THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1929 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON PAGE NfNB ftTOCALSfl The time for sentencing Max Pemberton. 19 year old local youth, who Wednesday in justice - court entered a plea of guilty to a charge ol falling t report an accident in mnnecUoa with the ninoinf down o( Paglan Bartruff, a nunc, the oi August 11. baa baen con tinued to an Indefinite data. This action TO taHea by Judt Braiiet O email that be might have more time to Investigate the circumstan ces suiTounoing me accural, ttattnanoB rout oat Pal monthly Bee P. A. Biker. Liberty A Ferry. Cut down on eatini meat, tt eon- tains too much beat Yod ehould eat more lalads and vegetable We ham a oo unlet full ot salad and vege table!, state paictena. After waiting alnce Saturday for the arrival of spare para. ,. v. Allen, chief nllot and Instructor for the Klamath Eagle Sock Sales company, flew back to Klamath Fall from the municipal airport Thursday. ; Remember the opening old time dance at Turner Saturday, Aug.lL Old papers to bundle. Capital Journal. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brunk. 1115 South Church, are the parents ot . nrL born at the Salem Oeneral hosoltal Wednesday night. Prior to her marriage, Mrs. Brunk was Miss Florence Pope. Mr. ana Mrs. o. E. Kelly. 680 North Liberty, are the parents of a girl bora Wednes day afternoon. for rent Motion tor default and decree has been filed with the county clerk m toe case of Caroline B. Martin against Cart A. Martin. Old tune danoe Mehsm Thursday night. Scoop See and hear by Movie tone, the landing of the Oral Zep pelin at Los Angeles, today at Bllgh's Capitol XT In the case of Eva Simpson against J. O. Simpson an order of default has been entered la circuit court. Buy your Majestic radio from Vlb bert Ac Todd. Easy terms and a year to pay. 143 So. High St. Phone aiia. 308 Mat Beaver, who has been acting I i regis' .-ar at Willamette univer sity during the summer, will leave neat Tuesday by automobile for Boston, wbere he will reenter the Harvard medical college. Thai will be Beaver's second year at Harvard. Be was appointed registrar last spring when R. A. McCully resigned. Beavers successor has not been se lected. I Fred Lawrey. cattle buyer of the Monitor district, was bound over to await the action of the county grand Jury after a hearing before Judge Brazier Small Thursday. Law ny Is accused of the theft of a calf belonging to Ed Richards. The af fair grew out of a mix-up over a calf buying deal. Richards said he had two calves In a field and agreed1 to sen the smaller one to Lawrey. Later It developed, that Richards had taken the .larger of the ani mals. Richards brought suit when he claims. Lawrey refused to make! an adjustment. Lawrey was re leased on $1000 ball. The oyster season will open Fri day after a closed market of three months. Fresh supplies have been received by local dealers. Reline your brakes, squeakiest lin ing. Pttzgerald-Sherwin Motor Co. N. Liberty at Chemeketa. Joe Mrs. O. J. Myers, 361 NortlTntn street, will have an opportunity to explain in police court Prlday morning why she failed to comply with an officer's signals who was stationed near the circus grounds on North 14th street Thursday forenoon. According to the report of Officer Clayton, who made the arrest, Mrs. Myers drove at a rap id rate through the crowd on North 14th street and failed to comply with his signals. She was booked on a reckless driving charge. Furnished apartment Close In. Phone lTIZW. Announcement Sydney Kay, M. D physician and surgeon, has op ened offices at 313 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. a" Carl Johnson, owner and pilot of a 150 h.p. Hlsso motored Ameri can Eagle biplane, stopped at the municipal airport Thursday morn ing enroute home to Portland from Klamath Falls. He encoun tered a fog and also stopped for adjustments to a magneto. Re was accompanied by William N. Young, mechanic. George Pulse, of the Brunlng Sales company, ot Port land, landed a new monocoupe at the airport Wednesday afternoon. See Klngwood Heights first Beau tiful new borne to be held open for inspection all this week by public demand. Come up and see Salem's beauty spot Dr. C. B.' O'Neill, optometrist will be absent from his office from Sept. 1st to Sept. 11th. at time the entire office will be new ly modeled and decorated. 306 Dr. Edward Lee Russell, medical director of the Marlon county child health demonstration, Mrs. Russell and their two small daughters, Edna Lee and Anne, returned Wednesday evening from Seabeck, Wash., where they attended the Pacific Northwest summer school of the Y. M. O. A. During summer school Dr. Russell taught health classes and child care classes five hours each day. The Russells spent a short time In Van couver and Victoria before returning to Salem. They have taken a new house at 1045 Oak street Woman's Union of First Congre gational church will hold a rum maim sale Frl. Ic Sat., Aug. 30 or 31. at 137 S. Commercial. 207 Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Bllgh re turned Wednesday from a week's trip to San Francisco. The BUgns were on the roof of the sir Francis Drake hotel as the Oral Zeppelin passed over toe city. Lost, Brlndle Boston bull, license number 3433. Reward. Phone 3178. 206 Building permits issued Include: R. A. Harris, erect garage and woodshed, 701 North Church, $300; F. W. Spencer, alter dwelling at 287 North 13th street $300: Carl Brand, erect garage, 564 Hood street, $100; Ralph Crum, repair dwelling at 1145 North 5th street $16. Old papers 5e Journal. bundle. Capital Dance with the Night Hawks at Kentl Sat. 807 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie White and daughter Marie and Maxine Dror baugh. returned Wednesday evening from a motor trip in southern Ore gon. They visited the Oregon caves. Crater take and the red woods of northern California. Lath and shingles for your repair Jobs $2.50 per thousand. Hollywood Lumber yard. 207 Gladiolus blooms, funeral spray. D. H. Upjohn, 864 S. Liberty, phone 1700. 206' Frank 8mlth lies Injured In the Eugene hosoital and Sim Phillips, secretary of the Salem employment agency has been asked to notify his relatives here. Phillips received a message from Eugene Thursday morning signed by Steve A. Walroth asking him to inform Smith's rela tives of the accident Phillips called the home of the only Frank Smith he knows and was informed that he is well and is working in Salem at this time. Just - ho the Frank Smith is who lies in the Eugene hospital and what's mora, who are his rela tives in Salem, Is a deep secret to Phillips. Real good old time inosle Me hnma Thursday niaht Ask your friends and dont miss. 206 Free dance open air pavilion Woodland nark Friday Bight Aug list 30. Adm. 25c per car. 206 The office of the Salem superin tendent of schools, George W. Hug, is filled from early morning through out the day with applicants for the few remaining positions In the Sa lem schools the coming year. Sci ence, art and geography positions and two grade school positions are the only ones still vacant and Sup erintendent Hug aays then Is no end of good material avallaoie. Bigger every Sat. I Hop dances at Kent! hall. 207 For an exceptionally good time, Kent! hall Sat. night 207 Governor Patterson Thursday re fused to honor extradition papers on requisition from the governor of California for C. E. Pottage, who was wanted In San Francisco on a charge of mayhem. Pottage Is chief mate on a steamship and me eom. plalnant Lars Siegfried Dahlgren. is a sailor with whom Pottage had a fight Pottage is a citixen of Port land. Complaint to oulet title to real property has been filed In circuit court by Frances Fechter against SENATE PROBE OF POWER TRUST BEGINS SHORTLY Scoop See and near by Movie tone, the landing or the oral Zep pelin at Los Angeles, today at Bllgh's Capitol. . 207' Sam Plummer, 65, living at 475 North Commercial street was knocked down and bruised when he walked Into a rear fender ot a car being driven by Fred Blatchford, 1749 State street at Commercial and Center streets Wednesday evening, according to a report tiled with the police. Blatchford was driving on Center street when Plummer left the curb and started across the thoroughfare, the re port states. Evidently he did not see the car for he walked Into the rear of It, being knocked to the pave ment Blatchford stopped his ma chine and assisted Plummer to his home. Beyond being scratched, the man did not seem injured. Sneclal Old time dance Labor day. Crystal Gardens. Big carnival 6:30 pm. 30 Mr and Mrs. N. S. Savage and daughter are spending a few days at the Oregon beacnes savage is business secretary for Willamette University. tfnn nickers wanted. McLaughlin ranch. 10 miles south of Salem, Pojk county side, 400 acres, big crop, fine camp ground, long season. Dr. Carl Miller, Prof. S. 8. Laughltn, Prof. Robert Dann at nnrvailts and Ross Miles return ed early this week from an extend ed trip through soutnem ana cen tral Oregon. Asnianu. Rimnaui Falls. Diamond and Crater lakes anil central Oregon towns were In cluded In the itinerary of the irmitn. While at Crater lake, Prof, LauKhlln had the pleasure of meet ing president w. w. uomio. w navm-fAffi eolletze. Pa. They have lmrwwn Mrh other a number or. years. A cousin 01 rroi. uauiiim, whom He naa no. sera in was visited at Ashland. Buv tout Majestic radio from Vlb- tvrt Ac Todd. Easv terms and a year to nav. 143 So. High fit. Phone 2112. Waahizurton. CAV-ProanecU a widespread inquiry by the senate Interstate commerce committee Into the power industry as well as into ail xonns of communication Is foreseen in the terms of a resolu tion adopted by the senate shortly before adjournment last June. The resolution authorizes the committee to inquire into "the transmission of power by wire or wireless. On the basis of that au thority, Chairman Couzens Is con templating a thoroughgoing investigation. Some surprise was expressed at the capital at this feature of the resolution, which was offered by Senator Couzens several months after the committee had begun studying conditions in the radio industry and other modes of communication. Adopted without debate, it au- thorized the committee to "investi gate the relationship existing be tween the different kinds of com munication services -used in inter state and foreign commerce, in cluding radio, telephone, telegraph. and all kinds of wireless and cable service so used, and transmission of power by wire or wireless.' Senator couzens con temp laces calling the committee together about the middle of next month to consider plans for resuming the in vestigation on a wide scale. NEWSPAPER STORY AT BLIGH'S CAPITOL MATERIALS FOR COUNTY EXHIBIT ALL COLLECTED amy Taylor, far M yean la charge ot the Marion county exhibit at the slate tan-, has Just finished traveling over the county for the past three weeks gathering mater- and "t arrangements sor the farm prod acts at the exhort and he states that with the present wonderful crop the exhibit of grama and grasses this year will excel any thing ever seen here. ' "If the rest of the state has peen i bountifully favored ea Marlon county then Oregon will have a chance to see this year an exhibit especially In the grata and grass section, such as has never been wtt- lessed in the state," said Taylor. We will have a wonderful exhibit of fruits as well, but of course the condition of the fruit crops has been such that they win not be up tn comparative quality, perhaps, to toe grains and grasses. "But we will show wheat threshed from fields that went from 50 to 72 bushels to the acre, we will have oats from fields which went as high as 113 bushels to the acre and var ious showings of other grains and grasses ea a par with these. The gram quality is exceptional, thresh ing out plump and unsurpassed in the history of the valley." Taylor not only has handled the Marlon county exhibit smce-JJOo but naa an exnibit at the Portland fan in 1S0S; at the Seattle fair in IMS and at the Frisco fair In U15. Each time the exhibits made a wonderful showing. 16 DIVORCES IN ONE DAY AND ONE CONTESTED That clearing house ot human emotions, the American newspw o'flt" fr.m.i Lie bici$round of Phyllis Haver's new talking picture "Office Scandal," which Is the cur. rent attraction at Bllgh's Capitol. Dealing with a thrilling murder mystery from the viewpoint of the newspapers rather than the dis trict attorney's office, the picture offers an original drama In an even more original setting. Miss Haver is seen and heard as a newspaper reporter, known In press parlance as a "sob-sister" and throuzh her ambition to cover a big story runs into a romance all her own as well as a mystery killing a faithless wife and a tenacious city editor. Raymond Hat ton returns to the screen after a long absence tn "The Office Scandal In the role of the dtv editor. Leslie Fen ton plays op posite Miss Haver and others tn the cast are Margaret Livingston, .Jim my Adams and Jimmy Aldlne. As an added attraction on this out we Canitol will offer an all talking Mack Bennett comedy, ana aiso regular vltaphone acts, and Fox movietone news. 200' Prof Herman Clark, assistant In structor of chemistry at Willamette university and Prof. S. B. Laughlln nl tho same institution will leave early Friday morning for a point in iha mmintalns back of Forest Orove. They will search for fossils m hd of a stream, several in teresting specimens have been brought Into the valley from that section and owing to the shallow ness of the water at this time of year, the professors nope w man some interesting oiscuvew. Awtnfim and hear by Movie- I.-. uu tannine of the Orat Zep pelin at Los Angeles, today at Bllgh's ItSpiHJi, Tn enmnllancs with an order In probate. Weber J. Hattrem, lormer .rfniniKtraur of the estate of An dreas J. Hattrem, appeared In court Wednesday and suominea w laco nical arrest and Saturday. August 21 was set as a time for htm to ani make a final account ing In regard to Ms control of the estate The court also set aside an order In which approval was given of a reduction of his bond from M0O0 to $1000 and of his final account, Conftrmatloa of sale of real prop erty has beea entered tn circuit m.rt in the ease of Western Loan as Building association against Leona Marsh, HOP PICKING IN FULL SWAY AT BRUSH CREEK Brush Creek Hop picking Is un der full sway In this district now. Ten days of picking early hops was completed In the George Elton ysrds Tuesday evening. The same crew win begin a four day run in tne Fred Krug yards Friday. Another crew began work In the John Moe yard Wednesday morning. Mr. Moe expects to have about three weeks of picking. SLEEPING SICKNESS Tokyo OP) Sleeping sickness prev alent in southwestern perfectures continues to spread, particularly tn the prefectures of Kakawa and Hl roshama. A total of 349 eases with 136 deaths was reported. The figures were Incomplete. Seventeen divorce heard by Judge L. H. McMahan in department two Marlon county cir cuit court Thursday with 16 decrees allowed and one case con tinued. The decrees will not be filed for several days, however. Leslie L. Henry met an obstruc tion In his attempts to divorce his wife. Battle W. Henry when her at torneys read several letters stating Henry had failed to provide for his lamuy ana mat Mrs. Henry did not desert htm but only left town to una work to support herself her children. Henry claimed that Mrs. Henry attempted to make a church member out of him but he was not a "church going" man. The judge did not allow the divorce but hdd the case over. Other r-a heard with decrees of divorce to be filed tn- several days were as follows: Anna - H. Drake vs. John A. Drake on the charge of adultery; Eva Mae LCb- engood vs. Carl W. Lebengood, mar ried In 1817, two children, charged with association with other women; Stella R. Terry vs. Covey M. Terry, three children, a divorce for the second time after remarriage; Jes sie M. Pelletler vs. Andrew J. Pel- letler, the defendant now doing time tn Montana on the charge of rape; Ethel J. Sundin ts. Lloyd M. Sundln: Macdalen M. Zuber. vs. Edgar F. Zuber after four years df marriage, one child; Edwin O. Phillips vs. Ida H. Phillips, the wife being charged with adultery; Car oline B. Martin vs. carl A. Martin, failure to provide; Charlotte Koep pin vs. Irwin Koeppln; Ruby. Lan- ham vs. Charles W. Lan ham, no children; Minnie Stelwer vs. D. C. Stelwer, on the charge of cruelty; Haael Miller vs. Orvule Miller; Ce cilia Skonetznl vs. Anthony Bko- netzni; Elwyn O. Gardner vs. Bes sie H. Gardner; Eva Simpson vs. O. Simpson. FALL OPENING TO BE SEPTEMBER 19 FIRE DAMAGES RUBY FARM; STOCK RESCUED Portlasd Ojv-Strwnnoas off arts of tire fighters sated blooded stock from destruction Wednesday night at the A, C. Ruby stock una in a blase which destroyed two barns, a blacksmith shop, garage and consid erable farm machinery. Damage ap proximates 115,000. Spontaneous combustion was gtren as the origin of the ftra. ACTORS JAILED FOR PRESENTING OBSCENE PLAY Los Angeles onTea connected with the presentation of "Bad Babies" at a local tneater here, were out on ball Thursday, following their arrest at the final curtain last night. They charged with staging an "Indecent and lewd exhibition." Unsuspecting patrols of the show, who witnessed the rush of detec tives from the audience to the stage, applauded the action, believ ing it to be a clever finale. Bight players, the stage manager and author, were taken In the pat rol wagon to the police station where they gained release on $300 ball each. Those taken Into custody were Miss Jobyra Ralston, Arthur Ran kin. Marvin Williams. Marjorle Montgomery, Norman Peck, Elinor Flynn, Annette Westbay, Darto Shindell. all performers: Frank Jennings, stage manager, and George Scarborough, author. Lloyd Nix, city prosecutor who ordered the arrests, said that he had received many complaints against the show which was billed as a "Comedy Drama of Modern Life." The play was built around the Intrigues of a group of high school boys and gins, and the com plications which resulted when a society woman fell In love with one tne boys. The Show will be suspended pend ing the outcome ot a hearing Thurs day. SAWMILL BURNS Oranta Pass, Ore. UFV-Fire ot un determined origin Thursday de stroyed the saw mills and a large quantity of stacked lumber of the Sourdough Lumber company, near Wolf creek. R. D. Gray. F. L. Wood and H. Oearhart have filed appraisements In probate placing the value of the estate of George Pick at $6000 and of Antonla Pick at 16000. Lars Bergsvlk. administrator of the estate of Gilbert H. Jcwett, has filed a report of the sale of real property belonging to the estate for lizoo. Connell Ward, clerk of the coun ty court, and Ray Miller, employed in ueorge Alien's hardware store, returned Wednesday from a ten day motor trip to Crater lake, San- Francisco, and Tosemlte national park., Rachel Ann Patton Is given $305-29 Judgment and costs agalgt Louis K. Peterson and Kathleen Peterson In a decree entered In circuit court. Foreclosure of mort gaged propci ty Is ordered. To curtail Its wild dor problem Australia has banned Importation of Alsatian dogs and aroused the Ire of dog fanciers. AUTO STRUCK BY A TRAILER For the second time within the week a report of an accident where truck ana trauer nave siaeswipea : private passenger car on the pa cific highway has been received at the sheriff's office. 1 Wednesday forenoon at a point five miles north ot Jefferson, a truck and trailer owned by the Empire Fast Freight Lines, Inc.. of Seattle and driven by H. Edwards, overtook and passed a car driven by Mrs. P. A. Conklin ot Santa Barbara, Oat.. According to Conklin's report, bis wife was driving with the right wheels of the car very near the edge of the pavement, at a speed of about 25 miles an hour, Edwards went around them, the trailer sldeswip lng their car and overturning tt In the ditch. The truck did not stop and when the driver was overhauled later by a third motorist, Edwards claimed he did not know his ma chine had struck the Conklin car. Beyond a few minor scratches. neither Conklin. his wife, nor their baby was Injured. Edwards returned to the scene af ter being overhauled. A car belonging to Mrs. May Catts, HubDara, was involved in a similar accident earlier In the week. Salem's fifth annual "Fall Open ing" featuring special window dis plays fay the merchants and the annual treasure hunt by everyone participating, has been set for Thursday, September. 1, by the Salem Ad club, sponsors for the event. This year the committee in charm ot the affair Is elabor ating upon the plans of previous years In order to secure If possible a 100 per cent participation by the downtown merchants. An entirely new program of entertainment fea tures Is being worked out ana wui be readv for announcement In a few days. The usual dances for the attending crowds are being pro vided for. Special sales and style shows are being planned by individual mer chants for their windows and stores on that evening. SUSPEND CANNED GOODS FREIGHT RATES Washington WV- The Interstate commerce commission Tnursaay nostDoned from August M until March sa. 1030. operation oi scnea ulea DTonoslng changes In freight rates on canned goods shipped be- tvm mints in California. Oregon. Washington, Idaho. Montana, ana British Columbia. The ausnended schedules lneiuaea numerous increases and reductions in rates the commission previously had announced. Among the school cfcrks who call ed at the county school superin tendent's office Thursday to receive their audited and checked over dis trict books were O. H. Boschle of the Thomas district. J. O. Orr ot the McKee district Henry Slegmund the Oak Olen district. Miss Bonnie Haack, city teacher, also celled the office Thursday, VALUABLE OLD - l Baseball Scores BOOXSBUMD 111 PALESTINE watmynai. Lcaevri New York 1 I Brooklyn . 1 1 Walker aad O'Farrell Dudley. Moore and Oeberry. Chicago 4 U 1 KtaiHiigB ,,.. b- g gi - 4 nklM WMi By Jacob Blmea Hemxar. . r (Copyright by Units Press) nslatdeiplua .' U Jerusalem, oja valaabt nwr-laoston .v......... 41 lea, bosks and mannecrtota werei Bens. Octlma and Lertan, Da nusuureu " "' ITts; Jones and Bpobrer. a suburb of Jerusalem wmch II AisYJUCejl UMOVst vlstted with American Consul PauM First ame:- Knabenahue and Llomal uoorgeWMnlB(((ia 4)1 Cat, private secretary Co the htghlj,,,, Tork ..... 1 coaunlsstonar of Palestine. i Marberry and ageaoer Pennock. The ateboi were hearts oaklng.lzsckarr and Dickey. Valuable furniture was ruined, en-lcieveland til tire private libraries destroyed and Chicago I II 0 manuscripts burned. I visited many I Hualia aad U SeweH; Lyons and bouses and the aosne waa the same Berg. in most.- Boston I II 1 The home of Dr. Lewis KDSiai-, I Philadelphia 1 1 an American citizen, was looted! Morris and Bering; Shores. and the furniture burned. I noticed IQulnn, Walberg and Cochrane, that the furniture, educational I Second game: - compilations and systems acquired i Waahmgton I 11 bv Dr. Berkson. American director! New York I of the department of education of 1 Hadley and Ruel; Hoyt, Moore, the Palestine zjonist movement leou and DKkey. bad been completely aumea. The home of Dr. Gordon, man-J p Jaffa aafasPea 111 of the Anxlo-PatesUn. com- I JilillU I'llbV IIII pany. was looted of furniture. Borne I LflUUIl UULU Ull of the broken furniture could feel Ssd RECORD BEHIND CnrLrt oi nuaretn mna pranm-i , , maim ia I Jfc A A ent feculty mmbr of the Bebmr DIIrI IP Ivvllt V University, bad a lunous UDrry.i ym IUUULU U WM sawj UWIMlBras. A. agar nammr A tka wMdi aaa nan wMM Kigrilsvt allll HamfxJSwaH. I Tillamook On-Decided opinions, m.... . akh Am.A Hrfnone way or the other on principal mrSTt oTon? hou2 M"? S-Ji labor direct- trolling troops reported he had been found looting the homes and they had Shot him. The estimate on damage from looting in that one small community was 30,000 pounds (approximately gi& MILK INSPECTION BY THE COUNTY ly or indirectly were expressed at the third days session of tne Ore gon state federation, of labor, .In convention here. The federation urged: Early completion of the Roosevelt highway. Passage ot an Income taxr A federal amendment to the child labor laws. An Increase In the salary ot the state labor commissioner. Curtailment ot the policy of Is suing Injunctions restraining union activities. Improved wage collection laws. Passage of a free text book law. Encouragement of home Industry. Purchase of union label goods State Inspection of- dairies and milk supplies In Marlon county will be handled In the future directly by the Marlon county health unit an-1 which would strengthen labor on coming to ptans cuscussea m ran-1 ions. land Wednesday by J. D. Mlckle, The federation decided to petl- state dairy and food commissioner, tlon congress to restrict lmmtgre- and the two Marion county olfl- tlon from the Philippine Islands and dais, Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, eoun- to urge national legislators to sup- health officer, and J. B. Blink- port legislation restricting horn, county and city milk and I gratton from Mexico. dairy tnspector, I Three cities, Salem, Astoria and rwtll. v tlvi nian whereby the I Medf ord. have Issued bids for the oounty health unit wul assume mei' ". work of the state officer nave not vet been worked out by Mlckle and the two Marlon county men but steps will be taken immediately to work out a satisfactory arrange ment. It Is considered that the new plan will work to the decided advantage Marlon county people. Instead the Inspection made by the state Tacoma, Wash. (IP) Captain Rob- officer once a year, a closer super- ert Pamphlett and Jacob Woltte, heroes of the sea, Thursday were freed from the federal prison where their heroism placed them. They had served sentences of two years as rum runners at McNeil Island penitentiary. In February, 1923, the ship which Captain Pamphlett commanded went to the rescue of nine men of a wrecked schooner. The men were saved, but the following day the coast guard cutter Algonquin over Portland OP)- Railroad eelebra- ? Captain Pamphletts ship and tlon plans marking the. completion "t ;""r. vision will be maintained during the entire year of the milk supply source and the milk supply hand ling In the county. SALEM INVITED TO RAILROAD OPENING DIES IN AUTO ON WAY TO HER HOME Jefferson Mrs. A. J. Stone who with her son was returning to her home near Portland after a motor trip to Bend, died Wednesday eve ning as they were enroute from Jefferson to Salem. Mrs. Stone be came Ul shortly after leaving Bend and before reaching Jefferson be came unconscious. She was taken to the office of Dr. J. O. Van Winkle, local physician, who ad ministered a stimulant and advised taking Mrs. Stone to a Salem hos pital as her removal from the car here was considered unwise with no hospital facilities available. Dr. Van Winkle accompanied them north but Mrs. Stone died before the hospital was reached. DANCE MOODS IDEA COMING TO ELSINORE of the Southern Pacific's new line from Klamath Falls, Ore. to Anur ias. Calif, were revealed here by J. A. Ormandy, assistant passenger traffic manager. Invitations have been Issued to the chambers of commerce of Port land Eugene, Salem, Albany, Cor- vallls and other western Oregon ci ties, to participate in the celebration on September 14. Large delegations from Klamath Falls, Alturas and Lakevlew will also attend. The pro gram will be climaxed by the driv ing of the golden spike, after which delegations will be taken to Alturas and then motored through Surprise vauey. Fanehon and Marco's "Dance Moods Idea" featuring the famous is Hirsch-Arnold beauties, will be offered at the Elsinore far a three day engagement, commencing Sat urday afternoon. The Hirsch-Arnold school ts not ed as one of the best dance acade mies In the country, having spe cialised In San Francisco In theat rical and ballet work for many years. others In the show, besides the Hlrsch-AThold girls are a cast of versatile entertainers. On the screen the management will present Oreta Oarbo In "Wild Orchids." PVLB SURRENDERS Los Angeles CP) C. O. Pyle. trans continental footrace promoter, sur rendered to police Thursday after two labor law complaints had been filed against him, charging failure to pay certain employes In his re cent New York-Los Angeles "bunion derby." The Marion county clerk has granted the following marriage censes: to Roy O. Cobb. JL Wills- mlna. Elma C. Powell. 22. of Tree to Alden Adolph 30. of Salem, and Marian Roth Hams, 19, of Port land; to Richard Dors Phillips of Mehama, and Alice M. Downing, 30, of Stayton: to Charles H. Wat son, Portland and Roxana L. Young, Sherwood, both of legal age. RUMRUNNERS LEAVE PRISON GOLDEN SFiXE ALTDnASLIII septel::er 14 tPKa mMmi intM an the TJSV . IT "i Falls Attaraa Unl of the :' Southern Pacific win be drtvea Saturday. September 14, at Saca saore about halt way between the two atttes, it was announced Thar. day. Klamath Fan. will be rensasentea ky a special train parts' organised by the rrtamaTn ixainiv imswnw t Commerce in which tt Is esB wul be four or fire nunorea people. Prom Lakevlew and Alturas at Use east and of the new Use there will also be a special train of octn mereuu organisations which win the delegation from Kiamata Falls in an old time celebration. After the osremonies both train will proceed to Alturas, where vls- wul be eniertainea ny noes through Surprise valley. Games and other forms of entertainment will be .'ndulged in with liiarlwmn also a dinner la tne evening. Invitations are being sent to the Portland Chamber of Commerce and to the Chambers of commerce tXugene. Salem. Albany, Cor- vallls and other points to western Oreaon. to tola la this eelebratloa as well as from California, Service na the new Alturas cut off will begin 8unday, September Is. This will open a new trans-oontlnent-1 route from Kit moth, Falls and western Oregon, DOCTORlELPS ARREST THIEF Portland (IP) After chase dur." lng which a police detective was mistaken for the robber at one time and a doctor and nurse aided police in capturing the guilty man; E. L. Schrabaum. Portland's slip pery drug store thief, Is behind the bars here. He was brought -her Wednesday to answer a series or charges. BKhrahalim WBR tUTA-KM Ul Seat tle by Inspectors Williams and Horack. Working on a taint clew Hocack posed as an eocompllce of the robber and visited a nurse oa the theory that she would reveal Schrabaum'a whereabouts. He found himself looking Into the muxaie two revolvers held by a aoctor, the nurse's employer. With the aid ot Seattle official ha finally established his position. Ho enlisted tne cooperation oi ins doctor and none and some time later when Schrabaum paid another call on the nurse, the belligerent physician trained his gun on the) right man. The two were Indicted In June. 1025 at Portland, Ore. and later were sentenced to prison. strong efforts to obtain leniency were made, but to no avail. It was contended that the two men had been captured solely due to their act of saving the endan gered crew. Heavy tinea also were Imposed by the federal court. ASTORIA YOUTH CRASH VICTIM CANADIAN RAM BRINGS TOP PRICE Astoria (UV-Robert Carru there. 30, senior student at the Oregon State college and son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Csrruthers of this city, waa killed Wednesday night when his motorcycle crashed Into an au tomobile driven by R. M. Irvine, Salt Lake City UP) A Canadian 1 490 E. 10th street. Portland, on the lamb which sold for $3,000 held top I Roosevelt hlghwsy near the Lewis pries Tnursaay in the national I and Clark river nnage. nun sale. The ram, a Suffolk, was I The boy was lacerated and cut brought by Laid law and Brockle of badly about the bead and upper Muldoon, Idaho, from J. R. Pat-lpart of the body and lay In a local nek and son or Uderton, Ontario. I hospital for three hours wita and waa Imoorted recently from I fractured skull before he died. England. I Coroner E. B. Hughes announced The price has been equalled only that he will hold an Inquest. once in tne ram sales here during the past 14 years. Good prices featured the Suffolk sale, ranging rrom sue up to $2,000. Another lamb oned by Patrick and son wss sold to Laidlaw and Brockle for $875. Other breeds were on sale Thurs day, the closing day of the sale. HALF MILLION FOR RECREATIONAL PARK Portland, Ort. IW Onrftnlcavtlon of 4 $500,000 company to operate a ncreaUonal center known aj Bel mont Recreational Oardena, announced Thuradar. Property for the amusement park baa been purchased and a bond to-1 sue of $360,000 underwritten. Plana awtmmlnf pool and tlx a tore build-1 P Inn I " vuxy Miyie you uwuc, Do you want to be admired for your beautifully dressea hair? You can bet and with out the trouble and expense of going to tne beauty pane for your wavaa, With toasaadng arm Mar- PRUSSIA TO ISSUE " ZEPPELIN MEDALS Berlin. UPi The Prussian mint will strike commemorative medal for the Oraf Zeppelin's "round- the-world-fluthb" which win be executed In bronze, silver and gold pieces with prices ranging from marks to a nunorea mars l is cents to $34.) The desura of the well known sculptor, Oscar Cloeckler, has beea aoceoted for tne medal, ine oo- verse shows the profiles of Count Zeppelin as Inventor, Dr. Hugo Eckener as navigator ana uiawisj Duerr as chief constructor In the hieh anota of the Zeppelin history. The reverse shows the globe with the landing point of the Oral oa her great flight. Portland HV-Oeorge O. Witter. special counsel for the bureau of In ternal revenue with headquarters at Seattle, has announced his resigna tion from government service. He said ha would enter private law practice ac lajs mimncs. CARD OF THANKS Wa wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to our many friends who so kindly assisted us In our recent be reavement, also we greatly appre ciated the many floral offerings that were given. Mrs. Alice Logsaon, ana cnuaren. 10 STARCHY FOOD DIGESTANT AreTI-ACID meat'and MILK DIGESTANT yifecrty In any etyle, In the privacy cf roar hoeee, TUn 13 mmatse et snostl Cost 3 cents Of lessl Psy so OS end ebsosately guaranteed. Call and are the feawnstration at 171 W. liberty HI., Walem, Ore. PTNCST TOBfO m nr sUtADINQ ISM...eBfie7U Syeglas Insurance and thor ough examination Included. THOM P30N -G LUTSCH OPTICAL CO. Ill N. Crauaerrial M, : : I J3tttrtfit iiUmorial A Park Cemetery with perpetual care heart et teen You ran Iffal your stomach trnubho In a new aiul bnller way with this nw itUcoTCTT ACIUIrlB -almost maeW cai in Ita srtloa. . ...M-nM INDIaUHTIOM AttlJ 1TI R B1I1.TS. BOHR. .9S Jit f.lons N K8ft. t'Oljlis, Bit: IIKADAOIIK, ACIDOSIS. ACIU ItilKUMATlgM M,"li2!15 tn srtatxt a-lraeoa la the iraatmanl of tK-wi trouble erer mail. . ACUJ1NK eoolalna the moat effwtlre known atarrli dlsoatant caltad Jap- rloa. earrals ami olbar alarchy food tnat injtean or remamuia . . ha aaoinaca Ul awMtlWnld tonciUlotl Willi olbaf iioukJ I'll to other v4 wkioht or STAiiCur rooDj, and is rotCAN yiNO it it mo OTHKa MauJ- .inn. icnir ACIDlMI M guaraelMgw " TOUR tmihlaT It uioawrt. any fV-" w)1! fmr-S Nix Qiwsrjsr nsaa s. a-a jtugene Roberts,