SAY FREE PORTS Ul OF SWEDEN HELP TO ALL TRADERS Stockholm, Dec. 29. How American exporters can ship transit merchandise to Sweden and land and store It there with out worrying about tariff regula tions, is explained in recent re ports issued by the three free ports of Stockholm, Malmoe and Gothen burg. Sweden is Interested in the de velopment of her free ports, all re cently opened wtlh the object of facilitating transit trade from the west to the Baltic states and Rus sia by enabling foreign exporters to place in the free ports consign ments of gods intended for' the Swedish and Baltic markets under conditions of absolute safety. There are no import duties, and the storage rates are so low, com pared to American charges, that It is said an American shipper can send his goods to Malmoe, for ex ample, resell them from that place in smaller parcels out of -stock, and then return the unsold con signments to America without having incurred any loss because of ocean freight charges. There Is also the added7 advantage of having been able to supply his buyers with the least possible de lay. Statistical returns show that during the past year the free port at Stockholm earned the interest on the investment and even a ellgut surplus. The free port of Gothenburg, during less than two months, has been used by 230 ships, chiefly American and Dutch and the traffic is now growing so that the Gothenburg bank has opened a special branch office within the port. Industrial plants will be erected within the confines 'if this port to manufacture prod ucts from goods temporarily in korage, and such manufactures 'nay be shipped out without hav- ng incurred any SwedlBh tariff i-harges on the imported material. 'orelgn exporters of automobiles ( nd machinery may ship parts and ilo the assembling work in the ree ports. j The Malmoe free port is equip !cd with up-to-date electric cranes ;nd other machinery for handling argoes, and has a pier frontage f about 2200 feet, with a depth (30 feet. ' HANGE IN FRUIT LAWS ARE SOUGHT 'At a recent meeting of the state .iBi'd of horticulture, held in irtland, among other things cen tered was a changing of the Ipplng point and fruit inspection w, by which it can be made more iixlble and workable, according ( Charles A. Park, president of e board. The board would like a .ff changes In order that the law ,iy be carried out more conven 'dly. In carrying out the intent for ich the law was enacted, the Vgon state horticultural beard i t fall entered into an agree t nt with the bureau of markets, Serai department, for coopera te work in shipping point inspec tion. This means that any shipper of fruits or vegetables who wishes to have the qualtly or grade of his product officially determined, may have the car Inspected at shipping point, receive a certificate as to exact conditions of fruits or vege tables in the car, and feel assured that when it arrives at its desti nation, this certificate will be prima facie evidence as to grad ing .and quality of fruit, in any federal court in the United States. This law was in partial operation this past fall, Mr. Park said. The effect of shipping point In spection Is to standardize the pack of fruit and vegetables, so that a box of apples, for instance, coming from the northwest will be exact ly alike In quality, whether com ing from Oregon, Washington or Idaho. The law to some extent makes it almost necessary for growers and shippers to put up fruit and vegetables in a manner acceptable to the customer, as the customer in the long run is the Judge as to quality and worth of fruit ship ments from the northwest. Milwaukee, Wis. Johnny Dun dee. Junior lightweight champion, outboxed Tommy O'Brien, Califor nia, in ten rounds, newspapermen said. His oci'etv (Additional Society from Page 3.) Open House atY.W.C.A. Is Monday Between the hours of three and six o'clock Monday the Y. W. C. A. will hold open house for friends who wish to call at the association rooms. Instead of leaving conventional cards, it has been suggested that the guests bring a book from their library to contribute to the associations library. Bibles an needed especial ly to supply the members of Mls.i Nina McNary's Bible study class. During the afternoon there will be several musical numbers, among the ones that have been arranged for is a piano solo by Miss Grelchen Brown, and a vocai solo by Mrs. Ward Willis Long. The committee in charge and wh: will act as hostesses with other board members includes, Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. R. E. Lee Stelner, Mrs. U. G. Shipley, Mrs. W. Connell Dyer, Mrs. A. J. Rahn. Miss Marlon Wyman of Lin coln, Nebraska, the new secretary THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, UKUUUJN MUTT AND JEFF Mutt Had Visions 6f Affluence. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1922 Copyright 1920 by Int'L Feature Service Ins. Trale Mark Reg. In the U. S. IM&C.T MOOING picxuite COMPANY IS M(?. MuTT nf I ... - . i 1 " " i ---i; . ... .o. . 1 I It, i.e.! haui i.,wat- ,&! AGV I IwJ A-rMfiuAMbtl ffVinr ClTCD I 1 I I k I I'M M V A, u&&tc T6 Mutt! V, WITH MARY fUCKU-Foftbi (I AfTAeft I Mtl. MvTT f - TART.' V -O , ', ' Z : &&kX j of the Y. W. C. A. will arrive in Salem Monday morning and the open house will also be a meant of welcoming her to her work here. The Y. M. C. A. is holding an open house also on Monday af ternoon and doubtless many of the guests will visit both associa tions. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Itaamussen will leave Salem the first of the week to make thtir home in Se attle, Washington. Mr. Rasmus sen is connected with the W. P. Fuller company. The many friends of the Rasmussens will regret to hear of their leaving Sa lem. Mrs. George Rose and Miss Ilel en Rose who is home for the hol idays were Portland visitors yes terday. Mrs. Allan Bynon of Portland is a holiday guest at the home of her parents, Colonel and Mrs. E Hofer. Mrs. C. L. Brown of Vancouv er, Washington, and her two daughters, Mary Louise and Eliz abeth Ann, are ths holiday guest? of Mrs. Ida Niles. Friday after noon Mrs. Niles was hostess for Troubled with Weak Kidneys "Have been troubled with weak kidneys since, childhood," writes Mrs. G. Hyde, Benzonla, Michigan. "Now past forty and have had terrible backache and that tired out feeling, hardly able to do my work. By using Foley Kidney Pills accompanied with Foley Cathartic Tablets I soon felt like a new person." Back ache, rheumatic pains, dizziness and blurred vision are symptoms of kidney trouble. Foley Kidney PUls give quick relief. (adv) MARION HOTEL SALEM, ORE. OFFICIAL AAA An Hotel worthy of its reputation as the largest and most complete in Oregon out of Portland. Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner parties. her a few old friends honoring daughter. The afternoon was spent in social conversation and recalling events that had happen ed in previous years. The after noon was a very pleasant one for the guests who were invited. Dr. A. E. Winship of Boston, who has been one of the princi pal speakers at the Oregon state teachers association in Portland Is the guest today of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Fulkerson at their country home "KilKare." Dr. Winship is editor of the Journal of Education and is a platform orator nationally known. After his visit In Salem Dr. Winship will return to his home in Boston. Mrs. Paul Hendricks was host ess yesterday for a bridge lunch eon with members of the club and inviteu guests milking up the party. Mrs. Allan Bynon of Port land, Miss Florence Sherman of Eugene, Mrs. Donald Young and Mrs. William Mort were guests invited in addition to the mem bers. Mrs. Donald Young was the winner of high score in the af ternoon bridge game. The club will meet again informally in two weeks with Mrs. Clifford Farmer. The members of the club are:: Mrs. John Carson, Mrs. Allan Car son, Mrs. Hollis Huntington, Mrs. Clifford Farmer, Mrs. Clifton Ir win, Mrs. Carl Ndlspn, Mrs. Ho mer Egan and Mrs. Paul Hendricks. BIG NEW YEARS DANCE at Armory Tonight By Billie Webb's 8 Piece DIXIE LAND ORCHESTRA All Welcome Popular Prices Dance Till 1 o'Clock ttjjtittttttt TIRES SPECIAL PRICE Closing out discontinued lines United States chain tread single tube tread like cut at $2.00 each; also several other odd tires and sizes, $1.50 to $2.00. See them in the window. Lloyd E. Ramsden 387 Court Street DltBELL'S rine-iarjtionqy ii -1 jv; i For Cou$w aid Colds tHhlng Hpt yoor vitality and .Iowa j wn your work mora than a cold I tha kind that drags on and on. i urlah thoaa atrangth-ateallng colds j Ichlr, limply. Dr. BU'a tlm-prova r iwdr break tight, raiplna oougha. r- n phlegm, oot Net Irritated throata. t eck eolda at tha etertl Bia tr. BaU'a i 'ay. All druggteta, 300. EADOWLAWN DAIRY ; Phone 90F12 inspect our dairy. The state pector says "It's one of the : t in the state. Investigate i sourso of your milk. .NTED All kinds of Poul ry, Butter, Veal, Pork, Mut um and Beef live or dressed, very day this week. SOPLE'S MEAT MARKET. N. Liberty St. Phone 994 FORD OWNERS I00K ave your Ford painted for is. Surprise your friends. pe are running a special on Is during December only, on't miss this unusual op unity. IANCE AUTO PAINTING i CO. .9 State, cor. Front St.. ' . Second Floor Battery Courtesy As we see it in this business, courtesy means taking care of you promptly when you come in -seeing to it that you get exactly what you want and that yWre thoroughly satisfied when you drive away. Ther6's no place for anything like a "don't care" attitude in a business like this one of ours. We want your battery to give you all the months and miles of service there are in it whether it happens to be a Willard or not. E. H. BURRELL 238 N. High St. Phone 203 Representing Wlard Batteries (THREADED RUBBER INSULATION) CHAPPY NEW YEAR M May the coming year erase your j rrn troubles and sorrow, bring cheer, Ma raj happiness and prosperity on S ?ajS every side. 5Q1 Wrf This is the heartfelt wish of M Miller's. I 1 923 I I SPRING TIME Ii tij As a prophecy of the ideas . 13 W which will dominate the new ra9 Q season, our Initial display of 53 $U Spring Dresses fortell the sea- , M$ frf son's style trend. tnS This showing of lovely taffeta KS3 jM silk frocks for Spring is a lM 11 ' triumph! It proves Miller's O Q - reputation for accurate style Eg prediction. ! . E&3 j 1923 I I - fMILLERfi I . M Salem's Leading Department Store frjJ "Liberty at Court Street" 'M GENUINE FORD PARTS' Are made of the highest quality material, by good work men and by the most efficient methods. From the smallest gear to the motor block itself THEY ARE PERFECTION If you would get the utmost value for your money DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS Buy them from us and you are assured of Genuine Ford quality and service. Valley motor Co. 260 North High Street. Salem, Ore. SaajKaaeaEirHipiM A H APPY N and a fond goodbye to the achievements of yesteryear. A store, like an individual, cannot live upon achievements of the past. They must be forgotten in the hustle anofbustle of accomplishing better work. . During every minute of every business day, this store strives on to the goal of doing greater things, and with the beginning of the new year, it pledges itself to 'carry on" always with the aim to further endear itself into the hearts of its patrons. Free 1923 Calendars Free 1923 Calendars SENSATIONAL NEW YEAR re - Inventory Sale CONTINUES Tuesday and Wednesday Store Open Tonight until 9 P. Ma Shop Today , If Possible. - CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY