THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 19& THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON i'ai;b thirteen LOCALS Dr. Edward u Russell ni elect-J- ed president of the V j men's club Thursday morning when the (roup of 15 business and protwwlnnil men held thslr lint meeting alter the cummer vacation. The group meets one a week for 1 o'clock break! art and a worout in the gymnasium. Sheldon Sasxett was elected vice president and Fred C. Duncan the secretary-treasurer. Old paper to bundle. Capital Journal. Refinance youi oar Pay monthly Bee P A Biker Liberty St Perry Mrs. 'aiendora- Blakely, director of the nursing service and child hy giene bureau of the state board of health, spent Thursday in Salem in conference with Dr. Estella Ford Warner director of the Marlon county child health demonstration. Cut down on eating meat. It con tains too much neat You should eat more salads and vegetables We have a counter full of salads and vege tables BUta Cafeteria. Old papers to bundle. Capital Journal Dr. Estill Bronx, Marlon county dental officer, lias returned from a four day stay In Douglas count; -where he met with the local den tists and the public health associa tion to outline work for dental clin ics which it Is planned to conduct in Roseburg this fall. Dr. Brunk also went to Grants Pass where he conferred with the Josephine coun ty nurse regarding a possible dental survey. Get ready for rain. Let Doughton & Sberwln fix you up with Certain teed composition shingles, laid right over the old ones. Phone 639. 21 Rocsnberg Bros, will receive their purchases of prunes at the Salem Transfer warehouse on Marlon 8t. Sacks are now available. Phone 529, H. R. Jones. 220 W. J. Nelson, of the Gideon Stoht company of Salem and president of the Oregon State Bottlers' associa tion, presided at the first association dinner of. the year held in Eugene Tuesday night. Twenty-five of the 35 members of the association were present. The association may spon sor legislation to raise or 'Continue -the present high standards of bot tled carbonated water in Oregon. Talks were given by J. D. Mickle, state dairy and food commtsrloner and Howard Glides, McMinnrille. Penn China special, with each ton Aberdeen-Utah coal, or Brlquetts. We will give 195 cards; with ton 90 cards. Capital City Transfer Co. Phone 933. 220 See Klngwood Heights. Wonderful view, pure water, pure air, Salem's beauty spot. 219 Police udge Poulsen Thursday sentenced John Burke of Tacoma to serve five days in the city Jail for getting drunk. Cliff Bollter of Long Beach, Calif., elected to pay a 910 fine Wednesday on a charge of speeding and driving his car with five persons in the front seat. H. L. Walp was fined $10 for drunk eness. Clifton Turry of Salem, is booked on a drunkeness charge. Dance at Turner Friday nlte. 218 See Klngwood Heights. Wonderful view, pure water, pure air, Salem's beauty spot. . . 219 M. O. Byors was fined $1 hi po lice court Thursday for overtime parking. Lorne Simpson paid a $5 fine Wednesday for speeding. Ar chie Evans, 172 Meyers street, Is booked for speeding. For a good time come to dance at Turner every Friday. 318 Skating Sunday at Dreamland. 21 Becxe & Hendricks received a building permit Thursday for the construction of a dwelling at 1710 Madison street, to cost $2800. O. O. Winn received a permit to reroof his dwelling at 1974 North Fourth street, to cost $100. See Klngwood Heights. Wonderful view, pure water, pure air, Salem's beauty spot. 219 Concrete for the main decking of the new bridge over Mill creek near the penitentiary has been poured. Miss Anderson will demonstrate Flex Friday and Saturday, Build ing Supply Co. 170 N. Front St. 218 Four Salem women left by auto mobile Thursday morning for weeks visit in Seattle. In the party were Mrs. R. C. Hazel tine, Mrs. Warren Jones, Mrs. Loren Peden and Mrs. D. W. Beaver, Eva L. Walker, dressmaking, re modeling. Phone 1251W. 531 N. High St. 21$ The executive board of the bod iless and professional women's club will have Its first meeting under the regime of the new officers Sat-1 urday evening, at seven-thirty, at the home of the president, Mrs. Susan Varty. The year's activities will be planned. Clean, heated water. Crystal pool. Jflt The new wing on the Salem post office became e part of- the post of fice proper Thursday morning when the arches were cut through the east walls of the main building op ening directly to the new annex. Postmaster John Farrar cays the new armex will be placed In fun use as soon as the new floors are laid, some time between October 1 and 15. The new annex walls win not be faced, being of rough bricks Only and there will be no celling. according to the specifications. The engineers say the present beating plant is sufficient to heat the annex. See Klngwood Heights. Wonderful Mew, pure water, pure air. Soleras beauty scot. til Younger Parker Oiese and Bar old BeaU won the city tennH dou- oies championaaln lor eon 14 or under, Wednesday, when they de feated Louie Bean and Bob Brown- en, S-S, -4. The doubles tourna ment games were played the first three days of the week. Last week 12 year old Louie Bean won the city singles championship. New Fall stocks are arriving dally at Shipley's. 218 Old time dance Turner every Fri day. 218 All boys of the city win be en tertained at a program of moving pictures In the Y. M. O. A. Thurs day evening at a regular social night pwgram. Enna Jettack footwear tor fall arrived todayl Miller's. 218 Giant Ruffled pansy plants. 25c dox. Beautiful colors. Jonesmere farm. 220 Drs. Saurman and 8teeves an nounce the association of Dr. Ver den E. Hockett in the practice of medicine and surgery. 422 to an U. S. National Bank Bldg. 220 Nlne and ten Tear old boys of Sa lem will be entertained at a be ginners and cadet tarty and dinner at the Y. M. O. A. Friday evening. Dinner will be served at six o'clock and reservations should be made at the Y office. Oatnea and swimming will be enjoyed during the evening. Prune aiuweis. write Bvberg Bro- Hters, suverton, ore, lor Informa tion on toe improved Prune Wash er and Trayer. 219 Pay us what you will for our small equity in five room ultra modern home, close in. Must dispose of It this week. Phone, ask at 201, office hours. 218 Joanne Evans, member of the 1929 graduating class of Salem high has asked to have her credits transfer red to Hie Oregon normal school at Monmouth where she will enroll. Enna Jet trick footwear for fall arrived todayl Miller's. 218 New Fall stocks are arriving daily at Shipley's. 218 The fire department was called Thursday to the home of Rev Bremmer, 2493 state street, where a wood-box caught fire. A slight damage was done to the walls of the home. An alarm from the Cap itol Service station at Front and Center was resDonded to Wednes day afternoon. No damage was done. Enna Jetties: footwear for fall arrived todayl Miller's. 1118 Don't purchase your fur coats un til you see Mrs. Lachell's special display (one day only) Tuesday, September 17. Further information Phone 683. 1348 Ferry St. 221 Albert Mnlslan, known to Salem fight fans as "Young Flrpo", was fined $25 In Justice court Thursday for setting a stump fire during a ciosea season at nis ranch south of Salem. The fire for a time was be yond control. Reline your brakes, saueekless lin ing, mtsgeraia-snerwln Motor Co. N. Liberty at Chemeketa. 218 Best oualitv wall narjpr. 'rtnlnt varnish. 4-hour enamel Prpcnall i UOUTt St. 219 The case of Al Gowdy. of three- quarters Indian blood, who was ar rested on complaint of Marv Strvk- er for carrying a eonoealed weapon. ana Between whom and Kvehm Stryker there was a mutual desire to get married, has been settled by Justice of the Peace Small persuad ing Gowdy to go back to his home in the state of Washington. Mary Stryker, mother of Evelyn objected to the marriage. Besides it would have been contrary to an Oregon law tnat inniDits a white person marrying one who nas more than half the blood of another race. Have you a garden we may photo graph? Finished In the oil colors these make lovely Xmas greeting cards. Phone 263. Gunnell and Robb studio. 218' Old time riant Xfehama ivm Thurs. nlte. Good crowds. 218 JimM ft Clam and president of the Marlon county bar ASROHaHnn Mtttrn,i aun. day evening from a vacation trip w aihak. no went as lar nor n as He reports a wonderful trip and sswa nt enwvM a mom rimt arms. ne was gone. Old time carnival dance Armory Sat. nlte. Sept. 14. Proce-ds Capitol Post Drum corps. Wlllard Matthls orchestra. 219 Wanted, young man. Steady lra- noyment. The spa. Rev. and Mrs. E. V. Jennlson. their son, John, and daughter, Mar- olyn, accompanied by Miss Lorene Pryor, planned to leave Thursday for am Jose, Calif, where tney will spend a vacation at the home of Mrs. Jennisoo's parents. Rev. jen nlson Is pastor of the Evangelistic tabernacle at 12th and Perry streets. Wanted, young man. Steady im- ptoyawnt. The Spa, Dance with Thomas Bros. 9-plece band. Mellow Moon Sat, , 220 State Engineer Rhea Luper will go to PrtnerUle Thursday lor a con ference with the directors and land owners of the Ochoco Irrigation pro ject relative to roorgamxaUoa and refinancing ex toe susenct. Tney have rejected a pen proposed by the bondholders la a reeeat ecufer ence at Ban Francisco and some substitute plan must be found. The district's outstanding bonds total 11 JSC BOO. Gardner Shoots Barbara DieboU, Brewery Heiress aevrian, ) Mrs. Bar bara IMebalt, S2, fteiress of the Dlebett brewing fortune, was shot and killed at her stelsi wBlage borne Tstara- saj ay a garaner asweree a. police said. KEIZER PAVING JOB FINISHED Paving on the 2000 feet stretch of county road from the Keiser school house toward the river was com pleted Wednesday evening and the road thrown open to day and night traffic Work has been immedi ately started of dismantling the Salem county paving plant for the winter and Roadm aster Johnson Instructed the power company to disconnect the power so that this definitely calls oil any .lurtner county paving operations for the year. The county paving crew paved a stretch on the old Champoeg road tons year from where the pavement ended to Waeonda also did some work m the city and the Job Just iinianed no PORTLAND TAXI DRIVERS AT WAR Portland tut In defiance of May or George L. Baker's order that tax- lea b gang warfare must cease, a group of men attacked H. B. iiegg, cab driver, late Wednesday night and beat him to unconsciousness as be was attempting to collect fare from a woman passenger. Legg told police that he bad tak en an unidentified woman passen ger to the extreme eastern city lim its. When they arrived at that point. she got out of toe cab and fled. Legg pursued her and was hit in the back of the bead with a sap." Taking representatives of the var ious cab companies into conference Wednesday, Mayor Baker told them he didn't want any "Chicagoanlst rowdyism" in Portland, and ordered the gang warfare to cease. GRAPE GROWERS TO BE QUERIED Ban Francisco (IP) Grape ' grow er! of the state will be compelled to answer under oath a question naire concern ta;; '.'. 2 :,apj indus try, according Xo Administrator William O. Walker of the prohibi tion department. Although Federal Prohibition Commissioner James C, Doran re cently stated that the grape Indus try would be allowed to police It self, Walker stated that abuses are rampant, and the questionnaires are to be the first step In a sweep ing investigation of conditions. Although the nature of the Ques tions was nont revealed, It was an nounced that the answers would be submitted under oath, laying the growers open to charges of making laise amaavits 11 discrepancies were found. SIX POLICEMEN Las Angeles (U Six Los Angeles police officers, charged with brib ery In grand Jury indictments were arraigned in superior court here Thursday under $10,000 bonds each to appear and plead next Monday. The oil leers are Sergeant Barry M. Hill, 8ergeant Leonard F. Sale, Detective Lieutenant Robert W. Evans and Patrolmen Oscar Peter son, H. Led better and Thomas Washburn. The men, indicted as the result of sensational revelations by Harry McDonald, arrested as a bootlegger, were suspended from the force by Ulilcl James Davis pending the out come of their trials. VOTE ON SEATING OF VARE DELAYED Wfl'.hlno-tm a. Witt rw, -I lion of the three year old question oi seating William S. Vare as sena tor from Pennsylvania postponed until December the tariff bill Thursday held undisputed right of way In the senate. By a vote of 41 to 34, the Vare case" lata Wednesday waa deferred until congress meets In regular ses sion, so that no time would be lost In getting Into the thick of the tariff battle. Population at the Marlon county JaU was increased by one Thursday afternoon when a. ml Brown was brought in by Constable W. 8. Mil ler of the Woodburn district to do a four months' stretch. Brown re ceived a four months' sentence and a $200 tins In Woodburn Justice court for driving an automobile while Intoxicated. The Marlon county court has filed an application with the public ser vice commission for a straightening of the grade crossing at the north city limits of Silverton on market road 79. A bad curve exists at pres ent oa the crossing. BOUNDARIES OF SCHOOL AREAS REMAIN FIXED Baundarw lines for the tune grade schools, two Junior high schools and the senior high school m the Balem school district will be practically the same as last Tear, announced Oeom W. Hue. superintendent of schools, to the school principals when the ymet with tnem murxaay morning tor the first general con ference after the summer vacation. Creative education and teaching ideals which they can maintain were discussed by the superintend ent who returned recently from a summer's study a. the University of Michigan. Routine matters re garding the opening of the new school year September 23, were also discussed by the principals. Beginning pupils will be accepted If they are six years old or if their birthday occurs before November 1 of this year, It was decided. Child ren whose sixth btrtnd&ys occur between November 1 and Decem ber 1 will be admitted to the IB grades It they successfully pass the intelligence tests which will be giv en them on the first day of school by the grade school principals In the scaou Building. Trues cniM ren who will be six years old only after December 1 must wait until February to enter schools in Salem Junior high and senior high principals discussed bos routes and It was deemed that first year high school pupils from districts south of the nenltentlarr and around to the river win be enrolled at Leslie Junior high school. All routes north and east and those In Polk county will deposit their first year student at Parrish Junior high school; Accident Brings Indian Babe Into Bath First Time Thoroughly convinced that, be it ever so humble there is really no place like borne, Lindbergh 8hn tustus, year old Warm Springs In dian, Is waiting anxiously for his return to the tepee on the reserva tion In eastern Oregon. Events have moved rapidly in the life of the young brave who receiv ed a deep cut over one eye and another gash on a leg, to say noth ing of sundry cuts and bruises, when the automobile driven by Tils fath er collided head on with another machine on the highway north of Oervais Tuesday morning. Adding Insult to injury, so to speak, was the ignominy suffered at the hands of nurses at the hospit al who took advantage of his con dition, r- - zze; and gave him a bath, the first in his life. Patched up and renovated, Lindbergh is bearing up stoically under the suc cession of events and was enjoying the 'landscaping on the hospital grounds Thursday morning from an advantageous position in the arms of his mother. Patrick Gray, deputy supervisor of forestry and Nathan Hill, agen cy farmer, are here from the Warm Springs reservation and are looking after the interests of their proteges. All members of the family who sur vived the accident have recovered sufficiently to be able to appear In court Thursday afternoon and it John Simtustus, the driver of the car, escapes, the clutches of the law, all will be returned Immediate ly to the reservation In charge of the government men. The Sim tustus family and another auto mobile load of- Indians were on their way to the hop yards when tne acciaens occurred. M'NARYS INVITED TO HOOVER LODGE Portland W Senator and Mrs. McNary, Oregon, will be week-end guests of President and Mrs. Hoo ver at the president's camp on the Rapldan river In Virginia, a dis patch from the Oregon Journal's Washington 'correspondent, said Thursday. This will be the first conference since the summer recess and It is surmised, - the dispatch said, that topics for discussion will Include the confirmation and operation of the farm board, the tariff and the pres- ldent'a proposed land policy. MEN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS The Oregon Shoe Co. S28 STATE 8TKEET I so UM Baseball Scores NATIONAL LEAdCt Boston at St. Louis, postponed, rain. Brooklyn 112 Cincinnati 11 0 Vance, A. Moore and Deberry; Rtxey and Sukefortb. New York I 11 0 Pittsburgh 1 2 Fltsslmmons and Bogan; Kram er, French and Hemsley. Philadelphia T 11 0 Chicago 1 T 1 WiUoughby and Davis; Bush, Cvengros, Carlson and Yarlor. AMERICAN IJEAGUB 6L Louis Ill New York B 11 1 Gray and Manlon; Sherld and Dickey. Detroit 1 I 1 Boston 1 1 Herring and Hay worth; Morris and Heving. Chicago S 11 4 Philadelphia 10 1 Thomas and Autrey, Grouse; Morrlss, Rommel and Heving. VETERANS TABLE REUNION PLANS Portland, Me. (Ar The Grand Army of the Republic in (3rd na tional encampment here, laid on the table the proposal for a reunion of the soldier of the north and south. - A resolution presented by the Maine department of the Q. A. R. Thursday called upon the encamp ment to "rebuke'' the recommenda tion of Commander-in-Chief John Reese, of Orosea Bow, Nebraska, that no more encampments be -held in New England. The commander's recommenda tion was contained In his address at the opening of the encampment 4le said the New England Passen ger association had refused to al low delegates and visitors to return to their homes by a different route than they traveled In coming to Portland. FLAX PRICE UP THIRTEEN CENTS Minneapolis m Flax seed eon- tinued to climb on the Minneap olis board of trade Thursday. By mldsession the price was 13 cents higher than Wednesday's close. Oc tober and December stopped Just short of the S3.50 mark. Conditions in South America, es pecially In Buenos Aires and Ar gentine where drought has caused a loss estimated in private aa- vlces at about 35,000,000 bushels started the heavy upward trend. DRUM CORPS FUND NOW TOTALS $4500 Annroxtmately I4SO0 has been se cured bjr American Legion solici tors for the fund to be used for sending the Salem drum corps to the national conventlo at Louis ville, Kentucky, said Max Page, one of the chairmen, early Thursday afternoon. The goal has been set at $5000 and ltTs hoped to raise the remaining $500 before Saturday night. A meeting of all solicitors will be held in the chamber of com merce Thursday evening. CHINESE ARREST SOVIET RUSSIANS Moscow (IP) Chinese and Ctarlst Russian troops suffered heavy cas ualties In several engagements with Red army forces on the eastern Manchurlan frontier Tuesday. Reports here said there had been an engagement on the western front also near Manchuli and that Soviet troops scored victories In all engagements. Many white Rus sians (Czartsts) were reported to have been captured. The newspaper Isvestia, In one of the strongest editorials It has print ed since the breaking off of rela tions between "Russia and China, said: "The Chinese militarists win have the strongest proof of the determin ation and ability of the Soviets to prevent further provocative raids on Soviet territory." aeft sTasrk AD CLUB MAKES PLANS FOR FALL DISPLAY EVENT Features for the annual fan win dow display to be held Ttarrsday evening, September W, were work ed out by the Salem Ad club Thurs day noon. As usual the windows will be draped all day Thursday with the unveiling slated lor 1:30 clock. A new feature tola year will be the finding of Dr. Jecryl and Mr. Byde, "not brothers but the same man." This person will be oa the streets from 1 to I o'clock and if recognised will present the finder with a SS gold piece. When a per son thinks he or she has lndentlfled Dr. Jecayl, they win approach him and say, "Are you Dr. Jeckyl from the Salem Ad club" If' the person so accosted is the right one, the coin will be presented. Dr. Jeckyl will carry three such coins and can be Identified three different times by three different persons. The treasure nuns wmcn nas proven Its popularity in the past will be repeated again this year with its hundreds of dollars of merr chandlse to be given away. Tickets will be distributed three days be fore the fall opening and articles with numbers displayed In the eve ning when the windows are un veiled. It Is not necessary to make a purchase to obtain a ticket. Ar ticles must be claimed within three days of the event Color to the opening win be pro vided by the drum corps of Capi tal Post No. t, American Legion, which will appear during the eve ning, offering selections in various parts of the business district ' SPANISH WAR VETS ELECT GREEN CHIEF Denver. Colo. (U) Oovernor Fred W. Green of Michigan was elected comnunder In chief of the United Danish War Veterans at their en- campment Wednesday after a splr- NOW BE SURE YOU ALWAYS USE RINSO IN YOUR WASHER, MRS. BENSON. IT8 SAFE AND IT GETS CLOTHES LIKE NEW ' ' , THE NEXT WASHDAY V J I TOLO ME ff , f f ' I DID YOU "'" "wb I GLEAMING Rinso for safety - a nd for whiter clothes7 sat 32,000 washing machine demonstrators t The makers of these 38 washers -recommend Rinso ABC American Beauty Apex Laundf yclle Leaadrr Queen Meadows . Svlact-A-Scwed Meadow Lark . ' One Minora' . Prisaa Rotarex Roto Verso Safer cWrsbeaea Surf &jtuvads Triplex Universal Vote Wash rite Whlrldrv 1900 Whirl pool Weodrow Zenith Big ) Speed Uueeo Blsckstoae 21 Boss Washes Comeld ' - '. , Coolost Crystat Ed Faultless Gained Grahaaa Washer Hs Ited battle. Green defeated Wlnfteld Scott of Oklahoma City, former pen sion commissioner, 13$ to 4X1. Delegates who supported Oreen aald his political influence would enhance chances of passage of the 60-MI pension Mil desired by the veterans and now pending before eoncress. Scott's supporters argued be should have the honor out of consideration, of his' treatment of the veterans was pension commissioner. t. Alton Thonipsoa. superintend ent of schools to Deschutes county. and his daughter. Mar Louise Thompson, were callers at the Mar lon county superintendent's office Vhuraday. Miss Thompson will teach In the Silverton schools this year and her father drove down with her. FOUND Hundreds of our patrons have) found our service to be prompt, accurate and reasonable in cost. Let us examine your eyes today Tomorrow may be too late. Eyes that are weak and strained go fast. We give special attention to school children's eyes and insure their glasses against breakage. Examination without charge or obligation. Two optometrists at your service Thcmpson-Glutsch Optical Co. 110 N. COMMERCIAL ST. NEAR STATE i I RINSO GIVES RICHER SUDS THAA OTHER SOAPS, TOO OOESNT THE MAN WHO ME THIS WASHER TO USE RINSO. EVER SEE SUCH WHITE CLOTH ESI avskw VJ ...AND ATTORNEY HELD 111 MURDER PLOT Oarbondal. HI OJV-R. Shad Bennett. Bt Louts attorney, was in dicted by a grand Jury here for conspiracy to murder Olen King, bankrupt grocer, who claims be 'escaped assassination only because the man Bennett hired wss an In former for the St Louis ponce. Objections to the final account of M. B. Hayden and Ben L Max well, administrator of the estate of W. O. Hayden, will be heard October II, according to an order of Judge Slegmund. IT, MR. BLAKE f YOUR WASH LOOKS LOVELY, MRS. BENSON) SO BRIGHT AND CLEAN. I'M CERTAINLY GOING TO USE RINSO IN MY WASHER FROM NOW ON WHEN 32,000 demonstrators of washing machine say'Rinsol'! When the molten of 33 of the best-known wash ar say "Rinso!" When millions of women all over the country say, "Rinso it best In washing machine or tubl" You can be sure there's good reason why YOU should change to Rinso, tool This famous grams. lated soap gives rich, creamy suds that loosen dirt Clothes come from the washer snow-white, with out a bit of hard tubbing anywhere. Even boiling ' isn't needed I , " In tub washing, Rinso toaltt the clothes whiter . than they can be scrubbed. That saves the clothes; hands, too. And Rinso is so economical! Cup - for cup, k give twice as much suds as lightweight, fArffeup soaps because it' compact. Be sure to get the BIO household package. - llwMwi hf wn f lux- - -- Utiii.inni i.riiiie - rse tsteler solas trees tafc of washet