THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1929 "THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Just A Few More Laws And The National Bird Will Be The Jailbird. GapitalJJournal CI.ASSIl IKlt AUVKUTISINO KATKS: Rate per word? One Insertion, 2 cents; three insertions, 6 cents; one week, 8 cents; one month, 30 cents; one year, per month. 1J centa; minimum per ad, 2d cents. Not taken over phone unless ad vertiser has monthly account. Jio allowance (or phone errors. Want ads must be In bj 10 a m. day of publication. Real Estate 'and Auto ads by 7 p. m. day pre vious to publication. FOR SALE HOUSES wnnmtN 7room house, call 652 ft. 14th St. al9 FOR HALE Small home, modern, up-tn-riiiu best residential section at a sacrifice. Owner leaving city. Your opportunity for splendid investment. even Wiougu yuu uwu muwci muiiio. Box 280, Capital Journal. a ISO' for SALE 3 room house with bath, garage, woodshed, good location. See owner at 12US North 18th. a 149 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION f a 4 -room cottage, breakfast nook, plumbing, sleeping porch, woodshed ana giirUgC. lU wim omuu- bcry and flowers. Price 81950; cash r hni 'n iiar mo. and Int. ANOTHER ONE on 18th street, 4 rooms, woodshed and garage. A good buy for 81500 with very reasonable LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 Slate St.. Phone 1727 81000 2-room house on Highland ave. josn fi-rin. buiiuatow In N. Salem. fine condition, corner lot, paving paid, snuu aown. vinn t.nmmi and nook, fireplace, oak floors, basement. 2 bedrooms, nnri iixvintf. ft 100 down. 83250. 5-room bungalow in fine con dition, modern In every way, east front. 8250 down. I 84650. 7 -room bungalow, modern in every wuy. close to bus and schools, in line condition. 8500 down. A 8,,500B,6'Voorri house on Chemeketa St 50x105 lot. fireplace, garage sev eral fruit -trees, paved alley, a good 2650 5-room home, basement, fur nacc. Karaite, in good location, terms 84000. Private money at 6r. Insurance MELVIN JOHNSON or A. Ji DARK 32U U. S. Uank lildg.. Phone 637. a!40 T"v t n vniiif fJAIN My 85500 home for quick sale 84250. Any reasuimoie ouwu Balance like rent. Fine, modern 6 roum home, 3 nice bedrooms, hard wood floors, basement, furnace, fire V;..7, u hunt inn. beautiful corner lot 'on one of Salem's prominent streets. Both streets paved. ine aou ble garac. This Is a bargain for some one See my audits at once. HEARS & TUCKER. 1B4 S. Com'l. St. for appointment to see 62000 Throe- room modern nouse at 255 N 24th St.. Will trade my equity. $429 for used car. radio, or what have vou' Phone or write Arthur M. Fred erlckson. Hotel Corvallls, Corvallls. FOIttfCLOSURE SALE 3 KM. liuuoii. eiju $1250 buvs gtod small house on Lee St. $10 por mo. Apply rent on pur chase price end of Vear. v 3 I'M. ROUSE $1600 81600 buvs 3-rm. house, $12 per mo., at end of year will apply rent on purchw pri. HOUSS $t800 81800 buvs 4-rm. house 810 per mo. rent, all modern except basement, nic above houses are Just a, few I have at foreclosure prices. WHY PAY .1tv Nn excuse to Day rent. For Bargains nee HOMER D. FOSTER, 370 Slate St. 0147 MOUF.HN HOME, four rooms, bath, lot 50x100. back lot fenced in. bargain S 16th St. Owner 1258 N. 5th St. a!47 SPECIAL HOUSE BARGAINS 4-rooms and nook, strictly modern i Hi.rpt In NE Salem. built by one of Salem's best builders and price renuciu w . unn t ;ta at. nn ci 5 rooms and garage. English stucco type, nearly new, every niwu v wli Thin l.nmn In VPrV dCSlrble location, stairs In. Can be made Into a 4 -bed room home wan very iin: exnense. See E E. ROBERTS with ANDERSON & RUPERT. Realtors lo H llidh. Phono 1644 al47 FOR SALE "House on 5th St., close in. fine lot, can oe uuuni. w. Fine prune ranch with good crop on, will accept some trade on this, in New homo to sell on easy terms, all modern. Sec US ior nLL"u SQUAUE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. S. Bank bldg. FOK SALE FARMS 100 ACRES close In, will cut 8000 cords, enough to pay Ior place. 1015 Ferry street. bl7 COMPELLED to sell good farms cheap 110 A. all in cultivation, good build ings, fenced, half mile station, $9500, Trm. 5n A. nart cherries and fil berts. Bmn 1 1 house. $ 1 600 . Three raulDDCd farms with $150 cream check per month. Valley Land Co 164 N. Liberty b!49 Mo Demand for Fanns Since the farm aid bill passed. 04 A. SNAP. Owner hero from Cali fornia to sell his fine G4 A. farm, rich black lonm soil, buildings are fair. Price $125 per acre, other farms near priced from 200 to $500 per acre. Lo cated near Pacific highway, only four miles from Salem. Will take trade. What have you here or in southern California. See mv agent. LOUIS BECHTEL H41 State St. Room 4. I specialize In farm bargains. 30 years in bulsness. GOOD BUYS 2'4 acres on River road, north, near city limits. Fine building site, $1200; $400 cash. . . , GARAGE HOUSE, east. New. Lot 70 by 100. $2100; $125 cash. m SIX-ROOM HOUSE, south. Lot 75x 150. Bearing fruit trees. 82400; $150 cash . EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, north. Base ment, paved street. Only $2050. 8500 l'EiOHT rooms, double house, north. 105 foot frontage on highway. Busi ness district. A buy at $3500, cash. TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 431 Court St. Ground floor h FOR SALE Miscellaneous DANISH BALL head cabbage plants. 60c hundred. 2600 Brooks Ave. c!4B FOR SALE Leaving state, will sell equity in new furniture cheap. 3150 Hazel Ave.. Phone 2u97J. cl52 AUTOMATIC, white enamel. Hotpoint electric range about year old. Leaving town ran nn rilnlv at P. E. P. Co. Ciood value at 8115. L. A. Payue. cl4H TREBLO Strawberries. 15c gal. You pick them. Phone 33F33. cHB OLD CADILLAC Dandy running or der, glass enclosure, lpathcr uphol stery in good shape, make offer cpnri or trade. AKo steel wood range $10. Phone 115F2. Cl47 MODEL W cictruc tractor, fine cqikII- tlnn Mn; all lr.ur nrlr. Rru 331 L'aD- Ital Journal. cl47 FOtl SATJC Rtrnwhprrlen. 2c D?r lb Pick them your-vlf. Phone 44F1J. c!49 LUMBER. Oct our prices on oak and fir flooring, lath, shingles and gar den fence material. It par. Hrlly- wood Lumber varrls. Phone 2330 J. 2206 Fairground road. cl47 FOR SALE at a real bargain: range with hot water eolls. 4S6 N. 13th St r phone evenings 1270J. cl49 BTRAWREkniFS If. Ih In natrh. D. B NowHI. Mlnto's Island. WMt of Craig's hop yard. "149 FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE LIVESTOCK W. J PATTERSON, M. D. Veterinary Humeon Res. 4M N 21st St. Phone 1461J OR FRED W. LANGS, veterinarian Office UU 8 Commercial pbone 118: residence phone 1068 e FOR SALE WOOD SHED DRY WOOD COAL. SALEM FUEL CO. PHONE 13, 752 TRADE. PROMPT SERVICE. ee BUY YOUR WOOD now and save mo ney. Phone 3T48W. eel 49 16" OLD Fir 87.00 cord. Phone 20F32. eel 48 GOOD WOOD AT REASONABLE Price well seasoned Second Growth Plr. Also well seasoned old fir slab and Inside wood. Prompt delivery. Phone 1542. Fred E. Wells, 380 S. Church St FOR DRY Wood or Coal Phone 030 Larmer Tr&nfer Co. ee OLD Ftr and second growth wood. 2775 Brooks Ave. Phone 2024 -M. ee WOOD for sale. Wood choppers want ed. J. S. long. 91F24. eel 50 DRY 18-ln. OLD FIR; 4-ft. fir, grub oaa ana asn. uoro measure, iteauc ttons on lame orders. C. U. Harbaush 838 Highland Ave.. Phone 1900. eel 50 WOOD SAWING. Phone 1131. eel55 WOOD SAWINU. PHONE 1S25R. 16-ln. MILL WOOD $2.73 load. 4 loads 810. Tracy's Fuel Yard. Phone 2085. ee!52 WOOD SAW1NO. Colwell i McCrack on. Phone 1819. celSl ' OLD Fir 87.00 cord. Phone 26F32. eel 48 FOR SALE POULTRY BRING your poultry and eggs to 1045 rairgrounu rosa, gee top casn price Phone 715J. 163' FOR SALE, cheap, every Wednesday until July 10. odds and ends In day- old chicks. Come and see them. Wil lamette valley Hatchery. 4iu south 24th street. 1157 BABY chu and custom hatching, set tings and hatches twice each week. Phone 133 F2. Lees Hatchery. ! HELP WANTED YOUNG MAN who planned to attend couegea next iau, ior summer vaca tion wo: It. 821.50 per week and sea sonal bonus. Sue Mr. Phelan. BllKh hotel, between 7 and 7:30 p.m. gl47 AN AGGRESSIVE western life Insur ance company having approximately 8120,000.000 In force has an opening ior an active insurance man as dis trict manager. Exceptionally liberal first year commissions and overwrit ing with financial assistance to the proper man. All Inquiries treated strictly confidentially. Address Supt., of Agencies. 625 Falling Bldg., Port land. Oregon. g!49 WANTS D A good real estate sales man, one who knows both city and country. We have a fine bunch of listings to work from. ee Sears & Tuckor. 1U4 S. Com'l. St. g WANTED: Reliable young man and wife to take over management of poultry breeding farm fully etocksd and equipped. Must have had some experience ana give reierence. Address Martin's Hatchery, Dallas, Oregon. gI4ti BERRY pickers wanted. Roy Hargln, Phone 65 K2 . g 1 5 1 WOOD CUTTERS wanted. Whiteffr pulp wood. Paying $2.50 per cord. Partly furnished tents supplied. E. B. uyait, Kt. 3. oox ma. corvauis. ure- gon. g!47 WANTED 2 men for stores. Must have cars. Apply between 8 and 9 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. at 328 N. Com'L Ask for Mr. Phelps. gl47 WANTED. Salesman, call at 154 S Hih St. B148" cutting ladies' hair. City Barber Shop and Bi-auty Parlor, 111 E. Bdw. Eu- SITLATIONS WANTED MAN wants work on dairy ranch, 8 years ioeai expcircnce, good reierence. Phone 2024W. I. L. Gllreath. Gen 1. Del. h!47 DRESSMAKING by day or hour. Ph evening 2062W. h!48 Miscellaneous WANTED WANTED A GOOD FIVE 4CRE TRACT with lots of fruit, must be on a trood road. close to SL-hool, within 2 or 3 miles of Salem. I will pay all cash, but will not consider property iniiaica in val ue. Sve my agent. HOMER D. FOSTER, 370 State St. ma- WANTED One of my clients has 8100 In cash. wanes gooa 4-room nouse, moaern. will pay $27.50 per month on balance. Prefer North Salem. See HOMER D. FOSTER, 370 State St. SHOE REPAIRING, good work, reas onable prices. Please call on me, 979 uom i, st. IF YOU WANT sewer work, done call 505W In evening. 1147 ANY MAKE, sewing machine repaired at your home $1.00, no more. Man ufacturing machines $1 per hour. T. Miller, expert machine adjuster 858 State St l'hone 1719ft. 114!) KOK KENT ROOM furnished apartment, pri vate bath. 372 North Winter. J 149 nice clean downstairs furnished apt. Private bath. Phono 1005. J149 6 ROOM bungalow. Modern with gar age. Telephone 1175M. J14B' new home. J 148 NICE furnished apartment close In. 658 Center. J148' FURNISHED Apartment and sleeplnn room. 1318 Cour J14tl 5-ROOM house, N. Com'L furnace, 1178 J14H HOUSE partly furnished, fruit, gar den 815. Herrllng Marble works. Jj50 MODERN room with two meals, 8G0 Chemeketa. Phone 52 J147 THREE room, neatly furnished apart ment, private bath, summer rates. 545 Court St. mono NICE CLEAN 4 -room modern house. 11.10 Lee 8'.. West of 12th St. J147 nnjpn Hunrn. nuraaa. 66 week. 144 Oak- J? l'hip diviu hmiM fmiL walnuts. 1795 N. Iifth. Phone 630. J147 4 ROOM duplex 300 S. 14th. Phone 1005. J" dm-im n.v,rimi.nt. ai4 uer month Close in. 4WI N. Liberty. J147 4 ROOM furnished, flowers, shade 2005 Nebraska Ave.. Phone 23BJJ. J STATE Apts., 1320 State, nicely fur nished, or unfurnished. Largs 3 room apts. Electric n-ingci-.., mrwiom rnnl. Phone, garage, janitor' service. $8. Phone 2034 or 2311. J155 FOR PE.NT Bedroom home. Phone 2J44W. in MARION APTS. Nicely furnished rooms 610 N. Commercial. J154 FOR RENT 6-room Phone J147 67F5. vV. t" nr !uo N. Liberty St. )147 FOR, RENT 20 A., prunes, apples. oats, nice garden, good buildings, 12 &,ni h at HalMiL Wol Young, Clark place., ilbl FOR RENT 4 R. MODERN, new. electric range, 1944 Kaael. Phone 2337 R. J153 810. 149 NEW NICELY furnished 4 -room ap artment with garage, water and Lights 21. 1129 Jefferson. JH9 FOR RENT Modern 4-room new house close In. 818. Call 1535 N. 0th St. after 6 pjn. J 147 COMPLETELY furnished 6-room modern house. Good garage, piano, basement, garden. On bus line. No children. Call 250. J147 4 ROOM furnished cottage, 1878 Ferry jiov ROOM and BOARD. 210 S. 14th. Ph. 159SJ. J 148 FURNISHED apt. downstairs. 820.00 and 825; upstairs, two beds 818. 411 N. Hummer. Pbone 830. J 147 APARTMENT. Phone Emma Murnhv Brown. 487 or 2173W. i PATTON Apartments are attractive, nicely furnished, apartment in down town district, good heat, hot water, comfortable, reasonable In price. For inspection call Patton Book Store. J" houses, phone J 149" FURNISHED 2 and 3 roam apartments. 444 South H!gh. J149 NICE furnished apartments, 690 Un ion. 1152 GOOD comfortable 6-room house, 825 paved street, garage, lots of room for gar a en. line neighborhood. Ceil be tween 9 ajri. and 7 p.m. only. 1604 tjnemeicta street. J 149' LARGE well furnished house, close in. suitable for roomers and boarders. Rooms filled at present. References required. Box 332, Capital Journal. J1B FURNISHED 3-room apt., sleeping porch, bedroom, private bath. Phone j uu. y 2 ROOM furnished apt., main floor. near canneries, til month. 1290 Oak. Phone 1066. J 148 ROOMS for rent, 1152 Marlon. J 148 FOR RENT $30. Furnished 4-r. house, best of mrniiure. ideal location. $30. Furnished house, 6 rooms. $30 b9. rurmsnea w-r., near state nouse. UNFURNISHED HOUSES $27.50. 6 -rooms. 3 bed rooms, an elec. ranee, bultl Ins. furnace, basement. beautiful yard, shrubbery, flowers. garage. . 825. Good house. 8 rooms, furnace. garage, built ins, rent reduced from S3U. Other houses at $10. $15. $20. HOUSES FOR SALE $50. 8100 to $500 down, balance Just liicft renc. See LOUIS BECHTEL 341 State St., Room 4. J APARTMENTS $17 and $18. Damon Qroccry, 899 N. Commercial. J THREE garages for rent down town section, cnone l ra-w. J PIANOS. Phonographs and sewing machines lor rent. a. L. Still Furni ture Co. J' PISKER AITS. S. Com'L St. P h o n e 2346W. J 156 MODERN 3 room newly furnished apurtn.eut. Adults only. 475 North Capitol. J155 LOST AND FOUND WILL PERSON who took umbrella by mistake from Masonic temple Mon day eve., please call 2658J. Reward. kl49 LOST Coin purses containing $4.50 downtown, Tuesday. Phone 803 J. k!4B MISCELLANEOUS EXPERT finger waving and marcel ling 50c. Phone 1147 for appointment, 343 '-i N. Commercial. m 158 REAL ESTATE WE HAVE a splendid modern 4-room house worth 8500 and will take ac reage or vacant lots up to $2000. A splendid home site of 8 acres with 2 ac:es Royal Ann cherries, nice woods, beautiful view and worth 85, 000 can be subdivided for Salem residence. A splendid farm of 320 acres, well Im proved, worth $20,000 and will take apartment house. 6 splendid Salem lota worth $1800 nnd will take residence and pay dif ference. 2 good lots In Walnut park worth $1800. will take car as part payment. A splendid close-in lot on State street for residence. $5150 in good Interest bearing secur ities and close In lot worth $2500 for clear Salem home or would consider well Improved acreage close. McGU chrtst 6c Pennington, 209 U. S. Bank Bldg n FOR A few days the Morningstde Point, southwest from the end of the 12th street bus line, four and one- half acres. One of the 11 nest resi dence n'aees in Salem. Dave W. Push owner. Phone 1221J. n!49 20 A, all under cultivation. Good house, barn and out buildings, a cows, tm nil imnlpmenta and croD eoes. 9 miles north of Salem. $5000. Terms. C. J. Coflendaffer, Brooks, Ore. n!48 LOT 60x150 at 450 North 20th St. Apply at 1698 S. Liberty St. nl53 over jour fire Insurance policies, then come in and talk the matter over with us. We guarantee to take care 01 your lire insurance ana give you the lowest possible rates. See Sears A: Tucker, 1B4 a. uom 1. at. $200 CASH will b'y a strictly modern new bungalow, pnvea street, ttst, o lem. balance 830 per month and the price Is $3500. F. L. Wood. 341 State St. ATBRAflR TRADES 1 eren mosLlv berries, (rood 8-room house, electric lights, city water. This place in Rood town on nignway nortn, wants Siil em home or acreage near. Price $6000. . . 1 icrM tn Kfflftll town on nlirhwav. clear, and will trade for property In or near Salem of about equal value. fl acres. 4-room palstered bungalow 6 years old, on gravel road 6 miles from Salem. Owner too old to care for Dlace. wants sniaii nome in town nn equity, i-ncw uJ """"i' See E. E. ROBERTS with. ANDERSON KUrni 1 . 169 S. Hth St. Phone 1644. n!47' FORCED SALE 18 acres Royal Anne and Lambert cherries 20 years rid. nas prouviceo more than price asked in one crop rn'.-nur wants to raise money. $7200 New home near Parrish Jr. high, tile bath and drain board, hardwood firwiri ihronwhout. furnace, fireplace, rratri. worth 85000. Owner leaving state and price cut for quick sale to $4300. Nice lot on Court St. $1000. Fin mt 17th St.. trees. $1000. C5A river bottom farm near town, only $4500. Easy terms. 30A rancn neur town, moavrn uw) 6-room house. 2 fine lots, paved strpct, $1500; $200 down. Vnr rent. 8 room house. $20 mo. 8 room cottage $18; 4-room cottage 915; 9 -room modern house, close in 830. Perrlne & Marsters, pray Bldg. n' CHAS. SPUHLIN Real Estate and Insurance New BUgb Bldg. Phone 1860 120 . HEW SUBURBAN HOME 12 ocrcs, five acres bearing orchard, balance in bay. New three room bouse drilled well. Price $4500 $150 down, balance easy terms. Immediate pos session. . W. H. ORABETTHORflT A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. n!48 SNAP Five acres with small shack, Well located. Price $1150. $50 down, $15 per month. Let us show you this place today. W. H. ORABENHORBT CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. nl48 REAL ESTATE Falnnount 11111 Ham Site 100x160 with fine shade trees, paved street. Price 82000 for a few days on ly. Act now tnis win not last. W. H. GRABENHOIttfT CO, Realtors ut a. ii Deny t. uita- STATE ST. HOME New modern up to date in every de tail, living and dining rooms finished in mahogany. A real hut at 85600: Terms. W. 2L GRABENHORST ca. Real ton LOOK! ONE ACRE HOME with three room house, running wa ter, drilled well, close in. Price 81850. 850 down. $25 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST 8c CO, Realtors 13 a. L.ioercy at. aiio- WORKING MAN'S OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE 2 '4 acre tract Garden Road, no payments or interest first year to purchaser building a home on property, after first year, 810 mo. and Interest at 6. Thos. A, Roberts. 205 Oregon Bldg. n 5 A., 6 R. HOUSB. Bath, water sys tem, electric light, real land, fruits, garden, hay, 83250. Easy terms. See uammer, owner, a& vauey houw re SPECIAL ntJY In new 4-room modern home with fiimilace. Aak floors, wired for electric stove, garage, paved street. Price 83000 win consider iigm coupe or roaaster as first payment, balance easy terms. Immediate possession. Let us show you this attractive home. W. U. GRABENHORST Ae CO, Realtors 134 . j-iiDeny oc. niw EXCHANGE Real L state WILL TRADE 480 acre farm In South Dakota for valley farm. Call 634 Ferry St. nnl58 WANTED ACREAGE Not far out with or without buildings to exenange ior city property. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street, Phone 1727. nn1 FOR SALE or trade for small place near Salem, 240 acres excellent wheat and iruit land at The uaiies. Mrs. Lemon. 2310 N. 4th. Phone 2742W. WANT FILLING STATION My client has dandy Improved little farm, 28 acres to trade for filling sta tion. This is a legitimate proposition and no filling station will be consid ered unless snowing a good Dusiness. DELANO Phone 2830290 N. church. nn" BEAUTIFUL new home at B09 N Cottage to exchange for Portland res idence, nmitr 169 ACRE farm 22 miles SE. Salem to trade for smaller place. Otto L. Welp. Sclo, Oregon. Rout 4, box 14. nnl47 FINANCIAL LOANS PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS The GENERAL INVESTMENT COR PORATION is owned and operated by Sulem's Business and Professional men. It operates under Oregon's in dustrial loan act and was organized to protect the small borrower. CONSULT US FIRST Our rates are lower because they are legal. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORA TION, of Salem, Ore.. 201 First Na tional Bank bldg. Phone 1200. r MONEY to loan on real estate. Pri vate money, lowest rates T. K Ford First National Bank,. r HAWKINS & ROBERTS. Inc.. for city and farm loans. Rates and cofts lowest available. Prompt service, sou Oregon Building. r tiorruw manor on vout oersonai property. Pay back in monthly in stallments. WILLAMETTE LOAN COMPANY 505 Bank of Commerce Bldg. t WHERE TO BORROW MONEY: On Automobl es. Furniture. Livestock. Personal effects, and other good se curities. SALEM LOAN BUREAU, 405 Hank or Commerce. Salem. Oregon, r" 8 LOANS 6 on WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS Anderson it Rupert .169 S. Uigh LOANS N AUTOMOBILES Contracts Refinanced Payments Reduced. You Keep Your Automobile We pay balance due dealer, bank or finance company, and reduce your payments Addi tional money loaued. Strictly confidential. Wo handle our own paper. BIKER AUTO CO. Corner Liberty and Ferry Ste. Phoue 121 Salem, Ore. FEDERAL Farm loans, 6 '4 WMUnson U o. Bank Bldg. An installment Loan IS KaftV to Henav Why not let us eiplain Its advant ages over a straignt loan? ANDERSON ft RUPERT 169 South High Correspondents Equitable Savings 6t Loan Asa'n AUTOMOBILES VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY Reconditioned USED CARS ROADSTERS 1923 Ford Pick-up 8 75 00 1923 Ford Pick-up 83.00 Dodge Pick-up 00.00 1925 Ford 135.00 1926 Ford Plck-UD 165.00 1926 Ford 185.00 TOURINGS 1923 Ford 3500 1923 Star 60 00 1924 Chevrolet 75.00 1D24 Overland 75.00 1926 Ford 175 00 1927 Ford. Wire wheels 235.00 1925 Studebaker Duplex .... 425.00 Model A Ford Phaeton. 9000 miles 40500 1925 Standard Bulck, enct. .. 350.00 1926 Star 5U 335.00 COUPES 1923 Ford 80 00 1923 Ford 75 00 1925 Ford. Balloons 105 00 1922 Bulck 185 00 1926 Ford 210 00 1925 Chevrolet 245.00 1926 Ford. Ruxtell; Bosch Ig nition 265 00 1928 Star Six 3ri0 .00 1927 Dodge. Early 48..00 1927 Dodge. Standard shift . 625.00 SEDANS 1923 Ford Tudor. A good value 05 00 1926 Ford Tudor. Ruxtell, bumoers. sood Daint. 754 tires 825 00 1927 Ford Tudor. 12000 miles 335.00 u-2i Bulck Fordor. well ore- served 375 00 1927 Dodtre Standard Fordor .. 675 on 1928 Nash Advanced Tudor .. 930.00 TRUCKS uni t aa inaa mile. Save $130 at 850 00 Special Equipped, high speed Dodge motored berry truck 150 00 One-ton Ford 100.00 199 license on nu units Open Evenings VALLEY MOTOR COMJANY Phone 19(t5. Center at uocrty. FORDS When a hopping tor guaran teed used Portia don't overlook my complete stock Ei&H auiu uu Phone 121. THS HOMS Of REAL BOYS PHirpH pnn QincK BALE '28 Chev. Touring $195 00 '25 Overland Sedan 245 00 27 Star Touring 303.00 "25 Dodge Roadster 385 00 37 Pontlae Coupe 395 00 '27 Chevrolet Coach 385.00 All Cars (tuaranteed EIKKK AUTO CO. SACRIFICE BALE OF USED CAH8 All cars priced by Northwest used Car Manual. Late Dodges. StudeDs kers. Fords, Baahs and othi MARION OARAOB, Fnooe S02. Open day and Night. a AUTOMOBILES READ THESE PRICES BEE THESE CARS Let us show you what your used car dollar Is worth this year. With our convenient payment plan anyone ran ouy a usea car. M'thly, Down Male Year Paym't. Paymt. nu io 823d Pontlao Coach 1937 $40.00 $274 Bulck Coupe 1926 $30.98 $200 Chrysler Coach 1926 $33.18 $240 Dodge Spe. 6$. 1927 $17.58 $120 Chev. Coupe 1926 $1500 $ 40 Chev. Touring 1923 Ana many more 10 c noose irom. Consolidated Lot. By VALLEY MOTOR CO. FORD CARS W. L. ANDERSON, INC. WILLYB KNIGHT A DE 8KTO: OTTO J. WIL SON. BUICK and MARQUETTE CARS USED CAR CKMTKK Marlon and Liberty open Bvenings ana sunaays Phone 1027 . Q SUPER-BUILT HUDSON and ESSEX USED CARS Conditioned to Sell with New Car Guarantee 1027 Essex Sedsn 1927 Essex Coach .... 1927 Essex Coupe .... 1926 Hudson Coach , , 1928 Bulck Roadster , 1927 Oakland Sedan , $825 475 475 625 875 625 Dodge Sedan ... 495 Many others to choose from. Priced irom au up. STATE MOTORS. INC. High and Chemeketa. Phone 1000. q' NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. WE ARE FORCED TO SELL ALL OUR USED CARS AT ONCE. BIG BARGAINS I REAL VALUES. PRICES $50 TO $350, VERY CONVENIENT TERMS GIVEN. HOLLYWOOD AUTO CO, 2045 N. CAPITOL. PHONE 409. ql49 FOR SALE, almost new Ford delivery, all equipment for fish business. Best nnrt of season tust started, routes all established. Call 1147. ql48 PETTYJOHN '3 FINE USED CAR VALUES 1928 Nash Coupe Std. Six, like new. 19'S Dodge Sedan, fine shape. 1925 Bulck 4-door Sedan, dandy. l2& Nash Coach, spe., excellent. 1923 Nash 4-door Sedan. Franklin Sedan, 3 door. Other good cars priced right, some under $95. Each and every one of them a gooa vaiue. V. W PITTTYJOHN CO. 365 N. Commercial St. Telephone 1260 "Alter we sell we serve a 922 Ford Touring, starter ....$ 45 1D23 Fore, Touring, starter ....$ 50 1K25 Ford Tourtna. starter ....$ 95 1(28 Ford Roadster, stater $165 1925 Ford Sedan, starter $145 026 Ford Touring, starter 1927 Ford Roadster, starter ....$285 E1KEK AUTO CO. Cor. Liberty and Ferry street Business Opportunities FOR SALE. FURNITURE FURN IT U RE of 12 room modern house, best location In cltv for boarding or rooming house, low rent, rooms an renteu, tnis is a reoi op Dortunltv. 578 Slate St. down stairs. FOR SALE. GARAGE All or half Interest In welt paying garage, locoteu on intersection oi htKhwav and well traveled street. Must sell, have other business. Box 281 Journal. til 48 FOR SALE Stock, fixtures and lease of a nlco little grocery and confectionery with living rooms in rear. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State St.. Phone 1727 STORAGE, repair garage, fully equip tvd. Good lease, best location in Sa lem. Paid owner nearly $400 net per mnntn last vrar. univ ddw. cuu- slder terms on part. Good reason for ullltut. Write 833, CaDltal Journal. FOR SALE Meat market, grocery sinr nnfMtiftiifrv. on Pacillc nwv. some trade. Box 800 care Capita) Journal. ul8 BUSINESS CORNER close In, greatly reduced in price. Business lot down town $11,000; business lot near high mhnnl ft'inSfl GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE, 493 H. Cot- tm;e. DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS n woodry. 12 vears Salem's lead ing auctioneer ana iurnuure oeww. r?nh nnlrl for used furniture. Res. and store 1810 N. Summer. Phone 611. Ea- tablisned iuio. phonic 7.v H v. Woodnr Jk Bon. Sa em's foert livestock, furniture, real estate auctioneers and appraisers, 16 years experience, satisfaction guar anteed. Store 271 North Commercial street. 111 (,V CLKS LLOYD E. RAMSDEN. bike accessories and bicycles, 367 court street. BATTKRY SUPPLIES r n. BARTON. National Batteries, starter and generator work. Ferry and Hign streets. U. 8. L. BATTERY SERVICE STA TION. Vlck Brothers. High street at Traae. rnone itt4i. CHIROPRACTORS DItS. SCOFIELD. X-ray Chiropractors Ph. 2194. 414 First Natl. Bans. uiag. DR. O. L. SCOTT, chiropractor. 256 N street. Phones 67 and aim-J. CABINET WORK JACOB WEIZEL Cabinet work and reilnlshlng. Furniture repairing. Fti i&'ji. aJU (jourt street, onicm. CONTRACTOR. A. J. ANDERSON, Shop. Phone 657. Contractor. Open K. KAPPHAHN. General team and power shovel contractor, excavating and grading. Office phone 1299; Itcs. izini. o- Kl.i:CTKK'AI, SI ri'MKH ELECTRIC wiring, repairing, supplies carry a complete line or fixtures, water heaters installed. Leo II. John ton. So. ComX and Miller fits. Phone 2C00. O IIAJ.TK ELECTItIC CO., 461 N. Front St. Electric contracting and repairing. Appliances and Fixtures. Phone 2. M.EENER ELECTRIC CO.. Electric lighting fixtures and electric ranges. Phone 080. 471 Court street. i;n(.ic, vino SALEM ENCiriAVINO CO. Cut of all rposes. Tel. 343. loo N. commercial street. CUT flowers and floral pieces. Deliv ery. C. F. Brelthaupt, florist. 612 State street. Phone 880. UATTRE3SE3 renovated. We reno vate all kinds of mattrenseg. called for and delivered. Best or work guaran teed. Capital City Bedding Co. PorV land Road. Phone 19. MERCHANT TUI.OB M A. X3TES, fine tailoring, 125 North Liberty street. o" OMTEOIMTH DR. EDITH WITZEL. Oateooathlc Physic ton. 328 Oregon Bid. Diseases o wuiueu ana enuaren. directory 189 PAINTINO CHA8. BENNETTTpalnting, hanging. Phone 1214. FBINTINO ROWLAND PRINTING CO., Masonic Temple basement. Phone 1512. DIRECTORY PIANO TL'NKK GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phonographs, sewing machines, sheet muslo and piano studies. Repairing phonographs and sewing machines. 433 Stats St. Salem. Oregon. 1'I.l'MHl.Ml PLUMBINO. repairing, reasonable prices. A. L. Godfrey. Phone 496-W. DtVl PLUMBING and general repair work Pbone 650. Grabex Bros, 154 South Liberty street. THEO. M. BARB, Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works. 164 8. Commercial street. 8CAVEM.KB SALEM SCAVENGER Phone 167. SOOS GARBAGE CO- Re 11 ale service. Pbone 01 (ice 1M4; res. bwj. o- SALEM Garbage Co., for prompt and continuous service. Arthur Koehn, Carl Soos. Phone 184 or 3609. CITY GARBAGE CO. Prompt service. Phone 2200. STOVES AND STOVE IlKI'AlllINO STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT and repaired by expert. All kinds of wov en wire fence. Fancy and plain hop baskets and hooks, logan hooks. Sa lem Fence and Stove Works. 360 Court street. Back of Busick's. .o EOF? ELECTRIC CO.. 387 Court 8V We do house wiring and carry a com plete stock, of fixtures. Instrument repairing, experimental work. Elec tric appliances repaired. Phone 488. o TRANSFEK AND STORAGE TRANSFER and Storage. Wo have padded vans and do long and short distance hauling. Larmer Transfer. Phone 930. CUMMINS & RANSOM, local and long distance hauling. Phone 3463. Res. 12UF2. WATER COMPANY OREGON -WASHINGTON Water Ser vice Company. Offices corner Com mercial and Trade streets. Bills pay able monthly In advance. Phono 61. WATCH UlSPAIHINO GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING, or money back. The Jewel Box, 173 N. Liberty, aaiem. LEGALS OIEOKK IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREUON FOR MARION COUNTY. REMI LOQUET. Olalntlff. VS. EDITH LOQUET. defendant. This matter coming up for hearing, nnd It appearing to the Court from tne ainaavii 01 piaintui uiac me ac fendmnt Is a necessary party to said suit and that plaintiff has a good and meritorious cause 01 suic, ana tnat ocrsonal service cannot be had UDon defendant In the State of Oregon for tho reason that the defendant Is not now within tho State of Oregon, but is now a resident 01 tne mate 01 iaa ho: that defendant's lost known place of address Is Welser, Idaho. And tne court being luuy aavisea In the premises: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the defendant be served with summons in the above entitled suit oy puonca Hon in the "Capital Journal", a news paper of general circulation In Marion County. Oregon, as required by law. ami that cud lea of said summons and complaint be forthwith mailed to the defendant at her last known place of residence. Uatcu Marcn v.a, ivtv. L. II. McMAHAN, Judge. AVV'HIA'I'KMKNT Hp! nrnnoruiies will be received at the office of E. M. Smith, Business Manager, acting ior tne uoara o iw aontm nf tim stntB Agricultural Col' lege, Corvallls, Oretiou, until 11 :00 o'clock a.m. Juno 29. 1929, for the erection and completion of a Band Ball Court Building, Dairy Barn and Sheep Barn, to be erected on tne wh iswa rnmnm Cnrvnll in. O retro n. Bids will be opend at a meeting of the Building committee or me uoara, tn ha held in the office of the Presi dent In the Commerce Building, at U:0O o ciocx a.m. me same any. AM L-nrlc flntl materials must con form to the plans and specifications therefor on file at the office ot the Architects, Bennee and Herzog, 917 Public Service Building. Portland Ore son. and at the office of E. M. S:ith, uorvains, tjregou. June 19 to 29. . KXECI TOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that we. the undersigned, by an order of the County court or mi oiate oi Oregon, ior tne county oi saanon, tlulv made and entered on the 15th day oC June. 1929. were duly appoint ed joint uxecutors oi tne r-atnie ui IDA MAY DAUE. deceased, and that we have duly q-iallfled as such Exe eiitnra. All nersons bavins Claims ad a lnst aald Estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, as requireu Dy law, to us at me otuce ui E. L. Crawford, attorney for the Es tate, Room 12. Ladd As Bush Bank Bldg., in the City of Salem. In Mar lon County, Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice. Dated this 20th day of June. 1929. MfKINLl1,! KAIIIj UAUK DKSMONi) VICTOR DAUE Executors of the Estate ot Ida May uaue, deceased. E. L. Crawford. Attorney for Estate, Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, Ore. Date of first publication June 20, 1929. Hate of last nubl I ration. Jul 19, 1!0. June 20-27; July S, 12, 19 MANHUNT FOR TEXAS PRISONERS IS ON (Continued from page 1) have scattered and fled through the dense underbrush oi the Brasos rlv er bottom. The break came about 3:15 Thurs day morning;. One of the convicts secured a pistol in seme unknown manner and held up the guard in side the barracks where they were quartered. The convicts took the guard's shotgun and with the aid of the others In the barracks overpowered two more guards at the farm. There are two barracks at the farm. One oi them housed 42 of the more har dened convicts. The other housed 150 or more who are not reguarded as dangerous. The first break oc curred at the barracks that housed the 42. According to prison farm officials, the ring leader of the break, whose name is not known, unshackled the rest of the men In his barracks and Invited them all to make a dash for freedom. Rushing from their camp, the freed convicts opened the doom to the other barracks and Invited others to come along. Only two of the men in the larger barracks are said to have accepted. The men then fled from the farm In the direction of the river bottoms. About an hour elapsed while the convicts who had decided to stay In the camp, sat around, fearing to giro the alarm. Finally a trusty en tered from the barracks and ran to the alarm bell nearby. He pulled the bell cord and in a few minutes other guards and officials of tht camp arrived. Alarms were sent out over the countryside. Peace officers form ed posses to pursue the convicts. Three of the convicts came upon a negro at H Inkle's ferry, a few miles awiy. They forced the negro Irom his car, took live shots at him and started down the road. The ne gro ran to the home of a cattleman named Hinkle who armed himself with a shotgun and Joined the chase. A few miles down the road he came upon the stalled car with the con victs trying to fix it. Be opened fire on them and wounded two, recap turing inem. The third man to be recaptured was caught by the bloodhounds in a cornfield near the priscn farm where be was hiding. The three guards tnat were forced to accompany the men were taken about 10 or IS miles from the farm one of them was forced to change clothes with a convict. The guards later made their way back to the prison farm. Every town within a radius of 100 miles wss notified of the break and many of them sent posses to aid in the man hunt. HEFLIN JR. DENIES DRUGS CAUSED CRASH (Continued from page 1) "The brakes didn't hold and the car slid on. The driver of a laun dry truck which I hit saw me put on tht brakes through his mirror and came back and said if I was willing to let everything slide he'd cooperate on going. "I was all set to drive away when a policeman came up, took a smell of my breath and said 'Come with me' and we drove oft together. "The cod asked me U I had been drinking and I told htm no. I told him I had taken a veronol tablet as I had not been feeling well. You see I used the same excuse when I bad been drinking at the University of Alabama and avoided getting sus pended from school as a veronol tablet effects you like alcohol. When they took me to the hos pital they said I'd been using all kinds oi dope, morphine, cocaine and what not. Finally my doctor came in and they let me go home," Young Hcilln said he didn't know what his father would say but he feared the worst." "The senator is in Toledo, Ohio, making a speech, thank goodness," he said. "You know I promised him to stop drinking when I returned from Panama and I really had been on the wagon from April 13 to June 14. Then I 'law down and go boom' with a bang." Young Hefltn denied he used nar- cot lea in any form but said he once used veronol for a week alter he had been on a spree In Alabama and his nerves were ragged. Washlngtn, (LP) James Thomas Heflin, Jr., son of Senator Thomas Heilln, democrat, Alabama, pleaded not guilty to a charge of driving an automobile while under the Influ ence of narcotics when arraigned be fore Judge Isaac Hilt In police court here Thursday. Young Heilin demanded a Jury trial and his bail of $1000 was con tinued by Judge Hitt, He was ar rested last night alter an automo bile he was driving struck the rear end of a laundry truck. ENTIRE COUNTRY IN GRIP OF HEAT WAVE (Continued from page 1) New York state the rain fall was so heavy that it washed out bridges near Dickinson Center marooning a two-coach passenger train of the New York Central. Prospect of an early end to the heat ware In the east was seen in reports from New England where the descent of cool northeastern finds from the Grand banks brought a slight break In the torrid weath er. Nevertheless the temperature at Springfield and Lawrence, Mass.. reached 90 by noon and schools were closed for the day. At Boston the maximum was 80. Thundershowers In the midwest failed to provide any adequate re lief. Kansas city had a high tem perature of 88; Cincinnati, 80; Mil waukee, 84 and Chicago, 80. The Pacific coast, which escaped the heat earlier In the week, re ported such temperatures as 98 in Los Angeles; 84.2 In San Diego and 84 In San Francisco. The heat wave extended Into the southwest with 108 at Phoenix; 94 at Oklahoma City and 90 at Denver. BISHOP CLEANED STOCK GAMBLING (Continued from page 1) the bishop's account, quoted the bishop as saying that he believed he was buying stock for investment od the partial payment plan. Disclosure of the bishop's stock dealings was made by Judfwm Camp bell, attorney for Charles H. Kable, after United Statm Attorney Char les H. Tuttle had refused htm access to the firm's books. Bishop Cannon told the World he made the stock purchases througn Harry L. Goldhurst. "I thought I Was buying stocks for investment, buying on the par tial payment plan as any man may," he said. "I did not know there was any gambling by the company. I did suppose, and I suppose now, that the company found Itself in aerx and failed. "1 cannot see why these tram actions are of publio Interest. The only reason for printing such tnings, I suppose, is that I occupy a public nasi t ion In trying to get the prom bttlon law enforced. I do not feel that I did anything wrong In buying stocks on the partial payment plan, and X certain ly did not Intend to gamble, I hoped to finish my pay ments and so Invest my money." Washington, (pj Bishop James Cannon Jr. of the Methodist Epis copal church, south, today, had no thing to say about reports that he On The Air THURSDAY 12 to 1 p.m. KEX. string trio, Oeorgte 8 toll's rhythm aces; K OIN, orchestra concert. I to 2 p.m.-KQW, features and' music; KEX, salon orchestra; K OIN. Hawailans, 3 to 3 p m. KEX, orchestra and harmony twins; KOIM, vocal and instrumental program; KG W. music. 3 to 4 p.m. KQW, network feature; KOIN, news and music; KEX, lyric trio. 4 to ft pjn. KEX, book review, orchestra; KOYY, studio pro gram; KOIN, news and music. ft to pjn. KEX, song travel og, salon orchestra; KOW, thrift talk, studio; KOIN, studio: KFI, orchestra; KPO, KGO, network. 6 to 7 p.m. KOIN. pipe organ; KOW. network; KEX, music; K PI. KGO, KPO, KSL, network. 7 to 8 pjn. KOW, trouba dours, symphony; KOIN, orches tra, talk; KEX, chronicles of Katz, orchestra; KPI, music; K OO, little symphony; KPO, con cert; KSL, network. , 8 to pjn. KOIN, male quar tet, orchestra; KEX, opera; K OW, memory lane; KPI, KGO, i KPO, network. to 10 pm i KOW. memory lane, flower frolic, sport talk; K OIN. orchestra; KEX, artistic en semble; KGO, concert; KPO, or chestra; KFI, network. 10 to 11 p.m. KEX, quartet, nite club skit; KOIN, trio, or chestra; KOW, brass band; KO O, concert; KPO, orchestra; KPI, dance. II to 12 p.m. KEX, utility, or chestra; KOW, dance band; K GO, KPO, orchestra. FRIDAY 12 to 1 pm. KEX, time, wea ther, etc., music appreciation, or chestra; KOIN, concert. 1 to 2 pjn. KEX orchestra, song recital: KOW, stock re ports; KOIN, Hawailans, studio program. 2 to 3 pm. KOIN, vocal and instrumental music; KEX, artis tic ensemble. 3 to 4 p.m. KEX. orchestra; KOIN, news and music. 4 to ft p.m. KEX, all artists sx:tette, college songs; KOIN, news, music ft to 6 pm. KOIN, studio; K GW. network, fishing bulletin, studio, Red Cross talk; KEX, lyric trio. 6 to 7 pm. KOIN, pipe or gan; KQW, traffic talk, studio, program; KEX, programs; KPI, KGO, KPO, KSL network. 7 to 8 p.m. KOIN, orches tra; KOW. features; KEX, Cecil and Sally, harmony land; KPI, music; KPO, concert; KGO, lit tle symphony. 8 to 9 p.m. KOW, University of the air; KOIN. talk, studio program; KGO, KPO, KPI, net work. 8 to 10 p.m. KOIN, orchestra, vocal, instrumental music; KO W, vodvll; KEX, ensemble; KG O, concert; KFI, KPO, network. 10 to 11 p.m. KEX, dancing strings; KOIN, dance band; KO W. studio, lecture. Hoot Owls; K PO, orchestra; KFI, dance; KG O. concert. 11 to 12 pm. KOW, Hoot Owls; KOIN, music and program; KEX, reports, Oeorgie stoll's rhythm aces; KGO, KPO, or chestra. BIRTHS, DEATHS, MARRIAGES DIED Kunkfl Charles H. Kunke. died Wednesday at tho family home three miles west of Turner at the age of 82 years. Besides his widow, Mrs. Louise Kunke. be Is survived by two sons. K. II. Kunke. Portland and A. B. Kunke, Turner; three daughters. Mrs. J. E. Whitehead. Turner; Mrs. J. E. Nesbltt. Spokane. Wash.; and Mrs. P. D. Eatinger, Dundee. Illinois. Funeral services Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Clough-it unions mortuary, inter ment 1. O. O. . cemetery. Turner. HlRTifa .TanVlna A inn. Richard BUrtOtL to Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. Jenkins, RU 1, independence. June m. last several thousand dollars as a result ot an aliened bucket shop stock firm In New York. He declared he was "much too bus; with other matters," to discuss the subject. KOBE UTS Mrs. L, A- Ferguson and daugh ters, Elouise and Cora Nell of EoU were visitors at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Albert Blankcnshlp, Sun day. ' Mrs. Ed Pearce went to Vancou ver, Wn., Monday where she will visit her parents a few days. Miss Lucv Dennis and Walter Dennis of Escondido, Calif., were week-end guests of Mrs. H. B. Car penter. Miss Dennis came up for the graduation of her brother at the Missionary college at Albany. Mrs. Mnrv Armstrong and chil dren of Centralla are visiting at the home of Mrs. Julia Hcnnlngsen. Quests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. IIl?gins during the week were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Parker and Mrs. Alice Colbv of 1AM Angeles, Cal., Mrs. O. O. Walker of Inde pendence, Miss Emma Illgglns of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Parker of Salem. As a result of the school meeting Monday M. L, Balchenberg was plected director for three years and Mrs. Hilda Casper clerk. R. A. Bettencourt and Thomas Betteticourt are busy building a barn on the upper part of his place where he soon expects to build a house. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Edwards and children are spending tlwir vaca tion bv touring through eastern Ore- gem and parts of Idaho. They plan to be gone a week. MEAN THIEF ACTIVE Birmingham, Ala, UP The "meanest" thief has made himself manifest again. In the person of a burglar who entered the home of H. T. Martin here and took a child'i bank containing $2!i. He entered tht home through a rear window.