THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1929 EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES POLK - YAMHILL COUNTY NEWS BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT PACE TIM! EE LEGION PARADES FOR PLEASURE OF SCHOOL KIDDIES Dallas Carl B. Fenton pott, No. 30, American Legion Is sponsoring a Hallowe'en parade and contest tor the children in U rooms including all grades up to the seventh of the grammar schools here Thursday evening. Around 400 children are expected in the event. The parade will be formed at the junior high school and proceed from there south on Main to Court street, and then east on Court to halt at the band stand on the court house square. The Judges will com plete their decisions and winners called to the platform to receive their prizes. Individual awards will number at least 77 and there will be awards for rooms with best attendance and best group costumes. The city band and the city fire department will participate in the program, after which the auxiliary Is holding its annual Hallowe'en dance at the armory. Music Is to be furnished by Thomas brothers and a good crowd Is expected About 125 couples attended last year and the added features to the entertainment this year are ex pected to attract even more. BABY GIRLS BORN Dallas Three baby girls are re ported born within the last few days at the Dallas hospital. They are Nora Qeraldlne, to Mr. and Mrs. Olen Willis; daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moffltt; and Virginia May, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Todd. More than 900 plants m Germany row bum pulverized coal. AMITY STAR MEETS WITH MANY PRESENT Amity Amity chapter No. S7 O. E. S. held Its regular meeting in the Masonic hall Monday evening. There was Initiation -work. Lunch was served at a late hour. The tables were decorated with pumpkins In the form of baskets filled with fruit. and late autumn flowers and foliage. Refraihments suitable lor Hallo we'en were served and a social time enjoyed by all present. The attend ance was good. WOMEN IN CHARGE OF CHURCH PROGRAM Hopewell Women of the TJ. B. church gave a program at the church Sunday. Mrs. Howard Stephens, Mrs. R. R. Campbell and Mrs. Ross Rogers gave readings. Mrs. P. P. Ander son from McMinnville sang, with Mrs. Howard Stephens at the piano. Rev. Blodgett of Salem, former pastor of this church, led In pray er. After the meeting a collection was taken for the Women's Mis sionary society. DEATH CLAIMS COLLEGE YOUTH AT DUENA VISTA Independence Clarence Loy, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Loy of Buena Vista, passed away at the family residence Wednesday, after a lingering illness. He was born in Independence, March 4, 1903, was a graduate from the Buena Vista high school and attended O. A C. for two and a half years. On account of illness he was obliged to discontinue his school work, and remained at home on the farm until his death. He was a member of Phi Sigma fra ternity, of exemplary habits, kind and generous, and highly esteemed in the community. He is survived by his parents also two brothers, Alfred and Gilbert, both of whom are teachers. Fun eral arrangements under the direc tion of the Keeney funeral home of this city will be announced later. LINDRUFFS ARE HOSTS Amity Mr. and Mrs. Emll Lind ruff recently entertained at their home on Fourth street. Two tables of bridge were in play. Refreshments were served at a late hour. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Prunk, Mr. and Mrs. . O. Morse and the host and hostess. BUILDING WELL HOUSE Unonvale A 9x9 ft. well house Is being erected on the C. Countiss farm. Henry Deyoe is the carpen ter in charge of the work. as week end guests Mrs. Davis' father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. N, Q. Wilson and family from Chehalls, Wash. They returned to their borne Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burgoyne were Friday evening guests at the Daniel Weiuel home In Salem. Mrs. Burgoyne and Mrs. Weitzel are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brock had as Tuesday luncheon guests Rev. M. A. Groves and son Meredith Rob erts and Mrs. Ewell Needham. Afternoon and dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Berry of Salem. Leonard Burgoyne was a Sunday all day guest of his friend Wendell Sebem at his home comer of Market and Fifth streets. In north Salem. Mrs. John Campbell and children of Oregon City, are paying her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Creasy a farewell visit before leaving for Seattle to Join Mr. Campbell who has employment as spinner In the woolen mill there. He has a home location selected and has written for his family to come, which they will do in a lew days. YAMHILL GRANGERS MEET, DAYTON HALL Dayton Sixty members attended the all-day Yamhill Pomona grange held at the Webfoot hall. Besides local members, some from Sheri dan, McMinnville. Carlton and Cove were present. A chicken dinner pre pared by the women was served on the lawn. A mixed program was given. Talks were given by Mr. Brown of Port land; S. 8. Duncan, county super intendent of schools and John Eck man of McMlni.vule. and Mr. Flett of Portland gave a violin solo. WEST SALEM The P. p. Wells family who have resided on Kingwood Avenue for some time have moved to North Fifth street. Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fox were recent guests at the Frank Sieben's home in Salem and on Tuesday attended the chicken dinner at Christ Lutheran church on State street, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Looney of McNary avenue were Saturday business motorists to Portland and return. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nichols of Dayton were Sunday all day guests of their brother and sister Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brock. Mr. and Mr?. Jam re Davis had CHILD IS INJURED Palls City George Graves, Jr. two year old son of George Graves of Black Rock, fell on a glass jar and cut a severe gash In his fore head Wednesday noon. The child was rushed to a doctor at Dallas, where stitches were taken. COLDS MAY DEVELOP INTO PNEUMONIA Coughs from colds may lead to w jioui trouble. You can Mop thetn now with Creomultion, an emulsi6ed creosote that it pleasant to take. Crcomulsion is a medical discovery with two-fold action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and in hibita germ growth Of all known drugs creosote b rec ognized by high medical authorities atone of the greatest healing agencies lor coughs iroiu colds and bronchial irritations. Creomultion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elementa which too the and heal the inflamed membranei and stop the h ritation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, la absorbed into the blood, attacks the aeat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs. Crcomulsion it guaranteed satisfac tory in the trettment of coughs from colds, bronchitis and minor forms of bronchial irritations, and it excellent for building up the system after colda or flu. Money refunded if not re lieved after taking according to direc tions, ask your druggist. tadT.l CREOMULSION FOR THE COUGH FROM COLDS THAT HANG ON Justice Is Not Blind! AN ANCIENT PREJUDICE AS BEEN REMOVED Justice is no longer dispensed by ignorant and individual domination. Another ancient prejudice stands convicted by AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE which insists that a jury "twelve good men, tried and true" decide the facts. H m jiuihium 1" VV !- ' Wa. nrfaTnnJ"-i hli(i1T'iriWWril'ii"--'- ,ia"i'iiirt Umisi flmiiliafinr "toasting did it" Gone is that ancient prejudice against cigarettes Progress has been made. We removed the prejudice against cigarettes when we removed harmful corrosive ACRIDS (pungent irri tants) from the tobaccos. YEARS ago, when cigarettes were made without the aid of modern science, there originated that ancient prejudice against all cigarettes. That criticism is no longer justified. LUCKY STRIKE, the finest cigarette you ever smoked, made of the choicest tobacco, properly aged and skillfully blended "It's Toasted." "TOASTING," the most modern step in cigarette manufacture, removes from LUCKY STRIKE harmful irritants which are pres ent in cigarettes manufactured in the old-fashioned way. Everyone knows that heat purifies, and so "TOASTING" LUCKY STRIKE'S extra secret process removes harmful cor rosive ACRIDS (pungent irritants) from LUCKIES which in the old-fashioned manufacture of cigarettes cause throat irritation and coughing. Thus "TOASTING" has destroyed that ancient preju dice against cigarette smoking by men and by women. It's toasted No Throat Irritation-No Cough. TUNE IN Th. Lucky 8uis. Dnc OrcbMta, mry Sstunlsy night, evw cout-totout network U tb. H. B. C 0 1919, Tht American TobMeo C.,Mrn. "It's Toasted" the phrase that describes the extra "toasting" process applied in the manu facture of Lucky Strike Cigarettes. The finest tobaccos the Cream of the Crop are scien tifically subjected to penetrating heat at mini mum, 260 maximum, 300, Fahrenheit. The exact, expert regulation of such high tempera tures removes impurities. More than a slogan, "It's Toasted" is recognized by millions as the most modem step in cigarette manufacture. Outstanding Values in mmws, At Giese-Powers you will always find outstanding values in' home furnishings rvalue does not mean price alone but new ; style furniture of high quality at low prices. That's what you ' find at Giese-Powers. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL HEAVY PLATE MIRRORS A large variety of styles and designs in different sizes. This is a real opportunity to get a plate mirror for your home at a low cost. Priced as low as 89c THIS WEEK ONLY SALE OF LAMPS! Iitl4p Your choice of any lamp in the house Floor Lamp Bridge Lamp or Table Lamp rice Cook the omdern way with a new STANDARD Electric Range It is clean, easy and quick to prepare a meal on a Standard. The Standard is so construct ed that It is quick, yet is very economical to operate. See the new Standard today. Standards are priced extremely moderate THE NEW SIMMONS DEEP SLEEP MATTRESS A Spring-Filled Mattress The Interior coil construction is made up of hundreds of re silient springs, softly conceal ed under layers of protecting felt. Full helical spring tied. The coverings are excellent grade Dobestry in quaint Co lonial designs. SPECIALLY AT 'RICED 19 .95 "Birchfield" FURNITURE FOR THE LIVING ROOM Customed Tailored in our own shops Products of master designers and craftsmen comfortable, individual, charming. Birchfielda in Velour . V e 1 o u r davenports with either shaped or straight front. This davenport Is all hand tailored and has grace ful lines either tapes try or velour reverse. COXWELL CHAIRS Alarge selection of Coxwell chairs made by "Birchfield." You may find one here to match your davenport, if not, we will make one to order In our own workshop. Birch fields v in Mohair Mohsir davenports In practically any style jxn desire with reverses of rich color Moquette or H tana tapestry. These dav- enports also abatlable tn Frieze or In combinations of the above coverings. 99to147 NEW FOOTSTOOLS These colorful footstools add a great deal of comfort to the living room. See the many beautiful styles displayed In our window. Dignified Credit Pay As You Earn T