Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 21, 1929, Page 12, Image 12

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    PACI- I U ! I VR
Crescent City, Cal. W) Transcript
of testimony presented at a hearing
here looking toward development ol
this harbor by the government were
being prepared Thursday lor sub
mission to the commerce committee
of the United States senate, whose
action resulted In an economic re-
survey of the large southern Oregon
and northern California territory
involved, In its relation to the har
Representatives of six oil com
panies, lumber exporters and mines
testified before Major E. H. Ropes,
district engineer of the army board,
who presided at 'the hearing, and
Lieutenant P. B. Butler. All told how
development of this harbor would
benefit them and the territory Involved.
L. A. Levensaler, head of the
Northwest Mining department of
the American Smelting and Refin
Ing company, pointed out that mines
in this territory are paying a high
er freight rate per ton mile haul
than any other customer of his
Levensaler said his company la in
terested in finding an economic out
let for the ores of this district as
It Is considered one of the best un
developed mineral areas In north
ern California and southern Oregon.
The chamber of ' commerce of
Medford in a report submitted at
the hearing listed 11,090 carloads of
products shipped from that section
during the year 1928. The report
stated: "Should development of the
Crescent City harbor reach a point
where ocean going craft could be
accommodated, a large portion of this
representative tonnage would be
made tributary to that point. Trans
portation facilities between the
Rogue river valley and that harbor
would result."
Hobos, Hall & company of this
city reported they ate forced to ex
port lumber in small boats, from
which the product is transferred to
ocean going vessels at San Francis
co. Development of this harbor, their
report stated, would eliminate this
.' .V 7 .
Aasoriated Freit Photo
Sir Ronald Lindsay, permanent under-secretary of state for for
Ion affaire, will eucceed Sir Esm Howard as British ambassador
to Washington.
Hints On Success
With Angora Goats
BurlinRton, la, (IP) Living on a
larm ior over hair a century where
gas and electric lights were known
only in advertisements, Henry Ille.
74, old his old homestead the other
day and moved to town.
One of the new tangled contrap
tions which he found upon secur
ing a room at a rooming house was
a Kas light. The ltrst night he was
anxious to see what it was like.
He turned on the bus Jet, worked
with It several times and then left
It when it wouldn't light. The old
kerosene lamp, salvaged from his
farm effects, was brought out of
the trunk and worked much better
than this new gas contraption, he
Ille went to bed. During the night
he awoke, 111 and dizzy. He opened
the door of his room and then went
back to bed.
Late in the morning he was found
semi-conscious by the landlord. And
from his bed in the St. Francis hos
pital where he Is recovering from
the effect of the gas he had left
turned on all night the aged man
admits, "I guess I'm Just a little
bit behind the times."
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Woods and
little daughter Ruth started from
West Salem Tuesday for southern
California, going by auto. They have
located of Los Angeles,
and drove all the way, a distance
of 1200 miles. Mr. Woods has acted
upon the advice of his physician to
Change locations on account of lung
trouble. Mrs. Woods Is the young
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs, N. J.
Bowers, whose home Is at 1018 Sixth
Mrs. J. M. Fisher of Plaza street
and Mrs. Eugene Kreba of Kingwood
Heights were Tuesday dinner guests
at the George Detweiler home in
Salem and on Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Krebs entertained at her home
with a dinner party, honoring Mrs.
Usher on her birthday anniversary.
Rev. M. A. Groves attended the
Hireling of the board of foreign of the Methodist Episco
pal church held In Portland. He re
turned home Tuesday evening.
Would you Invest your money in
a herd of Angora goats, turn them
loose on a large tract of logged off
land and go to the city to live? It
Is being done.
It Is time we begin to give the
goat on logged Jf land subject
some thought. There are very few
people fitted to handle goats under
the most favorable conditions. You
sure must "know your goats" In
order to make a success. First, you
must clean the range of coyotes and
the large cats. Then fence Into
lots suitable for size of herd, build
sheds, make predatory animal proof
night corrall. Make roads from
night corrall to the heavy brush
thickets. Get a tractor and snow
plow, they will save you lots of
goats and feed.
Now get your goats and your
troubles begin, put a sack of rock
salt on your back, take a brush
hook, and go looking for evergreen
blackberries, (the worst foe for
hang ups) cut the vines away, burn
them, put a hand full of salt on the
West Salem Among the eighty
entries In the annual chrysanthe
mum show held at Oak Grove re
cently, under the supervision of the
Ladles Aid of that community, were
many gorgeous blooms.
Mrs. Fred Gibson of Kingwood
avenue, this city, was one of the
exhibitors and a basket of the love
ly flowers of assorted colors, which
she entered took a second prize.
Mrs. Gibson also took third prizes
on two other entries. Her flowers
were all grown In the out of doors.
London (LP) A member of the
fire brisade of Hurst-., uhn
has worn the same pair of trousers
ior jo years, has been promised a
new pMr bv the Parish counrtl.
crown of the stool and look for an
other one.
In the meantime bring your fcoate
Into the night corrall every night,
turn them out very early In the
morning. Have one or two good
dogs, they are more keen to detect
trouble than you are. Keep close
watch of the mouth and feet. I
have known heavy losses from ul
cerated teeth.
Watch close your late breeders, as
a kid has a better chance in life
after April than In February In the
high altitudes. Pay particular at
tention to penning at kidding time.
Vou can make 300 pens. 4x4 feet
in a shed 34x200 feet. These pens
should be constructed of 1x3 inch
material, sides three feet high,
fronts two feet, put together with
hooks and eyes to be taken down
when not In use. The penning at
kidding time system, will eliminate
your losses at kidding time. The
female goat has the same udder
Ills as the cow.
The goat apparently doesn't suf
fer as much by walking away, let
ting the kid starve to death, as she
does to let him draw the milk.
Pin worms, I mink, is the worst
enemy we have to the Angora goat
Industry. It causes about 40 per
cent of our losses. The pin worm
has an Intermediate point In Its
cycle of propagation, the egg comes
out In the droppings, hatches, goes
onto the young foliage, and a new
goat comes along and takes It Into
the stomach. It takes about eight
days to hatch and get upon the
Unless It gets Into a stomach or
the intestinal channel within a few
days it dies. Hence, 10 day lot ro
Some people "may" be able to
handle goats successfully and fight
pin worms but I don't think so.
And this all leads up to refor
estation, but that Is another subject.
3!W N. Hiirh St.
Washington OP) Chemical war
fare service la a thriving unit of the
Army despite the Senate's ratifica
tion of a treaty to abolish chemical
warfare and In an annual report
published today It vas revealed
Army chemists are attempting to
extend their chemical devices to
protection of uniforms, tanas and
even battleships at sea.
in contrast with largely routine
work reported by chiefs of older
arms of the service, the report of
Mai. Oen. H. L. Gilchrist, chief of
cnemical warfare. Is a storv of ex
perimentation In strange fields. The
senate's ratification of the Wash
ington Arms Conference treaty'
which the State Department says
was designed to abolish chemical
warfare does not hinder Gilchrist.
That .Is because other signatories,
notably Prance, refused to ratify
the instrument and It cannot be
some operative until ratification Is
So long as other armies are free
to experiment with chemicals for
cattle purposes, the War Depart
ment maintains its Chemical War
fare Service at the highest possible
level of efficiency.
Laymen may not realize what Is
perfectly plain to military men who
Know an emergency may sometime
cause them to battle gas cloud with
gas cloud. For instance, no one
knows how far chemicals In the fu
ture may be developed for use
against tanks, armored cars or bat
tleships; nor Is there any certainty
some agile-brained foreign chemist
may not devise a gas cloud which
would disintegrate an attacking sol
dier's clothing leaving him in the ol a charge as nude as a
Such matters are occupying Amer
ica's chemical warfare research
men now. If motors or warships can
be rendered useless by gas, the Ar
my wants to know about It, perfect
the method and devise preventive
measures. Navy funds are used for
experimentation on naval subjects.
Similarly work is in hand on design
of clothing which would be impreg
nated with a substance to protect
the body and limbs of the wearer
against gas. The field army of the
future, under a recent authorization,
will be equipped with a laboratory
which, if necessary, colud analyze
and devise prtection against sur
prise gasses loosed by an enemy.
Shaw Construction on a beacon
to light the coast airway has
started near the highway west of
Shaw on the Prank Schnieder
farm. Men from the U. S. depart
ment of commerce are In charge
of the work.
Matinee Serial Film
Pictures JHistorical
Settings In England
This Coupon and Five Cents
Will admit any Salem youngster 12 years of age or younger, to the
Capital Journal-Capitol Theater
Matinee for children to see the Seventh Chapter of
The Ace of Scotland yard"
November 22-232 P." M. 4 p. M.
Although "The Ace of Scotland Yard," serial talking pic
ture which is being presented weekly by the Capital Journal
to Salem boys and girls through arrangements with the Cap
ital theater, Is a story oT the pres
ent, much of the action takes place
in the replica of a medieval English
castle, many of which at present
are occupied by noble English fam
This castle, complete with Its
towers, dungeons and moat offers
marvelous possibilities for the my
riad adventures of Inspector Blake
of Scotland Yard, and all the other
players, In their, pursuit of the an
cient "love ring ' in the story,
Another big Movietone feature
on the same program la "Broad
way", an unusual story of life
along the one street that perhaps
Is the most famous In the world.
The program Is completed with Vit
aphone vaudeville acts and sound
news reels.
Salem boys and girls 12 years of
age or younger will be admitted for
this full two-hour program of en-
tertalnme:it at-Bligh's Capitol the
ater both Friday and Saturday af
ternoon at 2 and 4 o clock upon
presentation of the Capital Journ
al coupon and five cents.
Swegle Friday evening there will
be a community gathering at the
school house for a pot luck supper,
social evening and organization of
a community club.
Sclo The regular monthly social
and business meeting of the Chris
tian Endeavor was held at the W.
M. Callaway home, a short distanie
east of town, Wednesday evening.
Twenty-two members were present.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Abbott.
Dallas A covered dl'h suDDer for
all teachers and officers of the
Christian church Bible school was
held Wednesday evening at the
church. The supper was arranged
as a conference to work out plans
and needs for the Blblp school.
No More Piles
Washington OF) The Internal
revenue bureau ruled Tuesday that
the liquid fuel tax Imposed by the
state of Washington Is deductible
In the income tax return of the
consumers who pay it and to whom
it is not refunded. The bureau
ruled, however, that if the tax Is
added to or made part of the busi
ness expense of the consumer, It
cannot be deducted separately as
Sabetha, Kans.. (LP) A merchant
offered a 55-pound watermelon to
anyone who could carry it home
without setting It down. The Rev.
A. L. Hope won the melon. It was
an eicht-block walk.
Can't Mop Kitchen-
Gas Pressed Heart
"When I mopped my kitchen I
was all in. stomach eas nressed so
on my heart. Alderika ended the gas
and I wark fine now."Mrs. Tliomp-
Even the FIRST sooonful of Al
derika relieves gas on the stomach
and removes astonishing amounts
of old waste matter from the sys
tem. Makes you enjoy your meals
and sleep better. No matter what
you have tried for vonr stomnph
and bowels, Alderika will surprise
.uu. rrrrv s IJPlg rsrore. adv.
The new mail service schedule
between Salem and Dallas and
other west side points to give direct
connections either by train or auto
stare three times a day. morning.
noon and late afternoon, will prob 4,
ably go Into effect December
Postmaster John H. Farrar has
been advised.
The proposed new schedule was
worked out by Field Agent Rand of
the postal department at confer
ence with Interested parties her
and at Dallas last week.
Try Journal Want Ads
vou are NOT
J a
g' . " - J
Are you being denied the happiness that is due you in life?
IT is easy to abuse our golden life-givenl
body, but Nature has a way of signaling
danger. If heeded, graver troubles may b
avoided.. That tired, exhausted feeling, lack
of appetite, aches and pains, flabby flesh, skin
troubles all speak of a body weakness a
lack of the normal count of red-blood-cell.
Every normal person's blood should eon
tain about $.000,000 red corpuscles to the
cubic millimeter those vitalizing, tiny red
cells which give blood its color and are car
riers of nourishment to every part of the
body. It is dangerous to let the red blood
count remain below normal.
With an increase in the red-blood-cells
you will be on the right road to Health. This
is Nature's way to body power and to clear
skin. Naturally, with your strength restored,
it is easier to fight disease and infection; to
enjoy your food and to sleep soundly. When
firm flesh takes the place of t'at which was
once flabby, you will feel strong your
nerves, will become steady more happiness
and friends will follow.
S.S.S. has been a blessing to millions o
people. It helps Nature increase the red
blood cells. It promotes healthy body build
ing. It is time-tested and has a successful
Tccord of over 100 years back of it.
You owe it to yourself to try S.S.S. It Is
easily assimilated. Pleasant to take. It is
on sale at all drug stores in two sizes. Ask
for the larger size. It is more economical.
Pile iufferers can only get oulck,
safe mid lasting relief by removing
the cause bad blood circulation in
the lower bowel. Cutting and aalves
can't do this nn Internal remedy
must be used. Dr. Lconhardt's Hem
Rold, a harmless tablet, succeeds be
cause It relieves this blood conges
tion ana strengthens me anectea
parts. Hem-Hold 1ms a wonderful
record for oulck. safe and lasting re
lief to Pile sufferers. It will do the
same for vou or money back. Capital
Drug store and druggists anywhere
sell Hem-Roid with this guarantee.
Fi'r drop Freezone
slops all pain
Doesn't hurt one bit. Drop a little
"Free-one" on an aching corn. In
stantly that corn stops hurtlns.
then shortly you lift It right off
witn lingers.
Your druggist sells ft tiny bottle
f "Frewone'" for ft few
cents, sufficient to re
move every hard corn,
oft com, or corn be
tween the toes, and the
foot Oftllouses,
without soreness or
Wood loss
The man who wouldn't drive his
motorcar half a mile when it's out of
order, will often drive his brain all
day with head that's throbbing.
Such punishment isn't very good
for one's nerves! It's unwise, and
it's unnecessary. A tablet or two
of Bayer Aspirin will relieve s bead
ache every time. So, remember
this accepted antidote for pain, and
spars yourself a lot of needless suf
fering. Read the proven directions
and you'll discover many valuable
uses for thees tablets. For head
aches; to check colds. To esse a
sore throat sad reduce the infection.
For relieving neuralgic, neuritie,
rheumatic pain.
Feople used to wonder If Bayer
Aspirin wis harmful. The doctors
Perry's Drug Store's Great Offer
To All Who Suffer Stomach
Agony, Gas And Indigestion
Money Bach if One Bottle of Dare's Mentha Pepsin Doesn't
Do xuu More Uood Than Anything You Ever Used
You can be so distressed with gas
and fullness and bloating that you
think your heart is going to stop
Your stomach may be so distend
ed that your breathing Is short and
You think perhaps you are suffo
You arc dizzy and pray for quick
relief what's to be done?
Just one tablespoon of Dare's
Mentha Pepsin and In ten minutes
the gas disappears, the pressing on
the heart ceases and you can
breathe deep and naturally,
Ohl What blessed relief; but why
not get rid of such attacks alto
gether? Why have Indigestion at
With this wonderful medicine you
can overcome Indigestion or dys
pepsia, or any condition that keeps
the stomach in constant rebellion
and one bottle will prove It.
Ak for and insist on getting
Dare's Mentha Pepsin, a pleasant to
take, health building stomach elix
ir that regular pharmacists any
where in America guarantee. adv.
answered that question years ago.
It ka not. Some folks still wonder if
It really dors relieve pain. That'
settled! For millions of men snd
women have found it dot. To
curs the cause of any pain you must
consult your doctor; but you may
always turn to Bayer Aspirin for
Immediate relic.
Essex Sedan
IT WAS $535
Friday Only
Combined Used Car Lot
Jsst Across the Bridge on Sonth Commercial
Bonesteele Motor Co.
Marion Garage Co.
P. S. If purchased before noon we will
give 50 gallons gas
Pleasant New Way To End Vile Nasal
Tells The
His New
Opens Up
Nostrils In
3 Minutes.
Is That
Good News?
30 Days Free Trial Says
Catarrh, one of the most loathsome of diseases,
is caused by germs wicked, vicious, persistent pests
that multiply rapidly and by digging into and de
vouring the tender membrane cause soreness, swell
ing, Inflammation and mucous discharges.
A few. years ago, Catarrh was considered Incur
able, because no one was clever enough to get to
gether a formula that would spread over the mem
branes of the nasal tract a purifying substance In
which catarrh germs could not exist.
But Opex changed all that and now all you have
to do to get rid of catarrh Is to spray on Opex and
send the germs to eternity.
Just note the picture showing how Opex puts
catarrh out of business. See the steam-liae smoke
going In one nostril snd out the other. '
When you use Opex you see the healing, purify
ing vapor as fine as smoke coming thru the nostrils
and It will come thru no matter how stuffed up
they are.
That's the way to end catarrh snd to lessen those
I annoying, ringing, buzzing noises In the ears. Many
people say 11 is ine only way.
The price of a bottle of Opex that will last two
months Is 1.00-lt Is easily worth one hundred dol
lars to any man or woman who wants clean healthy
nastrils free from disgusting mucus.
Opex will end the most stubborn case of catarrh
n a few days, because It soothes and heals the sore.
Inflamed membranes, reduces the swelling and nuri
ties the entire nasal tract.
And remember this the toughest old head, colds
are knocked oat In a few hourj with Opex It's the
magic treatment of science, for with this new db.
covery you can reach the entire respiratory tract
right down to the bottom of the lungs.
mr ,h.l'n mlnd f l wlU be Joyful news
millions. After job spray Opex for two or three weeks
there won't be any lamp of mucus In your throat te
hawk ap every morning what s blessing.
Opex Is sold In this elty by Capital drug store,
with the distinct andenUnding that If yoa are not
satisfied at the end of 3 day, ymr money will be
gtadly returned. Opex Is drnghlfal to aw breaaM
or Its wholesome fragrance. Inhale as yoa (pray It
yoa want to reach the bottom of the longs yoa cam
aba spray that sre throat with parifylng opex.
i at IiiictUmss
AuMs b las mat auk el Bant Mmmwis at Urn