pauk six THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY. SEPTKMBKK 12, 1929 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE Tobbjr Tucker By Harold Gra ijr R.A.O. WAIXINO- Chapter at TIB BAG'S UCIIT I locked the studio door. opened the safe and' took oat tho tax. It W estraordlnsrv nesvv, rnsw weight, when I first handled It. had on tribute to the tear I felt. I Hlted It to table la the window. Sonunertlekl and I stared at the lentertsot black beg. I hated to touch the thine. "Better take It upstairs." said he, pointing -'gnlficantli through the window to the lawn peyona st, I carried the burden upstair and rhimoed it on mr bed. Bomerflsld looked at it curiously and pointed to some worn indentation letters mjTsved on the aide ot the bag. "Original owner's initial!," Hommerfleld. The black bag waa not even locked or (trapped. It had a f prlng latch that bant open when I de pressed. It. Somerfleld looked over mr ahoal er. We aaw at first nothing but what happened to be a mass of turn fas. But oa one part them there was a mark which auned me cold with apprehension. SomerMd end not realise tne slf alflcanee of the broad arrow. . "Whstl that meant he asked "The evidence that Laxtoa want edthe broad arrow that marks a convict's dress." I pulled at the tough grar mate rial, but it would not come. Imps Unit, Somerfleld laid hold of the sag itself, turned It upside down, and lifted It away, leaving on the bed a rude parcel made up In a prison t. Re gare It a roll and It came apart. Then we both staggered back, the two most astonished young men In England thst day. Wrapped m the prison cost was what seemed to ns to bo priceless and unheard of things, golden trinkets with masses of jewels, rings, bracelets, brooches, snd above sll s golden goblet set so thickly with diamonds and rubles that its bowl was weu-nignt nioaen. We stared at the display for a full minute. Bomerfield spoke tint. "Pretty little haul, I guess. I dont know much about Jewelry. but I'd say there was a. considerable fortune there, Orenofen. Noticed whether there hare been any big robberies lately?" But the contents of the bag ful filled my old fean and produced new ones. "What can we do?" I said. That's easy." Somerfleld picked up the bag and stuffed the coat Into It. "Burn this right away." It seemed good advice. I thought of my mother's Incinerator In the garden, Somerfleld volunteered to stand gusrd over whst ho called the jewelry store while I cremated the Incriminating bag. X found some old papen, but them round the bag and soon had It In the middle of an incandescent mass. Ttw jtaptxal ot Aladdin's trek sure, however, wss going to be much more difficult,; ' .( When I got back to the bedroom. Somerfleld met me with a Uttle cry . of excitement. "Christopher look here! These were under the ornaments." He pointed to a number of steel tools fine saw. a Jimmy, a pick lock, a hook, a silk rope. Be held In his hand a book In quarto, bound in a white-yellow vellum. "The hook old Fotherbury missed from his library, I bet a dollar," said he. I took it. and let the leaves 'fan over; a hlac It-letter manucrlpt, and on the first elaborately ornamented psse the words, "The Book of the Abbott John Deacon." It had been bound up before the manuscript wss finished, perhsps even before It was begun. . Nearly t quarter of the pages at the end ere blsnk. And on the Isst wrtt- irn page was a plan apparently me ground plan or a church. "That's a plan ot Fotherburys turns.- - "The book wns stolen Saturday or Sunday. ... Ton and Lsxton sow man prowling about tne ruins Sunday night , , , Lsxton must have expected bhn . , . Lsxton Is keen getting tne book, urenoien. dont we begin to see that Lsxton knew about Cousin John even be fore Cousin John gave them the slip In Devonshire? but look here. Orenofen. we cent leave this sum lying shout." " . But u was easier to say get quii of a than to do so. We hurriedly discussed many projects .only to ilrop them. Of a sudden, somenieid seemed to be electrified. Be leaped back rem the window, cried, "Look outl" and dived Into the corner of the oom where I had an old full-plate -am ere on a yellow case, "Wstch 'em and tell me If they some In," said Somerfleld, tearing at the buckles of the earners -case. kfy view commended the ' lane from a point near oar gate to the place where It disappeared under the trees. What bad excited Homer- field was the two men walking up the reed. X had them in sight for two or three seconds. On was young Fotherbury. The other I eld DM know. I sept eye oa the gate, while Somerfeild in breathless hast got the earner out of the ease, dropped it on the floor end oiled to stun into a. "What will you do with ltf, X asked. "Never mind. Watch. The fet. low with the cub Is one of Lax- ton's men." As he spoke, Fotherbury' head appeared above the shrubs that lined the little drive, and the next Instsnt he bed stopped by the gate, pointing. His companion pushed the rste back. "Be' coming In, I said to som erfleld. 'Here's bluff, then, Orenofen. It's about an even chance. But I'll take It tor Veronica's sak and yours. Bee me off the premises Just as the door opens to bun. Beady I Everything depends on bluffing the mout. Down you gol When he comes In, stand In the hall shaking hands with me." Somerfleld grsbbed the earners stand, tucked It under his arm and took the case In his left hand. The maid was coming through to answer ring at the door when we reached the hall. As she opened Somerfleld seized my hand snd said: Well, goodby, Orenofen. I know what you- want just the detail of the tower. I m going down to Ox. ford from London this evening. Hop to be back on Thursday. Pri- day morning at latest." "Fine, replied. "Ooodby somenieid. just the tower. Best time to take It is the morning before there's much traffic about. And thanks r X tamed to speak to the man In the doorway. "7es," X said. "Old you want to see mer" 1ST heart was beating hard when tns visitor, said;, ... .- "Are you Mr, Orenofen? I'm police officer." (TO D continues) FLANKB CHIEF LEAVES SUverton A, B. Csrron, superin tendent of the Silver Falls Timber company, local plant, left Wednes day morning for Massachusetts cit ies where he will spend month vis iting his ps rents and other relatives an of whom he he not seen for some years. BATONS VISIT ALLENS Woodburn Quests at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Allen tram Tuesday to Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Baton of Los Angeles. The Estons are old time friends of the Aliens whom they have not seen for many years, and were all resi dent of the state of Nebraska In their youthful days. Stayton Mr, snd Mrs. Herbert Bennett and youngest son left Mon day for a two weeks' vacation at Breltenbush. - ' Acann ft. Oa aaaarata wars a. Honor far trantpnrtntlos a, lira. are sf w.labt Is. Connl? la Raw York .lata la, hreoailhaa II. Ilaitra St. Condiment 17. Compal.loa it. r'a.trn a, t'low.r eluit.rt 01. Went rnplillr 03. Onrtaalos . n4. A .Hint (Is. Hot. Mir fW. PIpn.Ibs IS III pnlnt. J I. At noma s. Animal dottorl flllllK). 1. Plnrtliln St. Aanloi press Ss. Hilar frail S. Vrnlllnla SS, Cnita far animal, s;. Ntrrla.llori r,t. aTflrltM St. farnl.hf lana St. OrfRH ts. Iramai Solution of Ysotsrdsy'e Puxsle QLH Oil A N t t E U P L A N i : e nob1b s.Bleoparb A!x e gAlR I 0 0 TRAP Els B3 sitJy u e s B e utZS s.iQor D nowDl asJm E R R A NTItTR OwQS MA p,R av e rs B e r!e CIOR li tBIt i e r BoieJi. e t e aJJLa H m a i rACJA Res CpDoB9U0,ivlYt 3 SiL J. o e s a U O B ED A KlA I.Ij.T:.H RAjuHti jJh I NC ANfe.Bc ARETlfl. DE A plfiWsUsMilBlsUD elElg It. ne,rt aars 47. Rr Means at is. mit al a IS. Is IkM slaee tl. Ftatlalaa a4 las It. Teaas U, Tita now t, Vl.nrhri aalliis, t. Kll B. Tara nparl 4. Lak.warai S Canl ar tarlsts aalmals 5. Lisa f. rsitllestlaa a, Taacaar (. Taplas ts, PreaeS rtrar ll QaalHj nr statat faas ' IS. Half en Is. Frr.k .apply a, Frn SI, Rmbnrk OS a ' Tnjass It. Krercrcaa IrtS ts. (lb, .a Is. Armr nffleers 17. Allowance lor It, J a pn nets sslns IS. Klrrlov II. Bind II. In.lram.nti for naamrlnr IS. Al.a n. riu IS. Ptaea avals IS Hpnaar aartl r atoms la. rrlol's n. mem .' II, Uonharl II. Toarnlal til snrfaea II. Sfrpoal -Is, Rafara IS. I'nrtlal fatrta la. War al Saalsl fsre- t km n ZVTEXI- ge k jo a. IN Tp' Cff aVvj- n"S V40T so . auM- werr Mots vOUrSxVOS SAOwoa, To vjou "Bovn- Uj-,5 tAOfOE VCl- MOtvj tMTTHMG- i cvv tva' couh"WpJ WOTS VTlvivV- 7 A. 0 eei' vvaos vu foa -tv "VI OfstJCt SR TrwK. HOT STt W Ott. VaOTVtWf- JUST vvCM. WOT S)CH NfV6 K VsihaRV ts.iv.1. v4sc.S T0 IWVs V IM.V. lAMfl Srni V4ftS SaKtVMQtH' kM tVrttVA'H KfsKv- CA I TXMssTr a. !rj)wiv$H I TQV CKM- I THA.T ,OvEVft . tH- TK S SHOT- ' Iv V4tS vH- vMM. ' sV KV UKvi THKT VsOOtJt twsMWer a a am oa . CwfraM. am br Ts. cataav BEQ'LAB FELLERS Study In Penmanship By Gene Byrne ' I- I3 I4 r I5 I I7 I' f 9 ' I" - ir-Trr if- 7-7 sr" rit mar- -tt'tt W T". W T" "5T "T T TL '. "5.1C . y . -. ... Wf T TTT "T? "7W t" T"i5" 7 .iL -iL .-j H, . Hf vj t" r "" " S IXXTK U-- - MV POP X .live HMIVa BsuQA X those "axct . kmwf mi f im IfWAkM Ira 6tWfrm ( PtHCILS jgf ( ;"HW? I Jrrr? v v w-5 A - ( wL vTiyf HI ) -l I Oi.,ia - tiyfci- TAILSPIN TOMMY The Attack In Th. Clouds " " " HJSSSSS SliOfttf jmr ) e-v--v &1X L brown'! -Wi 1 1 1 rlCfry v v Irlt.stXtV Iwf tw 7zwowir 7m9(,'::r 7f ' -, VS JI'" ewto vs mw cwir ham .-' L lVSlKW' P1 f-i- 'Wrrs 'ft HW 10OP-EXECUTIN6 AN V . ) w!ijaawTTMs . .w 1 N XV5i yTv i J. innamNiwfiAnHeiopoFiHE ' aLV emprsfLr )i il? W f'7 hs'mn'orcominuc to PUS ' ihUi BilS V .IQA V SKY TM M7H 7H AtUAL BMWT? DUMB DORA Gua la Like An Eight Day Clock' By Chick Yonnz WtVhOtOgW6tTA.P I ewttiy.' fO UKmtOWBAH I evW ltVtUVA4 ITU FAPaTH T I ,N TV.6 ntANTIMt - AUNT WWMMM KO. tKWt REVSTlOMTH Cyf DOUT fiS. IMWkTlEMT, AORt ABOOT THia AUr4T yl"PfUIIJ OOfQE.TWT THvTHTtR - 9H6. EM Court To TUB. taQ VJEOCKMa I WMWWwMi r-JNB-PAjNTVVJV.U J MW PeAb OSVPCARia LUUJ - flu. MV WWAT J 1 VJWJNT To MTOTMlOa -seACTtM , A CXJOSC- LOOK AT Men -fWe i ..i.'i -.'-i4id DOTHM'T 6E.T HERE. f lVMe"VA. 61 MTOilO 19 SHE UK. ?ma SC6M ' ASO AMO ITW RETuRMtMO V WOT STUPf I . "i -f p":jJU PRCTTV QUICK rAOH1Lj I A4 600NAS NOU J SO r-VfcTE.R003 J WOR TUB. PvPfTHT TlM. f" T?f-if;- ft'WSf! iam Have our-- I Aunt ens woj, y " .a tsiovi x mau.t - ' -'ft"TCi BRINGING UP FATHER : ' ' By George McManua BANMjais w- I u f itt, I t- t yj jarvis! k M vaa woNTowaMtr) J. I .A A .W-.. : I f rV 1 I- I l. iJ . OTS ':K TT 0 raT lSnal mtaa &rrrk. tar, CMt rKaba MUTT AND JEFP JCFF, THIS IS uOwneRfxitl Kt. ITI THi BUST ,e TMe fArti' Jeff Think Fcctage la Mora Importaat Than Footage f BOY, IU C THAt'S ,TH6 6IV6 .OU (MILEAGE! By Bad Fisher KPRSSl6rJ. IT WILU CO For US Both; MvtTT. 1 HP. Vou'Ret A r-' ' " " " J I ass : I I LAP AHCATil i ( rAiTirell I r I... TT iv i I I rUUIAUfcs 1 . ll MW V fclllCArCI ! ACTiotGi STAY I .V "1 " 1: .i 1 : i it iwi u r- i ' a i i av x ri(ciaivrvi W W KJ ,? R7agvwr . " ,T? ? ' r-1 - . sua, j si i " u f -V? 1 "'"-"ftr- w - r