PAGE TWO -EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS BY SPECIAL COUItbSPONDENT MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 1930 PIRATE ATTACK IS DODGED BY VALLEY WOMAN Turner Three American women narrowly escaped murderous pirate attack recently while enroute to Hongkong. China. Miss Louise Campbell and Miss Dorothy Camp bell with their mother, arrived safe ly In Hongkong, alter an attack on a British steamer on which they were passengers, by Chinese pirate. The women spent hours o( terror aboard Uia teamer Haicning, wit nessing . bloody conflict between members of the crew and the pi rates. British destroyers came to the steamer's assistance after twelve persons were killed In the fighting and sixty Chinese passengers were drowned. It is thought Mrs. Campbell and her daughters were fleeing from Swatow m southern China where they lived and which has been under rebel threats recently. Louise Camp bell and her parents have been mis sionaries for fourteen years in China, but Dorothy Campbell en tered China three years ago to make her home. Miss Dorothy Campbell formerly made her home in McMinnvllle, and she and Mrs. Earl 8. Prather were students together in McMinn ville high school. BELATED XMAS PROGRAM GIVEN BY SHAW GROUP Shaw The woman's community club of Shaw held Its annual Christ mas tree and party at the hall last Thursday evening. Presents were exchanged by the members and the usual Christmas sweets were distrib uted among the children and guests present. A program given. Included: song; reading. Miss Amanda Matthews; piano solo, Valera Amort; recitation, Melvln Brownell; duet, Mrs. Bat liner and Mrs, E. P. Amort; recita tion. Rose Perry; song, Cleo Amort; recitation, Clarence Brownell; song, little girls; recitation, Marion Per ry; song. Mrs. E. F. Omart, Cleo and Allele Amort and Hasel Burg hart; recitation, Raymond Sher man; popular songs, by boys. Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. John Amort, Valera and Merril Amort, Edward Burghart and Eva Larson. Members present were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brownell, Miss Amanda Mat thews, Mr. and Mrs. William Berg, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Amort, Cleo and Adele Amort, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Brownell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oolfln, Clarence and Pred Golftn, Mr. and Mrs. John Ba tuner, Quido and nWalter Batliner, Mr. and Mi's. Joseph Sherman, and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Perry . and children, Mrs. A. C. Burghart j and daughter Patricia, Ocorgle ; Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. George Am j ort, Evy!n, Margaret, Thelina and i Walter Amort of Suver, and Miss Clara Amort of Salem. Lunch was served on a long table to visitors and members at 10:30 o'clock. PIONEER DAUGHTER ! TAKEN NEAR ZENA ; .Bona Mrs. Hannah Barfccr. 67. 1 wife of Samuel H. Barker, and mo ther of Roy E. Barker, died at the , family home Friday evening after . an of two days. Mrs. Barker was up and about her work Wednesday, but went to bed In the afternoon and grew worse until the end last night. She was the daughter of pioneer parents who settled In Spring Val ley in 1847, and was born, raised and spent her entire lifetime In the home which the family now occu pies. WCTU MEETING SET Turner Mrs. W. T. Rltches will be hostess Wednesday afternoon for members and friends of the Turner Women's Christian Temper ance Union. The subjec'. for the pro igram will be -National Prohibition Tenth Birthday, January 16, 1930." : A large attendance Is being planned tor. ! SISTER IS CALLED Sllverton Alf. O. Nelson of the Home Seekers Agency received word of the sudden death of his sister, Mrs. seimcr stenhjem at Hatton. N. D who passed away on New Years day. Hhe left a vaunt; son, bom on Christmas day. Nelron was unable to attend his sisters funeral rites as his younger son. Jimmy, h III with a severe attack of whooping cougn. HKKMKNS LAID IT Stayton Adrian Hermens Is suf fering from blood poison in one of his hands and hla place as night watchman at the Hunt-Tate garage M Being lined by Wilbur Lesley. BEWARE TIE COUGH FROM COLDS THAT HANG ON CoogHe fron cnlds may lead to w timw trouble. Yoa ua nop ihrm Bow wiib Creoimiltion, a enmliMfod Creoante that i pleaiunt to take. Ciwaialsioa la a atedtcal diocomy Willi twWoJd actiost H oootbes and ImmU the hifUaM-4 Bembraaea and ta Jubita pra grvwta. Of all known rfraaa ,' aga'sad bf kiaa aiedieal SMharilie, sm ito greatest fcealtag agencies , for cjfths 1mm oold, sad Branchial 1 Irritiliaaa, Cninlilis eaataina, la swattiM to on uiim, her CREOMULSION Imehama youngster PAINFULLY INJURED Mehama The small child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schrader, who Is about four years old, hsd one of his fingers so nearly cut off Friday that the doctor thought he would have to amputate it. The accident happen ed while he and his little sister were playing with an axe, the little girl acctdentty chopping his finger. PROGRAMS ARE PRESENTED FOR CLUB AT EOLA Eola The Eola Community club met In regular session Friday eve nfng. After a very enthusiastic business meeting a splendid musical and lit erary program was rendered under the direction of program chairman W. R. Oould. . . . The following committees were ap pointed by the chairman for the next meeting: program, committee, Mrs. Ernest Brunk. MtsS Ethel De- Lapp, and Mrs. Ernest Sunborg; eats committee. Mrs. Loraine Pugh, Mrs. W. R. Oould and Mrs. Cramp ton. A special committee of three, con sisting of W. R. Oou!d, L. A. Fer guson and Ernest Brunk was ap pointed draw up resolutions of con dolence In regard to Governor Pat terson's death. On account of the spirit and gen eral Interest shown recntiy in the Eola Community club. It was deem ed necessary to appoint a committee to purchase folding chairs to relieve the situation of lack of seating ac commodations. L. A. Ferguson and M. J. DeLapp were appointed. The next meeting will be held Fri day, February 7 at which time a cafeteria supper will be held. Holidays Bring Word Of Deaths To Hardy Family Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Hardy hare been haunted by tele grams announcing disastrous news in regard to some member of the family on three holidays during the fall season. Armistice day, Mrs. Hardy receiv ed a telegram telling of tiie death of her mother at Raymond. Wash.; Christmas day shs received another telegram announcing the death of her uncle in Charles City, Iawa. and New Year's day Mr. Hardy received telegram giving notice of the death of his brother Albert E. Har dy, who was struck by an auto while waiting for a street car in Tacoma. He was taken to a hospital where both legs were amputated and he died a few houra later, w. G, Hardy made trip to -Tacoma to attend the funeral jvhich was held Friday. PAGEANT IS GIVEN FOR BETHEL SUNDAY Woodburn A paueant entitled "America's Call to Service," was pre sented by the Woman's Missionary society at the Bethel Presbyterian church Sunday evening. The characters Included The Ood- de.--s of Liberty, Miss Phyllis Koe- m; America's Possessions, corn, coal, wheat, frui .tsotf, silver and forests; characters representing chewing gum. tobaccd. Ice cream, soft drinks, moving pictures, snorts and college senior; The Church, MLss Thelma Leek; closing with a tab leau. Patriotic songs and hymns in terspersed the program. PARTY AT THEATER ENJOYED BY CROWD Rickey One of the most delight ful affairs of the holiday season was given New Year's eve when Voneta and Leona LaBranche entertained with a theater party. he young people motored to Sa lem and attended a theater after which they returned to the La Branche home where music and dancing were enjoyed until the ar rival of the new yvar when a lunch was served. Those included in the group were Clara Sohermacher, Mane Ellstrom, Anthela E:fstrom. Venlta LaBranche Leona LaHranclie. Waidt-mar Rom hildt. Hoy Crabb. Emll Scherma- cher. Danold Blanehard and John ny Blanchard. OHROM Y IS Btl lLR Sc'.o Koymond chromy has been out on crutches recently and Is reported making good progress In me treatment ol His rlnht foot. which was seriously injured several weeks aeo when a rifle bullet pass ed through the member. ' lie was huntin 'coons with other young men hen Uie accident occurred. I.AWSON in nosrn Al, Sil vert on Mr. La ion of the Sll verton Hills is in the Salem general hospital where he underwent a ma jor oixration for sinus trouble Thnrsrisv. elrment, which soothe ami best lU ialluMj lanuluranM and Ma tne if. riutioa, while the creoite aaa on to the stwnsch, is absorbed into th hlooe. attack, the mi of the tmnbln and check, th, crawth nf the gene. Uweagtilsha k guaranteed aamlie tary ia th, treatment nf concha frost eoMa, bronchitis and minor fonna of bronchial irritations, and is saceilent lor budding op the aratrni after colds or ftu. Mmvt rWuiulrJ if m. liemd sflfT taking according to diree. tioaa. Aik Jvor drauiM. (adr.) VALLEY DEBATE SERIES STARTS AT EARLY DATE Albany Albany high school will open its debate season, January 14, when Its affirmative team meets Alsea here and Its negative team travels to Newport. The question to be debated is: "Resolved. That Oregon should enact a compulsory automobile In surance law. - Albany high school Is a member of a district composed of 11 schools including A loan y, Alsea. Corvallis. Dallas, Independence, Lebanon, Newport, Salem. Stayton, St. Paul and Woodburn. To reduce travel the -district has been divided thus, Albany, Alsea, Corvallis, Leb anon and Newport in one and Dal las, Independence, Salem, Stayton, St. Paul and Woodburn In the oth er. . The winner of one group will meet the winner of the other, no by a series of elimination nut by a per centage plan, school officials an nounced. CIRCLE SEATS NEW OFFICERS DAYTON HALL Dayton Prosperity circle No. 200, Women of Woodcraft, held the an nual Installation of officers for the ensuing year at their regular meet ing held in Hlbbert a hall all day Saturday. Mi's. Ida Rowley was the installing officer. Officers installed are guardian neighbor, Carrie Kidd; advisor, Lea fa Sheard; magician. Mary Baxter; banker, Ada Stretch; captain of the guards, Vema Anderson; clerk. Ai med a Simler; inner sentinel, Eda Starr; managers, Wilhelmlna Hib- bert, Augusta Parrish and Ved-.!: Willard; press correspondent. Mc va line Rossner; flag" bearer, Jennie Senn; musician, Madatine Rossner. One member by transfer was ini tiated. A Valentine party was plan ner for the February meeting. Mrs. Augusta Parrish, Miss Mada- llne Rossner, Mrs. Vedah Willard and Mrs. Ada Stretch were the committee whic-h served a turkey dinner at noon in the dining' room. Twenty two members and six chil dren were present. ROCKHiLL REUNION ' AT GRAND ISLAND Grand Island Twenty-five mem bers of the Rocklgll family gather ed la- the Clarence Rockhill home here January 1 where a 13 o'clock dlnn?r was served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rockhill' and daughter Opal ant son Jack of Ketchikan, Ala ska: Walter Rockhill and Mrs. Ruby Poudjade and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Parker and daughter Shir ley cf Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schindle, Corvallis; Charles and Ruth Rockhill, Jefferson; M.-s. Eli sabeth Cook, Independence; Mr. Edward Durkee, J. A. Mothorn and ten members of the Clarence Rockhill family. A picture of the group was taken. SOCIETY TO DECIDE ON CHANGE OF NAME Woodburn The Presbyterian La dies' Aid will meet In the church Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. R. L. Freeburg. Mrs. C. R. Faulconer. Mrs. A. C. Nelson and Mrs. Henry Nelson as hostesses. A feature of the meeting will be a health talk, given by Mrs. Gerald B. Smith and health hints will be given in answer to roll call. At this meeting It will be de cided whether or not the name of the society Is to be changed. VISIT UNEXPECTED Sllverton Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mocklev of Oakland, Calif, visited at the home of Dr. A. N. Collman the last of the week. Mrs. Collman was not at home, having been in a Portland hospital for several days. A hit and run driver knocked her down at Broadway and Slark streets the day before Christmas. Mrs. Coll man is now at the home of her par ents In Portland and Dr. Collman tuwut the week-end there. He ex pects his wife name soon. MISS ROLAND HOME Jefferson Miss Esther Roland Ilea returned from an expended visit at the home of her niece Mrs. Sidney rvv-Ksna mmi;y ! Portland 3 Big I XAiJS.JLXUr & AAiufB efi MmAmm j 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday tONTINlOl : 11:00 P. M. I HE TWO . -BLACK CROWS MOHAN Q MACK WhyBringThatUp'?, tVCUN IUNT HAftftY CREEM Q. Qamrmml (jteture ALSO CO.MKDV NfcWS MAT1NT15 Tilt r eVEHlNOS A FT Fit :M lUlronr ISe Floor tSo Italenny t5e Flos ISO KIDDIES A DIMtt ANT TIM WACONDA CLUB WILL NAME NEW OFFICERS W a con da The Wacondm Com- munity club will nold their first meeting ol the New Year at the home of Mrs. Isadora Larson on Wednesday from 10 o'clock until 4 o clock with Mrs. Loren and Mrs, F. J. Ingram as joint hostesses. Election of officers will be held and all members are requested to be present. WOMAN'S CLUB AT EOLA HOST SOCIAL DANCE Eola The Eola Woman's club sponsored a social dance at the Rlckreall grange hall Saturday eve ning In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams (nee Arllno Magee). of Compton, Calif., who spent the holi days and visited relatives and Irtends around Salem. About 00 of tn relatives and friends of the Williams' were pres ent. The music was furnished by Rob ert Brown, violin; Curtis Ferguson, guitar; Raymond Magee, banjo; Roy Fereuaon, Jews harp, and Maxine Ferguson and Wayne Harding, pi- ano. Lunch was served at a late hour under the supervision of Mrs. Lor aine Pugh. Mrs. L. A. Ferguson, Mrs. Raymond Magee. .- Among those attending from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ratzberg. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Hen derson of Chemawa, Mr. and Mrs. William Hall of Salem Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Orley Brown of Monmouth. The club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Loraine Pugh Thurs day afternoon. A very pleasant af ternoon aws spent, three tables of "500" being in piay. Mrs. Leda Ma gee v.-on high score. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Arline Wil liams of California, a niece of Mrs. Pugh who is being enterained by relative and friends while visiting here. The club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Robert Brown Wednesday, DALLAS KIWANIS CLUB ORGANIZED Dallas At the weekly luncheon of the Kiwanls Friday, R.R. Inibler. president, appointed the following committees to serve throughout the coming year: Business standards C. L. Crider, Conrad Stafren, W. M. Da It on; ag ricuturc A. V. Oliver, Frank Farm er, T. C. Stockwell; Kiwanis edu cation E. J. Page, A. B. Starbuck. W. W. Haicjmbe; good will J. E. Clayton, E. A. Wagner. H. A. Woods; public affairs T. B. Hooker, R. R. Turner. F. J. Craven; attendance H. J. Black, W. L. Sochren, Tracy Savery : membership C. B. Sund bcig. Orval Peterson, W. L. Penber lon; pfogram V. C. Staats, J. R. Alltfood, J. A. Smith; inter-club re lationsWalter Williams. W. L. Pcmberton. N. L. Guy; publicity Earle Richard-son. H. B. Viers, J. C. Tracy; under-privileged child L. A. BoHman, Riley Crane, Cecil L. Rig?s, and music De Vcre Peiuiollow and Sidney E. Whitworth. LEGION POST WILL MEET THIS MONDAY Sllverton The Delbert Reeves Post No, 7 and auxiliary will hold their regular business meeting Mon day evening at the armory .The membership and finance committees will give full reports at this time. Complete plans will be made for a joint aortal meeting to be lie Id January M, at which time the mem bers of the cast of the recent play The Madcap Queen ' will be enter tained with a dinner and dance. This entertainment was originally planned for January 6. but was post poned because State Commander Sid George will be present later. Invita tions are to be sent out and a gen eral good time is being anticipated. KR0WELDEEN CLUB IS GUEST AT MATCHES' Dayton Mrs. Fred Matches en tertained the Kroweldeen club at her home Thursday evening. Mrs. Oscar Dower became a member. Meadames Vernon Foster, Wiley Km inert, George Webster. Herman Louis, Rex Prffer, Harry Sherman, Miss Valera Flint and the host tess were the members present. The Matchea served refreshments. The next meeting will be at Herman Louis' home. EKTl'RNS TO t'AMPl'S Aumsvi lie Miss Merle Martin left Wednesday.. for Corvallis where aha i-, n sfidont at O. A. C Days ACKERSON NOW WORTHY PATRON DONALD LODGE IJonald Venus Chapter No. 129, O. K. 8.. met in regular session Fri day evening with Miss Eva Swan, newly installed matron, presiding. By a special election O. B. Acker- son was chosen worthy patron for tlx year and was installed by Mrs. Ida Yergen, with Mrs. Olenn Ver ge n acting as marshal. Following the meeting refresh ments were served by a committee from the social club, composed of Mrs. J. Kister, Mrs. A. Yergen, Mrs. a. Qulnn and Mrs. D. ureen. The regular December meeting of Venus auxlllsry. the social club will be held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Bush, January 7, having been post poned on account of the holiday season. The annual election of of ficers will be held on that date. DRAMA LEAGUE AT WOODBURN TO GIVE PLAY Woodburn At the regular meet ing of the Woodburn Drama league, which will be held in the library club rooms on Wednesday evening, a one-act play, '"The Beau of Bath" will be presented in dress rehearsal form, with the following cast: The lady. Miss Claire Campeau; Beau Nash- Dr. P. H. Fitigerald; Jepson, the butler. Barney Predeek. The play was written by Constance D'Arcy Mackay and the players are being coached by Miss Blancne Campeau. Following the performance mem bers of the club will be at liberty to criticise and discuss the perform ance and at the next meeting of the club. January 22, a finished per formance of the same play will be given. Another play, "An awiui Mis take " will be read at next Wednes day's meeting by Miss Ruth Holt and the characters selected in pre paration for its initial presentation January 22. The regular meeting dates ox tne club have been changed to the sec ond and fourth Wednesdays of each month and anyone interested in dramatic art is welcome to attend these meetings and witness the pre sentation of the plays. SHERIFF ISSUING NEW AUTO STICKERS Albany Five hundred automo bile license stickers have toeen Issued from the office of the Linn county sheriff's force Saturday. All day Saturday owners of mo tor vehicles kept three deputies busy Issuing the desired slips of paper with no. end in slgnt. This Is the first year when sher- riffs have Issued licenses on cars other than new purchased ones re ceiving the temporary licenses. ' RETURNS FROM DAKOTA St. Paul Jerry McCarthy has re turned home after . attending the funeral of his brother, William Mc Carthy, in Alamo, N. D. His son. John, who accompanied him to North Dakota, remained there to put in a crop on hLs uncle's place. Made to Order For UAUBO No other wom an could wear it. , Eft Newa I mm sirjrsJ LAS TTIMES TODAY ALOHA NEEDLE CLUB GUEST AT HOLLIDAYS Dayton Mrs. Owen Holliday en tertained the Aloha Needle club at her borne in the Pleasantdale dis trict. Thursday afternoon. Members present were Mesdame Marion Boulden. Arthur Bramlett, Ezra, Dixon, Fred Tinnlcum. Clif ford Gibbons, Ralph Had ley. Brooks Sweeney, Bert McParlane, J.. A. Mc Parlane and the hostess. Mn. Holliday set-red refreshments. The next meeting will be at tne Bert McParlane home. NEW GRANGERS GROUP FORMED AT UNION HILL Sllverton The Union Hill grange, newly organized with 52 members, held Its regular meeting at the Un ion hall Friday evening when aome remaining officers were installed. Officers for the grange are: Master. J. O. Darby; overseer, Wil lard Archibald; lecturer, O. W. Hum phreys; steward, Adolph Heater; as sistant Bteward. W. Grain; chaplain. Mrs. P. Heater; treasurer, C. C. Car ter; secretary, Paul Jaquett; gate keeper, Dolph Heater; Seres, Mrs. Oilmore; Flora, Mrs. Adolph Hea ter; pomona, Mrs. J. O. Darby; lady assistant steward, Mrs. C. C. Carter; executive committee, Frank Heater. W. F. Kroen2 and C. C. Jones; mu sician, Mrs. Andrew Lorence; song leader, Mrs. W. F. Krenj. The installing was done by Mrs. Ellen O. Lambert and her husband of Stayton as assistant. - j Danby gave an outline of the plans to be worked out during the coming year, one of these plans to organize a drill team. Adolph Heater gave an interest ing talk on ' The Greatest Problems of the American Farmer Today" which was excellent; James Darby talked on "Why I Am a Farmer;" J. C. Kreunz talked on things neces sary to make a good grange. By recommendation of Mr. Lam bert the following visiting commit tee was appointed: Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carter and Mr. and Mrs. N. Hunt. After the close of the meeting re freshments were served. TURNER TELEPHONE MEETING SCHEDULED Turner The annual stockholders meeting of the Turner Telephone company will be held in the high school auditorium Tuesday morning at 11 :30 o'clock. Election of directors for the coming year will take place at that time. A meeting of the board of direc tors was held Saturday evening to take care of the final business of the year. Bill3 were ordered paid and a few other small items of business were taken care of. Members pres ent were Frank Schampier, presi dent; Thomas Little, vice-president; C. A. Bear, director, and E. S. Pra ther, secretary-treasurer. DRAMATIC CLUB TO OFFER P. T. FEATURE Sclo The January meeting of the Parent -Teacher association will be held Thursday evening. January 16. Under direction of Miss H us ted, the Scio high achol dramatic club will stage a playlet as a feature of the program. FoxElsmorel Continuous 2 to 11 Dally Wr. 7 ie I a. bo iy 311' pa CONRAD NAGEL b TrlRIUINt SOUND A TALKING COMED "BOUNCING fr? BABIES" h.j a ttrrtrn mwurt mm ricTHtt & V5 Fanchon & Marco's Black c Gold "IDEA" SALEM DOCTOR RELATES NEEDS FORJOSPITAL Brush College Dr. W. B. Morse of Salem gave an Interesting and instructive talk on the needs ot the Salem general hospital, before the members of the Brush College Help ers when they met at the home of Mrs. W. P. McCall on the Wallace road for the regular meeting Thurs day afternoon. Following devotionals led by Mrs. U. J. Lehman, and at the business meeting presided over by Mrs.' Oliver Whitney, vice-president, the group dicicussed the problems brought up in Dr. Morse's talk, and a commit tee was appointed to determine the cost and what a-ould be needed for making of screens for the hospital. On this committee are Mrs. Paul Wallace, Mrs. U. J. Lehman and Mrs. Charles McCarter. New Years resolutions in rhyme were then given by each member of the group. Irene Cutler and Mar garet Christianson offered a clever little dance. They were accompan ied by Mrs. McCall. Ronald Chris tianson sang a solo, accompanied WIIFJIE SOL'ND IS BEST ARM How Playing to Tremendous Crowds! Attend the Matinees and Aroid the Evening Crowds GREATEST SKOW ON EARTH n It I a" II P r K J L SJ J w C HOBART BOSWORTH, H. B. WARNER, snd WILLIAM COURTENAY 'FIORADORA? 12 STARS "SKULL ond CROSSBONES" TED LEWIS AND BAND . .. Cast of 20 Start EIFFEL 'IRENE BORDONI with EDDIE WARD RICHARD BARTHELMESS 6 real motion picture. Sister Teams si "SINGING IN THE BATHTUB" 5 CHINESE FANTASY NICK LUCAS, MYRNA LOY BICYCLE BUILT FOR TWO' 14 SPRING IS HERE featmring LUPTNO LANE OUR PRANK JOHN BARRYMORE as The Duke of Gloucester in Henry VI ' ,'r J.jfi2ff I CAST OF A.' Cf fffTv jft &k '"Jzmf ' n WARNER BROS. 3IJUH Mfii J n- 1 5JS, In technicolor SmnAf Bcinra WILL atOC.ERS la his rirsl Taklr1 by his little sister. Marguerite, at the piano. ' At the refreshment hour Mrs. Mc Call was assisted in serving by Mrs. Charles McCarter, Mrs. Corydon Blodgett, Marguerite Christianson, Irene Cutler and Hazel Hatch. Marigolds in a silver bowl centered the dining table and in the living room chrysantehmums were used. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Oliver Whitney, Members and guests present Includ ed Mrs. Paul Wallace and her house guest, Miss Edna Sterling of Seat tle, formerly head of the English department at the Salem high school. Mrs. Fred Ewing, Mrs. Oliver Whitney, Mrs. John Schindler, Mrs. Victor Olson and son, Victor, Mrs. Ines Christiattaon and children, Margaret, Norman, Ronald and Ruth, Mrs. Corydon Blodgett and son, Corydon, Mrs. Walter Hatch and daughter, Hasel, Paul Irons, Mrs. Charles McCarter, Mrs. M. Fosch and aaugnter, Irene, Mrs. Pred Oloon, Mrs. Ferdinand Singer, Mrs. Joe Singer, Mrs. George Singer, Mrs. James Oliver, Mrs. Joe N lea ner, Mrs. Harry Bonney, Mrs, A. Bonney and the hostess, Mrs. W. F. McCalL STUDENT TO ENROLL Jefferson Dick Hltt of Hermiston arrived here recently and will make his home with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lynes. He will attend the Jefferson school for the remainder of the school year. IfstTH FRANK FAY a Master of Ceremonies scTfi, MILITARY PARADE" MONTE BLUE and TOWER" GEORGES CARPENTIER, ALICE WHITE, PATSY RUTH MILLER ft BEATRICE LILI.IB LOUISB FAZBNDA' LLOYD HAMILTON FRANK FAY WINNIH LIGHTNER, BULL MONTANA mm "jk Ok STARS LOUISB FAZENDA FRANK FAY 200 Girla LOVE IS ALL I CRAVE" FAY -HARRY AKST Mi MEXICAN MOONSHINE 8 STARS ENTIRE COMPANY Shows at 2:4, 6:, !: 'VSi :V RAD TO SKK PAsU.t fOR THE COUGH fRQM COLDS THAT HANG ON