PAGE TWO EXCLUSIVE. NEWS DISPATCHES MARION - LINN COUNTY NEWS BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1929 COUNTY GRANGE MEETINGS HELD LAST FEW DAYS Turner The 8urprla grange of Turner met at Its regular meeting evening In the Odd Fellows' build ing In Turner. A good attendance was present and interesting reports from the state grange were made. The program was on "Birds" and was given In a splendid manner by a reading, Glenn and Alice Titus sang a duet. Pearl Larsen gave a recitation and Bess RamsdeU sang. Mrs. Raymond Titus and Mrs. Scott Puns ton talked on The Value ol Bird Life, and what to do to Keep the Birds with Us." The grange gave a song as the last number on the program. One affiliated member, Mr. Jen sen of Aumsvllle was taken into the grange. A luncheon was served in the dining room. 81dney An enjoyable day ; was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Gulvan near Jefferson, where by Invitation the Ankeny grange met Surprise grange of Turner for a picnic. An improvised arbor of five boughs had been con structed on the lawn under which an attractive dinner : table was placed. At 1 o'clock a plcnlo was served, all having brought well filled baskets lor the occasion. The aft ernoon was spent In a social way with games and music. There were about 35 grangers present, CHURCH WILL GIYE SERVICE OUTDOORS Silverton M. A. Christiansen, of Astoria filled the pulpit at the Im- man u el Lutheran church Sunday morning; as the pastor. Rev. H. L. Fosa, is on a church mission In the middle west. After services, lunch was served by the jacobeon sisters, Mrs. Tom and Miss Hans Hansen after which the following program was given: Piano solo, Vivian Buness; ad dress, Rev. Chris tlaraon; vocal solo, Alf O. Nelson. A report of the International convention of Lutheran churches held at Duluth, Minn., was read by Biias Torvend. The next meeting which will be on the second Sunday in August, will be held out of doors, the place as yet to be selected. About 800 people attended lart Sunday's meeting. GIRL SCOUT TROOP r HIKE IS ENJOYED J. Oervals Gervals troop of girt ocouts 01 tne Presbyterian churcn, led by Mrs. Henry Oraflous, the scout leader, went on a hike to Fairfield, recently. They ferried cross the Willamette river to Francis Island and there each girl as part of the scout training broil ed meat over the open fire. After a troop meeting beneath the trees. Miss Florence Durette, one of the patrol leaders, served a luncheon. Mrs. McAdoo, one of the troop committee assisted. ' COMING FROM CHICAGO 1 Silverton Rev. and Mrs. Resa land of Chicago, are accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Berg, also of that city, west by auto and are expected here this week where they will visit Mrs. Reseland's mother. Mrs. Finseth, and her two sisters, the Misses Dr. Anna and Henrietta, of Bast H1U. They will remain a week and re turn by way of Livingston, Mont, where they will visit Rev. Resa land's son who Is also a reverend there. The Bergs will visit rels. tives In Portland. Rev. Resaland was pastor in the Lutheran church for many years until about seven years ago. LEAVES FOR CHICAGO . Mt. Angel George Stadler re turned Tuesday to his home In Chi cago, III., after spending several weeks here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Btadler, and his sis ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and sars. utto J. Oswald. JOINS HIS WIFE Silverton Mr. B. w. Mutch of Okanogan, Wash, has arrived to Tislt his daughter, Mrs. M. L. Mc Olnnls and husband, of Coolidge street. Mrs. Mutch has already peen nere some weeks. KI.DKRS ARE HOSTS Stayton Mr. and Mrs. Alva Smith Of Estacada. are here for a visit with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Elder. Smith has charge of the telephone office at tfiit place. MOTOR FROM MONTANA ' Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ed- mundsson of Butte, Mont., arrived here Wednesday morning having made the distance of 875 miles In 3H hours and 30 minutes driving time. They are visiting Mrs. Ed Ihundson's eister, Mrs. William Graham and family, of South Wat er street, A number of years ago rrimundton was In business here. CARPENTER FUNERAL . SERVICES FRIDAY Woodburn Funeral services for McDonough Carpenter, who died suddenly at his home Monday eve ning, wlU be held In the Methodist Episcopal church Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Rev. J. D. Woodftn will officiate and Interment will take place In the Miller cemetery near silverton. REBEKAH LODGE HAS ITS INSTALLATION Jefferson The regular meeting of the Mt Jefferson Rebekah lodge was held Tuesday evening with in stallation of officers as the- main feature. The following officers were In stalled: Genevieve Wied, noble grand; Flora Thomas was elected vice grand but was unable to be present on account of illness; pora Humphrey, recording secretary; Bertha Curl, financial secretary; Grace Thurston, treasurer. The state president, Hollls Ingle, who resides in Albany, was present and gave ft very interesting talk. Thirty-six members were in at tendance, which included - visiting members from eight different lod ges from three states. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. SERVICES SCHEDULED FOR PARK AT MEHAMA Sclo Rev. J. Y. Stewart of Al bany, announces that the annual all-day meeting of the Mehama Presbyterian church will take place Sunday In Mehama park, and ser vices will be held both morning and afternoon. Dr. L. E. Barrick of Salem, will have his men's quartet there and they will sing morning and afternoon. Rev. M. O. Everett, student-pastor at Cwallls, will speak in the afternoon. A picnic dinner will be served at noon. All are Invited to attend. Mehama park is a beautiful tract deeded by Miss stout of Mehama. to the Salem church,, to be used for religious purposes, and is being grad ually Improved, . EASTERNERS VISIT MT. ANGEL FRIENDS Mt. Angel A number of eastern people who come to Salem for the convention, are spending some time here renewing acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Jos K. Zltzelberger have as their guest, George Meyer of St. Joseph, Minn. Rev. ft. Mark Wlechman. O. S. B., of Tacoma, Wash., Mrs. O'Don neli, Mrs. Pohl, F. X. Schaupp, and H. Hermsen, of Tacoma, Wash., were visitors at the N. A. Klmlinger nome, Wednesday. w. He. Henry Fuerst of Arkan sas, visited with his brother. Rt. Rev. Abbott Placldus.O. S. B., at the Monastery, and his sister, Sis ter M. Beatrice, o. s. B.. at the academy. CLINIC IS OFFERED ' Silverton Another of the ore- school children's and baby clinics held In the local health center Tuesday with 17 children, an un usually large number there. Instead of the usual two new babies at the clinic, this day there were five which was most encouraging to the clinic workers. Several were turned away because of lack of time. There will be no cllatto In August but the next one will be held on Tuesday, September 17. MISS BRAGER BETTER Silverton Miss Clarissa Brager of East Hill, who was operated on for goiter at the St. Vincents hospital about three weeks ago, was brought home a few days ago and Is doing nicely. Miss Brager, who was of the senior high school faculty, was forced to resign her position because of 111 health some months before school closed. She Is being attended by Mrs. Goldberg, a professional nurse and goes to Portland occas ionally for treatments. SOCIETY TO PICNIC Mt. Angel The St. Ann's Altar society are making plans for their annual plcnlo, which will be held in n. u. Mickels grove, Sunday, July 28. The Mt. Angel Junior band will piny during thp afternoon. PRESBYTERIANS OF OREGON IN 39TH SESSION Albany The thirty-ninth Synod of Oregon convened in Albany Wednesday afternoon with Presby terian ministers and laymen gath ering here from the four corners of the state. The Rev. H. B. Thom as of Halfway, Is moderator. Among prominent Presbyterian ministers taking part in the open ing day program were: Rev. Cle land B, McAffee, of Chicaga, who conducted ft Bible lecture Wedni day night; Rev. Per:? C. Hopper, pastor of Portland Westminster church, and Rev. William S. Ollbert. The day meetings will be held at the Albany college administration building, with those attending the Synod staying at Woodward hall. The evening sessions will be held in the First Presbyterian church where Bible lectures will be conducted during the session. CONVENTION PLANS TOLD LEGION POST Stayton At the last regular meeting of Stayton Post No. W, plans for the state convention at Salem were discussed. Paul Plet rok, Harry Humphreys and Ed. For rette were elected as delegates, with Dave John, Sim EUel and Marion Hunt as alternates. The post now has a membership of 100, cards for 1929 have recent ly been issued to Alva Schmitt, George Schmitt, George Adams, Peter Batry, Dan Kintz, Fred Boed- ighelmer, Walter Herd, W. M. Tate, Harold Ransom, William Bodeker, Guy Hurt, W. H. Myers, Guy Sloper, Geo. Boedlgheimer. W. J. Albus, Peter Laux, Walter Morgan, O. B Kenue, Raymond Jungwlrtb, Merle Cyrus, c. L. Le filer, u o. McDonald and Floyd Fleetwood. CANSE WILL SPEAK SILVERTON SUNDAY Silverton Dr. J. M. Canse, pres ident of the Kimball school of the ology at Salem will deliver the ser mon at the Methodist church here Sunday morning as the pastor, Rev. Thomas Hardle and wife left Thurs day morning for Seattle where they will visit Rev. Hardie's daughter, They will attend the Epworth Lea gue Institute held at Epworth Heights between Seattle and Ta coma and also the Passion play at the campus 'stadium in Seattle. ANKENY CLUB WOMEN GATHER NEAR RIVER Sidney The Ankeny Women's club was entertained recently by Mrs. William Weiderkehr. Changing the- usual routine and meeting at1 homes, the afternoon was spent on the banks of the Wil lamette river. After the club pro gram, consisting of a Bible charac ter study and talk en the Myrtle wood of Oregon, the women took advantage of the warm afternoon and had a plunge In the river. A picnic lunch was served by Mrs. Weiderkehr, assisted by her sister, Mrs. William Thomas of Salem, to the following members: Mrs. Lewis Smith, Mrs. C. F. Johnston, Mrs. J. O. Fair, Mrs. R. H. Fair, Mrs. Er nest Toda and daughter, Sylvia Todd, Mrs. William Thomas and the hostess. Mrs. William Weiderkehr. LIMBS AMPUTATED Auburn H. M. Lynch of Waketa, Okla., a brother of Mrs. A. L. Llnd beck, recently lost his leg ten inch es above the knee by accidentally stepping on and breaking through. a thin tin covering ox what is known as the trap of a combine harvester. Six men of Orant coun ty have each lost a leg In the same way so far this summer. PLAN ANOTHER VISIT Stayton Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pres- sler of Los Angeles, Calif., arrived here several days ago were called on to Portland, where Mrs. Pres slers mother, Mrs. Sarah Davie Is very ill. They plan on visiting here about a month . before returning south. RETURNS FROM OHIO Stayton Mrs. W. P. Blneman of the Stayton hotel, has returned from Ohio where she has been vis iting several weeks with relatives. Why Suffer Stomach Trouble All Your Life? Thousands of men and women who ware physical wrecks from stomach troubles, woo couldnt sleep, who couldn't eat without after-misery, and whose kidneys, bowels and liver were out of order, now enoy old-time energy and rel ish their food since taking; Tanlac. Mrs. Fred Westin, of 387 E. 67th St. North, Portland, Ore., says: "Teniae cured mv stomach tmnhl completely after three years suf- ii-iuiK. iv uuut me up 10 penect health, with a train of 27 lbs. That was two years ago, and I still en joy the best of health." Tanlac contains no mineral drugs of any kind, just a special combina tion oi selected neros. roots and barks, recognized to be of htarh medicinal value. Quick benefit and relief from stomach distress is al most sure to follow the nse of Tan lac Get m bottle today from vonr druggist and let it start right Ir. correcting; loose troubles which make you so miserable. Money back if it doesn't help. Tanlac ,52 MIUION BOTTLES USED 'Snlem's Greatest Entertainment" LON CHANEY At His Best A Spectacular Mystery Story! Chuck Full of Thrills . . . Love . . . Adventure t ByactirMtced 1GY 4k. w ALHO Phil Spitalny's 4fds)SSttW0 AMrTALKIB ItMswlaSaJ Patwssoanc Nesra U CATHOB . MK1KB At the organ Coming Sunday "Gentlemen of the Press' 100 TAI.KIk LESLEYS ARE BACK FROM SUMMER TOUR Stayton Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lesley who left Stayton June 30th for Hldaway, near Uklah, in Uma tilla county, have returned. They were Joined by George Davie and son Olin, and Mrs. Viva Johnson and Mrs. Cora Barrett and Wilbur Lesley. They all visited the large cattle ranch of Henry Lazinka where Robert Rankin of Portland, with his wife and two daughters were spend ing their vacation. Judge Bean and wire ol Salem were at Hldaway. Mrs. Bean Is a sister of the proprie tor there. This is the seventh year the Lesleys have been at Hldaway. Prom there they went to Prinevllle, Bend and East Lake where they enjoyed four days of excellent fishing. GARDEN GROUP " PLANS CHANGE IN ITS BYLAWS Woodburn The beautiful gardens at HoUylane farm, the home ol sir. and Mrs. E. B. Settlemler, were an attractive setting for the -meeting of the Woodburn garden club on Tues day evening. Electric ugnts in stalled for the occasion added then charm to the blossoms and shrubs. The regular business of the club was transacted under the direction of the president, Mrs. Settlemler, and an amendment was proposed to the by-laws to combine the of fices of secretary and treasurer. This was done at the suggestion of the state federation of garden clubs and will be voted upon at the next meeting. A feature of the evening was a talk by P. W. Settlemler, Wood- burn's pioneer nurseryman, who took the members through ms nursery and exemplified the meth ods of budding and grafting. His talk was exceedingly interesting. Refreshments were served . fol lowing the meeting. . LEAVE ON VACATION Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. John Smolnisky, Miss Vema and Max well, left Wednesday morning on their annual vacation. They expect to visit with relatives in California going the entire length of the state before returning to Hubbard. Dur lng their absence In the Service store of which they are proprietors, R. C. Painter Is working In the store. PAST 40, WATCH KIDNEYS T was in misery with backache was forced to rise for bladder relief nightly was always tired out and achy all because of Insufficient kidney elimination. After taking Matamel, my kidneys work great I sleep better, eat well, feel fine. No mow constipation." So states Mr. H. Jones. Metamel, containing Mexican Ma guey and other plant extracts from all over the world, is offered suffer ers on the sincere plan that must give you results or your money back. Free diet book given In every package sold this week by Capital drusr store. adv. AH Eugene Invites You 1 .! JULY, 25, 26, 27 : The W til's greatest pageant . . America's most unique parade Jlll-Norifmest air derby Industrial Oregon In teektt lllilil r " ill r. JfCTiiisrJil The greatest pioneer celebration ever held 1st Oregon will arouse a new admiration tor The brave deeds of those who settled this great area. The pioneer pageant, with a east of 1600 people will thrill yon as nothing ever has before. The pio neer parade wilt be the most uni que and novel event ever held In America. Every phase of Oregon business and industry will be m the Industrial parade. The air derby will be the outstanding aere oatlcal event of the year in the Northwest. Send In reservations for the Sun set Trail Pageant to Sunset Trail headquarters, 948 Oak St., Eugene. Seats on sale from 75c to 2.00. Plan now to join aU Oregon at Eugene A Progressive Celebration in True Pioneer Spirit Concrete masonry will keep your house young STRONG, rigid wall of concrete block or concrete building tile insure a permanent, firesafe home. Depreciation and maintenance are almost nothing. Concrete building units put masonry construction within the - reach of the most moderate purse. Years after k Is built, you will find Tour concrete masonry house still young always protecting your investment. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 146 Rftli Street PORTLAND, ORB. MISS MADSEN HOLDS BIG BONFIRE PARTY Brush CreekMiss Lilllf Madsen was hostess at a bonfire party In the Madsen pasture on Tuesday evening. The evening was spent In conversation and roasting wieners. Those present wer eMr. and Mrs. Edwin Hatteberg, Mr. . and Mrs. Victor Madsen, Colleen Madsen, Mrs. M. J. Madden, Miss Nettie Hat teberg. Miss Agnes Hatteberg, Wil liam Hatteberg, Miss Aithea Meyer, Miss Alice Jensen, Reuben Jensen, Harold HJorth and the hostess. Miss Madsen.. SCIO YOUTH SAVES GIRL FROM DEATH Sclo Roxana Halas, 10, of Port- Ian, was drowning in Thomas creek at the outskirts ox Scio Monday, when Harry Wesley, 14, of Scio, rescued her and brought her to the shore of the stream. Wesely had taken swimming and life-saving lessons and last year was awarded a junior badge. The Halas girl was visiting at the home of her uncle, Jerry Holechek, and had gone to the stream with other children for an afternoon swim. She was testing- the depth of the stream and sank twice be fore she was rescued. She Is a fair swimmer but became excited and could not control herself. CHANGE IN DATE OF LINN COUNTY FAIR ANNOUNCED Albany Dates for the second Linn county free fair have been changed from September 11, 13 and 13 to September 18 to 20, inclusive. L. EL Arnold, manager, announced. The reason for changing the date he said, would be to secure a large carnival company. Entries for various classes of com petition are coming in and present indications are that the depart ments will be flUed with first-class exhibitions. The cattle show will be disease free this year, all cattle must pre sent a clean bill of health certifi cate. There will be no poultry show this year nor pet animals but nere will be an egg show, to foster keener Interest In egg .production. Manager Arnold said. OPERATOR AT COAST Hubbard Mrs. Neva McKenzle, manager' and chief operator of the local switch board of the telephone company, has left on her vacation for a round of the beaches, being the guest of friends from St. Hel ens. She expects to return Sunday. During Mrs. McKenzie's absence J. C. Perry's Great Offer To All Who Suffer Stomach Agony Gas and Indigestion Money Back If One Bottle of Dare's Mentha Pepsin Doesn't Do You More Good Than Anything You Ever Used At last a way has been found to combine Pepsin with other correc tive stomach agents so that it will do the most good In the shortest possible time. Why bother with slow actors when one tablespoon of this splen did and pleasant liquid remedy will cause gas, bloating, heaviness, heart burn or any upset condition of the stomach to speedily vanish. And why should any man or woman suffer another hour with indigestion or any stomach misery when the remedy that acts almost instantly can be easily procured? Dare's Mentha Pepsin not only quickly relieves stomach distress. but it also conquers stubborn indi gestion and dyspepsia, and puts an end to dizziness, nervousness, head-; ache, sleeplessness and despondency j which' distressing troubles are near ly always caused by chronic stom ach disturbance. Dare's Mentha Pepsin Is pleasant to take, has a delightfully refresh ing taste and after it has put your stomach in a clean and healthy condition, just notice how much bet ter you look and feel, for besides correcting chronic stomach disor ders this supremely good remedy that J. C. Perry and druggist every where guarantee. Is a fine tonic that builds you up and makes you work with vim, eat with relish and sleep soundly. adv. Mrs. Louise Q rim pa, relief operator is In charge of the office with Miss Orva Barrett assisting. After Mrs. McKenzios return Mrs. Robert Brown will be relief operator with Miss Barrett as an extra for emer gency work. Aching, Swollen Feet Montr Back H Moose's Emerald Oil Decant De Awajr With All Sore smss Swelling an Distress la M Been. Tare or three applications of Moone's Emerald OU and la fifteen minutes the pain and soreness dis appears. A few more applications at regular Intervals and the swelling reduces. And best of all any offensive odor is gone for good It's a wonderful formula this combination of essen tial oils with camphor and other antiseptics so marvelous that thou sands of bottles are sold annually for reducing varicose or swollen veins. Perry's drug store and every good druggist guarantees the very first bottle of Moene's Emerald Oil to end your foot troubles or money back. adv. NOW PLATING! To Capacity Hoases Shows at S:0O .4:80 7:00 0:10 BER AND HEAR TODAY B j Vitaphone Acta and News Just When Every Woman Is Longing For Something New BREIER PRESENTS A Most Unusual Sale of... 'SIDLE. Which we bought in a lucky purchase . . . and which we will sell as a Breier Special at Regardless of the fact that they are , genuine $9.90 to $12.50 values This is the time of year when manufacturers clear their racks in prepar ation for their fall line. As a result we were able to make an outstanding; purchase of new silk frocks from two outstanding manufacturers. Now we are ready to offer our customers and friends ... A WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT OF FLAT CREPES, PLAIN AND PRINTED GEORGETTES, PRINTED POLKA DOTS, and OTHER SILK FROCKS Sleeveless and with - sleeves. ALL SMART NEW NUMBERS at $7.95. Sizes for Women, Misses and Junior Misses DEPT. STORES avfMoarf 4 it Vim tt IN THE WEST OrHcaa la l CltM. NO UNFLf ASANT ODOB