TUESDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1029 THE CAPITAL .TOURXAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE SEVEN DALLAS FATHER SONS' BANQUET IS BIG AFFAIR Dallas More than 135 fathers .tnd ftons assembled In the Metho dist church to celebrate a lather and son banquet, sponsored by the church Brotherhood and served by the women o: the church. After all the guests of the annual affair had assembled In the class rooms a few songs were sung and then they were marched Into the dining room, where the evenings program was begun with several numbers sung by the Salem Y. M. C. A. quartet. R. R. Turner, super intendent of the city schools, was toast master and gave a short talk upon the origin of the occasion and then Introduced the following speak ers: Raymond Miller, who gave a talk on "A Boy's Ideal." and expressed how a father should live up to It. County Agent J. R. Beck, whose subject was "Father and Sons, Inc." In which talk he clearly depicted the mutual benefit derived when fa ther and son work together. Rev. Ranton of Independence and two sons gave a violin duet and solo. County School Superintendent Joe .ah Wills spoke upon "A Dad's Duty to His Son," In which he said a boy should learn to honor his fa ther by teaching him honestly, in dustry and respect. Alvin Lynch was asked to express a boy's opinion on "If I Were Dad. What Would I Do?" William Miller played several old time pieces on the mouth harp to the hearty applause ol the audience. Vernon Bell, president of the Me thodist Men's Brotherhood, address ed the guests upon "What Dad Means to Me," stating that a fa ther's sacrifices are best appreciated when the son has a home of his own to care roi. Dr. A. B. Starbuck depicted the value of teamwork and what it can accomplish. Charles Campbell, Willinmette university student and debater, ex pressed the value of home life in a son's up-bringing. William Harcombe, district attor ney, gave an inte t sting and very Impressive speech from the subject, A Boy Through the Specs of His Dad," stating "No subject offers the possibilities of what the son means to the father: the hope of the fu ture and the reward of the present." Prof. Mathews o Willamette uni versity was the last speaker. TWELFTH BIRTHDAY ! DINNER IS SERVED Aumsvllle Ralph Alsman, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Alsman, celebrat ed hi twelfth birthday Sunday with a dinner at his home. Those present were Mr. and Mrs S. D. Wilson and daughter, Leatha ot Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kerber and small daughter Patsy, MLss Anna Mae Alsman and Miss Sylvia Meatt, Mr. and Mrs. Riley. Wilson, all of Salem, and Mr. and .Irs. I. O. Alsman and family. F ornm Contributions to Ibb col u mi mast br confined lo 300 word and signed by writer. To the Editor: If you don't ob ject, I wish to express my views through the press on prohibition and capital punishment. I am an Abraham Lincoln democrat. Dem ocracy as I see it is a civil govern ment which is furthest removed from a king. America now has a host of kings. Lincoln believed that every legal voter in America is a part of the entire nation as a whole, creeds, politics, and state lines, eliminated. Lincoln believed that all matters of national concern were not to be submitted to the states to be set' tied separately, if so, there would have been no Civil war. Wilson, Cox, Davis and Smith believed in state rights on national questions and thereby wrecked the party, and lowered the standard of Lincoln democracy. It would be a crime against my self and society If I should drink liquor as a beverage. Just to com ply with a deluded mind or to ar rogantly assert my personal lib erty, or inalienable rights, no mat ter where I may be on American soil, and this regardless of the 18th amendment. The man who drinks so that the bootlegger may leech from society Is most to be pitied and then condemned. Capital crime merits capital pun ishment. It is human economy to take one worthless man's life rath er than burden and endanger the lives of better citizens. Murder is a national offense and execution should be carried out only at fed eral prisons. It appears that the key to the failure In law enforce ment Is the legal pervert. By the efforts of such, the intent of the laws are made to miscarry. A moral pervert Is cried down by all, while DEEP WELL TO PROVIDE WATER SLIM, AT ALBANY Albany Shallow bedrock and Im permeable soils, that i soils that hinder the movement of water, make the prospects for Albany ob taining a deep well water supply slim, according to the report ot tne United States geological survey, handed to Albany council members a. 1 the mayor. There is but one area within practical distance of the city, where there is a possibility ot an ample deep water supply, and that is in the Periwinkle, of Penny winkle, creek basin. At this place it is believed possl ble to obtain 100 gallons of water a minute from one well and with series of wells it is believed also that the 700 gallons of water necessary per minute during the summer months could be obtained. BAKERY IS MOVED Silverton Joe Feilen, owner and proprietor of the Silverton bakery, has moved his bakery from its for mer place in the Bock building on Oak street into the space in the new Worden building next to the Water street meat market. The large plate glasses had to be taken out of both of the store buildings in order to move the large electric ovens. TINY SON ARRIVES Silverton A four and one-half pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Beugll of Silverton at the lo cal hospital Monday morning. The Beughs lost their only son a few years ago when he and his sled crashed into a barn on South Wa ter street. MARRIED STUDENTS ATTEND UNIVERSITY iirn rnWrstt husbands out- mimhw nnllfff wtVM almOSt IWO tO one at the University ofcOregon, ac cording to Richard uonuu. statisti cian at the university. Married stu dents number 123 or about five per cent of tlie student body. Out ot 125 gradual students, 31 are married STORY AND GAME HOUR FOR DONALD Donald Rev. Warner, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church here, held a story and game hour for the children of the Sunday school In the church basement Sat. urday altcrnoon. This was fol lowed by the quarterly conference of the church boards. Rev. Warner plans to have one of these game hours for the children each month. Miss Sofia Eppers has organized a sewing club among the younger girls of the Sunday school. They meet at the church each Wednes day afternoon and have a quilt in the making. The members include Bernadine St. Helen, Bernice and Aline Fowler. Betty Acberson, Jes sie and Elizabeth Long, Margie and Jean Smith, and Jean Carver. THE VIRGINIAN IN TALKIES AT FOX ELSINORE a legal pervert is lauded for his shrewdness. D. H. -Prohibition) Clark, 1960 S. Commercial Salem KNIGHTS MOVE GOODS Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Knight moved their household goods to their ranch near Rose burg Thursday, where they will re side. Their son, Harold Knight, ac companied them and will assist them in getting settled In their new home. The community regrets to lose Mr. and Mrs. Knight, who are held in high esteem. ASTORIA BRIDGE BILL Washington, D. C. (H) A bill to authorize J. C. Tenbrook to con struct and operate a bridge over the Columbia river at or near Astoria, to connect the Roosevelt highway with the Washington Ocean Beach highway, was introduced Monday by Senator McNary. "All talking1 the new medium of the cilver screen, is proving its tre mendous power as an added quality for entertainment at the. Fox Elsi nore theater this week with the cur rent showing there of. "The Vir ginian." "The Virginian" Is Just the type of picture for which "all talking" is most admirably suited. An Ameri can classic of the pioneering days in Wyoming, this epic theme of red blooded drama and beautifule romance is so stupendous, so vast in its great out doors scope, that "all talking" alone can do it full Justice. Photographed and "miked" in the open spaces of the western cattle country, the film presents to the eye and ear of the beholder every living detail of this thrilling story. you hear the bellowing of a thou sand head of cattle, you hear the shouts of the cowboys as they drive the stampeding herd through the swift flowing current of a river, you ear the cowboys round the crackling campfire chanting their typical amies, you hear the dance hall in full blast, you hear Gary Cooper. tne nero barking these immortal words, 'Ef you wanna call me that smile!" Cooper, in his first full dialogue role, is giving a wonderful perform ance. His handsome features and his rangy, supple physique fit him into the character as though it were written lor him. His charming southern drawl as the Virginian is maklnc many a feminine hpart flutter at the Fox Ksinore theater. Walter Huston, as Tram pas, is the most convincing bad man seen and heard since "all talking" revolution ized the movie world. He plays the role with intense dramatic feeling. Richard Arlen as Steve, the may ward buddy of the Virginian, and Mary Brian as Molly Wood, the charming school teacher with whom the ero falls in love, are equally ar tistic in their portrayals. The Virginian has four more days to run. RETURNS FROM ASHLAND Turner Cecil Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Martin has returned from a month's vacation at Ashland with hfs uncle and family. His cou sin. Francis Martin of Ashland re turned with him, and la visiting for a meek in Turner as the guest ol Mr. and Mrs. Martin. On 8usday the boys motored to Portland where they spent the day. Miss Mildred Martin of Salem also spent the week end in Turner where she visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Martin and among friends. Miss Martin to aten ographer for the Leo N. Chuoa real ty firm at Salem. Gall Stone Colic Don't oprl! Hon make t bid condition woru. Treat th cause lu a aenslblc, pain leu, inei pensive a at bouit. Writ Horn Co.. 110-84 Uaumc Temple, Minneapolis, Ulnrj . (oi a recognized practiclui special ist's prescription on liver and trail blad der trouble, for literature on treatment which has been ilvtni iratlOlna result lor M years. Sold under Uouey Back Onstnntre Dip this out NOW. ad. Snaps Out of Cold In Record Time) Did you ever hear of a five-hour remedy for colds? There is one. and It really does bring you out com pletely. That achy, feverish feeling vanishes; dryness and soreness leav es nose and throat; mucous o: charge stops; breathing becomes easy. A slmpie compound the druggist has in tablets does the work every time. No lavative is necessary when Pape's Cold Compound is used. No sweating or other discomfort. These pleasant-tasting tablets are all you need to knock your cold in a hurry 35c at all drug stores, adv. Jacksonville. Fla., has a jailer who l S feet and i Inches tall. CanatotaaUy lata meat tw terla eoanl o Salem .AirstcD CLOSING EYE "It's Inspected with care. "So get your full share!" Says Billy Break O'Daj r KjjPhone 2420 PTOIM'S LI Awarded Gold Medals and First Prize, India and Ceylon, as Finest Tea Grown. TIP A Just to remind you that 11, OOO .JOMD) Dress up the home for happy Christmas time. Have all those acces sories and things that make for Ideal comfort and beauty. Rare qual ity and tastefulness In these well made objects. If you really want to please, If you want to be absolutely sure to give something that ex a gift certificate here, actly fits any need, get Then the choice can be made at leisure here. Smokers9 Accessories Attractive and convenient, splendidly sound and rigid construction. Smoking stands in both cabinet and pedestal type. Walnut Secretary Handsome, wel made and useful piece of furniture. Many excellent designs. No doubt that Furniture will be welcomed as a Christmas gift For in what else do you find such lasting pleasure, such perma" nent reminders of the donor? You'll want to make this year long remembered with offerings of intense usefulness of com fort of ease of beauty FURNITURE. A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY Gorgeous Lamps Lamps for the floor or ta ble in a remarkable selec tion of colors and shapes. Delightfully modern and convenient. Supreme bargains. Odd Tables Unusually beautiful, these useful tables find a place In any home. In a number of handsome deigns and woods. . . .B'insT- FIIIIIMISH VOUHIMWE For The Cozy. Nook Just what is needed to make a pretty corner in any home. Sturdy, roomy walnut writing desk . . . Carved walnut chair, beautifully upholstered. Overstuffed, comfortable easy chair and footstool. ft wminiTiE Standard Oil Dealers will supply you with unsurpassed Motoring Products ond an improved Motoring Service thatyou should know about J Dignified Credit Pay As You Earn. The improved standard of motoring service that 11,000 Red, White and Blue Standard Oil Dealer are asking you to test is built, first of all, upon the quality of the products they selL It's a fine family. Standard Ethyl Gasoline The prcminm motor fuel for winter driving. Try ThiH Experiment Drive in today at any Red, White and Blue Station or Garage. Aak the Dealer "W hat is this improved service yon have to offer?" New Winter Red Crown The gasolin of quality. The New Zerolene Motor Oils Money can't buy better oil. Gargoyle Mobiloil The best eastern oiL Equipped with these, the Red, White and Blue Dealer will furnish to you exactly the products that have been approved for use in your own ear by the manufacturer himself. Unsurpassed motoring products, and, among 11, (MM) dealers, a single Standard of Service the best possible make an unbeatable combination in motoring value and enjoyment wherever you go. ..iriu, rX Mobiloils CL) standasd Yyl xSwAjy ETHYL V 6ASOLINB STANDARD Oil COMPANY OF CAIilTORNIA . no ' u :,A-' Ijirnt .!! A'. .' "ll tl- (. 1)1 .- hn . ''j:oO ' .,.r!.v . " lii.'.': ' t Ji i, Sli .-Sil-. V v: