FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1929 PAGE TWO EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES MARION -LINN COUNTY NEWS by special corresponded TRIBUTE PAID . TO METHODIST PIONEER FOLK Champoeg Tribute to the early . day Method lit missionaries was paid here Thursday la connection with , "Methodist Day" at the Oregon historical Chautauqua. Rev. V. O. Taylor, of the First Methodist church In Salem, open ed the program with Dr. W. W. Youngson, ol Portland, presiding. Muffle was under the direction of William M. Boyer, Portland. Speaker for the forenoon session Included Re. John Parson, former pastor at the First Methodist church In Salem; R. J. Hendricks, Salem; ' Rev. W. s. Gordon, pastor of the Mt. Tabor Methodist church, Port land, with Dr. T. H. Temple, dist rict' superintendent, pronouncing the benediction. A basket lunch was served at soon. The program for the afternoon was la charge of wuiametta uni versity and Uie Kimball School of Theology, Including talks by Rev. Gordon, Dr. Youngson, Dr. Carl Qregg Doney, president of Wlllara- . ette university, and Ronald oiover, of Salem. Rev. H. O. Crouse and Rev. Keorge F. Gordon, of Kimball, offered a vocal duet with a read- . uig by Mrs. H. O. Crouse. Oregon The Pioneer's Paradise" was the subject of an illustrated talk by Rev. D. Lester Fields In the evening. -' . PROGRAM IS GIVEN BY BERRY PICKERS Hazel Green Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Rutherford and son, John, were hosts recently for an Informal party honoring their strawberry pickers. An Impromptu program was given as follows: Vocal duet, Rebecca and Esther Wilson; reading, Edna Ruther ford; vocal solo, Nora Rutherford, duet, Audrey Pennlson and Loreen Watklns; reading, Mrs. Elizabeth Davis; violin and piano duet, Mrs, Walter Rutherford and Rev. Harry Weber; sleight of hand demonstra tion by John Sherbon; reading, Helen Davis; vocal solo, Mrs. Wal ter Rutherford; piano solo, Margar et' Dunnlgan; vocal solo. Pern Weber; guitar numbers, Harry Jones; reading, Maurice Dunigan ; vocal solo, Sarah Watklns; read ing, Mr. Wilson; piano solo, Nora Rutherford; vocal solo, Mrs. Bess Watklns. Following the program lee cream and cake were served by the hostess. GRADUATE NURSE HOME Bethany Miss Jcrdis Kloater Is spending a week at the home of her parents. Miss Kloster was graduated from the Immanuel hos pital nurse training school at Portland this spring. Since her graduation she has been nursing at the hospital. She will return to her work the first part of next week. LEAVE FOR SILVERTON Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoyt left the first of the week for SUverton where they will spend the summer. Mr. Hoyt, who has been operating a rock crusher at Greens bridge for several months, has com pleted the work there and moved the crusher to Silverton. HOLM EH ARB HOSTS Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. Quen tln Holmes entertained at dinner recently,' and had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oberslnner, and family. Miss Agnes Schultab lers and Raymond Haues of Van couver. Wash. Coiutstantly the lowest tcria count In Halem. Lowest Bacteria Count June 20th we received an of ficial report on the bacteria count made by tho Marlon County Health Unit. We are allowed up to 50.000 bacteria per cubic centimeter In grade "A" milk, but tile official re port shows a content of only 300 as pure as we can hum anly make It, and an exceed ingly fine report. WHY NOT BUY THE BEST IT COSTS NO MORE I "Sweet as the story the roses tell. 'Pure milk helps your child keep well." mil? Rreak O'Daj SILVERTON POOL HAS COMPLEXION OF MUD Silverton The reason for the ex tremely muddy water In the city swimming pool and Silver Creek the past several days is the pond at the Thomas mill about six miles out in the Silverton Hills district has received a thorough cleaning. The bed has been scraped and emptied and is now as clean as a new pond. It took three days to do the work and caused much havoc and com ment here. Wotta Life Says Youth., At Brooks Brooks Master Vr Ashbaugh, 12, of Brooks, has arrived at the con clusion that life consists of a series of alternate tips and downs. Not long ago he was ' down De- cause the dog license fras due, but after an oratorical victory in which no small quality or virtue of a cer tain Yellow hound was overlooked. he "zoomed" to the skies when dad agreed to buy. Then Into the bumps again when some one took yellow hound, new collar- and ail, same to date, unlocated. The Keds first prize big green al ligator "Lena from Miller's window fell for one of Vra's drawings along with a splendid pair of boys' heavy duty Keds and again he was among the clouds, the envy of every boy in the "swim rain' hole" as he sat astride his new rubber pet. But once more the jinx pushed him over and he was sent hurtling earthward. Will the parachute open? A toothache, a diagnosis via X-ray and the dental chair opened Its arms to him. It was no com mon tooth pulling, either for be fore this ogre loosed his hold he had gotten away with four of Vra's lower front teeth, right where he needed them to bite strap licorice, and a large chunk of jaw bone for good measure. BOLIES WILL LEAVE SUverton Mrs. Joe Elton of the Bethany district entertained the Bethany ladles club and gave a, farewell handkerchief shower fori Mrs. Christ Bolle at the same time Thursday afternoon. About 30 were present. Mrs. Bolle and fam ily will leave soon for the middle- west to make their home. VISITORS AT COAST I Auburn Mrs. A. C. Foster of, North Dakota, who with her cou sin, Mrs. John Pitzer and her daughters, Mercides and Shirley, and a friend, Harlon Snlppen, who have been house guests of Mrs. Fosters parents, Mr. and Mrs. O B. Trindle, have gone to the coast where they will spend a few days. GUESTS AT BERNINGS' Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer of Brouerville, Minn., are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bernlng. They are old friends of the Bernings, and ex pect to stay here for about two weeks. Announcing the Arrival of The 1930 Models Sparton Radios Come in I See and hear the Radio with the world's richest tone. Sold on easy Imperial fflinmninm Furniture CoH Vuuiiiiiutiiiiaiiiiiiuiaiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiimiiumuiuuim 4G7 Court ELSINOEE IKljtMHTFl'MtY COOL . ji NOW! UNTIL SAT. NITE! STARTING 100 CONSTRUCTION LINN RAIL LINE SOON, RUMORED Albany That -dlret will fly" starting construction work on the railroad from Lebanon into east ern Linn county foon Is believed by Linn county folk following no tices sent out to property owners who sold land to the Oregon Elect ive, company, that the land must be cleared for work by the fore part of August. Word has come to Albany that tfe Oregon Electric and the South ern Pacific company have reached an agreement on the terms of the latter's line between Albany and Lebanon and that the document has been in the general offices of the company of the Great Northern lines In Minnesota for some time. These rumors have come from trust ed sources. It is said here. GLOBE TROTTER IS MT. ANGEL VISITOR Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Brunner of Hlshawaka, Ind., ac companied by Mr. and Mrs, Ed win Springer of .Switzerland, visited for several days at the home of Henry Butsch. Brunner, who attended school with Butsch when they were about 10 years old. In Indiana, Is a globe trotter, having been a tourist con ductor and has crossed the Atlantic ocean 10 times. They are on their way through the south, and called enroute to renew friendships, closing a gap in it of about 50 years. OBSERVES BIRTHDAY Mt. Angel Mrs. Joseph Ober slnner was hostess Saturday eve ning, complimenting her husband, Joseph Oberslnner, and her sister. Miss Frances Sch'iltalbers, on the occasion of their birthdays. Var ious games and dancing were en Joyed during the evening, after which the honor guests were pre sented with beautiful gifts. DOCTOR IN PORTLAND Jefferson Dr. J. O. Van Winkle, local physician, attended the Amer ican Medical association conven tion at Portland Wednesday. He also went aboard the U. 8. navy hospital ship, which was docked at Portland, as one of the attractions of the A. M. A, convention. The ship la the only one of Its kind In the world. Wednesday evening the doctors and their friends visited the Frank farm near Portland and attended a horse show that was held for their entertainment. DeLAPPS ARE HOSTS Auburn Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd De- Lapp of Klamath Falls are house guests at the home of their uncle Joe DeLapp, while Lloyd DeLapp, who Is a public accountalnt Is tak ing a bar examination In Salem. They will later visit a brother Vlr gil In Portland. payments nouimtmiB Salem, Ore. Passion! Love! Romance I with CILMERT ROLAND and NOAH BEKKY Norma Wlniadge SUNDAY CARNIVAL SPONSORED AGAIN THIS SUMMER Oervals The 15 acred Heart parish la again sponsoring one of their open air carnivals and chicken din ners given each year at the city hall. The carnival will be given Wed nesday, July 17, and the dinner will be served between 6 and 9 in the evening. Dancing for those who wish, be ginning at ten in the evening. TORVEND BROTHERS VISIT, SILVERTON Bethany Mr. and Mrs. 8llas Tor- vend, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Torvend and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Torvend have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Torvend and their daughter, Esmeralda. . and Mr. , Torvend's mother, Mrs, 8. Torvend of Patter son, Calif. The four Torvends are brothers. The visitors planned on spend ing two weeks here and at South Bend, Wash., before returning to their home at Patterson where Tor- vend ls cashier of the bank. At South Bend they will visit Rev. and Mrs. Albert Towe, their former pastor at Patterson. Rev. Towe is a Silverton boy, being a graduate of the SUverton high school. He Is a brother of Miss Esther Towe, Casper Towe, and George Towe, all of Silverton. ' DORCAS SOCIETY HAS SOCIAL AT CHURCH Silverton The Dorcas society of the Trinity Lutheran church sponsored a lawn social outside their ohureh Wednesday evening. Japanese candles were strung in different parts of the spacious lawn and small neat tables scat tered at various places. Refresh ments were served. Peggy Gop lerud and Esther Lowe furnished music throughout the evening. The net proceeds of $40.00 went to the Dorcas fund. IMPROVEMENTS VOTED Donald At a recent meeting of the board of school directors it was decided to repaint the outside of the school building. Notices have been posted asking for bids on the work, Peter Feller Is chairman of the board this year. LOOK OVER RECORDS Donald Miss Emery and Miss Branford of Eugene, are in this city for a few days working in the office of the Farmer's Fire Relief association, getting records for the files of the Emery Insurance agen cy of Eugene, which has taken over the J. C. Holbrook agency of the Farmer's Fire Relief association in Eugene. While here the young ladles are stopping at the Pad rick nome. The Better Today and thU flrw.t Mimical Hnc mm of the tt tase Hi-ought to the .screen In Its entirely. Return Engagement ..,.u.m,. : X I n SHAW COMMUNITY CLUB HAS PICNIC Shaw The members and their families ol the 8haw Community ctub held a picnic at Hager's Grove Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Batllner, Mr. and Mrs. George Amort, of Suver; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilbert and daughter, Georgia; Clara Amort, Georgia Spencer, Margaret Amort. Walter Batllner, Evelyn Amort, Walter Amort, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Burg hart and daughter, Patricia; Cleo and Adele Amort, Miss Estella Bat llner, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. E. P, Amort, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Perry and children, Lester, Rose, Marion and Jeanie; Mr. and Mrs. John Amort, Jr., and children, MerrU and Valeria; Mrs. Ted Stew art, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gilbert and son, Howard; Charles Gilbert, of Ctoverdale; Howard Gilbert, of West Stayton, Miss Helen Hankie, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ' Keene and daughter, Geraldine; Mr. and Mrs. John Gruchow, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brownell, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Brownell and sons, Melvln .and Clarence; Mr. and Mrs. George Berry, of Salem: Frank Hoffman, of Beaverton; Mrs. Williamson and daughters, Shirley and Beverly, of Long Beach, Calif.; Thelma Amort, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sher man and children, Mable, Helen, George,- Edward, Raymond and Bernice; Oeorge Fleber of Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coffin and sons, Fred and Clarence; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Klecker of Salem. WILL REPAIR STREET Donald The city council is hav ing some repairs made In the city streets, which have been in a very rough condition. Oeorge Carter is doing the work which is supervised by the streets and alleys commit tee composed of J. A. Bush, F. Ernst and E. D. Carver. MUMPER IN HOSPITAL Sclo Ben Mumper was operated upon for hernia at Willamette san itarium in Salem Tuesday and Is re ported getting along nicely, although surgeons announce it will be three months before he can safely resume work on the Portland-Sclo truck. His injdry is thought to have been a result of the auto accident of last week, in which his truck collided with a smaller truck in Portland. Both vehicles were considerably damaged. CASHIER ON VACATION Mt. Angel C. J. Terhaar, assist ant cashier of the First National bank, Is enjoying a two weeks' va cation at the Pacific coast beaches. During his absence, Joseph Berch told Is taking his place. Entertainment Saturday Brought back by popular demand STARTS THIS SUNDAY FOR ONE BIG WEEK A chorus of 100 and 160 dancing girls, with John Boles, Carlotta King, Lou ise Fazenda. Myrna Loy, Wo Ra1 I a Prices Show at 2:00, 4:20 7:00, 9:09 NEW PICKLE PLANT MAKING PROGRESS Mt. Angel Mr. Kyle, construc tion foreman for the Llbby, Mc Neil am Llbby Co., with head quarters In Portland, It In town this week. In the Interest of the new pickle plant which Is now un der construction. They have unloaded a carload of salt, and one of barrels, and ex pect several more cars of barrels soon. While the Investment at present Is small, this year at least as local people will be given em ployment, but expect to Increase bom their output and force next year. 1. UTTUS GIRL HUET Clear Lake 'Little Estelene Smith received a painful Injury when she slammed the car door, on her thumb, breaking It and crush ing tt quite badly. She was rushed to the doctor where aid was given but has been quite painful since. On the account of the crushing it. will have to be lanced -later. She is recovering as well as can be expected. FLORSHEIM H3F' 10. TTSie ELECTRIC Age Makes House Keeping a Joy The "UNIVERSAL" Electric Range Is The Triumph of Modern Electrical Achievement r LANDERS. FRARY AND Visit the Electric Department and See the New Electric Appliances that Make Housekeeping a Pleasure and Privilege ANTI-WEED LAW AT ALBANY STRINGENT Albany Hereafter any property owner in Albany leaving rubbish, grass or weeds on vacant property will be subject to a $50 fine or Im prisonment in the city Jail for 25 days, following the passing of such an ordinance to that effect by the city council to reduce fire hazards and improve these spots. The fire department is author ized to Inspect the property and to report cases that come within uie scope of the law to the city council. Property owners will be given five, days in which to clear the land of, the debris, and failure to comply with the ordinance will be cause for punishment, it was learned. GUESTS AT MICH ELS Mt Angel Mrs. Louisa Mlchels has as her guests for the past week, Mr. and Mrs. A. Prlnus of Col ton, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Keber had as their visitors Tues day, Mr. and Mrs. William Hens cheid of Rupert, Idaho. SHOE JLiOYAL, long wearing Florsheim Shoes give true shoe satisfaction their performance will merit your continued preference. 1 ii "f AND Coolness Convenience Comfort Cleanliness " ' Simplicity Durability. Guaranteed Free Service. Free Home Instruction. CLARK LARSON RITES HELD ' AT TRINITY CHURCH Brush Creek A number of peo ple from this neighborhood attend ed the funeral services of J. P. Lar son held Wednesday afternoon from Trinity church at Silverton. Larson owned and managed a farm on Paradise road for a number of years. Among those attending the fu neral from here were Mrs. O. 8. Hauge, Mrs. O. L Benson, Mrs. M. J. Madsen, LlUie Madsen, Mrs. Ma rie Buness, Mrs. John Moe, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haerl, Mr. and Mrs. John O. Ooplerud and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Meyer, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert UnderdahL STOP FOR VISIT Bethany Mr. and Mrs. C. Cor vtn and daughter, Grace, of Seattle, spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Torvend. The Corvlns were enroute to California, where they plan to spend a month visiting In various cities. They also plan to drive Into Mexico while In the south. Upon their return trip they will make a longer visit at the Torvend home. V? r$L ZfeYVTIEEfoWE Hitl With ESTHER R ALSTON