I 'AGE TWO CARDINALS AND PANTHERS READY FOR BIG BATTLE Stanford University, Cal., "Dec. SO. -Pittsburgh's Panther foot ball team meets the Stanford Cardinals here today in what promises to be a hard fought, low score game. Unbiased Observers expect the easterners to win but Stanford fans hope their team will wear down the Panthers, whose strength may have been weakened by their trans-continental trip. In practice, however, the Pitt men have displayed no 111 effects from their change from the cold of Pittsburgh to the warmth of Cali fornia. Art Wilcox, the key man In the Stanford offense system, will be kept out by injuries. Unsettled weather was predicted for the game. " ' . The lineup: , j Pittsburgh., ; Stanford. Williams ..... RE............ Lawson Gourley ...RT Johnston Sack .....R3 Favllle Bowser C.. DeGrott Clark LG ; Cravens Simpson ..LT Shipke Sauer .......L3 Mertz Wtnterburn .... Q Woodward Anderson ...LH Cleveland Flanagan .... ....lid...... Doughty Hewitt F. Cuddeback Officials George Varnell, Chi cago, referee; Tom Thorp, Colum bia. umpire: Walter Eckersall, , Chicago, head linesman. PENTATHALON RESULTS FOR FRIDAY ARE OUT The results of the pentathalon eventB being staged by the Y. M C. A. for boys during the holidays in yesterday's contests when the 110-pound or over class met, were as follows: High Jump First, Henny Hel an: 2nd. Douglas Brown; 8rd Claud Grim. Height, 4 feet, Inches. Broad Jump First, Denny He nan; 2nd, Douglas Brown; Sra, Claud Grim. Distance, 14 feet, 10 inches. Potato race First, Claud Grim; 2nd. Douglas Brown; 3rd, Denny Henan and Weldon Kirk tied Time, 24 seconds. Basketball toss First, Howard Kurtz; 2nd, Carl Lutz; 3rd John Edwards. Six converted baskets in ten attempts. " The records of the winners will be placed on honor shields to be hung in the lobby to stand until bettered. This afternoon the last class, weighing between 05 and 110 pounds, will meet for their con tests. The swimming events art being postponed until next week as the tank is undergoing repairs at this time. BERNHARDT RETURN NEXT WEEK UNCERTAIN Paris, Dec. 30. (By Associated press.) ; Whether Sarah Bern hardt, who announced yesterday that she would return to the stage next Wednesday can persuade her nhvslcians .that she is ready for the ouening performance of "Un Sujet Dettoinau" seems problemat teal. Doctors, and friends believe it may be necessary to keep her from the theater a while longer. , "It I rested too long, I would not live," she asserted. She ex plained that she had promised Sacah Guitry, author of her new iilav that she would be ready to act Wednesday. . . . "I shall be rtiere," bUb added "you can bet on it." tumblig"ets" BACK FROM JAUNT . The Tumbling Midgets basket ball five, a Y. M. C. A. club team, returned yesterday afternoon from a three days' trip to Newberg and Portland, with victories over the Pacifin university academy, team on Tuesday night by a 14-12 score, the Trojans, a Portland Y. M. C. A. team on Wednesday by a 10-1 score, and the Athenians, an other Portland Y club team yes tnrdav niornlns. 15-12. The Mid- eets are captained by Stanley Waters. This evening the quintet will meet the Silverton Hl-Y freshmen team on the local Y. M. v, A. irvmnasium. There Is no charge for admission and all who desire to attend are urged to do. " The Cubs, a "Y club team went to the deaf mute school yes terday afternoon where they de feated the school second team 23 19. The "Y" boys wore consider ably outweighed. Wesloy Kills 1b captain of the Cubs. - t Miss Henrietta Welch, a teach er in th,e Seattle public schools, is spending the holidays nere wun her sister, Mrs. Mead Elliott, liv ing on West Nob Hill. DEAF FOLK SEEJREE SHOW Twenty deaf children from the state school for mutes were the afternoon guests of the Oregon theater Thursday. They were chaperoned by Mrs. E. W, Birch. -Attendance at the how was made possible through the cour tesy of the. Oregon theater man-, agement. ' TRUCKS DAIVIAGE " ROADS REPORT So many complaints have been coming in to the county court re garding damage done to newly graveled roads by trucks hauling heavy loads of wood, that It U probable the court will take act ton within the near future, and issue an order limiting the weight of loads that may be carried over gravel roads. Yesterday : a delegation met with the county court, calling at tention to the bad condition of roads 1n Central Howell district, due to the hauling of heavy loads of wood. . 1 Tomorrow a delegation will meet with the county court, to tell of the great damage being done to roads In the Woodland district, also due to the hauling of heavy loads of wood over roads that have been lightly graveled. ... The county court has within its authority tha right to limit the weight of loads that may ba hauled .over certain roads. Th. court Issues the order and the sheriff posts the notices in the district through which the heavy hauling Is done. PROPELLER KILLS AVIATOR Spokane, Wash., Dec. 30. Ralph W. Beale, 30, an aviator, was Instantly killed when he back ed into the propeller of an airplane at a local aviation field, while he was measuring the gasoline in the fuel tank. Beale came here two years ago from Leonla, Idaho, and was unmarried. PORTLAND FINANCIER DEAD Portland, Or., Dec. 30. Fred S. Morris, financier in thia city for the past 30 years, died at a hos pital Friday morning. He was formerly president of Morris Bros., Inc., bond house here and built two local railroad lines as well as having railroad interests in the east. A brother, James Morris, is a banker in Philadelphia. Read The Journal Wan! Ads KKtctmatt:nmnmmt:muuu:u:Kmtautu::t:;int;r?tnmn;mu:n A Happy and Prosperous New Year Is Our Sincere Wish to All The Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop 291 North Commercial St. (Opposite Quackenbush ttmHmtW!!r,tntmi:m;r4ttrmuuittm;;twmrs: ANNOUNCEMENT Wo arc moving into our.liew home, 474 South Commercial Street; our service department is moved and we are taking care of all service and re pair work; our parts, accessories and office will be moved by Tuesday, January 2nd. Our new home is 90x98 feet', two floors and basement and especially designed and built to enable us to give prompt, efficient, economical, and constant service. We have aanan on duty 24 hours per day, and will take daily and monthly storage. " BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. Phone 423- 474 South Commercial St. iCOKE SELECTED F Washington, Dec. 30. Senators McNary and Stanfield have joined in recommending Judge John S Coke of Marshfield as federal dis trict attorney for Oregon to suc ceed Lester W. Humphreys, resigned.- Their Joint letter to At torney General Daughterty nam ing Coke was sent to the depart ment of justice Friday, and it is considered likely that the presi dent will transmit to the senate for confirmation early next week. This will permit Governor Olcott to fill the state circuit court va cancy caused by the retirement of Coke. ' A telegram of inquiry is also go ing out to Alex Sweek to ask if he intends to quit his land office job in January. The senators desire to select his successors immediate iy if he is preparing to resign, but they are not quite certain that re ports of his impending retirement is correct. It these reports are in correct, they say, he will not be disturbed until his term expires next August. Washington, Dec. "20. Presl dent Harding today nominated John S. Coke to be United States. attorney for the district of Ore gon. Journal Want Ads Pay Waterproof! COATS PANTS APRONS that will Wear WalrufslDraiid h&fcr-proqf&Iothing Ask for it! ROSTEIN 6 GREENBAUM 298 N- Commercial St, Auto Supply Store) 0 EDERAL JOB 8 ,7. JUUjiJNAL, IttU UAF1TAL ait STANDARD LITERATURE Classics of Fiction, Drama, History,- Philosophy, Science, Poetry and x our lviina oy teaaing in uua moments, xjasy tany oize ui .duuks 0723 menus. xooks .ranted uniformly Bound in Heavy Card Cover Stock. Over 20 Million of These Great Books Sold in Three Years. WHICH OF ' THESE DO YOU FEEL YOU SHOULD READ? Order by Number Drama 295 The Master Builder. Ibsen 90 The Mikado. W. S. Gilbert. 316 Prometheus Bound. Aeschylos, 308 She Stoops to Conquer. Oliver Goldsmith. 134 The Misanthrope. Moliere. 16 Ghosts. Henrik Ibsen. 80 Pillars of Society. Ibsen. 48 Salome. Oscar Wilde. 54 Importance of Being Earnest. 0. Wilde. 131 Redemption. Tolstoi. 89 Tartuffe. Moliere. 31 Pelleas and Melisande. ' Mae- terlinck. : " " 226 Prof. BernhardL Schnitzler, Shakespeare's Plays 240 The Tempest. I 241 Merry Wives of Windsor. 242 As You Like It. ? 243 Twelfth Night. 244 Much Ado About Nothing. 245 Measure for Measure. . 246 Hamlet. 247 Macbeth. V 248 King Henry V. - - " 251 Midsummer Night's Dream. 252 Othello, The Moor of Venice. 253 King Henry VIH. , 254 Taming of the Shrew. 255 King Lear. " . 256 Venus and Adonis. "r . 257 ing Henry IV. Part I. 258 King Henry IV. Part HW 249 Julius Caesar. 250 Romeo and Juliet. J 4 259 King Henry VI. Part I. - 260 King Henry VI. Part II. 261 King Henry VI. Part HI. 262 Comedy of Errors. 263 Kinr John. 264 King Richard HI. ,K 265 King Richard II. 267 Pericles. 268 Merchant of Venice, fi t Fiction 280 The Happy Prince, and Other. Tales. Wilde. 143 In the Time of the Terror. Balzac. 182 Daisy Miller. Henry JameS. 162 The Murders in The Rue Morgue and Other Tales. E. A. Poe. 345 Clarimonde. Gautier. 292 Mademoiselle Fifi. De ' Mau passant. 199 The Tallow Ball. De Mau passant. 6 De Maupassant's Stories. 15 Balzac's Stories. 344 Don nan and Other Stories. Balzac. 318 Christ in Flanders and Other Stories. Balzac. 230 The Fleece of Gold. Theophile Gautier. 178 One of Cleopatra's Nights, Gautier. 314 Short Stories. Daudet. 58 Boccaccio s Ctories. 45 Tolstoi's Short Stories. 12 Poe's Tales of Mystery. 290 The Gold Bug. Edgar Allan Poe. 145 Great Ghost Stories. 21 Carmen. Mericee. 23 Great Stories of the Sea. - 319 Comtesse de Saint-Gerane. Dumas. 38 Dr. Jekyell and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson. 279 Will o' the Mill; Markheim. Stevenson. 311 A Lodging for the Night. Stevenson. 27 Last Days of a Condemned Man. Hugo. 151 Man Who Would Be King. Kipling. 148 Strength of the Strong. Lon don. 41 Christmas Carol. Dickens. 57 Rip Van Winkle. Irving. 100 Red Laugh. Andreyev. 105 Seven That Were Hanged. Andreyev. 102 Sherlock Holmes Tales. Conan Doyle. 161 Country of the Blind H. G. Wells. 85 Attack on the Mill. Zola. 156 Andersen's Fairy Tales. 158 Alice in Wonderland. 37 Dream of John Ball. Wm. Morris. 40 House and ths Brain. Bulwer Lytton. 72 Color f Life. E. Haldeman- Juuus 198 Majesty of ustice. Anatole France. I SPECIAL BARGAIN We have an amazing proposition for those who order full sets of 300 volumes. At 10c per copy this set is worth $30 our special price only $16.00, phich is less than 6c per volume. To have this entire set is to have u University in Print. Entire library every book listed in this advertise ment 300 volumes worth $30,. at bargain price of only $16.90. Act today. Full sets are carefully gathered and packed in substantial cases. If you want less than a full set bake your pick of the titles at 10c per volume, ordering by number. ; t FULL SET 300 VOLUMES WORTH $30 ONLY. $16.90 ! The Book Editor "of The nooraer acceptea The Capital Journal 1 0rCent Pocket Series SALliilVL UKttUUJN Take Your Pick at Only 215 The Miraculous Revenge. Bernard Shaw. 24 The Kiss and Other Stories. Chekhoy. r 285 Euphorian in Texas. Geo. Moore. 219 The Human Tragedy. Anatole France. 196 The Marquise. George Sand. 239. Twenty-Six Men and a Girl. Gorki. 29 Dreams. Olive Schreiner. 232 The Three Strangers. Thomas Hardy. 277 The Man Without a Country. . E. E. Hale. History and Biography 328 Joseph Addison and His Times. Finger. 312 Life and Works of Laurence Sterne. Gunn. 324 Life of Lincoln. Bowers. 323 The Life of Joan of Arc. t 339 Thoreau the Man Who Es caped from the Herd. Fin ger. 126 History of Rome. A. F. Giles, 128 Julius Caesar: Who He Was. 185 History of Printing. - 149 Historic Crimes and Crimin als. Finger. 175 Science of History. Froude 104 Battle of Waterloo. Victor Hugo. 125 War Speeches of Woodrow Wilson. 22 Tolstoy: His Life and Works, 142 Bismarck and the German Empire. 286 When the Puritans were in Power. 343 Life of Columbus. 66 Crimes of the Borgias. Dumas. 287 Whistler: The Man and His Work. 51 Bruno: His Life and Martyr dom. 147 Cromwell and His Times. 236 State and Heart Affairs of Henry Vm. 50 Paine 's Common Sense. 88 Vindication of Paine. Inger- soll. - 33 Brann: Smasher of Shams. 163 Sex Life in Greece and Rome. 214 Speeches of Lincoln. 276 Speeches and Letters of George Washington. 144 Was Poe Immoral? Whitman, 223 Essay on Swinburne. 227 Keats. The Man and His Work. 150 Lost Civilizations. Finger. 170 Constantine and the Begin ning of Christianity. 201 Satan and the Saints. 67 Church History. H. M. Tich- enor. 169 Voices From the Past. 266 Life of Shakespeare and An alysis of His Plays. 123 Life of Madame Du Barry. 139 Life of Dante. 69 Life of Mary, Queen of Scots, Dumas. . 5 Life of Samuel ohnson. Ma caulay. 174 Trial pf William Penn. v Humor 291 Jumping Frog and Other . Humorous . Tales. Mark Twain. -18 Idle Thoughts of an idle Fel low. Jerome. 166 English' as She Is Spoke. Mark Twain. 231 Eight Humorous Sketches. Mark Twain. 205 Artemus Ward. His Book. 187 Whistler's Humor. 216 Wit of Heinrich Heine. Geo. . Eliot. 20 Let's Laugh. Nasby. Literature 278 Friendship and Other Essays. Thoreau. 195 Thoughts on Nature. Thoreau. 194 Lord Chesterfield's Letters. 194 Lord Chesterfield's Letters. 63 A Defense of Poetry. Shelley. 97 Love Letters of King Henry vm. 3 Eighteen Essays. Voltaire. 28 Toleration. Voltaire. 89 Love Letters of Men and Women of Genius. 186 How I wrote ''The Raven." Poe. 87 Love, an Essay. Montaigne. 48 Bacon's Essays. 60 Emerson's Essays. 84 Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun. CapitalJournal recommends the entire list of ioriesstnanten Doolss. We sell a book cover made of genuine grain seal leather, intend ed to tHp over any of the books in the Pocket Series, preventing soil ing and tearing of the covers. We sell these specially mads covers at cost 60c each. The leather covers are unlettered, which, , together with the quality of the material, gives it a quaint dignity. Simply add 60c to your remittance and say you want a leather cover. One cover will be sufficient for all the books you order. ' 26 On Going to Church. G. B. bhaw. 135 Socialism for Millionaires, G. B. Shaw. 61 Tolstoi's Essays. 176 Four Essays. Havelook Ellis. 160 Lecture on Shakespeare. In- gersoll. 75 Choice of Books. Carlyle. 288 Essays on Chesterfield and Rabelais. Sainte-Beuve. 76 The Prince of Peace. W.J. Bryan. 86 On Reading. Brandes. 95 Confessions of An Opium .Later. 213 Lecture on Lincoln. Ingersoll. in aunjection of Women. J. S, Mills. 17 On Walking. Thoreau. 70 Charles Lamb's Essavs. 235 Essays. Gilbert K. Chesterton. 7 A Liberal Education. Thomas. Huxley. 233 Thoughts on Literature and Art. Goethe. 225 Condescension in Foreigners, Lowell. 221 Women, and Other Essays. Maeterlinck. 10 Shelley. Francis Thompson. 289 Pepys' Diarv. 299 Prose Nature Notes. Whitman 315 Pen, Pencil and Poison. Wilde 313 The Decay of Lying. Oscar Wilde. 36 Soul of Man Under Socialism. Oscar Wilde. 293 Francois Villon: Student, ' Maxims and Epigrams Poet and Housebreaker. Stevenson. 77 What Great Men Have Said About Women. JU4 What Great Women Have baid About Men. 179 Gems From Emerson. 310 The Wisdom of Thackeray. 193 Wit and Wisdom of Charles Lamb. 56 Wisdom of Ingersoll. 106 Aphorisms. George Sand. 168 Epigrams. Oscar Wilde. 59 Epigrams of Wit and Wisdom. 35 Maxims. Rochefoucauld. 154 Epigrams of Ibsen. 197 Witticisms and .Reflections. De Sevigne. 180 Epigrams of Geo. Bernard Shaw. 155 Maxims. Napoleon. 181 Epigrams. Thoreau. 228 Aphorisms. Huxley. 113 Proverbs of England. 114 Proverbs of France. 115 Proverbs of Japan. 116 Proverbs of China. . 117 Proverbs of Italy. 118 Proverbs of Russia. Pick; Out Your Books nuvv iu uituiMt n,acn dook instead of titles. For instance, if blank printed below. The order hrtl.a U I 1 i. juu iu ibhs miiu uu nuiHuiuuora. ttememDer toe minimum quantity is 10 books as set of 300 books worth $30 Is offered for only f 16.90. Send Your Order Now BOOK EDITOR THE Salem, Oregon. I am enclosing f I am putting a ring around post within one week. The numbers below correspond with the numbers before each title in your list. X 2 3 4 5, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47. 48 49 60 51 52 53 54 65 56 67 58 59 GO 61 62 63 64 65 6G 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 W8 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 1S9 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 i99 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208. 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229,230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244. 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 ,289 290 291 292 293 295 297 299 304 306 308 310 311 312 813 314 315 816 317 218 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 339 343 344 345 347 . f If you want full set of 300 volumes worth $30 for $18.90. mark an X here If yon want a leather cover add 50c to remittance and mark an X here NAME CITY special oner ol entire FOR Humor Now Produced 10c Per Book 119 Proverbs of Ireland. 120 Proverbs of Spain. 121 Proverbs of Arabia. Philosophy and Religion 159 A Guide to Plato. Durant. 322 The Buddhist Philosophy of Life. . 347 A Guide to Stoicism. St. George Stock. 124 Theory of Reincarnation Ex plained. 157 Plato's Republic ; 62 Schopenhauser'g Essays. 94 Trial and Death of Socrates, i 65 Meditations of Marcus Aure lius. 64 Rudolph Eucken: His Life and Philosophy. 4 Age of Reason. Thomas Paine, 55 Herbert" Spencer: His Life and Works. 44 Aesop's Fables. 165 Discovery of the Future. H. G. Wells. 96 Dialogues of Plato 325 Essence of Buddhism. 103 Pocket Theology. Voltaire. 132 Foundations of Religion. 138 Studies in Pessimism. Schop enhauer. 211 Idea of God in Nature. John Stuart Mill. 212 Life and Character. Goethe. 200 Ignorant Philosopher. Vol- taire. 101 Thoughts of Pascal. 210 The Stoio Philosophy. Prof. G. Murray. 224 God : Known and Unknown. Butler. 19 Nietzsche: Who He Was and What He Stood For. 204 Sun Worship and Later Be liefs. Tichenor. 207 Olympian Gods. H. M. Tich enor. 184 Primitive Beliefs. -153 Chinese Philosophy of Life. 30 What Life Means to Me. Jack London. Poetry 152 The Kasidah. Sir Richard F. Burton. 283 Courtship of Miles Standish. Longfellow. 282 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Coleridge. 317 L'Allegro and Other Poems. Milton. 297 Poems. Robert Southey.' 329 Dante's Inferno. Volume I. 330 Dante's Inferno. Volume H. 306 A Shropshire Lad. Housman. 284 Poems of Robert Burns. 1 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. 73 Walt Whitman's Poems. ' 2 Wilde's Eallad of Reading Jail. 32 Poe's Poems. 164 Michael Angelo's Sonnets. 71 Poems of Evolution. 146 Snow-Bound, Pied Piper. a irreat inglish Poems. 79 Enoch Arden. Tennyson. 68 Shakespeare's Sonnets. 281 Lays of Ancient Rome. Mac- aulay. 173 Vision of Sir Launfal. Lowell. 222 The Vampire and Other Poems. Kipling. 237 Prose Poems. Baudelaire. is preceded by a number, and readers will please order by number I you want "Carmen" simnlv Tint", a vfntr arniinH "91 if tVo nrrlprl blank is very easy to use. Write . , . ... .. . 1. a wcck Dy parceipost. All titles CAPITAL JOURNAL, (minimum $1.00) for Pocket Series of ...1 books. (Quantity) the number of each book that I want you to send to me by parcel ADDRESS - STATE PLEASE WRITE PLAINLY 300 books now available at 10c per copf set of 300 books worth $30 for $16.90 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1922 YOUR CHOICE OF 300 FAMOUS BOOKS . ONLY 10c A COPY Cents Smallest Order Ten Books in Pocket Size. Imurnvo Order by Number Science 327 The Ice Age. Chas. J. Finwi. 321 A History of Evolution S ton. 217 The Puzzle of Personalis- . - FiSng!1 Psych0"Asi, 190 Psycho-Analysis The Key to .,unlan Behavior. FieldW 140 Biology and Spiritual Philosol pyh. 275 The Building of the Earth. C. L. Fenton, 49 Three Lectures on Evolution Haeckel. V6 jirom Monkey to Man, 238 Reflection on Modern Science Huxley. ' 202 Survival of the Fittest. H. M Tichenor. 191 Evolution vs. Religion. Balm- forth. 133 Electricity Explained. 92 Hypnotism Made Plain. 53 Insects and Men: Instinct and Reason. 189 Eugenics. Havelock Ellis. Series of Debates 11 Debate on Religion. 39 Did Jesus Ever Live 130 Controversy on Christianity. mgersou ana uiaastone. 43 Marriage and Divorce. Horace Greeley and Robert Owen 208 Debate on Birth Control. Mrs. banger and Winter Russell. 129 Rome or Reason. Ingersoll and Manning. 122 Spiritualism. Conan Doyle. and McCabe. 171 Has Life Any Meaning? Frank Harris and Percv Ward. 206 Capitalism, vs. Socialism. Seligman and Nearing. 13 Is Free Will a Fact or a Fallacv? 234 McNeal-Sinclair Debate on Socialism. 141 Would Practioe of Christ's Teachings Make for Social Progress ? Nearing and Ward. Miscellaneous 326 Hints on Writing Short btones. Finger. 192 Book of Synonyms. Jsd Khyming Dictionary. 78 How to Be an Orator. 82 Common Faults in Writing English. 127 What Expectant Mothers Should Know. 81 Care of the Baby. 136 Child Training. 137 Home Nursing. 14 What Every Girl Should Know. Mrs. Sanger. 34 Case for Birth Control. 91 Manhood: Facts of Life Pre sented to Men. 83 Marriage: Past, Present and Future. Besant. 74 On Threshold of Sex. 98 How to Love. 172 Evolution of Love. Ellen Key. 203 Rights of Women. Havelock Ellis. 209 Aspects of Birth Control. Medical, Moral, Sociological. 93 How to Live 100 ears. 167 Plutarch's Rules of Health. 320 The Prince. Machiaveli. Minimum of Ten vour namo ami nrtrfroaa nininlv The! listed are in stock. We will makes ! . many as you like. The compli Don't Delay