EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1929 WOODBURN FORUM FISCAL YEAR BROUGHT TO CLOSE PAOU TWO 'i 'M-J '4 ; i "i . BA1LLIE NAMED t NEW PRESIDENT FOR NEXT YEAR I.- -.Woodbum The closing meeting J of the year of the Woodbum cham lier of commerce was held at the f Bay-Brown cafeteria Wednesday evening - beginning with a turkey . dinner which wu served at 4:30 o'clock. Election fof officers for the com ing year was held resulting in the election of W. H. BallUe of the state training school as president; VEIburn T. Sims, vice-president; Paul MIUs,. secretary. E. J. Allen was elected director to succeed him self and John Ramage was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the , removal of W. P. Norman. The speaker of the evening was Her. Charles 8. Tator of Portland who was introduced by Superin tendent Balllle. Rev. Tator took for his topic "Community Organi zation," and emphasized the objects for which a community club is or ganized and the benefits of pulling together but stated that 1 its topic was not applicable to Woodburn which he found was already well organized. Preceding the address a resume of the year's business was given by the reports of the various standing committees which were called upon by President Butterfleld. Blaine McCord gave an extensive report of the work done by the Boy Scout troop committee and reported the appointment or J. D. wooaun as scoutmaster; John Ramage told of the work done by the committee appointed to bring about a closer connection .between the town and , the state "training school; Fred E'venden' reported .on' the activities for the committee appointed to co operate with the state game- com hnl&slon and reported the organiza- .,' tlon of the Woodburn Rod and Gun - club and the efforts made for stocking the 1350 acre game pre serve at Wocdburn with birds; c. J. Espy exhibited the silver trophies Von by talent from Woodburn high school at the community contests CJast spring In Salem and these tro phies were later presented to the high school to be displayed in the trophy case; Eugene Courtney, chairman of the roads committee reported their success In retaining the arch on the hlRhway which pro claims to the world that Woodburn Is "The World's Berry Center" and : also of their success In the Improve ment of the Klllin bridge road and t hnoke of other project along this Mine which .should be taken up next ' year. ' : .. . 1 In this closing speech retiring .president Butterfleld gave a brief fcbutllne of other matters accomp lished during tne year not covered i'by the standing committees, which .'-Included a successful turkey day held last December which drew the largest crowd In the history of ' Woodburn. The community Christ mas tree and many other things of value which were sponsored by tlx club. Superintendent Balllle stated that If the committee to arrange for a community Christmas tree this year would come out to the school and pick out a tree from their woods, the boys would cut the tree '.and Bring It to Woodbum, - SILVERTON PASTOR AND CHORUS HEARD Scotts Mills Rev. Livingston, pastor of the Christian church of Sllverton, delivered a Thanksgiving message at the Christian church Tuesday evening, a numuer from his congregation accompanied him here, including the men's chorus which delivered a special number. The services were well attended. ' TREATMENTS GIVEN Scotts Mills Fifteen of the boys and girls here recetvrd the toxin anti-toxin and four were vaccinated under the direction of Dr. Vernon A. Douglas. Dr. Douglas will come and Rive the second treatment next Monday. TEACHERS FOR SILVERTON IN CLUB PROGRAM Sllverton The Sllverton teachers club met Tuesday evening in the music room of the Eugene Field building. The following program with the Mesdames Mary Alfred, Harriet Dunn and Ana Powell In charge was given. Vocal solo, Kathleen Booth with Frank lyn Evanson at the piano; trumpet solo, Billy Kleeb, Hal Campbell at the piano; soronet nolo, Wayne Tate, Hal Campbell at the piano; piano solo, Betty Kletnsorge. Two vocal solos by j Marjorie Hubbs, accompanied by her sister Mildred; address, "Voca tional Guidance", by Principal Lambert. After the program refreshments were served in the home economics room, Miss Thorn ison, domestic science teacher, supervising. Later an informal social hour was held when an old fashioned spelling contest was indulged in at which Miss Hannah OLn principal of thf Eugene Field building won first prize which was a nice spelling pad .The committees for toe next meet Ing aret program MaevArnold, Dor othy Kruger and Veda Bennett; professional, Warren E. Crabtree, and the Misuses Clifford alid Robin son; refreshment, Florence Story, Heivie b uver and Muriel Bentson, XMAS OCCUPIES ATTENTION FOR CLUB AT SHAW Shaw The women of the Waldo Hills club held their first fall meet ing at the home of Mrs. John But tiner last Thursday. Plans for the Christmas holidays were discussed and some appoint ments made. Those apopinted as chairmen were Mrs. William Howd. refreshments; Mrs. John Omart, en tertainment; and Mrs. Edmond Cof fin, decorating. The afternoon was spent In social conversation and fancy work. Lunch was served by the hostess to Mrs. William Howd, Mrs. John Gruchj, Mrs. Charles McAllister, Mrs. John Amort, Mrs. William BrowneU, Mrs. Edmond G of fin, Mrs. William Berg and the hostess Mrs. John Bothinet Further plans will be made for Christmas at the home of Mrs. Ear nest Peterson at Salem. TALBOT WOMEN TO PRESENT PROGRAM COMMUNITY TREE IS PLANNED FOR MARION Marion The Community club met at the W. O. W. hall Tuesday eve ning. Dr. David B. Hill of Salem showed Interesting moving pictures of Oregon and other films. At the business meeting it was de cided to have a communrty Christ mas tree and Ar P. J. Lathy, Lee Smith and Hubert Dane were ap pointed on the committee of ar rangements. The school is planning on a Thanksgiving program to be given at the schoolhouse Wednesday. Talbot Mrs. Claud Johnson en ter mined the Talbot Woman's club at her home near here recently. Plans were discussed for the pro gram to be given December 6 which will consist of several musical nuirv bers by the chamber of commerce of Albany and two short dialogues and speaking. N- admission is to be charged at the door. The mem bers, of the club will serve supper after the entertainment, the pro ceeds to go to the children's farm home at Corvallis. RefreehJiients -were served by Mrs. Johnson,, assisted by Mrs. Arthur Johnson. Thowe present were Mrs. N. H. Doty, Mrs. Frank Brown. Mrs. D. E. Bliaiton, Mrs. Sara Taylor, Mrs. Albert Davidson, Mrs. J. M. Calavan, Mrs. C. Emmons, Mrs. Da vid Turnldje. Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mrs. G. M. Belknap, and the host, Mrs. Johnson. Mis. Warren Cooley of Freewatcr, and Mrs. Arthur John son were guests for the afternoon. EPWORTH LEAGUERS SINGERS ENJOYED Dallas The Yinger sinters, six Epworth Leaguers irom Boston uni versity, presented very entertain ing program Wednesday evening at the Methodist church, consisting of ioatsumental solos, impersonations, vocal solos, spirituals, and classic. They entertained at the high chool assembly In the afternoon, and on Thursday evening they sang at Salem, MONTHLY SILVER TEA IS OFFERED BY LADIES' AID . POPULATION INCREASING Oates Two birth are reported In the community. Mr. and Mrs. Nor rls Thomas, east of here, are the par-nts of a girl, named Dorothv end Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Stafford, who make their home across the river from Oatea, a son. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stafford are graduates of Oates high school. This la their FTnnrt child, the first being a girl. This Coupon and 5c Admit one child Vnder 12 GRAND THEATER Saturday Not. U DRAG SAW STOLEN NEAR JEFFERSON Jefferon When W. A. Barnes of Jefferson went to his work at the Fred Looncy ranch on the highway north of Jefferson, Tuesday, where he Is cutting wood, he found that some time during the night thieves had stolen his Vaughn drag saw, double bitted axe and splitting bar. No tracks were seen to Indicate which way the thief or thieves went. Barnes Immediately notified the sheriff both at Salem and Albany out so lar. notntng nas been learned. I.EAVKS FOR CHICAGO Marion Oeorge Stephens started for Chicago by auto on Wednesday. He will attend the International stock show and expect to be back by Christmas. Stephens lately re turned from Canada where he had been on a fair elrrult. GRANGERS ARE GUEST OF MONMOUTH LIONS Monmouth The Monmouth Lions club invited the grange to a lunch eon at tlie- Monmouth hotel Tues day evening. About thirty grangers and tneir wives were there. D. P. Dewey, toastmaster. on be' half of the club extended greetings to me grangers. A brier program was given by the club. This was re sponded to by talks from the grange. by Grove Peterson, William Stock holm, and Mr. Burdock. BAKER WILL MOVE Sllverton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bock of Wenatchee, Wash., arrived here Wednesday to aee about their building on Oak street now occu pied by Joe Feilen as a bakery. Fellen mill move his bake shop and store to the store space on Water street next to the Water street meat shop as soon as It Is made ready.' Independence B. K. Smith, local manager for the Spaulding Log ging Co., accompanied by F. W. Berry and J. O. Mcintosh will motor to Corvallis Thursday night to be present at the Farmer- Lum bermen conference held at the O. A C, 1 West Salem Mrs. Fred Gibson opened her attractive home Kiiig'Aood. avenue. Wednesday aft ernoon lor the Novemb?r silver tea meeting or the Ladies' Aid of Ford Memorial church. Hostesses with Mrs. Gibson were Mrs. J. I. Miller, Mrs. J. A. Gosser and Miss Lottie Mc Adams. The entertainment committee with Mrs. M. A. Groves as chair man presented the following pro gram: reading, Mrs. Ralph Sebern; reaaing. Mrs. A. L. Applewhite; vocal duet. Mrs. Sebern and Mrs. Emmet t Dickson with violin obll- gato by Mrs. Peter Foelkl and Mrs. waiao Baker at the piano; reading, Miss Lottie Mc Adams; vocal solo, Mrs. Guy Newgent accompanied by Mrs. Ray Ferguson. After the program the hours were spent socially and In the playing of memory games. Announcement was made that the Ladies' Aid would hold a bizaar and rummage sale, Friday and Sat-1 urday, December 6 and 7 In the faternoon and evening in the base ment ot tne church. The December social meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. George Chapman on Third street. At the tea hour fhe hostesses were assisted in serving refresh ments by Mrs. Darrel Bradford. Those present were Mesdames F. P. Wells, Ralph Sebern, George Steward. J. A. Gasper, George W Chapman. J. R. Bedford, B. K. Eng- lehorn, J. Wayne Baker, F. M Moore, L. T. Wallace. J. I. Miller. W. D. Phillips. J. M. Fisher. Guy Newgent, Ray Ferguson, Frank For ester, Floyd DeLapp, Meredith A. Oroves, Robert Hall, D. A. Williams, Edwin Brock, Elmer Rierson, Em mett Dickson, T. B jell and, V. Rob eruon, Darren Bradford, 6. H. Creasy. P. Foelkl, W. L. La Due, A. L. Applewhite, J. D. Austin, Esther Armstrong, J. R. Kennedy, Beck- man, Jaric summers. Fred Gibson, Miss Catherine Applewhite and Miss Lottie McAdanis. DALLAS SCHOOL OFFERS CHANCE FOR ETIQUETTE Dallas It. R. Turner, superin tendent of schools is Installing an additional class at the high school. a class in social ethics to teach the young people In their bearing to wards one another, to feel at ease in company and to tnow the cor rect manners and etiquette. This is the first thing done to a student upon his entrance to col lege, and Turner says he received the inspiration when he attended & high school banquet and noticed several of the young folks not eat ing because they did not know how to handle their knives and forks. It is an optional class being tak en once a week in addition to the regular studies, but 18 boys and 41 girls have already signed for In struction, mere will be separate classes for boys and girls, . Miss Helen Woodward teaching, the girls, and Turner the boys. . : , '. BARNES IS FREED UNDER HEAVY BAIL Dallas Ezekiel Barnes, charged with three others on a staturtory charge, at West Salem last week, was released from the Dallas jail Wednesday on $1000 bonds. Moore famished ball wnen arrested and the other two, B. R. Simpson, and W. H. Stone, are still in Jail, but expect to furnish ball soon. CARDS ARE ENJOYED AT CALDWELL HOME Scio Members of the Sclo "500' club were entertained at the home of Mrs. E. P. Caldwell Wednesday evening, when three tables were in play. Mrs. Carl Smith scored high, while Mrs. Gallegly secured the consolation prize. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mi's. Hurst and Mrs. Cyrus. YOUNGS MAKE TRIP Sllverton Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young and son Ed Junior, left Thursday by auto for Oakland, Calif., for several weeks' trip. They will visit Young's brother and sev- erat of his aunts. They expect to make trips to other parts of that state. Their daughter, Muw Blanch, will remain here and attend high school and Mrs. Thomas Davis will stay at the Young residence to be with her. CLU3 FORMED IN CRABTREE SECTION Scio Mrs. Reuben Becker is leader o; the 4-H sewing club or ganized at Crabtree. A short pro gram was prepared by the teacher 01 tne upper gades. Miss Anene Small. D. B. Fales, Linn county club leader, gave a talk on club work and kindred subjects. i he ioiiowmsr officers were elect ed, Marget Stewart, president; Nina Coultard, vice-president: Doris Milligan. secretary; Evelyn Ray, song leader; Bertha Hoffman, yell icauer; jjeioris uoawin, pews re porter. Members of the club ln clyde th.e officers named, together w 1 1 h Ruth Coultard, Marjorie Smith. Velma Harriman, Doris Mil llgan, Marie Dypstra, Oletha Oreen. Robert Stewart -was appointed , leader with instructions to complete i organization of a call club, which j lacked one member of being standard club. TURNER SCHOOL TAX IS VOTED; BUDGET PASSED Turner The annual school bud eet meeting for Turner district No. 79 was held Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock h) the high school audi toxium. The budget as estimated by the board was voted with only one slight change to take care of re pairs to the gymnasium. The es timate for repairing the' Interior of the gymnaaum building was put at about (J00. Tills includes 4.000 feet of lum ber to be used in seating up the in terior and rebracing the east wall. Total estimated expenses for the year amounted to $17,475. Receipts arc estimated at $10,131. A special tax amounting to $V 29.1, the estimated deticit. was car ried unanimously by ballot. Not a dif sent Ing vote was cast which is looked upon as a vote of confidence m the school board which is com posed of C. A. Bear, chairman of board of directors; Stanley Riches, U. E. D?nyer, and W. T. Riches district clerk. LITERARY SOCIETY FORMEMOPEWELL Hopewell Fain-lew schoolhouse was crowded with visitors who came to see the carnival given by the pu pils of Pairview school. The total receipts for the evening wss report ed to have been 35. The pupils report they cleared 19 which they win use for what they may need. later on. The community at this time or ganized a community club or liter ary society. The following officers were elected: president, Mrs. Veta Stephens: vice president, Mrs. Dude Wood; secretary. Miss Lyle Nye hart. The society will meet the last Friday in each month. ENTERTAIN STUDENTS OF LUTHERAN FAITH Monmouth Mrs. T. Severson and Kelson served dinner Wednes day evening at the home of Mrs, Severson, on East Jackson street, for the Lutheran students of the normal school. Dr. and Mrs. Jensen and Rev. Schulef were special inputs. PIE SOCIAL FRIDAY Evergreen A pie social and pro gram are being prepared by the Happy Hour club to be given at the schoolhouse Friday evening. It is expected that a large crowd will be out from this and surrounding neighborhoods as well. Hollywood Theatre Home of 25c Talkies Last Times Today "The Bridge of San Luis Rey" From life Hook by Thornton Wilder Marring T.If.A IMMITA, MHN'FST TOMRKXt K, HAQIKL TOIIR1X and 1IO.V AI.VAKAUO A wonderful Book trans formed to the Scre-en with Mu3ic and Sound Also Psihe All Talking 'oineily "Gentlemen of the Evening" SUNBEAM CIRCLE WOLDS ELECTION MONMOUTH HALL Monmouth Sunbeam' Circle. Neighbors of Woodcraft, held their regular meeting In the I. o. o. r. hall .Tuesday evening. The following officers were elect ed to serve for the coming year Ivy Hamar, past guardian neigh bor: Minnie Price, guardian neigh bor; Agnes Hoag, advisor: Susie Stanton, clerk: Hattie Winegar, banker: Helen Yeater. magician: Ruth Hamar, attendant; Dorothy Demlng. flag bearer; Alice Yeater, inner sentinel: Opal Derby, outer sentinel: Bernice Winegar. musi cian: Ruth Ebbert. correspondent: Minnie White. Sadie Waller and Ida 6rott, managers; Ruth Ebbert. Installing officer. It was voted to have an old fash ioned home coming at the next meeting, and Agnes Hoag was ap pointed to plan for It, and appoint committees for the various duties. A pot -luck supier was served at the close of the session. Scio A regular meeting of the Parent-Teachers' association is to be held at the auditorium of the Sclo high school Thurfday evening of this wepk. THREE LINKS CLUB GUEST BERRY HOME Lyons The Three Links club met at the home of Mrs. Floyd Berry, in Fox Valley. Tuesday afternoon. Present vera Mrs. Helen Vaughn. The afternoon was spent in quilting. Alice Ifuber, Emma, Monroe, Ada Wiley, Alta Bodelter, Ruth Trask, Rose Berry and the hostess, Mra. Berry. A luncheon was served at the close of the meeting. ( GOITER A remedy for goiter has been de veloped by The Physicians Treat ment U Advisory company. 3245 Sanborn Bid?., Battle Creek, Mich igan, which is very efficient in the treatment of this unsightly and dangerous disease. Many of the largest and mat hideous goiters begin to recede almost immediately after the treatment Is begun. They gradually get smaller, and In many cases are entirely gone in a com paratively short time. It is equally efficient in cases of toxic and so- called inside goiter. The treatment is harmless and anyone can use It with safety at home. A 44-page illustrated .booklet on the Causes, Dangers and Non-Surgical Treatment of Goiter, Issued by this company, fully explains the treatment and will be mailed free to any infpref'ted sufferer. adv. VJX JL fof It may te the litlle stomach; it may be the bowels are sluggish. No matter what coats a child's tongue, its a safe and sensible precaution to give a few drops of Castoria. This gentle regulation of the little system soon sets things to fights. A pure vegetable preparation that can't harm a wee infant, but brings quick comfort even when It is colic, diarrhea. ' or similar disturbance. And don't forsake Castoria as rt fro n "i- t)ie child grows older. If you "Want to raise boys and girls with stroni; systems that will ward off constipation, stick to- good old Castoria; and give nothing stronger when there's any irregu larity except on the advice of a doctor. Castoria is sold in every drugstore, and the genuine alwaya bears CI1.13. H. Fletcher's signa ture on tne wrapper. 1 - ri x m.t,- C -! Direction Fox West Coast Theatres TODAY and last times FRIDAY MeTro-CooWj-Mauer presents GRAND THEATRE Totlnjr and Tomorrow Frazier Players In Up-Side-Down OX THE fX'UKKY THR WHIP s.vrritn.w oxi.r KEN MAYNARD ! ' in The California Mail COMKDT JiEVrfl OOMIXO " 'TARZAN THE MIGHTY" PERSON . SUIT. MOIT. hi t irv3 V-.- " ' -.-V 'sH'A- i A Medley cf Mirth and Melody te til w I nm Vlr C3 or STARS ON PARADE Conlinnotw 00, 4:20. 6:10, 9:00 Till 5:00 P. M. I V4 V Gcorg Dewey Washington PARAMOUNT, MEWS PATHE NEWS RKVJKW . pjk - - V!I J. 'SZi Coming Frldny and Saturday fA E'-S fel ft3 fejSj -T. J Ba E-V KEN MAYNARD in l 4a)U4 UP JA.rftlA ,Mf NOW PLAYING SALEM r'TjCfcX. SKE and HEAR Drama that turns Vf$ i ffiiir 'hAV' t8e" ,nt0 T"r Tery aoul . . . Song fVuCylfi f bt t 7ai vr hits that you'll crooa for weeks .. . JBJ rvlvjl fff3SMZSi fSf'.ri 100" Talking, Slug. wSir'-" CW . s I N f m ll mm Sunday Brings A 100 AU-Talking, Singing Color Sensation Oft- mmm Make IlaM for ths MID-NITE PREVIEW ThU Saturday Ere 11:30 dci(B to kt lb taut iawriAr dtw ntrv MkMflM. ot bbtii m alntH . DMT. Marquetr doat pamrh ol MteM bMi walcwt Ve.Wrr wmrtf in tfa Mchr4 folj RenfalrM Kd4. Fbmm b'-Mnl I, i:0S Complete with Tubn XOCRO - SYNCHRONOUS 9 t1tdzLim dress t the fimeat art Im the mnst luxurious radio cabinet erer built I dtafrict yoa wont toilers poalbl! Viclor-Rdioconqoered the aonitrT over aitlit on tha bui of out md out PHK tUKMANCB. Now Victor hu put ihii un iniuin Kt into tha nonJerlul cabinet ererr man aa4 wooi.o of lull hat kmjui for. lien is a lewel-lika Dice of foraiture built with the cars and craftim.nAiip onir Victor ould ,.v. ill Al a linure only unlimited Victor mourcea could m.k. po..ibl.l Come Id aod itka juit one look at Victor Radio dt Imxtl Ctmvtuitnt Itrm pajmnf BOS'T WAIT! Geo. C. Will Music House 4M STATE STREET 8a.ema Leading Muuc Store for 4 Year! Now 1 utotvo ym