lyrtTRDAY, .DECEMBER 30, 1922 1 KT V Edited by MISS RUTH AUSTIN Phone 82 6c let ridge Club Entertains Elaborately very elaborate- partlei ...i rrhiiTHflar by the i nnsoreu W of the Monday after bridge club when they en Led for a Urge number of I friends at the beautiful T. Lsrtt home. Eighteen tables lirdgB were In play during the 1 In the rooms, which "D0L, IV decorated with ses arce, fctmas ornaments In red. Mrs. I. pimlnK won high score. i group 01 mmo .JL In serving a luncheon r,ed out In the same color wmes ami r.--io ---- Maun uniiivf, juum tnsenhine Baumgartner, . Randall, Carmen Kspinosa, -.i,v mock, Marlon Shaw . ti.jL 1t.Tnnf.oa OH1 nT a 1. pieQ ami nuui ... nnnrlln. At the tea hour Lr society matrons called and :fjt the time veiy Jioniiu;. trtn pveninsr the men and mni where invited for an eve ng of five hundred and twenty r tables were in play with A score going to W. . Lec j um Vred Gordon. The same ids assisted in serving borate lunch. . The two parties were among .most attractive events of the iafiday season ana inciuaea rue number ol tne society iuik. The hostesses, memners 01 me h were:: Mrs. it. a. uooam. in. R. E. Anderson, Mrs. J. W. twls, Mrs. H. B. roisai, Mrs. n. laid, Mrs. Arthur Moore, Mrs. W Wilson and Mrs. Ann Klein. Miss Margaret Fisher gave Christmas nlano recital at ner Some Wednesday afternoon for fter pupils, and then later in the Jiftcrnoon the tiipe was spent jrith games and a general good lime. The hours for the party were from two thirty until five, All of the pupils played very (reditnblv and the recital was a terjr interesting and successful af lair. The pupils who participated . were: Bea trine Evans, Helen Cham bers, Dorothy" Moore, Mary Hick man, Margaret McCoy, Josephine Evans, Gertrude "Wlnslow, Mar- jgery Moyer, Lougine Brietzke, firace White, Madolyn Moyer, Doris Clarke, Audrey Ashby, Max- Ine Marsh, Neva Stolzheiso, Blair Foley, Madolyn McKillop, Cloy dine Matthews, Margaret Moore- hnuse, Marion Bretz. Among the last of the holiday social events prior to the return to 0. A. C. students to Corvallis Monday and Tuesday Is the dance which Is being sponsored tonight by the Salem 0. A. C. alumni club in Derby hall. This Is an annual event and Includes stu dents and alumni of the college in Salem for the vacation. A few friends will be included In the' Invitation for tho dancing party. Arrangements have been in charge of Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Leo Spitzbart, Albert T. Ander son, Vivian Hargrove, Mrs. Geo. Chambers, Joe Chambers and Irene Curtis. The dance has been planned during the holidays to take place of the regular meeting of the alumni club this month. Later In the year the club plan.; to entertain with their annual party for students from Salem high school. i m Miss Hazel Harris, a teacher In the Portland schools spent Christ mas with her father, D. A. Har ris. A. L. Baker of Mill City spent Christmas here with Mrs. Baker who is ill at the home ot her sis ter, Mrs. M. M. Magee. Between the hours of three and! five o'clock yesterday Mrs., Ray mond Walsh was hostess for a number of the younger set hon oring Miss Edith Pierce and Miss Carmen Espinosa who are holl day guests in Salem. The maids and matrons called informally during the afternoon to greet the visitors. Mies Pierce, the daugh ter of Governor-elect Pierce, will be in Salem with her parents soon and she Is being welcomed with several verv dellehtful affairs. At present she is attending the Uni versity of Oregon. Both Mis: Pierce and Miss Espinosa are the house guests of Miss Margaret Goodin. - Assisting Mrs. TValsh in enter taining was Miss Marie Churchil and Miss Prlscilla Fry. a The War Mothers will have their regular meeting Tuesday af ternoon in the Chamber of Com merce rooms. Mrs. Carson urges that there be a large attendance since there are several things of Importance to be talked about. The J. C. club of the high school entertained very delightful 1y Thursday evening with their annual dance at the Elite hall. The J. C's were also hosts for f dance during the . Thanksgiving vacation. Their guests included a number of the college set home for the holidays. Cantata Repeated Sunday The Shepherd King, the can tata so splendidly presented by the choir of the First Congrega tlonal church, last Sunday eva ning will be repeated this Sun day, tomorrow at. the request of many people who did not hear it. The program will be given at seven-thirty. The outline of thej cantata is as follows: Introduction, the organist; Over the Silent Shadowed Plain" quartet, contralto solo and chor us; "But Thou Bethlehem Ephra tah," tenor solo; "0 City of the Shepherd King," bass solo and full chorus; "Judcan Shepherds, Lift your Eyes," chorus; "And, Lo the Angel," soprano solo: "Clory to God in the Highest," alto reclt. and full chorus; "And It Came to Pass," tenor reclt. an J full chorus; "Night," intermezzo; "No Room," alto solo and chorus of men's voices; "0 Captivo Judah Dry thy Tears," full chorus; "Sleep Sweetly Child of Mine," alto solo; "Hallelujah,"' full chorus. The following persons compose the choir: Mrs. Sinieral, Mrs. Bross, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Carlson, Mrs. Dowling, Miss Riesen, Miss Follrlch and Messr McGilchrist, Muston, Gille and Eross; organ ist, Mr. Arnold. Miss Dell Alicia Rawson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Rawson, has just returned from New York city where she has been modeling and posing for ad vertising pictures with a New York company for the past few years. Miss Rawson has been very successful in her work there and after spending some time in San Francisco will return to New York in time for the spring open ings. Miss Rawson is very glad t j be in Salem again after her ab sence of several years. . Mr. and Mrs. George F. Wood ford of Portland were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur - Moore. Mrs. Wood ford is a sister of Mrs. Moore. Miss Mary McCond of Klamath Falls was also their house guest. The Misses Ruth and Helen Moore who havo been spending the past two weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore will return to Corvallis Tuesday to resume their work at the college there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Eckley were Christmas visitors at tha home of Mrs. Eckley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wehriim, near Woodburn. Mrs. Frederick Lamport was a delightful hostess Thursday with the members of the bridge lunch eon club as her guests. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nicholson and Mr. and Mrs. Claud picitre, of Peoria, Illinois, are holiday eruests visiting it the homes of Mrs. C. W. Moore and Mrs. Clau dine Mellinger. The two famine1) motored here after spending sonw time in different parts of the northwest. They have just about decided to locate here permanent i(r rtm) T.emmon invited to the Marion apartment Thursday afternoon as her guests the mem bers of the Adolynk club. A small Christmas tree was hung with gifts which were exchanged dur ing the afternoon. Conversation, concerning yuletide happening! and a pleasant social afternoon was enjoyed by the members. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Earl Paulsen in two weeks. The members of the Thursday afternoon bridge club were ths guests of Mrs. E. L. Kapphahn fhis week for an afternoon of bridge. Additional guests invited for the afternoon were Mrs. U. S Page and Mrs. L. W. Gleason. The hostess was assisted during the afternoon by Mrs. C. N. Iranian and Mrs. E. C. Quinn. The club will meet again for one of the!" pleasant gatherings in two week., with Mrs. Charles Knowland. Mrs J. C. Griffith is to enter tain with a large family dinner on Nw Years, several Portland relatives coming up to be present. 'They will be Mr. and Mrs. O K Krausse and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sigel. Additional guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Lewi, Griffith Mr and Mrs. Joseph Albert and their daughters Mary Jane and Jose phine. t m m Mrs. U. G. Shipley and Miss Lillian Applegate are hostesses this afternoon at the SPW home for a meeting of the Daugh ?ers of the American Revolution. The P-gram '-Tp Sort G C. Clark and Mrs. O. P. Horr and has been Panned to includ a paper on "International Rela lions" by Mrs. Clark and a dls c,Sn of current events led by Mrs Hoff. This is the regular meeting of the organization and regular business will b. taken up at this time. The maids Of Mrs Point White's ballet dancing class and meir guests last nieht eniovert one of the gayest dancing parties season in Derby hall which has been decorated thru out the holiday season in elabo rate Christmas fashion. The fea tures of the evening were the dances by two dainty misses, iancy Tflielsen and Jeanette oyes. Nancy Thielsen was grace ful and clever in her dance, which aiiuwEu periect techn una ,wl finish. Jeanette Sykes gave a toe dance which was excellently done, graceful and fascinating. Both little dancers were dressed in prettily fashioned frocks. For another feature dance cards were passed with matches on them with the instructions to find a partner. Vivian Hargrove was in charge ot the plans for the dance last night, which was a decided success. a Informal Wedding Is Solemnized One of the pretty Informal weddings of the season was sol emnized Thursday afternoon at three o'clock when Ward Willis Long, pastor of the First Presby terian church read the ceremony uniting In marriage Mabel Clair Patrick and Karl Andrew Chap ler. The service took place at the home of the. bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Patrick. The spacious rooms of the Pat rick home were decorated with reens and lovely polnsettas. Only a few near relatives attend ed the ceremony which was mark ed with the utmost simplicity. The young couple left the same afternoon for a short trip to northern points and will be al home after the first of the year to their many friends at 1165 south high street. Mrs. Chapler was employed in the office of the state superin tendent of public instruction and resigned her position this month Mr. and Mrs. Patrick have lived in Salem and In Polk county for many years and Mrs. Chapler is very well known. Mr. Chapler a member of the graduating class of '17 from Willamette uni versity, and just before com mencement enlisted In company M, and served over seas with them. He is at present associated with the Associated Oil company in their office here. Mrs. Paul Hauser and Mrs. David Wright were joint hostess es last night at the Hauser homn for the meeting of the past ma trons association. After the reg ular meeting the evening wai spent around the Christmas tree where gifts were hung for every one. The members who enjoyed the evening together were, Mrs. Ida Babcock, Mrs. Ruth Brown, Mrs. Miriam Burnett, Mrs. Lena Cherrington, Mrs. Alice Coolidge, Mrs. Marlon Derby, Mrs. fda God frey, Mrs. Hazel Gillette, Mr3. Mary Johnson, Mrs. Josie LaFore, Mrs. Marie Flint McCall, Mrs. Alice Myers, Miss Minnie Molier, Mrs. Elizabeth Shafer, Mrs. Es tella Smith, Mrs. Lottie Smith, Mrs. Eleanor Steiner, Mrs. Jose phine Vass, Mrs. Margaret Wit schen, Mrs. Paul Hauser and Mrs. David Wright. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON PAGE THREE Wedding Is An Event Of Interest Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall had as their guests for the holi day Keek end, Trevor Kincaid of Portland. Willard Marshall is also spending the vacation with his parents. He is attending the University ot Oregon. (Addltonal Churches on Page 8.) A very beautiful event of the week was the wedding at high noon, Wednesday December 27, or Miss Lucille St. Pierre and Henry Bevier of Gates, Oregon The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's mother, the Reverend Ward Willis Long of flclatlng. Only members of the family and close friends were present. Luxuriant Christmas greenery, polnsettas, roseberries and holly formed a lovely and effective back ground for the service, while from the mantle piece dark red candles shod a soft glow over the decorations. Proceeding the wedding march, which was played by Mrs. C. R. Brim, Miss Ella St. Pierre sang "At Dawning." The bride was accompanied to the altar by her brother Dr. E. W. St. Pierre and was given away by her mother, Mrs. E. W. St. Pierre. Other mem bers ot the bridal party were the bridesmaid, Miss Mabel St. Pierre and the best man, Charles Schwartz. The bride was lovely in a gown of white canton crepe carrying Ophelia roses and lilies of the valley. The brides maid wore a pale brown canton crepe and carried Columbia roses. Mrs. St. Pierre's gown was of black satin and silver lace. After the ceremony a delicious wedding luncheon was served. The guests who were present in addition to the bridal part were: Dr. and Mrs. E. W. St. Plerro, whose wedding was a recent so cial event in Portland, Miss Ella St. Pierre, Charles Schwartz, Misses Florence and Mary St Pierre, Mrs. W. W. Long, G. A. Wells. Miss Doris McClane, Mr and Mrs. F. N. Cone, Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Brim, Freddy Brim, and the Reverend and Mrs. Thom as Acheson. Mrs. Bevier is a graduate of the Salem high school and of Wi! amctte university in the class of 1919 and has taught in high school since her graduation. Mr. Bevier has been engaged in farm ing. The young couple will make their home for the present at" Gates, Oregon. The good wishes of a host of friends go with them It is a pleasure to view pictures that have been painted by well known artists and it will be an added pleasure for the people of Salem to see the pictures painted by Alfred Schroff and to be on exhibit here because they repre sent views that tre familiar to nearly everyone. The pictures are entirely landscapes and have been painted from the most attractive spots In California and Oregon. The appeal of a picture from some familiar scene is far greater than that of a picture reproducing some unfamiliar spot. Th" exhibit will be shown some hnut the second week in January. They are at present in Eugene where they are attract ing a great deal of attention and comment. The Modern Writers section of the Salem Arts league will meet Tuesday evening with Miss Mina Harding at 391 north Cottage street. "Pi This simple treatment clears tho head.loosent Irritating phlegm, cool Inflamed, stinging tleaues and break! the cold. See bottle for simple directions. Go to your druggist spare yourself serious trouble start now to take DR.KINGS DISCOVERY -asyrupforcoughs&coHs Cuticura Talcum Is So Refreshing A few grains of this exquisitely scented powder dusted on the skin soothes and cools, and overcomes heavy perspiration. It is an ideal face, skin, baby and dusting powder and takes the place of other perfumes for the skin. ht, lukPrMtrMitt. AMrit: IMImtiV ntarlM.Dvpt.lir, Mftlfea S,Ma." Sold mrr wherfl. SopH. OintaMDtatudfcO. TalcomSfto. kESOPCuticuraSMp ahawa without Bui. A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All STARTING TOMORROW 11 Sunday -Monday C 1 3 K J Two Acts HIPPODROME VAUDEVILLE Gladys Walton in 'The Lavander Bath Lady" Tom Santschi in "It Is the Law" Midnight Matinee Sunday Night r" - r.JJat ..- 'C-d jFi. 1 " STT li,, n.j.wiu i in "i Y ''"""" '"''"'' 11 ni-.'iliai--ai)i'llliii..liliiiiWi"'-'M "" if "V MY WILD IRISH ROSE A colorful heart -gripping romance that fairly bubbles over with Irish wit and humor. TONIGHT ONLY "HONOR FIRST" and "THE TIMBER QUEEN" IBERTY THEATRE Peter B. Kyne's STARTS TOMORROW TODAY GO! I f 1 ,4 j,iiiiii.....ii III lain BT""lf!v PSM '. Tfl It JESSE L. LASKY PRESENTS WC 'ft m. THE CAST: CLAIRE WINDSOR NORMAN KERRY, HELENE CHADWICK-PAT O'MAI EY . . i i. tirhn nri ii rcauv ncd ana pcupic - - , Pr a preachment nor a problem picture nusemcnt. Sec it and forget your tro. .... si i ho wnrth while for an hour we'll guaranty , - I ' if VV tnrTrw niT mLBNUNO IN 'Bffi YOUNG RATAH Love! Thrills! Beauty! Never has Valentino been given such wonderful opportunities as in this picture he is superb. The slat-spreading comedy is "THE EGG" GRAND I I t ! A, trl Vl! marded or ore not ?oin? , I ill PePie w"" ?r b7 " Whn are already "hooked." ,M 13 tor an nuui v.. -f- s -ill I i : r-rm . A-.ii M i oregon gi mym V 11 1: 1; The Theatre Beautiful fM &MA?C, & W MIIOJI ' l kit 1 I I , Organist '1 iSSc I,m,, TONIGHT ONLY M li : mi "UNDER TWO FLAGS" .i MyP " . 'V The one thing you want to do tonight : t ' yVPIr before you wind up the cat and put out the ! f&KsSZ'' dock is to see this. Our booking ua cur- KT tailed so tonight is your la?t chance. Ife'r""' -faO - i i inr - - " "' A 1 JfjlW ".' . "'"' , , iii,i,.iiii-WI"ij'H"I"1"'""""" - ti, mi ilium-' in '" " inn l 11 lawwi I vm,Wii.iih..ii '""t ' "'nil iiiiiniii " '""i ' limn"1"'"""'""" '' ' ''" ' " - A'