Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 16, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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    PAfiE POtTR
..... Salem, Oregon
tatabiunad March i. ista
Aa Independent Nevnpapat mourned a?vr aiternoon Except Sunday
at 13 s uobumtcuu street, raepnon Hews n.
OeJUMOl PUTNAM editor end PuWlsner
Kilter ed a second -class mallei at Salem Oregon
By earner 10 cents week; IS cent a month: IS a year In advance
By snail In Marion and Pol counties, on month SO cents; a month
months S3.15; 1 year M 00. Elsewhere 60 eenta a month; IS a
yeas in advance.
fn Associated Press U exclusively entitled to the on tor publica
tion of all new dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited la
Uilf panel and also local news published herein.
"Without or with offense to friends or foes
I sketch your world exactly as it goes."
Exploiting The Afflicted
There comes to our desk, attractively printed on high
grade book paper in three colors, a little folder picturing: on
its title page a storm-battered sailing ship riding peacefully
upon the placid waters of a sheltered cove.
It bears the inscription, "The Calm After the Storm."
Across the spread of the Inside pages is emblazoned the
words "Elixir of Luminal" in large, bold letters.
That pamphlet was picked up in a public office catering
to the health and medical demands of public sufferers, and
consists of nothing more nor less than an appeal to ailing
people to seek release from their suffering through the use
of Luminal, a coal-tar derivative and a member of what the
medical profession terms the barbaturic acid group along
with verinol and a dozen or more similar preparations which,
properly used, have a valuable place in the practice of medi
cine. But when indiscriminately used without the direction
of physicians familiar with them these products, sold openly
across drag store counters without restriction, are seriously
detrimental to the health of their users and often perma
nently injurious to their well-being.
By physicians these products are often administered
as a mild sedative without damaging effects, and if properly
handled are not habit forming. But to the voluntary seeker
for relief from nervous ailments they are dangerous in the
effects which may follow the increased doses that are re
quired to secure relief to habitual users. Long continued
. use usually results in the user becoming sluggish of mind
and physical action, and is conducive of despondency that
sometimes leads to mental ailments.
With all of the precautions which have been thrown
around the sale and general distribution of opiates, poisons
and the like, these products have escaped all regulation eith
er by federal or state governments or American municipali
ties, and we now find the manufacturers of them' openly
recommending them for unrestricted consumption while phy
sicians are wondering and speculating as to how long the
traffic in these semi-drugs shall be allowed to spread its de
struction among ignorant laymen.
The imposition by the city council of Salem of restric
tions upon its sale in stores here, except upon the prescrip
tion of licensed physicians mieht start the ball to roll in r to
ward state wide regulation of the evil, and eventually curb
emeu expwiuauon or. me amtciea to ineir own destruction.
" TT"""
' - JT---
Three of the 17 Klwanis conven-
Lion committee chairmen. On the
left, Bd Schunke, chairman of the -i
luncheon committee; center, W. nr. if
Chadwlck, chairman of the .horn- B
Ing committee; right, T. M. Hicks f
in charge at the registration com- laaaa
New Anesthesia Lets
Pa tien ts Hear Radio
While Surgeons Cut
Honolulu, T. H. (UP) How modern sureerv Dermic a
patient to lie on an operating table, conscious and enjoying
: : l -
a nwiu tunceri, wruie Burgeons are penormmg a major op
eration, was described by Dr. George Norman Pease, Port-
lana, me., in BTjeaycrrnj as uie ran-
Berlin Iff Endocrinology, which
Is the science of the glands which
govern many of our physical and
sexual characteristics. Is rapidly be
ing placed on a sound, scientific
basis, according to Dr. Ralph A.
Reynolds, noted specialist of Cali
fornia. "Rejuvenation operations hare
aroused much interest In the last
lew years," the California physi
cian told the United Press. "Much
also has been said of the disturb
ance of certain glands which regul
late body growth, determine whe
ther a person will be tall or short,
lat or thin, and whether masculine
or feminine characteristics will be
strongly marked.
"Until quite recently our knowl
edge of this subject endocrinol
ogy has been sketchy and has been
based on information not altogeth
er scientifically proven. Mow, how
ever, scientists In all medical cen
ter are doing thorough and sci
entific work in this Important new
field of medicine, and the facts
which we now learn from these re
liable sources are probatory well
Referring to the progress al-
ready made, Dr. Reynolds declared
that "surprising as It may seem to
those who think of Russia as a
backward country. It Is there, in
Soviet Russia, that we find the
most ambitious and extensive pro
gram of research.
"Many animals are, or course, ne
cessary for the experimental work,
tip to the present, all over the world
the majority of the animals used
have been goats, rams, cows, piss,
chickens, rabbits and dogs. These
have been used because they arc
easily obtainable and can be pro
duced In all climatesT hey are not.
however, the Ideal animals for such
experimentation. The scientists
idea la to carry on al his work
with apes and monkeys, because In
their anatomical and physiological
makeup they resemble human be
ings much more closely than do
any other animals.
"Already great progress has been
made. Up until 1918 there was no
such thing as an endocrine exrjer-
lmental station In Russia. Now so
well established and organized have
they become that they produce
enough gland extracts, such as
thyroid and ovarian extracts used
In the treatment of certain disor
ders, to supply all of Russia. Con
sidering the fact that Russia has a
population of one hundred and for
ty million, this in itself Is no small
Pacific surgical conference called
under the auspices of the Pan-
Paclffe union.
Spinal anesthesia, a relatively
modern practice in surgery, furn
ishes the means that make these
opera ting-room radio programs
"Spinal anesthesia ha a very
definite place in surgery hi a large
number of eases It 1 the only an
esthesia that makes an operation
possible and safe," Or. Pease said.
He based his assertion on 15
years of practical experience with
spinal anesthesia. .
me Portland surgeon described
the method of acuninisterinar sslnal
anesthetics which differs front the
practice of local and general an
esthesia familiar to most laymen.
Anesthetics are introduced m the
spine which leave the patient
conscious throughout the operation,
although utterly without sensation
in his abdomen and lower limbs.
"Cases such a stomach rex
tlon and operations on am si
lously shocked patent, when sen.
eral anesthesia would be too pro
longed to be considered safe, or
wnere the field of operation would
be rather extensive and the discom
fort of the patient too great for lo-
vHi nriH.iirftia, spinal a nfii nral
ha its place," Dr. Peas declared.
spinal anesthesia as we have
now learned to um it aa ,Mnuhi,
Dr. pease declared that iurin
experience with more than 200
patients In spinal anesthesia cases
mere were only two fatalities.
ine surgeon said one nf th
vantages of spinal anesthesia was
w gave perfect relaxation,
wnicn is not obtained from) other
Miss Ruth Bedford una nwunt
dinner guest at the W. E. Anderson
mine in baicm meeting lss Mary
Bchulti, a prominent violinist from
nt" 1UIK City.
Mr. and Mr. Wallace of McNani
avenue, have improved their proper-
"j aimns a gooa sized room to
uieir cosy ncme.
The Pred Smith new ndiUnn m
Edgewater street. Is bein lthi
and will soon be ready for the plas-
roc.a nun uie u. . Tracy new
nrar-oy, is nesting completion.
J. R. Bedford had his threshing
don Tuesday and Wednesday of
this week. He reports a fair yield.
Mr. and Mrs. Rubeell Young and
daughters, Carol and una. return
ed Wednesday ereninar from f
oaysr Dunnes and pleasure trip to
f. A. Miles, who Is working for
Benton county, graveling the mar
ket road, with a force of three
Tomorrow 1:30
271 No. Com'l St.
"Kite down town"
Comprising! A lot of con.
signed f uraHare aad a lot of
new asMl used furniture,
dishes, etc. In fart anything
yon want ottered will be
Come and Save
Phone 75
All this 19 Yours!
TMc WW nls 0pnm TOOTH .
Next door to Bank of Commerce
Woolpert 4k Quisenberry
trucks, made a hurried trip to his
home on Franklin street Wedhes
da yevening, leaving again early
Thursday morning. R came down
In search of a driver for on of
th truck and succeeded In find'
lng one. His hcade.irters at the
present time are in Monroe.
C. B. Green was a Thursday
evening business motorist to Palls
Qrover Wolf and Ralph James,
both of Portland, were Wednesday
dinner guest at the C. E. Oreene
home, corner of Franklin and Sen
ate streets. Wolf was tin from
Portland on business matters and
Jams 1 connected with W. O. W.
Th George Bartroan family have
moved lrom their residence, corner
Senate and Franklin streets, to
Portland, as Hartman, who at an
accountant for the S. P. company,
ha been transferred there.
Jed Austin of Piedmont avenue,
ha gone to California on business
concerning his property holdings
there. Mrs. Austin ha a her house
guest, her sister, Mrs, Bayne, of
Cottag Grove.
Mr. and Mr. Plank bnghary
enjoyed a picnic dinner at Helmlck
park last Sunday with relatives
and friends from Corvallis.
The Elktns Calf club boys, ac
companied by Mrs. . V. Johnson aad
Mrs. M. B. Lucas, were on an of
ficial judging tour Monday judging
on the farms of Sam McKee and
a number of other prominent Jer
sey breeders, herds of the Perry-
aaie section.
Mr. Crook, who had his hand
badly mashed In the combine last
week. Is getting along nicet. under
Dr. Starbuck s care.
Ernie Schmttt, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Schmttt, visited here over
the week end. For the past sev
en! months he has been working
m tne mm at vernonia.
Mrs. Rors Willis and daughter.
Geraldine. and infant son. Wame.
who have been spending the past
week at Mrs. wiutses parents'
home, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Allen,
returned to her home at Toledo
Henry Grooms and daughter, Mrs.
l-neima Brown, or HoraenvtUe.
Okist, spent Tuesday at the Jess
jonnson nmoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brookfnan and
Mr. Snyder of near Turner, were
guests oi Mr. ana Mrs. c. O. Allen
Mr and Mrs. Fred Gooteman and
family, attended church at the Salt
creek Methodist church Sunday
wnere a Basket dinner was enjoyed
Mr. ouy Hewitt of Greenwood
district, was a business caller at
Elkina Thursday.
Rhea Mumper has returned to Sa
lem, vbere she expects to bo em
ployed until the opening of school
in Scio September 17.
A Scio party of young people had
a Jolly weinle roast and battling
entertainment In the SantUm liver
at Oreen's bridge Tuesday eventoi
Advertising Art
iDStrucCan In lUustcaUaa.
design, kttsrliut ana color
tor layouts, broadsides, di
rect mall advertuinit na-
tlnnavl umniaJar-rva. autdooC
. potters and other mediums.
TFrW for oWsr and
Stxtk 0C Terminal Bide.
FwUanrl, Oregon
op ART
iniwi'iii"i"i;ii 'ritntiMiiitnr(inti'tTTTrTiirTtnrr
Wonderful discovery firings t suCscrem the cmt
powerful starch digesting enzyme Japtase
ACIDINS sMretf fails t raflere and keep It away.
This nrnarkabls atm dtatvmty rtOerm satiety, nirely and nriftl
adicMUois. acidotu, kbmw, "out wtotnich, rick facadaclta. add
stomach, chronic cotutipation, hrd colda and add rhtnirnatisra. It, baUncea acta add wtpa (ha vtaola difitativa ayitaca
iWNt and cleaa
ACrDsNT! la the ontr Mtfet. mnaVra, anU-add wbiefa I eotnMrted
wit Japtaaa, powerful trtjuch digiiUnt it disrcaU 900 timva fta
ora waiht of pura potato starch in 4Q Osinutea. Youi iHTnrvh
deaatraa pntaction. ACIDINE stvaa It.
A meat and ttarrti difMtsnt, antf-adfl and MntlnaUT Nr-md
enmpartv Sootkirm to the tfonach axxi iriUaUnal rrmbraua, SUihUy
laxative, bat not uctwafnly ao. A natty perfect mrdidna (or nothar.
father, rtildjraa and tubat-a, Uaed and tmmmmtod by phyaidaoa
cvuywbcra. Money back guntntM. At all dnifjUtB, or Vrita
Health Lavboratortea, fnc. Dept. 80, Pitubamb, JPa,
Check Your
Trouble V
Skk Hsdadts
Th asadlUan ef lira, antsek, who
baa asnsusly ill at her hatM in
Scio, was thought to be omvhat
taprovaa Wedawsdaj of this week.
Her dangbtars sirs. John Kratoch
Tll of Racine, Wis, and Mrs. Hard
ing at San Antonio, Tex. at at
the home In this cltjr and rendering
all possible assistance.
Henry Hassler and son Oerold
completed painting the large new
barn of George Leerers in the Pro
vidence neighborhood.
Elijah Pttiwater of Lebanon, well
known in th Scio region some years
go, was killed in an auto wreck at
Lebanon Tuesday. The others were
more or less seriously injured.
Mrs. George Bllyeu has returned
to Portlsnd for further treatment
alter spending a week at her home
Mrs. Shirley Davis of California
visited this week at the home of her
former Wyoming friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe -Lytic she Is making a tour
wnicn win tax ner to Montana,
Wyoming, Iowa and nerhans the
new England coast before returning
lii iauiurnia.
Alt Pennell has returned to her
home at Sliverton alter spending a
week with Scio (rlends as the guest
01 rara. rranx uartu.
Word from Mr. and Mr. W. L.
Wern la to the effect that they ex
pect to spend several weeks in the
Scio region this summer and fall,
as has been their custom for several
year. They will be guests at the
home of Mr. and Mr, p. H. Mac
Donald in Scio.
Mrs. Lambert and children hare
returned to Scappoose, having spent
a week with relative In the Scio
region. Mrs. Lambert la a daughter
of John Shunanek, fanner near Sola
a ten day outing. Miss Kreamer
is supervisor of music in the 1
em schools and ha had the
pleasur of being hostess to her
friend Mis Norcross for several
West &am--The Relief society
of the U D. S. church of Salem,
enjoyed a picnic dinner at Mos
quito bar Wednesday evening. Swim
ming and games were an added
attraction. Those in attendance
from this city were Mr. and Mrs,
Ray J. Stumbo, Mr. and Mrs. Spen
cer Oreene and Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Lemon and three children.
ML Angel- Mrs. JoseDhlna Oil.
Totti and daughters, Evelyn, Alblna,
uerauune, Luciiie and Frances, re
turned to their home In Eureka,
Calif., after spending two weeks at
the home of the children's grand-
muuier, xurs. juana uutotti.
Independence Miss Oretctien
Kreamer of this- city and Miss
Aita Narcross of Ashland, return -
ed Ttiursday from Nye Beach after
r4 r , at '
' f- V ;
a started taking Lydia E.
PinkKam's Vegetable Com
pound when I was 14 years
old to build me up, I had been
frail and nervous, After tak
ing three bottles I was In nor
mal condition. Since then I oc
casionally have a run-down
feeling which makes me weak,
nervous and irritable. By tak
ing two or three bottles of the
Compound I am back to nor
mal." Mrs. Jerry C. Janis,
R. F. D. No. i, Palmer, Moss.
ML Angel Misses Agnes and Lou
ise Spitzner returned to their home
in St. James, Minn., Wednesday af
ter spending the sjfmmer here at
the home of their grandmother, Mrs.
Rosalia Keber, and other relatives
In this vicinity. They will be back
m then home town In thne to teach
school this fall.
1 was In misery with backache
was forced to rise for bladder re
lief nightly was always tired out
and achy all because of Insufficient
kidney elimination. After taking
Matamel, my kidneys work great. I
sleep better, eat well, feel fine. No
more constipation." So states Mr,
H. Jones,
Matamel, containing Mexican
Maguey and other plant extracts
from all over .the world, is offered
to sufferers on the sincere plan
that it must give you results or
your money back. Free diet book
given in each ' package sold this
week. Capital drug store. adv.
V' lata
v sub m m btjW.cs
- w .akrar
f. new thrill.. new leas on life 1
r.when ou spend your vacation 4n
n'Sn in the magniiiccnt Canadian jr
Rockies at a Canadian Pnctfic i
Buniialow Camp. Here b easy-'
clothes comfort at moderate cost,
in your choice of eight delightful
locations. Ride, hike, swim, fish,
hunt, or just rest. You'll come
back feeling like new! Late Sum
mer tares on
the Canadian
Pacific Railway
(re effective
call for details -
and literature.
Cniaailiaii racDte Trttrntri
Chntmj O'ooW Me II arM Ovtr.
Qanadian X otitic
WJtMACtX fat.tfaa- IVMlll Cm. Ill I aanillamsl liaiUSW Ml . I
De luxe equipment and service oil hm leoy k
the treat which awaits you on the fast Portland!
Limited. -Moderti
aU-trd . Pnlimaas ohstrralioet ear, righte
' fnj salon, ladies' hranite. snen dub. bnffet, barber
hop, barnt ladies' maid, valet j stipe rior drning ear
ervicet open-lop obtervation ear thru Columbia
River Gorge.
Your logical route to Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaba,
, Kansas City, St. Lonts, Chicago sard to America's most
famous National Parks.
General Passenger Dept., G37 Pittoek Block,
Portland, Oregon
"Furniture of Merit"
j "" "
4-piece Genuine
Walnut Bedroom Suite - -
Beautiful 4-piece genuine walnut bedroom suite consisting of
vanity bench, chiffioneer and full size bed, skillfully decorated
and Az signed.
"See this suite in our east windo
Furniture CoJE
A wuaiiiy ature
W Sell
Pay men la