Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 17, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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Society, Clubs and Music
tatted or Rosalia mm. pnons a
For Parish
Members of St. Paul's Episcopal
church will entertain at a reception
from eight to ten o'clock Wednes
day evening honoring the new rec
tor and Mrs. George Herbert 8 wilt.
The affair will be given In the home
of Brigadier General and Mrs.
George A. White on Bellevue street
t)d Is planned as an occasion when
all of the members of the parish
may meet the new rector.
In the receiving line with the
honor guest, Rev. and Mrs. Swift,
will be the seven members of the
church vestry, and the presidents of
the three women's organizations of
the parish, Mrs. U. G. Shipley of the
woman's auxiliary, Mrs. G. E. Ter
williger of the senior guild, and Mrs.
Bomer H. Smith of the Junior guild.
Older members of the church will
assist about the reception rooms.
Mrs. Russell Catlin Is chairman
in charge of the reception and her
assistants are Mrs. U. G. Shipley,
Mrs. William Neimeyer, and Mrs.
Homer Smith.
The girls who will assist In the
dining room Include the Misses Mary
and Helen Kafoury, Sarah Lansing,
Irene DeLisle, Beatrice Olin, Maimi
Victor, and Henrietta White. The
guests will be greeted at the door
by the Misses Dorothy White and
Marie Fatton.
1 Edith Stone Weds
Si Louis Man
At a lovely wedding at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilgus Smith of
Portland last Sunday, Miss Edith
Stone, who has spent the past
summer in saiem, became the bride
of Leroy Baling of St. Louis, Mis
souri. The bride wore a beautiful gown
of ivory satin and lace. The mar
riage ceremony was performed by
Dr. C. O. Wright of Portland, in
the presence of a few close friends
and relatives. Preceding the cere
mony. Miss Marie Manuss sang two
numbers, accompanied by Miss Al
ma Sand wick of Corvallis and Miss
Alice Vandevort of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Baling left Im
mediately for St. Louis, where Bal
ing will continue his work in the
Washington university located there.
Program in Senate
Tuesday Evening
O. Y. Wigfall, Portland attorney,
, will deliver an address on the con--jrtitutlon
of the United States, In a
program to be given In the senate
chambers of the Oregon statchouse
at 8 o'clock' Tuesday evening un
der the sponsorship of Chemeketa
chapter, Daughters of the American
The program is open to the gen
eral public and is planned by the
Daughters in observance of nation
al constitution day. Mr. Wigfall Is a
graduate of both Yale and Colum
bia universities. He is brought to
Salem through arrangements made
By Mrs. John Richardson of Port
land, regent of Multnomah chapter
H the Daughters.
Musical numbers will be given
luring the evening by Miss Eliza
eth Levy's violin choir.
Members of Miss Levy's violin
choir who will play during the
program include Joyce Phelps, El
eanor Wagstaff, June Director, Hor
lense Taylor, Yvonne Plckell, Mar
raret Hogg, Margaret Bell, Isabel
firagg, Daniel Hardy and Ralph
Branch. The accompaniments will
be played by Mrs. Eugene O'Brien.
Mrs. Brazier Small and her small
daughter, Suzanne, have returned
to San Francisco with Mrs. William
Earl Shafer Eugenia Zleber) who
came north for a visit of several
days with her sister, Mis sChar
lotte Zleber before her departure
to- a year's stay abroad. Mrs. Small
and Suzanne will spend a fortnight
with Mrs. Small's sister, Mrs. C. E.
Smith (Gladys Cartwrlght) at
PlacerviUe, Calif.
Miss Zieber
Leaves For
East Friday
Much entertaining Is being done
this week for Miss Charlotte Zle
ber, niece of Miss Sally Bush, who
leaves Friday of this week for
year's stay and study abroad. Both
Miss Dorothy Uvesley and Miss
Rovena Eyre are entertaining for
Miss Zieber before her departure
Last Thursday Miss Zleber and
her sister, Mrs. William Earl Shaf
er of San Francisco, shared honors
at a luncheon In Portland at which
Mrs. Willard . Marshall (Margaret
Stolz) was hostess.
Miss Zleber will go directly to
Northampton, Mass., where she will
Join a group of five girls and a
chaperon from the Mary A. Burn
ham school. Miss Zleber formerly
attended the Burnham school and
some of her former classmates are
included in the group making the
trip abroad.
They' will sail from New York
September 27 and will dock at
Naples. The group will tour Italy
and will remain In Rome until the
Christmas holidays. After winter
sports In Switzerland, they will go
on to Paris to remain until eariy
spring. They will tour all of the
leading countries of the continent
and will spend some time In Eng
land before returning home late
next summer.
Homer Smith, Jr.
Host to Young Folks
A group of 56 young people were
guests of Homer Smith, Jr., at a
bridge and dancing party Saturday
evening in the Homer Smith home
on North Summer street Tables
were arranged for cards in the at
tractive garden at the Smith home
A number of boys and girls who
are leaving this week-end for Uni
versity and college were honor
guests at the affair.
The host was assisted by his
mother, Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Sr,
and by Miss Mary Louise Morley.
The prizes for high bridge scores
were won by Miss Esther Wood and
Edward Rafferty.
Breakfast Honors
Hester Davis
A delightful affair of Sunday
morning was the ten o'clock break
fast in the Bush gardens on Mission
street wneu Miss Sally Bush en
tertained as a compliment to Miss
Hester Davis, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Davis, who will re
turn to O. A. C. next Sunday after
spending the ' summer vacation
A group of 24 young people were
Included In the guest list. The
breakfast tables were spread un
der the trees in the lovely old
Mrs. W. A. Davenport has gone
to Newport for a visit of several
days with Mrs. Walter E. Keyes.
They will both return to Salem
At Bridge
Mrs. Ernest Thorn und Mrs. Ed
gar A. Pler&e were hostesses at a
delightful affair Saturday evening
when they entertained at bridge
and supper complimenting Mr.
Thorn and Mr. Pierce on their
birthday anniversaries. Each year
the two birthdays are celebrated
together. Bridge was enjoyed for
several hours in the Thorn home on
Lincoln hill and supper was served
later In the Red Lantern on the
Jefferson road.
Among the five tables of bridge
players the high score prizes were
won by Mrs. Karl BetVe and Ron
ald Jones.
The group Included Mr. and Mrs.
L. C. Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Poor
man, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Becke.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick . Lamport.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. McMechan, Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Farmer, Mr. and
Mrs. Linn Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Jones, Mr. and Mrs. H. G.
Maison. and the honor guests and
hostesses, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
0. A. C. Club Benefit
Bridge Enjoyed .
Members of .the Salem O. A. C.
club were hosts at an enjoyable
affair. Monday evening when they
entertained at a bridge party In
the home of Mr. and Mrs. David
Wright on Stewart street. The af
fair was given for the benefit of the
club's scholarship loan fund.
Seventeen tables were in play
during the evening with the
prizes for high score going to Mrs.
Glen Gregg and William Marriott.
At the supper hour Mrs. Ed 11
worth Rlcketts, Mrs. William Mar
riott, Mrs. Mark McCalllster, Mrs.
Larry PI ft Kg. Mrs. David Wright,
and the Misses Eleanor and Boise
Wright served.
Lovely fall flowers were arrang
ed about the Wright home for the
A lovely selection of ladies'
dresses in sizes from 42 to 48.
Materials are S a t i n Flat
Crepes and Georgettes
Specially Priced at
Mrs. Frank Myers and her daugh
ter, Miss Maxine Myers, are spend
ing several days of this week at
the beach. Saturday Miss Myers
will leave- for Eugene to enter the
University of Oregon for the first
Dr. and Mrs. P. O. Franklin Jiad
t their dinner guest Sunday, Dr.
Carl Gregg Doney.
Plans Made
The annual fall meeting of the
Marion county federation of wom
en's clubs will oe hem in mm city
probably on October 34, advises
Mrs. Waldo Brown, of Hubbard,
county president. The final decis
ion of the date and the sending out
of the convention ' call await the
completion of final arrangements
with the convention speaker who If
being brought In from the outside.
Should October 24 be decided on,
as is thought now, the convention
call will go out before September 24.
Mill City club women are already
making plans for the entertainment
of the guests from more than 20
clubs affiliated with the county
Mrs. Brown has not yet selected
all of her county federation com
mittee chairmen but the committee
lists are rapidly nearlng completion.
Miss Esther Lisle, a member of
the 1929 class at Willamette Uni
versity, left Monday for Cleveland,
Ohio, where she will take work In
the school of applied social science
at Western Reserve University for
her master's degree. Miss Lisle will
do part time work in social settle
ments in Cleveland. She has been
recreational advisor to the Salem
girl reserves for the last year and
has had experience in playground
work both here and in Portland.
The women of the Knight Me
morial church will have an all-day
sewing meeting Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. Maude H. Pointer at
1050 North 15th street.
The meeting of the writers see
Uon for this week has been post
poned for a fortnight because of
the death In Boston of Mrs. John
M. Clifford's mother. Mrs. Clif
ford was leader of the group.
An Interesting note from Mrs. H.
J. Clements written while she and
Dr. Clements and Miss Dorothy
Pearce were touring the Scotch
highlands has been received by Mrs.
F. C. Franklin. The note said that
they expected to reach London
September 5.
Members of the Salem branch of
the American Association of Uni
versity Women will meet at lunch
eon at the Elks clubhouse Saturday
afternoon at 1 o'clock. This will be !
the first meeting ef the fall and A. !
A. u. W. problems will be discussed
informally. i
Reservations will be made with:
the secretary, Mrs. Milo Rasmus-
- Mt. Angel Compllmentng Mr. and
Mrs. William J. Kloft, on their
second wedding anniversary, Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Hammer entertain
ea In their honor at their country
home north of town. Four tables
of "500" were In play during the
evening, at which Mrs. Fred J.
Schwab and Herman Schwab re
ceived the high score honors. The
guests included, Mr juid Mrs. Wil
liam J. Kloft. Mr. and Mr. Fred
J. Schwab, Mr. and Mrs. Em 11 P.
Scharbach, Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Schwab, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goo
ley, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Well man,
Miss Helen Eberle, Miss Irene
RiitJtrh and Mr tnrl Mm TP A
Chadwlck chapter. Order of the
Eastern Star, will hold a special
election meeting in the Masonic
temple Tuesday evening, to select
worthy matron to succeed Mrs.
Anna C. Kantner, who died during
the summer months.
Dayton Miss Josephine Conn,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D.I
Conn of Dayton left Saturday for
Salem where she will be a student '
at Willamette university during the
coming term.
Grand Island Complimenting A.
L. Chit wood on his 80th birthday
anniversary, his son-in-law and 1
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Badger, entertained a group of rel
atives and Mr. Edward Durkel, 91,
a friend for many years, at their
home Sunday. It was also the 15th
birthday anniversary of Ellen and
Eloise Badger.
Guests from a distance were
James, Sweet, Idaho; Mr.
and Mrs. H. T. Baltimore, Mill City,
J. B. Chltwood, Mrs. Maud Holt and
son James of Milwaukie; Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Gray and Mrs. D. J. Chlt
wood, Portland.
The ladles aid society of the Pres
byterian , church will meet In the
church parlors Wednesday after
noon at two-thirty for a short busi
ness session. During the program
hour a talk on styles In merchan
dising will be given by Mrs. Grace
Crater, buyer at Millers. A social
hour will follow. .
Miss Mildred Thomas, student
nurse at St Ignatius Hospital, Col
fax, Wash., has returned to her du
ties after a six week's stay at the
home of her parents, Mr. And Mrs.
J. B. Thomas of Salem while she
recovered from the effects of an
operation for appendicitis.
The Past Matrons club of Chad
wlck chapter, O. E. will hold its
first xaii meeting Friday evening oi
this week at the home of Mrs. Ida
Godfrey on North Winter street.
The hostesses will be Mrs. Ida Niles,
Miss Gussie Niles and Mrs. W. M.
Monday Rovena Eyre enter
tained at a luncheon at the Spa
followed by a line party at the El
sinore honoring Miss Zleber. The
group included Miss Zieber, Miss
Katherin Hartley, Mrs. Dyer and
Miss Rovena Eyre.
Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin, Miss
Renska Swart and Miss Edna Gar
field motored to Portland Saturday
evening to attend the first fall
meeting of the Northwest Poetry
society held in the chamber of com
merce rooms on the mezzanine floor
of the Multnomah hotel. The pro
gram for the evening included mu
sical numbers by Arnold LeBonde,
and an addreas by Mrs. Howard on
the modernistic movement In poe
ty. Mrs. Howard also gave an In
teresting account of her visit to
Greenwich village. -
Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Vallen had for
dinner guests Saturday evening Mrs.
Clyde May of Oregon City. Sunday
afternoon Mr. and Mrs. John Bail
and Charles Gottenberg of Oregon
city were guests also at their borne.
Mrs. Nellie Trayner, who ' has
oeen visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Crltes,- left for her
home In San Diego. Calif. Satur
day. Her sister. Ruby C riles, return
ed with her and expects to be with
her all winter.
The Harvey Brougher residence.
recently purchased by H. 8. Diion.
is being remodeled. J. N. Aroundson
b doing the work.
A number from here and vicinity
attended the funeral of Mrs. Dellah
Sanders of Silverton R. p. D.. at
Sllvertoo Monday afternoon. She
was a member of the Royal Neigh
bors lodge of this place.
The Parish house has been re-
shlngled by members of the Immac
ulate Conception church here.
Many student are attending Amos
Davis high school at Aumsvllle from
here this year, which commenced
oeorge Spencer spent several dava
visiting Mrs. N. D. Clement of Sa
lem last week.
R. O. Amort of Silver Creek la
visiting here.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Minten of Sclo
have moved into the Parkes place
Mr. ana Mrs. Frank Goss and son
Sheridan visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Schnleder.
Miss Lorint Hortcn of Salem via- '
Ked with her parent Mr. and Mrs
Joe Hortch Sunday.
spent the week end with Mr. Pie
Mr. and Mrs. H. Piebrr of Toledo
Oct's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew
Out of town friends attending the
funeral of Mrs. Cook Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Borwn. Mr.
and Mrs. H.C. Fox, Mrs. Samuel
Orr. of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. George
Smith of Mill City; Mrs. Joe Hub
bard, Mrs. Ben Whitaker. and many
other Independence friends.
Miss Julia Munn of Dallas spent
the week-end at Rlckreall as the
guest of Mrs. Harry Dempsey, Mist
Nunn Is employed at the Allgood
printing office in Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rowell mads
a visit on Sunday to Independence
k see Mrs. Roweus lather, Mr.
Byers, who Is very poorly of late.
Dent boy until to ses tbeos
' ' wash
Ash for denwnstralleo
Phone llll HI Stub Blgk Street
Phone 265 for Appointment
A. 8. May and daughter Delsle and .....t-s.
442 o451
important Hollywood actresses
use Lux Toilet Soap
Brothers' star, in the luxurious
marble bathroom built in Holly
wood just for her charming
youthfulness. SheusesLuxToilet
Soap not only in her bathroom,
but in her dressing room on loca
tion wherever her pictures are
being made.
The next time you see her in a
dose-up, notice how smooth
this daintily fragrant white soap
keeps her skin.
She says about Lux Toilet Soap:
"A star must have smooth skin
for the close-up. I find this lovely
oap it wonderful for my skin.'
" '''' "'Iplft if,(
"A smooth akin la star's
Metro-Ooldwyn-Mayer star.
"Lux Toilet Soap keeps soy
akin perfectly smooth."
1 ST'
QMOOTH SKIN is a perpetual
attraction," says Allan Dwan,
famous director and sums up what
39 foremost Hollywood directors
have learned from the movies.
" The kind of rose-petal skin which
can pass the test of the close-up is
the kind of beauty that gets the
American public every time," he
goes on to say.
It is for this reason that 9 out
of 10 screen stars use Lux Toilet
Soap. They have found that it
keeps their skin satiny and soft
always. And all the great film stu
dios have made this white fragrant
oap the official soap in their dress
ing rooms
Laxary tuck at sou havt found
only in Frtnch itapt at SOf and
note br swtriwa. HoUrvooe
tiful screen star, my: "A
screen star must have utterly
smooth skin for the cantersw
I find that Lux Toilet Soap
keeps my skm beautifully
smooth and soft.'
i -
Style -Fit-Quality
Are Open On
A group of styles are now on display and in sizes 2's to
JO's, assuring fit, comfort and good looks.
If hard to fit, ask to see Naturalizers - they fit
"We 'Fit the Hard to Fit Feet"
never so fine in Quality and Fit
$1.00 -