FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1929 THE CAPITAL; JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON , , PAGE FIFTEEN: Paris Has Declared For The Raised Waistline.; Profiably' It Was Getjtirig In The Way Of The Hem. i Capital Journal CLASSiriKD AIlVEBTlSlMa Rat par word: One auction, U cents; three Insertion. 5 eante: oos week, 8 hdU! out month 20 oeoM) on year per en on in, la mdu: minimum Mi ad, !U osnts Not taken over phone union Ml- 'j Tcnmi dm monuuy account, no allowance Cot Dnone errors. Want eds must bt in by 10 e.m. day of oublicaUon. Real Batata and Auto ada bf 1 p. m, day pre vious to publication. FOR SALE HOUSES A RARE BARGAIN In a 0-room, semi-modern cottage In S. Salem overlooking the city, Sever al large walnut trees In yard, 2-ronm house on back of lot to rent. Price reduced for quick safe from 3000 to U40U witn liukkau lerma. LEO N. CH1LDS CO., Realtors 320 Stale Street. Phone 1727. LISTEN Heed you pay rent when 2S down and (36 per mo. will buy you an at- tractive 6-room bungalow on lot G(Jx 122, fine lawn and lots of beautiful oak trees? Full price only ati60. Call ior an appointment to see mis. Mrs. Kills with -LE.O N. CHILD3 CO., Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. mil hai.k smiill hnuse. aood lot. 300.- P. L. WOOD. 341 State St. a244 FOR SALE new English type home, six rooms, oak floors, tile bath, paved street, sidewalk, apd drive way, gar age, strictly modern and first class material. Owner must have money. 4U0O Is the price and a few hundred will handle It. You can't buy another one as good for any where near the money. And you will say so when you see It. P. L. WOOD. 341 State St. a244 Tina oiintn n BE YOUR HOME Good B-rooin bungalow, basement, bath, toilet, electricity. In good loca tion on paved Btreet. street Improve ments paid, a bargain for only $1700; Payment down and move In. See my agent, SEARS & 'TUCKER, 184 S. Com'l. St. V GOOD HOUSE BUYS 325. Garage house with lights, water and telephone. Lot 50x100. 75 down payment. ai5 and Interest monthly. 15U0. New 3 room bungalow, garage. 75 down payment. S2200. New 4 rooms, bath ana nooR, hardwood, fireplace. Could finish two rooms upstairs, pavement, garage. aOCOLOFSKY At SON soo. for 2-room house, living room, kitchen, toilet, and bath. Terms. $1700. 4 -room bungalow, fireplace; .garage, paving paid. 50 down. 3200. 4-room English type house with nook, modern in every way. Terms. 3750. fi-room bungalow, modern in every way, basement, furnace, fire place, garage, good terms. 5250. 7 -room bungalow on large lot. In good location, fine shade trees. 1000 down. 550O. 8-room English type house, modern in every way. Reasonable. 4000 private money to loan at 7. MELVIN JOHNSON or A. L. DARK 3fi0 U. S. Bank bldg. Phone 637. a 4-room modern bungalow agaOO. Apt House furnished $3500. Corner lot east front 800. " GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE, 492 N. Cottage. a THREE GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD NOT PAY RENT a ioo down will buy this attractive 5-roora shake bungalow Just completed. Pull cement basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, hardwood floors, paved street, large east front lot, near good school and bus line. Located In a NEW and GROWING district. Price 13850. ACT AT ONCE AND STOP THOSE RENT RECEIPTS. Mnr 200 DOWN and you move right into this brand NEW 4-room bungalow with, 2 bed rooms, lull cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, garage, hardwood floors, paved street, lo cated In South Salem near Leslie junior high school. Price 3650. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. 100 DOWN and Immediate possession of this 6-room home with basement, plastered throughout, modern ilumblng. corner lot. paved street, oca ted one block from bus line and two blocka from Leslie Jun ior hiRh school. TlirNK OF IT: The price Is only 2250. IF YOU WANT A MODEST HOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE HERE IT IS. SEE L. E. Oherer with W. H. GRABENHORST CO. Realtors. Phone 516. 134 South Liberty St. a244' MODERN HOME OF VALUE -AND MERIT : ENGLISH COLONIAL) ... BUNGALOW of 7 rooms and located in the choice Oak's addition. Full ce ment basement, fireplace, garage, two bath rooms, hardwood floors, many built in features, attractive lawn and shrubbery, east front lot. within easy walking distance. This home was erected 3' years ago. Price for immediate sale 850. OWNER WILL ACCEPT GOOD LOT OR SMALL HOUSE IN PART PAYMENT. MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON THE BALANCE. PAIR MOUNT HILL BUNGALOW - of 0 nice rooms and located one block west of South Commercial street. Full cement basement, furnace, fireplsce, garage, hard wood floors, paved street, full aize lot. This home was built leas than 2 years ago and Is In excel lent condition. Price 5750. OWN ER WILL SELL ON EASY TERMS OR WILL ACCEPT A SMALL HOUSE AS PART PAYMENT, COURT STREET HOME REDUCED FROM $6500 to 5000. for immediate sale. 6 rooms and all are large. Full cement base ment, furnace, garsge. many extra built-in features, paved etreet, extra large lot, located three blocks from the state Capitol. OWNFR WILL ACCEPT A SMALL . MODERN HOKE AS PART PAY MENT. SEE L. S. Oberer with W. H. GRABENHORST CO. Realtors, a344' OR TRADE for smaller home. 6-room English type home, 710 Judson St. Phone 2993 a243 MODEST SUBURBAN BOMB . BELOW VALUE 1 acre overlooking the vatter, close in. 40 bearing cherry trees, apples, several English walnuts, Bartlett peart, peaches, grapes, strawberries, 4-room bouse, wood house and storehouse, small ahed barn, chicken house and park. Let ns show you thts home. Price $2500. $200 down, belanoj term W. H. ORABENHORflT ft Co 134 S. Liberty Street. a244 il FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE, Iruilnn county. 80 acres au unaer cumvstion witu miwu house, old barn. On market road. 3 miles from railroad station, four mlTca from town. Enough timber for home use. Oood well with windmill. Bring In $15 per month In sheep pasture Estate must be settled. $2200. Adam Schlles, Bclo, Oregon, Rt. 2. D243 FOR SALE-1FARMS -GOOD FARM MUST BE SOLD FORCED TO SELL . AT BIO SACRIFICE 81 A. Ideal nasture land or fine for poultry JarrrT, no bldgs. a3-pcr a. i Also ihi a. isnn a runes twiem on soon road. Has at least 2000 cords of fine oak wood in tree. Fenced, good pas ture, spring water, 4-r. house and barn. Price for quick aale 3o per acre. Also 11.4 A. farm .7 miles Salem at aou per aero, win uiviae, sew w bldgs, 103 A. 75 PER A. Edge of Howell Prairie, 7 miles Sa lem. Pared road. A real snap. . 30 A. S4000. TERMS Owned by a widow, good level land, all cult, fair bldgs., close to school. Dared road. 8 miles. Would be a good ouy at SG000. For the best buys In larnis aee iiouig uecniei, Mrs. uiarse or Mr. Koehler at 341 State St. Room 4. b FOR SALC Miscellaneous, PICK bu. box Concord grapes Satur day and Sunday ai. Barks, Halls Ferry 0 ml. west. cor. Miller and So. Com mercial, Phone 77F5, c243 GRAPES 3c, 4c. Phone 127F2. c248 CADILLAC Sedan, ready to go. Motor, rubber, etc. tiptop, clean. Want light er sedan. Doclne four Dreferred. Deal open. 1445 Oak. . C245 CiRAFLEX camera, like new. expensive lens, postcard size, mm pace ana roiis, rather nlutih lined case. Only i'JO. fry's Drug Store. C243 GERMAN no! ice doc. 3'i moa. old. In quire 340 8. 14th. c245 FOR SALE full grey enamel Autonla circulator heater, wood or coal. A-l condition, rornisca uas kh C4W FOR SALE, nearly new Bridge Beach wood and coal range. Medium size, with coll. 141)0 N. Cottage St. Phone 2036W. C245 GRAPES. 40 varieties, cent pound, 3',$ miles cast of state hospital on Frult- lana, ttt. n dox a, nooie Anarews. HOUSEHOLD furniture, sweet toned Kimball Dtano. excellent condition. D58 Highland avenue. c244 PIANO for sale or trade on electric radio. Price sioo. mon urn, caw river loam and fertilizer for Xlow- era. 2222M. Fred Hyland. . c244 5-TON good hay, 10 ton. Also com loader. K. u. uurton, aouo n. ia. w DAVENPORT, library diner, rocker for sale. 1395 N. 18th. small C244 SEWING machtne and dtnlng table. Reasonable. mo second ot. west d lem. c244 GUN. Parker double barrel, hamerless, now condition at 351 N. Cottage. c243 DROPHEAD sewing machine $6. 625 Judson. 2565 W. c248 POR SALE Concord grapes. Five miles east of Salem on the Pen. road. Rt. 6. box 29. Phone 66F13. C247 PIANO in good condition. Price $200 cash. 651 Kingwood avenue. West 8n lem. C243 CONCORD grapes 3 and 4c lb. Squash and cabbage. Phone 77P2. c243 SWEET water and Jelly grapes. B0F13 household furniture, including good piano. Phone 2Q79W. 903 Union. 6 FT. display case with racks and ice bunk beiow. oeu cneap, mane iowow. WARM UArHINFRT FOR SALE John Deere tractor-and plows 15-27; 8-ft. grain drill: 7-ft. tractor disc: wnnrlx Rrnii. threaher. 22 -In. been used very little; fanning mill; Iron wheel wagon; 1000-lb. scales; binder, mower, hay rake; 3 head young hors es. j. s. unswea, l. 4, W wn. Phone 50F15. p244 2315 8. Cottage. TOMATOES 75 cents a bushel at the brown tent 1 mile west from the corner or Miner ana iammerciai on Riverside anvs. fhone uvri Bring boxes. C248 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK RONNEY Marsch bucks. L, Town- send, Mission Bottom, oervals. e248 HOMR nlrt nlos and 2 brood sows. miles north on highway and west. Rt. 8, DOX 272. ea SPLENDID large team, wagon and harness. $250. Terms on part or will take small norae as part payment. 115F2 evenings. e245 60 HERD Shxope ewes. 3 to 6 years. Townsend, Mission nottom. era 1 TEAM sorrel horses well matched, weight 1600 lbs, 7 and 9 yrs. Rt. 2, box 14IA. '"'8 for SALE. 1 5-sol. fresh Jersey cow, 1 6-year old American race pony, nice and gentle. - Will sell reasonable if wVui. W. Peters. Shaw. Ore. Rt 1. Box 18. e244 THREE teams and harness cheap. Three miles on Dallas nignway. box 1A9A. for SALE cbeao. 50 head or more. good young 'breeding ewes. Most Shrops. w mile north Albany bridge Spring Hill road, FOR SALE. Ouernsey heifer. Just fresh with heifer calf. Near purebred. 3rd house east of Turner. e243 rnn full btnod Shropshire ram 5 years old. $20. Call 11 S3. e245 100 HEAD full blood Shrop Chas O'Brien, 494 N. Capitol. GENTLE work team. wt. 3400 or will trade for cattle. 233 S. Church. e243 HORSE, dnpple gray, wt. 1350; age 6 years. Guaranteed to work any where. Phone 117F3. e243 HORSES AND MULES: Just arrived st Lima Mills barn. Wood burn, car inori giwi his work horses from Sher man county, from two years Up. All gentle, well broke stock, used to all farm work: seversl - well matched vniin. tflomm- nmi dnndv slnirlc chunks. Will guarsntee everything to be Just as represented or give iree trial. Sen very reasonaoie. a, sumn e245 inn rES ta leass on shares. 1284 N. Front. e244 nn main w lanoe veterinarian Office 629 8 Com men-1 al Phone 1 rtnitrienre onoo 1WW FOR SALE WOOD FOR WOOD SAWINO call Zander. Ph. 2679W. 903 Union St. Salem. ec268 WOOD SAWINO Phone 1131 Ed sproeo. UK I ID-ID. Oia Iir uu, mu, old fir knotts. O. U. Harbaugn. 838 Highland. Phone 1990. ee264 WOOD BAWINO. Colwell and Mc cracken. Phone 1819 mornings or evenings. eeSSl WOOD L. O. Keller. Phone 1S73J, ee381 LARGE second 4-ft. wood $4-50. Phone 2939J. asaai nnv lft-in old fir. second srade and knotta, $6.50. George Moll It. Phone 2366. ee946 WOOD SAWINO. Phone 1625B. ee347 POR DRY Wood or Coal Phone 930 Larmer Tranfet Co. , ee GOOD WOOD AT REASONABLE Prtee Well seasoned Second Growth Fir Also well seasoned old fit slab and tnsids wood. Prompt delivery. Phone 164X Fred a wsus. sev O- unurcn st OLD Fir snd second growth wood 2776 Brooks Ave Phone 2024-M. ee SHED DRY WOOD COAL. SALEM FUEL CO. PHONE IS. 761 TRADE PROMPT SERVICE -FOR SALE POULTRY POULTRY wanted. Salem Poultry Co We are never everstocked. 899 South tlign. Phone 3490. f25i FOR SALE POULTRY COCKERELS, O. A. C. Barred Bocks. 2315 S. Cottage, f266 COCKERELS for. sale. Barred Rocks, Reds. Buff Orplmttons. Black Minor ca. White Minorca. Brown Les horns. and White Leghorns. Our cockerels nave type, - color, and style. Vhone 133F2 Lee's Hatchery. . . , f HELP WANTED " 2 OR 3 exnerlenced potato nickers. Bruce Bowne, Rt. 3. Turner, Ore. g244 TRAVELING salesman by company thst demands the following Qualifi cations; Must be nest, clean-cut, and reuaoie; nave car ana ne ame w veil the truth. To such a man we have a wonderful ODDortunitv where you can make real money and the possibilities are very good for the future. This of- ier is open- omy to a nign we oi man, not a Job hunter. Bring plenty of references. See Mr, Williams, 379 North High street. g243 ONE of the larger corporations. Inter national in scoDe. win soon ooen at Salem. Salesmen are needed at Sa lem, Sllverton, Albany and Corvallls. Executive ability also desired. Some women for pre-sales advertising. Pro duct la one you will be proud to represent. Services well paid. Good future for steady and absolutely re liable men and women. If Interview desired please give brier record, con fidential, addresslmi Lock BOX 171. Salem. Oregon. g243 WANTED experienced automobile 'me chanics. Valley Motor Co. g243 EARN $5 to $15 dally,, also profit sharing bonus, selling parchments. v tcnmgs ana noveuy yersuuui imrui. niRs Cards unsurpassed In value. We deliver uud service guar., samples iree, Hen r tics t cnnner&iian: esiao. iuii, Sidney Cohen Co., Mfrs 1967 8th West, Seattle. .Wash. g244 WANTED, housekeeper and cook close ta Salem. B20 month, no ennaren. Twn mpii tn cook for. Box 426 Canltal Journal. k- SITUATIONS WANTED LADY wishes Dositlon housekeeper. 310 Water St. Room 9. h244 MARRIED MAN. age 36. Mason, broad experience cornoratlon accounting. auditing, office management, various lines Including oil, steel, shop, sheet metal, nesting desires immeaisie con nMUon Salem. Addreaa P. E. O'Brien, oen. del Portland. h2'J(i Miscellaneous WANTED WANTED We have client to invest 68600 In a 50-acre Howell Prairie farm. Want good buildings and most of the land under plow. Anderson ft Rupert, 169 8. High St. M. E. SOUTHARD, well driller with 20 years experience. 871 North 17th St. Phone 2441J. 1252 FOR RENT 3 ROOM modern apartment, also 2 garages. 750 N. Front, across from Hunt's cannery, J244 wiR RENT. 20 acre farm, with build' lngs. Inquire 174 S. Liberty St. J245 A NICE practically new 3 -room bun galow with garage on North 16th St. $16 a month. Phone 1650W. J246 por RENT, suburban home. 8 acres. Modern house, fruit and berries, close to bus line, $400. Also 6 acres $300. P. L. WOOL, 841 state ut. jTtW 4 ROOM modern, house, close In. Ph. 2600. J2P 2 ROOMS partly furnished $8. 815 Fairground Koaa. MODERN furnished steam heated apartment. McAiplne Apta. Phone 1825 J. J246 furnished house. 3 rooms, bath, ga- rao lift Amlv Hollvwood Realty Co. next to Hollywood theater. J245 NEW modern 6-room house, all on one floor beautiful yard. 160 North Commercial St. Phone 2223J. J243 nptw a -room and bath bunaalow in Edgewater Court, Kingwood park with garage and Maytag, $23.50 up. Phone 20 iu or idu. . jto POR PENT By the day, week or month, two room furnished cottages, with lights, wa ter and garage. W. A. L1STGN, Masonic Bldg. J2441 ROOM and board. A real home. 722 State. JaS FURNISHED modem duplex newly tMsomlned. flrenlace. nook, -garage. cheap. 685 Highland. 44 COUNTRY home, & rooms, furnished, electric lights, garage, etc lfc miles east. Phone lUFi. J 6 ROOMS, modern, furnished. Garage, uratr nntrf. fl'24 N. CsnltoL A22.60. In quire at North Capitol Grocery. J260 n nnHMA kltrhfmutt. heated 426 N. Church. J27 n RiY)H fiirnlahMl ant. 1878 Ferry. PURNISHED I room and kitchenette, heated. 658 center J' ROOMS with board If desired. 860 Chemeketa, Phone 522J. J247 PLASTERED furnished 4-room bouse, mil. nut wat.r liahta. saraffe. reas onable. B2F2. J244 q HnrmcR sia and 816 mo. Herri Ins. West Hoyt St. J247 FURNISHED room and breakfast in modern home. 2 blocks from' state house. 258 N. 13th. J244 HEATED S-room furnished spt. 607 N. Capitol. J347 nnWNTOWH nnnrtment. With without garage. Phone 1403R.. J244 NICE furnished first floor apartments 590 Union. J247 3 ROOM nloeiy furnished apt. Steam heat, 1209 uourt at. , MTEW tnnrtfrn R-ronm house also fur nished bouse. Inquire 1816 North 5th street. J243 3 ROOM furnished apartment, 687 North Front St. 18 J243 mrATm alMolne rooms, close Phone S25J. Mrs. Jorgunsen. J243 unnrn kl K.rnnm fnrnlshed SDart- ment with garage, $27. 1126 Jefferson St. g43 MODERN 6-room house on Fainnount R1U. Phone 2171M. 1846 John St. J243 200 ACRES 12 miles north of Salem and two miles north of Wsconda. Florence Waster. Monroe. Ore. J343 JUST being finished, S-room modem bouse. Rent ior bid monvn. or for $1600. Phone 122F4. CaU 2410 Myrtle avenue during dsy. J243 ONE and 9 room furnished keeping rooms 433 Division. J2431 LARGE double room. Gloat in. Phone 1547W. 428 ti. CnurCD. m.RAN furnished ant. Private bath, 372 N. Winter. J243 ATTRACTTVE Storeroom In Xleinore theater bldg. with basement, phone1 1&90W. i 4 ROOM house, annex, woodshed, ga rage. Inquire store l oaiem neign. Phone 75F4. J251 fttrnihkd 4 -room sot. Lower floor, flrenlace. sleeping porch, beat 859 N. Liberty. Phone 1700 T h pnnu hniiv. near fcualneaa dlstrlet. 20. Call 847M. ' JB46 10 ROOM nartlr furnished. 310 14th. Phone 1005. J246 HENDERSON furnished apartment 330 8. 14th. Phone 1005. J246 PIIRH. Ant. Stam heat, close Phone 1063J. 245 8. Cottage. J245 4 ROOMS, water and lights furnished 13th and Marlon streets. $20. Phone 1 1270J, J243 FOR RENT APT. The Brown. Phone Emma Mur phy Brown. 317SW or B7. y ... . FOB RENT r Rvn nvtm hnma 10RQ Fir St. ! per month. - W. a. URABENHORST ft CO, IMftltOrS a. UMK4 J ! FURNISHED aps, Heat, lights, garage J271 FOR RENT, down stairs furnished apartment. Close in. Phone 1772 W. J BOARD AND BOOM, 503 So. Com mercial. J244 FOR RENT tUeeDing rooms for sen tlemen. 206 Oregon Bldg J APARTMENTS S12 and 816. DUDOD Grocery. 899 N Commercial. J THREE garages for rent down town section Phone 1772-W. J FlANOS. Phonosranhs and sewlna machines for rent. H. L. 0OXI Furni ture Co. I PATTON apartments, down town dis trict. Warm, attractive, private bath, for inspection. Call at Patton's Book stoie. J" BEAUTIFULLY finished room with board In home. Phone 2440J. J LOST AND FOUND LOST, package business papers down town, about week ago. Phone 139. Mrs. Myrtle Williamson. Reward. k245 LOST savings account pass book of me u. o. iManonai nan o rortiana. Number 137763. Very liberal reward if finder will return to Capital Jour nal. k244 MISCELLANEOUS WALNUT dry inn. lc per lb. Large or small lots. Phone 133F2. Lee's Hatch ery, m" INVALIDS cared for. Convalescent and rest home. Ashland Ore. nil99-8u MASQUERADE costumes for rent or made to order, 1125 Norway.' m244 REAL ESTATE LOT east front, paved street, . North soiem. suu. inquire ubo Highland nz44 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: For four years I have known Allen Stev ens, a veteran of the World War. who incurred disabilities as a result of his service. I know him to be industri ous and trustworthy. He is locating in the city of Salem, Ore., at Room 9. 164 N. Liberty, to nursue a general realty and Insurance business and to any of my friends In Salem I bespeak for Mr. Stevens their friendly Interest and support. Stephan F. Chadwlck of Chad wick ft Chadwlck, attorneys at law, uentrai mag.. Seattle, wasn. naej TODAY'S SPECIAL 1 acre close to Salem, good 6-room b-use. nice lawn, flowers and shrub bent. Garden, berries, etc. Good water svstem. Business chanee transfers owner from Salem. A Real Buy at 20UU. Mrs. Ellis with leo N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. n 1 500 ONLY 81 600 For li acres, 6 miles from Salem, 6 acres In cultivation, bal. timber. Fine spring, neat s-rm. cottage, garage. Good k ravel road, about V ml. to O. B. station. Small payment down as sume iuuu mige oai. to suit -Mrs. Ellis with LEO Pi. CHILDB CO.. He&llOrS 320 State Street. Phone 1727. n RAnRTPirre farm rale Pin 24 A. Howell Prairie farm. Best dark loam sou, gooa a-room punga- inw. (rooa nairr nam ana oxner Diana, Pine well water. Family orchard. 100 cherry trees, 6 acres strawberries, nice location, on account oi bickucw win sell for $4200; $200 down, baL good terms at ot. PERRINS ft MARSTERS, 312 Uray Bldg. n' TBNSHUN. See a live wire for your realty problems, allan triavawa, Realtor. Room 9, 164 N. Liberty. n344 aisoo BUYS 10 acres with sood 6-rm. house witn au Kinas oi iruit ana oer rim. close In. CHAS. SPURLIN. Real estate and exchange, 175 S. High St. Phone 634. With Winnie Pettyjohn. YOU CANT BEAT THESE BARGAINS 5 acres 24 blocks state house. 7-rm. house, electricity, cnicaen nouse. barn and garage, $3250. $150 cash. auu monm. as a. aood 8-room hnuse. electricity. g A. nerries, running water, mue mum bxwm aMHi casn. VALLEY LAND CO. 1C4 N. Liberty, Kow Is the time to buy that small suburban home tract, at right prices and terms that you can handle t 61000 buys S acres of that rich dark prairie soli located east of Salem, $25 down, balance terms. $1500 buys 6 acres near Swegle school on pavement. $25 down, balance $10 per month. Int. 9. $1000 buys 2 acres on Garden road, best of soil, perfect drain age, $35 down, balance 6. $1000 buys 1 acre close to Bng lewood district, beet soil. $25 down, balance terms at 6. $1000 buys view acre south, all In bearing strawberries, $25 down and balance $10 per month. Int. 6. $1200 buys 1 acre nearly all tn cherry trees, sightly location. $50 down, balance terms. $1500 buya 1 acre, three room house, well, close In, $50 down, balance 15 per month. $2200 buys close in acre, new house, welL garage and wood house. A real buy, $200 down, balance terms. $1250 buys 10 acres of good wal nut, filbert or fruit soil, south, close to Skyline orchards, $50 down, balance $10 per month. Int. 6. , $2350 buys 9 acres east of Salem, new house, well, close to school, $200 down, balance terms. Int. Let us show you these trsrts. '' W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. ' 134 8. Liberty Street, n244' 9 rrvH rrHirnntKn riMwl l.rnnm hnilM 2 RCrM In ChffT- rles. a miles from Ladd ft Bush bank. For quick aaxe, smog, a onap. S4. ACTRKR 14500 4-room house, large barn, poultry house, 48 a. plow land, some timber, all fenced, 9 miles from Salem on .Mrf rnarta Thli la BOOd BlSCe Snd good any. Will take any reasonable eum as first payment. inn arruwi SOnnA B-r. house, good barn, garage, poultry tlon. i a. berriee, springs and run ning water, m. gooa piacv i i ner- For farm bargains see SEARS ft TUCKER, 184 8. Cornl. St. RrmrmnAN home IS ejerea aU In bearing fruit, seven room nous, irvritivj, wm iuvru at Liberty, 4 miles south. Price smoo. will consider modem bom la Salem W.BRABNHOBSTftCO. Realtors 134 s. Li oerty at. n prtOM Kan elnae in. can be eon vrtMl Into anartments. Price $2400. 200 down. Balance 823 a monin. 1A arrPKR mllaa from Salem oft Pa cific highway, A bargain for cash $100 an acre . Act. at city flmlts, smaa bonne furnlsbea, aiso new range, trice iuw, a Ronu modern house in Sllverton. Price $3500. Exchange equity of $1600 for livestock and farm machinery. r ft VICE station on hlshwav leased to February for $30 a month. Price $3000. Exchange for Salem property. WANT 10 or 20 aerea close to Salem for modern Portland midenee. Price afrOOO. Free from rnortgifr. 8. M. FARl.B. Realtor. 224 N. High. Phone 8242, D244 REAL ESTATE POR RAI.K OR TRAD If yon want to trade that bouse for acreage this is your chance. Fully modern bouse, garage, four miles from Salem, ten acres good ground, some orchard. Will trade for modern bouse in Salem. 36 aores near good valley town. Chick ens and other stock and equipment. Good house and barn, well watered. 6500. Will take some etchansa. 700 acres ta stocky ranch; 300 acres' some Umber. Fair x room house. good barn, sheep tignt fence. This Is a snap, iricea at gzti.non. 240 acres about three miles from good valley town. Fair house and good big dairy barn. First class soil, running water and wells. Priced right at $50 an acre. Will take good residence in exchange. I To trade for farm, apartment house wen locaiea on crees lot. income oi $74 a month. Mortgage $2000. Will trade equity for farm within twelve miles of Salem. Beautiful seven room English style fully modern home In exclusive resi dential district on Falrmount hill. Will trade for larger house In Port land and assume difference In price. Why pay rent? You can purchase this good garage house at very small pay ment down and balance like rent. Price $323. Five room modern house In good lo cation. $25 per month- Eight room fully modern bouse for rent at $35 a month. We WRITE all Classes of INSURANCE J. ULK1CM UU. 129 TT. Cornl. St., Phone 1354.' h POR SAI.K Pine prune orchard at a good bargain if taken soon. Tractor and all ma chinery go with thts. Good 73-acre farm Just outside city limits of Wood burn that must be sold on account of mortgage. Good 27-acre ranch south of city with good buildings on in fruit and must do sold at omy s&auu. We write Insurance of all kinds and have plenty of money to loan. 202 U. 8. Bank Bldg. n SALE 7-room house with garage, lot 66rl25 it. on corner, witn ootn streets pavoa. La vol v location with nuts, fruit and shade, $2500, with $200 cash. 2-room cottage and half acre of land on paved highway. Just out side of city limits, city water ana eiecvrtc lights. Will sell house, furniture and land for $1000. No debts. Dairy ranch of 60 acres with fine fulldlngs. modern equipment, 7 cows, 4 tififra and hull. hom. two brood r tares, all farm tools. 200 bu. corn, 160 M. wheat, 40 tons hay, modern water lystem. want live or six room moaern , nmn in Ki1m as nart Dtftnent POR REV', 30 acre farm with fine farn. hidings, land all In cultivation. Five acres logans at yk rent ana - oi grain. W, A XjISTUN - b. nuncnio Masonic Building n243' POR HALE or trade by owner. 10. 20, 50 or 70 acres ox improvea iana near Salem, 245 N. High St, Salem. n244 EXCHANGE Real Estate TO TRADE 40 acre Howell Prairie farm, all un der plow, good buildings to trade for an BO-acre noweu rraine iarm. nut give diirerence. See OEISER REAL ESTATE, with Anderson Ac Runert. 189 8. Hish St. OIUU' TRADE: Equity of $600 in a good five room nouse. moQcrn. souu iwiwn, haianea monthly navments. Price 3200. Will take a lot or what have your F. Jj. wuuu, oi ptate ot. niuw LOS ANGELES home for sale, ex change, eaiem property, iteo WTTTHANOIC A real wood 6-room house, close In tn Mfhitnufl for suburban home of equal vaiue. nuw. waw nT ruur i.m n childs CO.. Realtors 320 State 8t. Phone 1727. nn ion acre farm for house and lot In Salem up to $3000. Terms on balance. 243 8. 15th St. n U243 nnnn TRArrie aiftnn nnitv in a fina 10 acre farm. Priced at $3500. Trade for stock and Implements and lease of a farm. See Bechtel, 841 State St. Room 4. nn HAVl alcrnom house In Mt. Scott i district, Fortiand. on pavea street. witn two urea inu. Karaaa ana nm- al fruit trees. Property is clear and worth 83750. Will sell at low price, or trade lor Baiem property, bos st. Nelson at Ladd ft Bush bank. nn24T JUST ft mile east of Salem we have a r rat class well improvea 10 acra farm all equipped and the owner must sacrifice, bee it tooay. t M wn hnve a verv fine 3-acre tract With good improvements near Salem to iraae ior a gooa uairy tniiii. We have 3 good Salem residences to trade for a good small farm. u.' Vm 1a on wll lmnroved acres On the Silverten road worth $7000 to trade for Salem home. MrfllI,CHRIST Se PENNINGTON ii in tt a n,W klrti Oh 14H nn 6 ROOM modern English stucco house In one of Portland's best residential districts. Value $6500. House now rented for $50 per month on lease. Will trade for acreage of equal value near oaiem. rnone ear. uunveiu 1000. Mu; $7500 HOUSE and ten acre prune or-r-hnrA fnhnniie for 810.000 Salem home Call 1845W. nn244 AU'IOMOHII.ES FOR SALE light Ford tractor, one plow and one disc, $100. One pair fecse $5. Donald Silver, Salem, Rt. , box 201, Garden road. q244 FOR SALE, late 1926 model T Ford, two door. A-l condition. Ruxcll, new rubber, $285. Terms If desired. Bee owner, at 1231 3rd St. West Salem. qaeo VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY RECONDITIONED USED CARS 1928 Nash coach. Trunk, new paint $416 1920 stude special Drougnam. North went Uwd Car Manual price $476; our price 460 1S27 Dodge Special eoupe. Two new tires 450 Chrysler 60 sedan, re finished .. 460 iB2fl Dotfre aedan. new Bistone. rings, etc 450 PORDfl We have offered us for exchange some slightly need Model A's. See us about them. 1926 Tudor who 1926 Tourlne. new tires 186 Hal Da Wsde model eoupe 226 i2 Tourings aw-eeo 1921 Tudor 66 V AI.TJtY MOTOR CO. Center ft Liberty. Selena. Phone 1995 -27 STAR. 6 coach $378. 893 N. CaDltol FOR BALE five too. white truck with dump body, solid Urea. If you need a truck for heavy nauiine mis one be bought right. See Mr. Nelson at uaa and uusn Dane. vr FORD coupe, nearly as $200. 137 Union Q243 "OPPORTUNITY USED CAR SALE Thli Wak Onl Tn order to mske room for the many trades thst are coming in on tne New Chevrolet six. we are cutting the once on ti foil owl ne DODulsr ears. Choose the model you want and ask ror it or bukx numner. stock Old New No. price price 775 Essex coach 27 $478 $436 M6 Chev. coacn, as .... 4o n 906 Butck sedan. 27 .... 825 76ft 935 Essex sedan 28 625 486 933 Ford tudor 26 265 230 OSQ TVxIm A sedan 2S 676 436 963 Chev. roadster "27 ... 846 11 909 Chev. sedan 28 ... 875 MT 9M Dodge Graham .... 625 665 Remember the above cars still carry our Red Tag with an O K. that counts McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 1 40 N. Coml. St. Phone 1603. q 1 AUTOMOBILES 13 GOOD USED CARS ' SOLD by LODES BROS m the last ' . - . . a . .. - DAYS ' 4 (Sunday and Monday? '; . There Must be a Reason " Onr pars are reconditioned, guaran teed and the Prices are Right Look these ears over: Ford' pick-up 10 Ford touring . 55 Ford touring 75 Studebaker 9 touring 85 Overland roadster . 90 Hudson coach 120 Overland coupe ; ito Ford 4-door sedan 195 Maxwell 4-door sedan 245 Studebaker 6 touring 255 Jewett sport touring 273 Flint touring 376 Jewett touring 895 Paige 6-70 sport phaeton 475 Cadillac spt. phaeton ........... 475 uuirx -pass, coupe All cars sold on very easy terms. Cars selling for $150 and upward are guar anteed for 30 days. 'inere is reaj vaiue in LODER BROS. . . GOOD USED CAB LODER BROS. 445 Center St. Salem Phone 460 Graham, Paige Sales and Service for Marion ana rous counties. PETTYJOHN'S P fVTPP. riSTCn PAR VALTTEfl 1929 Essex 2-door sedan 8650 IU1A Chrvsler fiS" coune ...... 476 1927 Star roadster u6" 400 1928 Marmon "B" roadster .... 975 1923 Overland coach 925 1925 Ford sedan 4-door . 250 1926 Essex coach 250 1925 Hudson coacn, overnauiea , oa 1924 Ford coupe ... 150 1925 Gardner touring 295 1926 Nash Spec. 2-dr. sedan ... 495 F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 365 N. Commercial St. Phone .1280 "Alter we sen we serve- q' FOR BEST VALUES AND PRICES ON USED CARS IT WILL PAY YOU TO 8EB STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS rtPEM RVRNINOS Ac SUNDAYS HIGH ft CHEMEKETA. PHONE 1000 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE . 37 Oakland coupe 650 27 Chev. cabriolet 436 26 Olds sedan 416 25 Ford sedan 150 36 Overland sedan 316 ElaEK AUiU Cor. Liberty ft Ferry Sts. q FINANCIAL LOANS secured. Runs until '32. Oood buy. iOU flUIUl VUUUUniiMI, UUUW abatis. WANTED, PRIVATE LOAN. $2000 on new dwelling, seven percent. 6 years. W.H. GRABENHORST ft CO, Realtors 134 s. Liberty at, " HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, Inc, for City and farm loans. Ratee and cost lowest available. Prompt esrvtoa 308 Oregon Building. t ON Farm and City property. Lowest COM ior ijans rarougo uim wuw rhone 3310. Boom S, MUler'g Store Bldg. PERSONAL LOANS I RAVI monerv to loan on apartment houses and bus tn ess pro perty. In Salem and surrounding towns. Low ratee, long time, pay In full after one veer If you desire. Mo penalty. Floyd Ellis with 8. O. Delano Made on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Re-payable monthly. When la financial Deed see us before closing loan. nrNPTJAT. INVESTMENT CORPORA TION, 1st NfttX Bank Bldg. Phone 1200. nnui mAiu $1235 per month pays off ft toaa at $1000 in 124 months. Other plana to SUlt your convenient. DELANO or ELLIS 390 N. Church, Phone teV4) LOANS OH AUTOMOBILES Contracts Refinanced Payments Reduced. You Keep Your Automobile We nay balance due ' dealer, bank or finance company, end reduce ?our paytm-uta. Addi lonai moc ay loaned. Btrtctly confidential. We nan cue our own EIKER AUTO CO. Corner. Libert and Ferry Sta ph one 131 Seism. Ore. WHERE IX) BORROW MONET: On Auiomoouea, ruruiiure, utwwmi prmal ffMta and othet eood ee curlUte. SALEM LOAN BUREAU. 4C'6 Bank ox kxxnmerce. oaivm. uneuar Borrow money on youi personal property Fay back la monthly in stall men is. wn j Aurrri loam ccnsPAirT 606 Bank of Commerce Btdg. r MONEY to loan on rami estate. Pri imam towaet rates V. K Ford First National Bank. r LOANS IO men ana women steadily employ ao. on four Dlaln note, Lowest rates, eas iest navments Quickest service, fairest dealings snd newest mi hods Loan also made on inaoreea notes, lorw ture, pianos and other personal prop erty. Ail transections strictly 00 nil' dentlaL - STATE LOAN CO. T 312 OREGON BLDG. Second floor, corner of State and High, on ice hours 10 sjbl to 9:80 p. m. Phone 933. r FEDERAL Farm toans. 0 f. L Wilkinson, U 8. Buiik Bldg. f An Installment ijoao IS Easy to Repay. Why not let us explain its advant ages over ft sueigbl loant ANDERSON A RUPERT 169 South High Correspondents quits bis Savings ft Loan aWo LOANS wmj-eaiKTTB: vallsty sirmr Anderson ft Runert 189 8 High Business Opportunities BUSINESS man. 34, has one to five thousand dollars to Invest In paying business. Will consider partnership. Address P. O. box 314 Balem. 0244 WOULD rou be Interested fa Uon reculrlne asoo to $500 Invest ment that will bring $160 returns month ir 7 nan ana wire iaa nanoie, Box 426 Journal. u24S MUST sell at once, furniture and fix tures of ft 96-room hotel on aoeount Rent $76 ft month. Phone 8709. u243 FOR SALS or trade, restaurant doing good buil nee. will take car In on trade. 411 South 12th St. u244 RENT, sood location for small store, lunch counter, service station, hvtng rooms. Inquire Horseshoe Park, Pa cific highway. u243 DIRECTORY AUCTIIINKKUS F M WOODRY 13 rears Balem1 lead ing auctioneer and furniture dealer Cash paid for used furniture Res end Ttore ioiu p emnunev rnone eta ta Wished 1916. BATTKKT SUPPLIES R D BARTON. National SatterMe starter and generator work Ferry and tug a Bireete, Business Opportunities PHONE 7. H F Woodry ft Bon. Sa lem's expert livestock, furniture, reai estate auctioneers aul appraisers, 18 years experience. OaUefectloa guar anteed Store 171 North OosansentaJ BICTCLC8 LLOYD E. RAMSDEN. tafke and bicycles. $67 Court- street. CHlBUPttACTOBS . DR. O. L SCOTT, chiropractor 366 High street Phones 87 sad 8104-J. DR8. SOO PI ELD, X-ray Chiropractors Ph. 2194. 414 First Natl. Bank Bldg CON T RACTOsU) A. J. ANDERSON. Contractor. Open Shop. Phone 667. o J. A. KAPPHAHN. General team and power shovel contractor, excavating and grading. Office phone 1299; Res 124FU. o CABINET WOUk JACOB WE1ZEL Cabinet work and refinishing. Furniture repairing. Ph 1691. 239 Court Street. SaJem. o SALEM ENGRAVING CO. Cuts of all purposes. Tel. $43. 180 It Commercial street. DR. A. 8. MAC DONALD, dentist. 402 U. S. National bank bldg. o265 FURNACE and CHIMNEY Cleanina. For ft satisfactory job done with a vacuum cleaner, phone B. P. Ensley, 2838J. 0266 ELECTRICAL ttUJTLltU BILL POWsuts battery, auto electric service. 219 State St. Phone 937. HAL1K ELECTRIC CO. 461 N. Front St. Electric contracting and repairing Appliances ana fixtures, rnone e. FLEENER BLECTRIO CO., Electric lighting fixtures snd electric ranges Phone 9C0. 471 Court street. CUT flowers and floral pieces. Deliv ery C. P. Brelthaupt. florist. 613 State street. Phone 380. MATTIltSStS RENOVATED MATTRESSES renovated. We reno vate all klnda of mattresses, called for and delivered. Best of work guaran teed, uapitai uity Heading uo. rort- iana rtoaa rnone iw, MERCHANT TAfl.OB M. A. ESTKS, fine tailoring. 120 North Ubcrty street. o PLUMBING and general repair work Phone 660. Oraber Bros. 154 South Liberty street. THBO. M. BARR. Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works. lu4 8. commercial street. Temple Dasement. Phone 1613. PIANO TONES GEO. O. WILL, pUnos, phonographs. sewing macninee, eneet music ana piano studies. Repairing phonographs ana sewing, aw otate st gialen. Oregon. KOOFING TO RE.IOOF your home why not aeai wim a specianstr tte-rooring la our business, we are the authorized aonllcatlon aa-enta for Pioneer Yo- str.i!te Rock seiTice.non-fading com position, shingles. For free estimate Phone 487, Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co. 170 N. Front. 0239 SCaVKN'jKB SALEM 8CAVBNQKR Phone 107. BOOS GARBAGE CO. Reliable garrlos. pnonc oioce ia: rea bbsj. SALEM Garbage Go. for prompt and OOOUniXIIH Ml llf. ATUlUr n nnn uan cMoe. rnone let or now. 8TOVE8 AND STOVB S1CFA1KINU STOVES FOR SALS REBUILT and repaired by expert. AU kinds of wov en wire fence. Panes and plain nop uwavt muu (kkjks. ioiio nwu, Salem Fence and Stove works. 362 uiicnieaeui atrvvv. EOFF ELECTRIC CO.. 337 Court St We do house wlrlns and oarry a onm- plete stock of fixtures, instrument repairing, expenmentaj worx EieO' jw appliances repairgq. rnone too. O' TRANSFER AND 8TORAUB TRANSFER and Storage. We have paoaea vans ana ao long ana abort aistance "g lArmer iTftnaier Plione 930. CUMMINS ft RANSOM, local and Iana unii naming, raom ad. nee uvn. WATEU COMPANY OKaXJON-WASHlNtlTON Water Mar, vice company, unices corner com mercial ana iraae street, hi is mi, able monthly in advance Phone 61. WATCH HMPAir Nil GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING or money oaca. me jewel Box, 171 n. unerty. aaiem. LEGALS NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL AdflODNT Notice Is hereby slven that the final account of Hubert Ludwlg Daue. as Ad ministrator de bonas non with the Will Annexed of the Estate of Alexan der Frederick Daue. deceased, has been filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, and that Friday, November 10. ivw, at tne hour or 10 ociocg a.m. has been duly anpolnted by such Court for the hearing of objections to sucn iinai account ana settlement thereof, at which time any person In terested In such estate may an Dear and file objections thereto In writing ana contest tne same. Dated this 11th day of October. 1929 HUBERT I.UDWIO DAUE. Administrator de bonas non with the Will Annexed, of the Estate of Alex ander Frederick Daue, deceased. E. u. urawrord, attorney ior Estate, Ladd ft Bush Hank bids.. Salem. Ore, Oct. 11, 18. 25; Nov. 1, 8 LEGISLATIVE COSTS LOWER FOR 1929 VtOxm the gupreme court, where the au. I pending, ihould reverse the lower court In the litigation In volving the question whether mem ben of the im letrUlature shall b. tllowed 15 daily compensation In addition to tn constitutional S3 Mi, 1939 session enow, a savings In cost, of 934.399Ja at compared with th 1937 seMloo, according to Secretary Hon. In 1917 the legis lator, voted themselves the addl tlonal compensation and It was not challenged In the court,. The total cost ot the 1929 session, not counting the additional pay, was FUR TALK OFFERED Sidney The Ankeny grange num ber 640 held Its usual meeting Sat urday night. The program Includ ed a talk on commercial fur bear ing animals especially fox, mink, and muskrat, by E. L. Fin lay. After the reerular businrvs meeting lunch was served aft a lata hour. Street fn Austin. Tex., now be long to the property owner on them. The legislature se decreed In order to levy tane. Title for- Jmerly was he.d by the stato. On The Air FEIDAT 'a. o 1 P JnKOlK. poptuu or. chestra; Saw. town crlsr. Part, land city club; wt tig,. Vaub. m. awa, Bapwhour. ' 'to js now, aty atata ?rtet roport,; kix. UrS fUaS as: KOIN, organ racltal. musio. a to a pa KouOcacuorta. splrattonaTtalk. to 4 sm-xoa, . mud tSJ.0? i?fiW. popular mu te: elasalcal ooncart; KOIH. popular orclustra. ' . o 9 pja. KOIN, Mueatbmal iV"'vKaw" Baker; K X, ChUdran's hour. to 7 pjn. kow, Kn, Kaa network. KOIM. pipe organ: KJDL concert:, silver concert. 7 to p.m-KOIN. dinner con- KKX. Coal Dusters. 8 to 9 D m. KOIN, Salem hour-. KOW. KM, KOO, network. 9 to 10 p n. KOIN, True story hour over Columbia chain; KOW, KTI, KOO. KPO, nstwoik; "r Bcotch Melodies. 1 to II pj-KBX, dance eon cert; KOW, KOW Kinglets; KOIH. popular orchestra; KFJ. KOO. net! work. 11 to 19 pro. KOIN, dance band; KOW, Hoot Owls; fro lic, news; KPI, news; KOO. dance orchestra; KPO, network. , . SATURDAY ' 19 to I p.m KOIN, popular Or chestra; KOW, president of Uve atock exposition; KKX, tun., wea ther, Happy Hour Olrla. 1 to 3 pjn. KOIN, organ recital and orchestra; KOW, market re ports, orgau concert; KKX, farm flashes. 3 to 3 p.m. KOIN, football gams O". 8. o. and V. of W.; Kow, foot ball game, D. B. c. and U. of w. 3 to pjn. KOIN. KOW, foot ball gam.. 4 to 5 p.m. KBX, classical con cert; KOW. KOIN. football game. tot pjnKOIN, orchestra, educational talk; KOW, network; KEX. popular, novelty program. 6 to to 7 D m. KOIN. Joe and VI, Columbia chain, orchestra; K OW, network symphony; KEX, Ly ric hour, silver concert; KFL KO- 0, KPO, network. 7 to 8 p.m. KOW, dance music, network: KOINFaramount Publlx hour: KBX. weather reports; KP- 1, KOO. network. 8 to 8 pjn. KKX. Coal Dusters, other festures; KOW. KPI, KPO. network; KOIN, popular orchestra. 0 to 10 p.m. KOW, Laundryland lyrics: KOIN, Hawallana; KEX, classical program; KPI, studio; K OO, studio music. 10 to 11 -pjn. KOIN, stetson Syncopators; KOW, 111 Jinks; KK X, Jack and Jill frolic; KPI, con cert orchestra: KOO, network. 11 to 19 pm. KOIN, Warner Stone's orchestra; Raw. HI Jlns; KEX. time, weather, police; KPI, frolic; KOO, network. BIRTHS, DEATHS, MARRIAGES DEATHS Ounn Una Ounn. 58, died October 10 at the residence at 430 South 14th street. Survived by her mother, sirs. Can.nbell. both of Balem. 'end a. bra ther wlo Uvea In Milwaukee, Wise. ocrvitcs . we xerwiuiger runerai home Saturday at 3:30 o'clock. Rev. P. W. rrlkven officiating. The body will be shipived from the Terwllliger funeral home to Bolivar, Mise, fog interment. Parounaglsn Rev. iff. B. Pannma gian, 63. died at a local hospital herej October 10. He Is survived by bis wife, two daughters. Miss Mary Parouna gian of Portland and Mrs. Ralpn Barnes of Paris. France, and a brother. Dr. H. B. Paxounaa-lan. of New York City. Remains are at Rlgdon and Sons. Funeral arrangements to be announce ed later. BIRTH Inmin To Mr. and Mrs. John Wil liam Inman. 820 W.a Wilson street, October 6, a daughter; Frances Alra the. DISARMAMENT FAR OFF SAY SENATORS Continued from page 1 but has not yet won hla point. More statements to emphasize this general disarmament situation may be publicly Issued as soon as Mac donald leaves American shores, but the following are representative ox senatorial opinion: Senator Hiram Johnson, republic an, California, a leader in the old irreconclliable group which fought the league of nations and an advo cate. of secure national defense?; "Every right-thinking individual be lieves In disarmament. All of ug hope for naval limitation. Personal ly, because ever I have ao believed, I welcome the exchanges recently occurring between the president and Premier MacDonald and fervently hope they may ultimately result in limitation of the navies of Great Britain and the United States with absolute and real parity. 'In whatever way th, recent meetings may contribute to better understanding, we all rejoice. I par ticularly liked the way MacDonald spoke to the senate. He seemed Ilka a man sure of himself and unafraid to talk. Bow refreshing It was to hear a candid and frank speech from a statesman. I commend Mac Donald's frankness and candor to our own.' Chairman Borah of the foreign relation, committee, a disarmament leader: Senator Dili, democrat, Washing ton, peace advocate: "I believe tne premier would lire to have gone further, but could not because of his situation. I would Uke to have teen something don, about the other nations. Including Japan, but I am confident Mr. MacDonald has mad, a great Impression by his sincerity. I commend his candor to the president." Senator Rosen as. uilouetw, jr republican, Wievonalnr "I regard Mr. Maclxmald'g visit as a personal triumph. My own view Is that the rank and (lie of the peo ple are not so much Interested In parity and limitation as in disarm, ament." Senator King, democrat, Utah, smaller navy advocate: "The visit has been helpful to al lay fears and suspicions of some to the naval policy or ureas Britain. When th, conference Is called Italy and Prance with their peculiar needs will doubtless contend for submar ines. Great Britain believe, sh, needs smaller cruisers. We do not need small cruisers, but need largo cruisers. To adjust these difference, will be a most difficult task. Parity in the light of this situation It most absurd and It will be a kmc Urn before It It reached.''