PTRMBER 12. 1929 IIP ETflTTT - TFJF5 CAPITA I . ty- VM.'WF0ON THE C' 'RNAT SAl,EM, OR' v PAtlW N I N K MILLER DAY SPECIAL; TIIirKRUAV, SEPTEMBER 12. 1929 ' tfe "MILLER DAY" T-I-E-S-! w is ' am : in lar- X i re By Brownsville Woolen Mills Clothing Department Single and Two Pant Styles of 100 per cent Wool! For Dress For Business For School New Fall suits and topcoats are here I And this special fea ture of all wool single and two pant suits at $25.00 will reg-. ister a hit. Worsteds, Cheviots, twists in the new brown and grey tones patterned with silver and tan beige effects that fairly speak the new season . . The Brownsville qual ity at this price will not be duplicated or equalled so we conscientiously seek your attention on Miller Day to at least try one of these on for a trial fit. BROWNSVILLE CLOTHING DEPT. MAIN FLOOR . Boys' School Suits School days will soon be here, and with them cornea the problem of outfitting the boys. Bring him to this store where you will find the latest and best of boys' suits. Every suit is backed by the Browns ville Woolen Mills that for i years has stood for quality clothing at a reasonable price. They come In all sizes some with two pair of knickers .fend TREE Belt with each suit. $Q.85 $11 85 $14-85 Men's All Wool Trousers . . . $4.85 Regular values to $7.00 in men' wool trousers A Miller Day special lor uuurcuw. rracwcauy au sues m wis special ioc Twists, worsteds, chevi ots, etc Orey, tans, browns and dark colors as veil as the lighter colon -for school. Men's section Main floor. Regular $1.00 59c S00 Men's silk tie direct from the fac tory in this coopera tion sale on MiDest Day. All are new . , all are regular $1.00 ties. Niftiest of au tumn patterns In the rich tones of ta i, brown, green, blue, red. These will appeal to men of ex acting tastes. These all have nan-wring-able wool lining. Compare them with any dollar tie yon ever bought Men's Section. MILLER DAY SPECIALS! 300 Men's Rayon Unions .... $1.00 1000 Men's 25c 'kerchiefs . . 2 for 25c Boys' Shaker Sweaters $2.95 Special Sport Coats ....... $2.98 Men's Tie Holders . . . . 39c SPECIAL PURCHASE & MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS All Sizes $ 1 .00 AH BIim , fust on blf eonttomeraUoa of shirts as they seta ltd In the faster front a boar season . , , sales, m1i samples, odds and ends, trek. Ms. AU art collar iwsasiil style la uttt ctrlpea, okeoki, as4 nua Mm la popalaf entas. ate U IflkV JTsIms to IMfe. Mar mis Itas, tiM FREE!. - JustSay "Miller V,' and ride do'vyn' town tomorrow on the street bus. , FREE! September 13th NEW FELT HATS Women's fall felts in ear tab, and other off-the-lace models.' Browns, tans, red, blue, green, etc. Basement. $1 .00 . WOMEN'S NECKWEAR Manufacturer's cooperation sale of fine neckwear. Collar and cuff sets, collars, cascades, etc. Values to $3.00. MAIN FLOOR. $1 00 Women's Leather House Slippers Sale of leather house slippers In red, tan, blue and black. Padded soles of chrome leather. MAIN FLOOR. 98. ARMY RAINCOATS wcu. miu iwu maw uiab ecu av eu.uu aua uiwa a will be offered Miller Day at 2.95. Ventilated cape $ shoulder, very durable. BASEMENT. 2 .95 COTTON PRINTS SOOO ranis cotton prints, batistes, etc. Values to MM yd. Arranged for Miner Day In one big sale at per yard lo Basement. 19 FLAT CREPES New fall shades In this flat crepe special includes the new browns, greens, blues, reds and of course black. A splendid quality 40 Inch dress fabrkfc MAIN FLOOR. SHOE SPECIAL A collection of broken lines of food shoes in Talus to $6.00. Oxfords, pumps, sport footwear, etc. A good rang of sum MAIN FLOOR. '1 I '3 .49 .95 FELT HATS Imported French hats In autumn's newest fash ions. Colors to harmonise with roar new track or float Also chiffon velveta A special purchase direct from New Tort. MEZZANINE. Reg. tVM. $7.05 TABLE OF ODDS A large table will be devoted to SO manner of odds and ends for Miller Day and toe price win be yoor oholoe tor thirteen cent. BASKMZNT. EACH 13- CHIFFON VELVETS fivuwi popular areas xaonv wm uv muuni in w -m this sale of chiffon Terrets. Pretty shades. See it 5 9o Miller Day. MAITf FLOOR. YARD JUMBO-KNIT COATS Vambo knit sweater coats tor school or sport wear In white, tan. nary and black. An Ideal coat for all -.95 porpoaa. MATJt FLOOR. J k BOY'S PRINT SHIRTS ays' guaranteed fast eolor print shirts far school tot dram New fan patterns ta blue, tan, lavender, m H 50 RAYON BED SPREADS Darta. FLOOR. atSSM. -J BSW aetsti at tail T f x Miller Day was planned for the second Friday in September, and as this falls upon the 13th, we shall call it "Lucky day." We've been most fortunate in rounding up goodwill bargains this year. Factories from whom we have been buy ing for years are keenly interested and MEN'S SWEATER COATS Men's part wool fine ribbed sweaters. Sport style or coat style In light weight materials. Dark colon. All sizes. BASEMENT. FELT SLIPPERS Women's felt house slippers In small sizes 3 to 4tt. Padded soles. In colors, tan, rose, grey, etc. MAIN FLOOR. VANTA BANDS Vanta teething bands of silk and wool, also Vanta silk and wool hose at this special price. MAIN FLOOR. 98 39. 50. FABRIC GLOVES Well known fabric gloves In qualities up to $130. Fall styles and colors. Miller Day special. MAIN FLOOR. 79. RAYON UNDIES Hundreds of pieces of fine rayon undies In this ale. Panties, vests, chemise, shorties, bloomers, etc BASEMENT 50. SILK CREPE FROCKS One special group of silk crepe dresses. Values to I1S.0S. Stse 18 to SS. Extra value giving for Miller Day, Friday, September 13th. MAIN FLOOR. 5 .00 SHOE BRUSHES Lambs wool shoe brushes, brushes. Miller Day feature. Excellent polishing 10. BAKING DISHES Highly decorated baking dishes la bright modern istic or floral patterns. GIFT SHOP SECOND FLOOR. SPUN SILK Hundreds of yards of this fin quality spun cOk specially priced for Miller Day. Many new shades as wen as pastels. Regular $1M yam MAIN FLOOR. . YARD 25. 65. (Main Floor) fire cooperating with us that we may be successful in our endeavors in promot ing annual Miller Day. For the past two months we have been busy collecting fall merchandise for this event And now! We announce MILLER DAY Friday, Sept. 13. Doors open at9 CHILDREN'S SHOES A special collection of children's school shoes In slz 8Vi to 2. Values to $4 00. A close out group. Your choice $1.00. MAIN FLOOR. '1 .00 Extra Special A table of extra specials will be featured In apparel section. Sweaters, blouses, khaki knickers, blazer I .00 sport coats worth $330 and many others. MILLER I : DAY MAIN FLOOR. ' " Men's Part-Wool Union Suits Men's part wool union suit In this special purchase m tor Miller Day at only $1.00 each. Sizes 34 to 46. ' S 1 .00 BASEMENT. FRAMED PICTURES PLAID BLANKETS Bought for Miller Day these framed pictures repre sent big values. New subjects. Pols-chrome Iraraes, 12120, 12x22. Very colorful. GIFT SHOP SEC OND FLOOR. ; $ .00 Full bed size cotton blankets In blue, rose, tan, lav ender and grey plaids (slightly Imperfect) BASEMENT. 69 CHILDREN'S FROCKS VANTA Rich Furs and Fabrics! Both dress and sport coats in the newest fall styles are to be featured Miller Day, ' at $25.00. Specially purchased for this one day sale! Fine woolen fabrics such as broadcloth, Kittens Ear, Norma cloth. Plain and fancy tweeds, and many other popular fall and winter coating fabrics trimmed with luxurious furs of Marmot, Mouf flon, French caracul, Manchurian Wolf, Mendoza beaver. ' " AUTUMN SHADES: BROWN, NAVY BLUE, GREEN, RED and BLACK. ALL SIZES 14 to 44 Apparel Sections Main Floor Guaranteed fast color wash frocks or school. Gay prin ta in popular colors. Sizes up to 14 years. MAIN FLOOR. $.69 Vanta special offered by courtesy of Vanta Corpor ation silk and wool shirts ot very fine quality MAIN FLOOR. 1 sno( SILK UMBRELLAS HEADLIGHT OVERALLS Fancy stub style with IS ribs. Also fancy border pldn silks. Brown, tan, blue, green, etc. MAIN FsOOR. led $7.95 Famous Headlight overalls In sizes up to 33 Inch waist. These are all bib style usually selling at $2.00 BASEMENT. '1 .29 fcrfA DRAPERY FABRICS COSTUME JEWELRY lues up to $1.50 In this collection ot odd draper- An opportune time to choose for fan redecora- tlL MAIN FLOOR. YARD 89. The newest fall fashions In Jewelry will be shown In this collection ot recent arrivals Cor Miller Day. Rings, bracelets, earrings and necklaces. Values to $2.25. Miller Day, your choice. 79 DRESSING ROBES RAYON PAJAMAS d. AC tor, orchid, grey, red, blue, etc. Ideal for the col- f JO DMslng robes of blanket cloth In plaid tones of legs glrlVMAIN FLOOR. A factory cooperation of rayon pajamas at $1.93. New necklines, new trims In contrast colors. Fancy motifs in applique. Also newest prints included. MAIN FLOOR. GOSSARD STEPINS GOSSARD COMBINATIONS Oessard gives us this very good value for Miller fW r? Day. Regular $830 brocaded silk stepln corset with S L .95 no-elastic front and back. Pull size range. MAIN FUDOR. Oossard combination girdle and brassiere. Ideal a foundation garment for the new fall styles in J MAIN FLOOR. 2m STATIONERY Pound writing paper In Ramona jrlpple with en velopes to match, colors and white. $1.00 value, 67c pel set. MAIN FLOOR, 67. CRETONNES SILKOLINES A vast collection of cretonnes, ailkolines. challies for hangings, comfort covers, smocks, house dress es, etc. BASEMENT. YARD t 15. PERRIN KID GLOVES . (Imported) $49 Regular $45 quality Ah Every woman knows the quality of Perrln Ud gloves. Perrln cooperate with Miller Day with aid gloves at half price. Mew taU styles. MAIN FLOOR. "Miller Day" HOSIERY Specials! THEME 'l-pr- Our first big sale of the famous Theme qual ity hosiery. Fine guage, all pure silk Themes in full fashioned chiffons and heavy service weights in dozens of smart autumn shades. This sale ia made possible by the splendid co operation of the Theme Hosiery Mills. Center aisle. Main Floor. Holeproof Sub-Standards! So slight are the tiny imperfection in these fine Holeproof pure silk hose that one can scarcely detect them, in fact, many pairs pos itively defy detection. And here is good choosing for the new fall shades are shown in " this sale. All sizes and a wide range from which to select your hosiery wardrobe. Cen- . ter aisle. Main Floor. PAIR t This group of silk crepe dresses comprise plain and printed silks in wanted shades and patterns and are truly representative of early fall fashions. Popular sleeve and collar treatments. , Mostly small sizes ranging 16 to 40. For afternoon, party or street wear this sale offers real savings for frocks such as these usually sell at $19.50 and upwards. MAIN FLOOR APPAREL SECTION NEW TWEED AND FLANNEL RAIN COATS 11 m wit $3 .95 Blue Brown Grey m A factory cooperation sale of new rain coats ' made of novelty tweeds and wool flannels. Rain and water proof . . with style aplenty I Here's your rain coat for all service wear. They have the appearance of wool sport coals'. An ideal coat for the school or business woman who desires a thoroughly reliable service garment, Colors blue, brown and grey In plaid and stripe effects. MAIN FLOOR APPAREL SECTIONS A I -.1 ' -4 v in- ..tafJ w, if ' , j -V r -1 aw m , JL,.MJill.B LfllassflSslIM