WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1929 EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT PAGE THREE FORD MEMORIAL CHURCH OFFERS SUNDAY MUSIC West Salem There will be Christmas concert In Ford Memor ial church Sunday evening. The choir, under the direction of Alvln Meade with Mrs. Ray Ferguson at the piano, has been practicing for lome time on the numbers and one of the finest programs ever given to this church la anticipated. The program includes: Piano solo, Miss Ruth Reese; processional, "Candlelight. choir; hymn. "Silent Night", congrega tion; prayer; chorus, "The Notes of Jov." choir: Christmas lesson; vo cal duet, "Hark What Mean These Holy Voices," Miss Gertrude War ren and Mbs Martha Warren; chorus. "Swing Ajar Ye Gates of Night," choir; Hawaiian guitar music, P. C. Heide; vocal duet, Miss Hope Raymond and Miss Alice Creasy; violin duet, "Humorcsque," D vorak, Mr. and Mrs. P. Foelkl; double quartet, "Wonderful Story"; vocal solo, "The New Born King," R. A, Raymond; vocal duet, "Bright est and Best," Mrs. Guy Newgent and Rev. H. C. Stover; chorus, "Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne." choir; hymn, "Joy to the World," congregation; benediction. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM FOR SHAW Shaw The Shaw public school held its annual Christmas enter tainment Thursday evening. The pupils of the school present ed the following program: Recita tion by Emma McAllister; song by fourth and fifth grades; recitation by Dudley Wells; song by sixth and eighth grades; recitation by Howard "Booch; song, by three girls; exer cise, by five boys; song by Ger aldine Keene, instrumental music by Mrs. John Grucho and S. Bar ry; play by the school, "Queen's Xmas," and "Good Night" by Ger ldlne Keene. After the program Santa Claus distributed presents and candy. , HOWITZER UNIT TO GIVE XMAS DANCE Woodburn Howitzer Company, 186th Infantry, will give their an nual Christmas ball at the armory on Christmas night. Music will be furnished by the 8unnyside Seren aders of Portland and the affair promises to be the big dance of the year. The proceeds will be used for new furnishings for the armory. ACADlMTFlLLS AUDITORIUM AT XMAS PROGRAM Mt. Angel The students of Mt. Angel academy gave their annual Christn V entertainment, "The Christmas Bride," Thursday eve ning in the academy auditorium. A large numoer was present. The cast of characters were as follows: Felix Aetemus, the Holy Child. Mary Stahl; Bella Hatton, the Christmas bride. Mary G ass- man; Edith Hatton, mother of Bel la, Agnes Prus; Agnes Fronden, a sick friend of Bella's, Eva Bors- chowa; Marian, Mrs. Fronden, mother of Agnes, Olive Kllnger; I Nancy Rhoden, the maiden of the aunt of Bella, Barbara cowan; maid of Nancy, Irene Zollner; Rob ert, a boy friend of Agnes', Marjorq Piorni; Bessie, the leader of a num ber of classmates of Agnes, Doris England; Catherine and Molly, schoolmates, Eleanore Woods and Helen Plennctt. First act chorus Georglnna Pl ennctt, Shirley Howie, Agnes Hick- ey, Gennaine Sprauer, Irene zoll ner, Anna Wampach, Marie Selig, Dolores Annen, Louise Stecklein, Doris England. Second act chorus Eleanor Woods, Marjory Nalden, Vena Bell, Rachel Ball. Janet woods, Ursula Hoffman, Florence Zollner, Doris Hoffman, Mary Borschowa, Helen Plennett and Dcllcen Terhaar, WACONDA CLUB MEMBERS MEET AT NUSOM HOME THEFT OF CLOTHING ' CHARGED AT DALLAS Dallas Theft of clothing and a revolver from the home of Arnold A. Muck, above Falls City, is charg ed against Alvin Manning and Glen Redding, according to a complaint filed in the Dallas justice court. SEVERSONS RETURN ' Si lverton Henry Scverson and his older daughter, Mrs. Clarence 6ebo, have returned from a month's stay In Minnesota and North Da kota. They were callrd to North field, Minn., by the death of Sever son'a brother. Only a year ago Severson made a similar trip with the remains of his wife, who had passed away here. CLASS SEES PLAY St. Paul The Junior and senior English classes motored to Portland Wednesday afternoon to see the play "Macbeth" under the direction of their English Instructor, Miss Alice MeOrath. BRIDGE LUNCHEON IS GIVEN IN SILVERTON Sllverton Mrs. Denny McCleary and her daughters-in-law, Mrs. El gin McCleary, and Mrs. Purl Mc Cleary, entertained at a bridge luncheon Wednesday afternoon at the Dr. McCleary home. Prizes were received by Mrs. Rholln Cool ey, Mrs. George Hubbs and Mrs. Creba Hicks Bondell, of Salem. Waconda One of the most Inter esting meetings of the year was held by the Waconda Community club on Wednesday from 10 o'clock until 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Aaion Nusom. A pot luck dinner was served at noon, all outstanding bills were paid and all old business taken care of, election of new officers to serve for one year only, will be held at tne next meeting. A large box of rugs, toys ana other articles all made by the club women under the direction of Mrs. Robert Cole, was packed to be sent to the orphans farm home at Cor vallls for Christmas. Ten dollars was sent to tne Capital Journal for the Christmas Cheer Fund. Each club member brought can ned and fresh fruit and vegetables and other unperlshable edibles and many articles to wear, and a large box was packed with them and presented by the club as a Christmas gift to a destitute fam ily in this section. One quut was finished and sent to a needy fam ily in Salem. The usual club baby gut was presented to Baby Norman Peter son and one new member was initi ated. The hostess served refresh ments durinz the afternoon. In the group were Mrs. ueorge Lemery, Mrs. Isadore Loran, Mrs. F. J. Ingram. Mrs. Elsworth Hub bard. Mrs. Frank Felton, Mrs. Henry Stafford, Mrs. Robert Cole, Mrs. C. C. Russell. Mrs. A. L. Lamb, Mrs. William McGilchrlst, Miss Hattie Skelton. Mrs. Van O. Kelley, Mrs. Francis Nusom, Mrs. Richard Pat terson. Mrs. Allvn Nusom. Mrs. Psarl Patterson, Mrs. A. L. Collins, Mrs. Fern Runcorn, Velle Felton, Donald Nusom. Norman Patterson, Charles Patterson and the hostess, Mrs. Aaron Nusom. The next meeting win be post poned one week due to the holidays and will be held on January 8 at the home of Mrs. Isadore Loran CAMPFIRE GIRLS AND SCOUTS BUSY Stayton The regular meeting of the Woman's club was held Thurs day. The three groups of Camp fire girls gave a pageant, and the Boy Scouts exemplified their work and received many compliments. Music and lunch followed the program. INDEPENDENCE NEGATIVE TEAM DEBATE WINNER Independence The high scshool debating teams are having prelim inary debates getting ready for the state schedule which will follow the holiday season. A lively debate was given this week In which the negative team won the subject, being: "Resolved, That pupils of Science II. should only use pasteurized milk." Affirmative speakers were Hope Hershberger, Ruth Cuthbert and Elizabeth Baker, with the negative team composed of Vera Ramey, Hazel Rash and Florence Soden. Judges were Prof. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dixon, who gave all three points to the negative team. MANY TONGUES REPRESENTED AT MILL CITY Mill City The Christmas program of the high school given Friday afternoon, was given In the dif ferent languages known by the students. The Latin students sang, "Adaste Fidlelis" and the Spanish students sang "Silent Night, Holy Night" in Spanish. The students that can speak Bohemian sang a Chris tarns song of Bahemla and "The Plam- beck Trio" sang a song In German. Besides these there were songs In English. The grade school gave a program at the Hammond hall Thursday nl?ht. The little tots of the first four grades opened the program with Christmas songs. The three upper grades gave a Christmas play, representing the old and the new Christmas. After the proerfim Santa Claus gave a treat to all the school children. Mill City The Hammond Lum ber company mill started work against Friday noon after a shut- down on account of high water. 80TH BIRTHDAY IS HONORED AT BROOKS Brooks Honoring her mother. Mrs. C. D. Naylor, on her 80th birthday, Mrs. Dunlavy gave a dinner on Wednesday evening at the Dun lavy home in Brooks. A large birth day cake with lighted candles form ed the table centerpiece. Guests were Miss Ellen Hacklt, Robert Hackit, Lyle Glover, of Brooks; Rev. and Mrs. D. George Cole, of Jef ferson; John Dunlavy, Jr., and the hostess. Hollywood Theater HOME OF 25c TALKIES LAST TIMES TONIGHT Max Sennett's First Talking Feature Comedy "Midnight Paddies1 ALSO TALKING SERIAL "KING OF THE KONGO" Coming Sunday, Monday and Tucssday Continuous performance Sunday 2 to 11 p. m. Opem IHPI 11 orate g:3 IMpll SERVICES SCHEDULED Scio Rev. Stewart's theme at the Christian church in Scio next Sun day morning will be, "The Spread of Christianity in Europe." He will preach at Mt. Pleasant at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Candy Take no chance of fresh ness. For your best girl's candy for Christmas see The SPA dH0iOTifcAlllMa nan What would be more , appreciated than an , Optical Gift Certifi- ' cate for mother or ' dad.x We also have a complete line of mag nifiers, readers, etc. -"Optical gifts are use ful gifts." GRAND THEATER-' SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Not ( Interest to Children Vattt 1. Must Be Accompanied by Adolts An Unforgettable Picture Once tn a great while you see a picture that is so impressive you want to talk about it to everyone that will listen. It is so stir ringly interesting that it stays in your mind. It may be a picture of great scenic beauty or lavishness, or it may be a story of power ful dramatic force. The latter describes the next picture that will cause this unusual excitement among theatergoers here. "The Road to Ruin" The Road to Ruin" is the simple story of . boys and girls who played toe- violently with the joy of living ''when all the world is young." It is tremendous in Interest and Is so bril liantly acted and deftly produced and gives such a sense of realism that it ranks in the realm of truly great pictures. This is among the first cities In the coun try to see it. You will hear a great deal about "The Road to Ruin." Plan to see it. Also "Plastered la Paris" with Sammy Cohan Xaufh whh the Legion In Cay Pare. PACKARD Announcement take great pleasure in announcing the appointment of STATE MOTORS, Inc. CORNER OF HIGH & CHEMEKETA STS. as distributors for Salem and vicinity, -including Marion, Polk, Linn, Benton and Lincoln counties. IWe wish to thank our patrons for their support of our Salem branch in the past. "We are confident that Pack ard owners will receive equally good service from our new representatives. Our present personnel at the South Commercial street branch will be on hand at the State Motors, Inc., after January first to greet and serve all Packard customers, the same as formerly. The Great Heart of American Youth Laid Bar! Packard Service & Sales, Inc. OREGON DISTRIBUTORS 'Every Parent In America 8hould Be COMPELLED to Bee "The Road to Ruin." Mavor Geo. Baker, Portland, Oregon. AT OUR REGULAR PRICES m jiiiimmMifliiwiiiiiuiiifr,LMiiii