MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1929 PAfiESIX THE CAPITAL .TOUR NAT,, g A I.EM. OREGON By Harold Gray LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE The In!?! 'juted Conference THE LUXURY HUSBAND NO.WSTOV i 6oi oT Chapter 34 I THE LAND OF JAZZ The willing o( Ray'i aaxophone echoed In Barbara's ear u he picked up the telephone receiver. "Mrs. Ray Lawther there? Boa ton calling." Henderson, of count. Could she be bothered speaking to him? As she hesitated, fatally, clearly she heard again the notes of the saxo phone. Her eyes were thunder dark, lit by sudden flash of Cury. "Mrs. Ray Lowther Is speaking." A moment's silence and then Hen demon's voice. "Barbara, dear. I'm rottenly mis erable away from you. What do you say to my coming back to New York?" A pause, then In a rush: "Yes, come, Hendy. I want you. She dropped the receiver. Straigh tening herself she listened mechan ically. It seemed the sound of Jazz completely filled the room. Suddenly she felt that she must cet awar from It. She ran breath' lefsly out of the apartment and a moment later she found herself In the wide entrance ball demand' lng a taxi. The porter whistled for one and when It arrived she gave the driver Cora Trenton-Jones' ad dress. The cab rattled on down the avenue while outside the wind howled. She had passed almost Into a state of coma when suddenly she leaned forward, fear In her eyes. For she had fancied she had heard faintly the wail of a saxophone, Ray took off his mask and wiped his forehead. It was a golden mask, designed especially for the Oolden Symphony Eight, the Jazz band of the Oolden Dollar club, latest and smartest of New York's night clubs. "These things are hot," he grum bled. "If we didn't come out here every now and then for a breath of air. I'd suffocate." "You're right there." said BiU Foster, looking unusually rplump in an evening suit of metal cloth with purple satin facings, "but you've - got to admit this crazy stunt has been a success, rigging us up in these golden tuxedos with masks to hide our fatal beauty from the public gaze. Every one's crazv to learn who we are, whereas. If there were no mystery about us, not a soul would care." "Boy. you've said It," the sousa phonlst, a large, portly man, broke In, "there ore the craziest stories circulating. I heard, the other nlht. that we were all sons of prominent society folks million aires mostly and that we wore masks to save old family names frcm eternal disgrace 1" Thev laughed at that, as they sat In a little anteroom during an Interval. "How long do tou think we will be able to keep It up?" asked the violinist. "Can't say." said Drams. "Per sonally. I don't care how long they keen It up. Suits me fine. "Same here," muttered Ray un der his breath. . As a matter of fact one of the chief inducements to his taking this particular Job had lain In the fact that they were to be masked. A fashionable club was bound to be freouented by Barbara's set; It was likely that Barbara herself might drop In occasionally and he pre ferred to remain Incognito. Three months now since the night he had told Barbara of his determination to leave her three - months since he had lart set eyes upon her. A hundred times had he been on the point of phoning her; a hundred times had he passed by her home fearful, yet eager, that she might suddenly ap pear. Those were the days when he felt desperately lonely for her when he doubled whether nnv rerognl tlon in sacrificing her love. But there ware compensations. Standing with the boys on the platform, BUI Foster would lean across and whisper. "Come on. Ray, lead us in one of your own. we'll follow you." And when, at the end, the dancers would applaud, often up roariouslyfor Ray's tunes were sure-tire Jazz he would be repaid by that thrill which comes from acclaimed recognition of something you have treated. Ray had been sharing Bill Foster's apartment since the break with Barbara. Now BUI arose from the lounge, threw his cigarette on the floor "Come on, fellows, we'd best be get ting back." Bill led the way and 1 as they trouped back onto the stage the' made a truly extraordinary and im pressive sight. Their metal evening suits glittered like beaten gold under the brilliant electric lights; their golden masks were comic and bizarre, and their music was guar anteed to make paraUzed man get up and wiggle! Small wonder the Oolden Dollar was packed from theater closing time tlU dawn. As for the club Itself. It was one gasp of wonderment. Vivid golden trimmings were set against a back ground of rich royal purple; thou sands of golden dollars were plas tered everywher, on the celling, on walls, on the backs of chairs. Of course there was a cabaret performance, twice nightly, the artists being the foremost stars of the day. Ray did not usually pay much attention to the performers but he noticed one particular girl, who for the past week had brought down the biggest hand, was curiously striking. Tall and willowy, her fea tures were set In a lovely oval face; her hair was magnificent, like that of a thoroughbred, falling in dark clouds on either side of her face and caught up in a huge knot behind. Her suppleness, length of limb and rounded sllmness would have fascinated the heart of a sculptor. Ray found her an unde niable pleasure. That is, from afar. It had never occured to him to cultivate her acquaintance, al though the other fellows were top pling over each -other to meet her before she had been on the bin a day. But he remained strangely aloof. Therefor, he was not a little surprised when, early one morning, she approached him. "Mr. Lowther." she smiled witn engaging charm, "would you think me forward If I asked you to have supner with me?" ' Not at all, I'd be delighted," Ray replied. "I want to talk with you and thought we might have a bite to gether somewhere. That is. If you haven't a date or a wife waiting for you." (To be Continued) go- to s s mrcp QUVCK SOT M.V. r.N- VT Ct4 v ITS TE w a z2I TO tNt -nosy. ON COrAVNtj- ER SWSfc mvV on. its, A THWWc ANA. VI J rVS sV OCD TSH vnv& wilt's REQ'LAR FELLERS He Didn't Forget By Gene Byrnes SUH WHAT THt-Y L A I HAD OVER. AT wfklr I PUDDIN'HtAW ) fjL . V HOSI I H"" V Dinner, to-hiSjht! GREAT: V j CrIICKtH H . SKI Pit 'n ice cream J -"""""4 3 W M TwoptvouX '. V HAt ESE J A. OlOr" FOR(VEt ENOOO TO SAY TO SAV HO! ) " - UQ I EVERY TIME. THEY jm I , , I VlH I AST M ir I MAD ) WKEHTHEttCOHOJ 1 PLENTY I SAiO J TAILSPIN TOMMY Litlleville Entertains Hopes Br OI.INN IIIAtlUl and HAl roUKEST DAD 6Ufl! I GUESS IT'LL JUST ABOUT KILL TH WIDDER, WONT IT.' fa SEATTLE FINANCIER COMMITS SUICIDE Seattle (JP) Arthur Bastheln, secretary-treasurer ol the North Pa cific Finance company, shot himself to death In his office on Second avenue here Saturday. Friends be lieved he was temporarily deranged because of worry over the slump on the New York flock market. His company Is a member of the Seattle stock exchange but efforts Saturday to find proof that he was "playing' the market were futile. Friends said that he told them he had "cleaned up" before the market break on Thursday. Basti'.ein was about 50 years old and was married. At 14 OSS I. t: lot it lot) it 7. Arm toTerlRf II. Hrrlle III ni 'HiotnRa II. I'rrlnlnlnir to a tit st perldil 13. Uuir m oi nil IS. Notion IS. J.llrntrj (raff nirntt II. A lirnhnm't lilMiipliift tl. Arrntiw tl. Melirfw pliral rmllag ft. KoR1 ti. Itrmit! Ikn rmlelra ft. I'dirrm Im. I'ovmi nppra prtatt for (!( I. Ilrrli St. Danlth nonry nf Hrroinl 3. riert nf rlnlh SI. ft fnlnt IT. Tnk arsta 40. llurrlti 41. Arlkl is. Amaii mm wal 44. l.jpetatllral laerm 41. ( nf Solution of Saturday's Puula AUP(sEAoh ItIsHpJi RS l pmle Ht o n aJiQamo a b eMtIo" r she aIrU lo bJoHun s tIeIp sBaTCTe 33 a e lIeOI nIt l e'rKI mieIt r eHfiTlL oiSe i dje r A R6 ApiStAlL UT blSV E Wo i. J 5 R al R ? p p ift b s N BH9 welt; t boHle N T F' iT E RBe A RQB QJaIt S HB o PlP-ii sftc o n slSSa AilIl QwIaIs t e r shn e Q p a. i, elsTB A P 0 JJT f L 5 E Vfe NllEtL G I NHfi POS SiAlRlDMRie.elSIEiiulElNlA II. lUtirrtftitiitloi. of lh tarta's Kdrfir St. TllM tl. II arm . JUruat 17. HnilralitadUi DOWN I. Pnria ( war. sal? f. t'Mwr 4. Not at aa ava la I. UiraofUfrala a. lartiaealloaa 7. k'ormtr raaa! iirotlllr I. ftltani a. Tjp aitasarc la. Orrrk letter tl. Order la ap pear fur Jirj If. ( nallag el laa tfflh 17. it it tit tr ihaa ti. Ki t 2t. Fnihr ti. Very ktaaM tl, Ilrbnla it. Kcllna 31. NnlUt aiclal U. Hflrrt Its llrlplnar at. t'mithntlt 37. Mitka aas'a haata U. lUrvcl S. Hm away a eretlf 41. t'rnnoaa 4k Hkla 44. ChRlr 41 Koaiaa aoaat- auM o4 SI. Itabkl ftt. 4atai araflc ai. Tka Umk M I s" ' I j ' "" It I' 3 f i y !' ' j " " " "3 " m " " "7-1 r . .. a. ' - ' 1, 3 " "Jf - T. . ' m "it a j it jf 31 , - ' .; 7 ' 7. $ .4 4j j Ji " " ' ' , s sr i IX&Sr!-'. S?SSfWiA0 NEWS. I THINK WE , SHOULD HAVE A OEMORIAL , SERVICE FOR OUR BRAVE ROVf M)PD HAS JUST REACHED UTTLEIILLE THAT TOMMY HAS BEEN SHOT DOHA AND HILLED U THE a TOIANAN REBELLION THE WHOLE TON 'A IS tSTLHVAED BY THE AEIVS- HSHUCKS! 1 (l-l-B-B BETCHA T-T-TOrWYAtNTl 1 YOU BOYS 1 0-0-OEAO AT-TALL--S-S-5KEETS IS TOO .S-S-S-SAYS--HES PPPPERT I I N"v-S. reEYIOUS. ) N-N-NEAR'S 6-6-&-600D A ( IT'S ALEC Lfd WAIT 1 V F-F-F-F-FLIER AS L-L-L-LLINDY MILL ISAM, ) FOR f AN W-WHOS 6-65"60NNA y--Svr SKEETER'S MORE ) L-L-L-L-L-UCK A ChHHH- IS IaIAIT DljJ y II KICUCI v ru.rUAMDFPW?' j ...... . . r . rL' . . DUMB DORA "Don't Annoy The Annimals.' By Chirk Yoting THIS WIU. B F-INE POB, HIS NERVES - HE WA.S ON THE VERSE OP A. NERVOUS BREA.K.OOWN4 WHEN WE LEF nS M16HTV SWEET liW VsIB GOT TO HURIW I IROD MUSTVE ) ( OV yOU ANO ROD TO Wf RlSHT DOWN. MOM- SEAT MB , K I TA.KB CARB OP 1 OOM'T WANT . , DOWN I UNCUE HAR.FCV'9 tore I r' - - I V - I I I X v I HE'S IN THE y V ON THE, J X 7 A S 1 H HUtH Iall I 1 .TnH..( If r . '.Ly V. n. . ivr.. r I ee.roo-vou iJ- u ' II .'rr.rr v PEST SHOP' X 1g3 40W WE'LU HANS i -- W III ii srio pT Nfpat ftitf Vrlr Inc., Crf 1 arrUH. ngtw HMrrrf BRINGING UP FATHER Bv George McMuhum WHAT DOE5 IT SAy? READ IT TO ME.THI l WELL-IT WOTHER BROKE IM THE BA.K1K. AKIOOOT AWAY WITH TWO , THOOSANO OOUUiS Vs II I BV COLLV-MACOIE-YOUR VOICE l LKP A COLUECTIOM n i mi I JICG5! : ri nyi. tnVI Ft.lvr. S.r le.. Inf.. Crf tl BHtitn n'f Ml rtlinrtd WHAT l-b IT ME OAL-ltvl '? KIN) I OO MnJVTHiiOG? VES- CALL OP THE EDITOR OP" THAT paper amd see! ip there isnt some, mistake i is) that 5torv about mv brother 5t6alin' i WO THOO&AWO DOLLARS I v. n- --I u . YOU'RE FltGHT-MAGGIE- it wuz a mistake - me Cot away with ten TMOOSANO DOLLARS MUTT AND JEFF Fo TH6 Lwe OF rAKC, WHATCKA Doing, 4tfF? Jeff Taps A Giixher At 22 Cents A Gallon T" Bv Bud Visbet foo, VOUXL Be in J 1'.' TH bKOUMD TOO I m -777777771 A dnUf o ... I IS6IN& ro v wi)Wwoiui i KNUVV 1 .,ZZZ7" I TO-, i tail; h-.i I ff v. ii vL-"vrvy I i f ril ) I