FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1929 EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES POLK - YAMHILL COUNTY NEWS BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT PAGE THREE CLUB OUTING AT RICKREALL BRINGS CROWD Dallas The second annual pic nic for the boy and girts of the 4-H club, held at RlclcreaU park Wednesday, drew a large crowd, numbering 249. J. R. Beck, the county agricul tural agent, was In charge of the day's entertainment of which games and contests occupied most of the time. Members north of the Haw thorne highway competed with those to the south as the highway Is the approximate dividing line of this county's members. Those to the south were the winners. Special prizes were made possible through the Dallas Chamber of Commerce, the Monmounth, and Independence creameries. George N. Angell, editor of the Oregon Farmer, led In the singing of the club's songs, and J. B. Crites of Salem, state superintendent of public Instruction, gave the only ad dress of the day. His subject was "Reliability." I The number of members now en to 500 boys and girls throughout rolled with the 4-H numbers close the country. . i girlsIecoveTfrom accident injuries ' Unionvale Miss Velma Stouten burg, who was injured In the auto mobile accident Monday when her cousin, Mildred Stoutenburg, met Instant death, was brought from the McMinnville hospital Tuesday and Is thought recovering satis factorily at the home of her grand mother, Mrs. Hettle Stoutenburg. Miss Alice Wagner, Injured in the same accident and taken to a hos pital In McMinnville, was also re leased Tuesday and la recovering at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wagner, In Day ton. Miss Wagner was slightly In jured In another automobile ac cident about May 35. HOME MISSIONARY ' SOCIETY GATHERS Dallas The Woman's Home Mis sionary society met at the home of Mrs. Dan Stouffer Wednesday with 14 members reported present. Rev. Kirby led the devotional service. A reading was given by Mrs. E. L. Johnson and a review was presented ox the four Japanese homes the society is sponsoring, by Mrs. W. P. Miller. A business meeting followed and then refreshments. The hostess was aided at this time by Mrs. P. H. Morrison, president Qf the so ciety, and Mrs. E. L. Johnson. The next meeting will be held in the city park in conjunction with the Foreign Missionary society. GRAND ISLAND Mr. and Mrs. Jake Tompkins and sons, Willard, Harry and Jacob, and niece, Pauline Folsora, and Mr. and Mrs. Morton Tompkins and son, Rufsell, and daughter, Lorene, and Mrs. LUlie Baker, have return ed from a trip to various points In California and report a delightful trip. Harold Tompkins left Tuesday morning for Grants Pass, Ore., where he will join his wife, who has been a guest of her grandmother, Mrs. J. A. Rusk, for a week and they will return by the coast high , way. Mrs. Worth Wiley Is In a Mc Minnville hospital where the Is re covering from an injury to her left knee, which caused Infection. Dr. Barendrick Is the attending physician. GRAND ISLAND - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rockhill and daughters, Belle, Mary, Myrtle, and Iva Clarice, and Mrs. Rock hill's father, J. A. Mothom, spent Sunday at the soar, springs at Wat erloo, Linn county, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hunt and small daughter of Zena, Ore., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stout enburg and family Tuesday. RURAL HOME SCENE OF CHURCH MEETING Independence The ladies of the Christian church motored to the rural home of Mrs. Ous Fisher, on Thursday, and spent an enjoyable day. At 1 o'clock a basket dinner was served on the bank of Rltner creek, and the afternoon was spent In sewing and conversation. Those In the group were Mrs. 0. O. Sloper, Mrs. Quarsdorf, Mrs. W. H. Cockle, Mrs. Frank Arrell Mrs. Arthur Ward, Mrs. Robert White, Mrs. Ellen Robertson, Mrs. E. Kullander, Mrs. J. 8. Robbie, Mrs. George Olrard, Mrs. Harding, Mrs. O. E. Newton, Mrs. w. W. Newton, and as special guest, Mrs. Henry C. Mattlson trfcd the hostess, Mrs. Fisher. AIRLIE Mrs. J. C. Simpson has moved into her home here. She will stay until school opens in the fall at O. S. C, where she will return to her work there. Mrs. Lafe Edwards, who has for the past few weeks been in the Dr. Rider sanatarlum at Waltervllle, Is suffering from a nervous break down at the Dallas hospital. Mrs. Martha Kenney and Mrs. Hale, both of California, are spend ing their summer vacation here with Mrs. Dolph McAlplne. Ladies Aid held a special meet ing Friday. They are making bed ding for the Chaffin family, who lost all their household goods and clothing when their home burned last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moore and Jim Moore made a business trip to Salem Wednesday. Mrs. Jacob Ploub and daughters', Ruth and Lucille and Lavell Williams re turned to their home here with them. Alice, Jacob, Jr., and Francis Ploub returned home Thursday eve ning alter a few days visit with their sister, Mrs. John Parson of Albany.- Xavler Daunhauer from Long view, Wash., has been making a visit with his parents here. Phy Simpson and Jim Sebren have Just returned from a trip through Montana and Colorado by way 01 xejiowstone park. Several mines were flooded dur ing the coal strike tn Australia. DALLAS LODGES SEAT OFFICERS WITH CEREMONY Dallas Friendship Lodge No. 6, I. O. O. P. and Almlra Rebekah lodge No. 26 held a Joint installa tion of officers Thursday evening at wnicn time Mrs. Florence Henkle. deputy president and C. B. Teats, deputy grand master, conducted the ceremony. The following officers were install ed for Friendship lodge: Noble grand Wiley carpenter; vice grand, Mr. Parsons; secretary, Tracy Btaats; treasurer, Charles Gregory. omcers of Almlra lodge were: noble grand, Mrs. Lillian Donahue; vice grand, Mrs. Beulah Holman: secretary, Mrs. Lydia Teats; treas urer, Miss Julia Nunn. After the installation, refresh ments were served and the members spent a pleasant social hour togeth er. Tuesday evening at the regular meeting of Almlra lodge, they ini tiated three candidates, one for the local lodge and two for Magnolia Rebekah lodge No. 140 of Falls City. The hall was filled with members and visitors and after the initiatory ceremony refreshments were served. UNIONVALE Mrs. Harold Webster of Los An geles, Calif., arrived here Thurs day morning in response to a tele gram announcing the death of her sister Mildred Stoutenburg. Bhe came by rail to Salem, where her parents met her. Mrs. Horace M. Propst and daughter, Buelah and sons, Glenn and Mel v in of Portland, Ore., ar rived here Wednesday to be with her sister, Mrs. Roy Stoutenburg and family a few days. Mrs. Aita Larimer and daughter. Helen -of Eugene, left Monday for their home after several days spent with the D. E. Bartruff family. Mrs. Larimer is a sister of Mrs. Bart ruff. Guy Stoutenburg of Gresham, la a guest at the home of his brother, Roy Stoutenbugr and family, ar riving Tuesday in response to word of the death of Mildred Stouten burg which occurred Monday eve ning, while returning from swim ming. Mrs. Martin Braat and son. Am old, and daughter, Shirley, left Tuesday afternoon for a two weeks' visit with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Rusk at Grant Pass. KINGWOOD Reginald Vosburgh who has been very sick with cherry poisoning Is greatly improved. Frank Hunt who has recently finished his wood cutting contract for Cass Gibson, has left to work in the harvest fields at Pomeroy, Wn. Mrs.-Lillian Rlesbeck and little children, Johnny, Virginia and Ev erett have moved from the Terrace into Salem, and they expect to make their home in town for the present. Miss Ella St. Pierre, who has Just returned from a vacation trip at Beach, Wash, will teach In Hono lulu this winter. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Gage, parents of Mrs. M. P. Brown, and Walter Gardner, of Portland were week end guests at the Melville P. Brown home on Kingwood Terrace. Mrs. Gage returned to Portland, but the men remained to spend the week, and expect to go back to Portland next week. Miss Mary Starbuck of Dallas vis ited her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Beaver for a number of days last week, returning with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Starbuck who came for her Monday. Mrs. Starbuck Is Mrs. Beaver's daughter. VISITOR IN AMITY HONORED AT PARTY Amity Mrs. C. A. Fuller enter tained at her home Wednesday af ternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'clock in honor of her sister, Mrs. Molly Johnson of Winona, Minn., who is spending the summer in Oregon with relatives and friends. Five tables of bridge were played. Re freshments were served at 5 o'clock. Those invited to the Fuller home were Mrs. Glenn Ktrkwood of Mol alla, Mrs. Guy DuMont of Lans ford, N. Dakota, Mrs. Paul Abraham of Dllley, Ore., Mesdames G. A., Vannice, William Patty, O. E. Roth, I Tr W. Dickey, J. C. Johnson, L. E r Cochran, F. W. Newman, A. R. Glan- don. Emu Llndruff, E O. Morse, M. L. Prunk, Lynn Lancefteld, Royf Johnson, .Geo. D. Thomas, J. M. f Umphlette, Miss Marion TJmphlette, the guest of honor,. Mrs. Molly Johnson, and the hostess. YAMHILL LODGE INSTALLATIONS HELD AT DAYTON Dayton Semi-annual Installation of officers for subordinate Yam hill lodge No. 30, L O. O. P.. was held In the Odd Fellows hall In Dayton Wednesday evening with Si members In attendance. Eight from McMinnville. Earl Namlti of Willamette lodge No. 98, of Newberg, district depu ty grand master, accompanied by his staff, was present when the following officers were installed: W. M. Crawford, N. O.; Theodore Rossner. V. O.; Dr. Orr O. Good rich, secretary; M. A. Palmer, treasurer, E. J. Hartmen, warden Charles Slmler, conductor; Herman Louis, Inside guard; Wilfred Hu bert, outside guard; L. A. Rossner, R. S., N. O.; Z. Spangle, L. S. N. O.; Charles Hadaway, L. S. V. O.; Robert Hodge, R. 8. V. o.; Ron ald Rossner, R. scene supporter; Rosswell Rossner, L. scene suppor- ter, and H. J, Damns, chaplain. Refreshments were served at the close of i business session. SUMMER TERM ENDS Sllverton Friday closes the six weeks' summer school for pupils of all grades who were making up work. Miss Olga Johnson had charge of the primary pupils; Miss M. Jensen the grades and Miss Ann Powell of the high school. The In structors consider It a most suc cessful summer term for nearly all of the pupils. SCOTTS MILLS Ellis Nicholson and mother, Mrs. Vada Nicholson, visited a few days recently near Eugene with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rich have gone to Newport where they will stay for a few days and enjoy the ocean breeze. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Meyer and family of Portland, who have been visiting Mr. Meyer's mother, Mrs. Rudolph Meyer of this place, have returned home. MRS. GOWER BETTER Turner Mrs. William J. Gowerof Newberg Is In Salem this week at the home of her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Cook where she is convalescing satisfactorily. Several weeks ago Mrs. Power un- lndependence The boys and girls are quite elated over the East ern Star picnic Friday evening at the Rlckreall park. There Is to be a basket dinner at 1 o'clock and a baseball game and water sports will furnish plenty of sports for alL All Masons and Eastern Star fam ilies are invited. BLALOCKS VISIT Amity Mr. and Mr. Blalock and daughter, Miss Mary of Colwell, Id ho, are guests at the home of his daughter Mrs. Walter Ohlinger this week. IPnpe " Pipe pipe Black and Galvanized For Water Systems For Irrigation For Waste and Sewage Also plumbing supplies gold direct to you at wholesale prices i Mesher Plumbing S apply Co. US ChemekeU Street nunllB -afatal H Block Wert s CeansMrdal Salem, Oregea Branches at Portland. Or, Taeernn, Was. Seattle. Wash, AkereXD, Wash. Midget Market Originators of Low Prices 351 State St. Quality at Low Prices A purchase at our market will convince you that price and quality are Just as we advertise them to be. If you will give us the oppor tunity of selling you your meats you wlU find that we can supply. you wun a better article at a lower price than any place in the city. For Saturday We Of fer . First Quality Sirloin Steak 25c lb. Prime Beef Roasts 24c lb. Sugar Cured Sliced Bacon 30c lb This is ft real bargain. Do not confuse with Inferior bacon that Is sometimes advertised at a low price. For quality and flaTor this bacon la unexcelled. Young Pig Pork Roasts 20c lb. Young Pig Pork Steak ' 25c lb. Best Olemargarine. . . 15c lb. Strictly Fresh LIVER, 10c lb. Milk Fed Veal Steak 22c lb. Pure Pork Bulk Sausage 20clb. Pure Pork Link Sausage 25c lb. Useless to pay more Risky to pay less Home Rendered Pure Lard 15c lb. Finest Weiners-Bologna 25c lb. Out sf consideration to ear employes, we dot Satur days at 7:00 P. M Harry M. Lery, Mgr. COME FROM IOWA Independence Mrs. Harry Rad- emacher's mother, Mrs. Helen 8 tel ling, and niece, Frances Young, from Iowa, arrived Thursday for an indefinite stay at the Rade macher home. . . 1 END SALEM VISIT Amity Mr. and Mrs. George D. Thomas returned from Salem Wed nesday morning where they had been visiting tor several days at the home of their daughter Mrs. T. B. Newman and attended the enter tainment of Jack Wood's Bell Ring ers, given at Chautauqua In Salem. Mr. Woods Is an old friend of the Thomas family. Sllverton Word has been re ceived that two Sllverton high school boys are now employed in Seattle Harold Williams In a ser vice station and Robert Webb in a confectionery store. ' QUAKER ' STATE-MENTS "Light purse, heavy heart." It pays not to dis sipate thy funds for interior oils, for they bring the high tolls of the repair man in their wake. Rather invest in good Qua ker State, which, because of super-refining, brings thee an 'extra nnnrt of lubricant in every gallon and extra pro tection for thy motor! Look for Ikt grttu-and-wkitt tifr vhmmmmw J 35c 1 I U Per Quart " derwent a serious operation in a McMinnville hospital and is improv ing nicely and feeling better than she has for some time. Edward 1. Flynn, asrlitant dis trict attorney of Essex counts'. Mass, bars Jurymen with Hards, "They know too much," be says. 1 LlJ " . "." R1aOfYiictt.oe .... AAVUlalVU Almost everyone has clean tonie odor, alt them that ugly pint- the way It cleanse Die or bit of rash I AddIv and livens the skin. a little Reainol Ointment At all drugguU. ana see now quickly toe soreness is relieved and the blemish disaooears. To keen the skin soft and lovelv. nothintr can excel the daily use of Kesinoi soap. Try it today, yoaH be sure to like Its FREE SAMFL1 i lUsiawi S mm OtaaV Wrif ITwIait, D.ttlSl, aw. Resinol Higher In the West UAKEit State "SK" AukwUti DiitrlUt BALLOU & WRIGHT "Portland Seattle Tacoma" Announcing THE OPENING SATURDAY EVENING , i July 20th Building Supply Co. NEW STORE and Building Supply Warehouse 170 North Front St. iYou and your friends are cordially Invited to attend the open house on the opening day and get acquainted with our stock and our sales organization. . We have a complete and varied line of PAINTS SASH DOORS BUILDERS' HARDWARE - And are stocking a nice line of unfinished furniture . . . ..." .... : ' Buildinc Supply Co. 170 North Front St Between State and Court 245 N. Commercial Street Known Facts are that Piggly Wiggly customers are the wisest and most thrifty food buyers that any city has. You, too can save now at Piggly Wiggly and have better foods. EXTRA SAYINGS This Week-end FREE CAPITOL THEATER TICKETS ASK US WITH ITEMS NOT ADVERTISED bag 26C Cane Sugar and 5 Sauerkraut 2 large cans 35c CLEAN AND MOST HEALTHFUL Salmon Red'Fish 2 Cans 45c Make a delicious salad or loaf -,.. Choice Ripe OllVeS Medium Size pint size 44c Potato Chips, the double size, pkg...:...Uc Paper Napkins, folded in a box -.;..9c Paper Plates, always clean, 3 dozen....20c Earwig Dait 1 0 lb. carton 93c Get rid of them before they get started. Use for cutworms also 4 Pkgs. 33c Assorted Flavors SSI THE WAKE-OP FOOD 4 pkgs. 33c Always Fresh HJaUMB&J irai -T7 aw Large 33c Assured Bakings CERTO 3 Bottles 79c Surejell iBSt Sill) Maxwell House Coffee 49c lb. Mineral OU .... 33c qt. Makes delicious non-fattening mayonnaise, salad dressing, etc. PIGGLY WIGGLY DELICIOUS Ice Cream 39c qt. PIGGLY WIGGLY Market Features CHOICE MILK FED Spring Fryers 35c lb. The finest quality open kettle rendered Pure Lard In bulk 2 lbs. 29c Boned and Rolled PICNICS 30c lb. Pot Roasts Of Prime Young BEEF 22c lb. Pure Open Kettle Rendered Pail Lard No. 5 No. 10 69c $1.38