EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 LEGION POW WOW IS FIRST EVENT FOR NEW YEAR PAGE TWO STATE LEADERS WILL SPEAK AT SHERIDAN MEET Sheridan post of the American Legion expects to entertain between 804 and 400 -members of American Let ton posts In district No. I m addition to members of the Amert can Legion auxiliary on January 3 In' connection with the annual Yamhill county pow-wow and for um sesisons, according to Edwin J. Bayllss, commander of the anen dsn post and former district com' mttteeman, who was In the city a few daya ago. The pow-wow Is for the men and the forum for the women. The Legionnaires will hold a bus iness session during the afternoon with a dinner at the hotel in the evening, followed with entertain' ment and a dance with the visiting American Legion women. Bvery post In the district tn ad dition to many Legionnaires in the Willamette valley and coast will be represented at the meeting. Ira White, of Tillamook, will be in charge of the business meeting with Bayliss presiding as toastmaster for - the dinner In the evening. White, was named district com mander at the state convention here last August, the state depart ment also changing the title of dlS' trict committeeman to district com mander. Men and women active hi -the American Legion will have prom inent places on the program, with speakers Including -Bid S. George, of Eugene, state commander; Mrs. Newton J. Chaney. of Medford, president of the American Legion auxiliary; Carl Moser, of Portland, state adjutant: Or. Paul V. Carter. head of the Veterans' hospital in Portland; Boo Dlllard, state ser vice officer; Dr. Rankin, of New berg,, state hospitalization officer; Jack Carkln, of Vernonla, state membership committeeman; Harry Nelson, of Portland, chairman of community service and many other prominent Legion men of the val ley; Officers of every post in the district will attend. Local arrangements have not yet liss, who stated that Sheridan and been completed, according to Bay hls section of the county would be well represented at the district conference in Sulem December 20. Of the 170 member's enrolled In the Sheridan post last year, 103 have already paid ther 1830 dues, he re ports. PEDEE CAMP MAKES DALLAS PILGRIMAGE Dallas Eight members of the newly organized camp at Pedes and three members of the Dallas camp were Initiated Into the Royal Neigh bors of America lodge at a meeting in the Woodman hall here, Mrs. Al thea Burelback, oracle, presiding. Visitors for the evening were the cmnci deputy iron) Corvallls. Mrs. Beatrice 8hadolng; district deputy from Salem, Mrs. Sarah Peters, wim a delegation of six; and a dele gation of five from Pedes to see the local lodge put on the work. Re freshments were served to about 75. Election of officers will be held at tne next meeting It was announced, SEWING BY POWER Dallas The home economics de partment recently had noted ad dition to their equipment In the new electric Singer sewing machine, the xirsc electric machine to be Installed at Dallas high school. The tirls of the class are quite enthused with It. Macleay The Marleay-Pratum road Is being completed and grad ing Is now being done. Soon the road will be In perfect condition lor winter Travel, HO VOIR Kill NEVA SKFD IIKI.Pf Physical rigor and mental driving power dont Just "happen" to us. Thejr result from the. healthy nor ma. actiTiiy 01 an our ooauy nine tlous. Oood health la Impossible when the kidneys falUr aud Call In their Important work of thorough elimination. The tonic, corrective ac tion ol Foley Pill diuretic puts url nary processes to work In a natural way, ridding the system of the lurk ing polsona that cause the dlatreaa liig aches, pal as, generally weakened, tlrsd out. run down condition. Guar anteed. Try them. For sale by Capital mug more. ade "The GYPSY ROVER A Musical Comedy In S AcU Cast of 45 Barbara Burns rhool of dancing, MMting. KROWELDEEN CLUB TO HAVE XMAS MEETING Dayton The Knoweldeen needle club met at the home of Miss Valera Flint Thursday evening. Members present were Mesdames Vernon Foster, Herman Louis, Fred Matches. Rex Ferrer, Harry Sher man, Oeorge Webster an dMlsses Hester Hibbert, Madalene Possner and the hostess. Miss Flint served refreshments. The next meeting will be at the Vernon Foster home when a Christ' mas tree will be enjoyed. ADAH CHAPTER HAS ELECTION AND ENDS YEAR Independence The most Interest ing meeting of Adah chapter O. E. 8. of the years was held Tuesday evening, marking the1 close of the year. Six new members were Initiat ed, Mr. and Mrs. James Oentle, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Link. Mrs. Fred Hill and Miss Nell Link. During the evening memorial ser vices were given for Oeorge Brunk. a member of the order, who passed away at the Masonic and Eastern Star home in Forest drove. After the Initiatory work offic ers were elected as follows: worthy matron, Mrs. Anna White; worthy patron, J. O. Mcintosh; associate matron, Mrs. Edwards; associate patron. P. M. Swltzer: conductress. Mrs. Lottie Mcintosh; associate conductress, Mrs. Homer Dodds; secretary, Mrs. Stella Calbreath; treasurer, Mrs. John Foreman. - . Installation will be held the first meeting In January and Mrs. Mar Ion Chambers, junior past matron. will be Installing officer. . Reports of committees showed the chapter In good standing and an de partments active. Refreshments were served at the close. i . HOMECOMING OF LODGES PLANNED Dallas Friendship lodfje will hold A Joint meeting with the Rcbekahs the second meeting night In Jan uary, at the Odd Fellows lull. A large meeting Is anticipated, with old members and those away ex pected to attend the ceremony. Dancing and refreshments will add to the evening's entertainment. The members also discussed hold ing a monthly open meeting for the, Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodges, The ldpa was favorably received and after the homecoming meeting in January, the plan will probably be fulfilled. MOLALLA PIONEER WOMAN IS TAKEN Stayton Mrs. Rena Dart, age 79 years, died at San Diego, Calif., Tuesday morning where she had been the past month with a daugh ter. Heart disease was the cause of death which came suddenly. Mrs. Dart had made her home with her daughter. Mrs. Oeorge Sandner, near Kingston, the last seven years, since the death of her husband, C. P. Dart. She was an early pioneer, coming to Oregon la IBM and settling near Molalla. Funeral services will be held here Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Christian cUnrch. The remains will arrive In Salem from the south early Thtirsdnv morning. Hollywood Theatre TODAY and THURSDAY I Flrat Showing In Salem AJIMABOIB JOHN MAtk tWOWN,. mMM aMswfsi Aim Talking Comedy Tathe Rcvitvr 1 rrvA.&TV... Manhattan Stock Co. Present "Aunt Judy From Red Gap" A Comedy I Three Acts Prima for Wed. Tfcanriaj Jkdwlu SOc fklMiwa las 4 Til i; .zsz,-xj FALLS CITY PT HEARS WILLS ON CLUB PROJECTS Falls City Around 50 members of the Parent-Teachers association of Falls City met lo the high school Monday evening with Mrs. R. Paul, president of the local organization. In charge. The program began by singing several songs and then Joslah Wills, county superintendent of schools, spoke on club work In the school. A discussion upon the Christmas tree and program to be held In the high school was held. Plans were made to engage E. J. Klemme, the principal speaker at the county teacher's Institute, to address a meeting held In the Interest or ad vancing aid to school children, some time In January, The parents of Falls City take an active interest in the local organisa tion and it is planned to hold regu lar meetings throughout the winter. BIG TREES IN PROGRESS WAY Independence In the construc tion of the service station at Second and Monmouth streets it was neces sary to remove several large maple trees from the curb line to make way for the entrances. A large stump which was cut off below the level of the street several years ago, was removed, the weight of which was estimated at several tons, and as no powder could be used to blow them out, two large lumber truck belonging to the Spaulding Logging company were brought Into action. After breaking several heavy chains the stump was brought to the surface. It showed signs of growth in the roots, although It had been covered for many years. It Is a problem now to find a place to get rid of it. - The large trees were more easily handled and were taken by local people for wood. . HAPPY GO LUCKY GIRLS AT PARTY Mill City The "Happy Oo Lucky 6irls club" met at the home of the Misses Mildred and Theo Rogers, Monday. The evening was spent In playing games, listening to the radio and answering catch questions. Each girl present represented a movie actress and each girl gave the other one a hint as to who she was representing and she was to guess who it was. At a late hour a lunch was served to the following Misses: Mary and Kathryn Wachter, Alice Vernlng, Doris Grimes, Velorls Crenshaw, Nellie Ellsworth, lone Bertram, Nor ell Hobson, Opal Goodwin, Kathryn Brown, Sylvia Keenan, Mary Croc ker, Mildred Hoeye, Mrs. Lola Cren shaw, Mrs. Othello Heath and the two hostess, Misses Theo and Mil dred Rogers. Dallas Alert M. Moen, St. a Mc Mlnnvllle cabinet maker has re ceived license to wed Grace A. Womock, 29. a McMlnnvUl wait ress. Waiters Electric Today sat. WILLIAM FOX PAIStNTS UUIP IE E An ALL-TALKING-Drama cF Li fa 3acAstcrg and in thm Hollyvrooa Studios What a Seaqs SlrOtvA For BIO Tim of Tour Life nd HKK and HEAR thu MOVlrrONB ALL.TAl.KINa. BINOINO. DANCING BKN8A i ION ..... A iriaL mtmm fll and screen rant. 51 !.;: tract Kl joiu'iiivf: niji 'HI bsPHiM! roi.ijtiin l -Manx ILTVHir SUNDAY BRINGS "THE FOUR DEVILS" DEVOTION CEREMONY FOR THIS WEEK END Mt. Angel Forty hours devotions will be held in St. Mary's church Friday, Saturday and Sunday, De votlons will be held all day, with Benediction at 7:50 o'clock every evening. The solemn closing of the devotions will be held at 1:30 o'clock Sunday evening, during which time everybody holds lighted candles. PLAYSHED GIVEN NEW EQUIPMENT BY STAYTON P-T Stayton The Parent Teacher as sociation Teports II paid up menv bers on the roll, and at a meeting this week delegates to attend the county P. T. A. at Salem in Jan uary were named by Floyd Crabtree, oresldent. Mrs. E. C. Egleston reported the committee on plsyshed equipment had purchased two set or traveling rings, one for junior and senior, also horizontal bars and several new swings. Baskets were also ordered so that the youngsters can practice basketball In the playshed. Chester A. Lyons was expected to speak but called up to say it was impossible to come Monday night. An invitation was extended from Union Hill P. T. A. to Stayton mem. bers to visit them December 20. A program of several numbers fol lowed, Miss Florence Murphy giv ing a guitar solo; a short skit of "The Mummy and the Mumps," a piay to be given Thursday and Fri day, was given; song by Lynn Phil Hps, playing his own accompani ment on the steel guitar. A play given by the losing side, assisted by me winners, was caned "A Gather- Kig of Hum;" Lynn Phillips and W. neater onered a guitar duet. Re freshments were served. CORPS WILL ELECT Woodburn I. I. Stevens Relief Corps No. 31 will meet at the I. O. O. F. hall on Thursday at two o'clock at which time the annual election of officers will take place. All mem bers are requested to be present. ALWAYS KEEPS IT ON HAND Lydia E. Pink ham a Vegetable Compound Helps Her So Much PiUslmrgTi, Ta. "I was jutt com pletely run-down. I had tirM, heavy. shifrgifth for linns and I could nut) eat. I was losing in wcipht. I read so much, a bond I.ydia K, Pinlc ham'a Vegetable Compound and what a good med icine it is, ttiat I aUrted taking it. I have taken eiftht bottle of Lydia K. Pink- ham'a Vegetable Compound and about the satua in tablet form, Thia ia one medic in woman should have in th houie all th time. I am impror ilia; every day and I aura an able to eat. I am willing to answer any let ters asking about the Vegetable Com pound' lies. T.u.a. Ku-hakps, 21 Chautauqua St, N.S. Pittsburgh, I. 8ud 8ysiea si UI'UU TRACY dle s, . i .7" Bd I ;.,, .J All-Talklnc Mark Heanelt CtsWf MISSION WOMEN NEAR NEEDS OF SCHOOL LIBRARY Independence The W. P. M. 8. met at the home ot Mrs. Carrie Smiley. There was a good attend ance and Mrs. Mover presided. De votional was lead by Mrs. W. T. Campbell. The lesson study, "From Jerusa lem to Jerusalem, was lead by Mrs. Moyer and Mrs. Kurre. A solo was given by Mrs. Leslie Clems, accom panied by Mrs. Moyer. The meeting closed with (roup singing and re freshments served by the hostess, assisted by her sister Mrs. Charles Smiley. Elva McConnell appeared before the society and presented the needs of the public school library, asking for the society's cooperation. Those present were Mrs. Charles Moyer, Mrs. William Campbell, Mrs. Peter Kurre. Mrs, 1,. Iugenvauson, Mrs. V. A. Heath, Mrs. Bertha Fer guson, Mrs. WY H. Craven, Mrs. Noslund, Mrs. Ed Kelly. Mrs. Alice Skinner, Mrs. Sarah Irvine, Mrs. Clemo, Mrs. Krueger, Mrs. Yonger, Mrs. Hershberger, Mrs. Kurre and Mary Smiley. MRS. HUTCHINSON LEAVES Jefferson Mrs. Addle Hutchinson who has been making her home with her daughter and family. Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Van Winkle, has left for Bremerton, Wash, where she will spend the winter at the home of her son, Roy. Enroute she will visit with her son Milton in Port land for a few days. Deaf Hear Again Through New Aid Earpiece No Bigger Than Dime Wins Enthusiastic Following Ten-Day Free Trial Offer After twenty-five years devoted ex clusively to the manufacture of sci entific hearing -aids, the Dictograph Products Co., Inc., Dept. 681 Market Street, San Francisco, CaU has Just perfected a new model Acou sttcon that represents the greatest advance yet made In the recreation of hearing for the deaf. This latest Acousticon Is featured by a tiny ear piece no bigger than a dime. Through this device, sounds are clearly and distinctly transmitted to subnormal ears with wonderful benefit to hear ing and health alike. The makers of fer an absolutely free trial for 10 daya to any person who may be Interested, and a letter will bring one of these re markable aids to youi .horne for a thorough sritl Convincing test. Send them your name and address today I adv. MODSrt 141 Cabinet ot richly grained walnut with sliding doors. Price less tube $154.50 S47 Looneys Awake To Find Coupe Parked On Lawn Jefferson When Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Looney got up Tuesday morning they found a Ford coupe In their front yard which evidently had run Into the bank In front of their place some tune in the night, wreck ing a front wheel and crushing a fender. In the ear were some clothes, among which was a basket ball suit, indicating that the car might have been driven by a student. Two names were found In the car, J. W. Clark, Jr., evidently the driver, and E. Ii. Oetz, Corvallls, whose name was on the license plate. Oetz was notified and came Immediately after the car. A farmer, Ed Reynolds, living just north of Looney's, was driving behind the Ford coupe for some distance coming from Salem Mon day night. He said the car was being driven in a . very reckless manner and struck a car causing It to go in the ditch but faUed to stop. Unlonvale Mrs. Floyd Wilson of California Is a guest of her mother. Mm. Mabel White. BOSCH ENGINEERS ..LAVISHED RADIO The first thing that will impress you about the new Screen-Grid Bosch Radio is its clear, full, natural tone -a tonal quality that has no rival in radio of today. Come in and hear it convince yourself there is no obligation. Study the simplicity and engineering superiority of Bosch Radio note the beauty of the new cabinets. We are ready to prove Bosch the outstanding radio of to day and the most attractively priced. EOTF, ELECTEEC, COURT ST. INDEPENDENCE ASSUMES GARB FOR HOLIDAYS Independence Two large Christ mas trees have been placed on Main street at the Intersection of C and Monmouth streets, and will be light ed for the holiday season. The work was supervised by C. A. Thompson and J. H. Hart, of the chamber ot commerce assisted by several high school boys. The shop windows are taking on a Christmas appearance and mer chants are rejoicing with the farm ers over the generous rainfall. Several Christmas trees for lodges and large family gatherings are be ing planned for Christmas week. ' SPECIMENS BOUGHT Dalles Twenty-five preserved va rieties of interesting land and wa ter animals were lately purchased for the biology laboratory of the high school. The purchase aids ma terially in making the equipment up to date and one attracting much attention. FOX ELSINOHE TODAY THRU Continuous t (o It NEW ALL TALKING World-wide In scope. The POX THKATRKS are an eTprnisIon of a progreiMive nation's character. VOX THKATltKM emend from the Atlauttc to the Pacific ocean . . . ncross prairies and fiToHnUlM ; . . tHMBgTfjirf important cbinmunily. tone . PHONE 483 LADIES NIGHT HELD BY DALLAS KIWANIS Dallas The Klwanis club held It regular monthly ladles' night at th Presbyterian church with Rev. Or val D. Peterson in charge. After the dinner he showed slides and spoke upon the early settlement ot Oregon. Several musical number were given including a duet by D vere Penhollow and Ira C. Powell accompanied by Doris NewbtH. Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Knight and son Jack will move ia the bouse recently vacated by their parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. H. Knight. Some Improvements are being mad on the interior before they move In. Sure Relief TS.AKES YOU rEEL BETTER 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION 25 and 75 Pkgs.Sold Everywher, VOX SCRIP . FOK 2 XMAS S FRIDAY Daily GIFTS d MODEL 140 A beautiful walnut oinei vim burl walnut sliding awn. rrice less tubes .$174.50 Inc, Wm D 1 bosci i