PAGE SIX THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1929 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIF Possession By Harold Gray ni Chapter 30 A CLOUD LIFTS The tall form of the ah f riff wu standing on the veranda when Peggy answered the knock. , "Hello. Come in and sit down." Peggy piloted the sheriff to the most comfortable ehair in the room and placed before htm her uncle's choicest elgars. She sat down close at hand. "How come you are all alone?" Beach asked.- "It's getting kind of late, 'most six. Aren't you uneasy, aUying by yourself?" "Julia went for the mall." Peggy paused and looked around; where, was Julia? 8he should have re turned at least a half hour before. "It is not so lonesome as you think, she added; "Mr. Evans comes over ofter, and Jim, her pause was intentional "his son." Beach loked puzzled for an in stant. "His son," he repeated; then, with dawning . Intelligence: "Oh, you mean Obadiah' stepson, Jim Sinclair." Peggy sat very still. Her heart1 was pounding against her ribs and she felt half suffocated. So that; was it! Behind her quiet eyes re-! carding the sheriff so steadily, heV thoughts were in a turmoil. So Jim was, in reality, the man she had come to regard with such bitterness. The cad. to deceive her sot But even as her blood reached the boiling stage, she was fab enough to admit that perhaps it was a case of self-deception; she had accepted Jim as Obadiah's son I and no one had corrected, that lm- ! pression. But was it honorable not to have told her? Perhaps Jim kept quiet to save her embarrassment. "Mrs. Sinclair was from around these parts," went on Sheriff Beach, remlnlscently, "And when she was letf a widow with two small child ren, she came back to the old farm. Obadiah and she had been boy and girl sweethearts till she went off to live with some rich relations down to New York. "By and by she married Oba diah, but only lived "bout five years. Obadiah wanted to adopt both children, but the New York cousins took the little girl." Beach wagged his head reflec tively. "Obadiah gave JJim a wonderful schooling; he sacrificed 'most every thing for that boy." As he rambled on, Peggy strug gled to readjust her viewpoint. Jim was Jim to her, his parentage of no moment. If the wealth which she had hoped to share with him was to have been his by the pro vision In her uncle's will In case she did not fulfill the stipulations therein, why she was the more, deeply glad. Generous to a fault,! Peggy's heart rejoiced "About the gun." ! Beach spoke more briskly as he reached the object of his call. "Here 'tis. I Removed the cart ridges for safe handling," and handed an automatic pistol .to Peg gy. Peggy missed the sheriff's kindly meant. If tactless, sarcasm and the faint twinkle in his eyes, her atten tion being entirely centered" on the weapon in her hand. It was Iden tically like her uncle's, but the wording on it read, "Model 1911 U. 8. Navy." She caught her breath, then smiled; of course. It would have "V. 8. Navy" stamped upon it did It not belong to Jim and he was in the navy; at least, she had found the gun she had used that fateful night In Jim's pocket presumably he had picked It up by mistake for his. She must tell the sheriff the comedy of errors and give him the weapon with which she shot Edgar Stanton. "This is a .35 caliber pistol," she said, noting the further wording on the automatic, and she put out her hand to open the table drawer where she had put her uncle's pis tol; "while" "Sure," broke in Sheriff Beach, mistaking the cause of her hesi tancy. "And the bullet found In Stanton's heart was of .55 eoliber." His eyes traveled upward to the top of the stairs and down to the spot whew Stanton's body had lain. "You're a dam good shot, Miss Prescott." Peggy heard not a word that he said after his first sentence. Her extended hand dropped to her side. Twice she strove to speak before she found her voice. "You say the bullet that killed Edgar Stanton was of V caliber?" she faltered, through lips grown khastly white. "I do." declared the sheriff firm ly, his surprise manifest. Was the girl trying to cook up some technical defense to prove she had not killed Stanton? If so, he must be on his guard. "I was present when the bullet was extracted by the surgeon per forming the autopsy, and U fits that pistol.1 "Was was there no other bullet In Lieutenant Stanton's body?" "None; and no other 'wound," crisply. Not liking the trend of the con versation, Beach rose with abrupt ness and reaching over took back the pistol from her. aerveless hand. "Well. I must be going," with scrutinizing glance at her. "Your signed confesstow Is on file In the court house" still she made no re ply and the sheriff, considerably puzzled, walked over to the front door. "I'll call again. Miss Prescott.' Peggy's outstretched hand again sought the drawer where lay her uncle's .45 caliber automatic pistol which she had shot at Stanton a .45 caliber pistol but he had been killed with a J5 caliber bullet. Then she hadn't killed Edgar Stanton! She wasn't a murderer. But her joy was of short dura tion. The bullet fitted Jim's pistol. A word from her and he would be implicated! Driving away from the lodge, Sheriff Beach stopped his car at Echo Farm and from the seat of his car parked In Mohawk Lane, called to Obadiah Evans. "Can't come in," he hollered. In answer to the farmer's cordial In vitation, megaphoned through his cupped hands as he stood on the front porch of his house; then, as Obadiah came closer; "I declare to gracious, I forgot to ask Miss Pres cott if Sundown's been there lately. He wasn't at his camp, though I spent a couple of hours on Blind Man's Bluff, thinking lie might show up." Obadiah rested one foot on the running board and his elbow on the door of the touring car. "Did you take her the gun?" he asked, and, as the sheriff nodded, "Oot it with you. or did you leave It at Yew Lodge?" Beach regarded him indignantly. "Do you think I'm such a fat head?" he demanded with some de gree of heat. "No, X didn't leave such evidence with Miss Prescott; it's here in my pocket." "Lets see the pistol?' "What for?" belligerently. "I thought maybe I'd like to know why Miss Prescott asked to see It." fTVi be Contlnued At' ROSS ' f. nra a, Trj 1ft. :h;ir4 wllh irm it. Miivntnli in tVaihloa 17. fr'nrnj IS. Mruiiri of rilMnnra IS. F. ml n ret Scot. tl. frinlrr1! mrnitnrra IS. hue pllcdtlom 13. Itrfur II. H r horw SI. Air 1. K.iiRilali Hir er an It. VtfHMlifflrklnf tnnrlilnri II. t.'litmt by poet. 17. Hrnllrr B. I.nriri) 1Mb 40, ltri:ilr 41, Nnliit 41. On of . n sn rlrnl rnr 49, Hta blnl 44. Colony of htinr J hrr 41. IVnlrrnhrrt 44. Innlramrnl for crashing rtm 41, liowrkl part 49. Crony III. Apnrt tl. Ilnnrtrrt ln pltltril Torn IS. Writrlr 7. t at off S, f hnrtirtrr la "Th'l im ut run Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle T O PPTP A S SV1 C$ TO V EjlA L 1 C E J PJL a nTe rIIs orrel L A RnN 0 RlS EE ERA P V E JRBIs E HT AID blflRlT yE OB DjlMlE S SjH EjTjHR C LjA PIS E L E AInInHcA I F 9 A BHt MP A Ret ERN E STflT EjAS E S $ E L A H fclO N S E Tfl i!a P AR E U RE E0 lJ M. Mnkn InU li IS, llnnkcja Mul II. It ii lulu won nmnnil tha nrrk II. I.orkt IS. Mnolrr at til rrnry Myt l. llantln dot nows 1. Anklrly I. Mm!! of. pit per L UndilMI Of 4U 4. A ry 4. I'rraoaltlaa ft. Mm I, Anrlmt Bomas official S. :lrnt of nr fur t, IIntIb dr-nl oroa mrnl It. Nmnll plnftt of In lily In ally II. TrrmliiBU It. Kind U. Noblpinia II. f.nnt naodj vlnnl II. l-rrrrOS tl. Tuna: ho ilk A I lira 1L Tnrlta: ffrtBx 17. Vnm IS. ArllrlO St. Crlpitirf 30. Mfrlrsa II. Ulrdlrtnal hrk St. Fornallj prt rlta It. Tara imM oat 14. Wlrftria Ik. aur Tapor 17. Olrfttlal body SH. Illnrk Ihiald 41, I'rrnplrca r fnifly 4t. Small parllclft 44. Mineral prlnir. &. hlitn nl RAirat 41. r nilll.h Iritli- Inlori nhhr. 49. piirk hrona rilnnifnl mrd n wntfr olor 50. Honlhirn torn Mclltitlen II. lie nnmlnntloat II. ninsratar tMllrtilnv 13. lrrll cry tl. Mtrely II. Th rnrrcnl monlhi ntttor. IT, II dffrntrd IK. Orfrt Urol. II. Klonalnla dt Ala II. Did maniara of Ir hr Ik 13, On who Aottl aafflt 15. Tkrf-I4l nlolh 7. latia ton Jane Hub 7 Tj! T5 U x Ur ly " I 'g ' If ho -J - ; ijT 75 '. jj T" " r so i si jj- j7 jy 3 iTW Ti "it ', . So 51 ! St iTJT "TfTTW Zi Zi""Zi ' B rr : 1 1 1 ir I 1 I 1 1 I "RCT -0e5Tt -VOOMt WOO rvJVAtVk MM OUT MMV I VX. "HKC K- SHtS SOT XT AO. lou. wtKVC - i RtG'tAR. Gln NCNM V9P9 M9 SO H oH WMO SEFS VY WON ! WOW lMO'T 1rV'T- i ikinvi' uiiAMt.k kftk&w m i w f, wtm,rmT Mk' v.'jar T?T'PaiFff ai i 1 ' ! cam ti,ir .o. rw wn,n. o. Jr-fcl! REG'LAR FELLERS H ucky Day : Bv Orn- rs ( m3jWhATV f HE WAS LOOKtM' A V ALIVE ? 65V ( THE CAR WAS . . .. JUS SW!LV ym, l THE OTHER. VY AH" V .-fLZ I lkAlrm liD' I HE STEPPED RI&HT W VDACKIW Vr 1 " -'W- '" TATXSPIN TOMMY An Obstipate Team . KJtXS2? mFDQO it . IK I illl -wrV w don't you build 4 m&LUixu has . f sm.- 7nT 7 a fire under him, a TOLD GETTY RmEr1' . k llY -C-jr - 7A.-1i BRILLIAWT ? wwv 1 T mP2mhT &Le Vt hnuLOi' ) ONLY OOTWtT THESE k t$KM2&WM4k iH TATHF FROM HERE S tN T M,- TdEM YS " WDRO ms D BETTY THAT EVERYTHING S SET FOR their flight FROM THE REBEL CAMR THAT IT HAS BEEN ARRANSEa FOR TOMMY TO ESCAPE AND JOIN THEM QUT T73 IS NHAT 5 RE ALL Y HAPPENING 307 DUMB BORA A Man Of Her Word By Chirk Voting SHAME ON VOU LETTING THAT FLOSSIE TALK YOU INTO MARKVlNA HER- SHOW MS YOU'RE. A MAN-- SO TO THAT PHONE AND TELL. HER YOU'RE NOT ENGAGED EVtN PKOPObED TO HER- ASSERT VOV1RSEL.F- j8 f AND THAT VOU NEVER SW WvV EVEN PROPOSED TO I 'ft V ? HER- ASSERT ' (hello, flosse- thi& is herbekt-a ( VES VES J X KNOW f I VES VES ) eV- 1 1 n . n j v 'w use' Dora-- Wi V Z , f V 5r V WE'RE ENGAGED Jjf ( VES, BUT- VES, J ( VES ) .( YEH YEH- ) XWi3 BRTNGING UP FATHER By George McMantv ,a DADDY. WILL Y0uf ALL RIQrHT BltT THAT'S ALL I'M GOOo) NOW - I JU5T HAD L 1 WELL, 5HE MADE CrWe ME THE WHY DONT YOU FOR AROUNtV HERE VM HAT'S THE TO &IVE UP a MISTAKE - TVS a rmlfV MONEY TOR TWO GO TO TO' MOVIES? I ' J I MATTER? J FIFTEEN DOLLARS . S SEASON TICKETS 7 tX K EATS TO THE L mu W2JTW TO DAUGHTER S VsB WANT ' V j " ll ' ' " ' l MUTT AND JEFF Two Sailors On A Sinking Fund By Bud 1'isher .1KIS IS MUTT SPfcAKIN&:'. AS PResiDewr,) StCRCTARY AMD TRCMVRCK OF TMft LION TAMtftS CLUB r WNU MWRMBI TMt ANNUAL REPORT 1 CHRISTMAS S nlris. 5ic and . BewefiT 12 t TrteRc is THRet Bucks in Trie a -me rsmainimg to bucks uiilu bs pi COMMITTtC ANNOONCU WAT I I JL . CLUB TRCASUWV ON DOLLARS ?N6t FOR, OUR BANQuT "1 I tOUR SeNtoft HON UNOUJ 1M I 1 JfiT I OF WHICH Hft 4UST BN J3 JUTIClOUSLV AND ARC PLASet J I TH DOG AND CAT I I fV-L. eXPtNfC Ta CNTCftTAtN I I I TO STATE TtVtT TrtG SecfceTARY pyft " hospital! y2L I . "i vismtofe 'diplomats: i II treasurcr Anb PResiDeNT-l f.w At f -- I J OXV - iKii- I C0 --i" --i-o .