THURSDAY, JANUARY 30. 1930 FILM REVEALS EVIDENCE NOT FREE OF ERROR 'Evidence" the latest Vltaphooe all-talking picture, starring Pauline Frederick, the current attraction at BUgh's Capitol theater. Is not the story of the usual domestic tri angle. It may be called a quad rangle, with Pauline Frederick, Wil liam Courtney, Conway Tearle and Lowel Sherman sharing the four corners of the plot with little Fred die Murke Frederick In the very center. As a stage play "Eivdence" was recognized as a powerful dramatic denunciation of "circumstantial evi dence," and it had phenomenal suc cess In both England and America. Miss Frederick is superb as the wo man who pays the price of the law's blunder.' Every member of the cast has the training of both stage and screen. Aside from the principals mentioned above the cast includes Alec B. Frances, Lionel Belmore, Ivan Simpson, Myrna Loy, and many more notable stage and screen players. BUgh's Capitol Is presenting two features on this bill. As an added attraction will be Olen Tryan In his latest and funniest comedy drama, "Skinner Steps Out." Vita phone acts and the Movietonews complete this program, which will play at BUgh's Capitol Thursday, Friday and Saturday. "Sunny Side Up" is the next at traction on Its way to BUgh's Capi tol and will open a four day en gagement starting Sunday. PUBLIC CARD PARTY PLANNED AT DONALD Donald Mrs. G. B. Ackerson was hostess for the regular meeting of Venus auxiliary Tuesday afternoon. Plans were completed for the public card party to be held on the evening; of February 13. Mrs. J. A. Bush Is general chairman of the committee. A freshments closed the afternoon. The next meeting of the club will be on February 25 at the home of Mrs. Fred Yergen. Those present were Mrs. D. E. Green, president; and Mrs. Ray Yergen, Mrs. Fred Yergen, Mtss Eva 8 wan, Mrs. J. H. Miller, Mrs. E. D. Carver, Mrs. J. Kister, Mrs. J. A. Bush and Mrs. G. A. Cone and the hostess. SHORT WAVE RADIO MAY CHEAPEN TALK Paris, (.P) Telephoning around the world at bargain rates on short wave Is considered ' commercially practicable by the French ministry of posts, telegraphs and telephones. It is estimated that the cost of a three-minule talk b'eween Paris and New York could be cut from the present $50 to something like $8.00. Short wave experiments by gov ernment engineers early last year showed it was possible to hook up Paris with Algiers and make service pay at $4.00 a conversation. .TILE PURCHASES IN VALLEY INCREASING Monmouth O. M. Partridge of the Monmouth tile plant, reports that over 100,000 feet of tile have been laid since the company pur chased a hew ditch digger late last Tall. Mr. Fay, of near Ballston, who had 46.000 feet of tiling laid on his farm, is so far the heaviest purchaser Mow long will this energy last under tiie strain 01 a COUGH? A single day of coughing saps more vitality than three square meals a day can give you! Three squirt meals daily coo- tainin enough rocr gy to do the thoo rJ I sand snd one routine r J' tasks of the iayl Yet, all this energy tan so tssily be wasted by a violent, irritating cough leaving you utterly exhausted, without Strength or ambition. "DON'T COUGH YOUR ENERGY AWAY' At Capitol f'-yN Pmufm Frederick in "Evidence 7 Warner Brat Production, LUCHT SURPRISED WITH DINNER PARTY Mt. Angel Mrs. William Lucht was hostess at a surprise dinner Sunday honoring her husband on the occasion of his birthday anni versary. A large birthday cake centered the dining table, and covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wil li?, Edwin and Helen Willlg, Helen Falk, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lucht and son. Charles, Mr. - and Mrs. Fred Lucht and daughters, June Ann and Flodlne, and Mrs. Julia Seeley. Cards was the diversion of the afternoon. I StomachTroubles . Headache and Dizziness If your stomach is sick, you are tick all over. If you can't digest your food, you lose strength, get nervous and feel as tired when you get up as when you went to bed. For 10 years Tanlac has restored to health and activity thousand who suffered just as you do many of them right here in town. For instance, here is a letter from Mr. Nicholas Buynak, who says: "Indigestion was carryingmedown at an alarmingrate. One time it had me laid up in bed for six weeks. Tanlac has me eating, sleeping, and feeling fine and I don't believe it has an equal." Let Tanlac do for you what it did for this sufferer. It corrects the most obstinate digestive troublesrelieves gas, pains in the stomach and bowels. It restores appetite, vigor and sound sleep, Tanlac is made of roots, barks and herbs. Get a bottle from your druggist today. Yowr money back if it doesn't help yon. Accept no substitute. Medical science tells us that coughing uses up energy more quickly than any other bodily exertion. That if why it Is 10 important to check coughs at the start. Pertussin quickly relieves the cough by getting at the immediate cause. It loosens the phlegm, soothes the txritf tion and quiets the cough spasm. It is the safe method because Pertus sin is a purely herbal remedy and coo cains 00 dope or harmful drugs. It is pleasant to take and will not upset the stomach. In addition,' any druggist can tell you that doctors have prescribed Pertussin more often than any other advertised cotgh remedy. It is safe for every cough and fbff every member of the family. K 9 jp T " m BARZILLAI CHAPTER HAS INSTALLATION Albany Bsrzillal chanter of the Order of the Eastern Star installed officers to senr, during the ensuing year, Tuesday evening at the Ma sonic temple here. Mrs. Alton B. Coates. Mrs. H. N. Cocker line and Mrs. H. B. Tucker were lnstaUuu officers. Officers installed were. Mrs. Wil liam Pollak, worthy matron; Rufus M. Russell, worthy patron; Mrs. Stowell Dawson, associate matron; Victor Oltlver, associate patron; Miss Irena Hector, treasurer: Mrs. L. Guy Levelling, secretary; Mrs. Harry uurran, conductress; Mrs. Loretta Davis, associate conductress; Mrs. Q. T. Hockensmith, chaplain; Mrs. R. M. Russell, marshal; Mrs. O. M Junkin, organist; Miss Mildred Whitlake, Adah; Mrs. C. H. Murphy, Ruth; Mrs. John Jordan, Esther; Mrs. Fred Ward, Martha; Mrs. Syl via Parker, Electa; Mrs. W. W. Dick son, warder and Raymond Tomlin- son, sentinel. 1 d l M : n, v E I II .'aTJ f - . A elear, smooth, lovelr skin enaaneee personal attractiveness. Men admire it. Women praise and secretly envy. More happiness and friends may depend upon it. YOUR popularity may depend upon clear, smooth, lovely akin. It is the accepted way of telling the degree of health a person possesses. Naturally a skin which bespeaks health at tracts. Skilled physicians recognize the appearance of skin blemishes, lack of appetite, flabby flesh and loss of energy aa an indication that the body's power of resis tance is low that there is a de ficiency of red-blood-cellv The way to the skin is through the blood. Strong, healthy blood Makes You Feel Like Yourself Again PRE Corrector Emgaraecrcd $o fhs stew Screesa- Gs'idL ttub.s Befng corxecriy engineered to the New Screen-Grid Tubes, Bosch Radio strains a quality standard unapproached by any other method the very utmost of tonal accuracy, of true musical perfection is yours with this seven tube Bosch Library modeL It is unique in design the sliding doors of richly grained walnut veneers bide the Line-o-Kte dial and tuning knob, making the cabinet both artistic and practical. You will find a new Screen-Grid Bosch Radio Receiver priced for every purse all quality leaders at their price. The seven tube Library Model illustrated is priced at $119.50 less tubes. 347 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON PARTIES ARE GIVEN HUBBS' RESIDENCE Snverton Mrs. Frank Hubbs of the Bethany district entertained at several tables of bridge at her home a few evenings ago It being her birthday anniversary. Her daughter, Laura, surprised her room mates and teacher, Mrs. Casper Towe the day before with a treat at the luncheon hour, it being her 13th birthday anniversary. ENTERTANS GUEST AT SILVERT0N HOME Mt. Angel Miss Ellen MaeQuin entertained a few friends recently at her home near Silverton. The eve ning was spent in playing games. after which a lunch was served, as sisted by Miss Lucille Moore. . Those present included the Mis ses Lucille Moore, Helen Willlg, Miss Frisco, Alfa Myers, Agnes Berger, and Ellen MacQuln and the Meisrs. William Oilles, Walter Hes- sell, Andrew Drysdale, Lewis Mac Quln, Peter TJaelman, August Gren- zer, Frank Pfaff and Ben Acker man. I You can feel the re juvenating effect S.S.S. brings thel body bp tin increase of irdbbodceSt nourishes the body and promotes smooth, clear akin. Many thousands have regained their strength and charm by tak ing S.S.S. It is Nature's own blood tonic for raising the body's power of resistance to infection and disease, improving the ap petite, building1 firm flesh and clearing the skin, S.S.S. promotes healthy body building. It increases the number of red-blood-cells. It is made from strictly fresh vegetsble drugs and has a successful record of over 100 years back of it All good drug ttores nil S3S. in two size. Ask for the forger sir. It it more economical. Ou.a.c, IS I ON BUILT EQFW ELECTEEC, COURT ST. CRUELTY IS CHARGE OF DIYORCE ACTION Dallas Suit for divorce was filed in circuit court Wednesday by Blanche L. Black as plaintiff versus Leslie B. Black, defendant. They were married in Kansas City, Mo., in 1920, and have two children, Edwin aged eight, and Margaret agpd seven. Plaintiff de- AnAilin CHILD Are you prepared to render first aid and quick comfort the moment your youngster has an upset of any sort? Could you do the right thing immediately though the emergency came with out warning perhaps tonight? Castoria is a mother's standby at such times. There is nothing like it -in emergencies, and nothing better for everyday use. For a sudden attack of colic, or the gentle relief of constipation; to allay a feverish condition, or to soothe a fretful baby that can't sleep. This pure vegetable prepa ration it always ready to ease an ailing 'youngster. It is just at JOB WILLIAMS rilONE 488 stres custody of the children, but there are no property right. Among the charges filed by plain tiff are that her husband has slapped and chched ber, called her vile names, openly flaunted to her his Intimacy with other women, failed to support the family, and in general has been cruel and inhu man to her for the last five yjara. She asks the court for a divorce, sole custody of the two children and for costs Involved by this suit. There is one divorce for every 114 marrlatres in England. SIS ai!M!!i ISASTORIJU Yl gaamJiw I W UHikeSt.eMCtoawl-"' P A iiio'iiwi111 I "V Hhxrai Hot lUmarm ! J) J illy ,,rgs-l g Harmless as the recipe on the wrapper reads. If you see Chaa. H. Fletcher's signature, it is genuine Castoria. It it harmless to the smallest infant; doctors will tell you so. You can tell from the recipe on the wrappe how mild it is, and how good for little systems. But continue with Castoria until child it grown. Proper"Service" on your BATTERY Prolongs It's Life WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OP BAT TERIES WITHOUT CHARGE. Joe Williams 'Service That Satisfies' COB. HIGH CENTER ST. FHONB 1st Kmc, ELDERLY RESIDENT OF TURNER FETED Turner Mrs. Louise Kunke who makes ber home in Turner with her son-in-law. and daughter. Postmas ter and Mrs. j. K Whitehead, re cently observed her Both birthday anniversary. A number of friends called to help her eelebrate the day, J.C.PENNEYC& 160 NORTH LIBERT STREET Women Will Instantly Note These Savings Silk Hosiery Two Splendid Qualities That Are Making Our Hosiery Section Famous M f LONGER "NATION-WTOE" qual ity .. . 81x942 inches, size before hemming. The tchieranent of morn hi of planning . . . ti extra long sheet at aa extra taring! Pillow Cases to match, 42x36 inches, 24c, 'TENCO" Extra long. . . 81x94 Vi inches (torn fize) for January White Week! A timely Yslue of which you should take full sntsgtl Buy now for months ahead! Pillow Cases to match, 42x35 inches, 32c. CRETONNES FOR COMFORTCOVERS AND DRAPES Just the right quality, and certainly price that means real savingl Yard A most timely presentation of a new, fresh assort ment of these pretty, colorful cretonnes. Many clever homenukert select the lame patterns of ere tonne for their new comfort as for their bedroom draperies ... it gives t charming effect! -inch width . . miny chsrming pit terns. HONOR MUSLIN A household staple and " O 1 n outstanding value, JLwlC only, yard A pure finish, fine yarn muslin thit millions of housewives are using in countless ways, it inches wide bleached tnd 39 inches unbleached. PAGE SEVEN among them being Mrs. L. K. Bea nies of the Cloverdale district. For many years Mrs. Kunke made her home on a farm in the Cloverdale district, until about a year ago. De spite the advanced years the hon ored guest enjoys good health most' of the time, and Is quite active. Turkey plans to spend nearly t jO.- 000.000 In new Irrigation projects. Now presented in the new Spring shades Na 444. Chosen by tmart women because it'i pure silk semi-sheer -. mnd naturally, full-fashioned I The clear, even texture makes it rood-look ing for to many occasions. The mer cerized tops and soles gives lengthy wear . . . and the low price ttords a variety i aUades. 98c No. 449. The kind of bose that plays an important part in the every -day wardrobe 1 Service-weight heavy silk full-faihiotied with mer cer i red garter welt for sat isfactory wear. Clear lustrous shades add to its, smart-, o e s s I U n ' usual value! $1.49 SHEETS 98c SHEETS $ L33 19c 59c