Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 26, 1929, Page 10, Image 10

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250,000 BLAZE
Hood River (IP) Authorities
Monday were preparing to conduct
an investigation Into the origin oi
the fire which Sunday night de
stroyed seven buildings, 30 automo
bile and threatened the east sec
tion of Hood River.
Total loss was placed at approx--Imately
$250,000 Monday.
Fire departments of The Dalles,
Ore., and Whit Salmon, . Wash.,
were called to bring the blase under
The fire started about 6:45 p. m.
In the basement of the Old Fashion
garage, a three story frame build
ing, .
The entire plant of the Hood Riv
er Canning company was destroyed
by the blaze. Estimated loss to the
canning company's plant was placed
at 1176.000.
- Flames swept through the Paci
fic Fruit Express company's ware
house and office In the garage
A west wind fanned the flames
and carried burning embers to
hacks and wood piles on the east of
the river, belonging to the Oregon
Lumber company.
Traffic on the Columbia river
highway was blocked for several
hours as firemen battled the fire.
More than 4.000 persons lined the
district to witness the blase.
Estimated loss to the automobiles
was placed at from M,000 to 10,-
The Human Projectile
New Orleans (LP William Sebro
has won and hands down the title
of most absent minded -bootlegger,
Sebro completely forgot about
six month Jail sentence and a $500
fine Imposed on him by the late
Judge Louis Henry Bums for boot
legging. His memory was restored
wnen united States Deputy Mar
thai Patten reminded him of this
fact while Sebro was breakfasting.
At first, the absent-minded one
was doubtful, but finally the truth
truck him with a shock.
Sebro was given the sentence
and the fine In the latter part of
1937. After having served about
month he was granted a leave to
be operated on. After the oper
ation Sebro forgot to return,
forgot to return.
Attaches of the United States
district attorney's office did not
recall sebro's unfinished term until
last week. At the same time it was
noticed he had forgotten to pay his
Sebro gradually remembered the
sentence and the fine and submit
ted to re-arrest.
"It'a beyond me." he exclaimed.
"how I could have been so absent
Des Moines, Iowa (IP) A cam
paign to raise funds for a memorial
to mark the grave of Abraham Lin
Rutledge, mother of Abraham Lin
coln's sweetheart, Ann Rutledge, Is
now being considered by the histori
eal, memorial and art departments
of the state of Iowa.
Her body Jles In an almost for
gotten cemetery in jeirerson coun
ty, Iowa, near the small town of
Birmingham. It was here that she
spent the last years of her life, a
life made sad by the unhappy ro
mance oi her daughter.
Following the death of her
daughter and husband In 1835, Mrs,
Rut led ce moved to Birmingham
from New Salem, 111., with her six
remaining children.
It was here that she cherished
the bitter-sweet thought that her
daughter might have shared the
honors and happiness which came
to Lincoln. She died at the home
ef a daughter at Birmingham In
Chicago W The American Bar
association has called upon church
es and schools to focus attention
on the celebration of "constitution
week" September IS to 31.
Thomas James Norton, Chicago
member of the association's Ameri
can citizenship committee, asked
The Associated Press to advise min
isters and teachers to mention the
constitution In their sermons and
arrange special ceremonies stressing
the signing of the document.
Buffalo (LP) More than 3000 years
ago, In the reign of Roman ernpor
ers, women plumbers played a dom
inant role in business life. This
fact was disclosed by W. O. Archer
It the National Research Bureau.
who said that recent excavations
at the ruins of Kmporer Hadrian's
- ialace revealed a number of lengths
M lead pipe bearing the signature
women plumbers.
Clevelsnd, O. (LP) A lap prise of
II. 000 to be divided between the two
tilers making the best time from
Santa Monica, Calif- to Fort Worth.
Texas, has been posted by the Port
Worth, on of the overnight stops
In the woman's air derby, an event
in the National Air Race to be held
Iter Aug. 34 to Sept. 3.
Hvannls. Mass. (LP The first
counterless telegraph office" has
been opened her by the Postal
TAiMnht.r;.hlji Mmmnf. The
office, forerunner of others planned
oy rosuu, ihix w vims wj
atmosphere Into business. Th In
terior Is of early American-Spanish
architecture and easy chairs, soft
lights and antique writing tables re
place the usual stiff counter! and
The most thrilling ' act ever pre
sented in this country will be seen
in Salem next Thursday when the
Rlngllng Bros, and Barnum t Bail
ey exhibits afternoon and night at
the high school athletic field show
The act is that of Hugo Zacchini.
the human projectile, who is shot
from a huge siege gun amid a burst
of flame and smoke and soars high
into the air to land In a net on
the opposite side of "the big top"
over a hundred feet away. Nothing
like It has ever been seen before
and no act has thrilled the audi
ences as this one does.
Zacchini Is a veteran of the
World War, having served as
lieutenant in th artillery branch
of the Italian army. It was while
in the service that he -conceived
the Idea of shooting a man from
a cannon and upon his discharge
at the end of hostilities he and his
brother, Bruno, set to work to per
fect Hugo's idea. Hugo Zacchini
was three times wounded In action
and was cited several times for
bravery under fire.
Zacchini toured Europe with his
cannon an soon became a tremen
dous sensation. He has proved to
be fully as great an attraction In
this country as he was abroad.
Salvation Army Plans
Campaign For Fund For
Social Service? Works
The charitable and humanitarian work of the Salvation
Army was started with a very definite purpose but without a
specific program. It has developed in many different di
rections in response to human needs as they have been dis
covered, and has not been restricted or limited by any pre-
conceived or arbitrary plan.
explains it extra-ordinary variety
and scope.
The yearly campaign to raise
maintenance funds to carry on this
work in Marlon county is scheduled
for August 20 to 31. This campaign
Is being put on under Uie personal
direction of the Army's advisory
board composed of the following:
Governor I. L. Patterson, honor
ary chairman; Dr. B. P. Pound,
chairman; Mrs. F. A. Elliott, vice
chairman; Herbert H. Hauser, sec
retary; E. B. Millard, treasurer;
Lyle Bartholomew, Frank D. Bllgh,
Judge O. P. Coshow, Harold Eakln,
W. B. Oerth, A. C. Haag. Mrs. Paul
H. Hauser, Douglas McKay, Cooke
Patton, William Pettyjohn, J. M.
Rupert, Mrs. Charles K. Spaulding,
Roy Wassam.
Social service had no part In the
plan as at first conceived by the
Founder. The original purpose was
exclusively evangelical. The Sal
vationists were to take the gospel
to those who would not seek It in
the churches. They were to Invade
the highways and byways and
preach salvation, through Christian
grace, to the spiritually blind and
the poor In heart. Thtt was to be
their one and only mission,
nut It was not easy .to talk SDir-
Itual salvation to people who were
dazed and bewildered by acute
Dhvsical need. That such people re
sponded to Uie preaching with man
ifest eagerness made tne tasa an
the more, perplexing. Their ears
were attuned to tfce "voice crying
in the wilderness": but what were
they to do about It? The man
without Job, enervated through
privation or dissipation; the girl
facing motherhood out of wedlock,
dismayed and alone; aged men and
women without homes in which to
spend their declining years; the
youth, realising the futility of In
dulgence, but puszled as to which
way to turn; the criminal, brood
ing In his cell; the widow, with her
children, valiently waging a losing
battle against poverty and disease;
the wayward, the degenerate, tne
Irresponsible, the weak of will all
of these saw the light of hope in
th message that was brought to
them, but it seemed far off, in
tangible, beyond their reach. It
was clear that In addition to .the
gospel they needed material as
sistance and patient guiding irom
people who could understand their
It was in response to such need
that the Army entered the realm
of social service. Today every
corps, or religious unit is at the
same tun a center of charitable
activity; and th evangelical work
Is supplemented by two great
branches of the organisation known
as the men's social services depart
ment and th social service depart
ment for women and children.
The functions of these depart
ment have grown to such propor
tions as to convey the erroneous
impression to many minds that the
Army la essentially and primarily
a social service agency. But, as al
ready emphasised, these functions
must be understood In their entire
ty as a humane demonstration of
th religion of Christ. Religious
exhortation, however, is not forced
upon th beneflc'aries, and no per
son is expected to change his re
ligion. If he already has one. His
religion la expected to change him.
Mississippi chose a blind man to
lead the blind when It named Jesse
A. Adams executive secretary of the
State Commission for the Blind.
Rio de Janeiro (LP) Recent at
tlstica show that tiler are e3.s
automobiles, of which 40,306 are
passenger ears, in th progressive
southern state of Sao Paulo. The
population of the slat Is e.SlS.MS.
which provides a car for about every
Syracuse, Kas. (in Just before J.
E. Rector harvested his 400 acres of
wheat, a hall storm beat the crop to
the ground. Rector attached a
sweeping machine to a combine.
swept the ground so closely that 80
per cent of the crop, estimated at
15,000 bushels 33 bushels per acre
was saved.
Mexico City (PJSenora Marl
Teresa De Lands De Vidal. "Miss
Mexico," In the 1925 Oalveston
beauty contest, was In a prison cell
Monday, having shot and killed net
husband, General Molsea VidaL
After reading In a newspaper that
she and General Vidal were to be
arrested for bigamy, she procured
his heavy army pistol and turned
It on him, tiring six shots which
killed him almost Instantly. She
then turned the gun at her own
bead but Its magazine was empty.
Police arriving found her prone
on tne body of her husband cry
ing hysterically, "I loved him dear
ly." She told them the newspaper
article was the first Intimation she
had Vidal was married - already
when be courted her and won her
heart alter she had failed to win
the Galveston contest.
The first Senora De Vidal, Marie
Teresa Jerrelon, lived In Cosamalo-
pan. Vera Cruz, with their two
daughters. She became suspicious
of her hsuband s long absences, ac
cording to newspaper accounts, and
following nun to Mexico city ois-
; covered his duplicity. Sh then
filed charges at bigamy. .
6heridan, Ore. A big all-day pic
nic will be held at Beaver Wednes
day, to which all residents of Yam
hill county are invited wno are in
terested in the proposed short-cut
route from Blaine up the Nestucca
river and into Yamhill county.
When this proposed new road is
built it will prove of great value
to the farmers in the western part
of Yamhill county and the eastern
part of Tillamook county, as it will
provide a new and easy outlet for
their farm produce. In addition to
this, it will shorten the distance
considerably from Sheridan, Mc
Mlnnville and nearby points to Tillamook.
Lovers of musical plays with
more than a dash of comedy and
dancing will be well repaid for a
visit to BUgh'a capitoi tneater
while "The Time, the Place and
the Girl," which opened -there Sun
day, is playing. This Vita phone
film is made from the Hough,
Adams and Howard musical comedy
hit of yesteryear. It is a corking
bit of entertainment and proves
that the screen Is a real rival of the
xtaire in the nroductlon of musical
comedies. Indeed It develops a I
number of advantages over the
Joseph Howard's tuneful score is
played by the Vltaphone Symphony
orchestra, and "Honeymoon," anoth
er old song his, Is sung with fine
effect by the principals. Oram
Withers, Betty Compson, and James
Kirk wood are the leads.
Vltaphone Vaudeville acts and
the Fox Movietone news complete
this bill that will run until Thurs
Hubbard Ralph Tremalne, of
Medford, was shot in the leg after
prowling the Smolinskl Service store
here early Sunday' morning. He
was an escape from the state train
ing school, and would have been
released Monday. His wound
Is not serious and he Is back
at the institution. Francis
Lamb, of Corvallis, who escaped
with Tremalne Friday night, is still
at large.
ed the store, kept on the alert by
sounds from within. As the entire
town was llghtless the posse men
were hesitant about ninhing -the
store in fear of injuring w of
their own members because of the
darkness, and waited for the robbers
to leave the premises. They were
seen In the vicinity of the railroad
track and when orders to halt were
not obeyed a few shots were fired.
Both boys escaped in the dark
ness and Tremalne was found a
short time later at the Ames auto
park on the highway north of Hub
bard. Loot consisting of a sack of
clothing, some razors and change
from the money till was recovered
with the exception of the cash.
Moscow, (LP) Warnings against
the use of force in the struggle with
religion were sounded by practically
an the important speakers at the
recent national convention of the
Society of the Godless. - -
Spokesman for the Communist
Party and the government served
notic that the atheists must limit
themselves to methods o moral
and intellectual suasion in their
fight against the church and the
While wholly in sympathy with
the antl-rellglous movement, the
government indicated that it will
use "administrative measures" (a
euphemism for official force) only
in cases where churchmen are dl
recely engaged In counter-revolutionary
work. Recent legislation
placed an extremely narrow limit
upon the legal- rights of religious
bodies. In effect they are permitted
merely to conduct prayers and for-
Warned bv the store's hunrlar bidden to do any proselyting, social
alarm, Hubbard residents surapd-frlc or other axtra-reugious work.
Hut witnin these limits apparen
tly It is the intention of the powers-
that-be not to disturb the believers.
That some of the Godless are
deeply disgruntled because the gov-
ernment, in their view, is too tender
with the religious elements -could
be surmised from the context of a
long speech by the President of the
Soviet Union, Michael Kalinin, it
was principally an explanation
why the government cannot pro
ceed roughshod agaalnst religion
and a warning that violence will
make martyrs to religion rather
than convert to atheism.
"Why are we not closing down
all the churches?" Kalinin asked
"Because we have an enormous
mass of believers. More than that,
the enormous mass consists of
working people people who fought
and still fight for the Soviet power.'
Force, be argued would thus have
to be used, if at all, against the
very people - whose -support .the
Soviets must retain at any price.
He urged the utmost fact in con
ducting atheist propaganda not to
offend real believers and thus play
into the hands of the Soviet enemies.
Kalinin asked the Godless to dis
tinguish carefully between those
who merely use the church for
economic or political purposes and
the mass of church-goers who are
actually religious. Also, Kalinin
poionted out that the church is an
important social function In the
ordinary peasants life.
East 8t Louis, IilL (IPIA half hour
after Justice J. C. Brady fined Wil
liam Ferle 15 and costs fee- turning
his ear around tat front ef fire
station Brady officiated at the mar
riage of Perl to Miss Lucille Lucks.
Palo Alto, Calif, (IP) The condl.
Hon of David Starr Jordan, 7a,
chancellor emeritus of 8tanfont
university, bed-ridden here since)
June 3, was less hopeful Monday.
Dr. Russell Lee reported that hie
strength was still falling and thai
th aged chancellor was very weak.
There had been sign of Improve
ment, whatsoever, over the week
An air of gloom has been east
over the Jordan home where Dr.
Jordan Is watched over by physi
cians and trained nurses. The not
ed educator has been unable to
move his lower limbs for several
days. .
Jacksonville, Tex. UPI Texas to
rn ateas bring wealth to a restricted
aestloip of less than half a dozen
counties. This year's crop brought
nearly 12,500,000, with the price al-
most doubled over that of last year.
Majestic Radios
Ask fee
tat B, Bit St, Hi tut
Tillamook (IP) With approxi
mately 700 delegates In attendance.
the Oregon state federation of la
bor opened its annual convention
here Monday.
C. O. Young, general organizer
for the A. F. of L., Governor Pat
terson, Labor Commissioner Oram,
W. H. Fitzgerald of the state indus
trial accident commission; James
Taylor, president of the Washing
ton state federation of labor ana
B P. Marsh, of the United 8tates
department of labor, were expected
to attend the convention before It
Doniphan, Mo. (IP)A freak fish.
was caught near here. The fish had
no mouth, and appeared to be a
cross between a buffalo and a carp.
The fish's gills were partly grown
Enough people to populate a small
village were rescued by August F.
Marty, St. Louis lifeguard. In 18
years. He saved 253.
asavH awawSISSEsa SswS'eawawa?1'''-'
Appreciation oi Beauty
Indicated by Growth
Increasing patronage of Belcjwt Memorial Park show convtndnglj'
the appreciation of this community.
Each month tee It us increase In satisfactory manner.
Preference, for this park cemetery k won by Hi growth Jn beauty, by
,fts natural charm, and by its pro vision for Perpetual Car.
S ef or making -hole Uewher, Investigate tbU splendid opportun
y toaaaTiatfcomraujiity dvelopmetii Telephone $205.
Your home is "homey" indeed if all the rooms are cozily furnished, in good
taste, although not necessarily expensively. Buy only the best your home
deserves it !
"Birchfiield" Davenport
This "BIRCHFIELD" Pillow Arm Davenport in lOOfi mohair and new
reverses is a beauty. Constructed to "Birchfield's" A TJ PA
high standards of quality JJAx I efJll
Bed Davenport
Covered all around in a high grade jacquard velour with reverse cushions.
On a "Birchfield" Bed Davenport you sleep on coil springs and a mattress
makes a dandy davenport by day and a comfortable A'7 PCf!
bed by night 4U I JV
They're beauties these new Beach Wood Circulators Beautiful walnut,
mahogany and colors in fire baked enamel. These circulators will evenly
heat the home at a low cost.
Dignified Credit Pay as you earn
office furniture
hundred Inhabitants.