Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 09, 1929, Page 7, Image 7

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Daily iicntt distribution lor UK
,. monttr ending July 31, 1929 .
Avtrage dally net paid .813 "
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation
Robertson 's Faith
In Kingwood Heights
Follows Investment
C. A. Robertson was a former practicing attorney at Port
land, Oregon, graduate in law from the University of Mich
igan, at Ann Arbor. He served throughout the world war,
ending that service aa Assistant Military Attache at Rome,
Italy. Mr. Robettson has been engaged in business abroad
most of the time since tne world-
war, but returns to Salem every
year to pass several months at his
borne in Kingwood. -
In 1910 Mr. Robertson made his
first investment In the Salem dis
trict, purchasing- the farm on which
Kingwood park and Klmrwood ter
races are now located. Later he sold
much of this land to a development
company that featured Kingwood
park, but retained the land now
' known as Kingwood Heights. Al
though he began to Improve this
tract in 1911 by the Installation of
the water system, now known as the
West Salem Water company, and
also by leading to the tract from
the Salem side of the county bridge
the transmission line from which
West Salem Is now supplied with
electricity he decided the time was
not yet right for the proper de
velopment of his tract. However,
with the great growth and, develop
ment of Salem, that time has now
arrived. The work of building, tan
proving, and- selling is now under
way, in charge of Biddy Bishop,
. until recently of the Capitol Mo
tors, Inc., of Salem; Mr. Bishop will
devote his entire time to this work.
Mr. Robertson has shown his faith
In the future of Kingwood park
and West Salem most substantially
by building a- beautiful stucco bun
galow court of nine pretty English
style bungalows, called Edgewater
Court, and a beautiful building of
concrete and steel construction for
stores and apartments at the en
trance to Kingwood park.
Before- disposing, of his holdings
' for the development of the various
new additions of Kingwood park
and Kingwood terraces, in 1911, Mr.
Robertson laid out two future boule
vards circling the heights back of
West Salem, having In mind the fu
ture proper development of . that
charming locality for the future
great city of Salem, when It will
have, as It should, both sides of the
Willamette. It has always been his
conviction that county lines cannot
deprive Salem of the great asset ot
the capital city.
For nearly 15 years Mr. Robert
son's work has taken him constant
ly to the high spots of four conti
nents, but his faith In the future
of Salem and the Willamette val
ley has been steady and unfailing,
and he Is happiest when right here
where he occupies a charming home
on Kingwood Heights.
West Salem Miss Ruth Bedford
arrived home Wednesday evening
from a two peeks' vacation spent
. with friends In Raymond and Long-
view Wash. -Mrs. Bedford went to
Portland Tuesday to meet her and
to visit friends. They were overnight
f guests in Portland. .
West Salem Miss Marie Sawataw
ky, who had been in one of Salem's
hospitals for a number of weeks,
suffering from blood poisoning, was
able to be brought home Saturday.
although her arm Is still In a ser
ious condition.
Robertson, Heights Owner
- I
V. A. Hokertwa, k 2 years at isreraw the awarikllltles of Klrtf
weed HrtkU and the no.ndtog district, aa a choice residential dfe
trtct. and barked bis Ttstan wrtb rash lavestaaot' - , - .
The rough lumber In thla model
house was furnished by the C. K.
Spauldlng Logging company; the
mill work by Hansen & Llljequlst;
plumbing and heating supplies were
lurnllshcd by Stark-Davis company
ot Portland, and Installed by J. W.
Looney, plumber, ot West Salem.
The electric wiring all in con
duitwas done by Mr. Johnson,
electric futures by Eeft Electric
company of Salem, and Packard &
Malloy, of Portland.
The mastering was done by Mr.
E. Fisher of Salem. Brick work-
Including two fireplaces, were done
by Ed Vlesko, and the exquisite tile
work In bath and lavatories and
kitchen was planned and Installed
by the WUlard Tile company of Sa
lem. Excavation for basement and the
leveling of lawns war done by J. A.
Olpson of West Salem. .
H. E. Olsen, who Is building his
own elegant home on Kingwood
Drive, did the floor sanding. The
Interior decoration is the work of
Ralph Wamock, late of Hollywood,
Calif., now. living In Salem.' . .
. Hardware . and . paint were sup
plied by Dougbton & Sherwln. Nel
son Bros, did the tinning, and In
stalled the on burner.
Particular tribute must be paid
to C. S. Hamilton Furniture com
pany, who Installed the Electro-
Kold, the electric range, and all
drapes and interior furnishings.
The electric signs of the King-
wood Heights company were . fur
nished by the Claude Neon company
of Portland.
Thomas B. Kllngensmith, owner and
builder of the beautiful model home
of Kingwood Heights, came- to Sa
lem from Detroit, Mich. He Is the
son of F. L. Kllngensmith, formerly
vice-president, treasurer and gen
eral manager of the Ford Motor
company, and later president of the
Gray Motor company, and at pres
ent president of the Hume Pipe
company of America..
Mr. Klingensmilh, senior, was a
former friend and schoolmate of C.
A. Robertson, and some months-ago
sent his son here with Mr. Robert
son to engage In house construction.
1.1'!.-. - w- '--' - - '-ti'rf j ,i;.r.awi . i '-
Architect's sketch of nromieed new
ment to have lis own porch and view
Hnnunell Is the architect.
Two Urge Neon signs will be
turned on tonight for the first time.
These signs are nine feet long and
lour feet high, and they have the
message of Kingwood Heights. One
of these signs will be placed at the
foot of Kingwood Heights, on tne
Dallas highway, pointing to King-
wood road. The other will ne piacea
near the entrance to the Marlon
Polk county bridge on the property
of the Capitol Super Service station.
owned and operated byAl smitn.
These1 signs not- only light and
cheer up the corners they occupy.
but will direct trainc from dust to
dawn. They were made and erected
by the Claude Neon company 01
Portland. Ore., and they will their
share ' to brighten things up for
some time to come. They are lust
part ot the development program
of Kingwood Heights on the hill,
just a short ride from the heart of
the capital city. All who have vis
ited this beauty spot on the hill can
see only success for it, as it is the
largest close-in restricted residence
district of Salem, with improve
ments Installed, including pure wa
ter, and with a view that Is unsur
passed. - . .
Kingwood Heights can be reached
from several dlflerent ways, first
by going west along the Dallas
highway along the Willamette to
Kingwood Drive and the Neon
lights, then up -the -hill to the tract.
Or, take the Wallace road to Qlen
creek road, then west to Kingwood
Drive, or on Cascade drive all of
which have newly graded streets.
now being permanently improved.
These roads make two delightful
loop drives well worth taking for
the beautiful fcenery they reveal
all so close to Salem's business cen
ter. Kingwood Heights Is the first
addition in this section to be com
pletely developed with cltv improve
ments and adequate restrictions.
You will know when you reach It.
Its view always, repays one for the
visit, - -
Dallas The county clerk Issued
two more marriage licenses Tues
day to Lyle o. Moore, 21, and" Lois
Beal, 20, both students and .both
from Independence; Lowell Kaup.
Monmouth, and Pauline Brown, of
Forest Grove. ' They . are both
teachers -and gave .their ages as
legal. .
Independence Mr. and Mrs. Lynn
Huntley on D street entertained an
dinner guests at their home Wed
nesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. John
Formal, Mrs, McDonald and E. N
Ltndqulst. .
This anlqa six room home with eWaMc garage and sen roan h now
h completed and the framework ta being erected. The Klntweed Con
d:4ll. Bull ef whkb will be revered op when the hem- K completed
Proposed Apartments
" - 'iKtZIiajwiia
aoartment house to be erected In
of Salem, and the nrroandlng mountains, valley, highways and river. J,
Kingwood Heights News-
Loren Vosburgh, six year old son 1
a. II- anjt Mm Ct K VfMHltftfh hoH
the misfortune to cut his hand on a
lawn mower quite badly.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark arc
living In the Charles Adams hoiuu
and looking after the place during
the absence of the Owners,
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Oerber, who
came here from AmarlUa, Texas last
fall, and his brother Theodore, hare
purchased a service station at Folsy
comer and are moving there tills
week with their family to take fo
session and begin operation of it.
They are moving from the Nelnrler
place, until recently owned by E.
W. Harland.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook and lit
tle daughters, Georgia Rose and
Helen May. and Mrs. Hettie Simp-
kins, Mrs." Cook's mother,' sere
among the 40 who attended the
Simpklns clan meeting at Cl,am-
poeg last Sunday. This was ft re
union of the relatives of Mrs. cook s
father, and a very pleasant day
was spent.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C. Ra.' and
family of Dallas have moved ap on
the Cass Gibson place, and M-. Ray
Is hauling wood into town. There
are several hundred cords f this
wood to be moved so he wil. truck
for a number of months.
Rev, Harry R. R. Neat, of Lodi,
Calif., who has been attetdlng a
pastor's conference in Eugme for
the past ten days, came on t) Salem
to visit Mrs. Neat's parents, the 8.
A. LaRauts, and join her. Together
they started on the homeward trip
Wednesday morning. They expected
to stop at Albany to visit a sister,
and resume their church work next
Sunday in Lodi. -
Among those attending the Fln-ster-Oretsinger
wedding from Oils
neighborhood were Mrs. C. F. a ret
singer, mother, Mr. and Mrs. Stan
ley Blum and baby, Ronald, sister,
Mrs. Minnie Scdwlck, and Aubrey
and Carl Oretzinger, brothers of the
groom, Harold Oreteinger.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Albright, who
formerly lived on the Glenn creek
road, have Just returned from a trip
to neorasaa.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wrenn of
Palo Alto, Calif., who are in Oregon
for the summer schools, were guests
at tne Stephen LaRauts this week
Mrs. Kathleen LaRaut Wrenn has
taught in the stale normal school
session and Mr. Wrenn was doing
the same In Eugene at the Univer
sity of Oregon. For a few weeks
they will visit at the Narcum La
Raut home in Salem, then return to
Palo Alto.
Miss Odell Pedcn was among the
score or more of sunnyslde picnic
ers at Yachats, over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Avery L.-Applewhite
and Catharine and Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Bernard were picniclng at
Jefferson the middle ot the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Vosburgh and
family motored to Oregon City and
Clackamas, visiting places of histor
Beautiful Home Now. Under Construction
For Kingwood Vista
Kinrwood Vista, with lawns, tennis
ical Interest, Sunday. They visited
the old McLaughlan home and oth
Mrs. Lillian Rlesbeck has moved
to Portland to make her home for
the present.
Dexter Smith, a former resident
of Kingwood Terrace was visiting
old-time neighbors this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Melville P. Brown
and son, David, were guests of her
parents in Portland over the week
end. Mr. and Mrs. William Miller and
Ted Fullerton of Olendora, Calif.,
who were the Inspiration for a num
ber of - social functions over the
week-end at the Olenn L. Adams
home, started for Iowa the first of
the week.
Dwlght Adams Is very much un
der the weather with sinus trouble
Mary St, Pierre has been visiting
In Aumsvllle at the home of her
aunt Mrs. Abram Martin, for a few
Plans are now being prepared for
a beautiful brick and tile model
home for one of the choice view
lots of Kingwood Heights. Mr. Frank
Neer, secretary of the Salem Brick
and Tile company, will help with
the plans and direct the construc
tion of this interesting house that
will demonstrate the possibilities
of one of Salem's most important
This model brick and tile home
will be located on a large triangular
lot facing the east at a high point
whence can be seen the city of Sa
lem below far stretches ot the Wil
lamette valley, the winding Willam
ette river, and the busy west side
slat highway, and to the east In
spiring Mt. Hood and the Cascade
Range with Mt. Jefferson's snowy
pea; ana to tne west the dark out
line of the tree-covered coast range.
This wonderful setting, but little
over one mile from the business cen
ter of the capital city, is ideal and
beautiful for a home. Watch it de
Dallas Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Ran
tenl of San Francisco are guests of
Mrs. Earl Schultz. Last Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Schultz and their two
boys and Mr, and Mrs. Rantenl mo
tored to Salem and Friday to Port
land. Sunday they were at Neskowin.
R. L. Chapman and wile are va
cationing at Nvowln.
Miss JeV. Vears and Mrs. Harry
Wands were at Neskowin Sunday.
i nder way on the hlhet paint of
U:acllcn company Invite, In-pecllen
8 ntember 15.
o marim mmnwm
1 f. i r. r M sr i . ". ' ".
courts, nlay rotunds, each apart
E.,Tourtclotte of Tonrtelotte and.
The new home of Thomas B
Kllngensmith which is now under
construction on the highest point
of Kingwood Heights, is to be open
to the public for inspection on
Wednesday, August 14, according to
present plans.
This new home, while not to be
entirely completed until Septem
ber 15, will be In such state of pro
gress that visitors may Inspect close
ly the honest details of workman
ship which features its construc
tion, before they are entirely con
cealed in the finished structure.
This beautiful house, which con
tains in addition to its convenient
ly arranged rooms, the added ad
vantage of a commodious sun-room
as well as garage, is to be furnished
through the joint efforts of several
Salem merchants and dealers, each
of whom Is expert In his particular
The construction contractor, J.
W. Eaker, Is following out closely
the detail plans of Hunzicker b
Smith, architects, who, in. design
ing the building, have taken every
advantage of the unsurpassed scenic
panorama visible from the ideal
setting of Cascade Drive.
Taste, harmony, convenience and
foresighted economy have been the
watchwords in the selection and In
stallation of fixtures and furnish
ings to be found in the kitchen,
bath, living and sleeping quarters.
To everyone who may wish to do
so, the Invitation is extended to in
fipect this beautiful home when It
is opened Wednesday, August 14.
Went Side Mr. and Mrs, Prank
Wells and son Billy motored to Ta
coma recently and were the guests
or their sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waldie. They
also visited Mrs. wells' uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ripe In
Kelso. They arrived home Sunday
West Salem George Steward hai
been granted a permit by the city
recorder, Mrs. J. I. Miller, to build
a garage on his Kingwood Terrace
property at an estimated cost of
Hubbard Sixty-two bushels of
wheat to the acre were harvested
from the John Dubrava field on the
outskirts of Hubbard. This Is the
heaviest yield handled by the Amos
Kauffman thrashing crew. When
questioned as to the cause for such
a remarkable yield Dubrava said
that the Held had received the
same treatment that Is ordinarily
given to wheat fields.
Klngwoed HrlghU. The basement
ef the henesl workmanship In every
Individual Design of
Home-Sites Featured
In King wood Heigh ts i
Kin ir wood Heichts. orimcinally consisting of about 40 acre
in all, was platted after a design worked out by a well-known
landscape gardner into individual home-Bitea, no two alik
or of the same dimensions. The streets were laid out to con
form with the contour of the
impressive view from every point oi -
the road. A portion oi lungwooa
Heights has been re-platted into an
annex known as Kingwood Vista.
Here the streets are as originally
olatted. but somewhat widened.
now giving the impression of boule
vards. City water and electric ugnts
areal ready installed to much of the
tract and the rest of the water
mains and electric light extensions
are now under construction, so that
they will be available to every site
within ten days. Nelson Bros, have
charge of the installation of the
water system extensions.
The water is supplied by tne west
Salem Water Works, and Is famous
for its purity and excellent quality.
The view from every site oi King-
wood Heights Is a most Impressive
panorama of the charming Willam
ette valley, with the Willamette
river In the immediate foreground
and the Imposing Cascades, and
Mt. Hood, framing the Inimitable
eastern horizon. From Kingwood
Heights one is struck with the re
markable beauty of Salem and the
significance of Its marvelous en
virons. Visitors to this addition can
not but be Inspired with confidence
as to its future, and praise for the
unique beauty of its setting-.
Every site in Kingwood Heights
is a setting worthy of a beautiful
home. Several houses have already
been completed, and others are un
der construction. The house built
by Mr. T. B. Kllngensmith, soon to
be opened to Inspection, will well
repay a visit. Note it charming set
ting of trees, combined with a great
scope of view rarely ever enjoyed
from one house, and with H all
quiet dignity and elegance.
Kingwood Heights is now the
clo5est and largest restricted resi
dence section addition to the busi
ness center of Salem. By direct line
it is only one mile and a quarter out
and to its farthest point a bare five
minutes' drive. Many of Salem's
well-known and substantial citizens
have already purchased sites for
their homes, and general interest
in the addition and Us possibilities
is growing apace, and several very
interesting homes are being plan
ned for construction in the near
The prices of sites In Kingwood
Heights and Kingwood Vista vary
according to slae and location as to
view, and also the setting of trees
on the property. Many of the tracts
have an area equal to several ordi
nary city lots, with a growth of
large sites of one or more acres.
The owners of Kingwood Heights
will co-operate in evry possible way
to assist prospective builders in
this addition, not only as to house
plans, but also methods of finan
cing construction. Various large
loan companies have endorsed this
addition for building loans.
West Salem J. c. Miller and son
Robert are employed beyond Shedd
working for the Pacific Teltphon;
and Telegraph compjny.
Bishop Is Salesmanager
v. : P&Mfctifl
Mddy Bl.hop, formerly with the Capital Meters, Salria, la the new
sale manager far Kingweod Heights kome-slW. BbHap la nrpartd te
explain every detail Involved In the erojrrt. Hi. olllre la at UIJ Edge
water street, er he may be rrarhrd by telephoning 1S43. Zlla. er 1341-J,
land, with easy curves, and an
plans evolved:
for apartment
house unusual
Can you Imagine an apartment
house modern -In every particular,
with broad lawns, tennis courts, play .
grounds for the kiddies, each apart
ment with its own porch and view
of Salem, the Cascade Mountains
and the unrivalled Willamette val
ley, river and highways below? But
that Is Just what Is now being plan
ned up high In Kingwood Height -where
the air is pure and there art -no
city nuisances such as bad
smells and cinders. But this Is not
an extravagant dream. It Is fast be
coming an absolute necessity. It is
possible, and in no sense surpris
ing. ' '
Plans are under way for such an
apartment house. It will be only flva
minutes from down-town offices, -Every
city convenience will be In
corporated for the comfort of 1U
guests. A delightful roof garden la
planned with it. Also a wooded tract
adjoining to be equipped for a chil
dren'a playground. Bus service will
be available. Plenty . of private ga
rages. Go up on Kingwood Drive,
and imagine what .Is to . happen
there. - - -
Although details are not yet fully
worked out, Mr. Biddy Bishop will
be glad to discuss the matter with
any jvho may probably be Interest
ed in having an apartment in such
a unique and delightful setting.
Don't forget that this will be right
where horseback riding is most de
lightful, and horses available at the
door. It is in line with modern liv
ing. Everything will be up-to-the-minute.
Special apartments will be
arranged for those desiring long
leases, to suit tennant requirements,
you plan It we build It. See Biddy
Bishop, 1313 Edgewater street,
Phone 1643, or 1341-J.
West Salem Mr: and Mrs. Mark
Soli and daughter Marjorie Jean of
Santa Clara, Calif., arrived at the
R. V. Sebem home on Franklin
street on Sunday, where they were
guests until Tuesday. Miss Marie
Selvin ot Portland was also a Sun
day pnest. On Monday evening the
Soils visited at the D. C. Selvin
home on Edgewater street. Mrs.
Soil Is an aunt of R. V. Sebem and
Mls Marie Sebern.
West Sulem Miss Oertrude
Wp.tzling arrived Tuesday for a few
days' vl it with the P. O. Need ham
family and other friends. Later
she will go to Myrtle Point to visit
her parents. Miss Watzllng has
bo?n reelected .to the position of
Iracher In the Oregon City schools.
i -"J-.