Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 12, 1929, Page 10, Image 10

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    THUKSUAt, SKn-BMBhK 12, uraa
int jnrvtnu juuknaumi.kiii. ukkuon
Marlon county1 birth rata ex
ceeded the number of death by 104
during the ilrat eigne months ci
1029. according to figure which Dr,
Vernon A. Douglas, county health
olflcer, gave at the monthly meet
true of the county health unit Wed
sesdav noon. Prom January 1 to
August 31 of tola year, 642 babies,
841 girls and 9M boys, were born
In Marlon comity. During the same
period the total number of deaths
was only 438. OI the deaths 341
were female and 17 male. Four
teen of the deaths were Infanta less
than a month old and 32 were uv
ant less than a year old. In the
entire eight months -only deaths
were caused by communicable ov
tease.' Heart disease caused M '
She 431 deaths and cancer SI
Apoplexy Is credited with 47. Four,
people died from auto accidents
during the -eight month period and
15 from other accidents. A total
at 317 death occurred In state In
stitutions In the county. These are
not estimated in the county total
sf 43g deaths.
Durinff Aucust communicable dl
tease caused only three deaths. All
three are attributed to tuberculosis.
There were 4S deaths In all during
August The total number of births
wj August was as.
Only 31 ases of communicable
disease were reported to the county
health officer In August. These in
eluded three cases of chicken pox.
10 cases of mumps, two of smallpox,
.four of whooping cough, eight tu
berculosis, two venereal diseases,
one bronchial pneumonia and one
Those attending the county
health unit meeting Thursday noon
were County Judge J. C. Slegmund,
6. E. Purvine representing the city
council, Frank Neer of the school
aard, and T. M. Hicks of the Marl
on county neaitn association.
New Haven, Conn. MV The four
room Apartment which John Cool
tdge will occupy with his bride ha
the approval of his mother.
Mrs. Calvin Coolidte visited It
with Miss Florence Trumbull, her
son's fiancee and- Mrs. Trumbull,
wife of the governor of Connecticut.
"I am please dwlth it," she remark
ed. After Inspection of the $78-a-month
apartment the two mothers
and the young lady who will become
Mrs. Coolldge on September 33, went
to a furniture stor eand looked at
various pieces that might be suit
able for the apartment.
Cebnre Blrrell. a former Amity
'boy and a graduate of Amity high
tn the class of 25. who was gradu
ted from Willamette university
this year has gone to eastern Wash
button where he has accepted
position In a high school to teach
nlgher mathematics and chemistry.
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy B. Newman
and daughter, Helen. Jean, jot Sa
lem, were caller at the home of
her parents, Mc and Mrs. George
D. Thomas of this city the first of
the week. .
Mr. and Mrs. Georgt Ot Thomas
of this city, who nave been visiting
in fiUvertoa tor several days at the
noma of their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. w. 8. Fuller.
returned home the first ot the week.
Mr. and Mrs. w. J. Townley have
moved from the Soren Sorensen
bouse on North Trade street to the
Rinehart property west of the de
middle of Dcember when Salem will
be given the same grade of gas
as Portland. "
He stated -that as soon as the
service is available a survey will
be msde of every section where
there Is an application for an ex
tension of mains. A man will berths
sent over the particular section
and make inquiry at every house
as to the possibilities of ts there
If his report Is sufficient to wax
rant further invoi ligation a second
crew will go over and secure a sur
vey as to Just what gat appliances
each house expect to use. There
will be no restriction, he stated, on
matter otbuying . appliances
from the gat company as far as
extensions are concerned, the only
Interest to be shown H whether a
sufficient number of appliances will
be put la to warrant the expense
eg the extension.
Mt. Angel Mrs. Lillian DeRyke
returned home Wednesday from an
extended trip to Kansas City, Kan,
and other eastern cities. Miss Mar
garet Fault left for Columbus, Mae
tans, . where ah win teach school.
Patrick Gibbon arrived Here from
Balsa, Idaho, to attend school at
MC Angel college, : . ...
SUvertou Mrs. dward Sehaar.
pharmacist at the Olsen drug com
pany, her young son Edward Junior
and Mrs. C. A. Brown and two
children of HewSerg. have returned
from Rotkaway where they had
spent a week at the seashore. -Tounv.
aoooi ouen Helped out at the
enverton Mrs, W. K- Satcbelwell
and son Wayne of Adams avenue.
have left' for Hollywood, Calif,
where they will vlatt relative. They
Intend to return some tana next
week. - 8atchelweQ it the local
Southern Paetflo station agent.
The arttsta section of the State
Guild of England has panted a
resolution opposing Sunday "ir-f
of theaters '
By the middle of December tb
Portland Qaa fc Coke company ex
pects to bs in s portion In Salem
ti spread Its nrntei Oka a hlaokft
ever every street ta the city of
Salem where buslMss warrants and
where there t demand, without
charge to the property owners eith
er ier extension ox mains or tot
connections, eccordlnt to I. H. Cal
houn, supervisor of sales for the
Salem dirk ion.
Under the old regime main ex
tensions were principally made with
property owners sharing In the cost
of the extensions. This will be
done In no case under the new
company's supervision. Mr. Calhoun
stated, but everywhere a main ex
tension Is laid In the city It will be
paid for by the company.
He stated that It Is expected
that the pipe line between Portland
end Salem will be finished bv th
Simple Pleasant Way
To Lose Fat
How would you like to lose 15
pounds of fat in a month and at
the same time increase your energy
and Improve your health?
How would you like to lose a load
of unhealthy fat that you dont
need and don't want and at the
same time feel better than you
nave ror years?
How would you like to lose your
double chin and your too prominent
abdomen and at the same time
make your skin so clean and clear
that it will compel admiration?
How would you like to get your
weight down to normal and at the
same time develop that urge for
activity that makes work a pleasure
and also gain in ambition and
keenness of mind?
' Get on the scales tooay and see
how much you weiah then eat an
80 cent bottle of Krnschtm Salts
which will last you for weeks. Take
one half teaspconful tn a glass of hot
waiter trrrry mum tug: ana waen you
have finished thai contssnta of tfala
first bottle weigh yonnwtf again.
How can you laugh at the people
who par hundreds of dollar to lose
a iew pounas 01 in now you wm
know the pleasant way to lose un
sightly fat and you'll also know that
the S vitalising salts of Kruschen
(Baits that your blood, nerves and
glands must have to function prop
erly- nave presentea you w.u gior
ifMi hnfttth-
And after that touTI want to walk
around and say to your friends "One
85 cent bottle of Kruschen Salts la
worth one nunarea aoiiars 01 any
fat person's money.
Leading druggists America over sell
Kruschen Saltt you can always get
it at Ferry's qrug store. sot.
(J amxmx& is gone
rt vk- "An
You maybe
happy, too!
EVERY evening thousands
enjoy themselves at dinner
parties, dances, theatres, games,
clubs. Many thousands more ire
denied the joy of such merriment
and happiness.
Maybe this ceni'al it due to a
llin trouble. First impressions
cannot be good without a clear
akin first impressions are quickly
inade and sre not toon forgotten,
pld friends may excuse pimple
and secretly sympathize, but new
acquaintances may not be to char
itable. Skin bteiniahea are not in-
Titing. Neither can
they be covered up.'
They embarrass.
Hold people back.
Steal away joy and
tSJ. b mmU
fnu frtii vsw
UtU Vf mmi
ffSTSVnf tf SWVr MVW
fri Wa ft.
The way to the akin It
through the blood.
Strong, healthy blood
nourishes the body and
fight, .gainst infection
A lovely clear skin it within
the reach of all. To those who
have lost it. hot t offered. You,
too. may have a beautiful skin,
rose-petal in texture, pretty as a
picture and without a single
Di'mole. . .
Many thousands have regained
their rtreneth and charm by tar
intr S.S.S. It it Nature's own
blood tonic for raisinc toe body's
power of resistance to disease, Im
proving the appetite, building
firm flesh, and clearing the akin.
Take S.8.S. at meal-time. Yon
will be delighted with it blood
building and tonic cttect.
All Drag
Stores sell
S.S.S. Ask for
the tsrger size.
It it more economical.
of Personal and Home Needs Assure You
Many Substantial Savings!
sv m m '
National-Wide Tests Prove
Equal To Leading Sets Costing
Up To $100 More!
Enormous new power- bringing new
pleasure and thrill and a new mastery
of distance. New yet thoroughly tried
and proved quality. Tatted in every
iencelTb)e manner and compared with
famous nationally known sets selling
up to $100 more, easily demonstrates
Its superior quality.
We Invite you to come into our start
and test for yourself eunvtnee your
self for tta tone quality, volume, se
lectivity and range convenience and
ease of operation beauty of design
and finish.
Eqwipped will 8TTPEB-DTNAMIO
1930 model SPEAKER, the latest and
most perfect ef reproducers.
Screen Grid . . All-Electric . . 9 Tube Radio
Super Dynamic Speaker
Tabes Inclttdinf Rectifier
All Airline Radios are licensed
under the latest RCA and
HaseHine Neutrodyne labora
tory patents, and others.
Come In today 1 Don't delay longer hearing the
radio marvel of the rear and priced to save you
from 150 to (100. Convenient tun payment plan
if you wish.
$10 Down
Easy Payments
Let ELECTRICITY Pump Your Water
The "Little Giant"
11 Velt ,
All the water you want without the
drudgery of the water pall or hand
pump. K-h.p. motor with 399 gal-lons-per-hour
capacity. Puops from
wells as deep as 21 feet.
. Smart Compact
Table Model
With Ceaattet KqolpaMnt
Smbotftee the latest adentlrle
irtnclplea oC the world's famous
aboratories. PowerXul conveni
entend almost ton perfect.
Blnsla tunlnc dial, famous Push-
Pull trns amplification tor finer
tons quality and sreater volume
without distortion. New type, vol
urns control whtdn elves smooth
tone shading from softest to loud
est. The latest type Super-Magnetic
Cone Speaker provides won
derfully life-like reproduction and
brings out the exquisite beauty of
the many fine programs on the
air. Come In and hear ltl
THERE is work to be done arpund
the house and on the farm this
Fall and Winter work that calls
for the propef machinery, tools and
And Ward's, of coarse, as for 57
years, is prepared to equip you with
the best at the biggest savings.
THIS MARK of quality Iden
tifies our advertisements, our
stores, and our exceptional
merchandise offerings.
Ward's Guaranteed
,v Coverall
Barn Paint
$1.53 gal.
One gallon covers 450 sq. ft. of surf so
with two coats. II Coverall falls to satisfy
when applied as directed, we will furnish
new paint free and pay lor putting it on
your building.
Exterior Varnish
85c qt-
Wears like Iron. Resists hot sun, icy
tilasts, sudden change in temperature,
driving rain or (plashing salt water.
Will not turn white, crack, peel or blis
ter. On gallon covers 000 so, foot, on
coat .
Quality Brushes
For Every Need s
39c to 90c
far bs with every
paint product on any surface.
Our Ward-Set brushes with
bristle set in BakeUte an ta
mou for their long life. Prices
far lower than ran art accus
tomed to paying.
Hunting Epuipment
and Accessories
Every sportsman who has ever used any of Ward's
hunting equipment is loud in his praise not only
of the quality but also of the money he saved. You,
too, may become one of the thousands of satisfied
customers by preparing for the Fall hunting season
at Ward's.
Famous WjdfiMM.
Repeating Shotgun
A genuine Browning model with fewer mechanical
parte than any other assign, very ropn iitui
shot in six seconds. Equal any repeating
ahotgun on the market for simplicity, ease ot
operation, (peed and fine shooting. Pull
"Western Field"
Hunting Coat
1 Gangs
$4.85 Jfy -
Red Head Shells
atsw. of M
Typical Ward Values in
Work Shirts
For wear, looks and savings. Pioneer
lead the work shirt field. Tney.
heavy tine yarn onamhray mad. .
extra 'large at chest, armholes. and
sleeves. Non-breakable buttons, trt-pl-Utched
non-rip seam.
! Pioneer Overalls
You get a big W worth of oomfort
and wear in every Pioneer uit.
Made of fin. woven super-strength
denim, full-cut; and every garment
1 mill shrunk . . . every warn is
tripes-stitched . . . every all-nicks
button Is tightly sewed ... all stan
dard pockets ... a rare value mad.
possible by Ward buying power.
Overall Jumpers
$1.00 to $1.59
All Leather Work Shoes
Her Is the only shoe in Amer
ica that is chemically treated
to resist sou and barnyard
acids. Durable, comfortable all
leather uppers, oak leather dou
ble soles. Guaranteed to give at
least six months' wear.
Canvas Gloves
15c pr.
Soft smooth flannel inside,
tough canvas outside,
strong, non-rip seams ...
a truly big work glove val-
"Ward's Mechanic'
Work Socks
3 prs. for 63c
An ideal hose for the man Hvho I
on his feet all day. They're knit of
extra durable two-thread cotton
yarn . . . seamless ieet, re-in-forced
heels and toes. . v
OOTWrvalEEY HiBD 6 Oft
Phot 1435