Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 30, 1922, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    pATURPAY, DECEMBER 30, 1922
fU W of sta3rton' WB9 a
i.lncM visitor in tho city yoster
T .fto-noon and this morning. He
lUd as tha guest of the Tcr
;,fal hotel last night.
New Years eve at Grand thea
tre performance will begin at 10
"""'Inez' Chambers, violinist,
Helen Walter, dances, accompan
w. Novelty Trio.
2 Two Brownstones.
j Five Hawailans, mugic, Bing
i dancing.
4, Fred Cutter, "The Profes
sor" comedy.
5 The Telephone Quartet.
((' Stephen Juha'sz, In Bunkol
ogy, late star of the Orpheura
7, Grand Finale.
C.T. Webb, local undertaker and
u,.nnk Mvors. proprieter of the Spa
left this morning for Paeifio City
ear whore they will spend tue
.,olc end and Now Years hunting
,wl The duck season closes on
Jan. 15-
Dr. B. H. White, 506 U. S. Na
tional bank bldg. announces the
installation of apparatus for the
practice of electronic reactions as
outlined and taught by Dr. Al
bert Abrams. 311
A. M. YirnnHfitn rt
, , r . .wfcui U. LUC
de Luxe Studio, Salem, has pur
chased the Speera studio, Dallas,
which also will be known after
Jan. l:it as the de I.uvb stmiin
Mr. Ebv will rnmnln In s-ilnm
Mr. Barrett who has been In the
employ of Mr. Eby for some time
will have charge of the Dallas
Miss Eva nnil A vi rm,, ,,;...
the former an ompljoea in th'o office
on wie fcaiem Abstract company and
the latter an ofl'ica employee of
the Oreon Growors association, left
this afternoon for their home at
Hubbard to spend the week end. vacation.
We wish to thank our mnnv
friends for their sympathy and
floral offerings at the death of
our husband and father. Mrs.
Fred White and family. 310
E. J. Moore, Lane county superin
tendent of schools, Is in Salera to
serve on tho state feathers' examin
ing board which will grado examina
tion papers of those who recently
took the teachers' tests in various
parts of tho state.
'68 Radiators Installed, bills
must be paid, pledges are due,
please make your check to Salem
Hospital and mail to H. W. Mey
ers, P O box 344. 310
Private funeral gorvlces for Eu
gene William Farier, mouth and a
half old son of Mr. and Mrs. E.
Furier of Tumor, were bold today
at the residence. Interment was
made in the Twin Oaks cemetery
near Turner. Funerul arrangements
were in chargo of Webb and
Homer H.
1923 Calendars.
Smith, Insurance,
bldg., free.
A son was born, last evening at
the Deaconess hospital to Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Kobow, living on route
9. The baby has not yet been named.
Hi grade baby chicks for less at
Needham's, 558 State St. Order
Mr3. Anna B, Robbins and daugh
ter, Danta, living south of Sa'om on
the Jefferson road, are spending the
holidays with relatives in Seara,
Washington, near Vancouver.
Tickets for the Elks Midnight
Follies for sale at The Spa.. 310
Mm. H. P. While of Gates was
a Salem visitor yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Plnkerton, of
Dallas, were in Salem today on their
wav to Albanv where thev will snend
N'ew Year's day visiting Mrs. Pink
erton's father and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Dawson. Mr. Piukerton
is a Dallas lumber salesman. They
were traveling by automobile.
All pledges to Salem hnsnitnl
will be due Jan. 1. 1923. Radia
tors and boiler Installed, bill?
must be paid, please make your
check to Salera Hospital and mall
10 ii. w. Meyers, P O box 344.
At tho weeklv Y. M. 0. A n,,h-
lic speaking class last night, con
ducted by W. H. Harrington, pro
fessor of public spcs.kina in the
Franklin high school, Portland.
more than a dozen spoke on one
Sldo OP tha other nn ttin nilfwtinn nf
whother Oregon should have a grad-
uuieu income lax. too mcniDerj 01
the high school debute squad 68
;uests of the evin;nir took the neg
ative side and lead in the opposi
To the many friends for their
assistance and messages of sym
pathy we thank you. Mr. Henry
Pascoe and families. 310
Dr. Winslun of Boston, who was
to havo spent, the A'.iv with Mr. ;nnt
Mrs. A. N. Fulkerson was taken ill
in Portland and. will bo unable to
make the trip.
What's New on the Market
All lettuce now offered by local
grocers Is being shipped In from
California. It is selling at 15 cents
a head and Is of excellent quality.
Rutabaeaa which are remark
ably free from worms are being
offered by local stores at 5 cents
Jap oranges are selling at 30, 40
and' 50 cents a dozen. These or-
anees are huDorted from Japan
and have a very pleasing flavor
which. Is different from any of the
oranges grown in the United
States. The Jap variety are some
what smaller than the other or
anges. California oranges are be
ing offered at 85 40, 50 and 60'
cents a dozen, depending upon the
The market on eggs here re
mained at from 28 to 42 cents a
dozen retail today. Local Btores
are offering from 34 to 35 cents a
dozen while shippers are offering
33 Cents per dozen.
His automobile figured in a crash
at tho corner of Chemeketa and
Summer streets yesterday, C. C.
Kaves. of routo 3, told tho police.
There was somo damage, he said.
68 Radiators Installed, bills
must be paid, pledges are due,
please make your check to Salem
Hospital and mail to H. W.' Mey
ers, P O box 344. 310
After spending a day in Salem on
business, Blair Stewart, of Portland,
an instructor at Stanford university,
returned to Portland last night.
Salem hospital' pledges due,
bills for radiators and bath tubs
must be paid, please make your
check to Salem Hospital and mail
to II. Wr. Meyers, P O box 344.
For a consideration of $3000.
William T. Inglls has purchased
the W. J. Thompson property on
south 23rd street. Geo. Thomason
handled the deal. 310
Helen Eamsden, 39o north Nine
teenth street, told the police yester
day her automobile had figured in a
collision at the corner of Summer
and Center streets. There was some
Dance at Liberty hall Dec. 30.
Free lunch. Jazzy James' orches
tra. 310
No damage came out of nn acci
dent on State street near tho Capitol
vostorday in which an automobile
driven by Miss Carrie Hnrst, 1491
south Commercial street, figured.
Funeral services for Mrs. Ada
Estelle VanSlyke, 00, who died
Thursday at the residence, 1100
Broadway street, were held this aft
ernoon from tho Webb and dough
funeral parlors, the services being
conducted by Rev. Blaine Kirkpnt-
rick. Interment was made in the
City View cemetery.
Salem hospital pledges due,
bills for radiators and bath tub3
must be paid, please make your
check to Salem Hospital and mail
to H. W. Meyers, P O box 344.
Don't forget the big carnival
at Dreamland Sat. Horns, bal
loons, hats, etc. Come early. 310
H. Michaelbroo'k, a McMinnville
wood dealer, was in Salem a short
timo yesterday on business.
Tickets for the Elks Midnight
Follies for sale at The Spa.. 310
Mrs. 3. W. Long, of Scio, was a
Salem visitor yesterday.
Tickets for the Elks Midnight
Follies for sale at The Spa.. 310
H. A. Shanander, of Silverton,
notified the police yesterday his
automobile had collided with anoth
er car in Salem. The damage was
light, he said.
Rose" at the
.T TVnscher. Jr. of Portland is in
tho city today attending to business
it lnt;,r tn thn ova ttiiu
IIIUILUIB 101livw i." i
Girls Aid society of Portland.
Prizes given to first 30 ladle.?
attending the big carnival at
rwomianri Sat. Doors open 8:J0
y. in.
"My Wild Irish
Liberty tomorrow.
At the corner of Chemeketa and
Summer streets yesterday an auto
mobile driven by H. E. Mornss, or
VawhariT nnllTl'd With & Car OriV-
ii hv a man whose name was not
learned. There were minor damages
to each machine, but no one was in
"My Wild Irish Rose"
Liberty tomorrow.
at the
Resolve riuht now to start sue
eessward by enrolling January
s,i Tuesday at the Capital
Business college. School both
night and day. 310
Nicht Desk Serjeant Ralph Davis
found business rather quiet at the
police station last night. AO com
plaints of importance were receiv
ed and only two men were furnished
Highland Cash Grocery
A marriage license was issued this
afternoon to John F. Dietz of Port
Angeles, Washington, a paper mill
worker, and Mane Sophia btringer,
of 750 Front street, Salem The mar
riage will take place this evening.
Rov A. Ritner. acting governor,
wil leave for his home in Pendleton
tonight, relinquishing tho reins of
state government to Governor Ul-
cott when the latter returns lo tne
state Sunday night after an absence
of six weeks spent in the east at-
teudina the annual- conference ot
governors at White Sulphur Springs,
W. Va., and visiting other points or
v 7, FolKes.
C7 vsnra ami 11 months old, a
resident of Salem all her life,
died here yesterday at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. S.
Lindsay, Fairgrounds road.
There survive besides the
daughter, a son, Henry S.
Folkes, Salem, and two sisters,
Mrs. Abble Fish and Mrs. Net
tie T7w hnth residents of
Red Bluff. Cal. Funeral servic
es will be held from the Webb
and Clough chapel Monday, Jan
1, at 10 a. m. with concluding
services at the City View ceiae
tery. 1
Thn hniintv' offered on the skins
of wild animals has not been very
expensive to Marion county the past
few months. In October there, was
a $3 bounty paid John Blankenslup,
for tho skin of a coyote. In Novem
ber, $2 was paid Robert Mathcny
for the skin of a bobcat and m De
cember, U was paid S. P. Mathcny
for the skins of two bobcats.
Follow the crowd to the big
carnival at Dreamland Sat. "Jt-
After spending several days visit-
their son, Frank iiarrui, m
M, nd Mrs. J. W. Harritt
- -
have returned to Salem.
rr John L. Lvnch, osteopathic
phvslcial, 403 Oregon bldg. phone
1394 or 58F5. axu
After spending a day visiting in
Portland, Judge G. E. Unruh, of the
Salem justice court, will return to
Salem today.
For sale 1922 Ford touring, run
less than 6000 miles; a real bar
gain. Bonesteele Motor Co. phone
421. . 310'
Automobiles piloted by C. D.
Adams, 4J4 Market street, and E.
.. Hamilton, of Portland, met up at
;ho corner of Commercial and Cen
ter streets yesterday, according to
a police report. Each mnenmo was
slightly damaged, but their occu
pants escaped injury.
Some of the prettiest calendars
of the season are tnose uau.i
painted ones ot Maud Shull
Brown Milliner ana .ii. b,
Masonic Temple. Mrs. Brown has
a, local reputation as a painted
o marked ability fut for several
years has devoted much oi ner
time to the millinery departments
of several Salem firms, since
finishing the season with The
French Shop Mrs. Brown has do
voted all of her time to art and
several weeks ago made a ship
ment east of a number of her oil
paintings and at present is en
grossed upon an order by a Sa
, fnr six landscapes In
7 310
Webb & Clough
Rigdon & Son's
TJnequaled Service
Playing Today
Priscilla Dean
James Kirkwood
"Under Two Flags"
Helene Chadwick
"Brothers Under the Skin"
Peter B. Kyne
Last Times Tonite
Feature Show.
John Gilbert
"Honor First"
Ruth Roland Serial
Continuous Show.
"My Wild Irish Rose"
Dec. 31. Elks "Midnight
Follies," Grand Theater.
Jan. 1. New Years, Y.
M C. A. annual open house, v
T T o Tiiasdav. public
installation of officers local
pOSt .tiuicwn
Jan. 17
Tori" .
8. Monaay, w
24. National
W 7. "nauguration of
Walter M. Pierce as governor
of Oregon, r " J'
Residence Parlors
770 Chemeketa St. Phone 724
lady Embalmer
fca -r ' -mm
New Today
Rudolph Valentino
His Best Play
"The Young Rajah"
A Special Two Reel Comedy
Tk - ,,,. . ,. , rl
. f"""" ' ii. i 'wwwm ummi,i i 1. 1 1 . j
,fi i I If f' v"'''' mtmmm hiiih I ' impVtvwwmmwvmmWrmmmmmm'mmmvmtmm'''- ' ,.-, i tt
j i ;
The World's First
Vibrationless Motor!
The fact that the Rickenbacker motor has no period of
vibration has set the entire motor car industry agog I
Never before has this been accomplished.
Never before has the fundamental thought been worked
Yet here it is and like all great big achievements the
principle itself is very simple.
The crankshaft of the Rickenbacker motor is provided
with a double flywheel one fore and one aft. The in
troduction of these two flywheela absolutely eliminates
all vibration at all speeds.
Thus you are given an entirely new riding sensation
which you have never experienced before. Other cars ride
smoothly, very smoothly, but none so smoothly, at all
speeds, as the Rickenbacker. And in addition to that it
is one of the fastest and smartest cars on the road.
Come in and let us give you a demonstration.
lilt a
m m mi 9 m k n
ii $15 183 J2?L.- I!
19 Pb 4-Tn-Cup.
II FrAmP.O.B.ottir plutwutt
I J. A. BEWLEY CO., 219 N. Commercial Street
II Riclunbacker Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan l
I , Organization Builds Success l
I g i? !vww;'''w'T?SS
1 . H flaBgattiiw
1 '
7 lin
) if
V I 11,4 1
n..i Pi,inn, of this city, expects
.mw the football Taus who
journey to Orvalli. Monday to wit
ness the grid ciasn
Scott high school, of Toleao, and the
orvallis high school. A number of
.,. ,.e:.ple expect to make the
AH Plfiges to Salera hospital
wIU be due Jan. 1, HH- Had a
tors and boiler Installed, bills
rmrst be paid, please m ake your
check to Salem Hospital and mall
to H. W. Meyers, P O box 344.
J A. Auppe'rley, president of th.
Ipffereon Mill company, was m
Salem today transacting business.
All pledgeftTsalem hospital
wiUf du. Jan. 1.
tors and boiler installed, biUs
must be paid, please make your
cTeck to Sclera Hospital an mall
to H. W. Meyers, P O box 344.
Eaines. of Mill City,
a" a baM visitor in the city
We Extend the
Season Greetings
And Wish You
A Happy
New Year
fcr Winter motoriig.
Your motor will start readily and
operate flexibly, in winter, if you
use an oil that stays fluid at low
The battery troubles, worn bear
ings and scored cylinders, experi
enced in winter, are simply evidence
that the motor is bound with con
gealed oil and deprived of lubrica
tion. Zerolene Stays Fluid in
Zerolene No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5,
which are good cold test oils, move
freely in winter with the action of
the motor. They give a continuous
flow of lubricant of the proper "oil
iness" to the pistons, connecting
rods and crank-case shaft bearings,
and save batteries.
For safe cold weather lubrication,
consult the Zerolene Chart t ga
rages and service stations.