Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 20, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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Society, Clubs and
Colonial Tea
Planned For
The annual Colonial tea spon
sored by Chemeketa chapter.
Daughters ot the American Revo
lution, will be an event Friday aft
ernoon, February 21, at the home
of Mrs. John A. Carkin, 610 South
Winter street. A number ot Salem
maids and matrons are expected to
cal during the afternoon hours.
The tea Is one ol the most de
lightful events of the early spring,
the members of Chemeketa chapter
being attired in their stately co
lonial costumes. The tiny daugh
ter of Mrs. Carkin, who will receive
at the door, will also be dressed In
colonial costiune.
Instrumental numbers will be
given during the afternoon by the
Misses Marie and Jean Patton and
Margaret Heltzel, all members of
the Children of the American Rev
olution. The small daughters of
Mrs. Alton D. Hurley will give spe
cialty dances. Four members of
the Children of the American
Revolution, Miss Grace Elizabeth
Holman, Miss Margaret Heltzel,
Miss Marie Patton and Miss Rober
ta Mills, will assist In the serving
at the tea hour.
Mrs. A. W. Norblad, Mrs. E. C.
Apperson of McMlnnville, Mrs.
Seymour Jones and Mrs. John Orr
will preside at the tea tables dur
ing the afternoon. A large social
committee, headed by Mrs. Homer
Gouley, will assist.
The tea will be "for the benefit
of the state organization's schol
arship loan fund.
Paliacci Club
At Clark Home
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark were
hosts to members of the Paliacci
club at an evening of cards followed
by a late supper in the Clark home
Wednesday night. Special guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Art Loder and
Mrs. Emily Lauderback. In the club
group were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hu
ber, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams, Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Furlough, Mr. and
Mrs. Tony Raschlo, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Fontanlnl, and Mrs. M. Inno
cent!. High score prizes for the evening
of cards went to Mrs. Williams and
Mr. Raschio. Second prizes were
warded to Mr. and Mrs. Furlough,
Late in the evening supper was
served at a long table centered with
red carnations and tall red tapers.
George Washington favors marked
covers for the guests. "
The next meeting of the club will
be held at the Fontanlnl heme on
March 8.
Program Planned
By Club Women
A program of dramatic readings.
Including a number with patriotic
sugjects, will be given by students
ot Miss Carol Dibble at tne suite
tuberculosis hospital Saturday eve
ning, February 22,at 7:15 o'clock,
under the sponsorship of the Insti
tutions department of the Salem
Woman's club. Vocal numbers on
the program will be offered by pu
plls of Miss Lena Belle Tartar.
Mrs. S. M. Endlcott, general chair.
man of the Institutions department.
has been assisted In arranging for
the program by the members of the
tuberculosis hospital committee. Mrs.
Ray Farmer, chairman, Mrs. J. .
Lauterman. Mrs. J. L. Rand, Mrs.
C. P. Bishop, Mrs. E. M. Hoffnell,
Mrs. F. O. Bowersox, Mrs. H. J.
Ostlind and Mrs. O. C. Bellinger.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Andresen were
hosts to members oi tne ssan oouci
card club at a alentine party in
their suburban home recently. Spe
cial guests were Mr. and Mrs. P. N.
Andresen, Mrs. Rose Lucas, Miss
Mildred Martin and Clarence An
Five tables ot cards were in play,
wnn mgn scores going w mia. Al
fred Propp and O. L. Dencer. Scc-
miJ nrt.p. vent tn Mrs. William J.
Davenport and L. 8. Case. Partners
for the card tables were found by
matching valentines. Mrs. Rose
Lucas assisted in the scrying of re-
fr.ehm.ntjt lnt In the pvrninff. Val
entines were distributed to the
guests by Master Paul Andresen
small son of the hosts.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary, United
Spanish War eterans, will hold Its
monthly social meeting at tne nome
ot Mrs. 8. A. Thompson, 1675 South
Commercial street, Friday afternoon
at 2-30 o clock.
To End a Cough
In a Hurry, Mix
This at Home
To nd a ftubborn cough quickly, It
! Important to Bootb and brl tb In
flamnl mrmbran!, t rid of the genua
aod a too to aid tba jttra inwardlv to
Win throw off tba trouble.
For thraa parpew, bfr la a borot-
anaae mwiicine, lar eiw man anytmng
poo could buy at 3 times the coot. From
any dmritirt, get 2H ounces of Pi dm.
Pour this into a pint bottle, and add
slain rraoulated augar RTrunorRtrained
aooey to fill up the plot. Tbis tatea
tit a notnent, and make a remedy o
ffectivo that you will nerrr do with
tit, ooca yoo baft ed It. Keepo pr-
tcrtly, and rbildrea like it.
Tain nimple remedy doen three neeea
aarv thins. FirtL It loopena the term.
ladm phlegm. Bemnd, It nothe away
the inflammation. Third, It to absorbed
let the blood, where It acta dirertlr
on tbo bronchial tube. Thirf er plain
whv It brmn such nuirk relief, even
In tbo otmtinata bronchi 41 coogba
Which follow row epidemic.
Pin is a hiahlr concentrated C
poond of genuine Norway 1'ine, con
taining tho active agent of creoaote, la
a oa of the greatest aaling areata
foe aerer cncna. cam coioa
Bronchial tronblea.
Io not accept a rabetltvt for Pinei.
It ia guaranteed to ffira proanpt rtliaf
m money refunded. adfi
UIU4 k? Rath
Aosoctated Preoo Phot
Simplicity and charm are ac
centuated In this ensemble of blue
with bow trimmings for early
Roy Flints Honor
Guests at Party
Complimenting Mr. and Mrs, Roy
Flint ot Kennedy, Minnesota, who
have been spending the winter with
relatives In Salem, Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Tucker entertained recently
with a "500" card party. Six tables
were in play with high scores going
to Mrs. Sherman iicKay ana w.
C. Johnson.
Those present were the honor
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flint, Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Peterson, Mr, and
Mrs. F. J. A. Boehringer, Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Steams, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. W.
O. Johnson, Mr, and Mrs. R. O.
Gobler, Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Persons,
Mr, and Mrs. Adln Blakley, Mrs.
Blanche Rich, Lloyd Flint, and the
hosts, Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Tucker.
Mrs. E. B. Taylor
Hostess Wednesday
Mrs. E. B. Taylor entertained
members of the Kill Kare card club
at her home on Fairgrounds Road
Wednesday afternoon. Two tables
of "600'' were In play, with Mrs. C.
E. Kerston receiving the prize for
high honors, and the second prize
going to Mrs. D. W. Medley.
At the tea hour, Mrs. T. B. Myers
assisted Mrs. Taylor.
In the group were Mrs. N. o.
Bales, Mrs. F. A. Smith, Mrs. O. E.
Kertson, Mrs. D. W. Medley, Mrs.
L. E. Swift, Mrs. T. S. Roberts, Mrs.
T. 8. Meyers, Mrs. Minnie Clark
and the hostess. Mrs. E. B. Taylor.
Mrs. Smith will entertain the club
at her home, 1325 North Seven
teenth street, March 9.
The missionary society of the Cal
vary Baptist church will be enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Earl
Barham. 865 North Winter street,
Friday afternoon. Mrs. W. T. Taylor
will lead the devotions and Mrs. u.
E, Amundsen will be in charge of
the missionary study.
No. 552
In Stock
I fill .J
hi U U;
MM Umac, Ptuw a
Party Entertains
Bank Employees
Employes of the Ladd and Bush
bank were entertained with an
interesting program and social eve
ning In the social rooms oi the
bank Wednesday night. Members
of the bookkeeping department at
the bank were hosts for the eve
ning. D. W, Eyre and E. T. Pierce
were additional guests.
The program Included vocal solos
by Mrs. Ersel Mundinger with Mrs.
Chester Cox at the piano, a piano
solo by Robert Alexander, a read
ing by Gibson Follls, a solo by
Lawrence Maves who accompanied
himself on the guitar, a harmonica
duet by Arthur -Willecke and Law
rence Maves and a trombone solo
by William Moriarty.
A feature of the evening was
three reels of motion pictures
shown by Asahel Bush. Radio
numbers were also enjoyed.
Refreshments for the evening
were in charge of Miss Nellie
Schwab and Mrs. Grace Taylor,
with Johnny Jones serving.
Hosts for the evening Included
Lawrence Maves, chairman; Gib
son Follls, Stanley Walker, Oscar
Peterson, Earl Brunk, Raymond
Hoffman, Henry Neuman, Millard
Price, William Moriarty, Ersel
Mundinger, Don Petrum, Alex Tay
lor, Barnard Moorman, Orval Ken
no n, Lawrence Morgan, Albert
Arpke, Dave Ramsyer, Walter Bat
liner and Lyle Glover,
Camp Fire Girls
In Club Program
Members of the various Salem
Camp Fire Girls' groups will give
the program Saturday at the regu
lar meeting of the Salem Woman's
club. The program will Include a
piano solo by Jean Hewitt; a song,
"Indian Lullaby"; a dramatization
of the legend ot the Colorado can
yon; a minuette number; a reading
by Edith Clement; a vocal solo by
Gwendolyn Hubbard; piano num
bers by Doryce Ross; a playlet,
"What Is Camp Fire." by 15 girls;
and a song, "Mammy Moon," In
pantomime by all of the girls.
Mrs. W. B. Johnston ot the Salem
Woman's club will tell of two French
pictures, "Grace Before Meat," and
"Say Please!" A group of Oregon
poems will be read by a member ot
the literature dllvlslon. Reports will
be given by Mrs. C. F. Turner of
the picture library work, and by
Dr. Fannie Brown Tibbetts of the
silver tea at the L. O. Clement home
Tuesday. Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, chair
man of the finance committee for
the state convention here in May,
will outline her plans.
Tea will be served following the
program by a large committee un
der Mrs. Ralph Cooley. The busi
ness session of the club will begin at
2:30 o'clock, with the program and
tea hour following.
The Little Light Bearers will hold
their thank offering party at the
First Methodist church Saturday ar
ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Nellie
Rahe, Mrs. N. 8. Savage and Mrs.
W. C. Wlnslow will act as the re
ception committee. Games will be
arranged by Mrs. B. R. Lousch and
Miss Blanche Reece.
Mrs. A. A. Lee will be In charge
of the program. A playlet, "One
Hour in Korea," wui oe gixen by
Beth Slewart, Byron Lausch, Mary
Jo Gelser. Grace Covert. Betty Jean
seiander, Janice Moore, Virginia
Covert, Suzanne Schramm, Marilyn
zellar. Phillip Schramm. Patricia
Schramm, and Mrs. Marie Zellar.
Some of the actors will be in Korean
costumes. Grace Keefer will give
the lntroductlonary welcome. Other
program numbers will be a piano'
solo by Jewell Minier. ana recita-
Beautiful Women
Use Mello-glo
Beauties who guard their complex'
ions use MELLO-GLO Face Pow.
der only. Famous for purity its
coloring matter is approved by the
Government. The skin never looks
oaetv or flaky. It spreads more
smoothly and produces a youthful
bloom. Made by a new French
process, MELLO-GLO Face Pow
der stays on longer. adv.
A Real
What beauties can be purchaseel
at MACK'S at the special low
prices of
$29" to $5950
Many different shades.
395 N, HIGH ST.
Uons by Philip Schramm. Billle
Gilliam, Donald Burton, Richard
Barton. - Ernestine Fredlckson,
Barton, Ernestine Fredlckson, Phyl
lis Ryan. Marilyn Zellar, Luclle
Borgerson, Leone Spauldlng, Alice
Borgerson and Daryl ColwelL
Refreshments win be servea oy
Mrs. Ellis Batson, Mrs. J, W. Mar-
croft and Mrs. Sanders.
Novel Silver Tea At
West Salem Home
West Salem A "Red Bird" silver
tea1, with Mrs. J. A. Gosser, Mrs.
Guy Newgent and Mrs. Emmett
Dickson as hostesses, was 'the at
tractive affair held at the Gosser
home on Kingwood avenue- Wed
nesday afternoon.
Appropriate decorations or rea
birds, tall red tapers and sword
ferns were used eiiectiveiy
throughout the rooms.
A memory contest and a number
of Interesting games provided a
pleasant afternoons entertain
ment. Refreshments carrying out the
color scheme of the decorations,
were served by the hostesses.
Those present were Mrs, J. I.
Miller, Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mrs.
P. L. Cdark, Mrs. Emory Williams,
Mrs. A. R. Boulware, Mrs. Darrell
Bradford, Mrs. W. D. Phillips, Mrs.
Homer Barber, Mrs. A. L. Apple
white, Mrs. H. J. Carter, Mrs. B. K.
Englehorn, Mrs. J. R. Brown, Mrs.
D. A. Williams, Mrs. M. A. Groves,
Mrs. Edwin Brock, Mrs. George
steward, Mrs. Wayne Baker, Mrs.
W. L. LaDue, Mrs. J. R. Bedford,
Mrs. C. E. Greene. Mrs. J. M. Fish
er, Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mrs. Ralph
Sebern, Mrs. Annie Gosser, Mrs.
Delia Crabbe, Mrs. Elizabeth Breck
enrldge, Miss Lottie McAdams,
Miss Helen Gosser, Miss Catherine
Applewhite and the hostesses, Mrs.
Guy Newgent, Mrs. Emmett Dick
son and Mrs. J. A. Gosser.
Salem Review of the Woman's
Benefit association will hold Its
final drill before the annual instal
lation of officers when they meet
in the Woman's club house Thurs
day evening at 8 o'clock. All offi
cers and members of the team will
attend to prepare for the Installa
tion ceremonies -February 27.
Mrs. Luella Engstrom, publicity
chairman for Oregon district No. 1
of Rebekah lodges, completed her
official visits with a visit to Canby
On March 1st the following permanent'
.wave prices will be in effect at the un
dersigned Beauty Shoppes:
Croconale Waves ........ . ... .'. . . . .$7.50
Spiral Waves . ..... .$10.00 and $12.50
Suit Season.....
Beauty Repeat
Atsoctated Pre. Photo
There Isn't much doubt about the
beauty title at Southern college.
Lakeland, Fla. Elizabeth Forehand
Jones, winner In 1929, captured the
title again this year.
Rebekah lodge Tuesday night In
company with Carl Engstrom, Mr.
and Mrs. George Naderman and Mrs.
Ida Hochstetler, and wltn tier visit
Wednesday night to Buttevllle. Mr.
and Mrs. Slg Harris ot Gervais ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. Engstrom
to Butteville lor tne special cauea
Neighbors of Woodcraft, Silver
Bell circle No. 43, were entertained
at a luncheon Friday afternoon in
Fraternal temple by Mrs. V. w.
Shaw. Assisting Mrs. Shaw were
Mrs: Lettie Hansen, Mrs. Sarah Mc
Dowell, Mrs. Kcnnen, Mrs. Minn
Call a phyddao. Then Wfrifl
"mmgncf treatment wan
- -A.
Uo. 558
In Stock! J
Olmstead and Mrs. Nan Lou Petty
John. Covers were laid for Mes
dames . Darling, Clark, Browning,
Busey, Greenwood, Fanrtch, Wat
kins, Hawk, Kennedy. Teeson, Bard,
Olmstead, Nelhart, Shaw, McDow
ell, Kermen, Hansen and Pettyjohn.
A second affair complimenting
Mrs. Lloyd LeGarle who Is leaving
for Sacramento, California. In a few
days to make her home, will be held
Thursday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. David Wright, when mem
bers o fthe- Salem clubs. Daugh
ters of the Nile, will be host
esses at a card party. Mrs. LeGarle
was president of the Salem Nile
club last year.
The annual mid-winter gathering
of the Willamette valley Minnesota
club will be held March 3 in the
social rooms of the Presbyterian
church, with a basket dinner served
at 6:30 o'clock. Invitations have been
sent to Minnesota club groups in
18 neighboring towns for the event.
Committee meetings will be held
Friday night at the offices of the
president, M. B. Stegner, on State
street, when a program will be plan
ned for tile affair. Mrs. W. J. Lin-
foot is vice-president of the associa
tion, which has 10 vice-presidents
in different neighboring towns.
The many friends of Mrs. Irene
St. Helens will be interested in the
announcement that she is recover
ing satisfactorily from a serious op
eration given. Monday at St. Vin
cent s hospital in Portland. At pres
ent Mrs. St. Helens Is In the private
sanatorium of Mrs. Campbell, 802
Northrup street, Portland, where she
will remain for some time.
Zena Mr, and Mrs. James A.
French were guests at the home of
Mrs. Alfred French In Salem one
evening recently recently attending
a dinner in celebration of the birth
day of their daughter, Miss Eve-
They're Here-Now-Hundreds
of the Seasons Loveliest
Featuring Spring's Newest
Modified Silhouette Styles i
FASHIONABLY long but not
extreme these new frocks
feature the even hemline, and
slightly dipping flnres at side or
back for graceful afternoon effect.
Everything is new about them
Kipped-in waists, necklines and
Of Printed and
Plain Silks
The most talked-ot materials are Included
in these chic frocks. Printed silks, flat
crepe and chiffons In light and dark
aolor effects.
And Such Wonderful
$9.85 $2-5 $16 -
lynne French. Mrs. Alfred French
is the grandmother of Miss Evelynne
The Security Benefit assoclattlon
will entertain with a card party
Thursday night at the Odd Fellows
Turner The annual Francis E.
WlUard white ribbon tea was ob
served Wednesday alternoon by the
Turner Women's Christian Tem
perance Union at the home of Mrs.
G. W. Ferris, with a large attend
ance. The rooms were attractive
with bowls of pastel color tulips
and pottM plants. The program
jf, f iTLid very aay, annul nave
-; J .-pi; tf Sil PiD1Pe ny sug-
; V f. . f "yi 1J Restion of a rash or
I . li ft fM&iYl miifvhnAA.. T Tmt nn
complexions yon admire arensing just this treatment. They find
that Resinol Soap not only helps to overcomo pimples, blackheads,
oiliness, etc., but its daily use tends to prevent those conditions.
Its clean tonie odor is delightful and its action is so gentle it ia
agreeable to the most sensitive skins.
They use Resinol Ointment too because it so quickly heala those
minor skin irritations which everyone has sometimes, and they find
it a soothing dressing for burns, sore corns, chafing, blisters, etc
At all druggist '
opened with all singing two hymr
Mrs. Ellmore Oils trap led the de
votional service, Mrs. John R. Cos
read "A tribute to Francis E. W1I
lard." Mrs. O. A. Bear, president
ot the local union gave a reading
on the travels of Miss WillanL Mra,
WUliam 8. Burgoyne sang a solo,
with Mrs. Earl Bear playing tho
accompaniment. Mrs. R. Let
Thlessen gave a poem entitled,
"Francis Elizabeth Wlllard." fol
lowed by readings by Mrs. Fred O.
Gunning. Mrs. 0. L. Standley, Mra,
R. O. Witzel and Mrs. WUliam ft
Burgoyne. After the program ot
(Additional Society on Page 7)
"Marie, How '
Do You
Keep Your
Skin so Lovely?"
"THAT'S easy. I just
use Resinol Soap aa
my regular toilet soap
little Resinol Ointment
and it clears it right up."
Many women whose
Sample of each, enough for a
(nk'l trial Write Retiaol,
Dept. 87, Baltimore, Md.
Values at
75 $19:75