; I?OI? the t Love of a Lady Chapter 41 ANOTHKB BE8CCB Before the dismal tan at the land lord, his helper 8mm and a rough man whose garment unacted of hips and the see, all drinking ale. -Fifteen golden guineas. Sam. Lord. Master Tucker, a load of money It be!" 'And a rolght, proper genTman be be eh?" . - "For sure, 8am. ain't be a lord and Tl-countr ' "' sure du seemed in might; urrjrl" "And no wonder, wT such a and some creetur waiting. I never seen finer young woman." Though turble fiery. Master Tuc ker." "Well, being a man o' sperrlt, X likes 'era fiery. Wot eyes! Wot a shape wot n ". came to them a faint rhythmic sound growing ever louder now thundering In the road toward the Inn. "The vi -count at last!" shouted the landlord. "Avt erlerf Aim. Dointinc. "Ay, kut." quoth the landlord 'e s coming from tne wrung d'rection." "Wen. lis no wonder," cried Sam, nn he not the Vl-count!" "Whv then, 'oo fet 'e, Sam?" unwifi ' a-comlnc to " - For now, as they watched this rapidly approaching horseman, he swerved from the road and. with out checking his wild career, came galloping straight at them, "in in wl' ve." cried the land' lord. AU three tumbled into the tan-room, nell-mell. but when they would have shut the door there UD-rearlng was a loam-tlecke hone with mighty hoofs lashing above the very threshold. Then his rider was out of the sad' die and next moment the little din- cv taDroom rang with the sounds of furious combat, awild uproar that. suddenly subsiding, gave place to silence broken only by a voice tnat groaned and a voice that gasped. "It only them white-livered dogs adn't run and left nel" walled the groaning voice. Where .... is ... . she?" de manded the assnlnsT voice. "Aloft, mate. And if only them lubberly dogs." . "Look . . . -at this!" panted Sir Richard, showing a small, surer mounted plstoL "Lie where . . vou are. or " "Lord love ye, mate I dont want to move. I'm a Iambi But If them Ulv-ltvered does But Sir Richard was oft stum bling up the dark and narrow stair. "Helen!" ha called, and was en- swered by a cry wildly glad and eaeer. "Richard ... Oh. Richard, pray er, pray coma to me . . .they've locked me in . . . .Ob. Richard- He backed away and hurled him self against the door, yet thrice it swung wide. . . . And then al most before he knew It, she was In his arms, laughing and sobbing, shivering and clinging to him in a very passion of thankfulness. 'Hold me. Rtchardl" walled she. In small, pleading voice. "Hold me fast, fast oh. Richard!" She moaned and clasped him the tighter, and hew as stroking this lovely head that pillowed Itself noon his ranged coat with such un wonted and most delightful humil ity. Dick Full-o'love. thou rt very "Oh. Dick." she sighed. "Oh. dsmpl "A bucket of water!" he ex nlalned. And thou "rt a very dusty Dick!' I shall xdoU thy finery." Then pray spoil It ... : .Thy heart beateth very fast, Dick.' "I . . . .I've been busy." "Indeed, I heard you 'twas like thunder and earthquakes." "Come . . . .shall we go? "Ay. but whither?" "To the Moat House." "No. no. twere madness I " And here her hands stole up to creep and 'lasp themselves about his neck. "You would be seen and 11 they took thee again!" - Twill nothing matter. For to night. Helen, if ail goes well" A hoarse voice oeuowea louaiy from the road. "Oh, God pity mel" gasped Hel en. "They are naei ... we vis count." "Eh Brocklehurst? Come, let us go look!" Hand clasping hand tney crept from the room, and so to the front of the tavern whence they might neen down at the road. A horse -ea tne grass ncim the Inn. while Immediately below the lattice, wherefrom they peeped, stood the talL unlovely figure of Jonas Skag. . Rir Richard neered crown, mea- cured the distance with his eye and, squeezing through the casement, had vanished before Helen might stav him. She heard a hoarse cry. and. looking down, beheld two forms that writhed and twlstea . . Shrinking from the lattice she cov ered her face, and In that same moment heard a cheery voice cal ling her name: so she fled from tne room and down the stair cut Into t e roll twilight. "Richard . . ah. how could your she wailed. "We needed this fellows norse, he exnlained. "The poor beast rode b well-nigh foundered." So saving he swung to saddle and reorheo tier nis nana. "Up with you, child you loot on mv toe now!" Mutelv she obeyed ana next mo ment was seated before him in the crook of his bridle-arm. Lord. mate, and wot o pore Jonas 'ave ye killed 'lm?" asked a dolorous voice. "Nov. the hangman snail do tnat for nun one day, belike. The rogue will be cursing lustily anon." "Well. mate, you ve tne kick on t but if only them llly-souled. lousy " " But Sir Rtcnara was on ana away, riding at furious pace and with sombre eyes watching the gathering dusk, and yet supremely conscious of the lovely face so very near his own. of the silky tres- that tickled his neck, his ear. his cheek with such determined persistence, and of all the warm. soft, yielding, extremely feminine tenderness of her. "Alas, thy Door face!" she mur mured, so tenderly that Instinctive ly Ms arm tightened about her. men tney rone suemiy again. Richard ever pressing the horse for added speed.. At last my lady spoke: "Why must we nurry so r . "The evening falls apace. TIs some miles to the - Moat House. There Is much to do." Helen smiled slyly and spoke: "Then why not do It, Richard, and be done?" "Because what Is to do. If all goes well tonight, Is to be done at the Moat House." "Why there, Richard?". "Because my two best, my two most faithful friends await me there." "And what Is to do there, Rich ard?" "A matter that something touch eth my future welfare." "Pray Richard, what matter?" "That which shall, I hope, prove the faith of friends In me no vain thing." ."Who?" she asked. "Who are these so kind and faithful friends?" "Madam the Duchess, your aunt, (Continued on Paee 16) ACROSS I. Wan s. Friable 11. alma-la lens sf hrlnitt II. Tirtnled II. Thnrunfkfaral astir. It. Mweurlaff raleelr 17, Vt'orthlelll . elans la. Corded fabrlt It. Iteallate II. Hire 11. Valuer ndailrar nf pti.ltlon II. Chrmlral ema il. Needa It. KmtlUa aiifell.il . It. Charllr It. Pert of Ike eye Sf. Tnrklefc rel Blent It. itndj ef wattr at. ITItr la falilnrala M. Anrleat alike. beile ekaraeter It, Hnrrnllaa leo4 It, PrnaoBB It. Half ems IS. Htatleaary Sella 41. (lid elnth Mraaara Solution ef Yesterday's Punle OlD0RfTEEnp'APQ lT vTe UIrTn t B e l a n" pis ITl snsjoljB o nTe SlTi RTa l TjHsfpANljTs EKfflT S JaO I jJGI viainIeOm a tTt eHeTr A dTaJO 7t R RFvjnoiL- -tToJB f aWc e gffiR"A"ty 5 ItlE? Ejsni7If. PJ6 1 i "fi-T n qifISpJ'- t E e m i bIBs TTpjlA l o e H 1 E SIS U O I B ! A U R E i M 1 0 41. Freaek eoa Jaartloa Is, Artlrlet sf a. tnrrl lawallaa alrl 41. VelTel Ilka fabrne 41. Vnaabonrte St. Aarlral Uonea eOlrlal It. Itfldra imwn t. Kmaerora t. lilaek birds a, Haanlah artlrU 4. Illffh moaatala 5. I'rofnBwa a, Uorbtdll . leadac - - . 1. h a, Prrpaallloa a Hi-niialea It. 1UM 1. lreparet fot a ronteit IS. melt la. Monlk it. Iirada II. tin aaned tor antra II. Cltr la Suit Brrlnnd IS. Cat nlldtr IT. Iltaracaiaber 14, nrrr S. Ullhtfy 31. Klrkril a foot ball 15. UuBtltmal rat an IS. nreka el battleablpa II Femnla rag Ij. IIMllnrut . SI. Wnllowr throntb a wet blare II. Adheelro 40. Hen Ian 4S. lleareakloa be. Incea atona. Inln aeaka 41. Kalt 41 lilaad Bear ficw lorki abbr. 4a Vreek latter 7 p p 4 li" 1 - j ' l U Id 19 Ui T'? 1 zi tr ' 4 , " 1. Z9 TS3 53 TiZ: "tTrT"" W W "7; 73" . . ar: -tt--tsv - Rjf flHrofi Qnf LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE The Oeanup rle M1Gac , tb.VN.s! V w I Wp.vht khs mow ooush J ?l1tB? eKMvauvVs Bsovi NtvM-cW- v J HObA-c- tve taysrf tos wc f VjWnG, -6o- W'"Tb rAKTCH " K EYAOVlSH FOR ONt - J . . ? 1 . ' kNHVtiM, Vt QUMTttW? ; ,7 errre tUCW KHH NhcS VgKr4Tt 6T fWWNTV W ' BC It oVJCVli SlUKTS f NriXT -UrAfc- TO TH Blb.f. N"H S , VAfXM. .V SVAt X0 T? TO TO PV-KA G0O CteMAtj- ' J ' WRi MoTCWlK BEWVl'S "VUVt e VSlU5ll VSYt 1 ' C"0 REG'LAR FELLERS Stringing Puddinhead By Cme Byrnea tS QETTlei' "K tWHATX f OOSHl f ( x OObTT KNOVJ- V f iaaAWt I FlERCCTi 1 f vcumd? X x vjooldn" I I -1U4DE STRrwl3rft 1 em nwhem theype I It-KV-fcl I f .,.,,- A I wAklMA. BAT II II. I t'Pt-'fi T. 7 I I Mkfil OOTA I i )mi m i x c-vfctb ? OLSNN III tniN TAILSPIN TOMMY Skeetcr Does Like The Place and ual roKHK?4 I . . . J 1 1 1 "' Vl " -ViaC l jitter a wso Tt nr, h"""") H.nT..: jr..1'I"' m irl r-, ; arcnec tr Nnu I fiorTA OO PLACtS S?SJ BEAT IT VOU 01.01 I ITHlS OFFICE CAN Ciji3 DY COnPANIort U LU 11 V v... , w rr .... SiSSSJ ,.T..-url A DUMB DORA An Open Secret , ' "v'-U Votmg " I OoOONC-is; lOORA.-. MttT rAt IKJ TU6. I v-JV-H SO M Srtrl-IME. &3t A GSEAf Pt-Alsll I5--tM TO iB!iil!iIlppj!'.li :'iMWS'Mm3'&&JtU' HOW J BOTV.CR S PAMTW AT OM. MUCI-. FOR GETTING CXfT OF- "MtS KttPTUtCAR .Wjajgtt-jlffii yJ vgEME-SOT v"""- f - -JZ rAHWEWOOS 1 1 VMS. GOT A PLAJS4 FO SecRtCi'C ' 1-MARRvAGe.. BUT NO ROe4MIN4a OUST -i To & CATI-VA. t- --- ""as. 6WIUS EMVW TUE. SUP OM -t. T i; llMW rtl41 OUfTSvOv. TVAt f TiAATS Rt3WT TMAT MOBOCW li l i vZ. ' a Tat OAf OeVTetE'eJliDOtMO L ( COMi tMfO THE. f MAlt-4 SAtC . I-U HAVE. Jt WEARS Or 30R I N -Jr ifVHT I -& poO TV f LteRARVJJ- TOTvA& D& J ( A-AOOE.BI nj PI.ANS r- ' t WON'T Hrftn d HVinM BRINGING UP FATHER --M.Mann- WEU.,MAOC6:-, A'bt-EEP. OI ITW I II ('ev-rv . o,.,'-- "l I I 1 I I i IF . VI T V"l" 1'LL-oNEA.KINOtTME. " IaE .fT cTt F I SO TOO ,MSFrT . BY COt-Of fVE GOT HAMM -S4 TMAT ICe-BOX- L- 'g? -pTT I 4 $TZEu TOtT SOMETHING J l3lrr - APS OF STARVED' j 5.cwrIJ7rc elevem days VMk. Lover, on vour. vr v- 1 ' vow rzj v w ; dietim' ii ! w2r i diet- . j t - s" I .Sij WpriD --- j J 8"? Of-al Braiia fiia nm4. MUTT AND JEFF It's A Record Even If They Don't Do It By Bud Fishet fvteiiTtjiTcwrtrT ii BeVC Arr(i ArOoTOeftl ABOUT SviliMMlMft I I THAT'S Tx -J AR0UM Trtt WObKD eaV I jHll V - i AMB COUL6NT STAY L riCoRb THfe CWGUSK I mtfflX?J 0NABICYCI,C: j- IllRAv -r. ' 9 UP TEN MtGUTi j- cHAMNei, e ' v1 v ' ' lwt UlTJ . J ? IVj tF i - i piW.tWII.iai inajajj, "tmfyfV-