SATURDAY. JULY 6, 1929 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON PACE KI.KVKN ' ALFALFA TOUR OF POLK WILL BE NEXT WEEK Dallas Next week there will be 11 community allalfa toura In as many Darts of Polk county. At these tours farmer wlU have chance to compare the various fields and methods of growing al' lalfa. the use of llmerock. Inocula tion and other things Important to the growing of allalfa. Also, at each of these tours the farmers In attendance will select the field which they consider best in that district to represent their com- munlty In the county wide contest for the chamber of commerce tro- nhv. On Monday, July 15, a commit tee of indues consisting of u. x McWhorter of Hlllsboro and C. R. Brlggs of Corvallis will visit each of these 11 communities and com pare the dilferent ltelds for the purpose of selecting the one which they consider the best In the county. At a luncheon to be held in Dallas. Tuesday, July 18, these 11 community winners will be the guests of the Dallas chamber oi commence at which time toe Judges will make known their decision and will present the trophy which con sists of a silver creamer ana segar bowl. In last year's contest there were some BO fields considered while this vear the number Is well over Joo. County Agent J. R. Beck, has charge of the entire 10 days actlvl- ties and he states that there will be a good many points of Interest de veloped on each of the tours and that any farmer who Is either now growing or contemplating growing alfalfa should make It a paint to be present at at least one of these. The first tour will be held In the Buell district Monday forenoon of next week starting at the T. E. Blair place, while In the afternoon the tour will be In the Ballston community and will start at the Dick Clanlield puce. On Tuesday morning the tour will be held in and around Dallas witli the start bolng made at the R. P. Boiee farm up on the Ellen dale, while the afternoon in the Perrydale community the lour wu. start at the Henry Kayt farm. Lincoln and Eola-Oak Point dis trict will provide the setting for the two tours on Wednesday, the morning tour starting at the S. H. uarser lann ana mc mwrmw,, tour at the I. L. Patterson place. On Thursday morning the tour will start at the farm of Hush Hanna near Independencs and In the afternoon at Ed Hammons' near Buena Vista. Friday the start will be made from the Monmouth Cooperative creamery and in the afternoon from the Laird Ltndeman place near Lewlsville. The 11th and concluding tour will be held Saturday morning in the Rlckreall community with the group gathering at the Pence place Just east of Rlckreall. LAH1SI1 OKNTER Mrs. R. J. Spoon of Iantha, Mis souri, Is visiting at the home of Mrs. John Perkins, her old friend and schoolmate. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rhoda spent the Fourth at Molalla. Mr. and Mrs. P. Springer of Woodburn. spent Thursday after noon at the home of their daugh ter. Mrs. W. F. KlamDe and family Other guests were H. F. Hanea and Charles Perkins of Labisn center. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Oarbarino and sons, Donald and Emest, are spending their vacation In Califor nia. Word has come that they are having illness in the family. MARION Mrs. Ada Lundberg has purchased Tony Gentey's property and is im craving it with paint. Mrs. Lund- berg was a former resident of this neighborhood but after the death of her husband she spent some time visiting friends In Sweden, but now expects to make this her vermanent heme. The strawberry harvest has been finished In this neighborhood and loganberry picking will commence the first of the week. The cherry crop is verv Hint. Haying is In full force. W. L. and M. H. Rcbbins have started thcir hav baler. The annual home coming at the Pleasant Grove church will ba held on the third Sunday In JiMy, July 21. Plea-ant Circvc c.urch Is noted as being the eldest prcsbrtcrisn church in Oregon. Mrs. George Rlyter and daughter, Blanche, have gone to Klamath Falls for a visit with her husband. George So to-, who has employment there. Orvllle Douflcr and Albert 1.1111 ner, who have been working in loosing camps, are spending their vacations at homes. SCOTTN MM ASH Mrs. Kun?y of Salem Is vlsl'lnj at the home of her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rich and family of this place. Flora Oroshong, youngest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Grosh ong, was taken to Oregon City hos pital Thursday morning where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Instead of going elsewhere tnelMr an(j Mr, jonn sclgmund of Fourth to celebrate, a large num- ber of home folks picnicked toge her In the city park at this place, mee Included N. Srhmaltz, Jr., and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Dixon and family, Mr. and Ms. Ooogre Myers, Mr. and Mrs. J. s. Mr. una Mrs. Albert Rich. Mr. and Mis. Ray- mond K?llis, and the Mobcrgs. nnNfliRASKA TT.-pdburn-M c , R. F uconer nd daughW MarJorte left r. cently for Nebr. and are Tts,t!n IrUT? "ijT3' . hr.h.t all through the month of July. STATION IS IMPROVED Jefferson The Southern Parlflc depot in Jefferson Is being re shingled, and otherwise remodeled. Casper's crew of the Southern Pa CHARGE REOPENS DEATH 0UI2. vrnrMMg-, ji!wtt; -l'r3ffg?''","'r'n ,Vrf t i I. AuimttJ Prtu Pka4m Complaint of Robert H. Franklin, 17, (left) that his father, a F. Franklin, (right) Sacramento, Cal, carpenter, had abuisd hla three daughters lead to renewed lawaatlgatlon of tlx diaappearanc of the bey's another and another child In 123. GATES DRAWS LARGE CROWD FOR HOLIDAY Oates Gates people celebrated the Fourth at various places. Among those going outside were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis and daughter Vir ginia, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Henness and son Clare who motored to Mol alla to the Buckeroo; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Heath and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schultz and daughter Mirth went to Breitenbush; Miss Ada Leedy to Oregon City; Mrs. Mable Hcssnmen. Mrs. Clarence Johnson and Roy Taylor to Cascadia. Several families composed a pic nic group at Moore's camp ground across the river from Gates. The following made up this group: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schrocder, Darrel and Edward Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott, Phyllis Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ratzburg, Marie, Buddy, Lewis and Verne Ratzburg. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Jones, Myrticc, Phyllis. Doris and Dena Jones, Le Roy Grafe, Herman, Louise and Willis Grafe. Mrs. Otis Dike, Allura. Kenneth and Delora Dike, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Leedy. Many other groups took advantage of the grove and river beach, at Moore's, among those registered being Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Clarena Mason and daugh ter Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gal lea, Mr. and Mrs. James Swan, Mr. and Mrs. John Swan, Stanley chance, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olln and family, Dr. w. w. Alien, r. w. Alien, C. T, Haseman, Mrs. Holthouse, Mary Holthouse, Miss Ethel Hlckey, Miss Grace Herrick, a guest of the OUns and from Stevens Point, Wis. All of the above were from Mill City. From Salem were Mr. and Mrs. P. M. H1U and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brockett, Mr. and Mrs. Wagstatf and family, Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Mathis and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Trudle and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Woolpert, Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Voigt. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Truldie and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. J. is. Wall, A. D. Hulsey, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Fulkcrson, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Robare, J. E. Thomas, h. L. White and Blanche Thomas. Others from various points were Mrs. A. C Foster of Oaks, N. D.; Harlan Snlunen of Jamestown, N. D.; Wm. Oik and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vine Mathery, from Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Huber and family of Lyons: idr. and Mrs. L. O. Mc Donald and daughter of SUverton; Mrs. P. A. Fugate, Aberdeen, Idaho and Mrs. J. A. Pitzer of Jamestown, N. D. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Latter of Sa lem socnt the Fourth with Mrs. Lai lar's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wes Houghton, also visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jelfrys. Bert Jeffrys is Mrs. Lailar's brother. Mrs. Samuel Stockum and small son. Francis, of Oakland, caul arrived Wednesday to spend l month with her uncle, N. H. Loo- ney and ccusin. Miss Marguerite Loin-jy. Frank l. wedel Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rice andi.rei Weddle ... daughter, Marjorie Frances of Portland, spent the week-end with Mrs. Rice's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Haldrrman. Mr. and Mr3. Rex Cobb of Jef ferson, Glen Robertson and Miss Dorothy Cole of Independence, at tended the round-up at Oregon Cl'y Thursday. Mrs. John Anderson and chil dren, Oeraldlne and Dick of Paw nee City, Nebr., are visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert Terhune and will also visit rela tives in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis and xon and Charles Carper. . all of Portland, visited George Allphln of Jefferson Monday and Tuesday. Callers at the home of Mrs. Nancy Miller and Mrs. Marie Jones Thursday alternoon were Salem and Mr. and Mrs. O. P. All- Dhin of Albany, Among the Jefferson people who attended the round-up and Fourtn of July celebration at Molalla were w. L. Jones. Rose Oreen. Tom Hale. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Pcndergraft i mi smM aru Mrs. Robert pfn(maft. Dr. and Mrs. J. O. lVan Winkle and son. Richard; Mrs. Ro, Hlxson of Jef- Foarth w)tn Mr n(, othr 'frr3nds at Detroit. They motored In to Breitenbush Springs aid re port the roads rather dusty but In fin condition. Lorraine and Junior, children of vrr .nd Mra Rot HI won of Jef- vi. , at tVi. home their grand parent! ki Bakm - j jr.v Oil i GUESTS IN MOLALLA Amity Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Roth motored .to Molalla Wednesday where they were guests for oner the Fourth at the home of Mrs. Roth s sister, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Saudis. FRANCIS LAID UP Silverton William (BUI) Francis, son of Jim Francis of East Hill, who was operated on Tuesday for an ab cess on his spine. He has not been well for some time and had to quit his Job at the Silver Falls camp last week. He is now getting along nice ly. (Continued from Page 10) Maude M. Waters D. M. Watklns E. E. & A. A. Watkira.. H. D. Watson S. Watanabe Watt Shipp Powder Co. N. B. Watson Frank I. Watson Oiaude Waters M. A. Watts N. B. .Watson W. D. & M. D. Watson John Waters 17 Geo. Watson .06 Elizabeth Watt .98 F. R. Waters .05 F. W. Waters 01 W. D. & M. D. Watson .... .43 O. C. Watklns .43 Ella Watt 52 Chas. & Mauds Watscn .14 D. M. Watt J6 Matthew H. Sc Eunice H. Watts .28 Ignaz Wathter .38 H. W. Water3 80 O. W. Waterberry Chas. & Maude Watson ... .43 .14 1.38 2.35 1.38 ,10 .16 .15 .06 .14 .24 W. E. & N. E. Way W. E. Way W. E. & N. E. Way Geo. B. & C. A. Weatherby. E. Weaver O. E. WeatheriU Gilbert Sc Anna Weathers W. & L. Weathers Jas. Weathers Dr. S. W. Weaver Geo. WeatheriU MUlie A. Webb D. L. & C. L. Webb D. L. & C. L. Webb .48 .32 .22 A2 a: J. E. Webb S3 .10 31 1.04 Stephen Weber Stephen Weber Webb Sc Clough L. Weber .18 22 Karl Weber A. A. Webb Rudolph Weber J. E. Webb W. T. Webser Louis Webert , Millie A. Webb ..... Rudolph Weber .... J. L. Sc A. B. Webb John Weber 1.23 J6 .29 .10 1.82 .22 m .75 .09 31 .10 .64 Stephen Weber Stephen Weber .... F. P. Sc M. J. Webb Z. & M. E. Webb-. Scpiria Weber A. A Webb Levi Webb Gertrude Weddle .. J. E. Weddle .15 1.23 33 .08 .85 J. E. Weddle 84 Gertrude Weddle W. F. Sc Clara Weddle 1.02 E. A. Weddle W. A. Weddle Louisa Wedon Pred Weddle F. F. Sc Elizabeth Wcdcl prank B. V.'cdel p. b. Vcd?l W. A. Weddle Geo. W. & E. M. Weeks . Geo. W. Ac E. M. Weeks . S. A. Weeks W. H. Weeks Emma F. Wc?d J. F, Wchrum J. P. Wehrum Anna Wetsenberger Jacob Weigel Andrew Weis.iarr Joseph Sc Caroline Wets.. Jacob Weigel Andrew Weisharr J. F. Welsenberger J. P. Welsenberger Albert Weidner Wm. Weinrlch E. L. Weisner A. B. Sc Helen Weisner ... K. P. Wcitman Joe Weilman A B. Weisner E. J. Sc C. C. Weinman ,. Albert Weidner A. B. WeUner H. F. Weltman . Sc L. Weisner F. c. Sc C. M. Weinman . John Weiss Adam Weiss Weteenfela Bros U F. Weiss J. P. Welsenberger Geo. Weinrich Wm. Welnricn , P. E. Si M. WeUburn Levi sc Polly Welty Mrs. E. P. Wells A. E. Wells P. P. Wells Weller Bros Thoa. Welch of W. M. Welch JW TOW Peter Welt.r .78 Mrs. S. F. Weill 43 C. P. Wells .14 Peter Welter .78 J. T. Sc M. A. Welch .28 Welch Zlectrtc Co. J08 W. P. Wellman M Nicholas Welter .60 P. ic h. Welter .09 M. J. M. Welton S2 R. P. Welton 18 R. J. Welton -28 O. C. Weller 18 Mrs. M. J. Welborn .60 Levi Sc Polly Welty .20 R. W. Sc Ida M. Welborn .. .03 Harriett E. Wells .42 Lee A. Wells .44 A. F. Weller .56 Arron Welty 12 O. Welty 1.14 Ignaz Wetzel 1.46 F. P. Wells -08 Henry Welp 11 Edward Welp .03 Stone Wells .26 Clifford W. Welty .06 C. P. Wells 14 J. W. Sc M. J. Welty .20 J. T. Sc M. A. Welch , 28 John C. Wells .74 W. P. Wellman .08 Elizabeth Welborn 16 J. W. Sc M. J. Welty .20 G. Welty U5 Arron Welty 12 Lee A. Wells .44 F. E. Sc M. Welborn 30 a. Welch .04 Weller Bros. .03 A. E. Wells .27 Elizabeh Welborn J R. L Welch M E. Wely J7 H. H. Sc H. M. Wells .23 John C. Wells .75 A. P. Weller a Alice Wenger .20 Henry & Rose Wenger 1.00 David M. Wenger 34 D. Wenger sc Mary Harl .... .73 Emma Wengenroth 3.45 Emma Wengenroth 3.45 Robert Wenger S.14 Geo. J. AS-Cecil Wenderoth.. J2 Jno. Werner 44 V. Rose Prott Werner .04 Western Union Telegraph Co. 8.10 H. C. Westcndorf 2.56 L. J. West .60 Veder Westley .05 Mrs. 8. A. West .10 Mrs. Bernard Westhoff 18 Lenta D. Westocott 1.20 H. C. Westcndorf 2.60 W. & L. A. West .48 J. T. Westley .28 Mrs. S. A. West lu Homer P. West S3. W. L. Sc V. A. West M Monica Wesolowski .07 Harry West .01 Western Loan Sc Bldg. Co... .20 Monica Wesolaowski .08 Herman Sc Dina Wesslles .. .28 Homer P. West S3 H. Westenhouse .05 W. A. Sc A. Westley .43 Western Loan Sc Bldg. Co... 30 West Fur Co .40 Western Union Tele. Co 8.10 C. A. Westerlund 1.58 Mrs. Bernard WesthoII .18 West Fur Co .40 N. C. Sc C. S. Wescott .42 Lenta D. Westocott 1.20 Ignaz Wetzel 148 Weyerhauser Timber Co. .... 6,21 Weyerhauser Timber Co 438 Weyerhauser Timber Co. ... 4.40 Weyerhauser Timber Co. ... 631 W. E. Wheat .12 W. E. Wheat 11 E. J. Sc J. Whedbee 36 E. J. Sc J. Whedbe 30 M. J. Wheelan .48 Anna Wheeler .06 Clara Wheeler 32 C. H. Wheeler .06 E. W. Wheeler .06 Frank Wheeler -U L. A. Wheeler M Wm. F. Sc Hattie E. Wheeler 1.30 J. E. Wheelan -05 J. E. Wheelan .05 Geo. Whltaker 100 Geo. Whltaker .04 Geo. Whltaker 100 Geo. Whltaker 45 E. J. Whitcher Est, 35 E. J. Whitcher Est, 35 R. E. Whitcher- II Mary A. Whitecotton 44 Elizabeth Whitehead .44 Kllzabeth Whitehead .44 Frank Whitehead 30 James E. Whitehead .48 James E. Whitehead 44 J. E. Whitehead 44 J. E. Whitehead. Jr. 37 C. Wliltlock .74 o Whltlock ,75 F. P. WhitL.oclt P. P. Whitlock II. C. Sc Rose Whltlock It C. Sc Rose Whltlock 1.02 35 1.02 .43 32 .16 2 48 48 32 .08 30 1.22 37 37 .41 .41 .15 .15 1.09 34 .10 39 .26 36 30 42 .01 30 .10 31 .04 1 H. C. Sc Rose wniuoci !l5H. C. Sc Rose Whltlock .43' J. W. Whltlock .45 IL. J. Whitlock 1.5b R. L. Whitlock 1.52 Wm. Sc Helen Whitlock .... .85 C. F. Whitman 1.52 C. F. Whitman .4.; Eva M. Whitman .15 Mary Whitman 2.22 Emma Whtlmore 2 21 A. ScSc Bertha Whitney .... 1.43 C. E. At S. M. Whitney 1.22 G. F. Whitney ,03 Honesty Whitney 4.72 Honesty Whitney 4.72 Jonathan Whitney 32 Jonathan Whitney .43 O. C. Whitney .66 Uriah Whitney 1.03 M. L. Whitsell .43 R. W. Whitsell .66 Adam White .14 Adam White 38 Anna R. White .12 Anna R. Whltx 30 Anna R. White .54 Anna R. White 30 HcnJ. M. White 32 C. C. Ac M. J. White , .04 C. C. Ac M. J. White .26 C. O. White 34 Chas. White .11 Chas. White 30 D. A. White 33 D. A. Sc H. O. White .51 D. A. White Sc Sons .72 Edith R. White ,78 tlmo 8. White 30 Elmo 8. White .18 F. H. White X0 F. It White .28 ! frank M. White .09 I Frank M. White 3.1 !F. M. White 30 'O. O. Sc M. White 3o!oeo. P., H. S. dc Anna White 44 lO. T. White 37 1 Gertrude White .08 ill. A. White - .03 H. a. white H. rt. White . H. o. White . It O. White H. W. White H. W. Whit ja J. D. White 39 J. D. White 39 Jno. H. White 14 J. L. White 2 J. O. Sc Chas. White 15 J. O. Sc Chas. White .15 J. R. White -. .16 L. M. Sc N. White 13 L. M. N. White .13 Louis M. White 10 Louis M. White 10 Louis N. White 34 Lucetta White 36 Mabel White .05 Mary E. White 32 M. O. White 1.19 Roy White 19 Volna J. Sc Kathryn White,. 1.94 W. B. White 33 W. L, White .05 Waltman Sc Mlkkelson Wile.. 2.70 H. A. Wik 1.50 H. M. Wlkoff .07 A. W. Wledelmau .05 Andrew Wicsher 19 Lula Wiesner 39 E. O. Wiesner .41 J. W. Wlegand 12 Arthur Wick 32 A. Sc M. Wlenman .44 J. Sc J. Wikbcrg 40 a A. Wik 1.50 John A. Wigness E. C. Sc L. A. Wiesner .. Ernest Sc Lena Wiesner...,. .40 E. O. Wiesner 19 J. W. Wleaund 12 A. Wiedelman .05 John A. Ac O. Wldness .0. C. Wldness IS Pred Wled .09 Dan Wicklander 37 Elisabeth Wiggtn 30 F. J. Sc M. E. Wied J06 F. J. Wled J .45 Martin J. Wiggins Waltman Sc Mlkkelson Wik.. 2.70 P. J. St M. E. Wled M P. J. Wled 1.46 U. O. Wlkoff P. H. Wlencken .40 P. H. Wlencken .75 E. C. Sc L. A. Wiesner .02 Ernest C. Sc Lena Wiesner., .40 B. C. Wiesner 18 E. o. Wiesner .41 Lula Wiesner 39 Martin J. Wiggins P. F. Wled '.70 Sarah C. WUlard 18 A. Sc M. Wilson Sarah C. Willard , 16 Henry Sc M. Wiland .44 Alfred Sc F. Williams .13 Theresia Wllhelmy 17 R. E. Williams 7.20 August Sc M. Will 1.28 Trephine Will 1.71 Lizzie M. Will .02 Clara C. Will .02 J. C. Wilson 30 A. Wilson 10 J. P. Wilquet 12 J. P. Wilquet P. M. Williams .78 W. S. Wllkins .20 W. H. Sc E. Wilson 10 J. H. Sc M. A. Williams 38 Louise Wllkins 14 C. W. Sc M.Ethel Wilts 1.09 Sarah A. Wilson 3.80 Q. W. Ac Maggie M. Wilson .10 O. J. Wilbur 33 C. C. Wiley 34 O. H. Williams ,08 E. P. Williams .11 F. H. Wilson 34 Fred Willing O. Ac O. Will .40 .16 .48 3.64 Mrs. M. J. Wilson Otto J. Wilson C. O. Wilson Geo. C. Will .11 S.46 S.71 .43 .12 .42 .02 .12 Geo. C. WlU , Lowell Will C. J. Wilson E. Williams , Oeo. V. Wilson Mrs. L. M. Wllsey J. W. WUIiegand .08 Althea R. Williams .. Rosa Willing W. M. Williams , W. 8. Wllkins , Nettle A. Williamson ., C. N. WUlard C. P. Williams Annla Wllkins A. L. Ac V. E. Williams Andrew Wilson 30 .08 34 .22 .03 .03 .52 30 37 .17 .13 32 .02 .02 39 .42 31 .12 .13 32 .15 Alfred Sc P. Williams . W. 8. Wllkins , Frank: Wilson Edith A. Ac A. Wilson F. C. Ac M. A. WUfy T. J. Williams C. M. WUmot Fred W. Wilson C. Wilson Joe Wllke Annie 8. Wilson J. Ac M. Wild 30 O. J. Wilbur 33 35 J. O. Wilson 39 .20 32 .65 .17 32 .10 31 39 orra 8. Rambo Williams... R. W. Ac Ida Wllburn 3. A. Ac A. A. Williams Andrew Wilson J. H.' Wilson W. H. Ac E. Wilson C. M. WUmot F. C. Sc M. A. Wiltscy , S. C. Wilson Hoyt N. Ac Eliza A. Wilson S. C. WUson W. R. Wilson W. R. Wilson Allen H. Will Fred Will. Sr., Eit Henrietta Will J. M. Will J. M. Ac G. M. WlU Will-Snyder Co C. J. Wilson W. J. Wilson Alice K. Willis Rosa Willing S. A. Ac A. A. Williams Mary J. Wlllford W. It Williams w. M. Williams A. F. WlU Otto WlU W. It Sc M. A. Williams .... J. C. Wilson 1.75 .13 .18 .09 .80 1.16 .68 1.28 .04 2.40 .11 .52 32 .08 .63 .15 .14 34 .07 .20 .02 1.76 .18 .14 .06 .20 31 Hoyt H. Wilson .74 J. O. Will v 32 Edith Wilson 32 Ella Williams , 2.80 Otto J. Wilson 8.70 Althea R. Williams 1.66 F. L. Williams .14 C. L. Wllllg .11 W. E. Wilsun .11 Llllle W. Wllsey .46 Dr. O. R. Wilson .47 F. W. Will .10 J. W. Williams , .10 Seymour P. Wilson .76 Hoyt H. Jc Eliza A. Wilson... 2.70 A. O. Williams .64 C. W. Ac M. Ethel Wilks.... .18 Mary J. Wlllford 6.60 Waiter A. W laon .13 W. J. Wilson J 2 J. J. Wiley .12 W. H. Williams .08 Willamette Valley Southern ag n c Co M Willamette' Valley ' eouth'ern 2 08 R. R. Co. 445 Willamette University .72 Willamette University . 31 Willamette University 31 Willamette Vr -ley Irrlg.Land CO. 43 Willamette Valley Irrlg.Land co m Willamette VaUey Irrlg.Land Co. J5 Willamette VaUey Irrlg.Land Co. , 44 Willamette Valley Irrlg.Land Co. 49 Willamette Valley Irrlg. Land Co 16 Willamette Valley Irrlg.Land CO .62 Willamette Valley Irrlg.Land CO .43 Willamette Valley Irrlg.Land CO 44 Willamette VaUey Irrlg.Land CO. .05 Willamette Valley Irrlg.Land Co.,. .05 Willamette VaUey Irrlg. Land Co, .04 Willamette VaUey Irrlg.Land CO. .03 Willamette VaUey Irrlg.Land Co. 13 Willamette VaUey Irrlg.Land Co. .62 Willamette VaUey Irrlg.Land Co. 134 Willamette VaUey Irrlg.Land Co, XI Willamette VaUey Irrig.Land Co. 6 Willamette VaUey Irrig.Land Co. JK Willamette VaUey Irrig.Land Co A WiUaosette Valley Irrig.Land Co, XI Willamette VaUey Irrlg.Land Co. M Willamette VaUey Irrlg.Land Co. Jt2 Willamette Valley Irrlg.Land Co, s Willamette VaUey Irrlg.Land Co. &e Willamette VaUey Irrlg.Land Co. Willamette VaUey Irrlg.Land Co JX Willamette VaUey Irrlg.Land Co Willamette Valley Irrlg.Land Co. Willamette Valley Irrlg.Land Co 66 Willamette Valley Irrlg.Land Co. 42 Willamette VaUey Irrig. Land Co 41 Willamette Valley Irrig.Land co . 14 Willamette VaUey Irrig. Land Co .03 Willamette VaUey Irrig. Land Co. 16 Willamette VaUey Irrig.Land Co. 42 Willamette Valley Irrlg.Land CO .42 Willamette Valley Irrlg.Land Co 43 Willamette Valley Irrig.Land Co .02 Willamette Valley Irrig. Land Co. 41 Willamette Valley Irrig.Land Co 1.24 Willamette Valley Irrig.Land Co 13 Willamette Valley Irrlg.Land Co Willamette VaUey Irrig.Land Co Willamette Valley Irrig.Land Co B. R. Wimer John Wlrth John Wlndcshar M. Winter Geo. Ac Etta Wltte J. H. Ac L. L. Witham J. Wlntermuth R. A. Wltzcll O. Witte John Wlthycombe J. A WineU J. Winter H. J. Ac L. Winter .04 .60 39 40 .16 .07 .16 .04 43 .07 33 .60 34 .19 .17 46 34 30 48 .07 Bert Wineinger Frederick Wlrts Geo. P. Witting Henry D. Witt Cornelia Winslow O. Wltte Geo. Ac Etta Wltte O. W. Wltherrite 47 1.26 .02 132 Elnora Wltzel Stella Wltzel J. D. Wlrth Ac R. c. Payne.. Carl Ac Emma Wlnkelman,. Jno. Wlrth .10 .14 46 .06 . 82 31 W. A. WLie W. C. Winslow V. C. Winslow W. A Wise Joseph Winter H. J. Ac L. Winters Lewis Winkler .16 34 .19 .13 Henry Wlnkley 36 Mrs. J. M. Wltzel R. A. Wltell John Wlrth R. Ac H. Winger J. A. Winnell Jno. I. Ac Evclln Wirtz ... J. Ac I. Wirtz W. H. Ac L. A. Wltzel A. T. Winches Carl Ac Emma Wlpkelman. 48 43 39 .67 .60 .08 .16 .66 45 .14 .82 35 .17 8 224 .03 .09 W. C. winslow W. C. Winslow Eleanora Witzel Mrs. J. N. Witzel Geo. P. Witling W. A. Wise A. T. Winches O. D. Wodtle O. D. Wodtle C. L. Woelk C. L. Woelk N. L. Woelk Anton Woelke August Woelk Woelk Bros Woelk Ac Hamptman .... Hugh Woerly Hugh Woerly Henry Wohlfart Ellen Wohlhetcr Ellen Wohlhetcr Vallentine Wolllard est ., Vallentlne Wolllard est ., L. o. Wolllard Chester Wolcott Chester Wolcott 30 33 .20 .04 .12 32 .08 Rosco L. Wolcott Roscoe L. Wolcott A. A. Wolf A. Wolf A. Wolf A. Wolf Ac Son .15 36 1.09 .15 2.20 42 .48 .14 4J5 A. Wolf A- Son Adolph Wolf Est. Adolph Wolf Est A H. Ac Clara Wolf A. H. Ac Clara Wolf Annie 8. Wolf Bert Wolf C. Wolf O. K. Ac M. 4. Wolf Q. W. Ac H. Wolf J. B. C. Wolf B. Ac C. Wolf ............ 134 John Wolf 47 Valentine dc K. Wolf 30 Wolf Bros. 10 Wolf Bros. 10 A. A. Ac E. P. WoUa 46 A. Ac J. C. Wolfe 298 A. As J. O. WoU- 3.08 Albert Wolfe 34 Alfred Wolfe .70 Alfred Wolfe 89 E. Wolfe 34 E. Wolfe 34 Eliza Wolfe 30 P. T. Wolfe .48 Mary Wolfe 14 Mary Wolfe 14 O. Wolfe 16 8. E. Wolfe 38 Susie Hi. Wolfe 14 Sc- L. Wolfe 60 D. Wolfer 07 8. Wolfer 84 Fred Wolfer 10 Geo. J. Wolfer 1.47 H. A. Wolfer 13 H. Ac L. Wolfer 10 H. Ac U Wolfer 11 Henrlta Wolfer 16 U. WoUer 19 Peter Ac Anna Wolfgang .... 36 Peter tc Anna WoUgang .... 36 Mrs. E. W. WoltkeU 36 Eva Maschen Woltord 34 Eva Maschen Wolford 34 J. M. Wolford 336 M. Wolford 336 John Ac A. C. Wolford ... John Wolford Ac Co. Inc. John Wolford Ac Co. Inc. R. H. Ac W. Wolter 48 3.70 3.70 40 41 H. Ac W. Wolter Maria Wolter 48 39 A. Wolty C. J. Wolt .11 Fred Ac Zula Womack ... Fred Ac Zula Womack ... W. P. Wonacott .48 .48 .16 46 C. A. Wood C. A. Wood 46 C. A. Ac M. E. Wood 10 C. A. Ac M. A. Wood .11 Earl Wood Est 148 Ella B. Wood 38 P. A. Ac Emma Wood 81 P. A. Ac Emma Wood .80 P. L. Wood .40 F. L. Wood .07 P. L. Wood 39 F. L. Wood 48 F. L. Wood .40 G. A. Wood 31 Harry Wood 12 John Ac Annie Wood 30 John K. Wood .06 John K. Wood .08 J L. Ac A. M. Wood - 35 J. L. Ac A. M. Wood .25 Josephine Wood 30 Pearl Wood .Bo Preston Wood .28 Susan E. Wood 12 T. C. Wood 10 Troy D. Wood 15 Troy D. Wood n Troy D. Wood .15 W. A. Wood 34 W. A. Wood 03 Woodard Ac Keene 32 E. Ac J. Woodard 33 E. Ac J. Woodard .27 E. Ac J. A. Woodard E. Ac J. A. Woodard .08 J. a. Ac Ella Woodard 38 M. C. Ac Edith Woodard .02 Woodburn Building Assn 1.18 Woodburn Building Assn 1.16 Woodburn Milling Co .91 41 .16 .14 .26 1.02 1.62 36 .06 32 .28 .97 .03 .13 .13 .42 .50 41 .16 .15 .08 Woodburn Milling Co Laura A. Woodhouse . .... S. E. Woodlngton iv Lucy Woods Max Ac Clara Woods Max Ac Clara Woods Samuel Woods Mrs. V. M. Woods D. H. Woodward John B. Woodward M. Woodward M. C. Ac Edith Woodward .. Mrs. M. K. Woodward .... Mrs. M. K. Woodward .... S. M. Woodward W. C. Ac Martha Woodward. W. C. Ac Mariia Woodward . . W. Q. Woodward W. G. Woodward Bertha M. Woodworth Bertha M. Woodworth Edwin Woodworth Stella M. Woodworth Chas. Woolen Woolen Mills Store Woolen Mills Store Henry Woolery NelUe Woolery Nellie Woolery Grace Woolford Grace Woolford Chas. Woollen P. W. Woolworth Co R. Woolworui R. Woolwortn Oeo. C. Ac M. E. Wooster .. Oeo. C. Ac M. E. W outer ,, .08 .04 .10 .08 1.40 1.40 .08 .11 .11 35 35 48 400 M. E. U. Woolen 34 M. E. U. Woolen 68 C. B. Ac Nellie Worden C. B. Ac Nellie Worden I. D. Worden P. L. Ac W. M. Ac Roy Worden 8. Ac M. Worden S. Ac M. Worden S. Sc W. Worden C. H. Ac Caroline Work J. F. Workman Ac C. P. Cole J. F. Workman Ac C. F. Cole R. B. Worley Jacob P. Sc Ada Wourms .... Jacob P. Ac Ada Wourms S. E. Wright A. 8. Wright F. E. Wray 2 W. A. Wright 45 .40 .40 33 33 47 C. M. Wright Bertha Wright C. L. Ac M. Wrigh. Lena Wright Dr. A. E. Wrightman Lucy M. Wray 47 C. M. Wray Eleanor Wright 34 .28 Matilda Wright Etta Wright C. M. Wray David A. Wright Urten Wrightman .61 .14 .14 .43 30 .20 Effie L. Wright H. L. Wright W. A. Ac Martha Wrenn 1.73 1.73 .10 .03 .02 Bryon C. Wright Lucy M. Wray C. M. Wray Fred Ac Mary Wright 18 15 48 73 .73 13 Wrightman Ac Mlnto F. T. Wrightman ' Bryon C. Wright H. A. Wright J. E. Ac Mae Wright Helen Wrightman F. T. Wrightman F. E. Wray A. 8. Wright David A. Wright Effie L. Wright C. D. Wright Lena Wright 0.' M. Wray W. A. Ac Martha Wrenn .... W. A. Wright A. B. Wurster 13 118 MB .19 30 32 .13 41 AS 34 134 W. P. Annie T. Wurster .. Al Wurtter Broa. M J. O. Wurster 44 W. P. At Annie B. Wurstor... .42 Wurster Bros, .09 J. O. Wurster 44 A. B. Wurster J 3 F. S. Ac E. M. Wycoff J2 Martha E. Wycoff 18 Geo. B. Wynn 147 O. Ac M. E. Wylder .47 J. ft Wyath Trustee .41 John O. Wylder 34 Prank 8. Wycoff 47 Oeo. E. Wynn 1.87 . Calvin Wylder IS O. Ac M. E. Wylder .48 Martha E. Wycoff IS Helen Yankee 33 Chas. W. Younggren 35 Millie Young 14 G. R. York 17 M. A. Yergen 30 J. P. Yergen 41 T. H. Yergen 46 W. A. Ac O. E. Yergen 140 Clyde E. Yoder 38 Alice Yergen 30 J. B. Young 15 D. J. Yoder 49 Yamhill Elect. Co. 39 YamhlU Elect Co .43 Yamhul Elect Co. 19 W. C. Young .44 E. G. Yergen 45 K. R. M. Yergen 48 Henry Young JO J. W. Yates 39 J. B. Young 30 0. Yeager .01 Carrie Young 30 J. P. Young 44 Lee Tatea 47 Louis A. Young 38 YamhUl Elec Co. .18 1. E. Young 30 Fred Yost 2.12 Carrie Young 30 M. A. Yergen 30 T. H. Yergen 46 W. C. Young .44 Oeo. W. Yergen 30 Clyde E. Yoder 38 Chas. W. Younggren 35 Geo. W. Yorgen 2.60 Geo. Yergen .15 W. A. York 16 Alice Yergen 30 J. P. Yergen 41 Yamhill Elec. Co 38 Yamhill Elec. Co. .42 E. R. M. Yergen 48 E. Q. Yergen .04 Helen Yankee 38 J. B. Young 15 O. H. York 17 R. J. Ac H. Young 39 S. C. Yoder 41 E. J. Young .02 Ed Young i 44 C. P. Yeager 1.02 S. J. Yoder .40 John Yelnle 34 J. H. Ac D. A. Young 36 J. W. Yates 39 Willie Young 13 A. X. Yeaton 234 Fred Yost 2.11 Y. M. C. A 40 D. J. Yoder 49 J. C. Yantcs 10 .07 1 Geo. Zeek 42 Thos. Ac Chas. Zimmerman.. 39 J. u- Conner E. O. Zanger S. W, Zehncr A. Ac G. Zahara , August Zimmerman , Jos. Zollner J. P, Zimmerman Rllla Zeek , Blue Zllenski , August Zlellnskl Enul Znch H. A. Zulsderf H. A Ac J. A. Zutsderf Geo. E. Zollner Robt R. Ac B. ZoUner Peter Ac Martha Zuercher .. C. Zimmerman J. F. Zeis Joseph M. Zeis O. Zimmerman Frank Zimmerman Otto Ac Waldo Zimmerman., 8. W. Zehner F. C. Zimmerman Arthur Zwciiel Peter Zeliner , John Ac Sarah Zemmer Elisabeth Zimmerman , John Zahlrr Oeo. Zwicker ... W. H. Ztucker A. Ac L. kjemien Jos. Zimmerman Geo. Zimmerman Hattie Zimmerman A. Ac G. Zahara J. P. Zlellnskl Anton Zubcr John ZuDer .28 33 John Zuoer ,13 Anton Zuzer .13 John Ac M. Zuk Fred Zurlindcn 1.77 Mary Zosel 78 .78 Rlllo Zeek Joseph M. Zeis 44 .14 33 .23 30 .40 .43 .42 Robt. Zlglinskl J. A. E. Zimmerman Est. ... Louis Zulu Uco. E. Zollner W. L. l.-iumcrman John uocr J. 6c G. Zollner Jos. Zuiincr 16 .56 56 .08 John Za,in?r Peter oc A.artha Zuercllt-r... John Zanicr Louis Zurn Jno. Ac C. A. Zcck Robt ZiKiinkl August uniiu-rman John Zurllndern John Zelterocrg Gust. Zctterborg Kmil Zach Kobt. H. Ac Uerodlna Zollner John Zimmerman J. Ac M. Zimmerman Frances E. Zcllcr 48 (4 32 36 .20 10 .23 16 43 156 42 15 14 10 44 30 L. M. Zimmerle A. Zohare Mrs. Chas. Zimmerman Mary Zoael C. Zimmermnn 14 Henry Zorn 18 25 P. Ac E. L. ZaUntr .. J. Ac N. Zimmerman John Zimmerman ... Fred Zurimden Fred Zachcr Jno. Ac (J. A. Zeek ,, A. H. Z.-li.r li. C. 'L.n r 12 43 156 48 16 .41 12 3.: 3'J . 1 .l i ' 1"' -' J- V ;!.,!, 11 i- 18 I . .Vi 13 . r .07 ;i.-r warrun'.s diHn 1, 1922. that nicy at tu standing and un it G. BOViirt. . of s.arlou County, .02 .05 49 33 .04 30 L40 ., . .14 ' 38 44 1.11 .48 .70 .03 .67 1.44 38 .06 1.48 44 .42 .62 49 1.40 .18 1.13 49 42 33 1.04 39 .18 44 48 .18 33 2.81 41 .41 43 34 .16 .18 .13 1.48 31 .11 30 .03 38 .42 41 .19 .48 1.44 33 30 .11 30 .04 31 .09 33 1.10 .67 .03 47 .12 35 .02 39 .18 39 23.80 32 .07 .04 1.78 .10 .11 48 . 40 : .94 180 .05