EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1929 PAGE TWO SUITS FILED AS 1 AFTERMATH OF AUTO ACCIDENT Albany An outgrowth of an ': automobile accident In which two lost their Uvea, was the (tUng of four suits in circuit court here by attorney (or the plaintiffs, against Margaret Ackerman. The collision occurred January 24. on the Albany s' Corvallia highway. A. A. Irvin, Corvallls, owner of ; the car driven by Charles Maring, - asks $460 damages; Kathryn Irvin ' ' asks special damages of 1 100 and i general damages of $2,500; and Charles Maring asks $639.50 special j damages and $20,000 general dam- ages and Evelyn Pisk asks $2,278.95 I special damages and $20,000 general ' damages. Delbert, son of Mrs. Ackerman , was killed In the collision and Mar- " ng and Miss Fisk received perma-. nent Injuries, Maring losing one eye and Miss Flsk was blinded, having regained partial sight - following1 . treatment by specialists. i PICNIC PLANNED BY i . LUTHERAN MEMBERS Sllverton Next Sunday after morning services at uie Immanuei Lutheran church, the members of the Rainbow Circle of the Ladies' Guild, about 100 members expect to motor In a body to the Casper Towe homestead nine miles out in the Sllverton Hills and enjoy a dinner to be served by four of Its members, namely. Mrs. C. E. Jorgensen, Mrs. H. B. Jorgensen, Miss Selma Jor- eensen and Mrs. Casper Towe. If the weather permits the day will be spent hiking around In the near surrounding country. HOME FROM SCHOOL, TAKES HIGHWAY JOB Marlon Robert Smith, Jr., who has been attending the University of Oregon at Eugene, arrived at nis home here. He and his brother Qeorge are working on the high way at Ankeny Hill. Mrs. O. A. George and children. Marshall and Jean Snyder, have been visiting relatives In Salem over the weekend. O rover Stephens went to Wauna, Oregon, to help move his brother, Wes Stephens and his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. hot ak In to Marlon. They were employed for several months at Wauna. CLEAR LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Boyd and son Dale and Mrs. Amos Smith, all spent Sunday at the Guy Smith . home. Mrs. John Blum has been vtslt . lng at the home of her daughter, . Mrs. John Melthof of West Timber, for the past two weeks. She Is ex pected home soon. Mrs. Richard VanPelt and son f were visitors at the Fred Hammack home recently. MoCARTHVS ON TRIP 8b Paul John McCarthy accom panied by his mother, Mrs. Jerry McCarthy and sister Hannah, left Monday morning on a trip to Mountain View, Calif., after Cor nelius McCarthy who has been at tending school at St. Joseph's - seminary there for the past term. GUESTS Or LEFLEYS Orand Island Mrs. Myrtle Sims ley of Oaston, Ore., Is a guest at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E A. Lefley. Mrs. Oleva Berger of Forest Orove I and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Upturn and Francis Lefley of Seattle were , week end guests at the Lefley home. SUPPLIES DELIVERED Gervals Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cutsforth and children accompan ied by Erma DeJardin motored to Eddyville Sunday where Mr. Cuts forth took supplies to Mr. Woolery, who Is managing his stock ranch. RETURN FROM EUGENE Amity Evangelist J. Earl Ladd. Mrs. Ladd and daughter, Beth Al ice, Mrs. Alice Farnham and daugh ter, Estalene, were Eugene visitors Monday. Mrs. Farnham Is soloist and music director at the Christian church during the revival meetings that are in progress here this month. Farnham arrived Tuesday , and will assist in the music during the remainder of the revival cam paign. ' RETURNS TO AMITY Amity W. R. Stephens, who is spending the summer here with his daughter, Mrs. M. 1. Brown, re turned Sunday from a weeks' visit with relatives and friends in Forest Orove and Portland, Stephens Is a Civil war veteran. MEN HURT IN ACCIDENT Clear Lake A few accidents hap pened last week when William Col lard had his toe badly crushed while working at the gravel pit last week and Muriel Beckner received a sprained ankle and had to be on crutrhw several dnvs. Motion pictures of Portland 1929 Rose Festival At The ELSINORE NOW SHOWING SILVERT0N WOMEN AT PORTLAND SHOW Sllverton Mrs. Ernest Ekman, as companted by Evelyn Stewart, and Mrs. Cora Braden and daughter Mae of Corvallls. motored to Portland Monday to vlsttrelatlves and friends and take in the rose show. Little Miss Evelyn will visit the Ollphant family for the week and the rest of the party visited at the home of Mrs. Braden s sister, Mrs. 1. r Rlstelgen and family at Dunthorpe. ex-iowansIn PICNIGSUNDAY Mt. Angel Fifty Iowans, from the neighboring cities of Cascade and Worthlngton, Iowa, held a reunion picnic Sunday at San Salvador park near St. Paul on the banks of the Willamette river. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tobin of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. George Kammes of Portland, Mrs. Margaret Kammes of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Smith and fam ily and Mrs. Anna Smith of St. Paul, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koppas, Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jaoob Koppas and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bisentus. Mr. and Mrs. X A. Blsenius and family and Miss Cath erine Schleisinger of ML Angel. CATHOLIC SOCIETY INITIATES MEMBERS Mt Angel Following the regular business meeting of the C. D. of A., Monday evening, the new memoers were initiated in the third degree. A supper was served later in the school dining room. Those having charge of the degree work are Miss Rose Hasslng, Miss Ann Erwert. Miss Helen Keber, Miss Elizabeth Unger, Mrs. A. J. Picker, Mrs. John Begin. Mrs. Frank Aman, Mrs. Joseph Bernt and Mrs. Joseph Lebold. The social committee In charge were Mrs. J. A. Kaiser. Mrs. T. M. McGee, Mrs. Mike Dardls and Miss Helen Flcker. GOOD CROWD ATTENDS CLEAR LAKE CHURCH -& To Ira Xma Rhllt1iman of Portland, niece of Rev. Schuruman, la hmt vLtiMni? and stavini with Mrs. Schuruman who Is in poor healtn. one wiu stay umu uwu daughter arrives from the east lis expected in about three weeks. A large crowd attenaea sunaay .hAi loaf Rtindar a.t Clear Lake whan thm attonrinnce was 100. Manv more attended tne program precea- program was given by the children . rtt .ntrMfin!r talk W&S l.,v n tha fhilrtrstn YiV Rfihtll- urman wnicn was enjoyea ay mi. All are Invited to awena reguiariy. ELKTNS . Klicins Sam Rav and his sister, Mrs. Maude Morris, and his two irranddauahters. Mildred and Elsie Jane Miller, spent the week end vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roy, formerly of Elklns, but now at Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Loughary spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff at Albany. Sim Johnson who has been spend ing the past winter In California, was a guest of his nephew, Jess Johnson. While here they motored over to Glenada for a visit with other relatives, before returning to his home at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. TAFT RESIDENTS CALL Gervais Mr. and Mrs, Joe DeJar din and twins, Mrs. L. Healy and Mrs. Joe Kepplnger. drove over from Tart Saturday to visit their parents Mr. and Mrs. Basil DeJar din. They returnnd to their home Sunday, except Mrs. Kepplnger who will remain a week to visit. ROSEN BALM BACK Amity Claude Van Buskirk and R. I. Bosenbalm spent Sunday at Newport. Robert Rosenbalm, who has been employed with the bridge crew there for some time returned to Amity with them and is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rosenbalm, for a few days. GUESTS AT AMITY Amity Mrs. W. E. Beck of Klam ath Palls and niece. Miss Dorothy Durant of Portland, were Amity guests Saturday at the home of her parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Durant and Mrs. Roma Nixon. Mrs. Beck and husband are staying in Portland where Beck is attending telephone school." MAKE PORTLAND TRIP Amity Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Roth of the Roth Furniture company, and C. A. Fuller were Portland business visitors Tuesday and while in the city attended the rose show. VISIT PORTLAND FESTIVAL Amity Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Burr, Mrs. Claude Van Bu.sk irk and Rob ert Rosenbalm attended the rose show In Portland Tuesday. SUNDAY SCHOOL MEET PLANNED FOR WATERLOO Waterloo The annual Waterloo group gathering, held under the auspices of the American Sunday School union, will be neid at water loo, Oregon-, on Sunday, June 30, this year. This gathering, which Is the larg est of Its kind in the world, has had an average attendance lor several years of over 3500 people. Last year a count was made of 735 cars, park ed Inside the grounds. Accomoda tions to handle a large crowd than ever is being provided for this year. Two additional sections of seats will provide seats for several hundred more people. The program committee takes great pleasure In announcing that it was able to secure Dr. B. B. Sutcliff. D.D., of Portland, as the main speaker of the day. Dr. nut- cliff Is a Bible teacher and preacher, of national repute. He will give an address In both the morning and alter noon services. The commissioners from all the Sunday schools connected with the Waterloo Qroup gathering met with the missionary, Kenneth A. Tobias, ut Lebanon last Sunday to complete the plans for this gathering. The oi I leers lor this year are John Tur- nidge, of Lacomb, president; John Motley, oi santiam Central, vice- president, and Russell Alexander, of Waterloo, secretary-treasurer. The Sunday schools to be repre sented with numbers on the pro gram lor this year are Liberty, Ber lin. CrawfordsvUIo and FaLrview. Besides these, there will be special musical numbers. BROTHER AND SISTER VISIT AFTER 19 YEARS Sllverton Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and daughter of Sidney, Minn., arrived here Monday and are visiting at the home of her brother, Roscoe Jenkins, manager of the 20th Century store. The Nelsons in tend to locate in this section of the valley. He is a steam and electrical engineer. Nelson and his sister had not seen one another for 19 years. ST. PAUL Mrs. 8. J. Cowitz of Winlock, Wash., is spending a few days visit ing with her mother, Mrs. K. Bren- tano. Mrs. L. H. Bunnlng accompanied by Mrs. S. J. Cowitz, Mrs. Mary Bunnlng, Mrs. L. L. Ernst and Miss Viola Connor, motored to Portland Tuesday to attend the rose festival. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Spirup and sons, James and Richard, and Miss Helen Rasmussen attended the rose festival in Portland Monday. MEHAMA Mrs. Lenard Devlin and family re turned home Sunday after spending several days at the home of Mrs. Devlin's parents Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dawes of North Santiam. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes mo tored to Kelso, Wash., Saturday morning where they enjoyed the week end with Mrs. Hughes broth er Lawrence Mulkey. Mrs. Clinton Phillips spent the week end at Waldport where Sunday 1 she acted as maid of honor at the wedding of a friend. Miss Sarah At wood who became the bride of Des-1 mond Fulp. Betty Gaugh who spent the win-1 ter with her uncle Nye Phillips of Buckley, Wash., where she attend ed school is enjoying the summer vacation with her sister, Mrs. Giles Wagner. CALL AT SMITHS Zena Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Straw of Longview, Wash., are here visit ing at the John Smith home. It is reported that Straw has resigned' his work there and plans to be em-1 ployed here. Miss Alma Smith of! Marshfleld, a sister of Mrs. Straw, I spent the week-end here. Vernon Smith left here yesterday morning for Jefferson where he will work for his brother-in-law. CALIFORNIA? ARRIVES Amity Mrs. Howard Wood of Long Beach, Calif., arrived last week and will spend the summer wtlh rel atives and friends In McMlnnville, Amity and other parts of Oregon. She is a daughter-in-law of Mrs. W. E. Taylor of Amity. ELSINORE -Jirit it the Truth Our New Policy of Bigger and Better Entertainment has brought crowds from far and wide Salem's Greatest Entertainment Start Tomorrow VP Xi: i ''.' k ' Added I Eddie Cantor In "Zleirfpld'a Midnight Frolic" All-Talking . SILVERTON WOMAN STUMBLES ON SCYTHE Sllverton Mrs. Fred Reeves of Liberty HiU met with a painful ac cident Tuesday morning when she cut a deep gash in her leg at the stun bone when she ran into scythe that was lying In the grass where she was hanging out her washing. She was rushed to the hospital where several stitches were taken. COLLEGE ADDS BUSINESS CHAIR Albany A new chair was added to the college Islt of subjects at the annual meeting of the trustees held in Albany Monday afternoon and evening. The new department is to be a course In business adminis tration, with Prof. Glenn G. Holmcc selected as head of the department or business administration and as actlnj dean of men. Prof. Holmes comes to Oregon from the Orove City college in Grove City, Pa, where he held a similar position. Commencement exercises of the Albany college were held Tuesday night at the William Henry Grey hall on the campus and two hon orary doctor of divinity degrees were conferred at the exercises. Those receiving the degrees were: Rev. E. C. Farnham, executive sec retar of the council of churches of Portland, and to the Rev. John W. Beard, pastor of the Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church, Portland. BIRTHDAY GUESTS AT HEWITT PARTY Greenwood The country home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hewitt at Green wood was the scene of a birthday party in honor of their son, Der rel's 19th birthday, Saturday eve- wilng. The large electrically-lighted barn loft had been swept clean for the occasion and games and dancing were enjoyed until a late hour when refreshments were served. A special feature of the lunch was the large birthday cake made to order in Sa lem and sufficient to go around to the entire crowd. Those present were Alva Brown, Elsie Brown. Andrew Brown, Alden Brown, Lois Vernon, Edna Mun kers, Mark Capps, Dean Allen, Ati- dra Allen, Edward Antrikan, Bert Haitorson, Anna stouifer, Lloyd Stouffer, Ernest Stouffer of Port land, Earl Johnson of Elklns, Louis Olson of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ora LautA Florence and Frances Lautz, Cecil Lantz, recently return ed from Honolulu, Claud Larktn, Llod Larkin, Ilah Courtright, Ger trude Larkln, Delbert Price of Port land, Ethel DeLapp of Salem, Mrs. Charles Larkin, Jennie Antrican. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Hewitt, and the honor guest, Derrell Hewitt. AIRLIE Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Edwards and son Glen, and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Womer and granddaughter, Beverly Bevens, motored to Newport Sunday for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bevens are moving this week onto the . home place of Rev. Womer, The house has been reps per ed and painted. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and daughter Helen and son Alvle, and Henry Larson of Albany spent Bun day at the home of Herbert Byerley. William Dodson and Roy Byerley were Dallas business callers Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Byeney have purchased a new Ford coach. Mrs. Emery wnltaker and chil dren left for Portland Sunday af ternoon after spending week at the O. 8. Wnltaker home. Itching skin banished by Antiseptic Zemo If bite or stings or such summer afflictions as poison Ivy make life unbearable quickly apply Zemo, the soothing, cooling, invisible anti septic. Zemo brings swift relief from itching, helps to draw out local in fection and restore the skin to nor mal. For 30 rears Zemo has been clearing up skin, relieving pimples, rash and other skin Irritations. Nev er be without It. Sold everywhere 3Sc, 6Qc and $1.00. adv. :UH.M.H in Hothin But the Truth Kith HELEN KANE J LOUIS JOHN BARTEIS -Q Quramvmt Qiduri It's ll' Flmt All-Tnlkln and It's a Uenutai Wow I ALSO L. CARLOS MEIER la a SarpriM Organology OTHKR FKATl'RKS SUNDAY GUESTS MANY AT HOME OF ASPINWALLS BrooksSunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Asnin wall were Mr. Aspin wall's mother, Mrs. Ellen Aspinwall of Salem, and his sister Mrs. Helen Busselle and children Clarice and Earl Jr.. of Sa lem, Frank Johnson and daughter Audrey. Mrs. Emma Newhouse, Mrs. Eva Williamson and daughter Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Oinn and chil dren Merrel and Kennes of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aspinwall of Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aspin wall and son Gene of Sublimity, Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Aspinwall and daughter Lucille of Waconda, and Mrs. Virgil Loomis and son Virgil Jr. of Brooks. Jay Vibbert of Salem is visiting his two brothers this week, Del and James Vibbert of Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Aspinwall of Banks, Ore., were dinner guests ot his brother Carl Aspinwall and fam ily Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ramn had as their guests Sunday at dinner, Mrs. Sarah Irvine of Independence, Mrs. Mary Wyant and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vibbertr of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Ramp of Brooks. Mrs. B. F. Ramp sister Mrs. Irvine will spend th(s week at the Ramp home. miss Gladys Epley has returned. from a week's visit with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Epley at Jefferson. I Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Riggi in Brooks were Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and children. Misses Edna and Edith and Johnny, Jack Ross, George Za- peua, jo lTicoia, Mrs. O New and daughter Miss Martha, Miss Lena Kiggi, Paul RigKL Peter Sninn Frank and Peter Riggi, and Mr. and Mrs. Emery and daughter Charline. GUESTS LEAVE MILL CITY AFTER VISITING Mill City Mr. and Mrs. E. Hoa and daughter, Dortha, of Vancou ver, Wash, were week-end guests at tne nome of Dr. and Mrs. R E. Sllvls. Mrs. L. C. Stevens and daughter Esme of Vancouver, B. C, who have been visiting the past two weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. L. Cooper, left for her home Mon day morning. Mrs. Cooper accom panied uiem as far as Portland where they will see the rose show before leaving for British Colum bia. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cline and two children, Roberta and Charles, spent Tuesday in Portland taking in tne rose show. CALLED BY ILLNESS Clear Lake Amos Smith left for Des Moines, Iowa, last Saturday to be at the bedside of his sister who Is very ill at that place. It has been about 50 years since he visited at Des Moines. He will also visit other point In Iowa, Montana, Kansas and Washington before his return home. LEAVE FOB TACOMA Sllverton Mrs. William Bell and son Melvin of East Hill left few days ago for Tacoma, Wash., where they ara visiting relatives. They ex pect to return the last of tha week. Melvin Is having his vacation from tha Coopers' cleaners where he I valued employe. VISITS FROM SALEM Clear Lake Orandpa . Anunsen from Salem visited at the Roy Smith home the past week, return ing Sunday. Neva Smith and Neme Clement visited at the Jess Coonse home last Monday. ELSINORE Salem's Greatest Entertainment NOW Folks! A Show You Will Never Forget! All Salem Is Talking About It! SEE and HEAR It Be fore It's Too Late! T1IC iLtiNBrovii M AN I 100 Per Cent Talking Singing Dancing ALSO Tathe Sound News L. CARLOS MEIER at the Mighty Wurlltwr. Alfractlo COME ALONG I KSSSs&. Ton Witl Laugh! Will Cry I ill. LYONS MAIL CARRIER PURCHASES NEW CAR Lions Earl Allen, rural mall carrier, purchased a new Ford from Hunt and Tate of Stayton last weea. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hlatt and daughter Yvonne of Roseburg spent the past week visiting relatives In Lyons. Hlatt Is an instructor in the Roseburg high school. E. D. Crabtree spent Saturday in Portland on business matters. FIFTEEN CONFIRMED IN LUTHERAN CLASS Sllverton Fifteen children, eleven girls and four boys were confirmed at the Immanuei Lutheran church Sunday by their pastor, Rev. J. M. Jenson. They had been studying since last September. There were special services with two anthems by the vested choir and Miss Henrietta Tinseth, director; a vocal solo by Clara Larson and a splendid ser mon by the pastor. Alter services all sojourned to the Drake Bros. studio where groups and singles were made. Last Sunday these chil dren were examined by the pastor after the congregation had gather ed by asking them questions. STATE WARDS WILL ATTEND BUCKEROO Molalla The state training school boys at Woodburn through the kind ness of the Molalla Buckeroo associa tion of Molalla will be guests of the big Buckeroo ai Molalla July 2 and 3. The boys will come in two divisions, accompanied by their supervisors. , Marlon county will be well repre sented in Molalla July 2, since it is community day for the Clackamas and Marlon counties. The Buckeroo this year is expected to surpass anything yet attempted in the rodeo line. The very best artists in the country have been engaged. The new covered seats are all ready for the big crowd and Molalla is pre paring for its biggest day, July 2. COLLEGE GIRLS BACK TO SPEND VACATION Jefferson Garnett Whedbee, Ver- na McKee and Frances Goin, Jef ferson girls who attended O. A. C. at Corvallls, are- home for the sum-; mer vacation. Miss Alice Cundiff of ; Richmond. Ore., accompanied Miss. McKee home as her guest for a! short time. I SUIT IS FILED Dallas The Gabriel Powder and Supply company filed an action j naming J. T. Coleman, Prudential Savings Se Loan association, O. A. Robertson and Nelson Bros., Inc.. as defendants. The amount involved is $1026.30 which the plaintiff al leges Is due him for building ma terial furnished by him. Why spoil your vacation? Have the Capital Journal sent to you dally 2 weeks for 25c. TODAY WED.TnURS Attend Matinees and avoid evening crowds Friday and Saturday Drama of MarWage With- out Wulding Bells Told by Pat.y Ruth Miller, Uwranc. Gray and I Superb Cast. 1 A JohnM St.M Sr.ci.1 Production VITAPHONE ACTS MOVIETONE NEWS P m JPl Production MANY VISITORS AT MT. ANGEL SUNDAY Mt. Angel Mrs. Tony Hoffman of Tillamook Is spending tha week here with her sister, Mrs. Mary Butsch, who is 11L' Mrs. Louisa Mlcheu had as her guest over the week-end, her daughter. Miss Sybil Mlchels of Portland. Albert Merkle of Tacoma, Wash.. is a guest at the home of his sisters and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Statu and Miss Catherine Merkle. Miss Beth Ditley of Tillamook and Miss Virginia Fawk of Salem, for mer Mt. Angel Academy students, visited at the Academy for several days. PARENT-TEACHERS MEELUNION HILL Union Hill A large number of residents of the community as well as visitors from other places at-! tended the recent meeting of the, parent-teachers association held in the union Hill school house. Ralph Mollett was elected presi dent of the association to succeed himself. Following a splendid program, re freshments were served. The next meeting will not be held until after school resumes In the fall. ATTENDING ROSE SHOW Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. George Cheese, proprietors of the Elite Con fectionery in Jefferson, attended the Rose Show and visited relatives in Portland this week. Mrs. Paul Mc Kee and daughter, Miss .Jean at tended the Rose show Monday. VISIT MOTHER St, Paul Mr. and Mrs. Cowlitz of Hinlock. Wash., motored to St. Paul on Sunday to visit with Mrs. Cowlitz's mother, Mrs.- Katherlne Brentano. SHOP IN ALBANY Jefferson Mrs. Charles Armen- trout and Miss Rose Green were Al bany shoppers Monday. Sure Relief INDIGESTKWj ' -tins Jf 6 Bell-ans Jlvi-' Hot water ELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION 25 and 75t Pk0's.Sold Everywhere The(3mmhach baby grand piano 07 THIS' the outstanding value among the smaller grands, is a most winsome piano. Four feet io inches long, jnst right for the mouern living-room. Ivory and ebony keys, of course. 04 wedding that the years The sounding board of the Brambach piano is fully guaranteed for the life of the instrument. Its sweet, singing voice will bring much joy to oTgraduation gift that the years will treasure Brambach is a very old of days with happiness, name, 106 years before You can buy a Bram- the public. Whoever re- bach for $67.50 down ceives this welcome gift and as little as $20.50 will remember that day a month. Sherman- 130 So. High Street Salem Longview Portland Eugene SILVERTON PARTY ON PORTLAND AUTO TRIP Sllverton At the last meeting of the Holy Name society of the St. Paul's church a baseball team was organized with Herbert Mlchelbrook as manager. Mlchelbrook has Just finished teaching his fifth year at St. Paul and is again spending his summers, as usual, in and near Sll verton. He is owner of the ranch near the Henjium filling station oc cupied .by the Joe Kraemer dairy. They intend having two teams, one of alnffle and one of married men who will play against one another. DALLAS GUARDSMEN OFF TO ENCAMPMENT Dallas Company L of the Ore gon National Guard entrained for camp Wednesday morning at Some members traveled by automo bile to Camp Clatsop by the way of Tillamook. About 60 are talcing the trip. ELSINORE Salem One Nifbt Only Thursday, June 20th 8eata on Sale Jane 15lh Prices $1.00. $2.00. 12.50. $3.00 MAIL ORDERS NOW Not a Motion Picture VOLUPTUOUS MUSIC BY ROMBERG Drtler Um. hu "Omum Tim.1 m "Th. Slfldrut TrUM." Co. 100 Rousing Male A Chorus Sunkist Girls Wanted! 100,000 LBS. CASCAEA BARK and OREGON GRAPE ROOT We also buy all kinds of Jank, Metal, Iron, Sacks, Rags, Paper, Etc. Capital Junk Co. H. S. STEtNBOCK, Pre. Phone 398 By the Bridge 'Be sure to ask Jar a Urambach paper floor pattern no charge. gift will hold dear- the new home. The maker, the world's larg est manufacturerofsmall grands, spent $ 100,000 perfecting the model or master Brambach. play & Go.