lib. Drawn for jou For stewing or rhsge "Morrell's Pride" Lean and wigar re4 Half or whole Home Rendered Pure Lard 3 lbs. 33c Drv Salt Pork lie Ib. Oat f coMMeratisMi la oar esapioyea, ire ekM Slr di rt tf;NP. M Hatrr M, Levy, Mgr. Boaaeless Picnics Something y 'W joy serving OPEN KETTLE RENDERED PURE LARD 2 lbs. 25C WITH MEAT PURCHASE MILD SUGAR CURED BACON 25c lb. I I I I I I I I I I 11----.----.