THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1929 THK CAPITAL JOURNAT SALEM, OREOON PAGE FIKTKKN It Has Taken Niagara Falls 30,000 Years To Move Seven Miles. If s Jiist Like Sunday Traffic. 1 'apitaliUoumal CLAS5IT11CW AOrUKTlMNQ . a run Bat pm w end; mtm ou nek aanta: on montn -asntac mla MM latka-n mm. so verwnai -nee tnrwniT asooeins. ee aliowanne In nboiia 4inra. Want mam must bt to W 10 $n oc And Auto ads s t 8- sn, -8U -Tloo to puUtatu. FOR SALE BOUSES $1200. Vic 4 -room buncalo. tatn. comer lut, luujcti vv j-sivau. 1800. Hew Itangalow, 3 room, watk. fireplace, girge, iMTlng pua, eai psrineats. . $2300. (-room bungalow, east froi larva lot. naiin asld. 8100 down. $8300. New 4coom home, Iweenoont, lurnace. uraniace. pmvias. mw, mmmg temu. lAim kim homo. T-rootm. tumi . lurnace, corner lot, line location, 300 down. $4600. New 6 -room Snellen typo horn mnrira In ever wav. S500 down. $5750. Hew 6-room BngUtn trpe horn . modern in every way, lot- 65x130. Tta at fruit, dot ta. 9750 dOWO. tAu. nw fl-room Knellsh tvoe home. modem in every way. Tile drain . boards, closes In, 750 down. $5600. Good 6-room home, basement. 3 garagea, lot 60x102, eleven nice Iruit trees, a good buy. 11 EL V IN JOHNSON Or A, L. DARK 820 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 637. LOOK I LOOK ' ixwvmI tn sell mv home Will sell for $860 lees than appraisal. My strictly modern new bungalow, t rooms, attic stairs, nook, H. W. ileors, fireplace, furnace, garage, paving paid. Price cut to 443S0. Payment down. tuuM mm frmi Win fliinralsed br loan oompany at 15100. It's sours for as 50. To see rt serf Louis Bechtel or' Mr. Koetaler or Mrs.' Clarke, 941 State Bt. Room . nmn fi im. house end 3 lots, walk- tng distance north, paving paid. See this B 4 u By. awwu. veiicy uum v-w. 164 N. LiDerxy. k RNAP Quick sale demanded by distant own er of a 6-room oottage on a large cor ner lot 60x142, one block from school end bus tine. Price only $600 plus paving, hkjs Mrs. eh is wim LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtor! 820 State Street. Phone 1727. FOR SAXJB T.ra sroiinda on Creek With eeven room house, paved street, all kinds; of bearing fruit, property would uo tflvlde Into several attractive creek lots. All for 85500. Terms. IMMEDI ATE POSSESSION. See this property tnriav . W. H. ORABKNBORST 4c CO, Realtors 134 s. Liberty e. -iw- VCiTt. SALE OR KENT Good seven room house at 1080 Fir St. Price 42500. A100 down will han dle, rental 120 per mo. Immediate possession- SEE W. H. GRABENHOBST e. OO., Realtors 134 S. Liberty st. asiir- HUiAMI nwwu, mrtitMA tn bbii at rnnmi madttB with basement, furnace, fireplace, ak floors, garage, paved street. ONLY $3000; 9100 down, balance $33 per month to Include Int. LET US SHOW TOU THIS HOME TODAY. W.H. GRABENHOBST 4c 00. Realtor Two of them located 330. 344 Pawk Bt. near 8. Commercial St. Prices $3650 and $3500. Either one oan be handled on easy terms. Just being completed, will be road? W occupy in few days. SEE THEM NOW. W. H. ORABENHOEST JtCO, Realtors 184 S. Liberty Bt. msiv- niMlATKfl IM HflMM $1800. Hew 6-room bungalow, bath, tniit. iMtricitv. wired for ranere. St. paved and paid, lot 60x100; 6 Cher ry trees, double garage, fine loca tion a eaeut fauv and nice noma., $9300. e -room bungalow, basement. furnace, fireplace, trays, bath, tol lt -inrrteltv. street naved sn paid, dandy location and very cheap at the price. $200 down. Ban Itb-A rant $3700. 8-room bungalow, basement, fireplace, furnace, trays. AU modern gas and electricity, street paved and paid. Oarage. This is dose in end a dandy place worth more than they aak. Don't fall to see tela place. 50o down wui nano.e. 4000. Par ouick male. New Engnsb type 7-room. modern in every re spect, lust being completed. Bard wood floors, best of material. -all builtins, fine location on pared street. A sacrifice sale, for to raise a little money. $900 down. bal. time. $5500. Dandy buy on State street. Beautiful lot, tine Hwn. shrub bery, flowers: lot. shrubbery end lawn, trees and flowers worth$3000 without house. House Is a fme a room home. All modern and finely finished inalde, latest designs. We want you to see this place as It is easily worth 81 000 more. Why pay rent when you can live in thai np- . to -date nice borne at this price? Call BEARS 6c TUCKER for P- S ointment to see any of these nice rimes. a W.D ail.ff rwr TRATJSE- 3 mom StOd in niiturinn Or. Pumsice. garage, paved eUeet. prtced to eeJLj soidierr loan, wssy wm w Bee owner, B. P. PwresBan, 134 N. wth at. r Phone isaa. a230 MODERN e-rooaa bouse, just oompteV tut nook. S batbroonis. bardwood floors pavement paid. 005 V. I'tn. PhoTM 1BT7M. 31 - vm' mrw TTnirs TOUR ROOMS AJTO IT OOat Full ce--BBent basement, piped furnace, hard wood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen wired for range, tile bath. 7 shade trees and 3 bearing fruit trees. East front an naved street. $60$ Cash, bal ance easy terms. See .fM TR1AII OLE REALTY OOMPANY 41 Court St. Ground floor. a" FOR SALE FARMS 80 ACRE dairy and poultry ranch, plenty of water, can be Irrigated. 80 miles B. Salem. IX miles East Stty ton. 4 miles w. Mill City. 2509: 81. 600 cash. Good terras on baL Address X-l. Direct to J. L. Williams, Toledo. Ore. . . a A Mmart hlffhwajr. 29 A. OUlttVS tion. 9 rm. house. Mi barn and other bufldinaa, nmnfbg water. 1000 acre free range, near school bus. 39 loads hay. 15 cows, 1 horses, machin ery, 93W0O. A real oargasn m own stock ranch. Valley Land Co. 164 N. Liberty. b220- 600 DOWN and easy payments will buy a twenty -five hundred dollar 34 acre farm. Good buildings worth eighteen hundred to two tenosand dollars. R. F. D. asm free cheat bus. Lock box 106 Aumsvine. b220 140 A. dairy farm for sale 19 miles xrom roruana. so s. ciuutbuou. alldlngs, county road two sides, school on earner of farm. Win sell ah or half. H. & Pi sen ill 46$ Court Bt. b220 Frre acres with small shack, located 4 miles out. Price 91250; 926 down, balance $10 per mo. int. 6, Good location, near mala highway. W.H.ORABENHOftoTdtCO, Realtors U4 8. Liberty 6U b219 BY OWNER. 190 acres, water piped to bouse and barn, good buildings, all land plowed, ready to sow. Wl take Salem residence as part payment, i Price $oou, Chaa. OBrtew, 494 N. Capitol. b222 FIVE acres, highly improved, close to Balem. stocked and eqntpped. Terms. No agents. Box 320 Capital Journal. I b218. FOR SALE FARMS SMALL FARM ACRES en ood rowd. Three miles from center of Salem and near good school. Best dmrk loam soil. mam ramiiv orchard. Good A-room nmise barn, poultry honss, milk house, etc.; rrloe, uwuuaing o arses, aii nuenm srv ejad eroD. MOOO. Terms. Will es rfiinps for Baieni rawidsaoa property. TRIANQLE RXJtLTY OO, 431 court at. oraund ooor. o- 30 ACRE FARM SNAP Owner going East MAflSi. w amiek: desL farms Don't nul to see this if vou want the best buy tn the valley. Has 4 room nouee, vara, ecuexvn ammm, avon ww. hozaa, hay in barn, wlntern wood, all goes. Even to the furniture for saeoo. Hurry, see my agents. Lotus necniet. sr. noenier ar jam. nmxmm, nt FOR KAIK . Miacellapeoqa FIVE FOOT standard cigar case, Lob by P. a. National Bank bulkung. C220 FOR SALE. Davton blcvcle. good con- Hit inn Phnn 1&S3J ar call 265 N. 17th St. caw SINGER Sewing Judson. 2565W. machine $&. 525 c223 riNNiun emnatoaa. Tftc: cabbarte. prunes, f nooe viro st ooon. MUIR and Elberta peaches. Imlah or chards. Phone 3F11. c3i tomatoes ai2S a bushel at the brown tent 1 Va mile west from the corner of Miller ana Commercial Bta., Riverside -elrtva. Phone ran. Bring boxes. c222 BRUNSWICK combination radio and Pans trope. Original cost $1275. Wilt seU for cash, a IBS. Includes about 60 double faced records. Can be seen by Dhontng ftr. worn at iidi ior appointment. C319' POR RALK att and vetcti hav til. Lcieen oat straw 48. in bam at MlHon Brown's, none oin. me camhinq corn. Wetherbys plant Polk county side of bridge. Phone 3731 J. czj clobtng out Dlanos we have to stock at heavy discount in price, to order to make room for our contract or ders. Beautiful Baby Grand, standard maker Your old piano and 8395 takes it. Used pianos 850, $75, $100. Rebuilt maikoa iiiu. mio. aiou. mivo. uuua new Dlanos 8275. 8295 on terms to suit TOur needs. Or will rent Dlanos and apply the rent on the purchaser price u you Duy. u you wan s pmuw, you can c anora o nun vuib vvimt tnattv. Tall man Piano Store. 3B5- 395 S. 12th St. (The home of the Baldwin). M1 A REGISTERED pointer partly train- hi nuMi l hnl vpar. Uftii niur i u d m.. 742 N. High St. to see dog. until Rant. IS AftAF thla data see W. R. Ellis, sucxreaii. itt. i. TnaffATOEfi and ocaches for canning. Thompson's Market, y mile north of city limits on foriiana pignwsy. cam PEACHES, Elbertas, late Crawford and Mulrs at Petty' orchards, Wal lace Boad. FOR SALE, Elberta peaches, ready for canning, urawioras ana vnnngim, will InBt-. fnr am week. L. Townsend. Gervals. Bt. 3. . c210 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHOICE Shropshire yearling and ram lambs. Rleck Bros. MacleayrOre. c223 21 EWES 8100. J. O. Parr. Rt. 1. Jet ferson, near Sydney station. e218 ONE and two year old Angora bucks. aired by African buck. Poland Ohtnaa Dora aexes, an anas; wmte isocs cock-At-nla Pur PlSBkel Strain. R. W. HoKH Rt. a Salem. e222 nn phkd w LANOfi veterinarian Office 629 8 Commercial Phone U98: residence oixsgi lews y" FOR SALE WOOD WOOD SAWING, CalweU and Me-' Cracken. Phone 181$ nicrnlnge or eve nings eea2, WOOD SAWDiO. Sproed. Phone 1131. Ed ea239 DRY U-in. old fir. 4-ft. oak, ash and fir knotts. Cord measure. Reductions on large orders. C. U. Harbaugh, 638 Highland Ave. Phone 1P90. ee239 FOR WOOD sawing call Zander. Pn 307WW. PCCt DRY Wood ex CosJ PttODe 090 Tranier oo. ee- GOOO WOOD AT REASONABLE Price. Weil seasoned Second Growth Fix , Also wll seasoned old fli alaft audi Instate wood. Prompt deiimry. Fhone 1541. Fred E Weils. 280 8 Church Bt SHED DRY WOOD COAL. SALEM FUEL CO PHONE 13. 26$ TRADE PROMPT SERVICE. ee OLD Fir and second growth wood 371$ Brooks Saa, Phcsse tOM-M. as. FOR SALE POULTRY laying Leghorns. OOOO O. A. C. Rock pullets. $1 each. Julius Gehrlng, Sllvertorx Ore. 1234 HEM' WANTED WANTED, 1 Two Memorial park. laborers. Botcrest g318 WANTED, newspaper solicitor. Must have car. See circulation mamgeT Oapltal Journal. g22Q WANTED at enoa. $ prune pickers. Fine picking, w. O. TUiaon, Rt. . gJtO WANTED, pickers for trained ever green blackberries. Phone 33F23 noons or evenings. g21fl WE HAVE a steady position for the winter xor a middle as 1994W 1880 N. Commercial. gk34 WANTED, salesman to sell real ee tate. Must have some experience. 224 No. High St. Phone 3342. g220 PRUNE pickers. Phone 4Pa, Needham. O. D. ia FAMILY prune picking possibly man to work In dryer, ft. 3, Phone lonPiL g218 HOP P ckers wanted. Inquire Durbln A Oomoyer over Penneys store. g230 HOP PICKERS wanted. Williams ranch. Truck leaves easend of bridge am, 1299 Saginaw. Zlelfce yard. g2ai TWO ladles 85 years of age or older, for our salea department. Selling ex perience helpful but not necessary. Dtgtnfied. pleasant, intei asuna. per-: manent positions. Guaranteed Income during trial period and a salary at v per week plus liberal bonus paid those who qualify. Call in person at room 413. Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. tor Interview and particulars. g218 SITUATIONS WANTED YOONO woman with small child eranta posltssn as housekeeper on ranch or will cook for small crew of men. Room 13, Y. W. C. A. h220 WANTED, clerking to store or office work by woman of middle age. cap-' able of meeting the ptmlkB. Address Crampton, Oan. Del. Salem. h21 A-l PIANO player desires position in old fashioned orchestra. Call gdwAJ. h218 MARRIED MAN. age 86. Mason, broad experience corporation accounting, eudius. office management, various Unas mcludlag oil, steal, shop, sheet metal, heating deerres Immediate con nection Salem. Add rem P. B, O'Brien. gen del Portland. . h2f6 FOR RKNT 6-ROOM house and, jarage. Perry. Phone 2416. $14 2040 J220" POR RENT HOUSES Furnished and Unfurnished 15. $20, $25, $30 to 960. Rouses look ed after for non-residents. Houses sold with no down payment. Just like rent, no Interest to pay. Why pay rentT Sea LonM Beehtsi. 941 State 6u Room 4. y FOR RKN1 2 ROOM front apartment, heated and furnisneiri $1. 143 (Court 4H. Phone 11 IBM. J320 DOWNSTAIRS furnished apt, lights. water, $ Mo. 105 Bo. 34th. J320 3 ROOM duplex, bath, garage, dav enport, $3$. Apply at Hollywood Real ty Co. Hollywood theater bldg. 3220 PINE Ocaonlal home, sbs rooms, beau ttful ianm living room, fireplace, fur nace, parties leaving city, just moat ed, unusual opportunity to get at tractive home close In. one block city hall. Call evenings. 404 H. High, tab WISH ta rant my waH furnished home, noma, sleeping patch, over stuffed furniture. If you are looking for a oomJortabla homo this will please you. Choice dose tn location. Call evenings. 403 31. High. 3120 heated sleeping zoom and apt, 735 N. OoaX 1233 street, sraga. North Salem. il7 per month. also; ratnianea 8 -room house u North Salem. S40 ner month. ALSO three neatly turushad apart ments, gas ranges, ruruace neat, a blocks from Masonic tempts, 916 to 921-69 per month. Ivan O. Martin. Phone 41$. 1219 6 ROOM furnished apartment, 754 N. High. 1222 GOOD 5-xoom house $12.60, 436 8. 17th. 3222 WILL rent desk room In my office at 224 N High St. a M. Barle. J320 Soqu house with bath, aaraae. cook stove, nesting stove, sib per month, inauira Deppen, idos norrn 5th street. J219 L 2 AND 3 room furnished, apt. 732 N. Commercial. J219 GENTLEMEN. Room and board tn re fined home, class in. seierences. Phone ZeaOJ. 1242 MODERN 6-room apartment. Close in. Phone 1351. vca GOOD six room house with garage. 1664 Cbemeketa street. Call before p m. 1220 6 ROOM furnished house. Basement and garage. 62 M. winter, roone 2059M. J222 ROOM and board, 430 H. Phone 857W. Summer. J222 5 ROOM modern house. Phone 2990W. Flrenlace. J220 NICE furnished aoartments. 690 Un ion. 1230 ATTRACTIVE 2 or 4 room apt. Heat, 1209 Court St. J219 NICE apartment, 606 N. Cottage. J219 6 ROOMS, 3 bedrooms, garage, near school, prefer family, $20. Call 1446 Broadway St. 1221 FURNISHED J room apartment, 44 S. High. J221' FURNISHED apartments upstairs 819, downstairs 820. 411 N. Summer St. Phone 630. 12 IB FURNISHED room In modern home, nnu tn Rt-at house. Breakfast serv ed. 853 N. 13th St. Phone 885 W. J218 BOARD and room. Oarage. For busi ness people, ynone mmsj. j 2 ROOM furnished apartment, also sleeping room. 674 N. Church. J219 a And S room furnished snartments. TOO N. Liberty. 1218 NEAT furnished apt. 340 II. Liberty St. 1218 TTTRNIKHED anartment. naraae. ex cellent location. 7B6 Court St. 1224 FUR, apt. at 664 B. Com!. PURR. 4 -room apt. Heat, sleeping porch, 359 N. Liberty. Phone noo. J HRK DRRS ON furnished anaitment. 330 S. 14th. Phone 1005. 1230 FOR RENT, modern 8 -room newly furnished apartment. Adults oniy. 475 North Capitol. 1219 POR RENT Sleepmgrooma for gen tlemen. 205 Oregon Btdg. V APARTMENTS 012 and 816. Damon qroceiy, awa w. uommercisi. y THREE garages for rent down town section, rnone ina-w. j PIANOS. Phonographs and sewing machines far rant. H. U BUft Fuml- ture Co I LOST AND FOUND MISCELLANEOUS QUILTS or comforters tied or quilted from $1 JO to 42.50. Hemstitching 6c silk or cotton. sw4 & Corns. Phone 2020J. m216 DOGS boarded, reasonable rates, pet- isna itenneis. rscma nisuway n . Phone 2349M. m241 J. A. SNEED. well driller. $16 . 18th St phone INVALIDS cared for. Convalescent and rest borne, Ashland. Ore, m 199-80 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, rent or trade, 8 room house. 1933 Ho. Com'L Bt, Phone owner, 20S9J. n220 30 ACRES In cultivation. Family orcnara, au xinas oi iruit. acres bearing prunes. Good O-room house, electric lights, water system, piped to house and bam. Paved road. VA in ties from city Ihnrta, Balem. Can't take care of It, so will sacrifice for 9720D. Take house in Salem to $4000. For particulars call 19P4. . nx23 FOR BALE ISO acre ranch located 10 miles south of Salem, 80 acres of plow land, bal ance timber and pasture, old build ings, spring water. Price $12X100. 61000 down, balance 81000 per year lor five years, no interest for first 6 years. W.H. GRABENHORST CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street. n219 HOME with besattful view, 8 rooms, hardwood floors. fireplace, garage, close to schools for only 84000 and will consider small farm or acreage up to 63000. 70 unimproved acres 10 miles Salem, 90 acres under plow. 34 acres oak and fir Umber, fenced sheep tight, price 94000 and will take Salem home. A splendid 6-room modern home on Pal rm aunt bin worth 45500 and a splendid 10 acre farm with modem house and good barn, one mils east of Salem, worth 46000 and will trans for farm equipped, farther from Ba lem. We have ft cash buyer for good farm wuhm 10 miles of Salem. Do not want high priced improvements and must be priced right. We have several good houses tn Ba lem for rent. MCGILCHRI8T ft PENNINGTON 209-10 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 140. n ONE block to high school in two apartments, soon be business location, euoae. a clean comfortable home. 8 blocks to CapttoL 4-cm. bsan ior 44200. $ room wall ooaatoucteo. aaraaa a&209. $ rooms, lurfl aak trees gsaoo. Very easy terms OS winnie pii i ftcmn, 174 8. High St. FOR SALE 9500 down and balance terms at $, woi handle a fine 13 acre tract close m; 6 scree prunes, new house, well. Will consider lot as part payment. Price a450a. Int. 4M. W. H. GRABENHORST At CO, Realtors im & UDerxy Bu-eex. . raiv- CHAS. 6ffUHSJN Real Estate and Jjwuranoa LOOKI Fine new oottage at Newport, xricety located among treee ana comma no ins rood view of ocean. Also earner lot to 8. Salem, both streets paved and paid. Will trade both on Balem home. Price $2500 for both. What have you 7 bee mis. zius with LEO N. CHILDS OQ Real tore 330 Bute Street. Phone 1737. & REAL ESTATE aJEPTEMBER BARGAINS 00 near Salem, all in cult. denca. itew stuoco note, gooa vown, woe m ooma for valley farm. I ft A. sub. Home, eood bides, fruit. i leak $3700. Clear tor residence. jarge room home, aooe, samnam. Urge lot, $2600; $300 dwn. I Rent now before school stares. gerfST ai nouses vo aaiecc from. Mjuurrnsm. iii oray Bldg. at FOR SALS 190 down end will handle a aiancei firs sere suburban home. Hew house, drilled weft, to Oarden road. Wbv nay rentT W. H. OBiBENHORBT at GO 184 8. Liberty Street. FOR SALE. 10$ acres 4 miles south of FhOomath. good stock ranch, price gaooo; gesj sown, Routs 3, bee leS, Balem. D310 FOR SALE aioo sown ant oe $34 pay month will handle 30 acres of good walnut and filbert soil, dose to Sxytlne or chards. Price 42500. Int. 4. W. H. GRABENHORST dt CO, Realtors is a. lAperty otreet. aaiir $1560. 4 room bungalow with toilet, oatn, nreptace, garage, suoct wo navement. S5Q down. 43100. 4 room bunealow tn eood eon- anion, east xront, several iruit trees siuw aown. $3650. 4 room bungalow with nook. DMomenk xurnaca, fun mnvuia ntlri itABK a' 7 room huncalow on lanre lot. moo em in every way except ua.1 floors. 41000 down. I 3 acres. Joining Salem on Oarden; road, fine olace. Price 81326. Terms.; 8 acres, mile east of State Hospital.1 .Ail in cultivation, gooo sou ana building sight. Price $2500. -Good 30 acres, 4 miles from Salem, all tn cultivation, l acres m v year oia prunes, in fine condition. Estimated value of prunes on place this year is 91500. Price 66000. Terms. MSLVIN JOHNSON or A, L. DARK 320 U. S. Bank bldg. Phone 037. FOR SALE S acres located on main Pacific hlRh wav anuth. will build to suit DUT- chaser. Price without Improvement, 63200. Int. 6. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO, Realtors 134 B. Liberty street. um POR SALE, fine farm of 73 acres, all under cultivation with very good mo dern buildings, loins the city limits of Woodburn, Federal loan on this and must oe sola, see us tor loans ano insurance, nouses to rent iur lushed and unfurnished. Rati ARK DEAL REALTY OO. 202 U. 8. Bank bldg, n FOR BALE 50 down and balance $1$ per month will nanaie i acre locaiea eouu, room house, well. Prloe $1650. Int. 4. W. H. GRABENHORST At CO, Realtors 131 a. LiiDeny otreet. mi LOOK HERE I A CHANCE TO OET YOUR BUR URBAN HOME 1 aero of rich, productive aoll not far out on good road. Nice ft room oottage. electric lights and telephone, woodshed, garage, chicken coops, nice lawn and flowers, berries, fruit tram, close to school and has a good drove well with water system. Pries $2760. Cash 81000 nai, easy. ijco m. chtlds OO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. n FOR SALE 850 down will handle 1 acre all In beartna ancles. Price 9 TOO. Int. a, W.H. GRABENHORST Ac OO, Realtors r34 S. Liberty Street. naio1 FOR HAI.K SKA rtrtwn and balance 810 ner month will buy that view acre which you have been looking for. Let us show you. Price 1000. Int. 6 W. H. GRABENHORST $F CO, Realtors i4 a. uoerty otreet. niv 675 an acre buys 178 acres; 43 a. grafted cherries, 40 a. young prunes, 18 a. strawberries, rest ersto land. Phnna 2300. aak for Paxil us. Phone 24398 evenings. n319 0 ROOM house, strictly modem, not quite unisncq. sor eaie at a oargain, 94000: takes 81000 to handle. A well located 2 -family house In South Salem on fins large lot with trees and ehrubbery for 86000. Will take a small property to $3600 as first carmen t. 8 room house and Vt aero dose to Beaverton. Price 3500; mortgage 1175, exchange for something tn Sa- jem. - Confectionery and lunch doing m good business in payroll town, race aouw. will taka a residence tn Salem. 5 room house, newly painted, located In Corvalue. wail worth 43444, Will sell or trade at 1800 and take $300 down and 626 a mo. on balance. A good going restaurant on the coast aoing a nig ousineBs, cquipmrai, stock and lease, price 9000. Exchange ior tan euitaote xor sneep. . sc. buuujK Realhw. Phaiia 9242. 224 M. High. n230 S ACRES In city, Y rm. house, elec tricity, garage, bam and chicken house. $1260: $200 down and 20 a monta. vauey iana wo. is m. uo arty. n230 EXCHANGE Real Estate Grants Pern for Willamette Valley 300 a month Income dairy for stock ranch. Mm incumbrances and price SVO.UUU. Combination fruit and stock (arm No toonmbranges. Will take small place near Salem, Exigena or Oorval- ns. rnce i'w. Modem house. Want one equal Tai ns Is Salem. Price 83500. I. N. Bar LI An IK LA SB BUZI Oranta Pass, Ore. nn230 FOR SALE or trade: 1 acre with bouse, garage, 3 wells and running creek through place, 2 miles 8 Ml Sa lem, for small dairy ranch, O. L. Hawley, Box 51. Rt. 3, Salem. DSS22 WTCPHAwnk rtrnnst nf lota onlv 4 Mocks from O. a. c camDus. Corral lis to trade for Salem property, jrice aaauu. wiu as sume. Mrs. Ellis witn LEO N. CHILDS COM Reattom 330 State Street. Phone 1737. f NY WORK is tn Salem. Here acre tract 30 miles west or Portland o- room house, apples, pears, peaches, nranpa. eksrriaa and berries. Gas. electricity and city water. A real plaesi to live, value ea&oo, want eaiess hnuaa of An r T rooms. Box 311 Can- Ital Journal. 1 nn2l8i PACKARD truck, good condition, will sell cheap. S. Jobnsom, Rt, 3, SU- vertoo. Ore. A REAL BUY "27 Cher, coach, lust llfcj r. 418' q220 State St. Phone 1194. CapiTOL MOTOR CO. OLDS 4TK1NO WHIPPET AM Its, Hiah St. Salem. Ore. , run iiw. mips, new 1MT Fed4s ecvpe. leather nptiolstry. 102$ Bulck S-dr. aedan "Mantar." . 1924 OVUiiwbUe 1-daor sedan. 1924 Ford i in Sil ii 1926 Ovorlsatd suark sartao -I 102ft Oldsmoblle 2-door sedan. 1044 Ford coupe "Re Jo head. 1924 Chevrolet apart touring. 1923 Liberty eedan 1928 Whippet "4" ends. Demo. q214 teat Dodare-Gra- hm Perfeet eAndltlon. A wonderful buy. Ban Bros. nmer. tffiB PRICED FOR Q0ICK SALS im Ford sedan ...,. na at air InMatn .........a 23 Btudebaker touring 25 38 Overland sedan 926 BIKER AUTO CO, Cor. Liberty ft Ferry 8ts. rHavmH Mn- aedin fine ah ace. call FfTZrOsTRALD-SHERWUI Motor Co, m. Lib, at inurob. AUTOMOBILES NASH H4o0 nonHTirsv rns We have the tol lowing- Courtesy cars that we are otferliur at a van auh. atantlal saving. Theea cam eannat be ww irom new cam on ma aaua xwor nasn aia. mx 4-door sedan. Nash Spec. Six 4-door sedan. Haah Adv. Six d-donr eedaa. Also the followlne- aood awed cam; ni wnrysier oo coacn ...... aeso 1924 Bulefc 4-4oor aadaa 1078' ja rord coupe ......, sag 1924 Marmon roadster ...... 975 1926 Ford 4-dr. sedan 305 ir Been apse, l-dr.'esdsn .. 1926 Bulak 2 -door sedan 47j t9 tveriana coaon eo 1024 Chevrolet seden 190 1924 Oardnar tourmsj Bnf 1923 Cadillac touring 44 F. W. PETTYJOHN OO. Mo. Conintercml St. Phone 1340 "After we sell wo I've" q McKAY'8 FOB USED CARS WITH AN O. at. THAT COUNTS 1$ ' FINE CLOSED CARS S FORDS CHEVKOLKT8 v OAKLAND8 Trade your open car In on one of tnese nne cam. LOW O. It A. C RATES POSITIVE GUARANTEES 430 North OorTirnerctal VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY RECONDITIONED USED CARS FORDS Model A Tudor $550 Model A snort couna. new Urea 550 Model A phaeton 475 itf-so iTiaor mo 192Q Coupe, RucksteU 250 1928 Roadster 176 1924 Touring 175 Lwv troupe, omotor lav 1434 Roadster ' 60 OTHER MAKES Overland 8 coach 346 S coach 165 Star 4 touring 385 wyiiis Kntgnt sedan Star coupe 935 Dodge roadster .... 850 Dodge roadster 50 upon bvemngs VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 1996 Salem, Center at Liberty DEPENDABLE. RECONDITIONED USED CARS 2$ Bulck, 6-pass. Standard se dan, new tires and In excel lent condition throuahnutAloSS imKiana coacn, trunx, many other extras. finish inside and out exceptionally good 626 3B Whippet convertible coupe, run less than 10,000 miles, nxcentionallv aod lm avare respect 696 '25 Buick s-passenger smnaara arr1an. thornutrhlv overhauled new paint and tires , $76 '38 Essex coach, thoroughly rs condltlonad. naw nalnt and tires 536 '25 Type A Dodge sedan, motor thoroughly overhauled .... 2ff Dodes sedan, new Duco nalnt ana urea, mecnanioauy a-a evo rood 895 24 Hudson 7-paascnger sedan, as excstitionauy sooa auiomo- bib) 8B6 wft Hudson coach, recondluoned. new pains ana ures, many thousands of miles of trans portation left to this one . 396 '39 Essex coach, reconditioned, n,w nalnt 8B5 17 Ford touring, new paint and mrmm to good condition e STATE MOTORS. TN0. Comer High and Chemeketa irrtTjBON-EaaEX DIBTRIBUTORS Open evenings and Sundays q FINANCIAL LOANS WAJITKii Primt, Mur to lo.a on city pro. prtr. can pile, tiouu; now ww limr anvmsti Trtea.1. RMlty Oom- TO LOAN, tSOOO Ud 9TV. Capital jcmmiiL Mad, on rurnHura. cam MlaiM or othmr cood awrurltr. R.-p.ratole montbl,. wben id financial dm, m nrNKRAI. INVKHTMKNT CORPORA' TION. Ut HatX Bank Bide ftm ON Harm and Clt prapercr. Ltiaaat Oon kit inula mrouan uii. uiiai. jit n..ifi.,l Ina Pkoa. Bis. Koom I, Winn More Bide 1 n5 per moniB pay. off a ten erf 1000 la 1M montha. Otbar paua to nit roar DKLAMO m KM M. Cburcb, Pbon. WM uran k ftasERTS. inc. a v an. ran. tawRaiM and aj mnmt Prompt MrrMK tot OwaM BuUdm. , MONIX to leu oorsu an frl on foot u.aunai A Is mooioir to- oropartr ra Pack In wuSJmettb LOAN OOUPABT OO, Bank of Commarc Bior r IIANS 4 tnMi on1 mmM ataaSllv OmaftOtSd. rWi mtr stimrn ante. Lowest ratea. aas- tast peymeiroi. sruMaon w-". dealings and newest methods Loam also made on Indorsed noter, rural tura. pianos and otbar personal avop- arty- AU iragwammng striouy ees denteaL STATE LOAN CO. 319 OBEOUN BLDO. floor, corner of Stat snd 64 sjs. to eno p. m. Phone $33. r LOANS OM surroMOamjsi Contracts Reft na need Pavmenta Reduced. KSB Xsep Your AutoaeebQ4 Wo nay balanes duo dealer, bank or Bnonce oompany, end reduce your saarmesta Addl tonel aaoney loaned. ' Btrlctly confidential We AOTO CO. WHERE TO BOttROW MONEY: On lraorial effeciav and othet aood aa- CUrlUea. SALEM LOAN BUREA0 405 Bank of CTnuuarea, nniem. orsswn. r- federal lirn loans, ftu . W. Wiiainaon. o sv mai oiag. An inatajameoi Loan at Beay to tesetay Why not let na tmpiain Its adi fee over a straight loaof ANDERSON A RUPERT 169 South High Correspondents FINANCIAL LOANS LOAMS BssjiRcgsi OtNort$mHse. COhrwCTIOrtERT it GROCERY Asa has splendid light lunch buat- on, wau equLpoia ana m ssoa io tlon. Ftna llviner ouartexa. Fries gytoo. Terms. Let ue tell yon why the wiu accept inn resnseea SOOOLOFSKY SON ist wati. Bank Btdg'. RESTAURANT, hie income. A-l loca- J. hi. Page. 493 B. maoie lease, weraruoe BUB URBAN grocery, stock. and flxtuxea. P. v. oas 4 COM JsX HOTTER Y Resmurant, $ year' lease, cheap rent, ht good sown, tn-j ci uaing iuiuiw, stocs sss moa do. win trans, oeravaa j. sa. race 493 N Cottase. n DIRECTORY AUCTICINilCMS F WOOUHY tfl years Sslema lead Ins; auetionesr and furniture deaiet Cash paid for used furniture Rat. and itore 1610 N Summer rbone 411 Bs- tabnsbed 1910. PHONT 76 B. F Woodry ft Son Sa lem's expert Itvcstock. furniture, real estate auctioneers ai4 appraisers. IB years eamerusjoe. -naussacuon raw- anteeo. wore u 371 North OonunarclaJ street. 8ATTKKY SUFPL1E8 R D. BARTON. National Battarlaa. starts and generator work Parry and rngn streets. LLOYD E. RAMBDEN bike and bicycles. 387 Court street. CONTRACT IBS A. J. ANDERSON. OootractOT. Open pnqp. roone mai. o J. A. KAPPHAHN. General team and power shovel contractor, excavating ana grsonK. uuics pnons um: ues 124F11. o CHIROPRACTORS DR. Q. L SCOTT Chiropractor 36$ M High street. Phones $7 and 2104-J. DBS. SCOFIELD. X-ray Chiropractors ra. siy. eie nrst part. Banc siog CABINET WORK JACOB WE1ZEL Cabinet work and refinisnina. rurmcum ropairtna. Ph. loai. aaa court street, Balem. o ENORAVINO SALEM ENGRAVING CO. Cuts of all put poses. TeL 84$, 180 H. Commercial street. ELECTRICAL 8CPFL1KS BILL POWERS batterv. auto electric service, din tttate at. pnona way. BAL1K ELECTRIC OO. 461 N Front St. Electric contravttog and repairing. Appliances and Fixtures. Phona E PLEENER ELECTRIC CO., Electric iignting iixturm ana eiectrm ranges Phone 9C0 471 Court street. OUT flowers and floral nlecee. Dettr- ery O. P. Bralthaupt. florist $18 Stats street, rnona sou. MATTRESSES RENOVATED MATTRESSES renovated. We reno vate aU kinds of mattresses, called tor and delivered. Best of work guaran teed. Capital City Bedding Co. Port- lanq rwaa. roonv iw. MERCHANT TAILOR M. A. ESTES, fins tailoring. 136 North Liberty street. o ROWLAND PRINTING CO., Masonic Tempm Daaement. pnons lata. PLUMBING and general rewatr Phone 660 Graber Bros. 164 South UDerty street. THEO. M. BARR, Plamblna. heaUna" sheet nwtal works. RM s. ruimaiiiilal street. PIANO TUNER GEO. C. WILL, nlanoa. smonoaranha sewing machines, ahect mualo and ptaoo nuaies. nepainng pnonograpne and sewing maoism 488 State Bt oaiem, uregon. ROOFING TO REROOF your h nine why not daai witn a spcoiatistT Ke-rooiing Is our business, we am the authoxsaed aomlcatlon aerente for Pioneer To-. eemlte Rook aarvioa, non-teeung com-' position, shingles, For tree estimate Phone 487. Carlton Fianeer Hoofing Co, 170 N. Front. 0239 gtCAVENUER SALEM oXYSNaEBPbona 187. BOOS OARBAOE CO Reliable service Phone office 144; res 894J. o SALEM Garbage Co. for prompt "and continuous service, nrtnur noenn Oar! Boos Phone 184 or 2600. CTTY GARBAGE CO. Pnunpt service Phone 2290. TRANSFER AND pTOsUUIB TBANBFER and Btoraas. We haw padded tana and do tons nnd abort oa stance """rrg anvrmex araneier raone two. CUMMINS ft RANSOM, local and long dtemuog hauling, mom mma. i TOVU AND STOVE REPAIRING. OTOVEB FOR SALC REBUILT and raaalred br exoert All fclnda of wov en win fence. Pane, and plain bop oaaaat, and ttooka. ioean boats. Sa-, leaa Pane, an ston Work, 23 Csson lUMI BBC, OI BDSICX e POST MLMCmiO OO. Ill we do bous. wiring and oarrv a com pleu stock f futures instrument re Damn.. .zpcnaMowi wwrts Btoc- tric appliances repaired Pbon. 48 o S-DKNSCI AMD CHIUNbT CLSAN1NQ For a ostMactory job don, wroa a vacuum cleaner, phone B. P. Bnsley. MITCH COMrANV aasKioa-wuiiNdTOei wstar a vie. Company ennce. eornsv oc merclel and Traoe aveata. Bins nay. abas mommy tn advance Prion, 01. I wstrrp njPAir N OUAKANTKED WATCH REPAIRING or money back. Tb. Jntal Bos. 170 N. Liberty. 8,1cm. LfcXsALH BIOS INVITES The undersigned will reoetv seal ed bid wp to 7 JO ocl'oek pja, the opening hour of tb common coun cil meeting on September 18, rng, for a Heating Plant t be Installed at th Bast Balem Fin Station on Stat Street. Plans and specifications may be bad at th, office of th City Re cords r, city Hall, Salem. Oregon. Baeb bidder will bo required k til. a aertiiled check for 3 per cent of tb ajnoani of his bid as a guar antee of good faith. The Common Council reserve! tb right to accept any or to reject all bid, m the Interest of tb City, af. froULBKN, OKy luoardar. Salem. Oregon. 311 RETUBM FROM COAST Woodburn John Nelaoa and Mat thew laoehel returned Toes raght from Vfsrth field when they have been employed during the summer months. Nelson expects to enter Willamette university at the beginning of school. C0NY1CTI0N OF BANsBKOTSUHE (OatrBniwd trim pap, U 1 of large mlnei in the Telluride iif tnet, anri py. apptwu fatBrt, and th. vtthdrnwal at dapoclta b, w, awnan 01 u rnmmg Tben man to bo wHaooread fnr Oct Winonrr bw pprpatnt oc) tfao "parfeet frsasctel arlnM". Money that the "ahabby matera oankor pot In the mtUm aaat sot tw wUB a certain amount af MurUr tor Iiw prearnt. In trU oTa aoaltory at TaUarlao, when ha aapi ba nope, to ae. at paid out to a paaiton and atner aradltars na war "hard alt vnea tbo aottaa taU out of thine, down than.' . iMrptn wrao baa, awn naked Wagaonart aenan, jm not "per fect" admit thera It a aMnat Pa bilrtj the Nov York banko nay anar retrain their money. Aiao tharo at tadag many af tfao, vba would nako tfa. banker pay for hla audacity, the problem at nrovinc when the olf enae wa com mitted In Colorado or New York. The new "Wolf of Wall street" who virtually act hi own trap by registering under hit own name and openly livlni at a resort eaat of here, apparently U the leaat con cerned of any Involved. Be U con- fldent that the depositor, eventu ally will get their money back and his only desire now 1 to "let It over with." He U prepared ta apend the net of hia life in prison, be said. State', Attorney Preaton McEvoy who wa present when the I ugiUve banker was arretted, ha, been aent hurryinf out of the state because of oaf tunc phases ot the case. Mc Evoy, admitting angles of the situ ation an unusual, left Wednesday. Tnat McEvoy aped to Denver to assist in runlng down report, that Waggoner was assisted by a ring of swindlers, is a report that ta widely aeoepted. Official are In' dined to scout th banker, story that the aent the fake cod, message from Denver to New York bank,, instructing them to deposit 500,000 In the Chase National bank to the credit of the Telluride bank and then ppeared In tun to claim the funds. The possibility that two women aided In the Wall Street ooup also I being closely scrutinised. Th fact that then wa, a woman, hat In the fugitive', automobile when he arrived at th resort hotel near ben, has not escaped attention of oincers, although th Danker In sists that It Is the property ot his wife and wa left tn the machine when they parted at Lincoln, NebrJ a, u pwrsuit started. - SHOMDGE WILL DIRECT NAVAL FROZE (Oonttnuea from papa 1) larattons Involve dan located, wen tot appointed to the sub-committee, Halo anuouitoed. Among those In this category an If enaton Walsh, democrat, Mssss- triusetts; Swaiuon, democrat, Vir ginia; Tydlngs, democrat. Mary land, and Qokl'borough, republican,! aiarysaad. Hale Indicated the Investigation proper will get under way next week, though he said the would be 1-ft to too mb-eontmittea. The committee mad no attempt to decide what witnesses will be called, leaving that also for the sub-oemmittee to determine. Hale said no mention was made tn the meeting of tbo suggestion justice deparment attorneys b In vited t conduct the Investigation with the committee ssttang as a jury as President floorer's advisers are said to have suggested. He, said no such proposal had been to ua, camanltte. REPUBLICAN TARIFF fOotiUuued from peg, S) do th, farmer no good. The republicans, Simmons mid. hav advanced hwa the theory of a protective tariff to a position of practical exclusion of foreign pro ducts which new theory, amnions eon tended, wa exemplified in the pending bill. Simmons left no doubt that ne in tended to speak (or tb party to propounding his tariff philosophy. "I do not want, and tns party does not want, to see any American In dustry swamped by foreign compe tition, ha said, before a senate oil amber crowded ta hear the first set speech on tsrlff. "But it does not wish ta build wall around this country so high a to practically shut off Importa tion of foreign prod act, and at th, asm time, cut off or unduly restrict tns exportation of American pro- aucia." tlcmmoo said th repwbllean WO. was framed to meet the reauests af bag corporations for higher rates so they might build up am solid pones in th United States. The farm rate, an merely an ex cuse Because a few farm products an Imported Into this country. He cauea tn, farm rates -fake rates' and "ajulok duties," which would b teles, and Inet festive. 'I am opposed to this bill becstwe It ducrlnauaates agajost th, great mas, or American consumers In fa vor 01 the already over-protected In dustries," he continued, "because It will rasas tbe ostein rate, of pres ent law to a basis In msny Instanc es but little short af absohxt oro- nioition ana excluded competitive product from abroad; because It will greatly Increase th tsrlff tag. now paid by tin people In th prio e paid In the purchase ot Industrial products which they buy Increasing th anneal burden of tariff taxation Imnossd upon the aonsaisitng rnass es not thousand r millions, but On The Air TaTtTBSDAT . 11 to 1 pm. Kom, popujar orchestra; KEX, itww.Kf ejott oert. 1 to 1 pm. KOnt. Bdyi Ha wailant, popular eriliMlia; KO W. biaslrjopj talk, musl. I to I pjn. KOHf, inspira tional talk and string cncmbl,; KOW, moslo. 3 to 4 pstv-KOW, network; KOOI, new ltsm, mussa. . to pjl JWFW, rsstwork; KOIM, new, item, pjnalo, ta I pra. KOOI, strtng en semble: KOW, organ radial; K XX, racordlng concert. to 7 pjau KOW, pip or. gan. popular orchestra; sow, KPI. KOO, KPO, network; K X, Oregon Journal news, record ing concert. T to i pjotL KOOI. orchestra; KOW, - studio program, sym phony hour; KFI, detective stor ies; KOO, ooneert hour, arm. phony; KPO, travelog. S ta $ pjn. KOW, KPI KOO, network: Koni, vocal, playlet; KEX, recording music; KPO, or chestra, musical episode.- S to 10 pjn. KOW, Memory Lane; KOIN, orchestra, string ensemble; KPT, network; KOO, Olympian,; KPO, violin recital; KEX, recordings, 10 to 11 pu SOD), popular orchestra; KOW, KOMO brass band; KFL KOO, KPO, network. II to 13 pjn. KOW. dance music; KOIN, orchestra: KFL news; KOO, KPO, network. FBIDAT ' 13 to I p m KOIN, popular orchestra; KEX, luncheon con cert. 1 to 3 pjn. KOIN. Billy's Ha waiian, popular orchestra; KO W, market reports, music. 3 to 3 pjn. OW, baseball; KOIN, 'tnspiraUonal talk, string ensemble. 3 to 4 pjn. KOW, baseball: KOIN, btrioc ensemble, new Items. - 4 to pjn. KOW, baseball; organ recital; KOIN, new, Item, must. t to pjtL KOIN. string en semble, vocal: KOW. network korchestn; KEX, recording con cert. - - to T pjn. KOIN, weal, or heatra; KOW, studio program, network; KEX, new, and record ing ooneert; KOO, KPO. KFL network. f to p.m. Kane, recording concert; KOIN, orchestra, vocal; KOW, network; KPT, KOO, KP O, musts over network. S to 3 pjn-KOTN, orchestra, symphonic amngtmenis; KOW, KFI, KOO, KPO, network. to 10 pjn, KOIN, True sto ry hour over Columbia network; KOW, network dance music; K KX, popular recording,; KPX network; KOO, studio conoert; KPO, concert. M to 11 Pax KOW, studio program; KOIN. orchestra semi. classical: KFL Broadway Melo dies; KOO, out; KPO, dano, or chestra. 11 to 13 pm. KOW, Hoot Owls; KOIN, dance band; KFL news; KOO, KPO, Musketeers. BIRTHS, DEATHS, MARRIAGES DEATHS Stuart nils h. etuart dial at a local hospital September 11, at th. as, of i years. Survived by hla par ente. Mr. and Mi. B. W. Stuart of Das tlotnea, Iowa. The remains an In care of the Smlam mortuary- An nouncemsnts later. billions of dollars; because It will Increase the cost of living, already abnormally high and encourage further ts-onopotsxatton and price Using In the over-protected Industries- MAYOR PUTS BAN ON USEOFTEARGAS (ConUMMd from pa. II ot a wasaaa wtth a baby ta her rams. She dropped her baby and some one grabbed it up and saved it irom being trampled on." -me crowd. Includnlg tb Mayor. was attracted to th scene of the dynamiting as tn mem ben left neighborhood political meeting seeking city drainage relief from rains. Tit dynamit, cracked a ear wheel but th crew and passengers a whit woman and two negroes, wen uninjured. Polio, threw gas bomb, when bricks hurled from the crowd smashed in th ear wtn- rws. WKh the Boar dof Directors ot Public en-tee declaring it would complete Its organization by filling tan positions previously held open pending settlement of th, strike, the city It faced with an Indefimts traction strike called July 3. DRY AGENTS HIRE BOY TOM RUM (Contlnoed from page 1) upon learning It, addressed th court roam: "It 1 a sham, for the United States government ta hln boy, Ilk this and send them into alleys to drink whiskey with bunt. It Is a disgrace." Strange said h attended school la winter and worked as an Infor mer In the summer, H said the occasion mentioned was the only one In which th, duties led him ta drink liquor. Attorney, for the defense produced records ot the commissioner's hearing tn which Strange testified he had tasted liquor many times In connection with his work. "But then Is a difference la tasting and OVrnkln liquor," the vouth said. The curt sustained him.