SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1929 iHE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON PAGE SEVEW ' RADIO SQUEALS -BECOME MUSIC IN APPARATUS By C. E. BUTTE RFIELD New York (A The squeal ol radio baa been turned into music. Known to technicians as oscilla tion, this electrical condition which radio engineers worked so long to eradicate from the broadcast re secetver Is the foundation of the In vention of Leon Theremin, Russian scientist and inventor. He has made oscillations behave. They now come from the loud speaker as sweet tones of music rather than growls and screeches which once were the bane of the owners of regenerative and radio frequency sets. Professor Theremin really has gone the meat packer one better. The packer sells practically every thing from the hog but the squeal. The inventor uses the radio squeal to make melodious tones. How it it done? Tubes Just like those of the radio set produce the squeal that results In a combina tion of tones duplicated by no other musical instrument. Eight tubes housed in a compact cabinet with a music sheet rest, generate and amplify the oscilla tiuns. There are two circuits to build up oscillations. These pro duce a beat note, or a third series of oscillations, in a mixing tube. which Is then fed into the audio stages and loudspeaker. The Instrument, named after the Inventor who has granted an option on exclusive patent rights to the Radio-Victor corporation, has three 227 tubes as oscillators. The mixer tube is a screen grid- Two 171a's are audio amDlifiers. and a 120 acts as a volume control balance tube. Action is entirely electrical. Un like anv other musical instrument there are no strings or mechanical devices to produce musical vibra tions. Tone variation and volume is regulated merely by waving the hands in the air. To the uninititated. a person play ing the device seems to be an or chestra leader without an orchestra. There Is music but no apparent means of producing it visible ez- ccpt something resembling a digni fied music rack. Movements of the hands are all inportant. They alter the magnet' lc fields which encircle two rods that serve as antennae. One rod, a straight bar. controls tone or pitch. The other a looped horizontal bar. rcculatcs volume. Nearness of the hands to the rods determines volume and the fre quency or pitch of the music. The closer the left hand the volume rod the sorter the note. Hit?h tones are produced with the right hand near the straight bar. AC OPERATING COST EASILY DETERMINED New York (T) The worried house holder, included in whose monthly duties is the paying of the light bill, often wonders if it Isn't an expen sive proposition to run an AC set. Numerous tests have shown that this worry is useless. The cost of AO receiver operation Invariably will be less than the former cost of charging the storage battery and buying new B's. It is possible to make a simple check to find exactly what is being paid by determining how fast the metal disk in a house electric meter revolves. Outlining . this scheme, George Lewis, tube manufacturer, says: "If with only a 75-watt lamp turned on. the disk revolves five times a minute, and with only the radio set going it revolves 15 times per minute, it is obvious that the set uses three times as much power as the 75-watt lamp, or 225 watts. "Multiply this by the number of hours a month the set is in opera tion, divide by 1,000, multiply by the cost of electricity per kilowatt hour, and there you are." DEMPSEY APPROVES FIGHT BROADCASTS Chicago (VP) Jack Dempsey has enlisted broadcasting to aid In his boxing promotion here, permitting microphones at the ringside, a practice that his rival Paddy Har mon, would not admit to his sta dium. Dempseys bouts are in the Coliseum. The former heavyweight cham pion will sponsor six shows at the Coliseum. He holds that ringside broadcasting encourages rather than discourages attendance, as Harmon contends. Jim Mulltns, who promoted bouts In the Coliseum last year, sanc tioned ringside broadcasts. EFFICIENT FOUR-TUBE AC RECEIVER DESIGNED FOR NEW SCREEN GRIDS v . ANTENNA C&L 5HiLDD - TAPPED EITHER 10 OR 20 TURNS I NOTE- ALL VARIABLE CONDENSERS .00035 WITH 5-PLATE TRIMMERS SHIELDED -TAPPED f SHIELDS 10 20 ' mKOANCt OWL TURNS r- " j -r 1 'shaft p?- . ct P , . , . S . j -METAL SUB-PANEL 50.000 "M w L. '4' " W B-0 6 B75 8- C-3 Co2 AC Four tubes have been Incorporated in the above receiver to duplicate the efficiency of some sets having a greater number of tube a. AH equipment is standard. By C. E. BUTTE RFIELD (Associated Press Radio Editor) New York Fruitful experi mentation has produced the Quar to, a four-tube AC screen receiver that works. Selectivity, sensitivity, and tonal quality have not been sacrificed in the set, which gives an Indication of the possibilities of the screen grid tube. Its ability to get dis tance as well as to make crowded locals behave as demonstrated early in the experiments. Three of the tubes were screen trrids, and the fourth was a 245 or 345 power output. These four were Location of the band filter in the first stage was necessary. When it and the lmpedence statje were re versed, the felectivity dropped con siderably, although there was an increase In volume. With a single stage of radio, am plification was sufficient to make a dynamic or condenser speaker talk entirely too loud. Besides, the noise level was reduced somewhat. Hum was at a minimum. By tying all variable condensers together with on extension shaft, single control was effected, with a trimmer on the antenna condenser selectivity and a following impe dance coupled stage gave amplifica tion. Of course, there was consid erable amplification in the band fil ter, but Its primary purpose was to sharpen the signal before it was passed on. bination. A band filter stage gave another as detector. The tuning circuit was a com- PAKTS LIST FOB QUARTO bCKEt.N GRID BCCE1VEB 1 Tapped antenna coU 1 Band Filter coll 1 Impedance coll (All coils matched for .00035 condensers)1 4 .00035 variable condensers 4 Mideet condensers cut down to three plates 1 Audio transformer (tow ratio) I Output choke 3 Five-prong sockets 1 Four-prong socket 5 RP chokes (85 mtllihenries 1 2 or 4 mfd. blocking1 condenser 4 H mfd. bypass condenser! 1 .001 condenser 1 .006 condenser 1 .00025 arid condenser with cllpi 1 arid leak (not over 1 meg.) 1 18-inch condenser extension shaft I drum dial 1 Shield (6x7 In.) to be cut down 1 50.000 ohm potentiometer 2 Lenetns spagettl 1 Foundation unit including 7x21 panel. 12x20 metal subpanel. hardware, hookup wire, antr and grd. binding posts, speaker ter minals and two Cx7 shields. (If wood baseboard Is used, ltema In foundation unit must be ob tained separately. Experimenters desiring to dupli cate the ormlnal layout may obtain list or parts by addressing Radio Editor. Associated Press. 383 Madi son avenue. New York. mounted on the panel for occasion al adjustment. Volume was regulated by a 50,-000-ohm potentiometer in the screen grid power supply lead. The B power pack was designed to take made to do the job adequately be cause the screen grid lends Itself to flexibility in circuit design. Two performed as RF amplifiers, with daily talk on newspaper work over WTMJ, owned by the Journal. Ills audience liked him so well that it demanded more. Finally he began a series which he described as "Jazzistory" In which he retold, in slang, important events,, from Columbus' discovery of America down to Abraham Lin coln. When he reached Lincoln, he asked his listeners if they wanted the complete life story of the mar tyred president. They did. During the Lincoln broadcasts some one wanted Lawrence to write a book on Lincoln. He declined, and started another broadcast but dollar bills for the non-existing book began to float in. "There was nothing left to do but write it," Lawrence said. "I had saved my Lincoln notes and uesd them." Berlin, (P) Twenty Frenchwo men, mostly teachers in Paris schools, spent their summer vaca tions as guests here of the League For the Rights of Man. They said they would tell the youth of France that Germany is peace-lovincr. COLLEGE-COURSES BY RADIO PLANNED Cleveland (Listeners of WTAM may attend Bald win -Wall ace col lege at Berea, Ohio, this year by remote control. Classes will be conducted over the air by the local station In con- Junction with the college. Two semesters of work divided into 17 lectures each will be given. The subjects will be astronomy, chemistry, biology, physics, voca tional guidance, English, history, public speaking and sociology. The lectures will require 15 minutes. CONVICTS BUY RADIO Greensboro, N. C. (P; Prisoners at the central North Carolina pris on camp have joined in the pur chase of a radio receiver on the installment plan. They hear church services Sundays and are allowed to listen in on other programs during the week. HISTORY IN SLANG IS AUTHOR'S WORK Milwaukee. Wit. (TV-Radio has : turned Larry Lawrence, newspaper man and ' historical broadcaster, ' Into an author. Lawrence started out on the Webb City, Mo., Sentinel, going to Mil-1 waukee from Chlcigo el3ht yeara ago to Join the staff of the Mllwau- 1 ee Journal. There he remains ex cept when the radio beckons. I Radio first began Its attempt In j ehanglng his course of life two years , go when he was asked to glv a i Vibbert & Todd Templetone Radio ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES CONTRACTING MOTOR REPAIRING REWINDING! INSTALLING Telephone 2112191, S. High Street AN OPEN LETTER Sec'y of State Office, From Vibbert & Todd, Salem, Oregon. To Mr. B. B. Williams, State House, Salem, Oregon Dear Mr. Williams: Thru Radio Station KGW, Vibbert & Todd. Salem's Franchise Dealer for the Templetone Radio Receiver, have just learned that your letter giving the reasons why you liked the Templetone Radio Receiver, received the unanimous approval of the Judges appointed by that Station for the Temple Letter Contest just concluded. It Is not only our pleasure to congratulate you but to present to you a Lowboy Templetone Receiver in compliance with the term of the Contest. This Receiver is complete In every detail ready for service in your home. Your Templetone Radio Receiver is now on display in our win dow at 143 N. High street, there also you can see your letter along with letters from other contestants, who listened to a Temp' Receiver and too enjoyed Its marvelous pure tonal qualities, It Is our hope, Mr. Williams, that you and your friends, along with our other many Temple Radio Owners, will continue to secure the enjoyable entertainment that you aptly expressed in your letter Cordially, , VIBBERT fc TODD. into account this additional resist ance, which in effect was shunted across part of the voltage divider of the pack. The AC filament supply lead was common to all tubes, as each operates on 2.5 volts. Only four plate and screen grid supply leads were necessary, 25, 180, and 75 volts. Two other leads supplied C bias, 3 volts lor the screen grids and approximately 50 for the 245. In the original layout a metal subpanel was used, although a wooden baseboard will do. The metal subpanel came already punched, but some additional holes were required, as it was not orig inally designed for this outfit. If wood is used, it should be mounted on cleats and raised an inch to permit subpanel wiring and the mounting thereunder of several of the bypass condensers.- All coils and condensers should be as closely matched as possible to permit accurate tuniav? with a single control. To overcome any discrepancies, trimmers were in cluded on each condenser, all but that at the antenna being mounted on the shields. SEALS GUARDED. BY (I. Si NAVAL RADIO STATION Washington WV-On St. Paul la land, where only the bark of seals and breakers of the Bering Sea dle turb the stillness of "the top of the world," radio binds a small com munity to the outside. An Isolated outpost, Ice-bound for many months and even without a cable to Join It to the mainland, Its only connecting link Is the radio station maintained by the U. 8. Navy. The radio'a mission is to enable strict governmc .it surveillance of the seal herds whose only land home lies on the islands of St. Paul and St. George, 40 miles distant. By wireless, representatives of the bureau of fisheries keep In contact with the revenue cutters which po lice the waters, and with the other government stations In Alaska and the United States. From the primary function of guarding the seal herd, the station has assumed further Importance as the only link binding the bleak community to the world. It Is an outpost of military value to connect Siberia to the western hemisphere, and has been equipped to give com pass bearings to vessels. Thirteen men. under charge of a chief radio operator, run the station. The station has two transmitters, one of two kilowatts, operating on medium frequency, and one of a single kilowatt, operating on high irequency. Press news Is copied by the oper ators and programs broadcast by commercial stations are easily heard. Reception is good, with little trou ble from static. Decision to hold the annual trade show of RMA In Atlantic city In 1930 was based on a de sire to bring the exhibition east after three years In the middle west. The date is to be selected, but it will be some time in June. Majestic Radios Don't buy until you bear them Your own terms In reason. Vibbert & Todd GET GOOD RECEPTION KANSAS SALT MINE Hutchinson. Kas. (P) Radio re ception has been accomplished at the bottom of a salt mine 045 feet below the surface. An ordinary set was used, with a wire stretched to adjacent Umbers as an antenna. Resting on a crystal salt floor, the set picked up seven stations within half an hour. In cluding broadcasts from Chicago. Kansas City, Cincinnati, Louisville and Des Moines. No special attach ments were used. 191 S. tilth St. I'bone 2112 -SI ,Hr -"j J' am it M aV - ' 5f T LfW I 7 iilX A IB m Bi'-i ' Ji Mighty 1 i Monarch oj the Air iifrpl QH Power Defection and the new -45 tube ptu four ' tuned stages of radio frequency. Abtolulely qo hum or oscillation at any wave length. Automatic sensitivity control gives uniform range and power all over the dial. Improved Majestic Super Dynamic Speaker. Heavy, sturdy Majestic power unit with positive voltage) ballast Insures long life and safety. Early English design cabinet of Amer ican walnut. Instrument panel overlaid with genuine Imported Aus tralian lacewood. Escutcheon plate and knobs finished in genuine silver. TIME PAYMENTS ... In the pur- J chase of Majestic Receivers are financed through the Majestic Plan at lowest available rates. Complete With Tube Grigsby-Grunow Company, Chicago, U. S. A. World's Largest Manufacturers of Complete tadlo Sets t tam Lrm miranniina a 3 - 3 .. - ...... in lit RAD Imperial Furniture Cauis 'nilUJlllIliiEMlU lli:ilUiIliil!ll(TIU111 !t!tf III lIITllIHTUril till M1IIIlli:UUaUIUlliUULimilUUUllUUlUa SALEM -LEAMKN Crosley m A DD tuua iiaV SCREEN GRID 8 TUBES PRICES: $122 t0 $172 When you think Radio think of RADIO Headquarters 175 S. High St. rhone 1101 FACTORY MAN HERE TO PRESENT AWARD Vibbert and Todd, Salem's fran chise dealer for Che Templetone radio receiver, reported a visit from Artbur 6. Detach, factory repre sentative of the Temple corpora tion, Chicago, mixers of the popu lar named Temple receiver. Mr. Detach came to Salem expressly to congratulate B. B. Wil liams of the ittcreetary of state's office and to assist Messrs. Vibbert and Todd in presenting Williams with a Templetone radio receiver that be won recently through a Temple letter contest Initiated by radio station KGW of Portland. Both Vibbert and Todd stated that so many excellent and worthy letters were received from Salem, contestants that they regretted very much that they only had one Templetone radio receiver to pre sent. BUN CLOCKS BY RADIO Washington (P The federal ra dio commission has granted the EU gin Watch company the use ot a wavelength to conduct experiments in the regulating of watches and clocks by radio. ou IS EVE1 law mmuimiiMi'.ii imms: J:;.i!;;ivla imuwrnm iiBplp k P -ssSSKS 1 19. S. n';h St. tYTIIINC f0 1 . a radio .L.tbcu -.tuck" . . to eao"0. A flavor Taos" Osocat and aitlant switch prrmits trtmem dout volume of TempU to bt to tent d for local mm, WIT1I TUBES VIBBERT & TODD Phone 2112 Salen 0 1" TKMPLB COD Salem, Oregon O TKMPLB CORPORATION utility I&adio at a Price! ni BALANCED - UNIT All-Electric THE LOWBOY Genuine Oriental walnut and bird's ye maple give this cabinet a rich distinction such as yoa bad never hoped to find at the price. Pbilco matched Blectro-bynamic 8 psalter and Acoustic Equaltsera, built-in, give It anaur pasted tonal fidelity. Furnished either with NraUodyna. Plus or Screen Grid circuit. JVeuf rodyne Hits Screen Grid $150.00 Complete with all Tubes BE SURE TO IIEAR THE NEW PI1ILCO BEFORE YOU BUY ANY RADIO THE same superb radio that yoa have seen announced so extensively in The Saturday Evening Post and many other magazines is here today for your inspection I Come in and hear the pure, rich tone of the new Philco Lowboy. See for yourself its entrancingly beautiful cabinet, a distinguished addition to the furnishing of the finest home. Balanced Units By extraordinary engineering, Philco has at tained a precise electrical balance of all units, resulting in a new high standard of tonal fidelity, split-hair selectivity, and great dis tance range; and every Philco is balanced to use TWO 245 power tubes, push-pull. Free Home Demonstration Wa will gladly deliver this superb rhllco Lowboy to your home on Free Demonstration. Prove to yourself Its rare purity of tone, re markable selectivity and vast distance range. Easy payments, if you decide to buy after trial. Call Look Ilear Come In see and bear this remarkable new Philco. Examine the various beautiful models. Select the one you want on Free Dcmonstxa tk. Call today or telephone. Sold on Our Easy Payment Plan '1 ft