EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1929 PAGE TWO UTILITIES MUST SUBMIT PLANS SAYS COUNCIL Woodburn At an adjourned meeting of the city council which wm held in the city ball on Thurs day afternoon an ordinance waa passed providing that any company, before proceeding with underground work as piping, conduit work, man holes or work of like nature, shall submit plans which must be approv ed by the council. This ordinance coven the proposed conduit work of the Pacific Telephone company and also the activities proposed by the Portland a as and Coke company. PAST MATRONS ARE GUESTS, JEFFERSON Jefferson Mrs. W. H. Sherman and Mrs. C. M. Smith were host esses to the members of the Past Matrons' club at the home of Mrs. Smith. The hours were enjoyably spent in conversation and in piecing blocks for the quUt the members are ma Vina as a Rift to the Masonic and Eastern Star home at Forest Grove. At the tea hour delicious refresh ments were served by the hostesses. Those present were Mrs. u. u. Mason, Mrs. L. K. Conser, Mrs. Earl Lynes, Mrs. Earl Phelps, Mrs. C. H, McKee. Mrs. Eva Wall, Mrs. J. L. Farlow. Mrs. S. A. Pease, Mrs. D. H. Looney, Mrs. R. C. Thomas, Mrs. Guy Aupperle, Mrs. W. H. Sher man and Mrs. C. M. Smith. LABISH CENTER TO HAVE GOSPEL SERIES Labish Center There will be a tent meeting held on the . school ground under the auspices of .the community church beginning Aug ust 29 and closing September 15 Rev. W. E. Cox will be the evange list. Mrs. Cox will assist him as music director. All are cordially invited to attend these meetings. A prayer meeting in preparation for thtve meetings will be held Thursday evening, August 15, at the W. P. Klampe home. FAMILY GATHERING AT KUNKE HOME IS HELD Turner The country home of Mrs. Louise Kunke in the Clover dale district was the scene of a happy family gathering recently. Bowls ot bright flowers were used for decoration about the rooms. In the group attending were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Nesbitt and daugh ters Miss Marie Nesbitt and Mrs. F. Campbell and sons Keith and Norman, all of Spokane. Wash., Mrs. F. B. Eatlnger of Dundee, lit, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Whitehead of Turner, Mr and Mrs A. E. Kunke and children Gordon and Martha Joyce of the Cloverdale district and the hostess Mra Louise Kunke. The relatives from Spokane remained over Sunday and Mrs. J. E. Nes bitt who has been visiting here for the past two months accompanied them home Monday. TAYLOR HURT WHEN TANGLED IN CABLE Stayton Tom Taylor, whose legs were caught In a cable, throwing him a distance and breaking his shoulder In a couple of places, Is recovering very nicely. It was narrow escape fro ma broken neck. INJURED IN BAD FALL, GARNER RECOVERING Stayton George Garner of near Kingston, who fell from a tiled he was building about a week ago. Is some better. His back was Injured so he was unable to lie down. PETITIONS SIGNED 6clo Sclo citizens nenerally sub scribed to the petition this week circulated by Prank Bartu endors ing the super-highway protect cal ciliated to connect Portland and Oregon City on the east side of the Willamette river. Promoters here consider it will be a stepping stone toward securing the proposed Cas cade nmnway inrougn this part of tile valley. FLORAL JUDGE VISITS Bllverton C. Balboch. horticult urist from Berkeley, Calif., made a visit to 811-Mar gardens, the prop erty of Virgil Krasehkl. located a short distance out of town over East Bill, Thursday, and remarked of the many varieties of flowers at this place. He is one of the Judges at the Portland gladioli show and was on his way there. ,' MOTOR TO VANCOUVER Silverton-AlfrMl iwi Crofoot and Mrs. Veda Bennett mo tored in the Bennett car to Van couver, B. C, where they wiU visit Mrs. O. Hopping. Mrs. Hopping will be remembered here as LaViele i amis or me senior high faculty a few years ago. prom Vancouver they will go up the Indian river In a steamer tu m researcn camp wnere Mra Hopping la doing entomological work for the government. VISIT IN EUGENK . Jefferson Mrs. J. T. Jones and her granddaughter, Charlotte Jotrss went to Eugene Wednesday for a visit with Raymond Jones and fam ily. They will also visit at Harris bum at the home of Mr. and Mra Elmer Wadi worth before returning home. - MRS. RANGE BETTER Bllverton Mrs. Hugh Range, who had second operation for tonsil several daya ago, the first one hav ing been dene about eight years go, 1 recovering nicely. Mrs. Range has been suffering Intensely for ome time with rheumatism. ALOHA NEEDLE CLASS MEETS AT BRAMLETTS Dayton Mrs. Arthur Bramlett entertained the Aloha needle club at her home Thursday afternoon. Light refreshments were erved. Those present were Mesdames Owen Holliday, Brooks Sweeney. Bert McParland, J. A. McParland.j and Ralph Hadley. The next meeting will be at the Brooks Sweeney home. SPECIAL MUSIC IN WEST SALEM CHURCH SUNDAY BRIDGE WORKER HURT IN FALL Albany Jim Bradley. Portland, a member of an Oregon Electric railway bridge crew, waa knocked from the trestle approach to the bridge over the sanuam river near Talbot by a piling, which was to have been put in place by a pile driver. The piling fell and struck the scaffold on whlcn he was. wont ing. Bradley fell 25 feet. He Is under close observation at the Al bany General hospital, although he does not appear to be seriously in jured. ALBANY PASTOR TO HOLD SERVICE, SCIO Scib The subject of the sermon next Sunday morning at the Sclo Christian church by Rev. J. Y. Reward of Albany will be: "Elijah at Horeb. The Still, Small Voice." Rev. Stewart will preach at Mt Pleasant at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Dr. E. O. Hvde of Prtneville, ac companied by Mrs. Hyde and their son, Lawrence and wife, visited old time friends in Sclo tnis weca. Dr. Hyde and family were residents of Scio until about 30 years ago, having practiced his profession here for 16 years. Friends of the family enjoyed meeting them again and rehearsing some of the scenes and events of a third of a century ago. Lawrence Hyde Is superin tendent of an electric light plant at Nes Perce. Idaho. Judge M. Nichols leaves this week for Los Angeles and other California points for a visit of a few weeks, after which he will re turn to his home at Boise, Idaho. He hopes and expects to visit Ore gon relatives again next summer. Evergreen berries soon will be on the market and will bring cash re turns for those who harvest them. Carl Berger, McKenzle Callaway and others expect to deal In the fruit this year. , REV. SOVIK, FORMER PASTOR, IS VISITOR Bllverton Rev. G. Sovlk and fam ily arrived from Tacoma Thursday evening and are making their stop ping piace at tne Micnael Olsen home on Oak street. Rev. Sovlk will preach from the Immanuel Luth eran pulpit this coming Sunday morning. He held this church until he went to Tacoma some time ago. BLACKBERRY CROP IS GOOD AT ELKINS ElkinS TtM HVfrorrVn nintMrhA- rlea Of thin riUtrlrt ar irninr fn h a heavy crop this year. The two lame farm of th rniMvatj Har ries, owned by Sam Ray and Roy Mf ItaM van. Klk -..U... ciallv the Rav varrt m It U all under IrrianLlnn A r.nrfair.il crop wilt be harvested, picking to oegm aoout ine zutn of August. BIRTHDAY DINNER IS GIVEN FOR MOBERG Scotts Mills Guests at a hlrth. day dinner Tuesday evening at the uuiue di mt. ana sirs. ej. p. Mo berg served In honor of Mr. Mo tore's blrthdav. wmi Lfr n,t u Alvln Hennllngion and two chll- urcn ai ouverion. All or mt. Mo berg's children were home for tho occasion and are Mrs. Louise Kel- us, (jorrine. Mary, viona and Viola Mnhtftrff RflmnMlri If.lH and n Robert, were also present. Mra S. P. Moberg was hostess. Jefferson Edward Doyle Smith of corvallls is spending the week at the home of his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Robert TVrhune. Hollywood Home of the 25c Talkies Continuous performance 2-11 Today v. The Finest Picture in Town! He ting his way EIIIIII 1 11 QQornmnart AU-MLAWG tfichat West Salem Rev. M. A. Groves, pa; tor of Ford Memorial church who has been at the Epworth League Institute in Palls City all the week, will be in west Balem and will preach at both morning and evening services; His morning sermon subject will be "Three reasons for Scripture holiness." The evening's topic will be "Heart Health." There will be special music at both fervlces Including a piano solo oy Miss Doris Hamb: and a vocal solo by Waldo Baker, In the morn' ing and a vocal duet by Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons, and a violin solo by Miss Vina Emmett in the evening. Rev. Groves will preach at the Summit church at 9:45 In the morning. A united meeting of the Sunday school and church official boards will be held Monday night, August 13. . . The ladles aid will sponsor a sale -of home made Ice cream, and cake on the parsonage lawn at 875 Edgewater street, Tuesday alter- noon and evening, August 13, and not on Wednesday as at llrst an nounced.. . . , - The women's foreign missionary society will hold their monthly meeting with Mrs. Ben Williams' at ner home on Third street. Prayer meeting and Bible study will be at 8:00 p. m. Thursday at tne cnurcn. It has been planned to do the necessary work to finish the drain age system at the church the en suing week. Men's volunteer help win do appreciated. FORMER TEACHERS AT TURNER TO GO EAST Turner Turner people are inter ested to know that Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffith and small daugh ter, of Salem, are leaving this fall to make their home In the east for a year. Mr. Griffith has been elec ted a member of the Blackburn college faculty at Carlinvllle, Illi nois. The past year he has been on the University of Oregon facul ty at Eugene. Both Mr. and Mrs. Griffith are former Instructors of the Turner high school and have many friends here who wish them well In the new location. STAYTON FOLK HOME FROM SOUTHERN TRIP Stayton Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Beauchamp and Mr. and Mrs. Prank Lesley, who left August 2 for a week's trip to Bend, East Lake. Pau lina and Diamond' lake, report a fine trip with all the fish they could eat. They returned by way of Klam ath Falls and Ashland where they separated. Lesleys arriving home Thursday night. Beauchamps went over to Marsh- field and are expected home Uri day evening. Mrs. Beauchamp was champion Usher of the party, land ing one over 30 inches long and five inches wide. C. A. caught the larg est number. Bllverton The Frank Bass fam ily, which has lived In and near Bll verton for many years, moved from the home over East Hill to Lyons where Mr. Bass Is employed oa the section. FAREWELL PARTY IS GIVEN MRS. SJELDA Silverton Mrs. Edwin Tlnglestad's home on Pine street, was the meet ing place a few afternoons ago of friends and neighbors of Mrs. Tln glestad's mother, Mrs. G. Sjelda, In a farewell gathering for this lady who will leave next week with her daughter for their new home In Kent, Wash. After a delightful afternoon- light refreshments were served. WADING POOL FOR SILVERTON, PLAN Silverton Plan are being dis cussed to make a wading pool and water playground out of the south end of the city park swimming pool for the little folks. This plan has been developed bv Councilmen Rey nolds, Wilson and Garver, and the plans submitted to Mayor Eastman. The only real trouble now seems to be a way of financing this plan which is now being looked into. QUARANTINE LIFTED FOR REEVES FAMILY Mehama The Ray Reeves fam ily which has been quarantined for the last three weeks is well and able to be out again. Robert WhiLmus left Saturday for his home in Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Foster ar rived Thursday from Portland. Mr. Foster is employed as engineer for the Silverton Lumber company. Arten Moe returned home a few days ago after spending some time picking berries near Salem. Mr. T. Bohannan came home Tuesday from the Stayton hospital where he had been for several days under the doctor's car. HU nurse, Miss Anna Stout also returned to her home. Mrs. I. A. Dixon visited in Lyons Friday with Ray Hyatt and wife from Roseburg, who are enjoying a visit with his lather. Elmer Hyatt. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. McCrahan and children of Texas are visiting at the hotel with Mrs. McCrahan's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dixon, , ANNUAL REUNION FOR SHEPHERD CLAN HELD SCOttS Mills Th thlrrf iim,Ml Shepherd clan reunion was held re cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Flovd Sheoherd. also cplphrntinv thj. birthday of Floyd Shepherd. a delicious dinner was served at noon. The guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Hickox, Francis and Owen Hickox, Mrs. Nona Blair and ivir. ana Mrs. Homer Rawles, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Rose, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Oveross and Mrs. Emma Schwartz of Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Shepherd and family. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew fihon- herd, Mr. and Mrs, otla Shepherd una uusni daughter, Miss Dorotha Shepherd and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd and sons. Paul .nrf ert of Scotts Mills. OLGA JACKSON TO BE INSTRUCTOR IN MUSIC Albany According to Dr. T. W. Bibb, president of Albany college. Olga Jackson of Albany will be an instructor in music there for the ensuing year. She has been study ing at Fontainbleu and Paris dur ing the past year with M,- Isidor Phillpp and M. Camllle Decreus. She received her early musical training here, and later went to the University of Oregon. NEW OWNERS ISSUE PAPER AT MILL CITY Albany Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Lake, who recently purchased the Mill City Logue from B. A. Cober, pub lished the first Issue of their six column weekly newspaper this week. Mr. Cober was in charge of the Southern Pacific depot at Mill City for many years. The Lakes were formerly connected with the Albany Democrat -Herald. BERRY PICKERS HOME Elkins Th RlnHffAU trlrla hatu returned home from the. Richard Osborne loganberry natch In Onnn. er Hollow district and are now picking blackberries for Roy Mil ler. Last Times Today See and Hear '. HAINES d TTI&n&Wtvn With JOSEPHINE DUNN MAE BUSCH See John Gilbert, Greta Garbo, Tom Mix and others In this Picture t EXTRA ADDED - TODAY ONLY ON OUR STAGE for American Legiort Midnite Jamboree Also 3 Times Daily A Huge Biff-Time Vaudeville Bill Including ED CIIANEY Portland's own World's Champion Tap Dnncer Clifford and ... Sunny Daye Vance " " late star for Publlx SIX EI.SINORE LINE GIRLS Starts Sun. - 4 Big Daysl All Greater Than Tfkiro! the Stage Play! Mary eutfair trxjm (MfomoutBroodmf WORM fSUUK N. . WARMER . nut tmsiE 1 M A IMPROVEMENT OF SCIO WATER MAINS ORDERED Sclo The Bclo town council at its meeting a few evenings ago In structed the water committee, headed by A. L. Plummer, to pur chase repairs for city water mains and Install same as soon a prac ticable. Improvement of the wa ter system will be taken up on a moderate scale. It is stated. Growing interest In swimming and life saving, as conducted by Harry Harvle, Is shown by increasing en rollment in the ladies' classes. The work Is interesting and well exe cuted, according to those who have participated. The campaign extends through August, it is officially an nounced. Mrs. J. D. Densmore Is home from a stay of two weeks at Breitenbush springs and is reported improved in health. The Scio-Dayton road which has been under improvement most of the summer is again being used and is to be graveled later, it is under-! stood. ! Miss Alta Pennell of Silverton Is a guest at the J. F. Bartu home. Mrs. C. E. Lambert and children are here from Scappoose on a visit with relatives. Mrs. Lambert is a daughter of Mr And Mrs. John Shimanek. Mrs. V. A. McKnight is home from , a month's stay at Belknap springs j and is considerably Improved in health. She has been troubled with rheumatism for some time. W. L. Wern and family of Los Angeles are expected in Sclo next week for their annual vacation in the Scio region. They will be guests of the P. H. MacDonald family. MRS. CRANE HONORED BY SURPRISE AFFAIR Silverton Several carloads ot ladies, mostly members of the W, O. W. circle, motored to Salem on Thursday and surprised one of their members, now Mrs. 8. Crane, who will be remembered here as Olga Miller, who moved from silver- ton several months ago. Mrs. Crane was given some beautiful gifts by the ladies. TINGLESTAD BUYS INTEREST IN PAPER Silverton Professor Edwin Tin gles tad who has been principal of the local senior high school for a few years, has decided to become an editor and sent word that he bad purchased holdings In .the Kent Val ley News, weekly, of Kent, Wash., and of which George Hendrickson, Jr son of Rev. and Mrs. George Hendrickson, also owns part. The Hendricksons lived here until a few years ago and the Reverend was pastor" of the Lutheran Trinity church. It is stated that Mr. Tin glestad has wanted to be in the newspaper business for several years. Mrs. Tinglestad and daughter expect to leave next week for Kent to join Mr. Tinglestad. LEWISVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL HOLDS PICNIC Airlie The Lewisville Sunday school held their annual picnic ir the grove at Baglcy's. Games were played and a basket dinner enjoyed at noon. Th,e afternoon was spent in swimming and other water sports. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Conn of Sa lem were calling at the home of their daughter, Mrs. J, F. Vincent. Members of the school board transacted routine business at a meeting at the school house Tues day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Keyes and son Eldon were callers of this week end on Mrs. Wade Williams. Last Times TODAY Vitaphone Success "Ed Gloves" With Conrad Nagel Lois Wilson Vitaphone Acta Fox Movietone Newt S. P. RAILROAD PUTS ON GUARD TO PREVENT FIRE Sclo Earl Phillips Is patrolling the S. P. track from Shelburn to Bussard, his shift being from a a. m. to 8 o. m. This is a precaution the company is taking against fire during the extremely dry season. The track along the route Is being used for storage of box cars, it is stated. Mr. and Mrs. Riddle and Dr. and Mrs. Wllkerson returned Monday to Los Angeles after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Riddle near Bclo. They returned by way of the Redwood highway. - Miss Myrtle Mere and David Weld of Jefferson were Scio visitors a few days ago. J. C. Edwards of Grants Pass Is visiting Mrs. Edwards and others in Sclo. Mrs. Fred Moore of Seaside is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs George Merldan. Mrs. Bender of Los Angeles, a cousin of Mrs. Mer dian, also is visiting there. Dean Morris visited his brother Roll at Detroit Tuesday. Lor lis Young was a winner of a 35-yard swimming - prize at the meeting of 4-H club members at Albany. J. Doorkowxy- won first In the 60-yard dash and second la the bop. OLD TIMERS PICNIC , TO BEAUGUST 18 Silverton The old-timer of 811 verton and vicinity will bold their third annual picnic In the city park here on Sunday, August 18. The proceedings and program will be given at a later Issue as soon a they have been completed. PHELPS FINED $500 ON LIQUOR CHARGE Albany Justice Victor Ol liver fined ft. H. Phelps of Mill City $500 Friday morning when the latter plead guilty to a charge of posses sion of liquor. Nine gallons of moon shine were found at his home Thursday night when it was raided. Phelps declared he had taken the 15 gallons with him to Mill City from John Day, where he formerly lived. He is said to have been known there as R. H. Keifer. ' The arrest was made by Sheriff Herbert Shelton and Deputy Sher iff McClain. Phelps was Jailed for 250 lays when he said he had no money, Starts Sunday Mi .Afl iggf m Wuj J Greatest Picture ef All Times lQwfi $y JM Playing Salem at Regular Prices jbVHrJ NEW CHRYSLERS New FROM TH GROUND UP -IN PERFORM ANCC, CONTROL . LUXURY & BEAUTY F" IVE years ago the first Chrysler car revolutionized automo bile design, performance and style. Our corps of great engineers now present new cars even more sensational by today's standards than was the first Chrysler. I can sincerely say that In all my experience there has never before been accomplished such outstanding and revolutionary engineering Improvement in any single era of motor car advancement." THE NEW "77" rOADStft (M nmbl. Mat) Siftis, , O. i. DFTKOrT ( SadaJ tqvlpflwnt Extra ) 77w :7fe he I 0 W a $1245 $985 tusiNEU court I1M1 OAOSTEI U2f OTAlcoura ! (wild rvmale Maf) ROVAt Sf DAN lees ctowNseoAN mi TOWN SEDAN 1771 CtOWNCOUPI 177 CONVEETlilE COUPE... 171 (wit nimbi. Mot) PHAETON lc!u4lng Unnm. wvl end wlnMiUWI ... 1719 All PEICES II ANO UP PHAETON SIMS ROADSTER IMS (wlttl rvfnU. tMt UStNESSCOUPI IMS IIOUGHAM IKS ROYAL COUPE IJ4 . . .. ' (wtttt rams Mt) EOT Al SEDAN...... ,. IJtS p. o. a DETtor? iSpMiai AND UP BUSINESS COUPE SSI ROADSTER n (wilt rW mm) PHAETON BROUGHAM ROYAL COUPE (wits nimble wot) ROYAL SEDAN Eatml MS SIS loss 10(9 w CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT NEW CHRYSLER "77 AND "70" FEATURES MULTI-RANGE GEAR SHIFT Gives new pleasure lo drivingi makes gear-shifting o joy even to the) inexperienced; widens the power range; shift gears as always, but with new ease, quickness and quiet, DOWN-DRAFT CARBURETOR -Not merely a gravity manifold but a new principle of fuelizingj complete carburetioni smoother poweri higher mileage; quicker operation. Extra-large mechani cal fuel pump. SYNCHRONIZED POWER SYSTEM-Englneered as a unit from radiator to rear oxle; new flexibility, smoothness and economy; still longer life. , LARGER ENGINES-Greatet piston displacement! greater horsepower, torque and operating econ omy; seven-bearing counter-balanced crankshaftf Invar Strut pistons; full pressure lubrication; oil filter. ARCHITONIC BODIES Absolutely new in prin ctplei non-squeaking, non-rumbling dreadnought construction; newstrengthand safety; new slanting non-glare windshield. - NEW SPACIOUSNESS -All bodies 3 Inches wider, 3 to 5 Inches longer according to type; greater head room; adjustable front seat and steering column. , NEW BEAUTY Dynamic symmetry; chromium girdle moldings; arched windows with chromium architraves; Pennon louvers; sconce-type parking lights. Wide color choice with upholstery to match. NEW INTERIOR LUXURY-Newfy-deilgned seat cushions, luxurious pillow-type upholstery, metol ware executed by Cartier, of New York and Paris, world famous jewelers. NEW RIDING COMFORT-New Paradox springs, new chimney-type rubber shock insulators, extra depth girder-type double-drop frome, hydraulic shock absorbers. Overslie 6-ply balloon tires. NEW DRIVING lASE-Chrysler light-pressure weatherproof internal-expanding 4-wheel hydrau lic brokei, finger-thin steel reinforced steering wheel; easy, non-clashing gear control, new cam and lover positive action steering gear, extro- short turning radius; centraliied initrument poneL COPYfftOHT 1HS CHRVSXBR CORPORATION Fitzgerald-Sherwin Motor Company Liberty and Chcmekcla Si. Phone 1132