T AI i""t.r.rt5TJ" MISS N YE PLANS DESSERTS FOR HOT WEATHER 'Frozen Foods Found Popular As Summer Luncheon Addition Warm weather summer entertaining frozen desserts. hiree terms entirely synonymous, especially If one is fortu nate enough to own an electric refrigerator where the des erts may De siirrea up' in me morning and are ready to erve for lunch, dinner or between times if unexpected Burnt prop in. Then, too, the housewife may go shopping or to a party without worry u to wheth- - tr the desert wiu Keep irozen 01 nould spoil If not well packed. As with most other Kind 01 rood, Hiere are many varieties o( Irozen asserts, each having a time espe- .11ir atilfnhli. fur twins vm1 k'ster lcea. valuable because of mit Juices, which supply minerals. lamina and counteract add resl- B ies In the body, are the most re- reshing and therefore best for crvtng after a heavy dinner or luncheon. A fruit Juice Ice that ay be adapted easily to any fa- orlte flavor may be made by this eclpe: 2 teasp gelatine 3 tbsp. cold water 3 cups boiling water 1 cup sugar cups fruit Juice Juice lemon Orated rind one lemon M teasp. salt Make -a syrup of boiling water did sugar, boiling It with the grat ia rind lor live minutes. Add dela ine soaked In cold water. Cool, add rult juice and pour Into freezing rays. Beat with Dover beater one rr two times during freezing. When irtly frozen, add stiffly beaten hitcs of two eggs. Fruit, if berries, lould be squeezed through a dou- ls thickness of cheese cloth to ob tain the luice. Thu m,VM tn 'mi servings. Another type of frozen dessert Is wiariait, made oy pouring a thick, fiat syrup over beaten egg whites r egg yolks, then whipped cream nd flavorings are added. As most innaits are highly flavored and luiny rich, they should be served tuner alone or after a light din- tier or luncheon. A walnut nougat spartan is maae as iouows: i-J cup brown sugar 3 tbsp. butter hi cup water eggs, separated 1 pint whipping cream Vanilla and maple extracts to taste I cup chopped nuts teasp, salt Boil sugar, butter and water to gether two or three minutes. Four fiver beaten egg yolks and cook In louble boiler untu thick. Beat intll light and chill in refrigerator iiray. combine whipped cream and Ibeaten egg whites and add to above lulled cutt&rd, with flavoring and nits. Freeze thout stirring. Ice oreams are of two tyDes Philadelphia, made with thin cream whipped and combined with a small iluatKity ol geiatlne and flavoring, kind French, or frozen custard. A particularly delicious Ice cream kith an entirely different flavor Is i-utti-rruttl, made as follows: One-half cud each of nuln of banana and peach, fresh or canned; ft cup strained apricot Jam or pre serve, Juice anc. grated rind of H lemon and 1 orange, cup fine, granulated sugar; 1 pint whipping cream. Combine Ingredients and freeze In refrigerator tray. This may be Ftirr-1 -evern! times during freez ing for a finer texture. This makes ten to twelve sevlngs. Serve with a cold chocolate sauce mixed with dried and sifted macaroons, In the' proportion oi one-half cup maca roon crumbs to a cup of the sauce. This Is especially good I ror a foundation recipe for rrencn ice cream or f roaen custard use: One pint whipping cream, 1 cup sugar, 1 pint milk, 1 teaspoon vanil la, f egg yolks, or 3 eggs, pinch salt. Beat egg yolks weU, add sugar and milk and cook tn double boiler until thick, stirring constantly, but do not continue cooking after it uucaena, as trus wiu cause the mix ture to separate. Add salt and cool. Fold In cream whlDDed verv atllff add vanilla ana pour into tray to ". Deaien egg wnites may be added to this If desired. This recipe serves eight to ten. An uncooked custard lev crmim is, perhaps, the easiest and ouinkmi oi au to make and Is delicious served with any flavor sauce or crushed fruit. For this, beat aenar- aieiy urea eggs and one pint whin- ping cream. Combine these with two-thirds cup powdered sugar and vanilla to taste and freeze without -tUTing. Mousses are heavy cream whip ped and combined with various flavorings. These, the richest of all frozen desserts, should be served in smaller portions and should real ly be labeled "beware" for the re ducing brigade. Peppermint mousse, with that lovely pink color and del cate flavoring. Is made by soaking one-half pound strongly flavored peppermint candy In one cup cream over night or until dissolved. Com bine this with one pint heavy cream whipped. This may be frozen with out stirring, and makes ten to twelve servings. Fresh fruit, slightly crushed. sweetened to taste and frozen to the consistency of a sherbet, Is an Ideal dessert for any time, as well as being one of the least exnenslve. This should be stirred several times during freezing. This also has a big advantage for the reducing members of the family it con tains no fat and very little sugar. PLANE SHAKES OFF ! ... DISHES, COMPLAINT Syracuse, N. Y (U That low- flying airplane keeps her awake and "shakes" dishes off the shelves" In the wee hours of the morning was. tne complaint made to the police here recently by one house- wue. "It flies so low It wakes us all up and the vibration from the en- gin, shakes dishes off my shelves," said the woman, adding that she "wanted something done about It" The sergeant promised to do his best though as yet there are no "air cops" on the force. General rather than specialized education Is favored by Dr. William L. Bryant, president of Indiana university. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE WARNS OF 18 DAY DIET Washington, (IP) Harm may re am, Aium Mia uiaiscruzunato use oy younsr atria anH nt.hr nf ,wUI diets without consulting a physician. uio u. a. ruous Health Service said In commenting of the current 18-day diet fad. "The best wav tA M1iir thm service said, is to eat less of your regular met without leaving out any of the essential Item nf KaHif- bulldlng foods. A simple reduction ui uo amount a person consumes will have effective results and can do no harm. "In special dieting systems where certain essential foods are elim inated from the itim, f. - ttaln period, harm may result to persons who are not robust or who need a well-balanced and whole some diet. Rnerini tlt .HA..l. be adopted without consulting a uiiysjuian. - The origin of the ubiquitous "18 Day Diet" Is In doubt. It has been claimed without any apparent Jus tification that the regime was ori ginated In HnllvVMVwt Um m I alist called tn to remove tonnage mm movie queen. There were other reports, later denied vehem ently, that thm HUl , by Ethel Barrymore", by the cele brated Mayo clinic, by a promin ent Viennese physician. -There is a susnlrtinn m h the diet Is the work of an acutsjj organization. The frequency with which grapefruit and oranges ap pear accounts for this theory. At any rate the results of the diet ara at MrionM cn. wuUID UiCbCrB have lost as much as a pound a uj, uuicra nave gained weight. The general average, however seema tn h a ine. . , . vl uiuo ur icn pounds. Deleterious effects of the urei uoucea in some cases include acidosis and an attack of bolls. POTATO CANNING STARTEDJN UTAH Off den TTtnh of a process for canning potatoes la niuiuiuicca oj an ugaen pave lung company. The potatoes are peeled , quart ered, packed in the cans dry and then, packed cooked until suitable tar Mfrvina am yM Knil- .n. B wu uuwt lUMMJC as a base for salad, or for reheating and serving In the usual variety of ways. Utah rrowera R1Uv MirMtf,il canning of potatoes on a large scaie wiu De a beneficial factor In stabllzlng prices. It will help keep the market from glutting because of the limited selling period to pre- Food Expert Tells How Bread Flour Is Utilized For Pastry Query Would you give me the proportions for making pastry flour from bread flour? Is hard or soft flour more desirable for cake baking? Mrs. H. W, Answer There are two kinds of flour used in baking, bread and pastry flours. Bread flour is milled from spring wheat, and therefore contains more gluten which tends to make a more elastic dough. This la best for breads, rolls and biscuits. and may be used for cakes with a small addition of starch. Pastry flour, sometimes called soft flour. Is milled from winter wheat and con' tains more starch. Fluffier and more delicate biscuits and cakes are made from pastry flour. Cakes made with pastry flour are better eaten the day they are made, as they are apt to dry out and ara not as moist as those made with bread flour. For a home-made pastry flour substitute two tablespoons corn starch for two tablespoons bread flour In each cup of flour. Sift thoroughly. Query When raisins or nuts an to be floured to put Into a cake or mufflns, should extra flour be used or Just that quoted as part of the recipe? Mrs. A. F. M. Answer For this, take flour from that quoted in the recipe. Using ad ditional flour. If too much, tends to give tne cake a "bready" texture. QUERRY and ANSEWER3 .four Query Would you orlnt a reelne for a ginger ale fruit salad? I have eaten these several times, and found L. B, Answer The fruit tn this salad may be varied almost any way ac cording to the taste of the Indivi dual, using pears, peaches, apples, grapes, white cherries, pineapple or even berries. Ginger Ale Fruit Salad 1 cup crushed pineapple ' ltf tbsp. gejatlne cup cold water 1 cup diced canned pears 3 tbsp. lemon Juice t tbsp. sugar 1 cup ginger ate Lettuce and mayonnaise. Bring the pineapple to the boil ing point and dissolve In It the gel atine hydra ted In the cold water. Add the pears, lemon Juice and su gar. The Juice of the pears and pine apple should be used aa well as the pulp. Cool and add ginger ale. Add the fruit after the mixture starts to set. Serves six. Query Many recipes call for chocolate to be melted without wa ter. I have trouble getting it thor oughly mixed in this way. Is there some special way to do this? Mis. A. M. Answer The chocolate sold for candy dipping should be put in the inside of a double boiler when the water In the outside part register 130 degrees Fan. by the thermom eter. Put lid on, remove from fire. and as soon as the chocolate begins to melt, Ur gently. Ordinary choc olate is shaved or grated or broken In small pieces, put in the double boiler and the whole set over the fire until the water bolls. If the chocolate is slow to melt, add a little butter, but never add water. Query What causes the oven- temperature-recordlng pointer of a thermostat on an electric range to Jump up several degrees when the temperature setting pointer Is moved up, even after aU heat has been turned off in the oven? Does this affect the baking? Does this mean that the thermometer cannot be de pended upon to register correct tem perature? Mrs. H. W. Y. Answer Even after the oven heat has been turned off, automatically or otherwise, the heat stored in the units often causes a slight rise In temperature, varying Irotn ten to twenty or thirty degrees. This dif ference, In the middle of baking, should not affect anything in the oven for the short time It holds. While a difference of thirty degrees throughout the cooking would cook anything browner or more done, this would not happen for a short period. Rely on the temperature shown by the oven-recording point er on the thermostat unless it has Deen absolutely proven that the thermostat" for the ranee Is not working properly Query What is ffrenadlna maris of? Miss V. J. M. Answer Grenadine is a syrup made from the Juice of pomegranate seeds. This, with its spicy, aromatic odor and lovely pink color. Is most appetizing served with pears, or ov er ice cream or cocktails. Query Would you print recipe for candled orange peel? Mrs. A. P. M. , Answer Candied orange peel may be made as follows: Select smooth thick skinned fruit, peel and cut Into long narrow strips one-fourth inch wide. Cover with cold water and bring to a boil, repeating this process twice. Make a heavy syrup of sugar and water that will thread and drop the orange peel in a little at a time. BoU peel untu clear, then drsfn on wax paper. Roll In granu lated sugar and dry. For grapefruit, bell peel for a longer period of time. v. tula tn Um camp tkillot it quit enough to aiaka any appstita mjrun a lemperatare.'' Il'i the morning. ripy, tally M eye-opener. Ua what tba tired noanUin climber, boot "captain," fiUieitnan, antoiot, outdoor aaan needs to pat pep into his OTeninca meaL FRYE'3 DELICIOUS BRAND BACON come from the tendemt of young train-fed porkers and is cored by an exclusive process that preserves all the picruant natural flavors and the original firm, irmooth texture. And H rl.unU. .Aa 17.u. a- I aa, v itlvt a. i a Old o doors aromas 3 3RjMsrr BUDDIES! i Saturdav A man is judged by his circle of . .ai- friends or buddies, bo hia business is wi's iudffed bv its environment. One of the leading grocery chains on each side of us makes us the main entrance to Salem's shopping center. Extra Large Cookies all kinds IOC doz. Large Loaf Bread, extra 10c 2 double loaves 25c Boston Brown Bread 10c Pumpernikkel Health Bread 10c Wholewheat Cream Doughnuts 9At aUl Dozen Pies, all-kinds, 10c and 25c Buns and Rolls, OA. Dozen swUC Maple Bars, Dozen 20c Marshmallow Puffs, 6 for. 25c Out well-known Frank furter Butter Cream Cake.., furter Butter QtZ 25cto35c Ice Cream and Pop bn ice. Many other kinds of fresh pastry. PEERLESS BAKERY 170 N. Commercial St Phone 808 We Are Offering this Friday and Saturday PURE LARD, AT (No Limit With Purchase) 12V2c EASTERN PICNIC HAMS 20c EASTERN BONELESS PICNICS 26V4c SLICED EASTERN BREAKFAST BACON, LEAN 25c STEW MEAT (MEATY) FAT SALT PORK 10c 10c VEGETABLE SHORTENING (With Purchase, 2 pound Limit) PORK ROAST . 10c AT , 17V4c BEEF ROAST AT 14V2c EASTERN HAMS, SUGAR CURED 25c FRESHLY DRESSED CHICKENS 25c EXTRA FANCY YEARLING MUTTON CHOPS OR ROAST DRESSED - -..' -, . RABBITS - '; V 13y2c -25c Henry's Peerless Market Henry's Capitol Market CODFISH'S KIN FOUND RICH AS SOURCE OF OIL , Washington WV-Tho nearest fresh-water relative ot the cod, tne burbot fish, may strip its kin of honors in producing medicinally valuable ou. 8dentUlo experiments, reported to the bureau ot fisheries, have demonstrated that burbot-liver oil Is eight times as potent aa cod liver oU m the treatment of rickets. The burbot. Inhabiting the Great Lakes and considered a pest by fishermen because it tears their nets and preys on small fry, may become a significant part of the commercial catch, it is believed. The annual catch ot the flab- known also as lawyer or eel pout, was 5107J pounds In U. Cucumbers tor market should not be cleaned with a cloth or brush, as this destroys the small spines and the "frosty' finish of fresh cucum bers, saya the U. 8. department of agriculture. The best way to wash off dirt Is to put the cucumbers In clean cold water and stir them slightly. even changing water more than three times If necessary to remove outer juices. Special care should be taken at this tune ot year with milk and cream that Is shipped from the farm, according to the U. S. depart ment of agriculture. Milk stands at the roadside should be shaded, and cans ot milk hauled In trucks or wagons should be covered with can vas. Heavy Jackets for milk cans aid considerably tn keeping milk cold. When a man who could not swim tried to save a girl from drowning In Aberdeen. Scotland, harbor, re cently, Jock Button, a Scotch foot ball hsro, jumped Into a small boat and saved the two. Home Made fiW Donuts W 30c Doz. If BranMufins I wtn have Wk)a f plenty of heoe XjlW cooked food for Jw SKl Fresh Peach Pie Apple Pie Loganberry Pie Spare Ribs and Dressing: those that are en tertainlag. POTATO AND CLUB HOUSE SALADS ASSORTMENT OF COLD BOAST MEATS LITTLE LADY'S STORE 12th AND CENTER STREET PHONE 1357 LUNCHES PUT. UP TO TAKE OUT 5atwaauiwwiwfiisiT iiM-iiaiiiyjrnfta II Yours o? Better Meals! MacMarr Stores are YOURS FOR BETTER MEALS! We bring you the finest foods from the world's best markets. We offer you the best-known brands. We sell you only the freshest, highest quality produce from or chard and garden. Yes, all at a consistent saving, tool That's why we say, "Yours for better meals." DEL MONTE CATSUP Large IRa Bottle 1UC SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR 9Q Package a-iai SHREDDED WHEAT 8 - 9Q Packages amssa m . PURITAN Ask our salespeople for a recipe baking book if you Yl d I W have not received one KO llall 2 8-4 lb. can ..- .:J - OOC DEL MONTE HOT SAUCE 8 oz. O Op cans, 6 for a&iell KELLOGGS ALL BRAN Large " Q , Package X V ECONOMY JAR CAPS- Dozen 45c .. There is economy in using this carefully cleaned, thor- SPINACH ?u.f ip:nach- 49c Scott's Toilet Tis sue OKp 3 Rolls . -Ul Lux Toilet Soap Bars 25c Milk, Libby's or Oregon OP 3 Cans wt Crystal White Soap QQrt 10 Bars ....OVl, isroKen Sliced 8 large matcnea slices , in eacn jrinecippiu canss foJ' ' 59c RICE, Fancy Southern Blue Rose "I Q 3 Pounds LU, RAISINS, Seedless Thompson's . Q (? 4 lb. Bag OC BEANS, Red Mexican No. 1 California, OP 3 lbs. vJC Matches SEARCHLIGHT Noiseless! Non-pofsonous! Safe Large full count boxes . OF 6 Boxes ........ '.. ; iJi SALMON, Alaska Pink 1 lb. Tall Cans, 5(J SHRIMP, American Beauty Large Fancy -V Cans' 49c FISHER BLEND FLOUR A4 491b. Sack.... P lea PEANUT BUTTER Freshly ground 2 1-4 lb. Jar.. 49c ROLLED OATS, Cream Pride of the Willamette Valley AQn 9 lb. Bag . Vs AMAIZO OIL-rThere's economy in malting your own Mayonnaise A ? Quart Can . , fvJl, gf sjk esM eava easaa CM MACMARR Full bodied, rich in flavor Roast H . B IN JH Wm T ed today on your table tomorrow QQ . It's always fresh Pound 43c ; 3 lbs. SUGAR is advancing. Our present retail price is lower than wholesale. We advise buying for future needs. FANCY TOMATOES, lb 5c ONIONS, Walla Walla globes, 10 lbs 25c ORANGES, sweet and juicy, 3 doz. 35c Successors to 20lh Century Stores 174 N. COMMERCIAL ST. STATE ft COMMERCIAL STS. 19th & STATE STS. 1980 N. CAPITOL ST. J 8 1