THURSDAY, BEWKMBEK 12, 1929 EXCLUSIVE NBW8 DISPATCHES PQIK- YA IMALL LiUUlNTY NEWS Bt FECIAL CORRESPONDENT PA(JE THREE 3ALKY MACHINE CAUSES DEATH OF DALLAS MAN Dallas Cranking his automobile while it vaa in DigQ (ear took the Ufa of J. A. Moore, clerk for the Bhell OU company Wednesday af ternoon. Moore, his wife and four children had lived here about six months and were operating a fox arm on Falrview avenue. After leaving the courthouse there be had made a business call, Moore started to crank his machine when he was observed to fall, the machine passing over his head and shoulders which were against the surblng. The machine kept on across the courthouse lawifand was not topped until it struck the building nearly 100 feet away. First aid was given by Dr. L. A Bellman and the ambulance called Moore lived about an hour after the accident, dying at 3:30 o'clock. MILL OPERATIONS ON 10-HOUR BASIS . Valsetz Operations at the Val setz mill are now on a ten-hour basis, six days a week, with the schedule opened this week, to con tinue Indefinitely. The shifts are from 1 o'clock in the morning to noon and from 1 o'clock to 6. No change in hours for the planer oper ation are contemplated at present, ELK1NS Mrs. Annie Southers was a guest it the home of her brother, 8am Say, Sunday. Mrs. Southers spent about two months Here last winier where she made many warm friends. Walter Klrkwood of near Hope well, bought seven head of regis tered Jersey heifers of the Allen ind Loughary herd Wednesday and transported them by truck to his (arm home. Klrkwood Is stocking nls farm with the Jerseys. Joe Tetherow, who has been sick for the past week Is Improving. Mrs. M. B. Lucas took the Elkins Calf club boys to Corvallis on their final Judging tour of Inspection Monday. Mrs. J. M. Tedrow and two sons, Jean and Jess, have left for Port land where Jean and Jess will enter Portland schools. Tedrow is remaining here pre paring for a public sale to be held soon on their farm. Mr. and Mrs, Tedrow and family were born and 'alsed In this community. GROOM IS KIDNAPED Independence At a charivari party held at the Ij. D. Patton hop yard on Tuesday evening, the groom, Jack Richardson, brother of Mrs. Patton, was kidnaped and tafc en for a long drive while his bride was secreted in the house. In an effort to get her away Mrs. Ken neth Arrell was slashed with a large knife on the wrist and rushed to a doctor for medical attention. LYONS LODGE HOLDS FIRST FALL AFFAIR Independence Lyons lodge, A. P. A. M. met Wednesday evening. their first meeting since the sum mer vacation, and went through the regular order of business. The redecorating of the hall has not been completed as yet but It Is expected to be finished by next reg ular meeting. Tnere initia tion at the next meeting. CAMPERS ARE GIVEN PROGRAM OF MUSIC Independence A program for the entertainment and pleasure of the campers at the Dean Walker yard was given through the efforts of Mrs. Joe Rogers, who operates the camp store. ' ' The program consisted ox several numbers by .William McOilchrlst Sr. of Salem on his. concertina. Scotch and Irish songs and bagpipes by Mr. Sharp. Mrs. Joe Rogers danced the Highland Fling, accompanied by the bagpipes. Mrs. L. Conklin gave a negro impersonation; Mrs. Madln gave several accordion selections. HOLE SUPERINTENDS CHURCH DEPARTMENT Dayton Frank W. Hole, assistant superintendent of the Dayton Meth odist Sunday school will assume the full duties of the school from now until the first of the year to fill the vacancy caused by Walter Jack man's resignation as superintendent when he moved to McMinnvllle re cently. Mr. Jackman has been em ployed in the Dayton Motor com-.j pany for several years, lie is now with the Ford garage In McMlnn i LEAVE FOR PASADENA - Amity Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Ches hire of Pasadena, Calif, who have been visiting in Amity at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Taylor, have left for the south. The Cheshires made the trip by automobile, com ing north over the Redwood high way and wili return by the Shasta route. Mrs. Cheshire Is a sister ot Mr. Taylor. Mr. Cheshire Is with the tax department oi tne city oi Pasadena. COLLINS ARE HOSTS Independence Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Collins of East Independence, are entertaining as house guests this week, Mr. and Mrs. Dave J. Collins of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. Klingen sraith, Mr. and Mrs. Terrmahlin, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Daue, Mr. and Mrs. Hoagball, all of Portland. JUDGE ON VACATION Dallas Judge O. L. Hawkins left his office In the courthouse Wed nesday for his two weeks' vacation which he Is spending by harvesting the prune crop at his farm near Dallas. Independence Mrs. C. P. Baker, who 'has been visiting her parents In Ohio for the past several weeks, returned here this week. She had a most enjoyable trip and visit but the best of the Journey was getting home. Burnett Bros., Jeweler "Pay Us at You Aro Paid" Blevea Starea .0 fhe Pacific Caaa . . . Pram Hverett t HaUjwead Net Oalr Bait W. Hope, tb Head Jf. "Coif gave the W'ut Men their Waiom Sent all the Poelt their Dream To Father and Mother their Love lor each other (He thought of them all to it teem) I thought that I vat forgotten Ms life teemed an empty affair ' But He thought of me too ami tvhen Cod gave me J Ipton I got more than my tharet THE "DUCHESS OF KENT if called for. will be at hand to, received And astonished at the beauty of toe Ti'-tf delicacy of the White"Xjol4 N. Nothing like it within three day journey that we know of (unless, of course, motley is of no ac X GALE OF HITS EniOT Hun (Qtanc1 0 Yeans o& DwciisnesG ...... v:::;-;?,- fin aBm': MUST RAISE MONEY AT ONCE af Hundreds of styles of women's fine pumps and oxfords, men's shoes and oxfords, boys' and child ren's school and dress shoes and oxfords drastically reduced during this sale. urn? Loss 5s 7T urn? ate Profits entirely disregarded Here is the best chance for many a day, just at the beginning of the season, to buy shoes at prices way below the ordinary. We expect to make more friends and customers for the Kafateria Shoe Store during this sale than during any previous sale in our ten years of business in Salem. We handle a large line of women's corrective footwear, also, pumps for street and dress wear. Come while the selection is large and sizes are not broken. We fit the narrow as well as the wide feet DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION SALE STTAETTS FUMED AY 9 A. R3. 10 Extra Salespeople Wanted Apply Sales Manager Men's Shoes $12.00 Original Chippewa 16 inch Ugh top 7 77 boots, oil tanned uppers $f . f f 6.00 men's oxfords, black and brown tfl CQ calfskin and kid leathers , $4.0.7 f 6.00 oxfords and shoes made with a strong arch support A genuine buy for ct tiresome feet pt.DJ 6.85 Dress oxfords and shoei made on new O O comfortable last, black or brown calfskin.. ricOO $4.60 Work Shoes, made with leather or composi tion soles. Easy on your feet; (9 Q9 hard on wear $-..40 $3.00 Brown kid leather house slippers. These have flexible leather soles and rubber heels. - ttl QO Special . $1.0u Hosiery $1.25 Women's silk hosiery- 77c $1.65 women'a pure silk, full fashioned hose . , , $1.29 Children's Shoes $4.00 biff girls' oxfords, black or tan calf- () OO skin; also patent one-straps $.00 $5.00 growing girls' oxfords, patent and Q Q tan; college heels i $).0.7 $3.60 high grade children's pumps, oxfords d0 Q large assortment, "iy , ,, $ai.O7 $4.00 extra good grade of children's school tf A7 , and dress pumps, oxfords and straps $- f ' $4.00 youth's oxfords. Don't fail-to see A7 them. - ' , $a.7f $4.50 boy's oxfords and shoes. Good for school or riwm $3.47 $2.25 women's fine chiffon hose, full fashioned ' $1.69 $6.00 boy's high top boots, s sturdy little (J QQ boot, with knife in pocket . $'I.J.J Women's Shoes 86 -pair $6.00 women's biege pumps and straps ... .... $1.97 150 pair light colored pumps, high or tff Q7 -Cuban heels. Values to $7.60 . $a-..7f $4.00 Arch Support pumps with guaran- da fA teed arch, assorted leathers and colors $aS.UF 90 pair of colored pumps, high grade values, form erly sold to $7.50. Assorted heels, and d0 07' materials . . . $- I $5.95 new shipment of crepe sole oxfords. These come with fancy tongues or moccason d i CQ toe. At a give-away price, at $.0l $6.00 Arch Support ties in black kid pat- djo Q ' ents and tan kid leather, only $0.0.1 , $6.00 to $6.50 dress pumps, a large assortment of new styles, colors and materials. You'll 4M CQ want to own a pair at only Pt.Of ' High grade women's hand-turned soles, straps and ties. Black, brown and patent, A pre- f i 07 dominating value, only. $4.01, $8.50 dress pumps, the very latest fashionable new styles. Our best) grades, in the new autumn browns and dull kids; also reptiles. All go on sale at . $5.97 $2.50 boudoir slippers, trimmed with a rich t f 07 silk pom-pom. Hand turned soles $1.01 ?! To the first 60 people who enter our store on Friday morning after 9 o'clock each adult will receive s mer- ' hand Is order some will receive an order FREE for . pair of shoes, others slippers, hone or other merchan dise worth while. Are yon lucky? Be here early and , 1 Sale opens Fiday, 9 a. m. nharp. F1FP Hundreds of Bargain Items Not Listed : count.) It is prosent?:! at i -.i.-.c imrial . for the Man who wants to show his sentiments m . never-to-be-forgotten way I The "Duchess of Kent" is a poem in itself and is more eloquent than words. - ' Sold on the Burnett Budget Plan Delivered for a One Dollar Bill ' Paid for at the rate of $2 a Week Gorndr 8ro&. , 457 Stale Street 3S7 Ctate Gtreet