' J1 1LIUJI I rl U LIU I mJ'mljt-Ja II II I I I UJ UUI Society, Clubs and President's Dinner to be Friday Nite The third Interesting social event planned In honor of delegates to the ninth department convention of the American Legion auxiliary will be the president's dinner Fri day evening at 5:30 o'clock at the Elks club for which members of Capital unit auxiliary will be host esses. Mrs. R. L. Hoyal of Douglas, Ari zona, national vice-president, will be a guest of honor at' the affair and Mrs. Gerald Wilcox, Jr., de partment past president, will pre side. The committee 1 n direct charge of the dinner includes Mrs. Allan J. Cleveland, chairman; Mrs. II. R. White, Mrs. King Bartlelt. Mrs. Albert Gragfc, Mrs. John Rot ' tie and Mrs. Jesse Oeorge. A color plan of blue and gold will . be followed In the table decorations and appointments. The following reservations have been received: . - Mrs. Mabel Mclnturff, " Marsh field; Mrs. R. Lu Hoyal, Douglas, Arizona; Margaret Kentzen, Mc Mlnnvtlle; Bess Rufrner, McMinn Tille; Effle Mae Newton, McMlnn vllle; Olive Larson, McMlnnvllle; Argyle Jones, St. Helens: Mrs. Prank Gardner, St. Helens; Mrs. N. A. Young, Monmouth; Clara Powell, Mosmouth; Mrs. Moe, Vernonia; Mrs. McGraw, Vernonia; Mrs. Llnd ley, Vernonia: Mrs. Gerald Wilcox, Antelope. Mrs. Lucille Helgerson, Port land; Mrs. Dewey May Yates. Portland: Mrs. Vleve Coleman. Portland; 'Mrs. Laura Gatchell. Lebanon: Mrs. Ellen Rooper, An telope: Mrs. Marge Klnsey, Ante lope; Mrs. Lois Erickson, Estacada; Mrs. Maude Allen Shaw, Wauna; Mrs. Elna J. Maloney, Wauna; Mrs. Ellen J. Metzger, Newport; Mrs, W. R. Van Vleet, Bend. Mrs. Georgia Martin, Pendleton; Mrs. Julia Williams, Kerby; Mrs. Genna Sauer, Kerby; Mrs. Vlda Goodman, Hillsboro; LaDoera Cobb, Prinevllle; Rena Palmer, La Grande; May Desilet, LaGrande; Mrs. Madge Flegel, Ontario; Mrs. Amy Evans, Ontario; Mrs. Elinor Hull, Baker; Mrs. Fern Bowden, Baker; Mrs. Jessie Kelly, Baker; Mrs. Myrtle Halsan, Clatsop. Mrs. Bertha Mills, Corvallls; Mrs. Claudia Rowlands, Corvallls; Mrs. Susan Durrell, Corvallls, Mrs. Fern Chappell, North Bend; Mrs. George H. Brewster, Redmond; Manila H. Brandt, Sheridan; Cal lle . Helder, Sheridan; Bessie Malo, Sheridan; Mrs. Edith Sever, Portland. Helen Biggs, Hermlston; Mrs. Marie C. Todd, Hermlston: Pearl M. Gray, Gresham; Celia Everett, Gresham; Minnie Eastman, Gresh am; Helen Camp, Gresham; Mrs. K. M. Bird, Cottage Grove; V. T. Randall, Cottage Grove; Lena Stuart, Albany; Clara Klnsey, Al - bany; Julia Fortmiller, Albany; Nell Coates, Albany; Lulu Broth erton, Albany. Mrs. Elva Preston," Dallas; Mrs. Bertha Rich, Dallas; Mrs. Betty Savery, Dallas; Miss Mildred Staf rln, Dallas; Mrs. Charles McCann, Dallas; Mrs. Birdie Van Nuys, Dal las; Mrs. Joy Warner, Dallas; Mrs. Dorothy Eakln, Dallas. Mrs. Julia Pratt, Maupln; Mrs. Rose Bunch, Meaford; Mrs. Belva Aiken, Medford; Mrs. Vera Hall, Medford; Mrs. Mary Chaney, Med ford; Mrs. M. B. Huntley, Spring field; Mrs. H. E. Maxey, Spring field; Mrs. Vernona Nelson, New berg. Mrs. P. M. Gemmell, Heppner; Mrs. Carl Wimberly, Roseburg, Mrs. C. K. Allen, Roseburg; Mrs Georgia Caskey, Roseburg. SUverton The marriage of Miss arlene McMullen, daughter of Mrs. Alice McMullen of SUverton, and Charles H. Carter which took place on July 27, In Tacoma, was a com plete surprise, to friends here. Rev. M. Storaker officiated and Miss El sie 8trand of Rochester, Wash, and I. A. Kenney of Oregon City were the attendants. Mrs. Carter attend ed grade school here and graduated from Oregon City high school. She also attended Monmouth Normal achool and taught a year at Har mony, Oregon. Mr. Carter Is an en gineer on the S. S. Olympla which plies between Olympla and Fort Costa, California. They will make their home In Seattle. Mrs. Carter, who Is now visiting her mother, will leave In a few days for her home, Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Steven son and son, Chester, Jr., of Eu gene were guests In 8alem earlier in the week. DID YOUR KIDNEYS WAKE YOU UP LAST NIGHT Do you have to get up nights for bladder relief do you suffer back aches, headaches, and loss of weight , are you all tired out even In the morning are you constipated do you have rheumatic pains or neu ritis jabs due to faulty kidney or Intestinal elimination? Why continue to put up with so called remedies that fall to give results? The druggists below have JiBtse cured a fresh supply of the famous Mexican compound, Matamel, and offer It to sufferers on the sincere plan that It must give you better results than any medicine you ever tried or your money back. To all those calling at once, a valuable diet book will be riven FREE In every package of MantameL Oet yours today from the Capital Drug tore. dv. BdlUd br EDISON CONGRATULATES PROTEGE I trr-rA -rr-. Wilbur Huston, 1, receives the best wishes of Thomas A. Edison -on winning the scholarship offered by the Inventor. Below, loft to right: Bishop and Mrs. 8. A, Huston, Port Madison, Wash, parents of the boy who was selected from a field of 49 competitors. Wood Clan Meets . For Annual Reunion Rlverdale park was the scene of the third annual reunion of the Wood clan Sunday, August 4, when one hundred descendants and rela tives of Hiram and Brltton Wood assembled for a picnic dinner and social afternoon. After the picnic dinner served In the grove, a program of vocal and Instrumental music and readings was presented. Abner, Hiram and Walter Wood gave brief sketches of family history. The following officers of the clan were re-elected for the year: presi dent, Walter Wood, Portland; vice president, George Wood, Eugene; secretary-treasurer. Nan Lou Pet tyjohn, Salem. The fourth reunion will be held at the same park on the first Sun day In August, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Honor House Guest Mr. and Mrs. Wade Ellis were hosts Tuesday evening at an Inter esting picnic supper and card party in their home at the Roaring River fish hatchery near Sclo. honoring Miss Georgia Ellis of Berkeley, Cal ifornia, who will leave Saturday for the south after spending several weeks with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis. After the picnic supper served at seven o'clock In the grove, several hours of bridge were enjoyed, Mr. H. L. Marsters and Mrs. Bert Vehrs won the high score prizes. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Marsters of Salem, Mr. and Mrs, John Williamson of Salem Mr and Mrs. Vernon Reeves, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vehrs of Le banon, Mr. and Mrs. George El gin of Sclo, George Ellis, Byrl Marsters. Salem, and Ennls Goss, Eugene, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis. Portland Girl to Wed Harold Ladd Mrs. Walter P. Laitocho of Port land has announced the engage ment of her daughter, Miss Nan La Roche, an dHarold M. Ladd, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ladd of Salem. The marriage will be an event of early September. Miss La Roche attended Oregon Agricultural college and Is a mem ber of PI Beta Phi. Mr. Ladd at tended the state university and Is a member of Lambda Chi Alpha. Ouidoorlfirilh and Recreation at AKE An out-of-doors vacation in a world-famed locale... horseback . ; , hiking . . . swimming . . . boating , , . luxurious rest with t background of scenic beauty unparalleled. Cha teau Lake Louise is a magnificent metropolitan; hostelry with typical , Canadian Pacific service,, .accomodations andcui- sine. lust a step from vour own doorway by Prin ces liner and Canadian Pacific train from Seattle and Vancouver. mm in h CatioHon 'Pattk' TVettWhrj Rom tin Kttxi. Phone n Luncheon Honors Mrs. Von Eschen Complimenting Mrs. Florlan Von Eschen of Modesto, California, a former resident of Salem, who Is visiting here this week, a group of members oi the local chapter of the American association of uni versity women entertained Friday noon with an attractive luncheon at the Gray Belle. Mrs. Von Eschen, an active mem ber of the chapter while in Salem, taught for a number of years In the Salem high school. Professor Von Eschen who was head of the science department of Willamette univer sity Is now a member of the fac ulty of Modesto Junior college. Silvcrton Mrs. Jasper Dullum, Mrs. A. E. Arbus and Mrs. Conrad Johnson entertained with an after noon tea Thursday In honor of their niece, Miss Bertha Rye of Pier port, South Dakota who Jhas been visiting here for several months and who left Friday for her home. Miss Eda Axness of Montevideo. Minn.. who Is the guest of Miss Fat Enev oldson, was also an honor guest.' Twenty-five were bidden for the afternoon. Miss Arrath Arbus, Miss uieua rariand and Miss Evelyn Loe assisted the hostesses at the tea hour. ' SUverton Bride Elect is Honored SUverton Mrs. I. D. Wordon of Coolidge street wav hostess at a delightful efalr Thursday after noon, honoring her niece, Miss La- Verne Rich whose marriage to W1I- 11am C. Dixon of Scotts Mills will take place August IS. Tlie living rooms and dining room were attractively decorated with baskets of' roses, goldenglow and mignonette. Pastel tapers In crystal holders were arranged with flow ers on the serving table. The Misses Moberg, Miss Aniundson and Mrs. Stranix assisted in serving. Sever al gifts were presented to the honor guest. Mrs. Jack Dixon was hostess re cently at a pre-nuptlal shower In her home at Scotts Mills, In honor of the bride-elect. Fifty guests were present. A feature program was presented at the meeting of Salem Rebekah lodge Monday evening at the fra temal temple. Refreshments were served by the committee In charge. LOUISE A Canadian Pacific . UJLMUCM tmtjU Mill MPT. Cweonej Good fte WorU Ovtr. Music Auxiliary Secretaries At Party Sixty-six secretaries and past sec retaries of American Legion aux iliaries In all parts of Oregon at tended the annual secretaries' break fast parley at the Gray Belle Fri day morning. Mrs. Mabel Mclnturff of Marshfteld, state secretary-treasurer, led the Informal discussion on secretary's problems and difficulties. Mrs. Luclle Helgersen of Portland No. 1 unit, president of the state organization of secretaries of units, presided. Mrs. Helgerson appointed committee Including Mrs. Ruth Beck of Dallas, Mrs. Gerlock of Medford, and Carrie Larson of Coos Bay, to draw up a resolution to be presented to the state convention and later to the national convention making a change in the member ship cards. Mrs. W. E. Lebow of Cottage Grove Is secretary of the organiza tion of secretaries. Mrs. Brazier Small of Salem was In charge of the breakfast Friday morning. Past secretaries of the Sa lem unit who assisted here were Mrs. Leo Page, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. Ralph Blevins, Mrs. R. E. De Quire, and Mrs. Bert Victor. Covers were placed for Gladys Hall, Portland; Luclle Helgerson, Portland; Dewey Nancy Yates, Port land; Mrs. Ruth Beck, Dallas; Mrs. ira M. Peterson, Springfield; Grace Hunt, Bessie Price, both of Newport; two secretaries irom Grants Pass; Mrs. Chris Kostal, Bend; Lois Erick son, Estacada; Mrs. Carl Wimberly, Roseburg; Mrs. Belva Aiken, Mrs. Vera Hall, Mrs. Mary Chaney and Mrs. Louise Brlcke, all of Medford; Mrs. Anna Kelly and Daisy McCor kle, Maupln, Rose Wilcox, Antelope; Pansy J. Bauer, Corvallls: -Mrs. Richard Langrell and Mrs. Forest Wright, Baker; Mildred Snider and Thelma Holbrook, of LaGrande; Mrs. LaDocla Cobb, Prinevllle; Mrs. Clara Porter Smith, Pendleton; Mrs. Ada Morrison, Kerby; Marie Hoff man, Hillsboro; Harriett A. Gem mell, Heppner; Mrs. Fern C. Chap pell, North Bend; Mrs. Arlle B. Wal ker and Callie B. Helder, Sheridan. Berime Stafford, Sheridan: Mrs. George H. Brewster, Redmond; Mrs. W. E. Lebow, Mrs. K. M. Bird and Mrs. F. O. Bennett, Cottage Grove; Marie Walker and Mrs. Sprague of St. Helens; Mrs. Lena Stuart. Julia Fortmiller, "Gladys Sparr, Clare Klnsey, Lulu Brotherton, Dorothy Baron, Elsie Collins, all of Albanv: Celia Everett and Helen Camp, Gre sham; Bess Ruffner, Mildred Smith, ram Gilbert, Evadne Cinnamon and Effle May Newton, all of McMinn Ville; Mabel Mclnturf, Marshfleld; Mrs. Pearl Victor of Salem; Lillian Washburn of Vernonia; and Carrie Larson of Coos Bay, Affair to Honor Mrs. Chas. McNary nn outsianmng social affair In Portland will be the Informal lunch eon for which Mrs. Norma Murray omim win do nostess xnursday af ternoon at the Town club in Port land, complimenting Mrs. Charles L. McNary who will leave late this month for Washington, D. O. Both Mrs. Smith and Mrs. McNary are spending the summer In Oregon, the former in Portland and Mrs. Mc Nary at her country home north of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Locke and Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Dancy spent several days recently at Taft, Nels- cott and Devil's Lake. mm You will recognize tie new blue and white can on your grocer's sbelf as Snowdrift, even before you read the labeL The design Is so clean and Inviting and fresh so simple and modern. For all the world like Snowdrift Itself! Youll be pleased when yon learn of the convenience of the Urge cans the new three and six pound sizes. Just about aa wide as they are tall and aa easy to spoon from as from your own mixing bowL These new aiaes add to the conve nience of Snowdrift itself. And convenience, you know, b Just another word for Snowdrift's creaminees, A creamy texture so smooth and so epoonable that yon never have to work it into sugar or flour just pnt them together and mix with a few stirs of the spoon. Maybe that's why Snowdrift cakes and biscuits and pie crust have such an nnusually fine texture, and why food fried In Snowdrift It to cViidoasly goad to eat. Miss Evangeline Millard left Thursday evening for Portland to spend the week-end with her sla ter, Miss Margaret Millard. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Millard will motor to Portland Sunday to attend the an nual state picnic of the Spanish War veterans association. Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Jr. have as their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flegel of Ontario. Selo Joan and Jeanne Halam icek, nine and eight yeara of age. presented a violin and vocal concert here Monday evening which was at tended by a large and enthusiastic audience. . Marion Herschel Davidson and Ellen Christiansen were married in Salem August 6. Mrs. Margaret Da vidson and Mrs. George Christian sen were present at the service. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson will make their nome nere. ROBERTS Mrs. Ed Betsch and daughter and sister May Windsor of Aber deen, Wash., who have been staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Clymer, returned home Wednesday. Dorothy and Roy Rice went to Hillsboro Sunday where they will spend three weeks with their grandmother, Mrs. E. M. Rice. While there the will go on to Port land and Scofleld to visit other rel atives Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bressler moveri to their home near the river where they will harvest their crop of peaches. R. A. Bettencourt has hut fin. ished harvesting his crop' of flax. He had the Junewrith hrnthem hauling for him. Mr. and Mrs. John Ors borne and children spent the week end at the Breiteaousn springs. Henry Edwards spent the week end at Rockaway. His sons, Claud Edwards and wife of Salem, and John Edwards of Portland accom panied him. Mrs. H. B. Carpenter will imenri the week at Falls City, where she will act as cluperone for the dele gation from the Jason Lee Meth odist church in Salem to the Ep worth League Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Hennirigsen of Portland visited their mother Mrs. Julia Hennlngisen, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Goodrich re turned home Tuesday, after unend ing several days at different coast resorts. Mrs. Belle Booth of Jefferson who has been staying at the home oi Mrs. Alice Coolidge while her daughter. Mrs. Fischer and hn. band Is In California, was called to Lieoanon Thursday on account of uie niness or her brother. Raymond Higglns went to Scan- poose. Ore., where he will be em ployed as tractor driver on. a combine. MARION Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gossard and three children. Miss Grace Mc- Nichols and Roy Clark of Bun Oak. Kans., were week end visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Rob ert Smith. They are making an extended visit of the Pacific coast, having spent some time In Califor nia and will visit Portland and oth er places. Rev. Smith performed the marriage ceremony of Mr. and Mrs. uotsard and of Mr. and Mrs. Clark some years ago while In Kan sas. Marvin Barber ws a week end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Barber. The loganberry harvest has been completed in this neighborhood. The crop was not equal to that of last seaon. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith and Harold Smith attended a Nebraska picnic at Corvallls last Sunday. Mrs. J. D. Smith of Philomath Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lafley and Albert, Jr., Frances Wendall and Lowell Lufky were guests at the home of Mrs. M. E. Morgan of Corvallls 9unday. Mrs. Hannah Humphreys and T V three daughters of Dunsmulr, Cal are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Winn. - Mr. and Mrs. G. o. Boyce and children, Mrs. Doris Smith and Harold and Lucille and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barber and family were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bvber, Sunday. M. A. Barber has moved the creamery building over to the place occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barber and la improving It and building on an addition, expecting to move the poetofflce and confec tionery there. Mrs. Anna Conklin has returned from a trip to the Tillamook coast. Frances Barber was a dinner guest of Nev.e Barber of the Crawford district 8unday. MARION Millard Shelton has cone to Junction City from where he ex pects to go on a fair circuit with sheep. . Gus Larsen has rented a place on the coast near Cloverdale to which he expects to move with his family mis iau. J, W. Stephens returned from Mo doc Point Thursday. A group of young folks enjoyed a weinier roast at the home of Opal Larsen Thursday evening. Those present were Archie Ban kin, Harold Smith, "Bugs" Scofleld, Oeorge Miller, Glen Ramsey, Norman and Elbert Larsen. Kenneth Loretz, Gus Larsen, Rachel Scofleld, Retha Davis. Gladys Gwen, Elmer and Frances Barber and Opal Larsen. UNIONVALE Mrs. Jane Mitchell and familv had as thler guests for two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller and fam ily and Fred White of Newport. Wash.- They were neighbors when all were residing near Lewis town. Mont. They spent .five days In company with the Mitchell family at Newport. This was their first visit to the coast and they were de lighted with their experience. They departed lor their home Sunday morning. Mrs. Jane Cole of Seaside Is a guest of her sister Mrs. Hettle Stoutenburg, enroute to her home after attending the Versteetr fam ily reunion. Rev. C. P. Gates district oresldlna elder of Portland, addressed the congregation o fthe local Evange lical church Sunday evening. SCOTTS MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Merle Scott of Culn creek who have been visiting rel atives here, returned home Monday morning and Mrs. Scott's mother, Mrs. Marie Herlgstad, returned home with them for a visit. Mrs. E. Chick Is spending a few days In Salem visiting and having dental work done. Miss Lulu Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Dale of this place, left the first of the week for Se attle where she will Join the stu dents of the University of Oregon Wednesday when they go through on the two weeks' excursion study of different points of interest. Miss uaie experts to visit with Miss LUa rougner, formerly of this place, but now matron over the older girls In the Sheldon Jackson mission school at Sitka, Alaska. Miss Brou gher and Miss Dale were high school classmates. Mrs. Leona Owens of McMlnnvllle Is here spending a few days visit ing with relatives and friends. She has been camped at WUholt for the past week or so. Mrs. Owens Is pro prietress of the Palm restaurant at McMlnnvllle and will be remem bered by friends as Leona Gray. Mrs. Forest Bartholomew and daughter of Portland are visiting Mrs. Bartholomew's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kent of this place. KLNGWOOD J. E. Lyons of Llmay, Bataan. one of the Philippine Islands, uncle of Mrs. Arthur Wilson, has been vis iting at the Wilson home on King wood drive for a number of weeks. He Is now away in Seattle, Wash, for a brief stay and will return to A new package . that is as fresh and attractive as Snowdrift itself the Wilson home before leaving the state. Mrs. Minnie Sterling ot Portland, aunt of Mrs. Elmer Cook, has been (visiung at tneir nome on Cascade drive tor a few days. She la a sis ter of Mrs. Hattle Slmpklns, who makes her home with the Cooks. Roy E. Cannon, school superln- tendPnt nf Mtlllnnmah Aniin.n ... a guest at the Avery L. Applewhite Miss Helen Peerce of Berkeley. Calif- niece of Mm. .1 n Rmith who has moved back to Salem and expects io oe on tne faculty of Wil lamette university this year, visit ed at the Rmlfh hnrnn rfnM nA Miss Dorothy Pearce, her sister,' who leaves mi curupe uns wees wun tne music in Vienna, also paid her aunt 1I1CKCU V1S11. Naves celebrated titp inint i.i.t. days Sunday at Terrace Lawn home. me iwu ittuiiiirs nave enjoyed tnts annual birthday celebration for eighteen or twenty years. Additional guests at the Blevins home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Scott and little daughter, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson, Dr. W. B. Morse and J. E. Lyons, of the Philippines, house guests of the Wilsons nn Kinoomnd h.i. week end guests of the P. C. Patter sons, at their summer home on the Sandy. The Pattersons have recently remraea irom a world tour, and not long ago they made a visit here. Miss Florence St. Pierre has been StUdvine With hnr niinf. Mr Rnlurt Adams of the Orchard Heights road wmie jvuams is away to the harvest fields of eastern Oregon. Twenty Inn fnrmi fHmi. an neighbors of the Millers, and Ful- ici kuus, ui uienaora, i;aui wno are Visiting the G. f. Adnma hum. n route to Iowa, made merry and re- neweo oia acquaintances, Sunday at the Adams home, with a grand plc- nli Thev .'m tVlnotll. T.. In the early, days and came from several nearoy clues, ana irom two states. Mrs. Hesper Dixon, Mrs. Jennie Dixon of Corvallls, Miss Minnie Halght of Corvallls, Dale, Margaret and Tjirn niynn anil . nnn.u ... born, all moved to West Salem for tne linns oean harvest. They will after picking is over. LAB1SH CENTER Mr. and Mrs. Jr. Springer of Woodburn were Sunday afternoon guests of W. F. Klamne and fam. ily. John Schleyheuber. brother of Mrs. Charlotte Bizer, left for Ida- no wis week. Mrs. W. H. Mose and daughter Clara of SUverton visited at the' W. F. Klampe home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trachsel and children Wayne, Merle and Doris Jean motored to Portland Monday uiiernoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moss and daughter Clara of SUverton, Mr. and Mrs. o. G McCloughry and children Emma, Elmer and Willard motored to Polk county Sunday wnere tney met tne J. D. Worth- Ington lamlly for a picnic dinner. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Romlnger motored to Marlon Monday where Mrs. Romlnger's brother has a berry farm. Miss Velma Rcmlnger, who Is employed In the state house, spent tne week end at home. PORTLAND imej tio'LK I - 1 CHICACO CHICAGO A DAY CLOSES? Oiily(Sfllionrs port ianiuIm ited O.VIiYTIIRIT TRAIJsT TO CIIIGAGd Dc luxe equipment and service all the tray is the treat v.birh awails you on the fust Portland Limited. Modern all-slrel Pullmans; observation car, sightsee ing salon, ladies' lounge, men's club, bufTel, barber shop, both; ladies' maid, valet) superior dining ear service; open-top obiertalion ear thru Columbia Hirer Vorge, Your lugiral route lo Sail Lake City, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Ixiuis, Chicago and to America's most famous National Parks. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES DAILY TO SEPTEMBER M General Passenger Dept., 637 Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon U'NIDLM PACIFIC THE OVEKLAND ROUTE t SUBLIMITY Mrs. N. J. Hermens and Louise Hlgbberger motored to Albany Tuesday afternoon. - Mr. Theodora Mlnden and Ifr, Joseph Schreve are Improving thai nomes by having their nouses painted by Mr. Peters of Shaw. ' Mrs, Charles Berthold and son. Harry, of Portland are hero visit ing with her mother, Mrs, Joseph Susbauer. The threshing machines are busy In and around Sublimity. They report the grain running good. COUPLE LICENSED Dallas Roy Edward George, am 21, received a marriage license to wed lss Alma Smith, 18, Oeorge la salesman and both reside at Marshfleld. . MARZEIX MILLER LEAVES Mt. Angel Marzell Miller re turned to his home In PeEll, Wash, after spending his vacation here at tne nome of his aunt, Mrs. at Lacher. Albany "Marriage licenses have been issued by County Clerk R. M. Russell to William B. Maler. 22, and Emma M. Oerdes, both of Albany; and to Clarence Payne, 21 and Irene Hartsell, 21, both of Medford. $2-20 Portland and Return . vu Oregon Electrle Tickets on sale Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays; retora limit Tees-. days or .... $0.50 Daily SM lVDay Return Unit Reduced Round Trip Fares Between All O. E. Ry. Points Safe, Dependable Service O. K ttf. tnUtu leave for PortJnuvd ftt ctjj, v:u, leiuiu, eWJU 7:45 p. m. For KuRene, Albany. Corrallla, Hairl DUrpx ana junction uuy h w .u ft. m.i 12:45, 4:1X1. 8:00 p. m. 'Observation Car For any information about railroad trip$ phone 727 J.W. BITCH IB. Altt. 8. A. Whttord, City Tsgr. Ateaft Oretfbn Electric Railway