SATU RDAY, JUNE 15, 1929 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN When Is A Man Thinner Than A Shingle? When He's A Shaving. r i ljpitaliUournal CLASairiM ADVERTISING IIATK8: Rata per word: On Insertion, a cents; three Insertions, 6 ccnU; one week, 8 cent; ono month, 20 cents; one year, per month, 12 cents; minimum per ad, 25 cents. Mot taken over phona unless ad vertiser has monthly account. Wo allowance lor phone errors. Want ads must be In by 10 a.m. day of publication. Real Estate and Auto ads by 7 p. m. day pre vious to publication. FOR SALE HOUSES ' i Pf vnil ACT QUICKLY You can buy this home like rent, 4 rooms, nook, bath, Borage and wood shed Price al4UU; cu&u 25., bal. 915 per month and int. LEU N. CHlLLta CO., Realtors 320 State Street. 1'h one 177 sr rruitc HERE rhanro trt iit vnur Suburban Home 6-room modern home, plenty of built Ins good plumbing, electric lights, wired lor water heater and electric etove, firepluce. naruwooa i.uu i part, full basement, furnace, good drove well and wuler system. acre of good land on paved road not far out Price 4600 with 100 cash and balance reosuiinblo monthly terms. LEO N. CHILL'S CO., Realtors 320 BtateStrcet,Phonc 1727 a" BEAUTIFUL SUMMER ST. HOME of English tvpe, 4 rooms and nook, best of uluinuintr. built ins, fireplace, nnsemrnt. furnace, garage, nice lawn with shrubbery and flowers. Price 44200 Willi rrnsoiinuii- iKiii o. LEO N. CHIL1J3 CO., Realtors 320 state Street. Phono 1727 42250 &-room bungalow in good con dltlon. good locution, bulb., garage, paving paid. 200 down. 42650 4-ioom bungalow with nook, basement, furnace, garage. In good location. 8250 down. 43250 fa-room bungalow, modern in every vay. good location, paving paid. 5:150 down. 4,,.. i,nii.rn 7-room Ensllsh tvue house, busemcnt, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, paving paid, $200 down. A real buy. nn n..u .'i.,o rnnirr nt on SaK- in-,u; Rirer't. Both Btrcets paved and p:-id, 100 feet of sidewalk In nmi tviid Thin lot should be aoia for $129'J but belongs to nn estate and must oe soiu. $6000 Private money to loan iU MELVIN JUUW3UW umirv 320 U. SLBankBldg.. Phone C37. a" CHOICE PROPOSITION FOR EXCHANGE Benutirully located Salem residence, east front, corner lot 05x130 ft. Room for another house. Nice ornamental shrubbery and fruit; 0 rooms, five on first floor, lull basement, furnace. Four rooms, sleeping porch on sec ond floor, with seperate entrance, fur nace heat, fireplace, modern conven iences on both floors, including elec tric ramies und water heaters and second floor fully furnished, .rents for 825. This property Is clear, choice location on paved streets, and a very desirable Home In first class condition and priced rltfit. Owner going away and will exchange for good 4 or d room house with small, additional payment end Rive excellent term on balance. Now if you want a nice home and income, you will L like this pro perty. See WKLL8 TALLMAN. 411 uregon omv... t-. tMTf ODST TO PAY ,25 Dava Ilrst month and I rymre Then $25 per month until WJO0 Is IS No Interest, nil m""- 'eJ on place. 5-r. House, bath, toilet In a iood locution on paved street and Street assessment 1. pa Id. 1 Ink this over then act. aa " V TUCKEtt my agent at once. SEARS 6c tuo&lk 184 a uom i. : SPECIAL HOUSE BARGAINS 4-irimV and, nooK. strictly modem home Ton pave dsticct In NE Salem, Emit bTonS'of Baten-a ft"1" and prlee reduced to $.1100 with easy fSSatlon. stairs in. Can be made Into a 4-bedroom home with vei-y mue ?xneme Se" E. E. ROBERTS wltn em sow A RUPERT, RcaUors 109 HUrh. .nnn 12800. I am leaving Salem for Kood! Will aril my the owner. Phone 1576M. : -.. ...rn ill A I TlrTi" TIMK appointment only, oeo 811 State St. New modem 4-room homo wlth," S-meS basement. Jurnare. fireplace. oak floors, wired lor Karaite, navel atret. Prlec 3000. Eaay terms. ?r" ? ".!S?S; r o al44' One aerf home clow In wl h three room house .running water, also drlll I2.Ti T Trie. ,1650: 50 down; 25 per Jthnn(kBm,onST to CO 134 S. Liberty St al al44 SOCIAL BABOAIS: 4-rm house !1 t" Jterrf houseV rMms and hith $1600. 3 -room garatfe nouse, Pn Vn R-rnom modern house. $2900. G-rooms and fl I lots J VALLEV LAND CO. 164 N. LlJ1, r P Pfnnt k lQth St. $300. Dhnn '.U47W. 8 1J A SPLENDID 5-room modern home on wide paved street old enough to be over the excitement of being occu pied without being embarrassed When people look at the floors and waUs nice shrubberv, i location convenient terms. McGllehrlst g Pen i vevYral8goBodnno to rent , ; for S LE House on Gtn at, close m fine lot. can ba bought at only "Ime prune ranch with good enjp on. will accept some trade on tnla. in lome to sell on easy tern ... fnr Insurance. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. S. Rank bldg. a" FOR SALEFAUMS FARM Values are beginning to in crease. Buy now and make money on the rise. Look these bargains over: 144 acres, nearly nil In cultivation Family orchard, barn, granary, wel spring water, good fences. On Paved road, 'i mile to church and school. Catholic community. A real buy. Price $10,800; $J500 cash, alanca to suit 'Sw'ScmF'an Willamette silt loam. 06 acres cleared. Modern 8 room plas tered bungalow, modern dairy barn 42x70 with lull concrete floor tile i.oo .i,wtri licrhtN in all build ings, large poultry house, near high school on Market road. Worth $175 r acre To sell priced at $125 per acre. $6000 down payment. SOCOLOFSKY & BOH 1st. Nat l. Bank Bldg. M441 25 ACRE FARM r i t-v imu qnii. ii in cultivation. 6-room new house, barn. shed, two large poultry houses, 40 rois or 6-lt. poultry fence. Price Including 6 milk cows, horse anu some mipicunuw, $3500 $1500 Gash. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court St. Oround Floor b OOOD DEER HUNTING on this 120 acre, on good road. Just one hours drive irom uaiem. o m vui..-- k fpaa Hnttfim lund. lots OI wood. 12x24 house, two barns. Fine f.laos for stock. Will exchange for a ate model sedan and few hundred dollars cash. TRIANOI.E REALTY COMPANY 421 Court St. Oround Floor b' FOR SALE FARMS SAW TIMBER, PILINO. WOOD 143 A., 15000 cords. Nice creek, land mostly level, on county road, 16 miles from Bolem. Truck makes three trips dally. Will sell land and timber tor value of stum page. Will divide. Take trade and wood In part pay ment. 300 cords now cut and truck for sale. Good business established. Am too busy to handle It. Let me tell you about It. John H. Scott, 1189 Court St. Phone 622. b SPECIAL FAItM BARGAIN AM acres located near Turner, all plow land, located on good Market road, huHHInirm Print fnr nuiek Kale S50O0. Mortgage $2000 to be assumed, bal ance casn. NINETY ACRE FARM Located on west side Pacific highway, best of soli, buildings, 60 acres culti vated, balance pasture and oak tlm hr Print onlv aioo ner acre. A real snap, will consider a clear home In Salem or Portland as part payment. REAL ESTATE Jte FIRE INSURANCE W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 8. Liberty St. b!44 SOMETHINO DIFFERENT 3 and 70-100 a. good soil on pared road. 1V4 miles center Salem, dandy 4-room bouse, large new chicken v,n..., nihpF hutiriinn. fruit, flow- era shade, excellent water, electricity Nature has given It wonderful scenic beauty, priced very low or m m tor Salem residence, mod. size, and priced right. See me for bargains In homes, tracts and lurms. DELANO 290 N". Church Phone 2830 b FOR SALE Miscellaneous STRAWBERRIES for sale 2 cento per lb. on vines, goou oerries wr wwmw Call West stayton store. SEWING MACHINE 45. 525 Judson. TREBEL strawberries 15c gal. uicK 'em. mono j. FOR SALE 100 acres close in. wm cut 8000 cords of wood. Enough to nnil West Stayton store. cl43 LUMBER. Get our prices on oak and fir flooring, lath, sblnsles and gar den fence material. It pays. Holly- .4 i ,,mvwr vnrrto Phona 2330J. aann Fairground road. cl47 MANUFACTURERS Sale of Player pianos. Closing out player pianos of large eastern manufacturer. A limited nunib-r, only $275. Terms if desired. trBv niv At nrices never before known. 25 roll3 free. Tallman Piano Store. 385-395 S. 12th Street. A mile frnm hinh nrices. cito BABY BUGOY lor sale. Phone 2119W mornings. cl43 ant kai.r Universal electric range, Kowlnir machine, miscellaneous.. Alao equity In furniture. 2150 Hazel ave irAi v plants. 2245 Claude St. 2512. i cl44 THE WORLD'S farm market will be open Saturday, 803 N. Liberty St. All farmers coming to sell their own pro ducts. cl43 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHOICE Jersey Giant cockerels and pullets. 3 months. $1 each. Also fry ers. E. O. Rodgers. Rt. 3. box 06. e!44 2 COWS. Phone 83F4. FRESH milk goat for sale. Phone 99F22. C144 BARGAIN HORSES BARGAIN Have 15 good work horses left, weigh ing from 1200 to 1800 lbs., aged from 4 years up to smooth mouth. Have several good cultivating horses that I have taken in exenange weiinu around 1300 lbs. for around $35 per himri. Several dandy matched teams. Several heavy draft horses, suitable fnr lruTiriTiLT wficnt arouna low One 6 year old. Iron gray gelding. 1000 lbs., well broke. Have one good log ging harness to sell, $35. Will sell these horses cheap. (Bankable notes accepted) or exchange with you. I guarantee every horso to be as I rep resent It or give free trial without obligation. Also 2800 lb. span of mules at $100.00. Come in and look them over at Lima Mills Darn, wooaourn. H. Baumer. e44 "W. J. PATTERSON, M. D. V. Veterinary Surgeon Res. 453 N 21st St. Phone 1461J ,r kui'ri w .ANiiF, veterinarian (juice bxv a s-ouiuiffi -ii" uuut 1196; residence phone 1666 FOR SALE WOOD SHEO DRY WOOD COAL. SALEM FUEL CO. PHONE 13, 752 TRADE. PROMPT SERVICE. ec SEASONED second growth old fir knots and limbs. Cut all lengths. Prompt delivery, ueiser tteai ciimc Phone 2312 ee!43' BUY YOUR WOOD now and save mo nev. Phono 2748W. ee!49 auvrt DRV WOOD COAL. Salem Fuel CO. Phone 13; 752 Trade. Prompt service. 16" OOOD WOOD AT REASONABLE Price Well seasoned Second Growth Fir. Also well seasoned old fir slab and inside wood. Prompt delivery. Phono 1542. Fred E. Wells, 280 S. Church St. FOR DRY Wood or Coal Phone 930 Larmer Tranfer Co. ee OLD Ftr and second growth wood 2775 Brooks Ave. Phone 2024-M. ee wnnn for snle. Wood choimers want. ed. J, S. long. 91F24. cc!50 DRY 16-in. OLD FIR; 4-ft. fir. grub oak and ash. Cord measure. Reduc tions on large orders. C. U. Hnrbaugh, 338 Highland Ave., Phono 1990. eel59 WOOD SAWINO. Phone 1131. ee!55 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1625R. 10-tn. MILL WOOD $2.75 load. 4 loads $10. Tracy's Fuel Yard. Phone 2985.( wnon sawino. Col well t McCrark en. Phone 1819. cel51 FOH SALE POULTRY HATf:HlNO Eklts wanted. Barred Rock, Reds. White Rock, Buff Orping ton and other heavy breeds. Phone 133F2. Lees iiatcnery. HKinu your puutny miu Fatt-ground road, get top cash price FOR SALE, cheap, every Wednesday until July 10. odds and ends in day old chicks. Come and see them. Wil lamette Valley Hatchery, 410 South 24th street tl&l BABY chix and custom hatching, set tings and hatches twice each week phone 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. f HELP WANTED WANTED, Salesman, call at 154 S. High St. 8148" WANTED Auto painter. Box 333 care Capital Journal. g!44 WANTED Barber, experienced in cutting ladles hair. City Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor, 111 E. Bdw. Eu- irrti-, Ore. 8147 AGENTS WANTED ENERGETIC man this district wanted to sell popular line shirts, ties, un derwear direct at factory prices. $65 up weekly cash profits to rig at party. Experience unnecessary. Consider part-ttmo worker. No investment re quired. Outfit free. Write Dept. 812 AA, V under oil t Mills, 29 West S2nd St., New York Clty gg!43 SALESMEN WANTED Auto seat co ver line pays $100 weekly. Sell direct m titnmnhilft owners. Low priced, ex cellent quality. Elaborate 4x7 samples free. Marvello, 3300 W a banal a, Chica go. , 1 SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED by lady with daughter cook ing for men. or work. In country. Box 322. care Journal. hi 43 ELEVEN year old boy wishes to work on farm for his board. 824 N. Front. bi: EXPERIENCED carpenter, general re pairing, prices reasonable. John Burns UB1 N. 15th St. hl44 LADY wishes position as housekeep er. Full charge. 149ft Lee. Phona 297B R. hi 43 DRESSMAKJNQ by day or hour. Pb evenings 2062W. h!48 Miscellaneous WANTED WANTED Country home for 14 yr. old boy. Has good habits, and willing to work for his board. Box 320 Capital Journal. 1143 FOR SERVICE on Fuller brushes Phone 707. The Fuller man. 1144 POULTRY WANTED. Salem Poultry Co. We arc never full ud. 3it9 So. Hlith Phone 2490. 1146 I WANT Milk Cows, fresh and annua era. Call 1006J. W. H. Blocb, 1005 No. Church. 1143 FOR RENT week J 145 0 ROOM bungalow. Modern With gar age. Telephone 1175M. J 148' bedroom, new home. J 148 ROOM apartment. 2 outside en trances, 2 sioves, garage. Close to bus lilies. IJorth. $13 per month. Phone 14U5R. 1143 NICE ft'.Tiished apartment close in. 08 Cenier. J148 ONE or TWO room apartment. Sleep ing room, encap. i.iu w. uoeny. FURNISHED Apartment and sleeping room. 15D8 Court. J 148 RENTALS Very low rent to permanent tenant the following properties: Furnished G-r. 144 S. 19th $30 5 rooms. 4th St $-11) 12-r. house near state house ... $75 8-r. vacant June 18th ' $30 UNFURNISHED 6 rms, 3 bed, ele. range, furnace $27.50 iBua ferry ac. 4 r. bath, garage, 2385 Myrtle .. $15 8 rooms, 480 S. 11th $25 7 rooms, 1075 N. Capitol :!5 7 rooms 1083 Oak St $25 5 rooms. 387 Mission St $18 5 rooms, 1710 N. Summer $15 Rentals a specialty LOUIS BECHTEL, 341 State St. Room 4 J143 3 ROOM furnished apartment, adults, G87 N. Front. j!45 FOR RENT OR SALE New modern up to date 4 room bun galow, paved street, garage, oak floors, flrrpluce, wired for stove. Price $2950. $50 down, rental $25 per mo. W. 11. UKAULIIUIUM at w. 134 S. Liberty St. j!44 4-ROOM furnished house, 245 West Wilson. Call 384J. J 16 FURNISHED Apartment for rent op posite Hunt's cannery, 824 N. Front. FURNISHED apartment, 1173 N. 4th Phone auBuivi J146 5-ROOM house, ranue, N. Com'l. 1170 J14H FOR RENT- -6 room house. Phone 758R. J 143 MODERN 2 to 4 room furnished apts. Water, light, garage, $10 and up. 1421 N. Church. J143 3 ROOM apartment, furnished or un furnished. Elcctro-Kold. 607 N. Cap ital. 8 ROOMS modern. 5 lots, fruit, gar den. mirage. 1024 Highland. J143 4 ROOM furnished cottage, 1878 Fer ry. J144 3 and 4 ROOM well furnished clean apartments. Water, light, telephone, garage, $20 and $30. 290 N. 18th. Phone 1576M. J143 4 ROOM modern furnished apart ments. Nice location, close in. Adults. Phone 1935 or 2949. )143 HENDERSON furnished apartments, 330 3. 14th. Phone 1005. J145 4 ROOM duplex 300 S. 14th. Phone 1005. JHfi o itrtni nntirttnmit. S14 ner month Close In. 480 N. Liberty. J147 4 ROOM furnished, flowers, shade. 2005 Nebraska Ave., Phone 2363J. J' static a ii ti . 1320 state, nicely fur nlshcd, or unfurnished. Large 9 room ants. Electric refrigeration, range. washer, modern. Cool. Phone, garage, janitor service. $38. Phone 2034 or 2911. 1164 FOR RENT Bedroom home. Phone 2944W. In modern J 104 FOR RENT 6-r. house, basement, furnace, clec. range, built Ins, beau tiful lawn, shrubbery, flowers, rent $27.50 to reliable party See LOUIS BECHTEL, 34i State, Room 4. FOUR ROOM modern, new, electric range, garage. 1944 Hazel. Phone FOR RENT, 3 -room apartment, floor. 356 N. Liberty. first J 143 NICE furnished apartment, 590 Un J 143 Ion. ATTRACTIVE 2, 3 or 4-room apt. 1200 Court J' 3 ROOM furnished apt. close In. 497 Union. J146 MARION APTS. Nicely furnished rooms. 610 N. Commercial. J154 THREE ROOM furnished house. 2046 Brcyman St. Phone 1U14M. nice ia. apartment for rent. 416 Marlon. J 144 FOR RENT 6-room 67F3. Phone J 147 FIVE-ROOM house, near grade and tun lor hlah schools. $18. Phone iaoi from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. J143 NICE five room house. $20. Fireplace, cement basement, tubs, garage and garden. 031 Breys Avenue. Phone 143. J144 SLEEPING ROOMS $2 50 per week. Board U desired. 1410 Madison Ave. J144 FIVE ROOM house. $15. 660 Water St. Address P. O. box 273 MCMtnn vllle. Ore. J144 FOR RENT 3 room house, water and range. $8.50. can ouria iw BOARD and ROOM, close In. Church. Phone 2046R. 700 N. 1144 NEAT upstairs apt. 340 N. Liberty St. J147 FURNISHED hmme for rent, electric range. Phone 194TM. J144 APARTMENT. Phone Emma Murphy Brown, 4H7 or 3173 w. J' PATTON Apartments are attractive, nicely furnished, apartment In down town district, good heat, hot water, comfortable, reasonable in price. For inspection call Patton Book Store. J APARTMENTS $17 and $18. Grocery, B9 N. Commercial. Damon THREE garages for rent down town section. Phone irrj-w. j PIANOS. Phonographs and sewing machines lor rent. u. I. stirr rurni ture Co, y , Com'l. St. Phone 1156 MODERN t room newly furnished apartment. Adults only. 476 North Capitol. J 155 LOST AND FOUND LOST Brown suitcase on West Side hishwav. Return to Journal. Reward k!43 ACAD THE " JVANT APSJLA MISCELLANEOUS EXPERT finger waving and marcel ling 60c. Phone 1147 for appointment. 3434 N. Commercial. ralM REAL ESTATE 22 ' A $4500 00 fl-r. house, bath. " electrle light, iviultrv home, darlt soil, family or chard, berries, 2 good wells. This placa loins a good town about 11 miles ol finlem on Daved road. Town has stan dard high school. Will exchange for small tract close to saiem. n a inMi no Large one-room house, good wood hmiM drilled vrII. 85 ft. deeD. With good force pump. 18 bearing fruit trees, situated on pacmc nignway. $250 down, bal. long time. &4 A a450O 0O 4-r. house, bam. poultry house. 48 A. cultivated, family orchard, some timber, all fenced, only 9 miles of Salem, good road. Payment down, bal ance long lime. 181 A. $100 PER ACRE 1Uiinl nlf-A Riilom Hnml as part payment. 6-r. house, barn, family orchard, rich dark soil, fenced. Only 3 miles of UcMLnnvllle. Here Is your opportunity to get a good ranch as this place is under-priced at least oru per a. We make a Sperlalty of Farm Lands. SEAR3 & TUCKER, 184 8. Com'L St. Phone 3161 n" APRRACR TRADES A airM mrwl I v hrrlcii sood A-roOm house, electric lighu. city water. This place in good town on highway north. wants baiem noma or uvreime ueu. Price $0000. , . i nceo in small town on highway, clear, and will trade for property In or near Salem of about equal value. o acres, -room paistcreu uuiik'"" 8 years old, on gravel road 6 miles fnt.n Calam flu iinr Inn nlrt to Cflffl fOf place, wants small home in town for equity, i-ni- sihpu iiiuubi See E. E. ROBERTS witn ANDERSON & RUPERT. Realtors 169 S. High St. Phone 1644. n!47 FORCED SALE 18 acres Royal Anne and Lambert cherries 20 years old. has produced more than price asked In one crop. Owner wants to raise money. $7200. New home near Parrlsh Jr. high, tilo bath and drain board, hardwood floors throughout, furnace, fireplace, garage, worth $5000. Owner leaving state and price cut for quick sale to $4300. Winnie riI 1 Idwriri, ncniiutii- HiYiMiNfi nnrt honi-filnn house, full hiuiament. radio and niano. rent only $40. Running to full capacity. For solo nt aifiOo: S1Q00 down. FIVE room modern house on paved street with nice lot to creek, price $4000; $500 down, balance arranged, or would exchange for Klamath Falls property. FIVE room house and nine lots, price $4500. Would take trade for fifty or sixty acres ana assume. THREE 3-room bungalow court, all rented. Price $6000. Would exchange equity for a small house. TWENTY-FIVE Improved acres at edge of Salem. Prlco $7500. mortgage $2700. Trade equity for clear house and lot. HAVE you a Corvallls house to trade for a grocery store and meat market? And soda-fountain? Price $2500. THREE room modern house, base ment, furnace, and fireplace. On a nice large lot with fruit trees. On paved street. Price $3200. Mortgage, $2250. Trade equity for anything own er can use. a, M. Keaiior Phone 2242 nl43 Nice lot on Court St. $1000. Fine lot 17th St., trees, $1000. 65A river bottom farm near town. only $4500. Easy terms. 30A ranch near town, modern bldgs. $7000, take residence. 6-room house. 2 fine lots, paved street, $1500; $200 down. For rent. 6 room house, $20 mo.; S room cottage $18; 4-room cottage $15; B-room modern nouse, ciose in $30. Pcrrlne & Marsters. Gray Bldg. n vcm hale 20 "A acres all under cul tivation, 3 acres orchard, all kinds of fruit, 6-r. house with hot and cold water, electric lights, barn and out hldgs., 1 miles from Salem on paved roud. For short time only, $0250. Phone 19F4 for particulars. nl44 S TO 10 ACRES of Improved land in young cherries and walnuts. Three mum nut nf Hnlnm nn naved hish' way. Bee owner at 1025 Third St., West Salem, block from west sa iem Cannery n CI IAS. SPURLIN Rani KnlJitn nnrt InHitrancs 120 New Bllgh Bldg. Phone 1800 EXCHANGE Real Estate TO EXCHANGE Good 6-room plastered house, garage and woouHtica, large lot wnn nuii,, nuufifl utrnft. npar bus line. Price 44.- non will nnv riutli difference for dairy farm from 40 to 80 acres with good Diiuaings. See Thomason with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727. nn' FOR SALE or trade. 6 room cottage at. rifinitn Honcii. win consiuor cioarti car. Inauirc 945 Union St. nnl43 TO TR.AK FOH FARM Two dwellings and store building with n tIiIl lntj, Annress 4H ueimout a,.. Salem. Ore. nn!45 pnn EXCHANOE Good 180 acre farm well located on Pacific highway, buildings, best of sou. Price $23,000. Will consider home in saiem as pan payim-m. ui u rt A nPNf lOItST Ac CO. 134 8. Liberty St. nn!44 BEAUTIFUL new home at 009 N. Cottage to exchange for Portland res idence. nnl48 SALEM, new 6 room modern home for Portland or Seattle. 2050 Myrtle Ave.. nnlAft Salem. nn a varu tn trade for Snlem resi dence or Income property. Fine dairy or sheep, good location for natural fimh. nnm rmi all veftr trout stream. U miles south of Salem on Pacific highway. J. L. R. Jefferson, Rt. 1. box 66. nnl44 it a MTfiHI.Y imnroved and a mo ney making dirtry farm, near high school town, eiectr'-uy. n cows, heifers, poultry and machinery, ex change for sheep ranch. vAi.Lirv land CO. 164 N. Liberty. nnl43 nn P.xnHANfiE Res. In Olendale, Calif. Almost new house, 4 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, beautiful lot, high vp. wal nuts, oranges, figs and beautiful shrubbery, pavements, walk, paid nr r tn Hnirm. John B. Ro gers, Steward. Ore. state prison, nn!40 FINANCIAL LOANS PRIVATE money to loan on first mnrlcrnirn TUftl fwtatfl SGCUretV. E. L. Crawford. Room 12, Ladd At Bush Bank Bldg.. Salem, Ore. rl43 PRitMONAI, INSTALLMENT LOANS Th, r.PNFRAI. INVESTMENT COR PORATION Is owned and operated by Salem's Business ana froiessionsi mrn it nnerstes under Oregon s in dustrlal loan act and was organized to protect the small norrower. rrnNHtir.T us FIRST Our rates are lower because they are OPNKRAL INVESTMENT CORPORA TION, of Salem, Ore., 201 First Na tional Bank bldg. Phone 1200. uriNrv in imn nn real aetata. Prl vate money, lowest rales T. K Ford First Nations! Bank flAWKINH At RM HERTS inc.. for CUV ind farm loans. Rstes snd oosu lowest availsbie. Prompt service. 20a Oregon Building. f" Borrow mouey on youi peraunai property. Pay Deck id mootoiy ia W HXAM ETTE LOAN COMPANY 605 Bank of Commerce Bldg WHERE TO BORROW MONEY: On Automobiles, Furniture, Livestock pnnnil effects, and other good se curities. SALEM LOAN BUREAU. 406 Bank ol Commerce, Salem, Oregon, t FINANCIAL LOANS LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Contracts Refinanced Payments Reduced. Tou Keep Your Automobile We pay balance due dealer, bank or finance company, and reduce ?our payments. Addl lonal money loaned. Strictly confidential. We handle our own paper. BIKER AUTO CO. Corner Liberty and Ferry Sta. Phone 121 Salem, Ore. PZLERAL Farm loans, 6. Wilkinson. U. S. Bank Bldg. V. 1 An installment Loan la Kan tn Rptthb Why not let us explain Its ad Tan t- ages over strnurai loan t ANDERSON &, RUPERT 169 South High Correspondents Eoultable Saviiuia Si Loan Asan LOANS WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS Anderson At Rupert 168 8. High AUTOMOBILES CHEVROLET Touring 1925 model, me chanically perfect, original uatnt on body in nicest condition. Top and side curtains like new. Pay only $70 down, bal. $15 mo. Call Kirk Wright. 1802, before 6 p.m. af43 1928 CHEVROLET convertable cabrio let. Can hardly be told from new. 3 new tires, rumble scat, sport paint jou. isompieieiy equipped, isargain. Call Mel Brown, 2005 W alter 6 p.m. ql43 MCKAY'S FOR USED CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS TRUCKS1 TRUCKS! TRUCKSI Eight to choose from I Early and late models. Low and medium priced. 1927 Chevrolet, 4-specd transmission, closed cab. nlatform bodv. comoletclv overhauled and guaranteed .... $475 1027 Chevrolet, closed cab, platform body, good tires, guaranteed ... $450 192ti Chevrolet, cab. platform body, 80 percent rubber, completely recon ditioned and guaranteed; to choose from $350 1920 Ford, cab, platform body, Jumbo transmission, very gooa conaitn $ie 1920 Ford. cab. stake bodv. universal trans very good tires, in line shape 1922 Samson cab. platform body, prac tlcullv new rubher. mechanically Per fect. A good buy at $175 1923 Federal Knight open express bo dy, 2 new tires, 2 about 80 percent. very lino condition tnrougnout. ezuu See these trucks at our used car lot lust south or the city hall on High t. DOUULAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. Phone 2940J qiw FORD car with pick-up body for sale cheap. A. L. Lindbeck. Phone 111F14. READ THESE PRICES SEE THESE CARS Let us show vou what your used i car dollar Is worth this year. With our convenient payment plan anyone can buy a used car. , M'thly. Down Make Year paym't. raymx, $36.16 $238 Ponttae Coach 1927 $40.00 $274 Bulck Coupe 1926 $30.99 $200 Chrysler Coach 1920 $33.19 a4U uouge ope. oe. ivai $17.58 $120 Chev, Coupe 1020 $15.00 $ 40 Chev. Touring 1923 And many more to cnoose irom. ConAnlldated Lot. By VALLEY MOTOR CO. FORD CARS W. L. AHUJSiBUI., inU.. WIIjUI o- WMTnHT Ar. TiK SRTO: OTTO J. WIL SON, BUICK and MARQUETTE CARS Marlon and Liberty upon isveningi ana ouuaay Phone 1027 q FOR SALE New 3-ton, 2-whecl trail er with bonks, 32x6 heavy duty tires. rV.ABn nhnna 1 11 fl fifl Hn. 12t.h St. nnrrrain Rarualn Barsaln New 1929 early series Essex sport roadster. Will give liberal discount. D irt l Ei MU1UIU), iHO. High and Chemeketa. Phone 1000. q' SUPER-BUILT HUDSON and ESSEX USED CARS Conditioned to Sell with New Car Guarantee 1027 Essex Sedan $525 1927 Essex Coach 45 1027 EasCX UOUpO " Itllfl Hnrimn HnnRh ...... B2S 1926 Bulck Roadster 675 1027 Oakland Sedan 02ft iniA TVulir Rftrinn 495 Many others to choose from. Priced RT AT MOTORS' INC. High and Chemeketa. Phone 1000. q' VICK BROS. GOOD WILL USED CARS tnoa rvoirin rl All-Am rlran Coupe W50 1937 Oakland Landau DeLuxe Sedan "50 1920 Oakland Landau Coupe .. 625 11)28 Pontlac Sedan 750 1927 Pontlac Sedan BM) lti-7 Pontlac Snort Roadster ... 650 1926 Chevrolet Coupe 325 1927 Whippet Roadster 350 1923 Dodge Delivery 170 1924 Overland Delivery 150 Several late Harley Davidson Motor evclm far below market value. Phone 1841 High at Trade VICK UKUH. qiu CHEVROLET truck in good shape. ray storage aue ana tales it. oiaie ot oarage. ai state. qi40 BIO USED CAR SALE of REPOSSESSED CARS and TRUCKS must be sold at once. 16 good cars to choose from. Convenient terms given or property trades accepted. Holly wnoa AUMj uo., . capital m Phone 409. a 143 SACRIFICE SALE OF USED CARS All csrs priced by Northwest Used Car Manual. Late Dodges. Studeba kers, Fords, Nashs and other MARION GARAGE, Pbooe 203- Open day and Night. 0 FORDS When ati op pra cor guaran teed used Fords don't overlook my complete stock. El KIR AUTO CO Phone 131. THE HOME OV REAL BUT 8 Q PETTYJOHN'S FINE USED CAR VALUES 1928 Nash Coupe Std. Six, like new. l'SJQ Dodge Redan, fine shape. 1025 Bulck 4-door Sedan, dandy. 1928 Nash Coach, spe., excellent, 192ft Nash 4-door Sedan. Franklin Sedan. 3 door. Other good cars priced right, some under SU6. Each and every one of them a good value. F. W. PETTY JOHN CO. 36e H. Commercial St. Telephone 1260 "After we eU we serve" 0 AUTOMOBILES PRICER I OR QUICK SALS 36 Chev. Touring $195 00 25 Overland Sedan 245 00 '27 Star Touring zoa-w 25 Dodge Roadster 2854)0 27 poutiac coupe svo.w 21 Chevrolet Coach 385.00 All cars uuaranieea BIKER AUTO CO. SPECIAL SALE ON COUPES Starting Today at V ALLEY MOTOR CO, 1927 Dodge 6p. Coupe $52500 1927 Pontlao Coupe 475.00 1926 Chevrolet Coupe 800.00 1923 Bulck coupe, new patnt 186.00 1927 Ford ooune RucutelL wire wheels 3254)0 loan Ford coum Rucks tell lots of extras 386.00 1926 Ford couna -aooa condl- tlon 336.00 1925 Ford coupe balloons... 166.00 1924 Ford couna oood run ning order 13S.00 1923 Ford coupe 70.00 ROADSTER SALE COMINQ UP FRUIT MEN 10 truck and pickup Bargains to iiu your neeas. VALLEY MOTOR CO. Center at Liberty Phone 1906 q' 1922 Ford Touring, starter ...$ 45 1923 Forn Touring, starter ..,.$60 11)23 Ford Tourlna. starter ....$ 05 1(26 Ford Roadster, stater .,...$165 1925 Ford Sedan starter $146 1926 Ford Touring, starter $195 1937 Ford Roadster, starter ,...$285 Cor. Liberty and Ferry street Q Business Opportunities FOR SALE Meat market, grocery store, coniccuouerv. on racmc nwy. some trade. Box 300 care Carjltal Journal. ul48 FOR SALE Well located grocery store doing excellent business. Price $700. l(iU9 Chemeketa St. U14U FOR SALE, restaurant. Write Vincent. Taft. Oregon. BUSINESS CORNER close In. ureatlv reduced in price. Business lot down town $11,000; business lot near high scnooi gz.tau. GERTRUDE J. U. PAGE, 402 N. Cot- t:tge. uj DIRECTORY AU TIOM KltS F. N. WOODRY. 12 years Salem's lead- ins auctioneer and furniture dealer, Cash paid for used furniture. Res. and store 1610 N. Summer. Phone 611. Es- tamisnca mie. PHONE 73. H. F. Woodrv As Son. Sa lem's expert livestock, furniture, real estate auctioneers and appraisers, vears experience. Satisfaction guar anteed. Store 271 North Commercial street. BICYCLES LLOYD E. RAMSDEN, bike accessories and bicycles, 387 Court street. BATTERY SUPPLIES R. D. BARTON, National Batteries, starter and generator work. Ferry and High streets. S. L. BATTERY SERVICE STA TION. Vlck. Brothers. High street at Trade. Phone 1841. ClllltOIMLUTOKH DRS. 8COFIELD, X-ray Chiropractors Ph. 2104. 414 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. DR. O. L. SCOTT; chiropractor. 256 N. High street. Phones 87 and 2 104-J. CABINET WORK JACOB WEIZEL Cabinet work and refinlshlng. Furniture repairing. Ph. idui. u'ourt direct, aaiem. o' CONTRACTORS J. ANDERSON. Contractor. Open Shop, Phone 657. J. A. KAPPHAHN, General team and power shovel contractor, excavating and grading. Office phone 1290; Res. mir'ii. o" ELECTRICAL NITPLIKS ELECTRIC wiring, repairing, supplies i carry a complete line oi iix cures, water heaters Installed. Leo H. John son, So. Com'l. and Miller Sts. Phone aooo. HALIK ELECTRIC CO.. 401 N. Front sc. Electric contracting and repairing. Appliances and Fixtures. Phona 2. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO., Electric lighting fixtures and slcctrto ranges, Phone 'II. 471 Court street. ENGKAVING SALEM V GRAVING CO. Cuts of all purposes. Tel, 343, 180 N. Commercial street. CUT flowers and floral nlaces. Deliv ery. C. F. Bretthaupt, florist. 612 State street, rnonc auu. MAT! It EM NFS KENOVATKD MATTRESSES renovated. We reno vate all kinds of ma Urease, called for and delivered. Best of work guaran teed, capital city Bedding Co. Port land Road. Phone 19. MERCHANT TAILOR M. A. ESTES, fins tailoring. 12ft North Lineny street. CHASt BENNETT. Dalntlnn. hanging. Phono 1 284. ROWLAND P HINTING CO.. Masonic Temple basement. Phone loia. PIANO TUNER OEO. C. WILL. Dlanoe. Phonographs. sewing machines, sheet muslo and piano studies. Kcnamng pnonograpna and aewing maenmes. ja tiaie St. Salem, Oregon. PLUMBING PLUMBING, repairing, reasonable prices, a. u. uoairey, rnone avo-w. oI91 PLUMBING and general repair work Phone 650. Graber Bros, 1&4 South Liberty street. THEO. M. BARR. Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works. 164 S. Commercial street. KCAVANGEK SALEM 8CAVANOER Phone 167. SOOS Oarage Co.. Reliable service Phone ornce 184. Res. uua-j. 8ALFM Oarbage Co., for prompt and continuous service. Arthur Koebn, Carl Boos. Phone 184 or uovv. CITY OARBAGE CO. Prompt service. Phons 2290. HTOVEH AMI STOVE BEPAWING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT and reoalred bT expert. All Kinds oi wov en wire fence. Fancy and plain hop basket and hooks, logan hooks. Sa lem Fence and Stove Works, 200 Court street. Back or busick's. EOFF ELECTRIC CO.. 337 Court St we do house wiring and carry a com plete stock of fixtures. Instrument repairing, experimental work. Elec trie appliances repaired. Phone 488. o' TRANSFER AND HTOKAUE TRANSFER and Btoran. We have padded vans and do long and short, distance naming, utrmer xTanaier. Phone 930. CUMMINS St RANSOM, local and long dint ft nee hauling. Phone 3403. 129F3. WATKft COMPANY OREOON-WASHINGTON Water Ser vice Company. Offices Comer Com mercial ana jrmae sire, nine j able monthly in advance. Phone i WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING or money back. The Jewel Bos, 173 N. Liberty. Salem. Amity The children of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tottery former residents of Amity, but now living south of Mc Mlnnville. are quite 1U with measles Mrs. A. L. Burr to helping her sis ter care for then. LEGALS NOTICE OP INTENTION TO IM-! PROVE PAIRMOUNT AVENUE PROM THE SOUTH LINE OF WILSON STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF MYERS STREET Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City ot Sa lem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to Improve PAIRMOUNT AVENUE FROM THE SOUTH LINE OP WILSON STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF MYERS STREET, in the City ot Salem, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent pro perty, except the street and alley Intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City oi Sa lem, Oregon, by bringing said por tion of said street to the established grade, constructing Portland cement concrete curbs, and paving said por tion ol said street with a aix-incn Portland cement concrete pavement thirty xeet in width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common council on June 3, 1929, now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby re ferred to and made a part hereof. The Common council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to maker the above described Improve ment by and through the Street im provement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. By order oi the Common Council, June 3, 1929. M. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication 6-5-29. Date of final publication 6-17-29. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE GAINES STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF SUMMER STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF CAPITOL STREET. Notice is hereby riven that the Common Council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and Intention to improve GAINES STREET PROM THE EAST LINE OP SUMMER STREET TO THE WEST LINE OP CAPITOL STREET, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, ex cept the street and alley Intersec tions, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Ore gon, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing Portland cement con crete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a six-inch Port land cement concrete pavement, thirty feet In width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council on June 3, 1929, now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The common council hereby de clares its purpose an intention to make the above described improve ment by and through the street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. Oregon. By order of the common council the 3rd day of June, 1929. M. poulsen, city Recorder. Date of first publication 6-5-29. Date of final publication 6-17-29. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE EAST NOB HILL STREET FBOM THE NORTH LINE OF KU KAL AVENL'E TO THE NORTH LINE OF OXFORD STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City ot Sa lem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to improve EAST NOB HILL STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OP RURAL AVENUE TO THE NORTH LINE OP OXFORD STREET, at the ex pense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley intersections, the expense of wmcn will be assumed by tin City of Sa lem, Oregon, by bringing said por tion of said street to the established grade, constructing Portland cement concrete curbs, and paving said por tion of said street with six Inch Portland cement concrete pavement. thirty feet in width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council, on June 3, 1928. now on file In the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby re- fered to and made a Dart hereof. The Common council nereDy de clares Its purpose and Intention to make the above descnoed improve' ment by and through the Street Im provement Department oi tne laty of Balem. Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil, June 3, 1029. M. POULSEN. city Recorder. Date of first publication 6-6-28. Date of final publication 6-17-29. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE OWENS STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF FAIRMOUNT AVENUE TO THE WEST LINE OF COMMERCIAL STREET. Notice Is hereby given that tne Common Council of the City of Sa lem. Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to improve OWENS 8TREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF FAIRMOUNT STREET, in the city of Salem, Ore gon, at the expense ot the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley Intersections, the expense of which will be assumea bv the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the establshed grade, construct- mi Portland cement concrete euros, and rjavlna said portion of said street with a slx-lncn Portland ce ment concrete pavement, thirty feet in width. In accordance with the plans and specifications tnereior, which were adopted by the Common Council on June 3. 1929. now on file In the olflce of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improve ment by and through the Street Im provement Department of the City ot Salem, urenon. By order of the Common Council June X. 1928. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication 6-9-29. Date of final publication 6-17-29. LEAVING FOR SUMMER Dayton Lewis and Andrew Nlch ols, who returned from school at O. K. O. Saturday evening, are pre pairing to start to eastern Oregon, where they have employment onin i3- . terms for U lurnmer, within a few journa Want AdS On The Air SATURDAY 12 to I n m. KEX. time m. ther. etc. feature and music; K OW, i lock quotations; SOIN, orchestra. 1 to a DJn. KEX. orchestra and sons recital, KQW, music; KOIN. orchestra. a to 3 pjn. KEX. artistic en semble; KQW, baseball game; KOIN, studio pro m. i to 4 p.m. KEX. music and feature; KQW, baseball; KOIN, news and music. 4 to 6 cm. KEX. salon or. chestra; KQW. Cavalcade pro. gram; KOIN, news and music. 0 to 8 DJIl. KEX. orchestra? KGW. symphony; KOIN, studio program. to 7 Dm. KEX. revue; KO. W, dance program; KOIN, organ concert; KPT, KPO, KSL, KGO, network. T to 8 p.m. KEX. artistic en. semble; KOW, Spanish concert: KOIN, orchestra: KPT. KSI network; KPO, concert: KOO. concert. 8 to 8 p.m. KEX. featiirat- sr. OW. programs; KOIN, orchestra and novelties; KOO, KPO. net work; KPI. variety program. 8 to 10 pjn. KEX. Zand .nrt orchestra; KGW, Golden leg ends; KOIN. string trio, orches tra; concert; KGO, net work; KPO, orchestra. 10 to 11 D m KEX tlmo n,. ther, etc., showboat Irollc; KG W, HI Jinks; KOIN, syncopators; vri, aympnoneiie: K(H, KPO, network; KSL, orchestra. 11 to 12 Dm KKX shonhnxt frolic; KGW, HI Jinks: KOIN. dance orchestra: KPI. frolic- w. GO, KPO, network. SUNDAY la to 1 p.m. KEX, sextette, song recital, orchestra; KGW, church service; KOIN, organ concert. 1 to 2 p.m. KEX, orchestra and feature; KO, concert: K OIN, Gospel lighthouse services. 2 to 3 p.m. KEX, male quartet and orchestra; KGW, concert and program; KOIN, Gospel lighthouse services. 3 to 4 p.m. KEX, cathedral hour I KGW, concert. 4 to 5 p.m. KEX. military band, orchestra; KGW, drama and studio program. 8 to 6 p.m. KEX, theater pro gram; KGW, network, cotton plantation melodies. 6 to 7 p.m. KEX, band; KOW studio and network; KOIN, pipe organ; KFI, network; KOO, classical music and features; K PO, KSL, network. 7 to 8 p.m. KEX. artistic en semble, program: KGW. vesper hour, network: KOIN, orchestra ana vocal music; kfi, KSL, net work; KGO, church services; K PO, music. 8 to 9 p.m. KEX, two-piano recital, orchestra; KGW, pro grams; KOIN, church services; KFI, philosophy: KOO. church services; KPO, troubadours; KS- xj, network. 9 to 10 p.m. KEX, salon or chestra; KGW, features; KOIN, orchestra and vocal; KFI, studio; KPO. string quartet; KOO, little symphony. 10 to 11 p.m. KEX, rhythm aces; KQW, little symphony; K FI. dance orchestra; KGO, little symphony; KPO, quartet. MONDAY 12 to 1 p.m. KEX, orchestra; KGW. program: KOIN. mimln. I to 2 p.m. KOIN, concert or- cnestra; kgw, features; KOIN, orchestra. 2 to 3 p.m. KGW, programs; KEX, music. 3 to 4 p.m. KEX. music; K OW, orchestra; KOIN, orchestra. 4 to 6 p.m. KGW, features: koin, news and music; KEX, orcnesLra. 6 to 6 p.m. KOIN, topsy turvy wine, nuw, music. 6 to 7 p.m. KFI, KSL, net work; KPO, concert: KOO, or chestra; KOW, concert; KOIN, organ music; KEX, orchestra, 7 to 8 p.m. KOW, concert; K OIN, ensemble music: KEX. or chestra; KGO, KPO, KSL, KFI, neiworc 8 to 9 p.m. KGW, features and music; KEX. program; KO IN, orchestra; KOO, KPO, net work; KFI, variety program. 8 to 10 p.m. KOW. Golden Legends; KEX, orchesva and features; KOIN. music: KOO, orchestra; KPO, concert; KPI, leaiurcs. 10 to 11 p.m. KGW. frolic: K- GO, KPO, orchestra; KPI, frolic; num. orcnestra; KEX, leature. 11 to 12 p.m. KOW, dance frolic; KEX, orchestra; KGO, Kr-u, annce music. BIRTHS, DEATHS, MARRIAGES Died C a tea Lew A. Cat pa. form" FUlom resident, died at 8t. Helens, Juus 13. Survived by his w!l. Olndys 8. Cstes of St. Helens; and the following chil dren: Mrs. Al Norhlftd of Astorln; Grace Carlson of Astoria, Mrs. Iua Curtis of Rortlne. Mont.; and Harry Gate of De Kalb. III. Funeral aor vicea nt t. iieiens, 'lucsany at a. m. follow! iiu which oroccsitlnn will come to Snlem, where the body will re emomoca in me mi. ureal Aoocy mausoleum at about 3 o'clock. Ar- ranjiemeiiu here in chartte or Hltdon and Son. Harris Louella Harris, wife of D. A. Harris, died Friday nlRht at the family home on the Mncleay rood at the age of 03 years. Survived besides her husband, by ono brother, J. E. Coi, two sisters, Mrs. I., o. Simmons and Mrs. J. O. SavatTC. all of Salem. Also ft niece and nephew. Pearl and Lester tnvajre. mineral services win be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock: at ClouRh-Huston's mortuary. Inter ment Macleay cemetery. Ornh am Archie B. Oraham died at the Deaconess hospital In Salem June 13 at the age of twenty years. He is survived by two brothers. Harry and William, and one sister Msble, all of Detroit, Michtkn- The remains ar In care of the Solem Mortuary and funeral announcements will be mad later. BIRTH 4 Hampton A daughter. June Wn, tn Mr. snd Mrs. Boi Hampton. Hub s